SOD :: Volume #2

#173: Anxious wind

Under the rain started to be big. 雨开始下大了。 The cold air current brought the even more cold rain, according to this local old times weather, this perhaps was the last time rainfall before snowing, but Kant territory was always the entire South area rains the richest place, at this moment was no exception. 寒冷的气流带来了愈发寒冷的雨,按照这一地区往年的天气,这或许是降雪前的最后一次降雨,而康德领一向是整个南方地区降雨最丰沛的地方,此刻也不例外。 The raindrop has become the rain curtain continually, inclines following the circumstances is hanging in the space, splashes in the wilderness, splashes in in the city, splashes in the Kant Family ancient castle outer wall, the rainwater gathers the water current, along that because of the time corrodes, but the motley concave-convex dark red apex and black outer wall flow, and presents a black strap shining sense of reality in the even more dim skylight. 雨滴已经连成雨帘,顺着风势倾斜着挂在天上,泼洒在旷野中,也泼洒在城镇里,泼洒在康德家族古老的城堡外墙上,雨水汇聚成水流,沿着那因时光侵蚀而斑驳凹凸的暗红色尖顶和黑色外墙流淌而下,并在愈发昏暗的天光中呈现中一种黑油般发亮的质感。 However the castle heavy/thick outer wall isolated the sound of outside wind and rain, isolates cold aura that constantly strengthened, in the great hall in old castle, the magic crystal lamp lit up all corners, in those days in that type, even if full light situation indistinctly will also vanish somehow, now the entire old castle becomes under shine of magic light brilliantly illuminated, in addition various fireplace and braziers of place flaming combustion, in entire family castle filled bright and warm aura. 但是城堡厚重的外墙隔绝了外面风雨的声音,也隔绝了不断加强的寒冷气息,在古堡的大堂中,魔晶石灯照亮了所有的角落,往日里那种哪怕点满灯光也会影影绰绰的情形不知何故消失了,现在整个古堡都在魔法灯光的映照下变得灯火通明,再加上各处熊熊燃烧的壁炉和火盆,整个家族城堡中充满了光明和温暖的气息 The servants go all out in various places are cleaning the furniture and lampstand and statue, making all these have the historical and family glory thing sparkles to shine in the light, they are discussing outside more and more cold weather, is discussing on this year's Feudal Territory the crops and medicinal herb crop, discussed honored guest entire castle that Lord Viscount must entertain today two days ago started to clean, all things became changed beyond recognition, the status of guest was not ordinary. 仆役们在各处卖力地擦拭着桌椅与灯架、雕像,让所有这些具备历史和家族荣耀的事物在灯光中闪闪发亮,他们谈论着外面越来越冷的天气,谈论着今年领地上庄稼和药材的收成,也谈论着子爵老爷今天要招待的贵客整个城堡都从两天前就开始打扫,所有东西都变得焕然一新,那客人的身份可不一般。 Then they see the senior steward in castle, gets old actually still leg and foot vigorous Carter old mister to run from the staircase in hall hurriedly, follows Manager of maid and male servant, they look like gust to run the entire hall, runs to that leaf of front door, head maid still in shouts propaganda to these clumsy maid simultaneously loudly: Quickly receives the bucket! Do not keep in the floor the cleaning rag. Silly girl, returns to the kitchen quickly! Cannot make Duke see that low level maid of wear dirty skirt stands in the hall you do understand?! Everyone returns to own position! The guests came!” 然后他们看到城堡里的老管家,上了年纪却仍然腿脚矫健的卡特老先生从大厅的楼梯上风风火火地跑了下来,身后还跟着女仆和男仆的总管,他们像一阵风般地跑过整个大厅,跑向那扇大门,女仆长同时还在高声对那些手脚笨拙的女仆喊话:“赶快把水桶收起来!不要把抹布留在台面上。傻姑娘,快回厨房去!不能让公爵看到一个穿着脏裙子的低级女仆站在大厅里你明白么?!所有人回到自己的位置!客人来了!” Staircase of Viscount Victor Kant from second floor walks, when the steward soon contacts the front door, he happen to stands the hall center position, this position can make him open both hands welcome honored guest at the most just right distance, will not make the guest waiting too long and awkward, will not let the master earnest likely inferior servant of castle. 维克多·康德子爵从二楼的楼梯走下来,在管家快要接触到大门的时候,他正好站到大厅中心的位置,这个位置可以让他以最恰到好处的路程张开双手欢迎贵客,既不会让客人等待太久而尴尬,也不会让城堡的主人殷切的像个下等的仆人。 Before the senior steward arrived at the front door, pulls out the handkerchief to touch and go the hand carefully, simultaneously several time in the heart, when according to the tower guard will give the message silently the double-hour as well as own action velocity estimation the knock will be resounding. 老管家来到了大门前,掏出手帕仔细擦过手,同时在心中默默数着时间,按照塔楼的卫兵传递消息的时辰以及自己的行动速度估算着敲门声会在什么时候响起。 When he counts to 30 silently, the front door was knocked. 当他默默数到三十的时候,大门被叩响了。 Cannot make Duke such honored guest knock the second door, even if responsible for knocking on a door is only the Duke cart driver or the guard is also same, but cannot open the door immediately, this will be disgraceful, therefore Carter counted three in the heart, before the second knock resounds, he commanded front door both sides soldier to draw the wheel disk. 不能让公爵这样的贵客敲第二次门哪怕负责敲门的只是公爵的车夫或者卫兵也是一样,但也不能立即开门,这会有失体统,所以卡特又在心中数了三下,在第二次敲门声响起之前,他命令大门两旁的士兵拉动了轮盘。 Extremely heavy, can resist attacking a city hammers 82 hits main house gate under the strength of hinge and wheel disk opened, in the serious sound as if brings Kant Family 300 years of dignified. 极为沉重、可以抵御攻城锤八十二次撞击的“家门”在铰链和轮盘的力量下打开了,吱吱嘎嘎的沉重声响中仿佛带着康德家族三百年的威严 But the person who has 700 years of dignified entered the front door, the cold wind and rain is involved in the hall in him behind. 而一个有着七百年威严的人走进了大门,寒冷的风雨在他身后卷入大厅。 Immediately has the servant to go forward the cloak or the hat that received the guest to solve, and had the janitor to run to aid to stop outside carriage, Gawain brings Amber and Knight Philip entered the main hall in Kant fort, he noticed that a hair soon on entire white and face have many old age spot and old aristocrat of wear black red long coat to open both hands to welcome to oneself, this Viscount Victor Kant is older than wanting that he imagined, but the leg and foot was very obviously good. 立刻有仆人上前接过客人解下来的披风或帽子,并有杂役跑出去接应停在外面的马车,高文带着琥珀菲利普骑士走进了康德堡的正厅,他看到一位头发快要全白、脸上已经有很多老年斑、穿着黑红色长外套的老贵族张开双手向自己迎来,这位维克多·康德子爵比他想象的要老一些,但腿脚显然还很好。 „, This castle welcomes in history the most honored guest today, living legend!” Viscount Kant said loudly, was really sorry makes you visit to such bad weather, if I can have control celestial phenomenon magic spell to be good.” “啊,今天这座城堡迎来了有史以来最尊贵的客人,一位活着的传奇!”康德子爵高声说道,“真抱歉让您在这样恶劣的天气里登门如果我能有控制天象的法术就好了。” In fact I like the to rain weather very much,” Gawain has not accepted the hug of Viscount, shakes hand with the opposite party merely, this is not indifferent, but is the custom that the high title and low title meet: Low title must display the considerable degree the enthusiasm and respect, only but if both sides are the explicit subordinate relationships, otherwise high title must be unacceptable, but should also with the politeness of certain extent, these disorderly mess traditions look like simply the trouble in Gawain must die, but observed not to lose at this time, before the rain dismantles I have seen the Kant territory fertile land, after the rain fell, I saw the good rain scenery, this very value.” “事实上我很喜欢下雨的天气,”高文没有接受子爵的拥抱,仅仅和对方握手,这并非冷漠,而是高爵位与低爵位见面的规矩:低爵位者必须表现出相当程度的热情与尊敬,但除非双方是明确的隶属关系,否则高爵位者必不能接受,只是应该还以一定程度的礼貌,这些乱七八糟的传统在高文看来简直麻烦的要死,但这时候遵守一下并不会掉块肉,“在雨下下来之前我已经看到了康德领肥沃的土地,雨落下之后我又看到了不错的雨景,这还是挺值的。” You can satisfy that are best,” Victor Kant smiled, the smile is gentle and confident, likely normal, gets old . Moreover the family education good old gentleman, I had prepared the reception banquet for you, in this hall restaurant.” “您能满意那是最好,”维克多·康德笑了起来,笑容平和而坦然,像个再正常不过的、上了年纪而且家教良好的老绅士,“我已经为您准备了接风的宴席,就在这间大厅后面的餐厅里。” Amber lowering the head has stood in Gawain behind, such serious proper, moreover aristocrat model/pattern Er full situation is she does not adapt very much, therefore also rarely maintained peaceful, when heard eating meal her the ear to betray itself, that double source then vibrates immediately from the sharp ear of Elf bloodline, with radar roved on the head, seems searching many with eating related information. 琥珀一直低着头站在高文身后,这么严肃正经而且“贵族范儿”十足的场合是她很不适应的,所以也就难得地保持了安静,不过在听到“吃饭”的时候她的耳朵还是出卖了自己,那双源自精灵血统的尖耳朵立刻便抖动起来,跟雷达似的在脑袋上转来转去,仿佛在搜索着更多跟“吃”有关的信息。 Gawain is accepted with a smile while is sizing up at present this old Viscount appearance secretly. 高文则是一边笑着应承一边偷偷打量着眼前这位老子爵的样子。 Old, but was still healthy, the smile is confident, the makings temperate bring with ease, on him cannot see a point completely with Evil Cultist related aura. 苍老,但仍然健康,笑容坦然,气质温和中带着一点轻松,他身上完全看不到一点跟邪教徒有关的气息 But this cannot be the basis of judgment. 可这并不能作为判断的依据。 He is smiling, accepted the banquet invitation of old Viscount, brings Amber and Knight Philip moves toward the Kant castle deep place. 他微笑着,接受了老子爵的宴席邀请,带着琥珀菲利普骑士走向康德城堡的深处。 ...... …… At the same time, Silver Castle situated in St. Sunil City, Old King Francis II is knitting the brows the looks at present confidential letters. 在同一时间,位于圣苏尼尔城白银堡中,老国王弗朗西斯二世正皱着眉看着眼前的一封封密函。 These confidential letters come from various Kingdom places king Dang the aristocrat who” is conferred rank and title by King directly, peripheral also had such character point saying that including three border Grand Duke nobility Feudal Territory was informer, this inheritance extended from the Founding King system 700 years unceasingly, was important of Ainz royal family to entire national controlling force takes advantage, Mist Month Civil War as well as Second Dynasty illegitimate child soft rib once made this set of system lose the function, but after hundred years of reconstruction, under compromise that particularly in several Duke stably and made for Kingdom, when intelligence net that this belonged to King to today such as First Dynasty such revolved effectively.. 这些密函都来自王国各处由国王直接册封的“王党贵族”,包括三位边境大公爵的领地周边也存在这样的人物点说就是“眼线”,这种传承自开国先君的制度七百年都延绵不断,是安苏王室对整个国家控制力的重要依仗,雾月内乱以及第二王朝的“私生子软肋”曾一度让这套体系失去了作用,但经过百年重建,尤其是在几位公爵为了王国稳定而先后做出的妥协之下,这张属于国王情报网到今天还是如第一王朝时那样有效地运转着。 The aristocrats who are conferred by King directly is located in South mostly, the remaining small parts are distributed in other Kingdom places, the confidential letter that usually in these informers feed is reporting the situation on respective land, these situation days leave badly, basically have no common feature, the confidential letter that but recently transmits appeared let the Francis II faintly anxious trend 大部分由国王直接册封的贵族都位于南方,剩下一小部分则分布在王国其他各处,平日里这些眼线传回来的密函都汇报着各自土地上的情况,那些情况都天差地别,基本上没有什么共通点,但最近一段时间传来的密函却出现了让弗朗西斯二世隐隐不安的趋向 Were getting more and more about various dark Religion active reports, and whole country is increasing everywhere. 关于各种黑暗教派活跃的报告越来越多了,并且全国各地到处都在增多。 Although until today, these increased the report that also only accounted for the nation less than 10%, such broad that but they distributed, this enough has made Old King be concerned. 虽然直到今天,这些增加的报告也只占了全国的不到10%,但它们分布的如此之广,这就已经足够让老国王心生忧虑。 Ainz truly has the decayed system, but King basically is a smart person. 安苏确实有着腐朽的体制,但国王基本上都是聪明人。 Now, what his present is from Southern Region Andrew a Viscount Leslie confidential letter, the other region aristocrat of content on this confidential letter the matter that reported is more significant than: 现在,他眼前的是来自南境安德鲁莱斯利子爵的一封密函,这封密函上的内容比其他各地贵族所报告的事情更加重大: In Tanzan Town presented the All Things Finally Die Society believer, Evil Cultist once submerged castle and controlled some personnel with evil spell, was fortunate enough to the Duke Gawain Cecil support, Duke eradicates occupied Evil Cultist on this lands. 坦桑镇内出现万物终亡会教徒,邪教徒一度潜入城堡并用邪术控制了部分人员,幸得高文·塞西尔公爵支援,公爵铲除了盘踞在这片土地上的邪教徒 Old King does not know that Andrew Viscount Leslie hidden had gone to many truth in this confidential letter, for example has fallen in Eternal Tablet to Gawain hand, as well as he by detail of Evil Cultist control, and he also had consciously to reduce the critical degree of matter intelligence that but even so, in this confidential letter disclosed still enough made the Old King heart startled. 老国王不会知道安德鲁莱斯利子爵已经在这封密函中隐去了很多真相,比如已经落到高文手中的永恒石板,以及他本人被邪教徒控制的细节,并且他还把整件事的危急程度有意识地降低了很多但即便这样,这封密函中透露的情报仍然足够让老国王心惊了。 Only dares in hidden place activity Evil Cultist, this time to invade mansion on the spot aristocrat unexpectedly directly! 原本只敢在暗处活动的邪教徒,这次竟然直接入侵一个实地贵族的宅邸 No matter they once offered sacrifices with the living person, held the ceremony with the deceased person skeleton, will not let true aristocrat nervous, because these behaviors happened in underclass, these Evil Cultist will as if observe the bottom line of game very much, never extended the hand to the aristocrat system, but now...... the wind direction changed. 他们曾经不管是用活人献祭,还是用死人尸骨举行仪式,都不会让真正的贵族紧张,因为那些行为都是在“贱民”身上发生的,那些邪教徒似乎很会遵守游戏的底线,从未把手伸到贵族体系里面,但现在……风向变了。 In this kind of time, happening in Ainz and Typhon Empire relations most nervous, originally Francis II in knowing Typhon Empire not in the winter of this year launches the war also relaxes slightly, and thinks oneself can further strengthen the border armament while this opportunity, will build the foundation for the war, but he suddenly feels now, these Evil Cultist perhaps do not want to make him have this ample. 偏偏发生在这种时候,发生在安苏提丰帝国关系最紧张的时候,原本弗朗西斯二世在知道提丰帝国不会在今年冬天发动战争的时候还稍微松了口气,并认为自己可以趁着这个机会进一步加强边境军备,为战争打好基础,但现在他突然觉得,那些邪教徒恐怕并不想让他有这份余裕。 When Old King, a genial warm feeling was full the entire room with a worried look suddenly. 就在老国王愁眉不展的时候,一股和煦温暖的感觉突然充盈了整个房间。 He a little raised the head accidentally/surprisingly, was seeing that wore Veronica of white Priest robe to enter the room. 他有点意外地抬起头,正看到身穿一身白色神官袍的维罗妮卡走进了房间。 This Saintess Princess brings the happy expression and little acting spoiled look, moves toward own father: Royal Father, I inquired Eden Lord, he said you also in the study room.” 这位“圣女公主”带着笑意和一点点撒娇模样,走向自己的父亲:“父王,我询问了艾登大人,他说您还在书房。” Veronica, how my daughter...... do you come today?” Francis II a little accidentally/surprisingly looks at Veronica, his daughter, although is also keeping the Princess identity, but is actually the God of Holy Light believer who official is converted, her whole time will be staying in Holy Light Cathedral, rarely have returns to Silver Castle the time. 维罗妮卡,我的女儿……你今天怎么来了?”弗朗西斯二世有点意外地看着维罗妮卡,他这位女儿虽然还保留着公主的身份,但却已经是正式皈依的圣光之神教徒,她大部分时间都会在圣光大教堂里呆着,很少有回到白银堡的时候。 „Did you forget? Today is I leaves Cathedral, coming in castle to look at your day,” Veronica said that draws God of Holy Light crest in the chest front, serves the host, cannot forget support and serve one’s parents, this is the Holy Light doctrine.” “您忘了么?今天是我离开大教堂,来城堡里看您的日子,”维罗妮卡笑着说了一句,在胸前画出圣光之神徽记,“侍奉主,也不能忘记侍奉父母,这是圣光的教义。” Looks at my brain,” Old King could not bear pat oneself forehead, I remembered incorrectly the day!” “看我这脑子,”老国王忍不住拍了自己脑门一下,“我记错日子了!” Doesn't matter, the Kingdom heavy burden presses on you, you should first give priority to the King responsibility,” Veronica is saying at the same time, simultaneously noticed the exhausted look on Francis II face, she lifted the hand to summon together Holy Light, is easing father's spirit pressure with Divine Spell, Royal Father, what happened?” “没关系,王国的重担压在您身上,您应该先以国王的责任为重,”维罗妮卡一边说着,同时注意到了弗朗西斯二世脸上的疲惫神色,她抬起手召唤出一道圣光,用神术缓解着父亲的精神压力,“父王,发生什么事了么?” Francis II is sighing: Evil Cultist, All Things Finally Die Society, the Eternal Sleepers mission, like Blackstone Religion and abyss follower odds and ends small religion, has not known that lost what temper, one by one in this beginning of winter day started look for trouble.” 弗朗西斯二世叹着气:“邪教徒,万物终亡会,永眠者教团,还有像黑石教派、深渊追随者那样零零碎碎小教派,不知道发了什么神经,在这入冬的日子里一个个都开始找麻烦了。” Hears Evil Cultist three characters, as devout Holy Light believer Veronica cannot bear knit the brows immediately: Wish Holy Light to save these...... Evil Cultist always to be spread by the poor man who the hoodlum violates everywhere, what a pity besides Holy Light Religion and War God Religion, other Religion Divine Spell was extremely weak facing these Evil Cultist evil spell.” 听到“邪教徒”三个字,身为虔诚圣光信徒维罗妮卡立刻忍不住皱皱眉:“愿圣光拯救那些被暴徒侵害的可怜人……邪教徒总是到处蔓延,可惜除了圣光教派战神教派之外,其他教派神术面对那些邪教徒邪术太过无力了。” Francis sighed: Relax, these evil people do not dare to disturb in king city.” 弗朗西斯叹口气:“放心吧,那些邪恶之徒不敢在王城捣乱。” Veronica looks these came from across Kingdom, has the confidential letter of special mark, both hands overlap places the chest, said devotionally: Holy Light will shelter Ainz.” 维罗妮卡看了一眼那些来自王国各地的、带有特殊印记的密函,双手交叠放在胸口,虔诚地说道:“圣光会庇护安苏的。”
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