SOD :: Volume #2

#172: Kant territory guest

The story that Pittman told aroused the Gawain huge interest, let associate that he produced is unable to suppress massively. 皮特曼所讲述的这个故事引起了高文巨大的兴趣,同时也让他产生了大量无法抑制的联想 Many people the unofficial history will discuss that strangely regards old wives'tales that is not worth mentioning, but many people are also willing to acknowledge, even if the incredible uninhibited unofficial history discussed again strangely, always some came from the mapping of reality to exist. 很多人会把野史怪谈当成不值一提的荒诞故事,但同时也有很多人愿意承认,哪怕再荒诞不羁的野史怪谈,也总有一些源自现实的映射存在。 But in these lives long and to historical record compared with Human Race exhaustive and coherent Elf on, Gawain believes that their legend stories have the especially those that the fact to follow about in the ark that sky over the sea level floats speeds away, forever Sea Territory and exceedingly high great tower aspect of curtain of night, these surpass the Loren Continent mortal cognition the unexpectedly described detailed of that thing in the Silver Elf legend, is conclusive, this makes Gawain have to have associate. 而在那些寿命悠长、对历史记录远比人类详尽且连贯的精灵身上,高文更加相信他们的传说故事是有事实可循的尤其是那些关于在海面上空漂浮疾驰的方舟、永远夜幕的海域、通天的巨方面,这些超出洛伦大陆凡人认知的事物在白银精灵的传说中竟然被描述的那么详细,那么确凿,这让高文不得不有所联想 Beside this Loren Continent, really has other continent? 在这块洛伦大陆之外,果然存在其他的大陆 Before civilization on this continent develops, on other continent had presented civilization? 在这块大陆上的文明发展起来之前,别的大陆上已经出现了文明 Primordial Elf rode one type to flee from the native land in the ark that above the sea level floated speeds away, what thing was the main body of that ark? Looks from the description...... is the thing of some type of similar wing-in-ground-effect vehicle? Large hovercraft? 原初精灵”乘坐一种在海面上方漂浮疾驰的方舟逃离了故土,那方舟的本体是什么东西?从描述上看……难道是某种类似地效飞行器的事物?或者大型气垫船? Forever covers Sea Territory in curtain of night? Is located in extremely in the night range? Also has the polar day extremely night phenomenon in North and South Poles of this star? 永远笼罩在夜幕中的海域呢?难道是位于极夜范围内?在这颗星球的南北极同样存在极昼极夜现象么? But what that great tower in legend is? It obviously is not some natural product, but is more like man-made comes out, in tower also has the projection and image data of animal of plant mineral starry sky...... with that ancient times was super civilization that left behind monitoring satellite related?! 而那座在传说中的巨又是什么?它显然不是某种自然产物,而更像是人造出来的,里面还有着星空的投影和动物植物矿物的影像资料……难道和那个留下了监控卫星的远古超级文明有关?! The secret that if during that time Gawain Cecil conducts departed really found Eternal Dark Sea Territory, found that great tower, then these crystal were the opposite party the thing that brought from great tower? 如果当年高文·塞西尔所进行的秘密出航真的是找到了永暗海域,找到了那座巨,那么那些水晶就是对方从巨中带出来的东西? The innumerable information connected one in this flash probably, the cause and effect of matter as if must reveal some features, when Gawain inquired about the analysis carefully, actually the discovery still could not analyze what result. 无数的信息好像在这一瞬间串联到了一起,事情的前因后果仿佛要露出一些眉目,可是当高文仔细探寻分析的时候,却发现仍然分析不出什么结果来。 intelligence is extremely disorderly shatter, the middle mixes with many insufficiently detailed legends, to discuss and speculate strangely, the indefinite thing were too many, being insufficient makes him join together completely completely the during that time truth together! 情报太过凌乱破碎,中间又夹杂着很多语焉不详的传说、怪谈、推测,不确定的东西太多了,完全不足以让他把当年的真相完全拼合到一起! At this moment, Gawain even has the impulsion that one type is unable to suppress, wants to make big ship, rushes to the Kingdom north border to go to sea directly the impulsion of exploration, found that to cover in the curtain of night forever( also possibly in special time will be at long-term polar day condition) Sea Territory, has a look great tower in that legend was what thing! 这一刻,高文甚至产生了一种无法抑制的冲动,想要造一艘大船,直接跑到王国北部边境出海探险的冲动,去找到那永远笼罩在夜幕中(也可能在特定时间会处于长时间的极昼状态)的海域,去看看那座传说中的巨到底是什么玩意儿 This type impulsive is agitating in his chest, he has to deeply inspire, is thinking deeply about the Feudal Territory current resources reserve silently, the technological base, the industrial output capacity, and treasure in the mountain remaining gold and silver, after these things crossed one one by one, his impulsion completely vanished, moreover heart pull Liangba is cool...... 这种冲动在他胸膛中鼓动着,他不得不深吸了口气,默默思索着领地目前的资源储备,科技基础,工业生产能力,以及山中宝库剩下的金银,把这些东西挨个过了一遍之后,他的冲动完全消失了,而且心拔凉拔凉的…… Ancestor, are you all right?” Hetty looks at Gawain, the mood change on latter face makes her be worried kindly very much Ancestor can have the possibility of again passing away( moreover looked that situation this time passed away very not serenely also), but Gawain returned to the god luckily promptly, is beckoning with the hand to her: Do not worry, all right.” “先祖,您没事吧?”赫蒂关切地看着高文,后者脸上的情绪变化让她很担心老祖宗会不会有再次去世的可能(而且看情况这次去世还很不安详),但幸好高文及时回了神,对着她摆摆手:“别担心,没事。” „Are you interested in Eternal Dark Sea Territory?” Nearby Pittman said, and knits the brows, „, but with all due respect, even if in powerful Silver Empire, Eternal Dark Sea Territory is also only a story, is always known by everybody, the storm, dense fog and confused mana field are blocking the trim sea, even if no means to achieve at the Elf technology strength is being far away from the coastline Sea Territory to conduct the guidance, the Human Race various countries after technology decline are more impossible. during that time God of Storms Church did not have degenerate time, Storm Priest can also guide the captains to navigate in continent some specific routes, but God of Storms Church degenerate has become Children of the Storm now, no one can navigate in the sea......” “您对永暗海域感兴趣?”旁边的皮特曼说道,并紧接着皱了皱眉,“但恕我直言,哪怕是在强盛的白银帝国,永暗海域也只是个故事而已,总所周知,风暴、迷雾和错乱的魔力场封锁着整片海洋,哪怕以精灵技术力量也没办法做到在远离海岸线的海域进行导航,技术衰退之后的人类各国就更是不可能了。当年风暴之神教会还没堕落的时候,风暴祭司们还能引导船长们在大陆周围的一些特定航线内航行,但现在风暴之神教会已经堕落成了风暴之子,再也没有人可以在海洋上航行了……” Rare this little old man can admonish itself with such serious and earnest attitude, Gawain is quite affected, but he could not bear ask one: 700 years, various countries had been stranded on continent, isn't able to go to the distant seas?” 难得这个小老头可以用这么严肃认真的态度规劝一下自己,高文还是颇为感动的,但他还是忍不住问了一句:“已经七百年了,各国还是被困在大陆上,无法前往远海么?” Occasionally will have the bold explorer to challenge the sea, but is living insufficiency one-third, moreover comes back also to act like a madman even if mostly, in the chaos mana environment by distant seas was spoiled the mind,” Hetty shakes the head, „, moreover is the challenge sea also useful? The wealth all stems from the land, no matter mineral or crops only then can obtain on the land, the challenge sea really cannot see the necessity. At present on continent only to some sea development is Typhon Empire, but they also just found some magic material in the offshore place......” “偶尔会有大胆的探险家去挑战海洋,但活着回来的不足三分之一,而且哪怕回来也多半疯疯癫癫,被远海中的混乱魔力环境弄坏了头脑,”赫蒂摇摇头,“而且挑战大海又有什么用呢?财富皆源于陆地,不管矿物还是作物都只有在陆地上才能得到,挑战海洋实在看不出必要。目前大陆上唯一对海洋有些开发的就是提丰帝国,但他们也只不过是在近海的地方找到了一些魔法材料而已……” Gawain hears word could not bear knit the brows to look at Hetty one: You really think that in the sea doesn't have the wealth?” 高文闻言忍不住皱起眉看了赫蒂一眼:“你真的认为海洋中没有财富么?” „The wealth in sea?” Hetty stares, person is lifeform of a life on land, what in the sea can our useful wealth?” “海洋中的财富?”赫蒂一愣,“人是一种生活在陆地上的生物,海洋中能有什么对我们有用的财富?” Gawain looks at Hetty, wants to come a fervent inspiration and education, but is quick he then to discover these rigid theorizings regarding the knowledge and vision restricted Hetty radically useless, therefore can only sigh finally: One day you understand, this piece of continent regarding enlightening mind Human Race, was too narrow other did not say, coming magic tide not to have the place to hide.” 高文看着赫蒂,很想来一场慷慨激昂的启发和教育,但很快他便发现这些说教对于知识与眼界受限的赫蒂而言根本没什么用,所以最后只能叹了口气:“总有一天你会明白的,这片大陆对于启迪了心智人类而言,实在太狭窄了别的不说,来一场魔潮都没地方躲啊。” Comes magic tide...... not to have the place to hide...... 来一场魔潮……没地方躲…… These words give Hetty to touch immediately, but she just wants to ask anything again, Gawain had mentioned another matter: First did not say these, Hetty, I want to make you help me collect some books materials.” 这句话立刻给了赫蒂一些触动,但她刚想再问些什么,高文却已经提起了另一件事:“先不说这些了,赫蒂,我想让你帮我收集一些书卷资料。” Each faction foundation magic spell and spell casting theory material?” Hetty subconsciously asked that the material in this aspect is Gawain makes her collect frequently. “还是各个派系的基础法术施法理论资料么?”赫蒂下意识问了一句,这方面的资料是高文最经常让她去收集的。 But Gawain's replied that surprises her very: No, about my entire life biography.” 高文的回答却让她很是意外:“不,是关于我的生平传记。” About your...... entire life biography?” Hetty blinks puzzled, this request is really very strange, all over the world probably also only then this Ancestor that died dead to jump suddenly can raise, which form did you refer to? Heroic biography of Kingdom official issue?” “关于您的……生平传记?”赫蒂困惑地眨眨眼,这个要求实在怪异得很,普天之下大概也就只有自己这个死着死着就突然蹦起来的老祖宗能提出来了,“您是指哪种形式的?王国官方发布的英雄传记么?” Not only wants that type, various types of folk editions, anything that described my entire life I wanted,” Gawain really not good to the opposite party to explain that he wants to seek that time has happened obviously, but actually vanished in the clue that the secret in Gawain Cecil memory departed, then can only set this general request, „, even if unofficial history chat, even the country folk frightened child's old wives'tales to want.” “不光要那种,还有各种民间版本,任何一种描述我生平的东西我都要,”高文实在不好跟对方解释他是想寻找那次明明发生过,但却消失在高文·塞西尔记忆中的秘密出航的线索,便只能提出这种笼统的要求,“哪怕野史杂谈,甚至乡下人吓唬孩子的荒诞故事都要。” The Hetty expression is strange: „Do you want these thing what are you doing?” 赫蒂的表情古怪起来:“您要这些东西干什么?” Gawain just wants to make up an excuse, for example in people's the ideological change to these 700 years is interested anything, in nearby shadow jumps Amber to come suddenly, moreover this Amber also in balabala: His idle, which defiant person wants to have a look in these 700 years to think how is black he...... has a look at everyone either is to praise his, oneself dark crisp......” 高文刚想编个理由,比如对这七百年里人们的思想变化感兴趣啥的,旁边的阴影中就突然蹦出个琥珀来,而且这个琥珀还在balabala:“他闲的呗,想看看这七百年里哪个刁民想黑他……要么就是看看大家是怎么夸他的,自个暗爽一把……” In Amber the flash of the shadow jumping, Hetty has taken up magic staff to suspend a Pingsha to fall the gesture of wild goose familiar and easy, but Miss Half-Elf , since the previous time had been struck one wave, rose the memory, the flash that blind bb ended fled Gawain behind, regarded the bunker to keep off the latter before the body, but also found out half head to provoke: Rua I do not believe you to dare to your ancestor...... mother to hurt!!” 琥珀从阴影里蹦出来的一瞬间,赫蒂就已经轻车熟路地抄起法杖摆了个平沙落雁的起手式,但半精灵小姐自从上次被敲打过一波之后自己也涨了记性,瞎bb完的一瞬间就窜到了高文身后,把后者当成掩体挡在身前,还探出半个脑袋挑衅着:“rua我就不信你敢对着你祖宗……妈呀疼!!” After her, half a word words have not said, was entrained the ear to tow by Gawain conveniently, Gawain is dragging also while especially curious: How you think, after arranging others, hides from the litigant to look for the security behind, was difficult to be inadequate I not to hit you?” 她后半句话没说完,就被高文顺手拽着耳朵拖了出来,高文一边拖着还一边特好奇:“你是怎么想的,编排完别人之后还躲到当事人身后找安全,难不成我就不打你了?” Yeah mother I made a mistake made a mistake made a mistake!” Amber almost runs and leaps, ear must cramp, the ear must cramp!” “哎妈我错了错了错了!”琥珀几乎是连窜带跳,“耳朵要抽筋啦,耳朵要抽筋啦!” Therefore, in the tent filled the merry air...... 于是,帐篷里就充满了快活的空气…… In sending out Messengers several days later, the reply from Viscount Victor Kant was delivered to Cecil Family Feudal Territory. 在派出信使数日之后,来自维克多·康德子爵的回信被送到了塞西尔家族领地上。 The visit wish of that old Viscount to Duke Gawain expressed extremely high earnest, and invited Gawain to visit ancient castle and manor that Kant Family was proud with great kindness, the second day of therefore, in Messengers returning, has been ready Gawain then to step journey that went to Kant territory. 那位老子爵高文公爵的造访意愿表达了极高的热切,并盛情邀请高文去参观康德家族引以为傲的古城堡和庄园,于是,在信使返回的第二天,早已做好准备的高文便踏上了前往康德领的旅途。 He while carriage set off, deliberately does not have the multi- belts to accompany, besides the grooms and two soldiers of driving, he only took Amber that is the personal bodyguard, as well as just escorted refugee to return to Feudal Territory Knight Philip a short time ago. 他乘一辆马车出发,刻意没有多带随从,除了驾车的马夫和两名士兵之外,他只带上了担任贴身护卫的琥珀,以及前不久刚刚护送流民返回领地菲利普骑士 When the villages and small towns and village in sketch Kant territory edge appears in the road/s end, the weather gradually is then cloudy, the cold wind is coercing the moisture and soil aura sweeps across in the land, in the wind brought the rainwater to signal, as if before this Frost Month end and Mist Month arrive at the time, this lands will welcome a straightforward rainfall. 康德领边缘的村镇与农庄剪影出现于道路尽头的时候,天色便渐渐阴沉下来,寒冷的风裹挟着湿气与泥土的气息在大地上席卷,风中带来了雨水将至的信号,似乎在这霜月之末、雾月降临前的时刻,这片土地将迎来一场豪爽的降雨。 After this rain, the Ainz Kingdom short autumn also came to an end, then was this north Kingdom long winter, first was 60-day, the multi- fog, and wet cold Mist Month, later was 60 days of Month of Cold, national snowing will continue till off and on Month of Recovery arrived, even Cecil territory Southern Region, will still be covered by the frost and snow. 在这场雨之后,安苏王国短暂的秋季也就宣告结束,接下来便是这个北方王国漫长的冬天,首先是长达60天的、多雾且湿冷的雾月,随后便是六十天的冷冽之月,全国性的降雪将断断续续地持续到复苏之月降临为止,即便是塞西尔领所处的“南境”,也会被霜雪覆盖。 After all, entire Ainz Kingdom north continent. 毕竟,整个安苏王国都是在大陆北方的。 Also does not know whether refugee in wilderness before coldest the day approaches arrives in Cecil territory to accept the asylum with enough time, does not know whether the winter construction plan on Feudal Territory can according to expected achieve, not know Ainz and Typhon border whether will make war in this in the winter...... 也不知道荒野上的流民们在最冷的日子来临之前是否来得及抵达塞西尔领接受庇护,不知道领地上的冬季建设计划是否能按预期的实现,不知道安苏提丰边境是否会在这个冬天开战…… Gawain opens the compartment side lap, is gradually cloudy, but in the weather of tarnish, he has been able to see Kant Castle to tower on the hillside of side front, highest place of that ancient lithical construction from Feudal Territory rises straight from the ground, several dark tower point to sharp is covering entirely the dark clouds the sky, but on the castle vast land area, is the close town construction. 高文拉开车厢侧面的盖板,在逐渐阴沉而变暗的天色中,他已经可以看到康德古堡耸立在侧前方的一片山坡上,那座古老的石质建筑从领地上最高的地方拔地而起,几个黑沉沉的尖直指着正布满阴云的天空,而在城堡下面的广阔土地上,则是鳞次栉比的城镇建筑。 Now the curtain of night and dark clouds , the ahead of time tarnish of weather will make in the cities shine the scattered lights simultaneously gradually, Gawain were counting the numbers and distributions of these lights, is judging the rich and poor and order of this lands. 现在夜幕与阴云同时将至,天色的提前变暗让城镇中渐渐亮起了稀稀落落的灯火,高文细数着那些灯火的数量以及分布,判断着这片土地的贫富和秩序。 Lights compared with imagining many, moreover various town places are all witnessable. 灯火比想象得多,而且城镇各处皆可看到。 Drop of rain passed through the back plate of carriage vehicle shed slantingly, falls on the Gawain face, as the raindrop puts on together also had the dreary cold wind, Amber makes an effort to bind blanket in a compartment corner/horn, in a daze whispered: Gawain, close the window household......” 一滴雨斜斜地穿过了马车车棚的挡板,落在高文脸上,随着雨滴一同穿进来的还有萧瑟的寒风,琥珀在车厢一角使劲裹了裹身上的毯子,迷迷糊糊地嘀咕起来:“高文,关窗户……” Gawain smiles, puts down the back plate, the vehicle shed that the waterproof plank makes withstand/top already the noise of the rain that resounded to be gradually crowded. 高文笑了笑,把挡板放下,防水木板制成的车棚顶上已经响起了渐渐密集起来的雨声。 The carriage from Kant territory is fertile, and has completed harvesting the farmland to speed past, when the carriage comes in direction, outside road/s to Feudal Territory by rain curtain camoflauge, became fuzzy one piece gradually, cannot recognize...... 马车从康德领肥沃并且已经完成收割的农田之间疾驰而过,在马车来时的方向上,通往领地外的道路渐渐被雨帘遮蔽,变得模糊一片,不可辨识……
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