SOD :: Volume #2

#171: Eternal Dark Sea Territory legend

In any event, Kant territory must go to one, moreover Gawain must go personally. 无论如何,康德领都是必须要去一趟的,而且高文要亲自去。 The Ainz Kingdom system is loose, protection strength of royal family to the remote area is equally low on such as rule strength . Moreover the southern areas in the course of time, combat power strong army Wu Jia zu will also decline in this environment peacefully slowly, therefore places Southernmost Region Gawain to be almost impossible to count on that any support( this environment from third party is also causes Evil Cultist to this area to conduct wantonly one of the corrosion reasons probably), but waits not to support is only a factor that the Gawain decision leaves personally, in addition a reason was he Dreamland saw one thing in that. 安苏王国体制松散,王室对边远地区的保护力度就如统治力度一样低下,而且南部地区承平日久,战斗力再强的军武家族在这种环境下也会慢慢衰颓,所以身处极南境高文几乎不可能指望任何来自第三方的支援(这种环境大概也是导致邪教徒能够对这一地区进行大肆侵蚀的原因之一),而等不来支援只是高文决定亲自动身的其中一个因素,另一个原因则是他在那“梦境”中看到了一样东西。 He to Hetty and Pittman mentioned that Eternal Sleepers leaves behind the equally evil thing in Kant castle, but he had not explained that evil thing is anything, however in fact, he had seen such thing, and recognized it. 他对赫蒂皮特曼提到永眠者康德城堡中留下一样邪物,但他并未说明那“邪物”是什么东西,然而事实上,他已经看见了那样事物,并且认出了它。 That thing magnificent stone Guanqian situated in underground hall center, sacred item that” accepts to consecrate is laid aside on a small-scale sacrificial altar likely, it is a fine magic inspection lamp, but more than 700 years ago, Gawain Cecil gave as a gift it held the post to accompany the armed forces at that time Priest Selena Gehrfen in the Pioneer team. 那东西就位于地下大厅中心的华丽石馆前,像个接受供奉的“圣物”般被放置在一个小型祭台上,它是一盏精致的魔法提灯,而在七百多年前,高文·塞西尔将它作为一件礼物送给了当时在开拓者队伍中担任随军牧师赛琳娜·格尔分 That once was gentle quiet lady, was one by the Pioneer deeply faith, has cured innumerable soldier God of Dreams Priestess of mental scar in the dark and scared age with Dreamland, she believed and outstanding contribution devotionally makes her Dreamland Bishop in northern development army in less than 30 years old, if the destiny has not played a bad joke, then she even might become one of the Dreamland Church Pope candidates, became likely Gawain Cecil famous Developement Hero. 那曾经是一位温柔沉静的女士,是一位被开拓者们深深信赖的、在黑暗与恐慌的年代用梦境治愈过无数战士的心灵创伤的梦境之神女神官,她虔诚的信仰和杰出的贡献让她在不到三十岁就成为了北方开拓军中的梦境主教,如果命运没有开个恶劣的玩笑,那么她甚至有可能成为梦境教会教皇的候选人之一,成为一个像高文·塞西尔那样鼎鼎有名的开拓英雄 But in that attempt communicates in the Myriad Gods mysterious ceremony, she went to Ancestral Peak with then Dreamland Church Pope, no one knows after that ceremony, actually in the conference to have anything, Gawain only knows, one day of that destiny later, then becomes the enemy of Human Race society including Druid Religion and Dreamland Church and God of Storms Church several Religion. 但在那次尝试沟通众神的神秘仪式中,她随着当时的梦境教会教皇前往了先祖之峰,没有人知道那次仪式以及之后举行的会议上究竟发生了什么,高文只知道,在那命运的一天之后,包括德鲁伊教派梦境教会风暴之神教会在内的数个教派便成为了人类社会的敌人。 Without breaking off that openly announced that without the debate of Religion deliberation hall, several Religion seemed like goes crazy simultaneously ran out of the Ancestral Peak conference site generally, later they distributed in believer of various entire continent places also receive some instruction to leave respective Church and lodge probably simultaneously, the network of some not obvious huge mind as if then covered each dark Religion member from that day, in just several days, several big Church degenerate, and vanish in the world thoroughly at present. 没有公开宣布的决裂,没有宗教朝堂的辩论,几个教派就好像是同时发了疯一般冲出了先祖之峰的会场,随后他们分布在整个大陆各处的信徒也好像接到了某种指令般同时离开了各自的教堂与集会所,某个不可见的巨大心灵之网似乎从那一天起便笼罩了每一个黑暗教派的成员,在短短几天内,几大教会先后堕落,并彻底消失在世人眼前。 As a result of then entire Ancestral Peak by equipment Priest blockade of Holy Light Church and War God Church, therefore no one knows that truth of that day how, the spokesman's of several Taisho god foreign explanation after that was „some extreme Church is unable to accept with other conditions of belief peaceful coexistence, thus the choice rebelled and fled, but in Gawain Cecil, as well as in the future Gawain heart, he is wary of throughout about this explanation. 由于当时的整个先祖之峰都被圣光教会战神教会武装神官封锁,因此谁也不知道那天的实情如何,几大正神的发言人在那之后对外的解释是“少部分极端的教会无法接受与其他信仰和平共处的条件,因而选择叛逃”,但在高文·塞西尔,以及日后的高文心中,他始终对这个解释心存疑虑。 As for Selena Gehrfen, she has not then appeared after that day again, past comforted the grief of soldiers with Dreamland, vanished by gentle Priestess that Pioneer trusted, she possibly crashed in Gondor Wasteland like portion degenerate Druid, probably turned into some type to twist, darker existence, Gawain does not know how that former days friend final result was, he only knows, 700 years later today, a Selena Gehrfen relic appeared here, was taken core of some evil offering sacrifices ceremony to place in the Kant Family old castle. 而至于赛琳娜·格尔分,她也是从那天之后便再也没有出现过,昔日用梦境抚慰战士们的伤痛,被开拓者们信赖的温柔女神官消失了,她可能像一部分堕落德鲁伊那样冲进了刚铎废土,也可能变成了某种更扭曲、更黑暗的存在,高文不知道那位旧日友人最终的结局是怎样,他只知道,七百年后的今天,赛琳娜·格尔分的一件遗物出现在了这里,被作为某种邪恶献祭仪式的核心安置在康德家族的古堡中。 He thinks that oneself needs to recycle that thing, this perhaps that helped him do to understand on 700 years ago Ancestral Peak exactly to have anything, or at least did to understand that initial that batch of Priest were Evil Cultist had the change of what kind when degenerate. 他认为自己有必要回收那东西,这或许那有助于他搞明白七百年前的先祖之峰上到底发生了什么,或者至少搞明白最初的那批神官堕落邪教徒时都产生了什么样的变化。 Carries on the evil strength that the growth transforms not to enter the most flourishing condition in Kant Castle, according to the progress in Dreamland inducing, Gawain can arrange slowly, comes to arrange one to oneself not only can enter Kant Castle, will not cause Viscount Victor Kant to be vigilant and opportunity of suspicion he did not plan that complete equipment hits, but must before the event erupts finds an opportunity to prevent it. 康德古堡中进行成长蜕变的邪恶力量还没有进入全盛状态,根据梦境中感应到的进度,高文可以慢慢筹备,来给自己安排一个既能够进入康德古堡,又不会引起维克多·康德子爵警惕和怀疑的机会他不打算全副武装地打进去,而要在事件爆发前找个机会阻止它。 Duke wants pay a visit Viscount is very troublesome also the eye-catching matter, but currently only has the given name, was only developement territory Lord Duke wants pay a visit essentially neighbor is not that complex, Gawain knows the grain and herbal medicine that Kant territory produced will have big portion to be delivered to Tanzan Town, later was purchased by Cecil territory, moreover a short time ago Cecil territory also purchased a group of slaves from Tanzan Town( is regular, slave who was sold by slave trader), this means that two Feudal Territory actually have many trade, this was a visiting reason. 一位公爵拜访一位子爵是很麻烦也很引人注意的事,但一位目前只有名号,本质上只是个开拓领主的公爵拜访“邻居”就不是那么复杂了,高文知道康德领出产的粮食和草药有很大一部分会被送到坦桑镇,随后被塞西尔领购买回去,而且前不久塞西尔领还从坦桑镇购买了一批奴隶(是正规的、由奴隶贩子售卖的奴隶),这就意味着两个领地其实有着不少贸易往来,这就是个造访的理由。 He prepared one set of excuse, and confessed that Hetty manages: Sent Messengers in the past, saying that I will visit, discussed that next year purchases the issue Cecil territory purchase commodity of grain and medicinal herb, but these things changed hands time one from the Tanzan Town market, not only the price rose, but also delayed the time very much, we can establish a new trade route between Cecil territory and Kant territory, we also prepared to develop north bank of Clearwater River in any case, this matter was worth me going with him to chat.” 他准备了一套说辞,并交代赫蒂去办:“派信使过去,就说我将会造访,商讨来年采购粮食与药材的问题塞西尔领会大量采购物资,而这些东西从坦桑镇的市场上倒手一次不但价格上涨,还很耽误功夫,我们可以在塞西尔领康德领之间建立一条新商路,反正咱们也准备开发白水河北岸了,这件事值得我去跟他谈谈。” Hetty nods: I understood.” 赫蒂点点头:“我明白了。” After arranging this matter, Gawain rubbed the forehead, focused on at another matter. 在安排完这件事之后,高文揉了揉眉心,把注意力放到了另一件事上。 „Have you two heard Eternal Dark Sea Territory?” “你们两个听说过‘永暗海域’么?” Hetty and Pittman stare immediately, look at each other in blank dismay. 赫蒂皮特曼顿时一愣,面面相觑。 But Gawain sees this their expression, sinks at heart immediately: It seems like counted on that is not big. 高文看到这俩人的表情,心里顿时就是一沉:看来指望不大了。 Hetty is accepts the legitimate aristocrat to educate, moreover selected mage of many occult sciences knowledge, in the orthodox history and natural science knowledge should be the expert, Pittman has had the education of society, moreover selected many swindle study knowledge compares funny, in the unofficial history anecdote and scary discussed strangely the aspect is also an expert, this their aspects of knowledge form supplementarily, spelling is almost the knowledge of other world version, if these two have not listened to Eternal Dark Sea Territory from the start, that he in knowledge domain of normal person was to inquire probably not to the news in this aspect. 赫蒂是接受过正统贵族教育,而且点了不少神秘学知识的法师,在正统历史与博物知识上应该算是专家,皮特曼则是接受过社会的教育,而且点了不少坑蒙拐骗学知识的逗比,在野史逸闻与唬人怪谈方面也算是专家,这俩人的知识面形成互补,拼起来几乎就是个异界版的知乎要是这俩都压根没听过“永暗海域”的话,那他在正常人的知识领域里大概是打听不到这方面的消息了。 This sounds the noun that the probably superstitious sailors will compile,” Hetty is knitting the brows, guessed was saying, sea all year round covered in the mana vortex and storm, almost without the ships dares to challenge the deep sea, occasionally had brave adventurer/risk-taker to go to sea to try to look for some route also few people to live, gradually the sailors compiled various types with the sea related superstitious story, various strange Sea Territory that gives back these to go crazy adventurer/risk-taker that talks over to give all kinds of names...... the ancestor, where did you hear this name?” “这听上去像是迷信的水手们会编造出来的名词,”赫蒂皱着眉,猜测着说道,“海洋常年笼罩在魔力漩涡和风暴中,几乎没有船只敢挑战深海,偶尔有胆大的冒险家出海试图寻找航道也鲜少有人活着回来,久而久之水手们就编造了各种跟海洋有关的迷信故事,还给那些发了疯回来的冒险家所念叨的各种奇诡海域起了各种各样的名字……先祖,您是从哪里听到这个名字的?” From the Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist memory,” Gawain has not concealed in this aspect, and looks to Pittman, „did you seem some words to say?” “也是从永眠者邪教徒的记忆里,”高文在这方面没有隐瞒,并随之看向皮特曼,“你好像有话说?” Although old Druid just started to hear Eternal Dark Sea Territory several characters time is also bewildered, but when Hetty told the superstitious stories of these sailors actually showed look looking pensive gradually, therefore Gawain asked his one curiously. 德鲁伊虽然刚开始听到“永暗海域”几个字的时候也是一脸茫然,但在赫蒂讲述那些水手的迷信故事的时候却渐渐露出了若有所思的神色,于是高文好奇地问了他一句。 Yes, Lord, if you to the unofficial history discussed that strangely is interested, the story that I can speak these to spread to you actually in folk, cannot amount to something,” Pittman nods, I have truly heard Eternal Dark Sea Territory, but it is not the glossary of Human Race creation, in fact it stems from Silver Elf, therefore my all of a sudden did not have associate to get up in the story that in Elf spread a moment ago.” “是的,大人,如果您对一些野史怪谈感兴趣的话,我倒是可以跟您讲讲那些流传在民间的、上不了台面的故事,”皮特曼点点头,“我确实听说过‘永暗海域’,但它并不是人类创造的词汇,事实上它源于白银精灵,是在精灵中流传的故事所以刚才我一下子联想起来。” „Did the Silver Elf unofficial history discuss strangely?” Gawain is surprised immediately, he has not thought in a Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist mouth mentioned Eternal Dark Sea Territory unexpectedly was a glossary that stemmed from Silver Elf, „can that help/gang super the live long ear also pass on this type of thing?” 白银精灵的野史怪谈?”高文顿时大感意外,他没想到一个永眠者邪教徒口中提到的“永暗海域”竟然是个源于白银精灵的词汇,“那帮超级能活的长耳朵还会传这种东西?” Life, in southern part of the continent Silver Elf established in this stretch of land the most ancient civilization society, compared with Human Race in the continent rising of midst also early over ten thousand years, although now initial Elf Empire has lost in the history, new student/life Silver Empire actually inherited the ancient Elf Empire many historical document, but because the age is ancient, in addition various antiquity period active elemental creature and unusual animals were very easy and legend mix up, therefore these historical documents have massive errors unreality, they evolved the unofficial history to discuss strangely was also very normal, after all Elf also was just the mediocre species,” Pittman smiled, „, but. About Eternal Dark Sea Territory, is in various Elf legends strangest one.” “生活在大陆南部白银精灵建立了这片大地上最古老的文明社会,比人类大陆中部崛起还早了上万年,如今虽然最初的精灵帝国已经失落在历史中,新生的白银帝国却继承了古精灵帝国的很多历史文献,但由于年代过于古老,再加上上古时期活跃的各种元素生物、异兽很容易和神话传说混在一起,所以那些历史文献也有着大量的错漏不实之处,它们演变成野史怪谈也是很正常的,毕竟精灵也只不过是凡俗物种嘛,”皮特曼笑了起来,“而关于永暗海域,则是各种精灵传说中最离奇的一个。” Afterward he clears throat , to continue saying: „ cough cough. In about the Eternal Dark Sea Territory legend, Elf talked about an origin world of oneself clan not to have Silver Elf it is said from the start, did not have Grey Elf, Dark Elf and other Elf subspecies, only then one type had Primordial Elf that’ the great power and eternal life did not die inborn life on remote another continent. 随后他清了清嗓子,继续说道:“咳咳。在关于永暗海域的传说中,精灵谈及了自己一族的起源据说世间原本压根没有白银精灵,也没有灰精灵暗精灵等各种精灵亚种,只有一种天生具备强大力量而且永生不死的‘原初精灵’生活在遥远的另一块大陆上。 In antiquity some day, that continent had the disaster, therefore one crowd of Primordial Elf then rode can flee their ancestor continent in ark that sky over the sea level float sped away ‚’. On Endless Sea that these Elf were covered with the mana vortex by the dense fog encountered the disorientation, and rushed in one piece to be in the night in the disorientation half a month later suddenly forever, forever by Sea Territory that the star light covers, but in that piece of Sea Territory center, is towering extreme grand and extreme big great tower, that great tower has the mountain same physique, its peak searches into the starry sky straightly. “在上古的某一天,那块大陆发生了灾害,于是一群原初精灵便乘坐着可以在海面上空悬浮疾驰的‘方舟’逃离了他们的先祖大陆。这些精灵在被迷雾与魔力漩涡覆盖的无尽之海上遭遇了迷航,并在迷航半个月后突然闯进了一片永远处于黑夜、永远被星光笼罩的海域,而在那片海域的中央,耸立着一座极端宏伟、极端高大的巨,那巨有着山岳一样的身姿,其顶端笔直地探入星空之中。 Disorientation Primordial Elf touch by great tower and starry sky, therefore prayed under the star light devotionally, hopes can find a stretch of new home, but their prays were transmitted in crowd of star the ear of Myriad Gods through great tower unexpectedly, therefore the star light then lowers the blessings, great tower opened the front door, making Primordial Elf step into. “迷航的原初精灵们被巨和星空所触动,于是在星光下虔诚地祈祷,希望能找到一片新的生息地,而他们的祈祷竟然通过巨被传达到了群星中的众神的耳朵里,于是星光便降下赐福,巨打开了大门,让原初精灵们踏入其中。 All Primordial Elf entered in tower, they see the endless its wonderful thing in that tower, has the projection of universe starry sky, the evolutionary processes of various world animals, various types of minerals and various plants, contains the inconceivable knowledge their conscious to this tower, therefore moved unexpectedly read them no longer to satisfy evades the storm corruptly in the tower outer layer temporarily, but the attempt must enter tower internal layer and high level, touches these knowledge. “所有的原初精灵都走进了里,他们在那中看到无尽其妙的事物,有宇宙星空的投影,还有世间各种动物、各种矿物、各种植物的演变过程,他们意识到这中蕴藏着不可思议的知识,于是竟然动了贪念他们不再满足于在的外层暂避风浪,而尝试要进入内层和高层,去触摸那些知识。 Therefore great tower lowered the penalty, a brilliance was full entire tower, these attempt to steal the knowledge Primordial Elf to be covered brilliance, according to the degree that they invade is different, they were transformed the life form in the ray, turned Sea Elf that Dark Elf and short Grey Elf that dreads the sunlight, are unable for a long time to the boiling water, flaw least Silver Elf, because the Silver Elf ethnic group dreads the tower strength, excessively has not stepped into the restricted area, the penalty that therefore receives is also smallest. “于是巨降下了惩罚,一种光辉充盈了整座,那些妄图窃取知识的原初精灵被光辉笼罩,按照他们侵入的程度不同,他们在光芒中被改造了生命形态,变成了畏惧阳光的暗精灵、身材矮小的灰精灵、无法长时间离开水的海精灵,还有缺陷最少的白银精灵因为白银精灵的族群畏惧的力量,并没有过多地踏入禁地,所以受到的惩罚也最小。 Then, eternal life, and powerful Primordial Elf turned subspecies Elf that has various flaws, but these subspecies escaped from great tower in panic-stricken, returned to their ark, and left that piece they were called as Eternal Dark Sea Territory , to be towered forever great tower mysterious place that the curtain of night and starry sky covered, but they wandered until now Loren Continent, then at that later matter. ” 就这样,永生且强大的原初精灵变成了具备各种缺陷的亚种精灵,而这些亚种们在惊恐中逃出了巨,回到了他们的方舟上,并离开了那片被他们称作‘永暗海域’的、永远被夜幕和星空笼罩的、耸立着一座巨的神秘之地,而他们漂流到如今的洛伦大陆,则是在那之后的事情。” Pittman gasps for breath, feels own beard: Lord, this legend about Eternal Dark Sea Territory.” 皮特曼喘了口气,摸着自己的胡子:“大人,这就是关于永暗海域的传说了。”
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