SOD :: Volume #2

#170: In the shadow multiplies

Gawain is strolling in this sober Dreamland. 高文在这个清醒的梦境中漫步着。 He does not know that this change the principle is anything, but he guessed that the reason of this change with that unlucky Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist is mostly related, in swallowing the opposite party these survives in the mind process, he contacted the Eternal Sleepers fragmentary knowledge, these fragmentary knowledge and were the memory material is not so only simple, as extraordinary domain knowledge, it was a strength. 他不知道这种变化的原理是什么,但他猜测这变化的原因多半跟那个倒霉的永眠者邪教徒有关在吞噬对方那些残存心智的过程中,他接触到了永眠者的零星知识,那些零星知识并不仅仅是记忆资料那么简单,作为超凡领域的“知识”,它本身就是一种力量。 They brought this type for Gawain in the ability that in sober Dreamland moves. 它们为高文带来了这种在清醒的梦境中活动的能力。 Gawain is walking, while defers to the heart to want in the hand to mold something once for a while, and in this process discovered this type mold the limitation. Probably is because have not obtained the true Eternal Sleepers strength, the thing that therefore he molds in Dreamland still has fully fantasy characteristics, has the mix the false with the truth outward appearance merely, but does not have the true function. 高文一边走着,一边时不时按照心中所想在手中塑造出一些东西,并在这个过程中发现了这种“塑造”的局限性。大概是因为自己并没有获得真正的永眠者力量,所以他在梦境中所塑造的事物仍然有着十足的“空想”特性,仅仅具备以假乱真的外观,但却没有真正的作用。 The drink that he makes has no flavor, he according to the cell phone that the memory molds is unable the starting use. 他制造出来的饮料没有任何味道,他按照记忆塑造出的手机也无法开机使用。 But these did not exist in the fantasy goods of real world from the start maintain contour very difficult long time. 而那些压根不存在于现实世界的空想物品就更是连外形都很难长时间保持了。 But from this incomplete useless ability, he constantly is understanding the Eternal Sleepers this special heresy Religion essence, as well as their possible goals. 但就是从这残缺无用的能力中,他不断了解着永眠者这一特殊异端教派的本质,以及他们可能的目的。 The immersion in eternal Dreamland, attempts to seek to extricate this in a false world probably is the pursue of Eternal Sleepers. They molded the false appearance in the Dreamland world the ability look like in Gawain have been completely the mix the false with the truth degree, if in fact did not know the truth ahead of time, the person who any entered Eternal Sleepers Dreamland can lose instantaneously in that false world, but regarding will weak person, even if knew the truth ahead of time, was very easy to indulge in various imaginary world types of beautiful things. 沉浸于永恒的梦境之中,尝试在一个虚假的世界里寻求解脱这大概就是永眠者的追求。他们在梦境世界中塑造假象的能力在高文看来已经达到了完全以假乱真的程度,事实上如果不是提前知道真相,任何一个进入永眠者梦境的人都会瞬间迷失在那个虚假的世界中,而对于心志薄弱之人,哪怕提前知道了真相,也很容易沉溺在假想世界各种美好的事物里。 Although the appraisal to Eternal Sleepers is „the expert of manufacture nightmare, but Gawain after swallowing that Evil Cultist surviving mind, indistinct conscious to the believer truly pursues of these knitting will of the people perhaps is actually a fond dream makes the nightmare is only they achieves some method of goal. 虽然外界对永眠者的评价是“制造噩梦的行家里手”,但高文在吞噬了那个邪教徒的残存心智之后,隐约意识到那些编织人心的教徒真正追求的恐怕其实是一个美梦而制造噩梦只是他们达成目的的某种手段。 Gawain passes through the long corridor, in this strange place, his mind quiet like water, but the train of thought especially is agile. 高文走过长长的走廊,在这陌生的地方,他的心智沉静如水,而思绪则格外敏捷。 Applies mechanically previous life a few words, immerses the person in virtual world to escape the reality mostly, but Eternal Sleepers seems like the virtual world zealot who some colony escapes the reality in Gawain, but they evade is also concrete is which portion of real world? 套用前世的一句话,沉醉于虚拟世界的人多半是为了逃避现实,而永眠者高文看来就像是某种群体性逃避现实的虚拟世界狂热者,但他们所逃避的又具体是现实世界的哪一部分呢? Is social collapse and living environment that deterioration magic tide results in? Is the preemptions of changes and other Religion of Religion pattern? Also or...... is the all Gods have already died truth? 魔潮所引发的社会崩溃和生存环境恶化?是宗教格局的变动和其他教派的排挤?亦或者……是众神已死的真相? The present corridor to the end, a heavy oak door stood at present, Gawain knits the brows, he saw in that oak gate crest that a little looks familiar, is Kant Family crest. 眼前的走廊到了尽头,一扇沉重的橡木门立在眼前,高文皱了皱眉,他在那橡木门上看到了一个有点眼熟的徽记,是康德家族徽记 Is because were paying attention to the Kant Family matter recently, therefore their family crest appear in scene that in oneself had a dream? Or...... is here really Kant castle? 是因为最近自己在关注康德家族的事情,所以他们的家族徽记出现在了自己做梦的场景里?或者说……这里真的就是康德城堡 Gawain is knitting the brows to observe the situation all around, he confirmed that oneself never has been to this place, but normally, in Human Race Dreamland will not appear surpasses itself to remember or the thing of cognition, even if presented the grotesque and gaudy thing, that is also the thing that in the ordinary day sees twists to come in subconsciousness mostly, but all scenes in this Dreamland stabilize orderly, even pattern and each magic crystal lamp on wall emit brilliance is unspotted, thinking of swallow Eternal Sleepers mind that falls, Gawain suspected suddenly perhaps this scene emerges in that Evil Cultist memory. 高文皱着眉环视四周,他确认自己从未到过这个地方,而正常情况下,人类梦境中是不会出现超出自己记忆或者认知的事物的,哪怕出现了光怪陆离的东西,那也多半是平日里所见的事物在潜意识中扭曲而来,但是这个梦境中的一切场景都稳定有序,甚至墙壁上的花纹和每一盏魔晶石灯放出的光辉都毫无瑕疵,联想到自己所吞噬掉的永眠者心智,高文突然怀疑这个场景恐怕脱胎于那个邪教徒的记忆。 That has Evil Cultist moved in Kant castle? 那个邪教徒康德城堡中活动过? Hesitant the moment is less, Gawain then puts out a hand, thrust aside present oak front door. 犹豫了片刻不到,高文便伸出手去,用力推开眼前的橡木大门。 Behind the front door is a as if cave space, broad, profound, is covering the dim ray, as the underground structure in castle, this cave the scale has far exceeded the necessity, as if moved to the banquet hall in surface underground general, but in such a broad unusual space, Gawain sees the straight pillar connection tread and above lithical ceiling, these straight pillar surfaces as if have the writing. 大门背后是一处仿佛地窖般的空间,宽广,深邃,笼罩着昏暗的光线,作为城堡中的地下结构,这个“地窖”的规模已经远远超出了必要,以至于仿佛是将地表上的宴会厅搬到了地下一般,而在这样一个宽广异常的空间中,高文看到有一根根直立的柱子连接着地面和上方的石质顶棚,那些直立的柱子表面似乎有着文字。 Gawain approaches a pillar, sees on that impressively at all is not the writing, but is innumerably with the deep dent that the nail grasps! 高文凑近其中一根柱子,赫然看到那上面根本不是什么文字,而是无数用指甲抓出来的深深凹痕! In seeing the flash of these dents, Gawain then felt an own present line of sight flower, in the dim space then appeared suddenly in all directions massively like the water ripple, during the ripple rippled, the innumerable things indistinctly were separated from the subconsciousness level camouflage, appears in Gawain at present. 在看到这些凹痕的一瞬间,高文便感觉自己眼前的视线骤然一花,紧接着四面八方昏暗的空间中便浮现出了大量如水般的波纹,在波纹荡漾之中,无数影影绰绰的事物脱离了潜意识层的“伪装”,出现在高文眼前。 That is the empty shadow that takes the form of Human Race, has translucent and iron grey physique, as well as fuzzily and disclosed faintly numb expression facial features, they stand indistinctly overlapping here, the eyes of that nihility are staring at entire cave emptily center. 那是一个又一个形似人类的虚影,有着半透明、灰白色的形体,以及模模糊糊并且隐隐透露出麻木表情的面容,他们影影绰绰层层叠叠地站在这里,那虚无的双眼空洞地凝望着整个“地窖”的中心。 These person's shadows appear frightened Gawain to jump, but latter along with, even if conscious to these shadows simply had not detected ability that oneself existence these shadows have not perhaps pondered or from the start. 这些人影浮现出来的时候吓了高文一跳,但后者随即便意识到这些影子根本没有察觉自己的存在或者说,这些影子恐怕压根没有思考的能力。 After being calm, he looks following the directions of these shadow gazes, finally saw impressively this underground hall the center does not know when had/left a lithical platform, in that platform, is placing a giant and magnificent coffin. 在镇定下来之后,他循着这些影子注视的方向望去,结果赫然看到这间“地下大厅”的中心不知何时多出了一个石质的平台,在那平台上,则摆放着一口巨大而华丽的棺材。 Gawain frowns, across side innumerable person's shadows indistinctly, walks toward that giant coffin, but he just arrived at half, then heard the ear bank to reappear an illusory fuzzy sound, that sound seemed like has two people to talk, but was actually hard to distinguish off and on, Gawain raised up the ear carefully, heard several quite clear contents: 高文皱起眉头,穿过身旁影影绰绰的无数人影,向着那巨大的棺材走去,但他刚走到一半,便听到耳畔浮现出了一个虚幻模糊的声音,那声音似乎是有两个人正在交谈,但却断断续续难以分辨,高文仔细竖起了耳朵,才听到几句较为清晰的内容: „...... I hope that this is only a nightmare, wakes up from the nightmare, all were still happy......” “……我多么希望这只是一场噩梦,从噩梦中醒来,一切都仍然美好……” „...... Dream and reality, there is anything to distinguish......” “……梦与现实,又有什么区别……” What to do I...... do not know should, lost them......” “我……不知道该怎么办,失去了他们……” Eternal Sleepers will help your, should not be afraid, do not believe that these to the rumor that we slandered, we such as 700 years ago was the same, still devoted to rescues from the pain all living things, just 700 years ago we let all living things far away from the nightmare, but today we let all living things far away from the nightmarish reality...... 永眠者会帮助你的,你不要害怕,不要相信那些对我们诋毁的谣言,我们就如七百年前一样,仍然致力于将众生从痛苦中解救,只不过七百年前我们让众生远离噩梦,而今天我们让众生远离噩梦般的现实…… You, so long as places here it, provides the sufficient nutrient for it, believes me, all will be good. “你只要把它放在这里,为它提供充足的养分,相信我,一切都会好起来的。 That elapses, will return finally, not only returns in Dreamland, will return in the reality......” “那逝去的,终将归来,不仅在梦境中归来,也会在现实中归来……” This conversation sound is low and deep and fuzzy, and has the serious distortion, Gawain is not even able to judge the men and women of dialogue person, but he is almost a little certain, in the person of speech has one by that Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist that oneself swallow! 这交谈声低沉而又模糊,并且带有严重的失真,以至于高文甚至无法判断对话人的男女,但有一点他几乎可以肯定,说话的人中有一个就是被自己吞噬掉的那个永眠者邪教徒 Wakes up after Dreamland, Gawain first calls Hetty and Pittman immediately. 梦境中醒来之后,高文立刻第一时间叫来了赫蒂皮特曼 Ancestor, we had inquired that mercenary mage,” Hetty also thinks that Gawain called to inquire oneself to the interrogation progress of captive, therefore met then said, they truly were Kant Family work, but they do not know that oneself employer made them seize refugee makes anything, only then a point can determine that they never saw in as slave on Kant territory will appear by refugee that they grasped in the future, did not see that had the slave trader to take away these person from Kant territory, was grasped refugee that went back to vanish on the evaporation on that lands probably same.” “先祖,我们已经询问完那个佣兵法师了,”赫蒂还以为高文把自己叫来是要询问对俘虏的审讯进度,于是一见面便说道,“他们确实是在为康德家族做事,但他们并不知道自己的雇主让他们抓捕流民是做什么,只有一点能确定他们从未见到被他们抓回去的流民在日后以奴隶的身份在康德领上出现,也没见到有奴隶贩子从康德领带走那些人,被抓回去的流民就好像蒸发一样消失在了那片土地上。” Gawain knits the brows: Really......” 高文皱了皱眉:“果然……” Really?” Hetty stares, does not understand that Gawain what meaning, you did know what?” “果然?”赫蒂一愣,不明白高文什么意思,“您知道什么了么?” Perhaps I must go to Kant territory immediately,” Gawain in had previously made the decision, at this moment said straightforwardly, the earlier the better.” “恐怕我得立即前往康德领一趟,”高文在此前已经做出了决定,此刻直截了当地说道,“越早越好。” This Hetty really feared: Goes to Kant territory? What do you go to there to make? Can look for Viscount Kant to interpellate the related refugee matter personally? This matter......” 这次赫蒂是真的惊住了:“前往康德领?您去那里做什么?难道要亲自去找康德子爵质询有关流民的事情?这种事……” Is more serious than that” Gawain said seriously, I, when previously contacted his portion conscious fragment with that Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist resistance, these fragment contents appeared a moment ago, I noticed that Evil Cultist gives Kant territory somebody to be very likely one thing is present Viscount Victor Kant, but that thing was an evil thing, it had stayed many years on that lands, more than ten years of even dozens years, during this, it has been growing in soul of absorption living person!” “比那更严重,”高文严肃地说道,“我在此前和那个永眠者邪教徒对抗的时候接触到了他的一部分意识碎片,刚才那些碎片的内容浮现了出来,我看到那个邪教徒把一样东西交给了康德领的某人极有可能就是现在的维克多·康德子爵,而那东西是一件邪物,它已经在那片土地上呆了很多年,十几年甚至几十年,这期间它一直在汲取活人的灵魂成长着!” absorption living person soul evil thing?” Pittman is startled, these were put Kant territory refugee......” 汲取活人灵魂的邪物?”皮特曼大吃一惊,“难道那些被抓进康德领流民……” Was fed mostly,” Gawain is knitting the brows, that thing has grown to very essential time, but has not completed the final transformation, but once it completed...... me to be worried that includes Tanzan Town and new Cecil as well as north side Carol Territory all regions is covered by its strength.” “多半是被喂掉了,”高文皱着眉,“那东西已经成长到很关键的时候,但还没有完成最后的蜕变,可一旦它完成了……我担心包括坦桑镇、新塞西尔以及更北边卡洛尔领在内的所有区域都会被它的力量笼罩进去。” Gawain this did not say things just to frighten people, because when that Dreamland, he has felt coming to an end clearly is supporting that Dreamland world some type that constantly is growing goods existence. 高文这并非危言耸听,因为在那个梦境即将结束的时候,他已经清晰地感受到了支撑着那个梦境世界的、正在不断成长的某样“物品”的存在。 He can feel the strength that goods spread, can feel it in the effects of all Human Race mind on the quite wide scope, perhaps is because swallowed mind fragment of that goods original master, Gawain had established some slight relation with that thing, this enables his almost 100% places to be certain: Once absorption the sufficient energy, that were placed the curse thing in Kant Family old castle by Evil Cultist will erupt the quite fearful strength, but new Cecil territory and Tanzan Town average person will be no exception is involved! 他能感受到那个物品蔓延出来的力量,能感受到它对相当大范围内所有人类心智的影响,或许是因为吞噬了那物品原主人的心智碎片,高文已经与那东西建立了某种细微的联系,这让他几乎百分之百地可以肯定:一旦汲取了足够的能量,那件被邪教徒安置在康德家族古堡中的诅咒之物就会爆发出相当可怕的力量,而新塞西尔领坦桑镇的普通人将无一幸免地被卷入其中! Has threatened itself on, he had no way to sit by and do nothing. 已经威胁到了自己头上,他就没法坐视不管了。 Gawain this serious attitude also infected Hetty, the latter followed nervous to get up, and had an anxiety: Ancestor, you have violated dangerously one time by the body in Tanzan Town, this time......” 高文这严肃的态度也感染到了赫蒂,后者跟着紧张起来,并产生了一丝忧虑:“先祖,您在坦桑镇已经以身犯险了一次,这一次……” No, these time instead will not be dangerous,” Gawain shakes the head, „, so long as I found it promptly, then it is I of no threat has the means to control it to me.” “不,这一次反而不会那么危险,”高文摇了摇头,“只要我及时找到它,那么它对我就是毫无威胁的我有办法能控制它。” His reply has the self-confidence, this made Hetty also slightly relieved, but the latter could not bear the care say: „But if Viscount Victor Kant had been misled and controlled by Evil Cultist completely, can he be disadvantageous to you?” 他的回答颇有自信,这让赫蒂也稍微安心了些,但后者还是忍不住关心道:“可如果维克多·康德子爵已经被邪教徒完全蛊惑并控制,他会不会对您不利?” In this puts in order in the event, only then a person has to threaten my ability,” Hetty of Gawain looks at face care, smiled, „, but that person had been destroyed by me in the conscious space.” “在这整起事件中,只有一个人具备威胁到我的能力,”高文看着一脸关心的赫蒂,微微笑了起来,“但那个人已经在意识空间中被我摧毁了。” Talent home station address:. 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