SOD :: Volume #2

#169: Falls asleep again

Hears the Gawain's words, everyone has a big shock: Eternal Sleepers?!” 听到高文的话,所有人都大惊失色:“永眠者?!” This is completely not as they expected, always calm Hetty almost cannot grasp own magic staff, she stared the big eye to look at that mercenary chieftain eyes that fell dead on the ground: This is mercenary Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist disguises as?!” 这是完全出乎他们预料的,就连一向沉稳的赫蒂都差点拿不住自己的法杖,她瞪大眼睛看了那个倒毙在地上的佣兵头目一眼:“这个佣兵永眠者邪教徒假扮的?!” No, he was regarded the springboard by Eternal Sleepers,” Gawain is rubbing the forehead, was saying intelligence obtained from Evil Cultist there, this fellow had a nightmare in some time of past probably unfortunately, but powerful Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist left behind the coordinates with the aid of the nightmare in his mind, as the matter stands, he became single use carrier, can make arrival of that Evil Cultist in having the need situation fast ‚’.” “不,他只是被永眠者当成了跳板,”高文揉着眉心,说着自己从邪教徒那里得到的情报,“这个家伙大概是在过去的某个时间不幸做了一个噩梦,而一个强大的永眠者邪教徒借助噩梦在他心灵中留下了坐标,这样一来,他就成了个一次性的‘载体’,可以让那个邪教徒在有需要的情况下快速‘降临’。” The so strange fact made Amber have goosebumps: This Evil Cultist how is sounds like weird than what All Things Finally Die Society?!” 这般诡异的事实让琥珀起了一层鸡皮疙瘩:“这种邪教徒怎么听起来比什么万物终亡会还邪门?!” Eternal Sleepers is truly stranger than All Things Finally Die Society,” Pittman sinking sound said, as has accepted inheritance Druid truly, his matter understanding Evil Cultist aspect quite a lot, Eternal Sleepers is God of Dreams Church degenerate and transformation comes, they are the Priest of comforting will of the people and pursuit nightmare, but actually turned into the knitting nightmare and frightened expert after degenerate, most powerful Eternal Sleepers Bishops has in the ability that in Dreamland of person walks, moreover they can connect the Dreamland of person and person, thus mysteriously appeared and disappeared by oneself, virtually impossible to guard against. Their special abilities make them compare general Evil Cultist more frightening, but many calculates a good news the conduct of being...... Eternal Sleepers not like All Things Finally Die or Children of the Storm extreme bloody, they drag into all kinds of nightmares or the illusions, occasionally makes some kidnapping the things, but will rarely make to slaughter on own initiative.” 永眠者确实比万物终亡会更加诡异,”皮特曼沉声说道,作为真正接受过传承的德鲁伊,他对邪教徒方面的事情了解颇多,“永眠者梦境之神教会堕落、转化而来,他们原本是安抚人心、驱逐噩梦的牧师,但在堕落之后却变成了编织噩梦与恐惧的行家里手,最强大的永眠者主教们都有在人的梦境中行走的能力,而且他们可以把人和人的梦境串联起来,从而让自己更加神出鬼没,防不胜防。他们特殊的能力让他们比一般的邪教徒更令人恐惧,但多少算个好消息的是……永眠者的行事并不像万物终亡或者风暴之子那样极端血腥,他们只是把人拉入各种各样的噩梦或幻象中,偶尔做些绑架的事情,但很少会主动制造杀戮。” Hears this, Hetty also said looking pensive: I had also heard the matter of Eternal Sleepers mission, they truly rarely made the wide scope the death, but their actions actually compared other evil cult group to be stranger weird, I felt that their types as if are hiding any huge plan, the evil cult group that usually did not kill people must be more fearful.” 听到这,赫蒂也若有所思地说道:“我也听说过永眠者教团的事情,他们确实很少制造大范围的死亡事件,但他们的行动却比别的邪教团更诡异怪诞,我个人感觉他们这种仿佛隐藏着什么巨大计划,平常不怎么杀人的邪教团体要更加可怕一些。” Gawain feels very much the same way: Wanting is dark Religion, is not dangerous, they do not kill people, can only explain that they will do compared with killing people a more dreadful matter, but these things slaughter compared with the manufacture also virtually impossible to guard against. Furthermore...... Eternal Sleepers All Things Finally Die Society of only besides Children of the Storm with dark Religion that had to do, All Things Finally Die and Children of the Storm were brutal bloody Religion, can be together same place Eternal Sleepers with them...... possibly is not the kindhearted generation.” 高文深有同感:“只要是黑暗教派,就没有不危险的,他们不杀人,就只能说明他们会做比杀人更可怕的事情,而那些事情比制造杀戮还防不胜防。再者说了……永眠者是除风暴之子外唯一一个跟万物终亡会打交道的黑暗教派,万物终亡风暴之子都是残酷血腥的教派,能跟他们相处到一起的永眠者……不可能是良善之辈。” I more listened to more to terrify to fluster,” Amber could not bear rub the arm, as if must rub general the goosebumps, she raised the head curiously looks at Gawain, that were you towed by Eternal Sleepers to their nightmare a moment ago ‚’ in? Then? Did you run?” “我越听越瘆得慌了,”琥珀忍不住搓了搓胳膊,仿佛要把鸡皮疙瘩搓下来一般,紧接着她好奇地抬头看着高文,“那刚才你是被永眠者拖到他们的‘噩梦’里了?然后呢?你跑出来了?” Gawain smiles: We disputed in the conscious world, then the fellow died, mostly is not the fierce role.” 高文笑了笑:“我们在意识世界里较量了一下,然后那家伙就死了,多半不是什么厉害角色。” Amber, Hetty also quite worshipped and believed looks at own great ancestor Grandpa ancestor ancestor, only then Pittman suspected that sized up Gawain several up and down: Can conduct Eternal Sleepers that the thought arrives at...... to be the small role?” 琥珀哦了一声,赫蒂也颇为崇拜且信服地看着自己的太祖祖祖爷爷,只有皮特曼怀疑地上下打量了高文几眼:“能够进行意念降临的永眠者……会是小角色?” Without me is in any case fierce,” Gawain shrugs, that fellow had died in any case, he before death some fiercely not important.” “反正没我厉害,”高文耸耸肩,“反正那家伙已经死了,他生前有多厉害也不重要。” Hetty seems a little anxious: „But why the key is Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist will attack you...... previous time All Things Finally Die Society also can be said as an accident/surprise, that degenerate Druid real goal is Tanzan Town, but this time Eternal Sleepers obviously comes to you, that mercenary chieftain when was occupied called your name clearly!” 赫蒂显得有点忧虑:“但关键是一个永眠者邪教徒为什么会袭击您……上次的万物终亡会还可以说是个意外,那堕落德鲁伊真正的目标是坦桑镇,可是这次的永眠者明显就是冲着您来的,那个佣兵头目在被‘占据’的时候清楚地喊出了您的名字!” The Gawain expression follows to enforce, he knows that the worry of Hetty is not groundless. 高文表情跟着严肃起来,他知道赫蒂的担心不无道理。 Dying and being reborn Gawain Cecil, has truly started to bring to the attention of certain dark forces. 死而复生的高文·塞西尔,确实已经开始引起某些黑暗势力的注意了。 The memory of that Evil Cultist remnant soul reading, although are not many, but can also piece together him in some thought and experiences of recent time. Gawain can determine that Evil Cultist moves for many years in Southern Region, he left behind the nightmare coordinates on this region thousands of victims, but that mercenary chieftain is one of them, he acts to capture this matter in catches Nu is only coincidence but that mercenary chieftain back Eternal Sleepers of stares at is actually not a day two days. 从那名邪教徒的残魂中读取的记忆虽然不多,但也可以拼凑出他在最近期的一些思想和经历。高文可以确定那名邪教徒南境活动多年,他在这一地带数以千计的受害者身上留下了噩梦坐标,而那个佣兵头目正好是其中之一,他在捕奴行动抓获这件事本身只是个巧合但那个佣兵头目背后的永眠者盯上自己却不是一天两天的。 Knew from the conversation that Evil Cultist cares about Gawain Cecil some secret departs as well as so-called Eternal Dark Sea Territory very much, after Gawain uncovers the coffin , but passes on the news, perhaps that Evil Cultist has been planning this contact. 从交谈中得知,那个邪教徒很在意高文·塞西尔的某次秘密出航以及所谓的“永暗海域”,所以在高文揭棺而起并把消息传出来之后,那个邪教徒恐怕就已经在计划这次接触了。 But fell into the mercenary chieftain in Gawain hand to give him by chance ahead of time a perfect good opportunity, but that Evil Cultist do not think, he planted unexpectedly directly in this good opportunity...... 而恰巧落入高文手中的佣兵头目只是提前给了他个完美的良机,只不过那个邪教徒自己都不会想到,他竟然就直接栽死在了这个良机里…… Eternal Sleepers Bishop died inexplicably, but this does not mean the conclusion that makes a harassing attack, Gawain thinks definitely also has other dark Religion or the mysterious organization is staring at that so-called Eternal Dark Sea Territory and secret departs perhaps is involving a huge secret, it makes most covert evil cult Bishop take risks sufficiently vigilantly, naturally can also cause the curiosity of other hiding. 一个永眠者主教就这么不明不白地死了,但这并不意味着袭扰的结束,高文认为肯定还有别的黑暗教派或者神秘组织在盯着自己那所谓“永暗海域”和“秘密出航”恐怕牵扯着一个巨大的秘密,它足以让最警惕最隐蔽的邪教主教都铤而走险,自然也能引起其他潜藏者的好奇心。 But the issue is his Gawain are also very curious that so-called Eternal Dark Sea Territory is what thing! 但问题是他高文自己也很好奇那所谓的“永暗海域”是个什么玩意儿啊! as matters stand, Gawain can comfort only own is is very neat, he who that Eternal Sleepers Bishop dies has not started mighty waves dead on Cecil Family Feudal Territory, this perhaps can give certain pryers to warn. 事到如今,高文唯一能安慰自己的就是那个永眠者主教死的很是干脆利落,他没有掀起一点波澜就死在了塞西尔家族领地上,这或许能给某些窥探者一些警告。 If in any case also has brave must come look for trouble, Gawain not to have other means that he can only, he be to then be tied down by care of one's family after all now, can't say does not gather him to instigate such as the wind? 反正如果还有胆大的要来找麻烦,高文也没别的办法,他只能接着,毕竟他现在是拖家带口的,总不能一言不合其怂如风吧? Pittman looked to keep a serious look Gawain, looked at face anxious Hetty, he sighed in a soft voice, similarly showed the serious expression saying: Lord Duke, I think that your time was the time considers my resignation application......” 皮特曼看了看表情严肃的高文,又看了看一脸忧虑的赫蒂,他轻声叹息,同样露出严肃的表情说道:“公爵大人,我认为您这次是时候好好考虑一下我的辞职申请了……” You must really want to run, now does not have the shadow, are you that type before travelling well the boss with the person who greets?” Gawain shot a look at this disgrace of Druids one, later beckons with the hand, came me in any case then, 2-3 small fish small shrimp are also insufficient to raise the big storm, I do not believe that help/gang to clamp the tail to cross 700 years of Evil Cultist to dare to organize a wave of army to hit now.” “你要真想跑,现在就已经没影了,你是那种会在跑路之前好好跟老板打招呼的人么?”高文瞥了这个德鲁伊之耻一眼,随后摆摆手,“反正来了我就接着,2-3小鱼小虾还不至于能掀起多大风浪,我就不信那帮夹着尾巴过了七百年的邪教徒现在敢组织一波大军打过来。” Afterward, he looked at one to sit in side, still murky that mage mercenary. 随后,他看了一眼坐在旁边的,仍然昏昏沉沉的那名法师佣兵 Hetty sees that asks immediately: Ancestor, but can also continue to interrogate?” 赫蒂见状立刻问道:“先祖,还要继续审讯么?” Gawain shakes the head: need not, had continued to close him, after a period of time looks at the situation again.” 高文摇摇头:“已经不用了,把他继续关着,过一段时间再看情况。” He does not have the consideration to execute this mage mercenary directly, but did not plan that the opposite party bleeds off that time rescues the refugee action to regard as battle words the north wilderness time, at present this mercenary is the Cecil Family prisoner of war, under the law of this time, this kind of prisoner of war will be regarded the slave directly, makes up for his master to arrest him by the life-long service in the battlefield the weapon and manpower of loss, but Gawain has not thought that must give this type prisoner of war slave to arrange the reform-through-labor of what kind well. 他没有考虑要直接处死这个法师佣兵,但也并不打算把对方放掉将北方荒野的那次解救流民行动视作一次战斗的话,眼前这个佣兵就是塞西尔家族的战俘,按照这个时代的法律,此类战俘会被直接当成奴隶,以终生劳役来弥补其主人在战场上抓捕他而损耗的武器和人力,可是高文现在还没想好要给这种“战俘奴隶”安排什么样的劳动改造。 Cecil territory is short of manpower now very much, therefore Gawain did not mind that makes such a captive through acting as labour force displays the value, this is much more cost-effective than the execution or the exile, but the opposite party after all is 2nd Level Spellcaster, throws in western mine to mine one to waste him directly, secondly Gawain had not felt relieved, therefore makes his what are you doing...... also really consider specifically. 塞西尔领现在很缺人,所以高文并不介意让这样一个俘虏通过充当劳动力来发挥价值,这比处死或流放都划算得多,但对方毕竟是个二级施法者,把他直接扔到西边的矿山里挖矿一来浪费,二来高文还不放心,所以具体让他干什么……还真得好好考虑考虑。 Hetty does not have the objection to the Gawain's arrangement, but she cares about these mercenary to catch to plunder refugee in the Clearwater River northern wilderness very much for anything: „Didn't we investigate Kant Family to hire these mercenary to catch to plunder the refugee matter?” 赫蒂高文的安排没有异议,不过她还是很在意这些佣兵白水河北部的旷野中捕掠流民到底是为了什么:“我们不调查康德家族雇佣这些佣兵捕掠流民的事情了?” „...... Right,” Gawain could not bear rub own forehead, it seems like in conscious world had the influence with that confrontation of Evil Cultist, he completely forgot unexpectedly the originally goal of interrogating these two mercenary, I was a little exhausted, forgot this matter. Good, Hetty, Pittman, this matter gives you two, had not finished while the effect of potion and ceremony, why inquired Kant Family in Frost Month catches Nu is. I must go back to rest, you later told me to be good the result of interrogation.” “啊……对,”高文忍不住揉了揉自己的额头,看来与那个邪教徒意识世界中的交锋还是造成了影响,他竟然完全忘记了审讯这两个佣兵的原本目的,“我有点疲惫,把这件事忘了。好吧,赫蒂,皮特曼,这件事交给你们两个,趁着药水和仪式的效果还没结束,询问一下康德家族霜月捕奴到底是为什么。我得回去休息一下,你们之后把审讯的结果告诉我就行。” After arranging here business, Gawain then returned to own tent. 在安排完这边的事务之后,高文便返回了自己的帐篷。 He truly exhausted spirit world deep place exhausted for a long time had reappeared, lets his conscious to oneself confrontation with that Evil Cultist not like relaxedness that oneself imagine. 他确实疲惫了精神世界深处的疲惫过了这么长时间才浮现出来,让他意识到自己与那个邪教徒的交锋并不像自己想象的那么轻松。 Even if remote thinking/proficiency, transfers that huge memory to swallow another mind is not that easy. 哪怕身为卫星精,调动那庞大的记忆去吞噬另外一个心智也不是那么容易的。 After returning to the tent in a while, he then heavy goes off on oneself bed, and falls asleep fast. 回到帐篷之后没过多久,他便在自己的床铺上沉沉睡去,并飞快地进入梦乡。 He in a strange place opening the eye, discovered oneself are standing in a long corridor. 他在一个陌生的地方“睁开”了眼睛,发现自己正站在一条长长的走廊中。 This corridor is the typical Ainz style, has same to play the part and the structural support with the castle construction that the South aristocrat likes, by a corridor prop partly buries in the wall, but on each prop is mounting a lightening magic crystal lamp. 这条走廊是典型的安苏风格,与南方贵族喜欢的城堡建筑有着同样的内饰和支撑结构,走廊两侧的支撑柱均半埋在墙壁里,而每个支撑柱上都镶嵌着一盏点亮的魔晶石灯。 But this is not the Cecil Family beforehand old castle, is not Tanzan Town Leslie Family castle, is not any castle internal appearance that in the Gawain memory knows. 可这并不是塞西尔家族以前的古堡,也不是坦桑镇莱斯利家族城堡,不是高文记忆中所知道的任何一座城堡内部的样子。 Perhaps almost immediately, Gawain entered Dreamland on conscious to oneself, moreover Dreamland that enters by the conscious sober condition, just the experience made his entire god alert to be vigilant with Evil Cultist has contacted instantaneously, and cannot bear the whisper in the heart: 几乎在第一时间,高文意识到自己恐怕又进入了一场梦境,而且还是以意识清醒的状态进入的梦境,刚刚与邪教徒接触过的经历让他瞬间全神戒备地警惕起来,并在心中忍不住嘀咕: How to come one wave quickly? This group are Evil Cultist the bottle gourd kids who save the grandfather?” “怎么这么快就又来一波?这帮邪教徒是救爷爷的葫芦娃么?” But quick, he discovered this time situation before is not quite same he not to wake up in a complete chaos space, no one weird and incomprehensible intrudes own Dreamland, so long as his also one type want, the feeling that can wake up momentarily, compared with drew in the imaginary space by Eternal Sleepers, this is more like a normal dream. 但很快,他就发现这次的情况与之前不太相同他并没有在一个完全混沌的空间中醒来,也没有人神神叨叨地闯入自己的梦境,他还有一种只要自己愿意,随时都可以醒来的感觉,比起被永眠者拖入假想空间,这更像是一场正常的梦。 Only with falling asleep differently, is maintaining the unusual sobriety. 唯一与入梦不同的,就是自己保持着异乎寻常的清醒。 No, many differences...... 不,还有更多的不同…… The Gawain heart has a feeling to look to own hand, had consciously to outline a shape of some type of object, the next second, he then discovered in own hand had/left one can of being canned Cola. 高文心有所感地看向自己的手,有意识地勾勒了一下某样物体的形态,下一秒,他便发现自己手中多出了一罐听装的可乐。 In this sober Dreamland, he as if can create the thing that the innermost feelings think. 在这个清醒的梦境中,他似乎可以创造出自己内心所想的事物。
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