SOD :: Volume #2

#168: By devourer

Gawain does not know that own soul exactly had anything to change, but he can affirm oneself soul in the time of crossed over then already completely mutation, otherwise does not have any explanation can show why a person hung for dozens over a million years the space later can still maintain the normalcy of intelligence unexpectedly, moreover not only consciousness was normal, but also remembers that the clear past dozens over a million years overlooked the land acquired huge to the frightening message data, can be not the least bit off, no damage preservation in his memory, until now can still read accurately. 高文不知道自己的灵魂到底发生了什么变化,但他可以肯定自己的灵魂早在穿越发生的时刻便已经完全变异,否则没有任何解释可以说明为什么一个人在天上挂了几十上百万年之后竟仍能保持神智的正常,而且不但神志正常,还记忆清晰过去几十上百万年俯视大地所收集到的庞大到令人恐惧的信息数据,可以丝毫不差、毫无损毁地保存在他的记忆中,直到现在仍然能够准确读取。 But is a little certain: Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist soul has not made this transformation obviously. 但有一点是可以肯定的:永眠者邪教徒灵魂显然没有进行过这种改造。 In just several seconds traversal several hundred thousand even several million years of huge monitoring records, to was still mortal soul Evil Cultist had the influence of destructive essentially. 在短短几秒钟内遍历几十万甚至几百万年的庞大监控记录,对本质上仍然是凡人灵魂邪教徒造成了毁灭性的影响。 When that Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist mind and soul gradually crash insignificant fragment, Gawain absent-minded touched some conscious fragments indirectly, these disorderly shatter data flow in his mind, in his huge creates the spray that a point nearly is unable to detect to the frightening memory mass , if not Gawain spirit is centralized, perhaps he will not even notice himself to plunder something to come from this Evil Cultist remnant soul, but after careful induction, he confirmed that is some memories of Evil Cultist surviving. 当那个永眠者邪教徒心智灵魂逐渐崩塌成无意义的碎片时,高文恍惚间接触到了一些意识的残片,这些凌乱破碎的数据流入他的脑海,在他那庞大到令人恐惧的记忆体量中激起了一点近乎无法察觉的浪花,如果不是高文精神集中,他恐怕甚至不会注意到自己从这个邪教徒的残魂中掠夺了一些东西过来而在仔细感应之后,他确认了那是邪教徒残存的一些记忆。 What a pity is, the quantity is few, and torn to pieces inadequate logic, and as a result of Evil Cultist thought chaos, what in these memories is also flooding massive chaos disorder the conjecture of distortion shadow and crazy is worse is because Eternal Sleepers immerses in Dreamland, the truth of these memories become is unable to distinguish, Gawain cannot determine in these pictures to have many are happened actually , how many are the Eternal Sleepers sleep mesencephalon make up come out. 可惜的是,量很少,并且支离破碎不成逻辑,而且由于邪教徒本身的思维混乱,那些记忆中也充斥着大量混沌无规律的扭曲阴影和疯癫的臆想更糟的是由于永眠者沉醉于梦境之中,这些记忆的真伪也就变得无从分辨,高文并不能确定那些画面中有多少是实际发生的,又有多少是永眠者睡梦中脑补出来的。 According to material that a few can read, he understood at present this Eternal Sleepers existence form. 只是根据少数能够读取的资料,他明白了眼前这个永眠者的“存在”形式。 The opposite party as if abandoned oneself meat. The body or own physical body transforms some type fearsome, the inhuman shape, he sees some crazy ceremonies in the Evil Cultist memory, in that ceremony has the limbs ablation and soul to leave the body scene, but later is wander in one by one new body and at the scene of that Evil Cultist in others 's Dreamland and memory stroll. 对方似乎抛弃了自己的肉.体或者是将自己的肉体转化成了某种可怖的、非人的形态,他在邪教徒的记忆中看到一些疯狂的仪式,那仪式中有肢体消融、灵魂脱出躯壳的景象,而之后便是邪教徒一个个新的躯壳之间游荡、在他人的梦境与记忆中漫步的场景。 This Eternal Sleepers as if flying upwards own soul, thus had this type in the fearful ability that Human Race mind shifts. 这个永眠者似乎“飞升”了自己的灵魂,从而具备了这种在人类心智之间转移的可怕能力。 Fortunately, this flying upwards ceremony requests obviously high, moreover before during the opposite party conversations also divulged him Bishop above the position in the entire evil cult group, therefore has Evil Cultist of this fearful ability to be extremely few, and their whole time should not in the present world activity. 幸运的是,这种飞升仪式显然要求甚高,而且之前对方言谈间也泄露了他在整个邪教团体中主教以上的地位,所以具备这种可怕能力的邪教徒应该极少,并且他们大部分时间应该也不会在现世活动。 The surrounding chaos space was still breaking up unceasingly, supports the strength that it has to retreat, before this Dreamland vanishes thoroughly, Gawain seize the moment concentrates spirit, in Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist that surviving in spirit wisdom is searching for possibly valuable intelligence diligently. 周围的混沌空间仍然在不断崩解,支撑它存在的力量已经退去,而在这个“梦境”彻底消失之前,高文抓紧时间集中起精神,在永眠者邪教徒那残存的一点灵智中努力搜寻着可能有价值的情报 ...... …… In Kant territory ancient castle, the Victor Kant footsteps walk in a hurry in leading to the castle lower-level corridor, the magic crystal light will put in order indistinctly, in this old Viscount side that a corridor shines, the shadow is actually but similar some type of constant ornament to occupy, his body threw down a fuzzy shadow on the floor, the shadow with his footsteps in a hurry, but stretches and distorts unceasingly, as if has own will to be the same. 康德领的古老城堡中,维克多·康德正脚步匆匆地走在通往城堡下层的走廊中,魔晶石的灯光将整条走廊映照的影影绰绰,但在这个老子爵的身旁,阴影却仿佛某种恒定的装饰品般盘踞着,他的身体在地板上投下了一片模模糊糊的影子,影子随着他匆匆的脚步而不断拉伸、变形,就仿佛有着自己的意志一般。 In the eyes of old Viscount is glittering more and more illusory star light, his footsteps are even more hurried, even presented one to stagger gradually, he arrived at lower level castle, a leaf seems like quite heavy oak gate to tower in him at present. 子爵的双眼中闪烁着越来越虚幻的星光,他的脚步愈发匆忙,甚至渐渐出现了一丝踉跄,他来到了城堡下层,一扇看起来颇为沉重的橡木门耸立在他眼前。 Victor Viscount lives in the gate advance party, on the face appeared suddenly the hesitant and vacant look, after being similar that had anything to attract him, but he actually does not dare really to open the door to confirm general. 维克多子爵在门前站住,脸上突然浮现出了犹豫和茫然的神色,就仿佛那门后有什么东西在吸引着他,但他却不敢真的开门去验证一般。 He hesitated like this small meeting, finally places in the hand the gate, but before he himself catches up to open the front door, that door actually suddenly opened a wide seam. 他就这样犹豫了一小会,才终于把手放在门上,但在他自己发力推开大门之前,那扇门却突然自己打开了一条较宽的缝。 Point light indistinctly overflows from the gate, is raising the inspection lamp, puts on the long hair woman of white skirt to find out half body from the crack in a door, this is a seemingly under 30-year-old woman, her skin is fair, appearance beautiful, but has a morbid state faintly, the whole body disclosed that one type delicate to the makings of annoying the person arousing pity, she takes the inspection lamp, surprisedly and looks at stands in entrance Viscount curiously, shows a smile: Dear, how? Can you make me go out?” 一点影影绰绰的灯光从门背后泄出,一个提着提灯的、穿着白裙的长发女人从门缝里探出半个身子,这是一个看起来还不到30岁的女人,她的皮肤白皙,容颜美丽,但却隐隐带着一种病态,浑身透露出一种柔弱到惹人生怜的气质,她拿着提灯,惊讶而好奇地看着站在门口的子爵,露出一个微笑:“亲爱的,怎么了?你要让我出去吗?” I......, no,” on the old Viscount face do not flash through the flash the hesitation, the expression that but the next second, all absent-minded and worry about vanished from his face, the revealing smile that he resembles probably nothing happened, looks at the young wife, is all right at present, I come to see you. Descends the mountain also the meeting from Sun, you go back to rest, makes up a sleep/felt well, then gets up to have the dinner with me.” “我……不,没什么,”老子爵脸上闪过一瞬间的犹豫,但下一秒,所有恍惚和担忧的表情都从他脸上消失了,他就好像什么都没发生似的露出微笑,看着眼前年轻的妻子,“没事了,我只是来看看你。距离太阳下山还有一会,你回去睡吧,好好补个觉,然后起来和我共进晚餐。” Especially young Lady Viscountess bites the lip, said in a low voice: But dear, I am not sleepy.” 格外年轻的子爵夫人咬了咬嘴唇,低声说道:“可是亲爱的,我已经不困了。” Obedient, goes back to sleep,” old Viscount shakes the head, on the face brings gentle smiling, I cross can look for you.” “听话,回去睡觉,”老子爵摇摇头,脸上带着温柔的笑,“我过会来找你。” Young Lady Viscountess blinks, as if feels at ease, she nods, then takes the inspection lamp to return to the gate in again, that heavy oak front door also slowly closed, resounds the sound that a doorpost rotates in the castle corridor of nobody left. 年轻的子爵夫人眨了眨眼,似乎安心下来,她点点头,便拿着提灯再次退回到门内,那沉重的橡木大门随之缓缓闭合,在空无一人的城堡走廊中响起一阵门轴转动的吱呀声响。 Victor Kant stood at a loss the period of time, the expression when the entrance, later restored in the past that calm and gentle manner, turns around turns toward comes the direction to walk...... 维克多·康德在门口站了一阵子,表情茫然了一下,随后重新恢复了往日里那种沉稳而平和的神态,转身向着来时的方向走去…… Near Ainz Kingdom's Eastern Region, in the ancient and covert cave, All Things Finally Die Society female Dean Belterra opened the eye suddenly. 安苏王国的东境附近,古老而隐蔽的山洞中,万物终亡会的女教长贝尔提拉骤然睁大了眼睛。 As Church in frequent other evil cult groups with foreign affairs Bishop that” contact one, she long-term and several Eternal Sleepers high levels keep the spirit contact, but this Eternal Sleepers Bishop contacted Gawain Cecil to make her have some disaffection rashly, but that after all was the things of other missions, she had no right to interfere is not good to advise, then after can only and other opposite party complete the contact, inquired whether has harvested. 作为教会中频繁与其他邪教团接触的“外务主教”之一,她长期和几个永眠者高层保持精神联系,而这次一个永眠者主教贸然接触高文·塞西尔让她产生了些许的不满,只是那毕竟是其他教团的事情,她无权干涉也不好劝阻,便只能等对方完成接触之后再询问是否有所收获。 She believes that Bishop will certainly have the harvest after all, today's Gawain Cecil already no longer most flourishing, 700 years of deep sleep weakened his meat. Body and spirit, but has to be close to legendary strength nightmare Bishop in the spirit contest of level false legend with such a, is impossible to fall leeward. 她相信那位主教一定会有收获毕竟,今日的高文·塞西尔早已不复全盛,七百年的沉睡削弱了他的肉.体和精神,而一个有着接近传奇实力的噩梦主教精神层面与这样一个“伪传奇”较量,不可能落入下风。 But she and others is not that Eternal Sleepers Bishop attains the successful news greatly, but is one that soul of opposite party exudes wails, as well as through the huge fear that the spirit relation disseminates. 可是她等来的不是那名永眠者主教大获成功的消息,而是对方的灵魂发出的一声哀嚎,以及通过精神联系传播出来的巨大恐惧。 The mind response that afterward that belongs to Eternal Sleepers then vanished, seemed swallowed by some fearful devourer one, the thorough digestion completely vanishes. 随后那个属于永眠者的心灵反应便消失了,仿佛被某种可怕的吞噬者一口吞下,彻底消化般完全消失。 Belterra felt that huge fear from the spirit relation, as well as hid the accident/surprise and being frightened in fear, what thing but she could not imagine in the Gawain Cecil conscious world to have completely, can swallow a Bishop rank Eternal Sleepers, even also made him before the end so frightened the believer who these were good at playing with the will of the people to make and enjoy the expert of nightmare, will their will so collapse at the first blow? 贝尔提拉精神联系中感受到了那种巨大的恐惧,以及隐藏在恐惧中的意外和惊惶,但她完全想象不到高文·塞西尔意识世界中到底有什么东西,可以吞噬掉一个主教级别的永眠者,甚至还让他在临终前如此恐惧那些擅长玩弄人心的教徒可是制造和享受噩梦的行家里手,他们的心志怎么会如此不堪一击? In the doubts, the Belterra choice visits several other to have related mind with her, that is the Eternal Sleepers mission in Ainz several high level members , is that falling from the sky Eternal Sleepers Bishop maintains the person of relation. 在疑惑间,贝尔提拉选择造访另外几个与她有所联系的心智,那是永眠者教团在安苏的几名高阶成员,也是和那位陨落的永眠者主教保持联系之人。 But after Spirit Link establishes, before she asks, nightmare Bishop then sends in the news on own initiative: Roderic Bishop fell from the sky.” 但在精神连接建立之后,她开口询问之前,一名噩梦主教便主动发来消息:“罗德里克主教陨落了。” He was swallowed with the spirit contact of Gawain Cecil.” Another Nightmare Master added. “他是在和高文·塞西尔精神接触中被吞噬的。”另一名噩梦导师补充道。 What exactly had?” Belterra asked hard to endure curiously, „did he have to send out any message before falling from the sky?!” “到底发生了什么?”贝尔提拉难忍好奇地问道,“他在陨落之前有发出任何消息么?!” The internal spirit relation between Eternal Sleepers wants the spirit of far ratio and bystander relates closely, Belterra has not heard any spoken language from just before the end thought of Roderic Bishop, but perhaps other maintain connection Eternal Sleepers to know anything. 永眠者之间的内部精神联系要远比和外人的精神联系紧密,贝尔提拉没有从罗德里克主教的临终思维中听到任何言语,但或许其他保持连接的永眠者能知道些什么。 Several mind in Spirit Link silent several seconds, finally, a nightmare Bishop reply: He only sends out a few words with enough time outward 精神连接中的几个心智沉默了几秒钟,终于,一个噩梦主教回复了:“他只来得及向外发出一句话” The next second, before Roderic was swallowed, shouts, has intense obsession and a few words of sentimental mark then blasts open in the Belterra mind: 下一秒,罗德里克被吞噬前所嘶吼出的、带有强烈执念与感情印记的一句话便在贝尔提拉的脑海中炸裂: Do not spy on this inhuman soul!!” “不要来窥探这个非人的灵魂!!” ...... …… Gawain opened the eye, he discovered that oneself still stood, in that in hut that detains the captive. 高文睁开了眼睛,他发现自己仍然站在那个关押俘虏的小屋中。 That was regarded the mercenary chieftain of springboard and sacrificial victim by Eternal Sleepers has fallen dead on the ground, this vigorous and healthy man seven orifices bleeds, the entire head like had been boiled general red, even also braves steam slightly, his expression of that distortion fully showed how he suffered the terrifying pain before dying, but that mercenary mage still sat in side murkily, as if not detected the matter of side. 那名被永眠者当成跳板和牺牲品的佣兵头目已经倒毙在地上,这个健壮的男人七窍流血,整个头颅就像被煮过一般通红,甚至还冒着微微的热气,他那扭曲的表情足以说明他在死前遭受了怎样恐怖的痛苦,而那名佣兵法师则仍然昏昏沉沉地坐在旁边,似乎对身旁发生的事情毫无察觉。 Hetty, Pittman, Amber and the others stand in his surroundings, everyone uses nervous concerned vision looks at. 赫蒂皮特曼琥珀等人则站在他的周围,每个人都用紧张而关切的目光看着自己。 What's wrong?” Gawain flings the head, thoroughly eliminates that uncomfortableness that in the mind survives, later grows the tone, „did I lose conscious a moment ago?” “怎么了?”高文甩甩脑袋,将脑海中残存的那一点不适感彻底清除出去,随后长出口气,“我刚才是不是失去意识了?” Ancestor, you were all right are good!” Hetty grows the tone finally, the cold sweat from the forehead flows in the flash that she relaxes, she ignores the demeanor to clash to inspect the Gawain's situation, „are you all right? Are you all right? That mercenary erupted powerful mana a moment ago suddenly, later you then stood here motionlessly, our everyone scared!” “先祖,您没事太好了!”赫蒂终于长出口气,冷汗在她放松的一瞬间才从额头流淌下来,她不顾风度地冲上来检查着高文的情况,“您没事吧?您没事吧?刚才那个佣兵突然爆发出了一阵强大的魔力,随后您便站在这里一动不动,我们每个人都吓坏了!” I am all right, I am all right,” Gawain is comforting already the big granddaughter who a little has a fit of bad temper, knits the brows, how long do I lose conscious?” “我没事,我没事,”高文安慰着已经有点炸毛的大孙女,紧接着皱起眉,“我失去意识多长时间?” „It is not long, only has several minutes probably,” Pittman also scratched the forehead cold sweat, luckily you are all right, otherwise I some people must certainly say that today horizontally is I tosses about the fake medicine to have something go wrong.” “并不长,大概只有几分钟,”皮特曼也擦了擦额头冷汗,“幸亏您没事,否则我今天得横着出去肯定有人要说是我折腾假药出了岔子。” Amber stares little old man one immediately: Really and fumigates with incense with these suspicious medicinal ointments that you do toss about are not related?!” 琥珀立刻瞪了小老头一眼:“真的跟你折腾出来的这些可疑药膏和熏香没关系?!” Has not truly related with him,” Gawain beckons with the hand, in the heart determined the time speed of flow in that conscious space seems like truly different from the outside world, he in that felt that at least passed for quite a while, but only has several minutes outside, Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist tried to corrode my spirit a moment ago.” “确实跟他没关系,”高文摆摆手,心中确定了在那个意识空间中的时间流速看来确实跟外界不一样,他在那里面感觉至少过了大半天,可是在外面才只有几分钟而已,“刚才有一个永眠者邪教徒试图侵蚀我的精神。” All people are startled: Eternal Sleepers?!” 所有人大吃一惊:“永眠者?!” Talent home station address:. 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