SOD :: Volume #2

#167: Does dies greatly

Eternal Sleepers. 永眠者 When hears these three characters, in Gawain heart not too big surprise. 在听到这三个字的时候,高文心中并没有太大的意外。 Whose he thinks is or what influence can cope with itself, and with this type different conventions the Royal Capital aristocrat who the method harbors evil intentions only dares to make some secretly under short rope/obstruction the petty action, the necessity that the royal family aspect at present also does not have any and oppose, but in addition, Cecil Family on any influence with eye previous life has not had what benefit dispute inborn except for these with everyone violates to Evil Cultist. 他思索过是什么人或者什么势力会来对付自己,并且采用这种“不同常规”的手段居心叵测的王都贵族只敢做些暗地里下绊子的小动作,王室方面则目前还没有任何与自己作对的必要,而除此之外,塞西尔家族并没有和目前世界上的任何势力产生什么利益纠葛除了那些天生跟所有人都犯冲的邪教徒 But in main several evil cult influences, Eternal Sleepers is measures strangely not, most excels at mind evil spell. 而在最主要的几个邪教势力中,永眠者是最诡异莫测,也最擅长心灵方面邪术的。 Gawain brought to size up surrounding scene curiously again, he has to sigh this illusion superb skill, all in line of sight imitated, if real, magic tower that no matter these stood tall and erect covered the giant energy sky over Imperial Capital protects the shield, or Imperial Capital nearby Deep Blue Well light beam, could not see that the slight defect of illusion came slightly, moreover here also has the real sense of touch, under the present round table and body chair gives people a feeling of true and real, Gawain even had the reason to believe that of these snack on table in swallowing the mouth will have the flavor. 高文带着好奇再次打量了周围的景象一圈,他不得不感叹这场“幻象”的技艺高超,视线中的一切都仿若真实,不管是那些高耸的魔法还是笼罩在帝都上空的巨型能量护盾,亦或者帝都旁边的深蓝之井光束,都看不出丝毫幻象的瑕疵来,而且这里还有着真实的触觉,眼前的圆桌和身子底下的椅子都给人一种实实在在的感觉,高文甚至有理由相信桌子上的那些茶点在吃进嘴里的时候都是会有味道的。 This is is very easy to perish world. 这实在是个很容易让人沉沦其中的世界。 But this world is real, in his heart instead even more is vigilant. 但这个世界越是真实,他心中就反而越发警惕。 Therefore he controlled the expression on oneself face, was not revealed the mood to speak thoughtlessly to commend one by oneself diligently slightly: I heard that Eternal Sleepers is good at making the illusion and Dreamland, but this is my first own contact, has saying that you technology in this aspect are very high.” 所以他控制好了自己脸上的表情,努力不让自己流露出丝毫情绪地随口称赞了一句:“我听说永眠者擅长制造幻象与梦境,但这是我第一次亲身接触,不得不说,你们在这方面的技术很高。” If the person depends upon the so-called vision, sense of touch and sense of smell to be able perception to arrive at existence of the world, so long as that simulated these things perfectly, what so-called realistic and illusory also has to distinguish?” white-robed person said with the strange intonation that type does not distinguish the men and women, compared with perishing, but dark reality, if perfect Dreamland aren't better?” “如果人依靠所谓的视觉、触觉、嗅觉才能感知到世界的存在,那么只要完美模拟了这些东西,所谓现实和虚幻还有什么区别呢?”白袍人用那种不辨男女的怪异声调说道,“比起沉沦而黑暗的现实,如果有一个完美的梦境不是更好么?” But in this perfect in Dreamland, was Your Excellency this appearance garish?” Gawain looks at present white-robed person, could not endure opposite party that seeking novelty appearance and neither masculine nor feminine voice finally, what, no matter you must discuss with me, can show by the true colors? Moreover you had not introduced to the present who are, this as if not tally very much with the etiquette that the person talked.” “但在这个‘完美’的梦境里,阁下这副打扮是不是扎眼了点?”高文看着眼前的白袍人,终于忍不了对方那种猎奇的打扮和不男不女的声线,“不管你要和我谈什么,总得以真面目示人吧?而且到现在你还没介绍过自己是谁,这似乎也不是很符合与人交谈的礼仪。” „Below just one trivial sought, the person of death did not need what surname and name, but as for the so-called true colors...... really arrested in the words that the people in real world can say,” that white-robed person is sighing, but his image changed suddenly, that mask on as if running water ablation on his face, but under mask was actually one changes unceasingly, even in the appearance that various everybody facial features switch over, was a pity that arrested in the person of reality is unable to understand forever the death Dreamland was what kind of great, in this perfect world, so- said. The appearance of individual has become does not have the significance, then you thought that which appearance I do use more appropriate? Is this...... this?” “在下只不过一个区区的求道者而已,永眠之人不需要什么姓氏与名字,而至于所谓的真面目……果然是拘于现实世界的人会说出的话,”那白袍人感叹着,而他的形象则突然变化起来,那面具就仿佛流水般消融在他脸上,但在面具之下的却是一副不断改变的,甚至在男女老幼各种面容之间切换的容貌,“可惜拘于现实的人永远也无法理解永眠的梦境是何等伟大,在这个完美的世界里,所谓个体的容貌已经变得毫无意义,那么您觉得我用哪种容貌更合适一点呢?是这一张……还是这一张?” The face of white-robed person constantly is changing, but in each face brings the taunt and despising, Gawain actually calmly looks at he pinches the face in that to oneself, waited for a half minute to say lightly: Such is changing, unceasing refresh is good.” 白袍人的面孔不断变化着,但每一副面孔中都带着嘲讽与鄙夷,高文却只是静静地看着他在那自己给自己捏脸,等了半分钟才淡淡说道:“就这么变着吧,不断刷新挺好的。” The face of white-robed person stopped the change suddenly, frames in solemn middle-aged person facial features. 白袍人的面孔突然停止了变化,定格在一张冷峻的中年人面容上。 It seems like you have the sufficient patience to come with me to wear down, what a pity I did not have patiently,” this solemn-looking middle-aged person no longer spoke the idle talk finally, his with fixed eyes is staring at the Gawain's eye, I called this place Your Excellency, actually nothing but wants to understand a matter to you.” “看来您有着充足的耐心来和我消磨,可惜我没有耐心了,”这个面容冷峻的中年人终于不再说废话,他直勾勾地盯着高文的眼睛,“我把阁下叫到这个地方,其实无非是想向您了解一件事。” What matter?” “什么事?” You in Sea Territory that these lose, what saw?” “您在那些失落的海域中,到底看到了什么?” Before Gawain calm somewhat performs somewhat, but this time confused actually real: What did you say?” 高文之前的镇定多多少少有几分是表演的,但这时候的蒙圈却是真的:“你说什么?” However the white robe middle-aged person actually regarded some type to deceive Gawain this being confused expression, he knit the brows: Your need not disguises silly, your I am very clear so-called Eternal Dark Sea Territory to refer to anything, bystander perhaps who do not know your secret departing, but stepped the person of route has to live us is very clear your during that time to have the explicit goal with you at that time together to enter Eternal Dark Sea Territory, and obtained some inspiration there, even brought back to some type of thing...... but we are extremely curious.” 然而白袍中年人却把高文这种一头雾水的表情当成了某种愚弄,他皱皱眉:“您不用假装糊涂,你我都很清楚所谓‘永暗海域’指的是什么东西,外人或许谁都不知道您那次秘密的出航,但当时与您一同踏上航路的人还是有活着回来的我们都很清楚您当年带着明确的目的进入了永暗海域,并在那里得到了某种启迪,甚至带回了某种东西……而我们对此万分好奇。” In the Gawain heart turned mighty waves suddenly. 高文心中突然翻起了一阵波澜。 This Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist knows secret that Gawain Cecil do not even remember! 这个永眠者邪教徒知道一段连高文·塞西尔自己都已经不记得的秘密! Was Eternal Dark Sea Territory that he mentioned what? He mentioned that what the Gawain Cecil secret does depart is? Enlightens the thing that as well as brings back to is what?! 他提到的永暗海域是什么?他提到高文·塞西尔的秘密出航是什么?启迪以及带回的东西又是什么?! Gawain thinking of these crystal, these were given Mithril Treasury taking care by the original master of oneself this body suddenly, but hasn't actually made the impression crystal all things to relate one in the memory slightly here?! 高文突然联想到了那些水晶,那些由自己这具身体的原主人交给秘银宝库保管、但却在记忆中丝毫没有留下印象的水晶难道一切事情都在这里联系到了一起?! However Gawain must at this time forcefully all astonished hides with psychological fluctuation, he earnestly hopes that can draw out what words to come the opposite party from this Evil Cultist mouth unable to think at present in any event, Gawain Cecil within the body is hiding external soul, this cheats the breach of opposite party! 然而高文这时候必须强行把所有的惊愕与心理波动都掩藏起来,他迫切希望可以从眼前这个邪教徒口中套出什么话来对方无论如何都想不到,高文·塞西尔的体内藏着一个外来的灵魂,这就是哄骗对方的突破口! Is you wants to know, your back Eternal Sleepers mission wants to know, or...... is more people wants to know?” His seriously looks at present middle-aged man, in the tone does not have to vacillate slightly. “是你想知道,还是你背后的永眠者教团想知道,或者……是更多的人想知道?”他表情严肃地看着眼前的中年男人,语气中没有丝毫动摇。 If I said that this is only my curiosity, you will perhaps not believe that” middle-aged person shows a stiff smile, this is the entire Eternal Sleepers mission the matter that cares about be please believing me, resolves to destroy the group of the world unlike these, although Eternal Sleepers was also regarded as evil cult by you ‚’, all that but we make want to protect world all living things, although our methods sometimes meet are understood by the bystander, but I believe that the inspiration that if you obtain in Eternal Dark Sea Territory the truth about this world...... you will certainly understand the Eternal Sleepers actions.” “如果我说这只是我个人的好奇心,您恐怕不会信,”中年人露出一个僵硬的微笑,“这是整个永眠者教团都在关心的事情请相信我,与那些立志毁灭世界的团体不一样,永眠者虽然也被你们视作‘邪教’,但我们所做的一切都只是想保护世间众生而已,虽然我们有时候的手段会不被外人理解,但我认为,如果您在永暗海域中得到的启迪是关于这个世界的真相……那么您一定会理解永眠者的所作所为。” Gawain Cecil in that so-called will the inspiration that Eternal Dark Sea Territory obtains, cause him to approve the behavior of Eternal Sleepers this evil cult group? 高文·塞西尔在那个所谓的“永暗海域”得到的启迪,会导致他认同永眠者这种邪教团的行为? These words information content was bigger! 这句话信息量更大了! Gawain puts on a serious face diligently, is staring at the eyes of middle-aged person, about me at the Eternal Dark Sea Territory matter, God knows? How do you know?” 高文更加努力地板起脸,盯着中年人的眼睛,“关于我在永暗海域的事情,还有谁知道?你们又是怎么知道的?” I have said that during that time has to live with the person who you depart together . Moreover, I can tell you incessantly now clearly, places including Eternal Sleepers in your informer,” middle-aged person replied confidently, „, but as for also had God knows this secret, please relax, the person was few, even if in the Eternal Sleepers mission, only then above nightmare Bishop some talents knew some situations. We have no intention to proliferate this not to have the advantage this secret, moreover regarding the forgetful and mediocre average person, 700 years ago ancient secrets is not the matter that they can care about.” “我说过,当年跟您一起出航的人有活着回来的,而且不止一个,我现在就可以明确地告诉您,其中包括永眠者安插在您身边的眼线,”中年人坦然答道,“而至于还有谁知道这个秘密,请放心,人很少,哪怕在永眠者教团中,也只有噩梦主教以上的少部分人才了解部分情况。我们无意将这个秘密扩散开去这没有好处,而且对于健忘且庸庸碌碌的普通人而言,七百年前的古老秘密也不是他们会关心的事情。” I truly brought back to the thing from there,” the Gawain decision slightly is loose a end opening, later continues the polite talk, how, but you affirmed, if I understood that there the truth of so-called world, will certainly understand your Evil Cultist thought? In other words how you determined that I will coordinate you?” “我确实从那里带回了东西,”高文决定稍微松一下口,随后继续套话,“但你们怎么肯定,如果我在那里了解到了所谓世界的真相,就一定会理解你们这些邪教徒的思想?换句话说你怎么确定我会配合你?” Gawain attempt lets that some situations that this idle talk many Evil Cultist say him to know at present on own initiative, said during that time Gawain Cecil to set sail to go to the Eternal Dark Sea Territory cause and effect, however the present middle-aged man actually closed the mouth suddenly, after several seconds the faint smile opened the mouth saying: „ Yes, I know certainly that you will not coordinate me, knows that you will not reply my any issue, you are 700 years ago big heroes, because how possibly Evil Cultist and you rubbish how many, trusts and confidently tells the opposite party the secret? 高文试图让眼前这位废话很多的邪教徒主动说出他所了解的那部分情况,说出当年高文·塞西尔起航前往永暗海域的前因后果,然而眼前的中年男人却突然闭上了嘴巴,直到几秒钟后才似笑非笑地开口道:“是的,我当然知道您不会配合我,也知道您不会回答我的任何问题,您是七百年前的大英雄,怎么可能因为一个邪教徒和您废话了几句,就坦然地信任并把秘密告诉对方呢? Same truth, you thought why I will talk with you here, and answered your issue one after another?” “相同的道理,您又觉得我为什么会陪着您在这里说话,并且一个接一个地回答您的问题呢?” As the voice of that middle-aged person falls, side Gawain all scenes rock suddenly fiercely, the Gondor ancient Empire city starts to crash, magic vault disintegrate of space, but noise by fits and starts appears in his spirit world! 随着那中年人的话音落下,高文身旁的所有景象突然剧烈晃动起来,刚铎帝国的城市开始崩塌,天上的魔法穹顶四分五裂,而一阵又一阵的噪音则浮现在他的精神世界中! He knows finally the real crisis where, he knew why deceitful Evil Cultist finally when talks with oneself discloses so many information on own initiative, although he from started to suspect and stands guard the opposite party have what plot a moment ago, but until now, he conscious to the plot of opposite party is anything. 他终于知道了真正的危机在什么地方,他终于知道了为什么一个狡诈的邪教徒会在跟自己交谈的时候主动透露出那么多信息虽然他从刚才开始就在怀疑、警戒着对方有什么阴谋,但直到现在,他才意识到对方的阴谋是什么。 Has anything to invade his conscious! Is spying on his memory! 有什么东西正在入侵他的意识!正在窥探他的记忆! In Eternal Sleepers Dreamland, even Great Dragon gradually will still perish,” that middle-aged person stood, is suspending the round table of dessert and black tea changes into the star light that one group wriggles unceasingly before his body, and dissipates gradually, spirit and conscious are really a very mysterious thing, the person depend upon it to become the person, but the person controls its operation almost impossible, in subconsciousness of person, all things is almost the automatic performances, even if the character of legendary rank, will show the biggest flaw here.” “在永眠者梦境中,即便是巨龙也会逐渐沉沦,”那中年人站了起来,摆着点心和红茶的圆桌在他身前化为一团不断蠕动的星光,并渐渐消散,“精神意识真是一种很神奇的东西,人依靠它才能成为人,但人又几乎无法控制它的运行,在一个人的潜意识中,所有事情几乎都是自动运转的,哪怕是传奇级别的人物,也会在这里露出最大的破绽。” Gawain felt that own memory starts to become less crowded, external reading is seeking for these memories the breakthrough points, he is controlling oneself thought difficultly, is controlling these as if slide same the memory fragment that starts in the mind to reappear, but controlled all these to create extremely high spirit pressure, keeping him even from starting talking again, can only stare at the eyes of that middle-aged person stubbornly. 高文感觉到自己的记忆开始松动,有一个外来的“阅览者”正在寻找这些记忆的切入点,他艰难地控制着自己的思想,控制着那些仿佛幻灯片一样开始脑海中浮现的记忆片段,而控制这一切带来了极高的精神压力,让他甚至无法再开口讲话,只能死死地盯着那中年人的眼睛。 You talked with me here, is gradually opening your memory front door, no matter you were replied or inquired, this type conversation it is establishing the connection including the present, you are hearing my voice, you accepted the information that I am transmitting, in this process, your will barrier is also disintegrating unceasingly, but very much what was a pity, you were almost impossible to prevent this process......” the smile of middle-aged person to be getting more and more bright, obviously he has victory in the hand, „, your resistance was truly tenacious, quite conformed to the status of your big hero, but didn't you know? The Eternal Sleepers most powerful strength is not the illusion or the mind attack, but steals others' memory, and processes to become the new strength...... also to make this type memory way a springboard these memories, you will forget this meeting, but I after reading your memory will leave behind a transmission way in your subconsciousness, to help my will be able at any time arrival on your body...... right, right, you in the mind appeared a moment ago that pitiful mercenary form, will be, on will be such springboard, Eternal Sleepers in Dreamland Strolls with the world of thought, dependence is such springboard......” “您在这里与我交谈,便是在逐渐敞开您的记忆大门,不管您是回答还是询问,这种‘交谈’本身都是在建立连接包括现在,您听着我的声音,您接受着我传来的信息,在这个过程中,您的意志壁垒也在不断瓦解,而很可惜的是,您几乎无法阻止这个过程……”中年人的笑容越来越灿烂,显然他已经胜券在握,“啊,您的抵抗确实很顽强,相当符合您大英雄的身份,但是您不知道么?永眠者最强大的力量并非幻象或心灵攻击,而是窃取别人的记忆,并将这些记忆加工成为自己新的力量……同时也让这种‘记忆路径’成为一种跳板,您会忘了这次会面,而我则会在读取完您的记忆之后在您的潜意识里留下一个传送途径,以便于我的意志可以随时‘降临’在您的身体上……没错,没错,您刚才脑海中浮现出了那个可怜的佣兵的身影,是的,就是那样的跳板,永眠者梦境与思想的世界中漫步,依靠的便是那样的跳板……” Gawain is reorganizing own memory fragment in the mind silently, has not responded to any provocation of Evil Cultist completely, finally, these quarrelled the mixed noise to strengthen in the mind before is unable to endure, he completed the final reorganization. 高文默默地在脑海中整理着自己的记忆片段,完全没有回应邪教徒的任何挑衅,终于,在脑海中那些吵杂的噪音加强到无法忍受之前,他完成了最终的整理。 In the white robe middle-aged person amazed line of sight, Gawain lifted the head, on the face brought to hide for a long time happy expression: You confirmed that...... can have a look at my memory?” 在白袍中年人惊诧的视线中,高文抬起了头,脸上带着隐藏了好久的笑意:“你确认……要看看我的记忆么?” The middle-aged people gawked: You......” 中年人愣了一下:“你……” Gawain completely relaxed the limit of oneself mind. 高文完全放开了自己心灵的限制。 If in the everyone conscious world has wall of the memory, then my wall is actually not to protect oneself, but to protect rash pryer like you.” “如果说每个人意识世界中都存在一堵记忆之墙,那么我的这堵墙其实并不是为了保护自身,而是为了保护像你这样莽撞的窥探者。” The Gawain standing body, calmly looks at that middle-aged person stares greatly his extreme frightened eyes completely slowly, looks at he starts to send out shouting of crazy, looks at his facial features as if wax melting, looks at his body distortion collapses, even after collapsing beach flesh still had to shout the sound to transmit baseless. 高文完全站直身体,静静地看着那中年人慢慢瞪大他那极端恐惧的双眼,看着他开始发出疯狂的嘶吼,看着他的面容仿佛蜡般融化,看着他的身体扭曲崩溃,甚至在崩溃成一滩血肉之后仍然有嘶吼声凭空传来。 Guarantees a minimum several hundred thousand years of monitoring information banks you to dare to look, the skull doesn't want?” “保底几十万年的监控资料库你都敢看,脑壳不要了?”
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