SOD :: Volume #2

#166: Eternal Sleepers

In northern Kant territory, ancient castle that Kant Family occupied for generations, senile Victor Viscount is receiving the chamber of commerce representative on Feudal Territory. 在位于北方的康德领,康德家族世世代代居住的古老城堡,衰老的维克多子爵正在接见领地上的商会代表。 In the reception hall is lightening many lights, the bright constant ray that however the magic crystal lamp sends out actually still could not scatter the darkness that in this castle all year round occupied to be gloomy, in the hall of rectangle oneself as well as several chamber of commerce representatives fallen several servants besides Viscount, the shadow of everyone is then shone by the ray that the magic crystal lamp sent out on the ground, drawing was always long, zigzagging, dim. 接待厅中点亮着许多灯火,然而魔晶石灯发出的明亮恒定的光芒却仍然驱散不了这座城堡常年盘踞的黑暗阴森,长方形的大厅里除了子爵本人以及几位商会代表之外便只有零零落落的几个仆人,每一个人的影子都被魔晶石灯发出的光芒映照在地上,拉得老长,弯弯曲曲,朦朦胧胧。 However each stands person actually conscious in hall does not come here gloominess and terrifying, looks like in the chamber of commerce representatives, today's My Lord still genialness and gracefulness as always, and was promising broadminded has the matter of advantage to the merchant and citizen. 然而每一个站在大厅里的人却都意识不到这里的阴森和恐怖,在商会代表看来,今天的领主大人仍然一如既往的和善与优雅,并且宽宏大量地许诺着对商人和领民都有好处的事情。 This year's last batch of herbal medicines and magic medicine have harvested, the grain also has a good crop,” a chamber of commerce representative bows saying that magic medicine found the buyer, but the herbal medicine this year's sale is unsatisfactory.” “今年的最后一批草药、魔药都已经收割,粮食也有个不错的收成,”一名商会代表躬身说道,“魔药都找到了买家,但草药今年的销路不佳。” need not was worried, Pykes mister,” Victor Viscount is smiling temperately, comforts big merchant on the Feudal Territory, quick the caravan from Holy Spirit Plain will come, frost Limburg can purchase large quantities of medicinal herb, everyone one year of pain will not waste.” 不用担心,派尔克斯先生,”维克多子爵温和地微笑着,安慰自己领地上的大商人,“很快来自圣灵平原的商队就会来,霜林堡会来购买一大批药材的,大家一年的辛劳都不会白费。” This senile Viscount smiles unusual is temperate . Moreover the eyeground always has the good intentions, few aristocrats with such attitude and will not be the person of aristocrat will exchange, although their etiquette standards will let them, when will speak with the third-rater will also use the impeccable polite expression, but their looks and expressions will be impossible so arrival, Victor Viscount actually will be an exception. 这位衰老的子爵笑的非常温和,而且眼底始终带着善意,很少有贵族会用这样的态度和不是贵族的人交流虽然他们的礼仪标准让他们在和下等人说话的时候也会用上无可挑剔的礼貌用语,但他们的眼神和表情却不可能如此“到位”,维克多子爵却是个例外。 He is to the civilians who becomes famous kind and friendly, fair and tolerant the good-hearted person, although he lives in seclusion in the circle of aristocrat, however each civilians on Feudal Territory are actually loving and respecting oneself old Feudal Lord. 他是出了名的“对平民亲切、友好、公正而宽容”的老好人,虽然他在贵族的圈子里深居简出,然而领地上的每一个平民却都爱戴且敬仰着自己的这位老领主 Viscount Lord, thank you to run for the person on Feudal Territory,” another chamber of commerce represented said sincerely, also asked you also to pay attention to own body.” 子爵大人,感谢您为了领地上的人而奔走,”另一名商会代表诚心实意地说道,“还请您也要注意自己的身体。” need not was worried, my is vigorous and healthy the old bones,” Victor Viscount smiled, my good-for-nothing son also soon travelled for pleasure from Holy Spirit Plain, waited for him to take over control of the industry in family, I rested again am not late.” 不用担心,我这把老骨头还健壮着呢,”维克多子爵笑了起来,“我那个不成器的儿子也快要从圣灵平原游历回来了,等他接管了家族里的产业,我再休息也不迟。” Afterward, this Viscount then starts to inquire that to the big merchants this year peddler the purchase of difference about Feudal Territory and cotton and ore, careful and specialized that he inquired, but this in the present age aristocrat really rare. 随后,这位子爵便开始向大商人们询问起关于领地今年行商出入以及棉花、矿石的采购情况,他询问的细致而专业,而这在当代的贵族中着实少见。 But suddenly, vague wind has blown the castle hall. 但突然之间,一股若有若无的风吹过了城堡的大厅。 Obviously in all directions is bright magic crystal lamp that will not be moved by the wind, but the ray in hall actually looks like the candlelight to meet the air current to sway and gloomy suddenly. 明明四面八方点的都是明亮而且不会被风吹动的魔晶石灯,可是大厅里的光芒却像烛火遇上气流般突然摇晃、晦暗起来。 The big merchants still had not noticed the change in hall, the servants who the surroundings stand wooden have no unusual performance, but Victor Kant actually stood from the chair suddenly, he looked up a castle gloomy ceiling, in the eyes glittered in a flash as if star light light purple magic halo. 大商人们仍然没有注意到大厅里的变化,周围木然站立的仆役们也没有任何异常表现,可是维克多·康德却突然从椅子上站了起来,他抬头看了一下城堡晦暗的顶棚,双眼中一瞬间闪烁出仿佛星光般的淡紫色魔法光晕。 Afterward he is showing a happy expression of regret to the present merchant representatives: Sorry, perhaps mister, today's meeting has to end, I remember also the important matter to do suddenly......” 随后他对着眼前的商人代表们露出一个抱歉的笑意:“抱歉,先生们,今天的会面恐怕不得不结束了,我突然想起还有一件重要的事情要做……” At the same time, in a secret cave near Ainz Eastern Region, the complicate vine winds to grow, pestered as if huge pouch butcher shape on giant stone of cave center, but suddenly, the pouch butcher opened, beautiful disclosed that the strange female form revealed. 同一时间,在安苏东境附近的一处隐秘山洞中,盘根错节的藤蔓蜿蜒生长,在山洞中心的巨石上纠缠成了仿佛巨大囊胞般的形态,而突然之间,囊胞打开,一个美丽却透露出诡异的女性身影从中显露出来。 She has the inking green long hair, the skin is fair, but the facial features are beautiful, but in that as if Priest long gown women's clothing skirt-width, is actually as if the tree root complicate fearful limbs that reveals. 她有着墨绿色的长发,皮肤白皙而面容姣好,但在那身仿佛神官长袍般的衣裙下摆,露出来的却是仿佛树根般盘根错节的可怕肢体。 All Things Finally Die Society female Dean Belterra, since previous time leaves Southernmost Region, she is then dormant in this close to the Eastern Region frontline secret foothold, observes the situation in entire eastern area to change through the everywhere plant, the news that but spreads through the secret way suddenly actually from awakening comes with the condition of plant paragenesis her. 万物终亡会的女教长贝尔提拉,自从上次离开极南境之后,她便蛰伏在这处靠近东境前线的隐秘据点中,通过无处不在的植物观察着整个东部地区的局势变动,但一个通过隐秘途径突然传来的消息却将她从与植物共生的状态“惊醒”过来。 This female Dean frowns, the dark green long hair in as if there is life to wriggle behind slightly: „Was Eternal Sleepers of Bishop level...... successfully close to and invaded the Gawain Cecil spirit world?!” 这位女教长皱起眉头,墨绿色的长发在身后仿佛有生命般微微蠕动着:“一个主教级的永眠者……成功接近并侵入了高文·塞西尔精神世界?!” ...... …… Gawain walks in a darkness. 高文行走在一片黑暗中。 He still clearly records beforehand the matter of: That suspicious mercenary chieftain raised the head suddenly, is showing the strange smile, and as if combined the strange tune of many sounds of people to call own name with one type. 他仍然清晰地记着之前发生的事情:那个可疑的佣兵头目突然间抬起头来,对着自己露出诡异的笑容,并用一种仿佛混杂了许多人声的怪异腔调叫出自己的名字。 Afterward he was led this darkness and in the chaos strange space by some strength. 随后他就被某种力量带到了这个一片黑暗、混沌的古怪空间里。 He definitely is certain, oneself was suspended one by some powerful strength, the physical quality and aura intensity certainly of opposite party but this strength should not that mercenary chieftain bring are only low rank Knight . Moreover the instance that raised the head in that mercenary chieftain suddenly, Gawain also recorded to induce one powerful, the chaos strength to reappear suddenly in aura of that Knight chieftain, its process on such as arrival general, therefore he guessed that mercenary chieftain should be only a medium, his perhaps was some sacrificial victim, will be used for this powerful strength to deliver to his Gawain Cecil Front. 他完全可以肯定,自己被某个强大的力量摆了一道,但这种力量应该并不是那个佣兵头目自带的对方的身体素质与气息强度都毫无疑问只是个低阶骑士,而且在那个佣兵头目突然抬头的瞬间,高文还记着自己感应到了一个强大、混乱的力量突然在那名骑士头目的气息之中浮现出来,其过程就如“降临”一般,所以他猜测那佣兵头目应该只是一个媒介,他或许是某种牺牲品,用来将这个强大的力量送到他高文·塞西尔的面前。 After flurry from the beginning, Gawain is at this moment calm. 经过一开始的慌乱之后,高文此刻已经镇定下来。 He took a walk at will a meeting in the darkness, actually could not feel that slight passing of stamina, this explained that here is very likely is not the entity world, but is only some existence in the thought imaginary space, he suspected that oneself was stranded in some spirit shackles, but was once stranded as one in satellite at least several hundred thousand years( also has possibility several million years, after all he to behind did not calculate years from the start), already really mutation soul, he even did not have a wee bit nervous feelings to this being trapped. 他在黑暗中随意走动了一会,却感觉不到体力的丝毫流逝,这说明这里极有可能并非实体世界,而只是某种存在于思维中的“假想空间”,他怀疑自己被困在了某个精神牢笼里,但作为一个曾经被困在卫星里至少几十万年(也有可能几百万年,毕竟他到后面就压根不计算年月了)的、已经实打实变异了的灵魂,他对这种受困甚至产生不了一丁点紧张感。 In this world fierce can expert, with satellite of space compared with the service life? 这个世界上再厉害的强者,能跟天上的卫星比运行寿命么? My elderly man during that time hangs in space looks at you studies straight to walk! 我老人家当年可是挂在天上看着你们学习直立行走的! Is because in the heart has the arrogance and calmness that this satellite becomes a ghost, Gawain does not have the scared look to the present situation, after the confirmation walks is unable to be separated from the current space, he then simply same place stands firm, then calmly looks at present darkness. 就是因为心中有着这一份卫星成精的傲气和镇定,高文对眼前的情况毫无惧色,在确认行走无法脱离当前空间之后,他便干脆地原地站定,然后静静地看着眼前的黑暗。 It seems during that time to overlook that irrevocable sea and land is ordinary. 就好像当年俯视着那一成不变的海洋和陆地一般。 He believes, some draws itself in existence to this dark space to have some goal absolutely, opposite party perhaps calmly is observing itself in some place, but in the patience of overwhelming majority or complete carbon base lifeform by this world, the opposite parties cannot consume. 他相信,某个把自己拉到这片黑暗空间中的存在绝对有着某种目的,对方或许就在某个地方静静地观察着自己,而以这个世界上绝大多数或者说全部碳基生物的耐心来看,对方都耗不过自己。 ta certainly will unable to endure patiently to jump on own initiative. ta一定会忍耐不住主动蹦出来的。 Must say that Gawain is worried now only, is hopes that this imaginary space can in the setting with great majority story be the same, the time speed of flow and outside world are different, otherwise outside Hetty and the others think by some chance perhaps oneself will hang was not easy to do two big granddaughters to bury oneself again, but Amber when will bury again groped the thing in entire grave...... 要说高文现在唯一担心的,就是希望这个“假想空间”能跟大多数故事里的设定一样,时间流速与外界不同,否则外面的赫蒂等人万一以为自己又挂了就不好办了俩大孙女说不定会把自己再埋一遍,而琥珀则会在自己再次下葬的时候把整个坟里的东西都掏摸走…… Mother, thinks is quite fearful. 妈耶,想想就好可怕。 In the Gawain mind is transferring various some no thoughts, does not know how long this imaginary space the time passed, later he noticed in suddenly the present darkness appeared to wipe illusory glimmer. 高文脑海里转着有的没的各种念头,也不知道这个假想空间的时间到底流逝了多久,随后他突然看到眼前的黑暗中浮现出了一抹虚幻般的微光 It seems like that static onlooking existence finally could not bear. 看来那个静静旁观的“存在”终于忍不住了。 Gawain smiles, looks at at present that group of ray more and more congealing realities, more and more close, and turned into one to wear on the white long gown and face to bring the smooth white mask finally, unable to see the person's shadow of men and women, he heard under that mask to transmit also unable to distinguish the low and deep voice of men and women: Duke Gawain Cecil, you compared with have the patience that I imagine, is calmer, really worthily is 700 years ago big heroes, your disposition is I have not seen in others.” 高文微笑起来,看着眼前那团光芒越来越凝实,越来越靠近,并终于变成了一个身披洁白长袍、脸上带着光滑白色面具、看不出男女的人影,他听到那面具下面传来了同样分辨不出男女的低沉嗓音:“高文·塞西尔公爵,您比我想象的更有耐心,也更镇定,真不愧是七百年前的大英雄,您的这份心性是我在其他人身上不曾见到的。” Your patience was farther than the difference that I imagined,” Gawain said lightly, I also think you will consume here 180 years with me.” “你的耐心就比我想象的差远了,”高文淡淡地说道,“我还以为你会在这里跟我耗个百八十年。” Please do not bring resentment, I invited Your Excellency technique perhaps to be crude, but does my primary purpose want to chat perhaps to change the environment of talk you with Your Excellency to be comfortable well?” “请不要带着怨气,我邀请阁下手法或许粗暴了点,但我的根本目的只是想和阁下好好谈谈或许换个谈话的环境您会舒服一点?” white-robed person that this wears the white mask is saying, while wields conveniently, therefore the surrounding dark space flash then appeared the innumerable colors and lines, but these color lines combined to become all kinds of thing Gawain to discover in a flash oneself stood in a full of vitality garden, the surroundings are growing the flowers and low bush of cover, the servants of some face a little impressions walked back and forth vaguely busily in the garden, but in side not far away, then can see the castle big Lord construction. 这个戴着白色面具的白袍人一边说着,一边随手一挥,于是周围的黑暗空间一瞬间便浮现出了无数色彩和线条,而这些色彩线条又在转瞬间组合成为各式各样的事物高文发现自己站在一个生机勃勃的花园中,周围生长着茂密的花朵与低矮灌木,一些面孔依稀有点印象的仆役在花园中走来走去地忙碌,而在旁边不远处,则可以看到城堡高大的主建筑。 All these seem somewhat look familiar. 这一切看上去都有些眼熟。 Gawain thought slightly, found the picture of correspondence from the memory of this body rightful owner, his doubt looked at present white-robed person one: What do you mean?” 高文稍微思索了一下,才从这具身体原主的记忆中找到对应的画面,他狐疑地看了眼前的白袍人一眼:“你这是什么意思?” Is I returns to original state isn't proper?” white-robed person does intentionally said amazed, I have deferred to these ancient memory fragment to return to original state very much diligently this place, you look, these servants, their faces aren't you familiar? This castle most scenes extract from their memories, you look at these plants, these constructions...... with you remember that differently what Cecil castle does have?” “难道是我还原的不到位?”白袍人故作惊诧地说道,“我已经很努力按照那些古老的记忆碎片在还原这个地方了,您看,那些仆役,他们的面孔您不熟悉么?这城堡的大部分场景就是从他们的记忆中提取的,您看那些植物,还有那些建筑……与您记忆中的塞西尔城堡有什么不同么?” Gawain had not replied that white-robed person then continues saying: „, The memory of Dreamland extracting really may exist to twist, castle perhaps of such unbecoming fact will instead make you feel not quickly, that such environment?” 高文还没回答,那白袍人便自顾自地继续说道:“啊,从梦境中提取的记忆确实有可能存在歪曲,这样不符合事实的城堡或许反而会让您感觉不快,那这样的环境呢?” As the white-robed person voice falls, the Gawain present scene again changes, 700 years ago Cecil castle and gardens vanished, what replaces it is a platform that is located in the upper air, in the platform is placing the fine magnificent and expensive round table and seat, on the round table is the assorted dessert and tea, but outside platform, then can overlook a grand city. 随着白袍人话音落下,高文眼前的景象再次一变,七百年前的塞西尔城堡和花园消失了,取而代之的是一处位于高空的平台,平台上摆放着精致华贵的圆桌与座椅,圆桌上是各色点心和茶水,而在平台之外,则可以俯视到一片壮丽的城市。 That city has the innumerable magnificent pure white constructions, standing tall and erect Mage Tower with floating spatial crystal embellishes in various places of city, is full the mana brilliance blue color light class/flow to flow in the buildings, will put in order the Mortal World heaven that as if a city embellishes, sky over the city can also see indistinctly huge, floats innumerable rune translucent to protect the shield, but in a farther place, then can see that connects the blue light beam of the world to rise straight from the ground from the city together, as if Palestinian tower in Earth legend do not enter the horizon straight...... 那城市有着无数华丽的洁白建筑,高耸的法师塔与浮空水晶点缀在城市的各处,充盈着魔力光辉的蓝色光流在建筑物之间流淌,将整座城点缀的仿佛人间天国,城市上空还可以隐隐约约看到一个巨大的、漂浮着无数符文半透明护盾,而在更远的地方,则可以看到有一道连接着天地的蓝色光柱从城市之外拔地而起,仿佛地球传说中的巴别般直入天际…… ancient Gondor Imperial Capital,...... Deep Blue Well?! 刚铎帝都,还有……深蓝之井?! This scene will you like?” Under that white-robed person in the round table is implicated, on the pure white smooth mask does not have any expression, in the sound has the happy expression, after all will you also be experience the character of Gondor magnificent period, perhaps you will have liked recalling the human empire heyday the sublime scene?” “这份场景您会更喜欢一些么?”那白袍人在圆桌旁坐下,纯白光滑的面具上没有任何表情,声音中却带着笑意,“毕竟您也是经历过刚铎辉煌时期的人物,或许您会更喜欢回忆人类帝国全盛时期的壮美景象?” Sorry, Gondor Empire heyday time I am only knight apprentice of Empire north border, I do not know lively Imperial Capital long what kind,” Gawain carelessly under that round table is implicated, sits in the white-robed person opposite, this scenery is truly good, I can also have a look at during that time Deep Blue Well am what kind.” “抱歉,刚铎帝国全盛期的时候我只是帝国北部边境的一个骑士学徒,我可不知道繁华的帝都什么样子,”高文大大咧咧地在那圆桌旁坐下,坐在白袍人的对面,“不过这风景确实不错,我还能看看当年深蓝之井什么样子。” I felt relieved,” white-robed person said happily, „, Eternal Sleepers had that expressed the respect to you, then, is you expressed the coordination the time.” 8) “那我就放心了,”白袍人愉快地说道,“那么,永眠者已经向您表达了敬意,接下来,就是您表示配合的时候了。”八)
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