SOD :: Volume #2

#165: Kant territory had anything

That is works very excellent dagger, although does not attach Magic Weapon, but the material quality actually mixed in few adamantite and purple steel this makes it reflect a unique pale purple luster under the ray, the weapon of this material quality cannot bring what extraordinary force addition, but if must cope with the enchanted armor equipment maintenance, often will have the good effect. 那是一把做工很精良的匕首,虽然并非附魔武器,但材质却掺入了少量的精金紫钢这让它在光线下会反射出一种特有的淡紫色泽,这种材质的武器并不能带来什么超凡力量的加成,但如果要对付附魔的铠甲护具,往往会有不错的效果。 But on the handle of dagger, Gawain discovered seems like a brown bear same mark, periphery that mark also garland decoration. 而在匕首的握柄上,高文发现了一个像是棕熊头一样的标记,那标记周围还有一圈花环装饰。 In this age, many crest may not abuse relative portion ferocious beast and flowers and plants that is regarded as the aristocrat private symbol at will, the mark that the ferocious beast head picture and flowers and plants combine in many situations means that some family's symbol, but the civilians will use these symbols then to encroach the right of aristocrat at will unknowingly, according to heraldry and Ainz that aristocrat law Gawain will grasp, mark on this dagger structurally very will obviously be some family mark. 在这个年代,很多徽记是不可随意乱用的相当一部分猛兽与花草都被视作贵族的“私有象征”,将猛兽的头像和花草组合起来的标记在很多情况下就意味着某个家族的记号,而平民随意使用这些记号便会不知不觉侵犯了贵族的权利,根据高文所掌握的纹章学和安苏贵族法律,这个匕首上的标记从结构上很明显是某个家族印记。 For 700 years, the family marks of these aristocrats were still following the ancient tradition. 七百年来,这些贵族的家族印记仍然遵循着古老的传统。 This dagger must come from some aristocrat granting, according to Gawain knows, the aristocrat when grants others the weapon to have very strict art: battle-axe, Warhammer and long halberd and so on under the weapon only then King has the right to bestow, and will only bestow the meritorious military service aristocrat ; Various types of swords( are mainly long sword) are more common granting thing, any aristocrat can bestow others sword by any reason, but accepts the person who grants to also be an aristocrat, at least must reach the Knight social class ; But dagger, knife and short bow and so on weapon is regarded as does not amount to something, the aristocrat this kind of thing will bestow them pleasingly civilians, but the goal usually will be the performance remarkable guard and attendant, or...... lackeys. 这把匕首应当来自某个贵族的“赐予”,据高文所知,贵族在赐予别人武器的时候有着非常严格的讲究:战斧战锤、长戟之类的兵器只有国王才有权下赐,并且只会赐给有战功的贵族;各种型号的剑(主要是长剑)则是更常见的赐予物,任何贵族可以以任何理由赐给别人一把剑,但接受赐予的人必须也是一个贵族,至少得达到骑士阶级;而匕首、小刀、短弓之类的武器则被视为“不上台面”,贵族会把这类东西赐给他们所中意的“平民”,而目标通常是表现卓越的护卫、亲随,或者……鹰犬 With is evidently same, these mercenary that I judge by aristocrat family taming,” Gawain take up that the dagger, looks at carefully carefully, does not know that they give loyalty to a family, gives loyalty to several families simultaneously......” “看样子就和我判断的一样,那些佣兵是由贵族家族‘驯养’的,”高文拿起那把匕首,仔细端详,“只是不知道他们效忠于一个家族,还是同时效忠于几个家族……” „Do you know this above mark?” Amber collected curiously, „, I am look at this thing from the beginning attractively......” “你认识这上面的标记么?”琥珀好奇地凑了过来,“啊,我一开始就是看这玩意儿好看……” Did not know, Gawain identified carefully, finally shakes the head, I living time this family should not appear. You go to call Hetty, she should compare to understand the Southern Region aristocrats.” “不认识,”高文仔细辨认了一番,最终摇摇头,“我活着的时候这个家族应该还没出现。你去把赫蒂叫来,她应该比较了解南境的贵族们。” Quick, Hetty then arrived in the Gawain's tent. 很快,赫蒂便来到了高文的帐篷里。 After has identified the mark on dagger carefully, she definitely said very much: This is Kant Family crest.” 在仔细辨认过匕首上的标记之后,她很肯定地说道:“这是康德家族徽记。” Kant Family?” Gawain is knitting the brows to recall, finally found the origin of this name in the present age general knowledge that the near future crammed ferociously, north Leslie Family that Viscount?” 康德家族?”高文皱着眉回忆了一下,终于在近期恶补的当代常识中找到了这个名字的来源,“莱斯利家族北边的那个子爵?” Yes, crosses the Clearwater River northern wilderness mountain forest, brings back to these refugee places before you north, is Kant Family Feudal Territory,” Hetty starts to introduce that Kant Family simple situation, that is one family that 300 years ago starts, was enfeoffed because of the meritorious military service in this, when Cecil Family accident, they happen to give loyalty to present royal family, therefore evaded the Southern Region big clean, at present is on south side lands a few one of the families having over hundred years history.” “是的,越过白水河北部的荒野山林,就在您之前带回那些流民的地方更北方,便是康德家族领地,”赫蒂开始介绍起康德家族的简单情况,“那是一个在三百年前兴起的家族,因战功被分封于此,在塞西尔家族‘出事’的时候,他们正好效忠于现在的王室,所以躲过了南境大清洗,目前算是南边这片土地上少数几个拥有百年以上历史的家族之一。” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly to ask: How they and do Cecil Family relate?” 高文随口问道:“他们和塞西尔家族关系怎么样?” „It is not far, is not near,” Hetty replied, 100 years ago Southern Region big clean time they have not helped, has not hit a person when he is down, throughout remained neutral. That is a quite mysterious family, they exchange not many with the outside world, the family members also rarely appear in the upper community, although the Southern Region upper-level community is very loose, but the person of Kant appears few.” “算不上远,也算不上近,”赫蒂答道,“一百年前南境大清洗的时候他们既没有帮忙,也没有落井下石,始终保持中立。那是个比较神秘的家族,他们与外界交流不多,家族成员也很少出现在上层社交圈子里虽然南境这边的上层社交圈子本身就很松散,但康德家的人还是出现最少的。” What are their major industries? Paddies? Mine? Pasture?” “他们的主要产业是什么?田地?矿场?还是牧场?” Kant territory mainly produces the grain, various types of high-quality herbal medicines, including magic medicine, but does not have the mine.” 康德领主要出产粮食,还有各种优质草药,包括魔药,但没有矿场。” That had the issue, the issue big......” Gawain knocked the table, did not have the mine, mainly depended upon the paddies noble territory, before beginning of winter, plundered a group of slave plans what are you doing? Moreover judged the dagger from this, this crowd of mercenary are specialized helps Kant Family work, aren't they definitely the first time caught slave so many slaves to be delivered to Kant territory in the wilderness are what are you doing?” “那就有问题了,问题大了……”高文敲了敲桌子,“一个没有矿场,主要依靠田地的贵族领,入冬前掳掠一大群奴隶是打算干什么?而且从这把匕首判断,这群佣兵专门康德家族做事的,他们肯定不是第一次在荒野里捕奴这么多奴隶被送到康德领干什么的?” This......” Hetty also conscious to the strange place of issue, and remembered another matter suddenly, mentioned the matter is very strange, primary output of Kant territory was always the grain, the herbal medicine and magic medicine is only the side occupation, but in recent years, the herbal medicine and magic medicine of quantity that side foreign sales is rising year by year, particularly magic medicine, not only the output had turned one time, the quality was also getting better and better, must exceed their grain to deliver faintly, turns into the Kant Family main pillar/backbone. But spreads in the rule that from mana, this situation is very difficult to explain......” “这个……”赫蒂意识到了问题的诡异之处,并突然想起另一件事,“说来还有一件事很奇怪,康德领的主要产出一向是粮食,草药与魔药都只是副业,但最近几年,那边对外出售的草药和魔药数量在逐年上升,尤其是魔药,不但产量已经翻了一倍,质量也越来越好,隐隐已经要超越他们的粮食产出,变成康德家族的主要支柱了。但从魔力散布的规律上,这种情况是很难解释的……” Because has various supernatural force, this world medicinal plant is divided into two types, besides having the herbal medicine of general effect, can use in various magic ceremonies or takes the spell casting material directly magic medicine a saying, under normal conditions, the growth of magic medicine receives the limit of local mana environment very much, its output will have an upper limit inborn, mana environment unsatisfactory words, then no matter how the careful and intensive cultivation or the improvement seeds are impossible to increase the magic medicine output to increase the quantity instead possibly to cause in the medicinal herb to contain the reduction of mana purely. 由于存在着各种超自然力量,这个世界的“药用植物”分为两种,除了具备一般效果的草药之外,还有可以用在各种魔法仪式中或者直接作为施法材料的“魔药”一说,通常情况下,魔药的生长很受当地魔力环境的限制,它的产量天生会有一个上限,魔力环境不佳的话,那么不管怎么精耕细作或者改良种子都不可能增加魔药产量单纯增加数量反而可能导致药材中蕴含魔力的减少。 But the Kant territory magic medicine output is actually rising year by year. 康德领魔药产量却在逐年上升。 Lacking age of statistics in this myriad things, besides merchant who specialized does business, the aristocrat rarely meets conscious to deliver the fluctuation situation to the peripheral Feudal Territory crops( they Feudal Territory crops to deliver in fact not necessarily is very clear, this is matter that adviser and Manager pay attention to), but Hetty as Magician, moreover is Magician that the family fortune declines, usually will naturally pay attention to the peripheral magic medicine market to change very much, discovered this supernatural phenomenon keenly. 在这个万物缺乏统计的年代,除了专门做生意的商人之外,贵族很少会意识到周边领地的作物产出波动情况(事实上他们连自己领地的作物产出都不一定很清楚,这都是顾问和总管关注的事),但赫蒂作为一个魔法师,而且是家道中落的魔法师,平常自然会很关注周边的魔药市场变动,也就敏锐地发现了这个异常现象 Amber audited in side bored, but her the sharp ear startled all of a sudden to vibrate at this time suddenly, whole face frightened look: Mother! Kant Family should not with the living person, when the manure does plant the medicinal herb?!” 琥珀本来只是在旁边无聊地旁听,但这时候她的尖耳朵突然激灵一下子抖动了一下,满脸惊悚的神色:“妈呀!康德家族该不会是拿活人当肥料种药材呢吧?!” „......, although I thought that they really can think of this matter by the moral outlooks of certain aristocrats, but does to be unlikely truly,” the Gawain corner of the eye is ticking beckoning with the hand, plants the magic medicine paddies usually unable to hide, bystander eyes can see, moreover living person what black magic, when the manure can't improve the density of mana environment...... this to calculate?” “……虽然我觉得以某些贵族的道德观他们真能想到这种事,但真正做出来还是不太可能的,”高文眼角抽抽着摆了摆手,“种植魔药的田地通常藏不起来,外人一眼就能看见,而且活人当肥料也提高不了魔力环境的浓度啊……这算哪门子黑魔法?” Gawain is saying, suddenly outside the tent broadcast the Betty sound: Lord! Lord! Pittman looks for you!” 高文这边正说着,突然帐篷外传来了贝蒂的声音:“老爷老爷皮特曼来找您啦!” Gawain was startled, remembers gave the Druid duty a moment ago, on the face cannot bear show the smile: It seems like his medicine is effective.” 高文一怔,想起了刚才交给德鲁伊的任务,脸上忍不住露出微笑:“看来他的‘特效药’已经管用了。” Because has expected ordinary interrogating and torturing not to play anything role to these mercenary, therefore Gawain asked Pittman to find the way to cope with captive who” that two grasped from the beginning. 因为早已料到普通的拷问对那些佣兵起不到什么作用,所以从一开始高文就拜托了皮特曼去想办法对付那两个抓回来的“俘虏”。 Druid is not profession that excels at interrogating and torturing intelligence, their magic spell cannot compare Blood God believer in this aspect by far or these is expert to suffer with undead mage of say/way of pain, so long as changes a mentality, gains intelligence not, only then interrogating and torturing a method. 德鲁伊并不是个擅长“拷问”情报职业,他们的法术在这方面远远比不上血神信徒或者那些专精折磨与苦痛之道的亡灵法师,但只要换个思路,获取情报并不只有“拷问”一种方法。 At least in the Gawain Cecil memory, has many draws support from Druid medicine and ceremony comes to obtain by illegal purchase intelligence technique from the enemy mouth, even if these technique 700 years, is equally easy-to-use. 至少在高文·塞西尔的记忆里,就有很多借助德鲁伊药剂与仪式来从敌人口中套取情报手法,这些手法哪怕过了七百年,也一样好使。 In one as the hut in jail, Gawain sees temporarily had been filled in potion and volume to smudge the medicinal ointment, to fumigate with incense to smoke entire one hour of two to be captured mercenary by the ceremony. 在一处临时作为监牢的小屋里,高文见到了已经被灌下药水、额上涂抹了药膏、还被仪式熏香熏了整整一个小时的两个被俘佣兵 They consciousness is unclear at this time. 俩人这时候已经神志不清了。 Pittman also stands a face to show off: I you told that my potion and ceremony are very effective, particularly this incense, the strong person will also lose in its mana self-......” 皮特曼还站在旁边一脸炫耀:“我就跟您说嘛,我的药水和仪式都很管用的,尤其是这个熏香,再坚强的人也会在它的魔力中迷失自我……” If truly little old man said, at this moment the entire room fills one to nearly to make the incense smell of person gastric disorder richly, even if the Pittman ceremony had ended, this fumigated with incense no longer has to disturb the mind magic spell strength straight, Gawain is still frowned, got up including nearby Amber yelling and screaming that this smell smoked: „The old man do you want to make the smoked meat?” 确实如小老头所说,此刻整个屋子都弥漫着一股浓郁到近乎令人反胃的熏香气味,哪怕皮特曼的仪式已经结束,这熏香中不再具备干扰心智法术力量,高文仍然被这气味熏的直皱眉头,连旁边的琥珀大呼小叫起来:“哇老头你这是要做熏肉啊?” Illuminates your to smoke the law, perhaps even if need not filled potion most people also to incur,” Gawain has to add the Aura Protection effect on dare in the room to halt to oneself, I even suspect that now your ceremony was smokes the dizzy directly, closed/pass the magic anything matter......” “照你这熏法,哪怕不用药水大部分人恐怕也招了吧,”高文不得不给自己加了个气息防护的效果才敢在屋子里站住,“我现在甚至怀疑你这个仪式就是直接把人熏晕了而已,关魔法什么事……” Pittman nods in side with a laugh: You also were really to the point on actually many years ago I had considered improved this magic spell, I felt, even if need not magic medicine, smoked the dung is also a pity that to the goal directly effective during that time just proposed this idea was punched by own teacher, finally has to give up. But your time was to remind me, perhaps......” 皮特曼在旁边笑呵呵地点头:“您还真说到点子上了其实很多年前我就考虑过改进这个法术,我觉得哪怕不用魔药,直接给目标熏大粪也管用可惜当年刚提出这个想法就被自己的导师揍了一顿,结果不得不放弃。但您这次是提醒我了,说不定……” „Do you dare to practice one to try?!” Gawain one hear of this glower to little old man immediately, you really give this them to smoke hour dung, even if they are willing to incur me not to ask!” “你敢实践一个试试?!”高文一听这个顿时对小老头怒目而视,“你真给这俩人熏一个钟头大粪,哪怕他们愿意招我都不愿意问的!” Pittman shrinks the neck immediately, carefully looked at the Gawain's shank meat, judged initially at present this excavation legend at least can hit his teacher 20, therefore decides to give up itself boldly improvement ceremony plan. 皮特曼顿时一缩脖子,仔细看了看高文的腱子肉,初步判断出眼前这个出土传奇至少能打他的导师二十个,于是决定放弃自己大胆的“改良仪式”计划。 But Gawain is knitting the brows to look that five has confused three mercenary captives to two at present, they lead a look staring blankly looks at front ground of delay, the strength that magic potion and medicinal ointment as well as fumigate with incense to draw in them to being situated between really with the Dreamland condition, in this condition, they could not have distinguished clearly is in itself in the reality replied that the issue reads own recollection in Dreamland, in magic power abates before their within the body, they almost will answer all issues. 高文则皱着眉看向眼前两个已经五迷三道的佣兵俘虏,他们带着一种呆滞的眼神直愣愣看着前方的地面,魔法药水、药膏以及熏香的力量已经将他们拖入到介于真实和梦境的状态中,在这个状态下,他们已经分不清自己是在现实中回答问题还是在梦境中阅览自己的回忆,在魔法力量从他们体内消退之前,他们几乎会回答一切问题。 Is Kant Family that......” the Gawain round asks, what just opened the mouth to forget the Kant Family current hierarch to call suddenly, therefore slightly a little turns head awkwardly, Hetty, the Kant present is who is in power?” “是康德家族的那个……”高文发问道,但刚开口就突然忘了康德家族目前的掌权者叫什么,于是略有点尴尬地扭头,“赫蒂,康德家现在是谁掌权来着?” Hetty is slightly excessive: Viscount Victor Kant, is getting old Viscount.” 赫蒂微微偏过头去:“维克多·康德子爵,是一个上了年纪的老子爵。” Right, Victor Kant,” Gawain shifts to two mercenary, is he sends you to catch the slave?” “对,维克多·康德,”高文转向两名佣兵,“是他派你们捕捉奴隶的?” Some mage as if also resistances in two mercenary, but that mercenary chieftain actually first an opens the mouth: Is...... Viscount Victor Kant sends us to catch refugee in wilderness for him......, but does not treat as the slave.” 两名佣兵中的法师似乎还有一些抗拒,但那个佣兵头目却先一步开口了:“是的……维克多·康德子爵派我们为他捕捉荒野上的流民……但并不是当做奴隶。” Doesn't treat as the slave?” A Gawain brow wrinkle, „is that what are you doing?” “不是当做奴隶?”高文眉头一皱,“那是干什么?” Helps him......” mercenary chieftain also look delay reply from the beginning, but the latter half a word words are actually on the rise suddenly, eye staring blankly stared at Gawain, on the face was showing a strange smile, fell asleep, Gawain Cecil Your Excellency.” 8) “帮助他……”佣兵头目一开始还眼神呆滞地回答着,但后半句话却突然抬起头来,眼睛直愣愣地盯着高文,脸上露出了一个诡异的微笑,“入梦,高文·塞西尔阁下。”八)
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