SOD :: Volume #2

#162: Settling down

Some time ago also powerful unravelled to the seemingly invincible elite mercenary group, in one type some people have never seen in battle form, as if harvested wheat same continuously but actually. 不久前还强大到看似不可战胜的精锐佣兵团就这么灰飞烟灭了,在一种从未有人见过的战斗形式中,就仿佛被收割的麦子一样连续不断地倒了下去。 But one crowd of complete equipment soldier from the woods, started the battlefield cleanup, takes inventory the corpse. 而一群全副武装的士兵从树林中走了出来,开始打扫战场,清点尸体。 refugee are the life in the poor common people of social most lower level, the situation best also is just difficult to pass one's days free citizen, these not educated has not experienced the how many things person unable to see that the equipment and other aristocrat armies of these soldiers have anything differently seem like similarly expensive steel armor, in the hand also takes the sword( although they from the start are useless on these swords), same fierce and fearfulness. 流民们都是生活在社会最下层的贫苦百姓,情况最好也只不过是艰难度日自由民而已,这些没受过教育也没见识过多少东西的人看不出那些士兵的装备和其他贵族军队有什么不同看起来都是同样昂贵的钢铁铠甲,手中也都拿着刀剑(虽然他们压根没用上那些刀剑),同样的凶恶而可怕。 Before because of explosion, but turned toward refugee that the camp deep place escaped not to have the escape route, quick then looked from the one by one pit hole and tattered tent by these unauthentic soldiers, and belt/bring to the square that before gathered , the soldiers have not exerted the violence to the civilians, the person but who these felt alarmed and anxious one by one was still trembling, when with the sword added the body has not felt at ease many compared with before by mercenary slightly. 之前因爆炸而向着营地深处逃跑的流民没有退路,很快便被这些来路不明的士兵从一个个石洞和破烂帐篷里找了出来,并带到之前聚集的广场上,士兵们没有对平民施加暴力,但这些担惊受怕的人仍然一个个战战兢兢,丝毫没有比之前被佣兵们用刀剑加身时安心多少。 To the great majority person of this time, the robber, mercenary, soldiers are the same, in fact these three roles also truly can exchange momentarily. 对这个时代的大多数人而言,强盗、佣兵、士兵都是一样的,事实上这三种角色也确实随时能够互换。 Hainan shrinks near the crowd, is reducing own existence feeling cautiously, she does not know where these soldiers from come, but they equip the unification, the action is ordered, obviously is some aristocrat Lord army, but why aristocrat will Lord run to exterminate a mercenary group suddenly? This may really unable to reach an agreement, no matter what, definitely to not rescuing one crowd underclass comes. 琼缩在人群边上,小心翼翼地降低着自己的存在感,她不知道这些士兵是从什么地方来的,但他们装备统一,行动有序,显然是某个贵族老爷的部队,而一个贵族老爷为什么会突然跑来剿灭一支佣兵团?这可实在说不好,但不管怎样,都肯定不是冲着解救一群“贱民”来的。 Perhaps they must do also catches some slaves to go back with the beforehand these mercenary same deals, although the legitimate aristocrats rarely meet to begin to do these matters, but regarding barbaric chaos Southern Region, the rebel against orthodoxy aristocrat also exists. 说不定他们要做的也是和之前那些佣兵们一样的勾当抓些奴隶回去,虽然正统贵族们很少会自己动手做这些事,但对于野蛮混乱南境而言,离经叛道的贵族也是存在的。 That stature exceptionally big man should be the chieftains of these people, he is directing another Knight and one seemingly has the young girl of Elf bloodline, surroundings all soldiers awe to him, but after distributing duty, this tall man walked toward here. 那个身材异常高大的男人应该是这些人的头目,他指挥着另外一个骑士和一个看上去有着精灵血统的少女,周围所有士兵都对他敬畏有加,而在分派完任务之后,这个身材高大的男人向着这边走了过来。 refugee dread gathers in the same place, after many people have was pushed and shoved and thrown down the abrasion, Gawain really does not have the means to distinguish to have which is this refugee team leader from these people, then stands by the crowd said loudly: I am this lands Feudal Lord, your need not feared, I was protect your people simultaneous/uniform?! Also has missing or is injured unable to move?” 流民们畏惧地聚拢在一起,不少人身上都有着被推搡、摔倒之后的擦伤,高文实在没办法从这些人中分辨出有哪个是这支难民队伍的“领袖”,便站在人堆旁边大声说道:“我是这片土地的领主,你们不用怕,我是来保护你们的你们的人都齐了么?!还有没有失踪的或者受伤无法移动的?” These refugees had a scare by the Gawain's big voice, later had a scare by his Feudal Lord status, the result's first response is will draw back neatly in the future, later you have a look at my me to have a look at you, no one dares to open the mouth to reply. 这些难民被高文的大嗓门吓了一跳,随后又被他的领主身份吓了一跳,结果第一反应就是齐刷刷地往后退,随后你看看我我看看你,没有一个人敢开口答话的。 Gawain knits the brows, but at this time Priest Wright has scratched in the clean hand because of using silent technique the blood of contamination, arrived at side Gawain. 高文皱了皱眉,而这时候牧师莱特已经擦干净手上因施展“沉默术”而沾染的鲜血,来到了高文身旁。 Holy Light on! Has a look at the physical conditions of these poor men!” This robust man Priest called out in alarm one, drew sacred symbol in the chest front, later opens both hands to mumble, a piece dim and has the pure and holy aura brilliance then to reappear in air in all directions, as Wright read aloud Holy Light to pray to call the turn the specific sentence, these glimmer also formed gradually can the wide scope restore the energy and treatment small injury Divine Spell, was willing Holy Light to cure you.” 圣光在上!看看这些可怜人的身体状况!”这个壮汉牧师惊呼了一声,在胸前画了个神圣的符号,随后张开双手念念有词,一片朦胧而带着圣洁气息的光辉便在四面八方的空气中浮现出来,随着莱特念诵圣光祷言中特定的语句,这些微光也渐渐形成了可以大范围恢复精力、治疗微小伤势的神术,“愿圣光治愈你们。” Except for suffering disciplinary punishment time beside, the poor grass-root people rarely have the short distance to contact true Divine Spell or the magic opportunity, a wide scope „the slightly effect Holy Light technique is only most basic 1st Level Divine Spell, still made these people awe, even is in a tumult slightly. 除了遭受惩戒的时候之外,贫苦的底层民众很少有近距离接触真正神术魔法的机会,一个大范围的“微效圣光术”只是最基础一级神术,却仍然让这些人敬畏不已,甚至微微骚动起来。 Wright after displaying this foundation Divine Spell discovered in the refugee the injury heavy person, effect weak Divine Spell had not had the function on them, therefore he these person of one by one from the team lira, treated alone. 莱特则在施展完这个基础神术之后发现了难民中伤势较重的人,效果微弱的神术在他们身上没有产生作用,于是他把这些人一个个从队伍里拉了出来,单独进行治疗。 A black hair emaciated girl wound is more serious than others, moreover her wound had deteriorated incessantly for day, her arm is linking the shoulder by some wild animal that has the canine tears and bites, has injured to the physique, and had the infection in this bad environment, but compared with this injury, on her face the new wound of that covered with blood instead did not have the foot to mention. 一个黑发瘦弱的姑娘伤得比其他人严重一些,而且她的伤已经恶化了不止一天,她的一条胳膊连着肩膀被某种有着尖牙的野兽撕咬过,已经伤到筋骨,并且在这恶劣的环境中产生了感染,而比起这处伤势,她脸上那血肉模糊的新伤反而无足挂齿了。 Your luck is good,” Wright is purifying on the fine jade arm with Holy Light the infected wound, has a look, to have a look, this will start suppuration several days later words you to get a high fever, perhaps when the time comes even/including life/command could not preserve!” “你运气不错,”莱特圣光净化着琼胳膊上受到感染的伤口,“看看,看看,这都开始化脓了再过几天的话你就会发高烧,到时候连命恐怕都保不住!” Hainan can feel that own injury is changing for the better at a rate of inconceivable, but aristocrat Lord that that stands says Feudal Lord has re-focused on her, she heard the opposite party to open the mouth: „The wound on your arm not by these Lane mercenary?” 琼能感觉到自己的伤势正在不可思议好转,而站在旁边的那个自称领主的贵族老爷已经把注意力转向她,她听到对方开口了:“你胳膊上的伤不是被那些佣兵的?” „...... Was nipped by the wild animal.” Hainan restrains nervous in heart, dreads replies. “……是被野兽咬的。”琼克制住心中的紧张,畏惧地回答道。 On that face?” “那脸上的呢?” Pulled out by their whips.” “是被他们的鞭子抽的。” „...... Do not fear, these mercenary could not injure you again,” Gawain is comforting this being scarred girl, some of your altogether how many people? In here?” “……别怕,这些佣兵再也伤不着你们了,”高文宽慰着这个伤痕累累的姑娘,“你们一共有多少人?都在这儿了么?” In the Hainan mind flashed through the Tom form in a flash, she is biting the lip, does not know that should open the mouth. 琼脑海中一瞬间闪过了汤姆的身影,她咬着嘴唇,不知道该不该开口。 Your need not was worried, I have said that I am here Feudal Lord this lands belong to Cecil Family, you have put in the protection of my army to smile, „ Cecil Family devotes to regaining the order of this lands, we are seeking and drawing to scatter the homeless person in this area.” “你不用担心,我已经说过了,我是这里的领主这片土地属于塞西尔家族,你们已经置于我军队的保护笑了笑,“塞西尔家族致力于恢复这片土地的秩序,我们正在寻找、收拢散落在这一地区的无家可归者。” Speaking of this, he raised the head to raise the sound: Not only you, if you know other refugee living areas, can tell me, so long as observes the law of Cecil formulation, I allow each homeless person to live on this lands, but provides the refugee intelligence person, then can obtain the extra reward!” 说到这,他抬起头提高了声音:“不只是你们如果你们知道其他的流民聚居点,也都可以告诉我,只要遵守塞西尔制定的法律,我就允许每一个无家可归者在这片土地上生活,而提供流民情报的人,则可以得到额外的奖赏!” The crowd was in a tumult slightly, this type aristocrat opens the gateway, admits the homeless person the matter is they hears something never heard of before on Feudal Territory lives, the great majority person's first response is surprised and cannot believe, some people suspected this is some type of trap, but extra reward aroused their interest, the fine jade can feel that oneself behind crowd is vacillating, these are in a precarious state poverties today companion not the high willpower, she heard some people to open the mouth 人群微微骚动了起来,这种“贵族打开门户,接纳无家可归者在领地上生活”的事情是他们闻所未闻的,大多数人的第一反应便是惊讶和不敢相信,更有人怀疑这是不是某种陷阱,但“额外的奖赏”引起了他们的关注,琼能感觉到自己身后的人群在动摇,这些朝不保夕忍饥挨饿到今天的“同伴”并没多高的意志力,她听到有人开口了 Lord, Sir Feudal Lord, we flee from calamity mostly from Condor Territory,” a skin dark withered emaciated man the courage was saying greatly, there had the floods, the land and house is destroyed, the grain also all destroyed, Sir Feudal Lord a castle front door pass/test, making us wait for death outside, does our portion person escape the person who came out...... you really to make our these flee from calamity to earn a living on your land?” 老爷,领主老爷,我们大都是从秃鹰领逃难来的,”一个皮肤黝黑干瘪瘦弱的男人大着胆子说道,“那儿发生了水灾,土地和房子都被毁了,粮食也全毁了,领主老爷城堡大门一关,让我们在外面等死,我们一部分人就逃了出来……您真的让我们这些逃难的人在您的土地上过活么?” So long as you observe this lands the law, according to my custom conduct on the line,” Gawain definitely said that „, moreover you can feel relieved, the Cecil's law absolutely is much more benevolent than these laws that you must observe.” “只要你们遵守这片土地的法律,按照我的规矩行事就行,”高文肯定地说道,“而且你们可以放心,塞西尔的法律绝对比你们原本要遵守的那些法律仁慈得多。” That......” “那……” The withered emaciated man just opened the mouth to prepare to say anything again, in the woods actually transmitted a sound suddenly, Knight Philip led more than ten soldiers to inspect from the woods, moreover two soldiers also sent under escort, to have a young fellow of red tip of the nose lamely. 干瘪瘦弱的男人刚开口准备再说点什么,树林中却突然传来了一阵声响,菲利普骑士带着十几个士兵从树林里巡视回来了,而且有两个士兵还押解着个一瘸一拐、有着一个红鼻头的小伙子。 Lord!” Knight Philip reported in loudly Daolinzi found the refugee who a person possibly is runs, he uses the bow and arrow to attack us, but has not offended somebody, but also was held by us. ” 大人!”菲利普骑士高声报告道林子里找到一个人可能是跑出去的难民,他用弓箭袭击我们,但没伤着人,还被我们抓住了。” In the Hainan heart one tightly, looks up panic-stricken, really saw that Tom was put up the shoulder to detain by two soldiers near the woods. 琼心中一紧,惊恐地抬头望去,果然看到汤姆就被两个士兵架着肩膀押在树林边上。 And on a hasp of soldier waist is also hanging that familiar hunting for bow that father hands down from generation to generation. 其中一个士兵腰间的搭扣上还挂着那把熟悉的、父亲传下来的猎弓。 The flash she did had anything clearly: Tom said that is looks for the mushroom, but took away the bow and arrow secretly, perhaps is prepares to take risk the grove deep place to go hunting, but he has not projected on the prey, in hungry the wild animal by the grove had not been eaten, actually fell into a direr state: This forthright fool, he used the bow and arrow to attack Feudal Lord Knight and soldier! 一瞬间她就搞明白发生了什么:汤姆说是去找蘑菇,但还是偷偷拿走了弓箭,恐怕是准备冒险去林子深处打猎,而他既没有打到猎物,也没有被林子里饥饿的野兽吃掉,却落入了更糟糕的境地:这个冒冒失失的傻子,他用弓箭袭击了领主骑士和士兵! Hainan only feels dizzily, the body one soft must get down but actually, this just completed the treatment Wright to have a scare to her: Holy Light! Does my healing technique have problems difficultly inadequately?!” 琼只感觉天旋地转,身子一软就要倒下去,这把刚刚给她做完治疗的莱特吓一大跳:“圣光啊!我的治疗术难不成出了问题?!” But near the woods young people also saw own elder sister, and camp inside and outside situations of he has not known that here what happened, therefore calls out in alarm: Elder sister?! How was here?!” 而树林边上的年轻人也看到了自己的姐姐,以及营地内外的情况他还不知道这里发生了什么事,于是惊呼出来:“姐姐?!这里是怎么了?!” „Did you know?” Gawain beckons with the hand, hints Knight Philip to put that emaciated young people, why does he attack my person?” “你们认识?”高文摆摆手,示意菲利普骑士把那个瘦弱的年轻人放过来,“他为什么袭击我的人?” Tom! You brought the big trouble!” Hainan grabs the arm of Tom, almost must pinch his meat, you attacked the Feudal Lord soldier!” 汤姆!你闯了大祸!”琼抓着汤姆的胳膊,几乎要把他的肉掐下来,“你袭击了领主的士兵!” I...... I think that they are the robber......” a Tom face are panic-stricken, I heard them saying that in the discussion how what corpse should process......” “我……我以为他们是强盗……”汤姆一脸惊恐,“我听到他们在谈论说什么尸体该怎么处理……” Gawain corner of the mouth shakes, was does to understand the situation. 高文嘴角一抖,算是搞明白了情况。 That seems like a misunderstanding,” he looked at captured hunting for bow, this type of quality of material inferior bow and arrow can only be used to cope with the wild animal in grove, to having the Cecil battle soldier or Philip of such Knight enchantment armor the toy is not even, „was Philip, who is attacked?” “那看来是个误会,”他看了看被收缴的猎弓,这种质地低劣的弓箭只能用来对付林子里的野兽,对拥有附魔铠甲的塞西尔战斗兵或菲利普这样的骑士而言连玩具都算不上,“菲利普,是谁被袭击了?” A magical step logistics depot: Reported Lord, was I, but I was all right!” 一个魔导步兵站了出来:“报告大人,是我,但我没事儿!” Lord, this looks like truly is a misunderstanding,” Philip said on own initiative, Knight should forgive, I think that is unnecessary excessively investigates the responsibility of this young people, so long as he can remember lesson, later again so should not be impulsive on the line.” 大人,这看来确实是个误会,”菲利普主动说道,“骑士应宽容,我认为不必要过度追究这个年轻人的责任只要他能记住教训,以后别再这么冲动就行。” Gawain likes Philip this doing right after something else more and more fall-guy to the stair the character, moreover not knowing...... 高文是越来越喜欢菲利普这接茬捧哏给台阶而且还不自知的性格了…… Since is the misunderstanding, my not great task you, but you after all are driving the attack person, therefore the moderate penalty must have,” Gawain looks at that young people who has the red tip of the nose, he notices , said this half a word words, this young people and her elder sister shivered simultaneously, on the face have nervous and frightened look, what evidently in their very familiar aristocrat mouth moderate penalty was meaning, but Gawain, the so-called moderate penalty really on was only the moderate penalty, you on working to make up for the mistake...... the words to say. You and can your older sister find other refugee settlements?” 8) “既然是误会,那我就不会重责你,但你毕竟主动袭击人,所以适度的惩罚还是必须有的,”高文看着那个有着红鼻头的年轻人,他注意到在自己说完这半句话的时候,这个年轻人和她的姐姐同时颤抖了一下,脸上带着紧张和恐惧的神色,看样子他们很熟悉贵族口中“适度的惩罚”是什么意思可是在高文这边,所谓适度的惩罚真的就只是适度的惩罚而已,“你就做事来弥补过错吧……话说你和你的姐姐能找到其他的流民聚落么?”八)
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