SOD :: Volume #2

#163: New population and Hetty anxiety

Has not thought probably the so-called penalty is so unexpectedly superficial, hunter brother and sister after hearing the Gawain's words has not responded suddenly, repeated an own issue until Gawain, Tom of red nose stays nods: Can...... I and elder sister can find other settlement.” 大概是没想到所谓的惩罚竟然就这么轻描淡写,猎人姐弟在听到高文的话之后一时间都没反应过来,直到高文又重复了一遍自己的问题,红鼻子的汤姆才呆愣愣地点点头:“能……我和姐姐能找到别的聚落的。” Homeless refugee will roam about in Feudal Territory everywhere, under normal conditions their courses of action do not have the rule, they walk in the place that no one knows, will die in the place that no one knows, the region that but as a whole, they may stop over has certain range. 无家可归的流民会在领地之间到处流浪,通常情况下他们的行动路线都没有规律可言,他们走在无人知晓的地方,也会死在无人知晓的地方,但总体上,他们可落脚的区域却是有一定范围的。 These scopes usually in wild mountainous country that each noble territory between these nobody will ask, but in the Clearwater River north and south the Tanzan mine east and Kant territory the bulk land, is this place. 这些范围通常就在各个贵族领地之间那些无人问津的荒山野岭里,而在白水河北方、坦桑矿山东部、康德领南部的这一大块土地,就是这种地方。 Had massively from Condor Territory, Carol Territory and refugees in Northwest many scattered villages and small towns along the rivers and mountain forest trend wander to this area, they can move toward the slightly bountiful point middle area, but in the past two years Kingdom central and crop of southern areas caused regional grain in storage to have insufficient unsatisfactory, although many places have gotten strength back this year, but each region aristocrat still took strict precautions against cling to tenaciously to external refugee, the aristocrat in middle area by nearly regarded the vision of thief and robber regarded these to come from poor South the famine victim hungry man (Han), therefore to these homeless person, went to all road/s of middle area to block, they. Only can wander arrive in the south mountain forest. 有大量来自秃鹰领卡洛尔领和西北方诸多零散村镇的难民沿着河流与山林的走向游荡到了这一地区,他们本可以向着稍微富饶一点的中部地区迁徙,但最近两年来王国中部和南部地区的收成欠佳导致各地存粮皆有不足,虽然今年很多地方已经缓过劲来,但各地贵族仍然对外来的流民严防死守,中部地区的贵族更是以近乎看待小偷和强盗的眼光看待那些来自“贫穷南方”的饥民饿汉,因此对这些无家可归者而言,前往中部地区的所有道路都已经封锁,他们只能游荡到南边的这片山林里。 According to intelligence that grasps sketchily, currently has reaches several thousands to be in the homeless person in hunger to disperse stays in this mountain forest and wilderness, because most refugee once moved( even from same place) along the same route, in the settlements that these homeless people form kept the contact of certain extent, although this relation is quite loose, but like a standing net, so long as grasped a node, then seeks to be able the entire standing net to grasp following the line in the hand. 根据粗略掌握的情报,目前有多达数千正处于饥饿中的无家可归者分散栖身于这片山林与荒野中,而由于大部分流民都曾沿着同一个路线迁徙(甚至来自相同的地方),这些无家可归者形成的聚落之间保持了一定程度的联系虽然这联系极为松散,但就像一张网,只要掌握了其中一个节点,那么顺着线寻找下去就能把整张网抓在手中。 Knight Byron has passed over half a month in the South area dispersion news through his underground channel, Cecil territory drew in intelligence of refugee definitely also to have entered in the ears of these homeless people, but these poor men have lost the confidence to the aristocrat before Frost Month arrives, will have mercenary catches Nudui who the aristocrat sends to plunder them almost every several days, therefore wants these so easy to believe that in the world the aristocrat family is also willing friendly to admit and protect them is almost the not possible matter. 拜伦骑士通过他的地下渠道在南方地区散布消息已经过去了大半个月,塞西尔领收拢难民的情报肯定也有一些进入了这些无家可归者的耳中,但这些可怜人早已对贵族失去信心在霜月降临之前,几乎每隔几天就会有贵族派出来的佣兵捕奴队来掳掠他们,所以想让这些人如此容易就相信世界上还有一个贵族家族愿意友善地接纳并保护他们几乎是不可能的事情。 But if can have a number of refugee, one batch fled from calamity, to live several months of even 1-2 years of refugee to run the transmission news with them in the wilderness with them in each settlements together same, then recruited the homeless person on easy many. 但如果能有一批流民,一批和他们一同逃难出来、和他们一样在荒野上生活了几个月甚至1-2的流民在各个聚落之间奔走传递消息,那么招募无家可归者就容易的多了。 The Gawain preparation chooses a number of minds is quite flexible, courage from these dozens refugee is quite big at present, the speech quite credible person to treat as the guide and Envoy, depends upon their persuasive powers, attracts the homeless person to settle down in Cecil territory. 高文准备从眼前这几十个流民中挑选一批头脑比较灵活、胆子比较大、说话比较可信的人当做向导和使者,依靠他们的说服力,来吸引无家可归者在塞西尔领安家落户。 Frost Month has drawn to a close, after Mist Month starts, official since the winter, must catch up before more person cold and hunger die completes as far as possible many placements. 霜月已经临近尾声,雾月开始之后就会正式进入冬季,要赶在更多的人冻饿而死之前完成尽可能多的安置。 Has the youngster who at present this has the red nose( perhaps grown up? But was too emaciated), although is a little rash, but his courage may be big, moreover look not like the great majority poor thorough numb, can therefore hold the post of such Envoy. 眼前这个有着红鼻子的少年(或许已经成年?但实在太瘦弱了)虽然有点莽撞,但他胆子可不小,而且眼神也不像大多数贫民一样彻底麻木,所以可以担任这样的使者 Cecil Family is remoulding the order on this lands, before this year's Month of Cold arrives, all in the homeless people who in this mountain forest and nearby wilderness roam about can Cecil Family registers and becomes on this lands permanent, legitimate citizen,” the Gawain looks at present youngster, said that listens to nearby everyone, he emphasized all these to intentionally before Month of Cold arrived was effective, was actually not real must set this limit, but was by this by this emergency credibly, and has the pressure and urgency by these person at present, „, for by. The people who all need to help can receive the message promptly, I refugee that wants you as well as other able people seeks for these to hide, I will send the soldier to escort and ensure you can live are completing these work.” 塞西尔家族正在重塑这片土地上的秩序,在今年的冷冽之月降临之前,所有在这片山林和附近荒原中流浪的无家可归者都可以向塞西尔家族报到并成为这片土地上永久的、合法的领民,”高文看着眼前的少年,同时也是说给旁边的每一个人听,他故意强调了这一切要在“冷冽之月”降临前才有效,却并不是真的要设置这个限制,而是以此来让这件事变得更加可信,并且让眼前这些人产生压力和急迫感,“为了让所有需要帮助的人都能及时收到消息,我要你以及其他有能力的人去寻找那些藏身起来的流民,我会派士兵护送,保证你们能活着完成这些工作。” Tom opens the eye to listen to all these, Gawain turns around, shifts to these to describe withered, expression except for the nervous then numb Southern Region refugee: I know that you are the people of honest duty, is observes the person of legal and diligent work, but your Feudal Lord abandoned you, entire Southern Region all aristocrats abandoned you, does not have any families and any lands allow you to base and survive, you can only roam about in the wilderness, depend upon the grassroots, the bark even moss and mouse come full belly, but even so, the lackeys of these aristocrats are plundering you, cruelly harms you, even chased down you to come here! However, starting today, you stood on the Cecil Family land, starting today I was your Feudal Lord! You can freely and survive on the Cecil Family land safely, moreover you must tell, together the person who suffers hardships in the wilderness that you know, making them know, here has place that can settle down!” 汤姆睁大眼睛听着这一切,高文则转过身去,转向那些形容枯槁、表情除了紧张便只有麻木的南境难民:“我知道你们原本都是老实本分的人,是遵守法律、勤奋工作的人,但你们的领主抛弃了你们,整个南境所有的贵族都抛弃了你们,没有任何一个家族、任何一片土地允许你们立足和生存,你们只能在荒野中流浪,依靠草根、树皮甚至苔藓和老鼠来饱腹,而即便如此,那些贵族的爪牙还是在掳掠你们,残害你们,甚至追杀你们到了这里!但是,从今天开始,你们站在了塞西尔家族的土地上,从今天开始我就是你们的领主!你们可以自由且安全地在塞西尔家族的土地上生存,而且你们要告诉你们所认识的、一同在荒野上受苦的人,让他们知道,这里有可以安家落户的地方!” The little meager brilliance appeared from that both pollution numb eye finally. 一点点微薄的光彩终于从那一双双浑浊麻木的眼睛中浮现了出来。 Their eventually person, has a mind. 他们终究还是人,还是有心的。 Gawain had not anticipated that these slow famine victims can cheer to respond itself, he then retroceded half step after the words that saying must speak, saw that Wright has released the Holy Light treatment to all wounded person, then turns the head to look to Knight Philip: Apportions these people food that comes out unnecessarily some, otherwise by their conditions, perhaps is very difficult to walk to Feudal Territory on. Moreover, sends a soldier who rides the fast horse goes back, told Hetty the news, making her be ready.” 高文没有期待这些迟钝的饥民能欢呼来响应自己,他在说完自己要说的话之后便后退了半步,看到莱特已经给所有伤员释放过圣光治疗,便转头看向菲利普骑士:“把多余出来的食物分给这些人一些否则以他们的状态,恐怕很难走到领地上。另外,派一个骑快马的士兵回去,把消息告诉赫蒂,让她做好准备。” The encouraging speech later distribution food, this forever is the most effective means that particularly in this age. 鼓舞人心的演讲之后分发食物,这永远是最行之有效的办法,尤其是在这个年代。 After Feudal Lord life person takes food, these talents will feel themselves to return „the Human Race society truly, and believes firmly that own new Feudal Lord will truly fill the belly by oneself, the command prompt, will maintain the most basic loyalty for this reason. The civilian thought of this time is so simple and direct, this can be said as Gawain in the only good intentions that this venomous world feels. 当“领主”命人把食物取出来之后,这些人才会真正感受到自己已经重新回到“人类社会”之中,并确信自己的新“领主”确实会让自己填饱肚子,他们自己则会为此而服从命令、维持最基本的忠诚。这个时代的平民思维就是如此朴实而直接,这可以说是高文在这个充满恶意的世界所感受到的唯一的善意。 At this time, that just accepted the black hair young girl of Wright treatment to walk suddenly, she was cramped, but nervous grabbed own clothes, some as if words want to say that Gawain seeing that driving opens the mouth: „Do you ask me to have the matter?” 这时候,那位刚刚接受过莱特治疗的黑发少女突然走了过来,她局促而紧张地抓着自己的衣服,似乎有话想说,高文见状主动开口了:“你找我有事?” Is......, leads...... Sir Feudal Lord,” black hair girl , said Feudal Lord two characters as if a little to knock to stumble, but said smoothly, a moment ago you said real?” “是……是的,领……领主老爷,”黑发姑娘在说出“领主”两个字的时候似乎有点磕绊,但还是顺利说了出来,“您刚才说的都是真的么?” Naturally real,” Gawain smiled, „do I need to deceive you?” “当然是真的,”高文笑了起来,“我有必要骗你们?” But words that aristocrat Lords spoke always not real. 但贵族老爷们说的话从来都不会是真的。 these words fine jade only dares to think, she said was actually: „Can I look for other settlements with my younger brother? His leg and foot is inconvenient, needs the person to look.” 这句话琼只敢在内心想一下,她说出来的却是:“我能和我的弟弟一起去找其他聚落么?他腿脚不便,需要人照顾。” If necessary I will arrange a horse or a car(riage) to him,” Gawain noticed the issue on that youngster leg and foot a moment ago, but nods, naturally, you can still act with him together.” “有必要的话我会给他安排一匹马或者一辆车,”高文刚才就注意到了那个少年腿脚上的问题,不过还是点点头,“当然,你仍然可以跟他一起行动。” The young girls deeply lower the head: Extremely thanked your benevolence.” 少女深深低下头去:“万分感谢您的仁慈。” One day later, Gawain and Amber are leading half of soldiers, sending under custody two mercenary that is capturing alive to return to Feudal Territory in advance. 在一天后,高文琥珀带领着一半的士兵,押送着活捉到的两个佣兵先行返回了领地 But Knight Philip leads the remaining half of soldiers to escort that dozens new population to follow on the heels, because the refugee physique is weak, many people have the old disease, therefore behind Wright also remains is responsible for looking. 菲利普骑士则带着剩下的一半士兵护送那几十名“新增人口”跟在后面,由于流民们体质虚弱,不少人还有慢性疾病,所以莱特也留在后面负责照看。 That Holy Light Priest can also go against Berserker combat power while convenient...... 那位圣光牧师顺便还能顶个狂战士战斗力…… The Gawain's mood is very good, although his these goes out to toss about only to have dozens new population, the population that even might as well came from Tanzan Town transports/fortunes the slave ship are many, but he succeeded and refugee in Clearwater River north wilderness by this made the contact, the preliminary trust will develop in these dozens people of foundations, in thinking of this piece of broad barren land is gathering many Feudal Territory urgently needed labour force, he was extremely joyful. 高文的心情很愉快,虽然他这一趟出门折腾只带回来几十个新增人口,甚至还不如从坦桑镇过来的一艘运奴船的人口多,可是他以此成功和白水河北部荒野中的流民建立了联系,初步的信任就将在这几十人的基础上发展起来,联想到这片广阔的不毛之地中聚集着多少领地急需的劳动力,他就万分愉悦。 need not raises in these refugee the larger part has some craftsmanship, or a little experience free citizen, their basic attributes are at least high on the slave who the ratio buys, this will reduce many costs in the late education. 不用提这些流民中一大半都是具备一些手艺,或者至少有一点见识的自由民,他们的基础素质就比买回来的奴隶要高,这将在后期的教育中减少很多成本。 serf is very difficult to become refugee, because they tied up on the land, when the famine arrives the place aristocrat will draw to support the famine to end with the lowest cost own serf, resumes production by this, but serf that tries to escape will be stressed the execution, instead will be the position slightly is high free citizen to lose in this case depends upon completely, has to flee from calamity out of native place. 农奴是很难成为流民的因为他们被绑死在土地上,当灾荒到来的时候地方贵族会把自己的农奴收拢起来用最低成本养活到灾荒结束,以此来恢复生产,而试图逃跑的农奴则会被抓回来处死,反而是地位稍高一些的自由民会在这种情况下失去全部依靠,不得不背井离乡地逃难。 Sometimes therefore some people will also tease one on the lands of some aristocrats, the free price is instead higher than to become serf. 所以有时候也会有人这么调侃一句在有些贵族的土地上,自由的代价反而比成为农奴更加高昂。 But manages Hetty of Feudal Territory internal affairs actually seems somewhat heavyhearted, she found Gawain: Ancestor, you really planned before Month of Cold arrives draws in the Clearwater River north bank wilderness all homeless people?” 可是统管领地内务的赫蒂却显得有些忧心忡忡,她找到了高文:“先祖,您真的打算在冷冽之月到来之前收拢白水河北岸荒野中所有的无家可归者么?” Gawain has expected Hetty to look for itself, he shows the smile: „Does grain have the pressure?” 高文早已料到赫蒂会来找自己,他露出微笑:“粮食有压力么?” Really has, if these intelligence real, the entire wilderness now everywhere is a refugee, we are going to provide for about 4000 people to pass this winter. In Feudal Territory after these days population expansion also only then 2000 population, we were equal to that wants all of a sudden to provide to surpass us to have the population two times of refugees. But this is also only the secondary problem, after all the grain can spend money to buy, Tanzan Town is bountiful, is willing to sell to our grain with low price, this aspect is solved fortunately, what real trouble is how all of a sudden increases so many people to keep the order our with great difficulty these purchase digests to absorb the custom, to defend the legal serf and slave laborer who citizen, at this time came 4000 people again rashly, I was worried very much before , the achievement of diligently yielding will be destroyed, even if these refugees do not intend to destroy.” “确实有如果那些情报是真的,整个荒野现在到处都是难民,我们将要供养大约四千人度过这个冬天。领地里经过这一段时间的人口扩充也就只有两千人口而已,我们等于要一下子供养超过我们现有人口两倍的难民。而这还只是次要问题,毕竟粮食可以用钱买来,坦桑镇富饶,又愿意低价卖给我们粮食,这方面还好解决,真正麻烦的是一下子新增这么多人该怎么维持秩序我们好不容易才把那些购买来的农奴和奴工消化吸收成懂规矩、守法律的领民,这种时候再贸然来四千人,我很担心之前努力获得的成果会被破坏掉哪怕那些难民并不是有意破坏的。” We increased to 2000 people 800 people, the population doubled continue, but the order has not actually collapsed,” Gawain smiled is looking to Hetty, what good worry, therefore had?” “我们把八百人增加到两千人,人口增加了一倍不止,但秩序却没有崩溃,”高文微笑着看向赫蒂,“所以有什么好担心的呢?” That is because before , the population of increasing is warm before the weather that Frost Month arrives, has the sufficient job to these people, they can follow citizen to open up wasteland, cuts wood, constructs house, according to your view, has the work to have the transformation, the sufficient job can be digests the absorption new population the optimal path, but now is Frost Month last ten days of the month, quick will enter the floating snow Mist Month, again is freezing cold Month of Cold, at this time we did not have the job......” “那是因为之前增加的人口都是在霜月之前抵达的天气温暖,有着充足的工作岗位给那些人,他们可以跟着领民去开荒,去伐木,去建造房屋,按照您的说法,有劳动就有改造,充足的工作岗位会是消化吸收新增人口的最佳途径,可是如今已经是霜月下旬,很快就会进入飘雪的雾月,再然后是滴水成冰的冷冽之月,这时候我们就没有工作岗位了……” Who said no?” Gawain smiles was happier, is why out-of-service in the winter, but can only the nest consume the grain at home? In fact quite to the contrary...... here also has piling in heaps engineering project to wait for the manpower to complete.” 8) “谁说没有的呢?”高文笑的更开心了,“为什么冬天就不能工作,而只能窝在家里消耗粮食呢?事实上正相反……我这里可是还有成堆的工程项目等着人手去完成呐。”八)
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