SOD :: Volume #2

#161: Collection fire that......

The attack is sudden, moreover no one can respond how this is an attack. 袭击是突然发生的,而且没有人能反应过来这到底是怎样一种袭击。 Even if very experienced experienced by various fierce people( or ferocious beast) have attacked senior mercenary, by a no magic fluctuation rupturing fireball was pounded on the face can a face compel ignorant, but this flash compels ignorant, caused the situation to lose the control in their hands. 哪怕是经验丰富见多识广被各种猛人(或者猛兽)袭击过的资深佣兵,在被一种毫无魔法波动的爆裂火球砸在脸上的时候都会一脸懵逼,而这一瞬间的懵逼,就导致了局势在他们手中失去控制。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” Wears the mercenary chieftain of half-length armor first hissing crack lung to bellow, later did not allow to send activated own guard spiritual energy, but direction these raiders who in the time that the surrounding mercenary companion in hesitating less than partly patted quickly turned to the raider have made an appearance from the woods. 身穿半身铠的佣兵头目第一时间嘶声裂肺地大吼出来,随后间不容发地激活了自己的护身灵气,而周围的佣兵同伴则在迟疑了不到半拍的时间里迅速转向袭击者的方向那些袭击者已经从树林中露面了。 The mercenary group leader who has the Knight level first saw look of raider, he noticed that the soldiers of several wear style strange light quality armor trod the grove, these soldiers are equipping the style strangely and as if the burden same asymmetrical large-scale arm guard, carried the backpack that marched in the battlefield, seemed like does not have the slight general knowledge and combat power simply, he cannot help but felt the arm guard that laughable that showing had the feeling was flashy but lacking substance, can only affect the physical balance in close combat wrestle, the backpack that was in the way lacks the performance of battle experience: This type of thing before battle starts should unload! 一名有着骑士位阶的佣兵小头目首先看到了袭击者的模样,他看到几个穿着样式古怪轻质铠甲的士兵踏出了林子,那些士兵装备着样式古怪、仿佛累赘一样不对称的大型护臂,在战场上还背着行军的背囊,看起来简直没有丝毫的常识与战斗力,他不由得感到可笑那彰显存在感的护臂华而不实,只能影响近战格斗中的身体平衡,身后碍事的背包更是缺乏战斗经验的表现:这种东西在战斗开始之前就应该卸下来! Naturally, makes him have the contempt to these strange soldiers truly, is he has not felt slight mana fluctuation from these enemies. 当然,真正让他对那些奇怪士兵产生轻视的,是他没有从那些敌人身上感到丝毫的魔力波动 Do the average people, dress the strange equipment this also to resist Extraordinary? 普通人,穿戴着奇怪的装备而已这也想对抗超凡者 However considering former that twice strange magic explosion, in the mercenary Knight worry woods is hiding Spellcaster, therefore he waves, is greeting the recent several subordinates: To/Clashes to me!” 不过考虑到之前那两次古怪的魔法爆炸,佣兵骑士担心树林中躲藏着施法者,于是他一挥手,招呼着自己最近的几个部下:“给我冲!” Several subordinate instinct obeyed the order, brandished the sword to charge into woods edge these strange enemies, but at the same time, other mercenary partners also responded, sent out the shock and awe will of the people yelled strangely while welcomed to the raider. 几名部下本能地服从了命令,挥舞着刀剑冲向了树林边缘那些古怪的敌人,而与此同时,其他的佣兵伙伴也纷纷反应过来,一边发出震慑人心的怪异喊叫一边迎向袭击者。 The matter that but then has makes everyone not respond. 但接下来发生的事情让所有人都没反应过来。 These clothing soldier one by one of strange equipment was lifting the left arm, aimed like the launch crossbow charged into their mercenary, a series of low and deep, the high fever light beam broke open the air buzz the cry transmitted, heat ray continuously then pierced the soldier on each charge road. 那些穿戴着奇怪装备的士兵一个个抬起了左臂,就像发射手弩一样瞄准了冲向他们的佣兵,紧接着一连串低沉的、高热光束破开空气的嗡鸣传来,连续不断的灼热射线便洞穿了每一个冲锋路上的战士。 Knight group leader looks at this, in the mind the explosion flashes through the fantasy story idea panic-stricken: heat ray? mage? Puts on board armor to carry mage of long sword? A group of wear board is armor carrying mage of long sword?! 骑士小头目惊恐地看着这一幕,脑海中爆炸般闪过天方夜谭般的想法:灼热射线法师?穿着板甲拎着长剑的法师?一大群穿着板甲拎着长剑的法师?! He activated oneself guard spiritual energy at the entire life quickest speed, dense mana appears brilliance when his body surface, but when he thinks oneself can resist that several strange board armor mage low level magic, in the woods suddenly resounded one after another buzz the cry, more than ten red light then raid toward his surface gate. 他以生平最快的速度激活了自己的护身灵气,一层氤氲的魔力光辉浮现在他的体表,但当他以为自己能抵挡住那几名奇怪“板甲法师”的低级魔法时,树林中突然响起了一连串嗡鸣,紧接着十几道红光便朝着他的面门袭来。 The heat ray bombardment one after another on him, Knight whole body spiritual energy the initial several light beams will extinguish in the silence, but in heart of this mercenary actually panic-stricken, because he discovered these wear board armor „when mage spell casting does not need the cushion and chanting, he discovered the light beam that in the woods splashes is completely continuously! 一道又一道的灼热射线轰击在他身上,骑士的浑身灵气将最初的几道光束消弭于无声无息,但这名佣兵的心中却只有惊恐,因为他发现那些穿着板甲的“法师施法时根本不需要缓冲和咏唱,他发现树林中泼洒出来的光束完全是连绵不断! Rending and has the severe pain of scalding hot feeling to transmit from the abdomen, is various four limbs places is also then hit, this low rank Knight strength mercenary group leader was almost disintegrate but actually, before the thought ended thoroughly, in his mind only had a thought: 一阵撕心裂肺并带着灼热感的剧痛从腹部传来,紧接着便是四肢各处被同时命中,这名低阶骑士实力佣兵小头目几乎是四分五裂地倒了下去,在思维彻底终结之前,他脑海里只有一个念头: Isn't mage...... so when valuable? 法师……什么时候这么不值钱了? But in these and group leader one by one by a heat ray collection fire second of killing process , the mercenary chieftain who put on half-length armor is actually lived because of acting with constraint of leader by luck got down he not to follow others to charge together, therefore in seeing the situation not wonderful flash also sought for the bunker avoidance with enough time rapidly, he was almost tumbles rushed to behind a recent big stone, but in this process, he actually saw the form that wore the black robe also stood in unexpectedly slowly same place. 而在那些喽啰和小头目一个个灼热射线集火秒杀的过程中,穿着半身甲的佣兵头目却因为首领的矜持而侥幸活了下来他没有跟着其他人一起冲锋,所以在看到情况不妙的一瞬间还来得及迅速寻找掩体躲避,他几乎是连滚带爬地冲到了最近的一块大石头后面,但在这个过程中,他却看到一个身穿黑袍的身影竟然还迟钝地站在原地。 That is in the mercenary group one of the only two mage, the opposite party haunched magic to protect the shield at this time unexpectedly, and starts to chant one to attack magic spell to open shield spell casting, when this is almost each battle mage lies in other mage confrontations basic operation, is the standard operation, but the mercenary chieftain has actually ended conscious to this stupid battle mage immediately. 那是佣兵团里仅有的两名法师之一,对方这时候竟然撑起了魔法护盾,并开始咏唱一个攻击法术开盾施法,这几乎是每一个战斗法师在于其他法师对阵时的基本操作,也是标准操作,但佣兵头目却立刻意识到这个愚蠢的战斗法师已经完了。 The forms of his looks at dozens scalding hot red light beam shoots towards that wear law robes, tore into shreds magic power of opposite party to protect the shield helplessly easily, in that had on certain anti- demonic nature magic long gown to arouse intermittent ripples, black robe mage relied on magic power to protect the shield and expensive anti- magic robe has supported the first round of fire, but the second round of fire turned into the hard coke that him one group flew high to blast out. 他眼睁睁地看着几十道灼热的红色光束射向那个穿着法袍的身影,轻而易举地撕碎了对方的法力护盾,并在那身具备一定抗魔性的魔法长袍上激起一阵阵的涟漪,黑袍法师凭借着法力护盾和昂贵的抗魔法袍撑过了第一轮射击,可是第二轮射击把他变成了一团凌空炸开的焦炭。 This at all is not battle, this was one-sided slaughter enemy and us strength disparate he gets his subordinates to kill when the refugee camp like before huge. 这根本不是战斗,这就是一边倒的屠杀敌我实力之悬殊就像之前他领着他的部下们在流民营地里砍杀时一样巨大。 The mercenary chieftain completely gave up revolting in the face of this strength, he looked at one, confirmed oneself have not appeared in the line of sight of enemy, therefore immediately along stone nearby haystacks and corpse pile of migrations, the preparation flees from this fearful place, however he just moved, then felt that icy cold cold air spread the whole body from the back, an icy blade edge arrived on oneself neck. 佣兵头目完全放弃了在这种力量面前反抗,他四下看了一眼,确认自己还没有出现在敌人的视线里,于是立刻沿着石头旁边的草垛和尸体堆移动,准备逃离这个可怕的地方,然而他刚刚动了一下,便感到一股冰凉的寒气从后背蔓延到全身,一个冷冰冰的刀锋抵在了自己脖子上。 I, if you, placed on the hand the back of the head at this time.” “我要是你,这时候就把手放在后脑勺上。” Amber is arriving at latter Bo Jing of mercenary chieftain with a dagger, sends out the powerful threat, while in the heart is strengthening an idea: So long as this mercenary chieftain who seems like can hit has the resistance slightly, she runs immediately. 琥珀用一把匕首抵着佣兵头目的后勃颈,一边发出强有力的威胁,一边心中坚定着一个想法:只要这个看起来就很能打的佣兵头目稍有反抗,她立刻就跑。 But if the opposite party does not revolt, she trades a roasted chicken with this merit with Gawain and half barrel of ice beer. 但如果对方不反抗的话,她就用这个功劳跟高文换一只烤鸡和半桶冰啤酒。 The mercenary chieftain does not have the resistance, because he believes that now dozens battle mage surrounded this place, although these battle mage styles are very strange, but magic cannot create a false impression, but in front of such a mage group, the time must instigate again high. 佣兵头目没有反抗因为他现在坚信有几十个战斗法师包围了这个地方,虽然那些战斗法师的画风很奇怪,但魔法是造不得假的,而在这样一支法师团面前,功夫再高也得怂。 The entire journey has not acted, but looked on record battlefield Gawain and Philip walked, leading the magical infantries to start to clean up the battlefield, but the mercenary chieftain stood up from the stone under the threat of Amber dagger, the little darling accepted the control. 全程没有出手,只是旁观记录战场的高文菲利普走了出来,带着魔导步兵们开始清理战场,而佣兵头目则在琥珀的匕首威胁下从石头后面站起身,乖乖接受控制。 looks at the lying this way and that burned black corpse, associate gets up at present before for several minutes, these are one crowd of well-equipped, even there is elite mercenary that Extraordinary assumes, in the Gawain heart were many to new heat-ray gun proud and faith. 看着眼前横七竖八的焦黑尸体,联想起短短几分钟前这些还是一群装备精良,甚至有超凡者坐镇的精锐佣兵,高文心中对新型的热能射线枪多了一丝自豪和信赖。 Meanwhile he also discovered many shortcoming many soldiers in first-generation magic energy infantry's in the experience and tactic still had not gotten rid from traditional mode of operations, did not understand that the essential meaning of ambush volume of hot enemy in the bunker, some people exposes itself prematurely, some people in strikes after magic for the first time kills the enemy is stimulated, forgot the collection hot duty that the platoon leader distributes hits air/Qi randomly, even two soldier operate misses, has not opened the insurance toward enemy pew pew the half of the day, by the present under ally's reminder discovered person has not an...... 但同时他也发现了第一代魔能步兵在经验与战术上的诸多缺点不少士兵仍然没有从传统的作战方式中摆脱出来,不懂得埋伏在掩体里面集火敌人的要义,有人过早地暴露自身,有人则在第一次用魔法击杀敌人之后过于亢奋,忘记了小队长分派的集火任务乱打一气,甚至有两名士兵操作失误,在没有打开保险的情况下朝着敌人biu了半天,到现在才在战友的提醒下发现自己其实一个人都没打到…… Leads 30 magic energy infantries to cope with the feelings of these mercenary really a little killing a chicken with an ox cleaver, according to the heat-ray gun might and new-style equipment appears after the battlefield gives chaos that the enemy brings, Gawain judged that actually only needs ten soldiers to solve mercenary of these seemingly motley crew to want the collection fire prompt tactic to be appropriate at present well-equipped actually, and tradition low rank Extraordinary, when is very difficult to make the effective counter-attack facing magic energy equipment. 带三十个魔能步兵来对付这些佣兵果然有点杀鸡用牛刀的感觉,根据热能射线枪的威力以及新式装备出现在战场上之后给敌人带来的混乱,高文判断其实只需要十个士兵就能解决掉眼前这些看似装备精良实则乌合之众的佣兵只要集火及时战术得当,传统且低阶超凡者在面对魔能武装的时候是很难做出有效反击的。 But brings so many people to need very much, even if everyone only conducts an effective fire( two looks at others fire spear/gun), these soldiers also understood in the real combat process the characteristics and usage of new-style equipment, Gawain also confirmed simultaneously the training and education progress to these soldiers, no matter to heat-ray gun to these new soldiers, today is a very valuable real combat examination. 但带来这么多人还是很有必要哪怕每个人只进行一次有效射击(其中两个还是看着别人打枪),这些士兵也在实战过程中了解了新式装备的特性与用法,同时高文也确认了对这些士兵的训练和教育进度,不管是对热能射线枪还是对这些新型士兵,今天都是一次很有价值的实战检验。 Missionary Wright also followed the soldiers from the woods, he was first combat that saw Cecil Battle Corps, that type of unbelievable mysterious weapon made this strong with bear same Priest mister startled, but he then the attention from these looked on quickly not the clear weapon shifted. 传教士莱特也跟随士兵们从树林中走了出来,他是第一次见到塞西尔战斗兵团的作战,那种难以置信的神秘武器让这个壮的跟熊一样的牧师先生愕然不已,但他很快便把注意力从那些看不明白的武器上转移开来。 Wright is taking a walk in the mercenary corpses everywhere, once for a while the squatting down body, Holy Light Church symbol under the forehead pictures of these corpses, the mouth mumbled simultaneously: 莱特在满地的佣兵尸体之间走动着,时不时蹲下身子,在那些尸体的额头画下圣光教会符号,同时嘴里念念有词: Wish Holy Light to purify your evil soul.” “愿圣光净化你那罪恶的灵魂。” Wish Holy Light to purify your evil soul.” “愿圣光净化你那罪恶的灵魂。” Wish Holy Light to purify your evil, moreover is long particularly ugly soul.” “愿圣光净化你那罪恶而且长得特别丑的灵魂。” Wish Holy Light to purify your evil also to be long the clown, moreover garlic taste soul.” “愿圣光净化你那罪恶长得又丑而且还一口大蒜味的灵魂。” This devout Holy Light believer like qualified accompanying the armed forces Priest such, is returning to normal these with own belief before death cruel bloody mercenary undead, to prevent this to flood the death aura environment to expedite the danger the evil spirit or the curse plague. He is praying while moves away from an unrequited mercenary archer and crossbowman the hand, later arrives at next mercenary side and squatting down that body wears the grey short robe: Wish Holy Light to purify your......? You......” 这位虔诚的圣光教徒就像一个合格的随军牧师那样,用自己的信仰平复着这些生前残暴血腥的佣兵亡灵,以防止这充斥着死亡气息的环境催生出危险的恶灵或诅咒瘟疫。他一边祈祷着一边把手从一个死不瞑目的佣兵弓弩手头上拿开,随后走到下一个身穿灰色短袍的佣兵身旁并蹲下身子:“愿圣光净化你那……嗯?你……” As Wright makes the sound of doubts, this wears the grey short robe corpse had the movement instantaneously, this playing dead mage opens the eye suddenly, in the eyes is full the chaos light class/flow that mana is overloading, dangerous arcane missile also in his chest front formation, raids to Wright! 随着莱特发出疑惑的声音,这个身穿灰色短袍的“尸体”瞬间有了动作,这个假死的法师猛然睁开眼睛,双眼中充盈着魔力过载的混乱光流,一个危险的奥术飞弹随之在他胸前成型,袭向莱特 Such near distance, not possible to protect the body with Divine Spell, Missionary Wright actually still lifted up high the right hand, in the mouth is summoning the Holy Light technique steadfastly: commandment- silent!” 这么近的距离,已经不可能用神术护体,传教士莱特却仍然高举起右手,口中坚定不移地呼唤着圣光的技艺:“戒律-沉默!” An earthenware cooking pot big fist drops from the clouds, feigning death mercenary mage the whole face blood faints immediately. 一个砂锅大的拳头从天而降,装死的佣兵法师登时满脸鲜血昏死过去。 To be honest, almost really killed. 老实说,差点就真打死了。 Afterward this Missionary mister standing up body, calls loudly to Gawain: My Lord! Here has feigning death mage to frighten me to jump!” 随后这位传教士先生站起身子,对高文高声喊道:“领主大人!这边有个装死的法师吓我一跳!” Amber actually saw the entire process of matter, this Miss Half-Elf calls out in alarm in not far away makes noise: Mother hasn't you killed him?” 琥珀却看到了事情的整个过程,这位半精灵小姐在不远处惊呼出声:“妈耶你没把他打死吧?” A Wright face is confident: Relax, has not died, silent technique being able dead person.” 莱特一脸坦然:“放心吧,没死,沉默术死不了人的。” Ties up these two living witness,” Gawain has the immunity to these style not normal fellows probably, at this time sighed then to distribute the duty normally, Philip, you had half of people to go to the grove to transfer, the confirmation not surplus enemies. Wright, you come, here has the wounded person.” 8) “把这两个活口绑起来,”高文大概是对这些画风不正常的家伙已经有了点免疫力,这时候只是叹口气便正常分派起任务,“菲利普,你带着一半人去林子里转一圈,确认没有剩余的敌人。莱特,你来,这里有伤员。”八)
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