SOD :: Volume #2

#160: Agglomeration

Very much then the refugee living area is not crosses the Clearwater River north bank open land will enter the mountain forest region after Clearwater River, refugee then hides in the mountain forest, depends upon in the mountain forest scarce food to deliver seeks livehood difficultly. 流民的聚居点距离白水河并不是很远越过白水河北岸的荒地之后便会进入山林地带,流民便躲藏在山林之中,依靠山林中稀少的食物产出艰难求生。 The mountain forest was Tanzan mine with the eastern rough terrain joint product, the mountain massif of fluctuating slowed down the strength of wind, making these ride the wind, but the good seed had in this place the opportunity that took root to germinate, formed along the low hillside off and on distribution, not really the forest land of cover, but this stretch of forest land long ago had the master. 山林是坦桑矿山与东部丘陵地带的接合产物,起伏的山体减缓了风的力量,让那些乘风而行的种子有了在此地生根发芽的机会,形成了沿着低矮山坡断断续续分布的、不甚茂密的林地,而这片林地在很久以前还是有主人的。 Short-lived Calg family once became this stretch of forest land as well as Feudal Lord of Clearwater River north bank open land shortly, but a plague ended this family's rule, but that is several hundred years ago things, now the nature has smoothed by grinding the evidence that Human Race civilization had thoroughly, the castle calmly deep sleep that the Calg family collapses behind which hillside, in does not know, but these wooded mountains and wilderness because approaches Dark Mountain Range, becomes place that no one is willing to ask about. 一个短命的“卡尔格”家族曾短暂地成为这片林地以及白水河北岸荒地的领主,但一场瘟疫终结了这个家族的统治,而那已经是数百年前的事情,如今大自然早已彻底磨平了人类文明存在的证据,卡尔格家族坍塌的城堡静静地沉睡在不知道哪片山坡后面,而这些山林和荒野则因为过于靠近黑暗山脉,成为了无人愿意问津的地方。 So long as Dark Mountain Range which family destruction along the route, everyone will recognize that consistently that is curse from Gondor Wasteland is the result with chaos mana, therefore such ownerless land in Southernmost Region everywhere is, although here from Andrew Viscount Leslie Feudal Territory only separated Tanzan mine, but that Mr. Viscount has not thought obviously sends own person to cross the giant Tanzan mountain, develops mountain opposite land. 只要黑暗山脉沿线的哪个家族覆灭了,大家就会一致认定那是来自刚铎废土诅咒混乱魔力所致,因此这样的无主之地极南境到处都是,虽然这里距离安德鲁莱斯利子爵领地只隔了一座坦桑矿山,但那位子爵先生显然没有想过派自己的人越过巨大的坦桑山,来开发山对面的土地。 The light quality enchantment armor that the Cecil battle soldier wear helps act, is equipping new-style heat-ray gun and magic energy Combat Infantry Pack, according to the beforehand battle training discretely and is going through in the mountain forest fast, they left Feudal Territory already one day and one night, in had just conducted a rest and feed some time ago, now is at spirit and stamina condition extremely good time, but the place that refugee hid is not far. 塞西尔战斗兵穿着便于行动的轻质附魔铠甲,装备着新式的热能射线枪魔能作战背包,按照之前的战斗训练在山林中谨慎而快速地穿行着,他们离开领地已经一天一夜,在不久前刚进行过一次休息和进食,现在正处于精神体力都状态极佳的时刻,而流民躲藏的地方已经不远了。 After entering the mountain forest, the warhorse is then hard to display, therefore Gawain left the private car at this moment, is leading a horse to walk with Knight Philip in the same place, Amber hangs in his „the Creager high warhorse on broad horseback, is napping unstaily. 进入山林之后,战马便难以施展,所以高文此刻离开了座驾,牵着马和菲利普骑士走在一起,琥珀则挂在他那匹“克里格高种战马”宽阔的马背上,东倒西歪地打着盹。 Reason that with hanging , because this Miss Half-Elf horsemanship is really unsatisfactory, to prevent from fall immediately, she used herself several leather belts and hasps fixes on saddle, meets the emergency case she to roll into the shadow in any case at any time, did not fear that after tying up to be solid, affects to travel. 之所以用“挂”,是因为这位半精灵小姐实在骑术不佳,为了防止从马上掉下来,她用了好几根皮带和搭扣把自己固定在了鞍子上,反正遇上紧急情况她可以随时滚入暗影,也不怕被绑结实之后影响跑路。 The fellow who has the Elf bloodline, could not exchange unexpectedly with the horse, really worthily was Disgrace of Elves. 一个有精灵血统的家伙,竟然跟匹马都交流不了,真不愧是精灵之耻 We have drawn near,” the Knight Philip looks at front said, in fact this place has many refugee living area, but hidden in extremely the place that was difficult to find, so long as we can find one, was very easy to relate other.” “我们已经快到了,”菲利普骑士看着前方说道,“事实上这一地带有很多个流民聚居点,只是都隐藏在极难找到的地方,但只要我们能找到一个,就很容易联系到其他的。” Gawain slightly nodded , the brow actually wrinkles slightly: In fact I always thought that this situation is somewhat strange.” 高文微微点了点头,眉头却微微皱起:“事实上我总觉得这次情况有些诡异。” Strange?” Knight Philip some have not understood what is heard, where strange?” “诡异?”菲利普骑士有些没听明白,“哪里诡异?” Few people in Frost Month later large-scale catches Nu, because after Frost Month , the temperature reduces, the farming idle time, does not need many labour force, instead the great majority person will enter consumes food the condition to catch the slave in this case, not only cannot make them work, instead needs to put out the grain to support them in vain,” Gawain is shaking the head, mine that only if seasonal effect by, there needs the slave laborer throughout the year, but area this biggest mine is Tanzan mine, that Viscount Andrew had not increased the intention of slave laborer recently......, moreover he also disdains in this type probably the deal that refugee grasps to work as the slave.” “很少有人会在霜月之后大规模捕奴,因为霜月之后气温降低,农事停歇,并不需要多少劳动力,反而大多数人都会进入消耗食物的状态在这种情况下捕捉奴隶,非但不能让他们干活,反而需要白白拿出粮食养活他们,”高文摇着头,“除非是不受季节影响的矿山,那里一年四季都需要奴工,但这一带最大的矿山就是坦桑矿山,那位安德鲁子爵最近可没有增加奴工的意向……而且他好像也是不屑于这种将流民抓来当奴隶的勾当的。” Whose money god knows these mercenary collected,” Knight Philip said, perhaps must sell the middle area, there mine and merchant are many are . Moreover the slave in middle area is high-cost, many people will take risks purchase private slave.” “天知道那些佣兵是收了谁的钱,”菲利普骑士说道,“或许是要卖到中部地区,那里的矿山和商人多得是,而且中部地区的奴隶价格高昂,很多人会铤而走险购买‘私奴’。” Gawain shows neither approval nor disapproval, moreover is quick, a thin smell of blood then sifted his nostril. 高文不置可否,而且很快,一种稀薄的血腥味便飘入了他的鼻孔。 Stops!” He wields immediately started, the soldier team leader of each squad also stopped own team in a low voice, everyone alerted. “停!”他立刻挥了一下手,各个小队的士兵队长随之低声叫停了自己的队伍,每个人都戒备起来。 On horseback trapped/sleepy Amber that must die also feels the atmosphere to change instantaneously( also on this vigilant also calculates that does right by her bloodline, how although to see that instigated probably), all of a sudden opened the eye, later the whole person changes to a shadow to flee to Gawain side: Front has the smell of blood!” 就连在马背上困的要死的琥珀也瞬间感受到气氛变化(也就这份机警还算对得起她的血统,虽然怎么看都像是怂出来的),唰一下子睁开了眼睛,随后整个人化作一道阴影窜到高文身旁:“前面有血腥味!” Holy Light on!” Accompanied the armed forces Priest Wright to draw a sacred mark in the chest immediately, some people are bleeding dead.” 圣光在上!”随军牧师莱特立刻在胸口画了个神圣标记,“有人在流血死去。” Under the soldiers in Gawain's lead to cross the forest and shrubbery rapidly, the refugee living area situation also presents before them. 士兵们在高文的带领下迅速越过林木和灌木丛,流民聚居点的情况随之呈现在他们面前。 These mercenary have begun. 那些佣兵已经动手了。 The living area uses a tattered wood/blockhead fence and thorn gathers round, but cannot resist obviously with the wild animal of sword, among the scattered several worn-out tents is the big piece open area, ** ten described in rags withered refugee was driven away is gathering in that stretch of open area, but more than 20 complete equipment mercenary are divided into two groups, half of people guard in the camp surrounding, the other half person sword comes out of the sheath to refugee that these are gathering, there is a person who wears black half-length armor will soon become in front of the poor man of slave to walk back and forth in these, what to be shouting curses unceasingly loudly. 聚居点用一圈破烂的木头篱笆和荆棘围着,但显然没能抵挡住拿着刀剑的野兽,稀稀落落的几个破旧帐篷之间是大片的空地,**十个衣衫褴褛形容枯槁的流民被驱赶着聚集在那片空地上,而二十多名全副武装佣兵则分成两拨,一半人在营地外围把守,另一半人则刀剑出鞘地对着那些聚集起来的流民,有一个身穿黑色半身甲的人在这些即将成为奴隶的可怜人面前走来走去,不断高声叫骂着些什么。 But in their peripheral open areas, then can see the corpse that 78 fall dead on the ground, was all hacked to death by the chaotic blade obviously, in the initial time of mercenary attack camp, some people conducted the short resistance, but this type revolted against by the thunder is destroyed, these were hewn the fragment the corpse effectively to prevent the resistance promotion and situation at the scene lose the control. 而在他们周边的空地上,则可以看到七八具倒毙在地上的尸体,皆是被乱刀砍死显然,在佣兵袭击营地的最初时刻,有人进行了短暂的反抗,可是这种反抗被雷霆般地摧毁了,那些被当场砍成碎块的尸体有效防止了反抗升级和局势失去控制。 Equipment truly excellent,” Gawain looks while is analyzing, „, moreover they have half of people to mix up with the civilians, once battle starts, they might work as the hostage with these civilians......” “装备确实精良,”高文一边看一边分析着,“而且他们有一半人和平民混在一起,一旦战斗开始,他们很可能会用那些平民当人质……” Hostage? Do you want?” Amber looked at Gawain one, these are regard draft animal same refugee by the aristocrats and mercenary, the army of aristocrat and aristocrat definitely also think from do not care their life and death these mercenary our, therefore they will not work as the hostage with these people. But the critical moment treats as shield to have the possibility actually...... so long as we can find the way to make a big move, making them be caught off guard, these refugee will flee and become separated immediately loudly, the situation was not so controlled by these mercenary. Had not been bound while the hands and feet of these refugee, the present is a good time.” “人质?你想多了吧?”琥珀看了高文一眼,“那些是被贵族和佣兵们当成牲口一样的流民,贵族和贵族的军队从不在意他们的生死那些佣兵肯定也是这么想咱们的,所以他们才不会用那些人当人质。但关键时刻当做挡箭牌倒是有可能……不过只要咱们能想办法弄出个大动静,让他们措手不及,那些流民立刻就会轰然逃散,如此情况就不受那些佣兵控制了。趁着那些流民的手脚还没被绑住,现在正是个好时机。” Miss Half-Elf of rationally looks at analysis, Gawain could not bear startled, then conscious really came under the influence of Earth experience immediately to oneself. 看着分析的头头是道的半精灵小姐,高文顿时忍不住愕然,随之便意识到自己果然还是受到了地球经验的影响。 The hostages...... that is only then, when the person looked will be effective, but here, will not present an evil person the tool rest in underclass on the neck threatens an aristocrat also shouts you to come again my homicide the bridge section. 人质……那是只有把人当人看的时候才会管用的,但在这里,绝不会出现一个恶徒把刀架在“贱民”的脖子上威胁一个贵族还嚷嚷着“你再过来我就把他杀了”的桥段。 Because normal aristocrat without hesitation and robber kills underclass together. 因为“正常的”贵族会毫不犹豫地把“贱民”和强盗一起杀死。 Thinks of here, Gawain sighed, later pulled out two crystal grenade conveniently: That makes a big sound.” 想到这里,高文叹了口气,随后随手掏出两个结晶手雷:“那就弄点大动静吧。” ...... …… mercenary of unknown origin attacked the camp, several people of subconsciously choice resistance are almost are then dismembered by the chaotic blade instantaneously. 来历不明的佣兵袭击了营地,下意识选择反抗的几个人几乎是瞬间便被乱刀分尸。 Wept and wailed and pitiful yell sound swept across the entire living area instantaneously, and in a short time subsided, people were held the robber bandit of sword caught up from the tent and haystack like the driven away draft animal by these hands, gathered in the camp central open area entirely. 哭喊声和惨叫声瞬间席卷了整个聚居点,并在很短的时间内又平息下来,人们像被驱赶的牲口一样被那些手执刀剑的强盗土匪从帐篷和草堆里赶了出来,统统聚集在营地中央的空地上。 As refugee, bosom some last bunch of straw people will snatch, therefore the people of camp are not strange to the robber, but after seeing the appearance and imposing manners of these people, slightly a little experience person then conscious to this is compared with a robber more fearful fellow: They are mercenary, is receiving money mercenary. 作为流民,就连怀里的最后一捆稻草都会有人来抢,所以营地的人对强盗并不陌生,但当看到这些人的打扮和气势之后,稍有点见识的人便意识到这是比强盗更加可怕的家伙:他们是佣兵,是收了钱的佣兵 Red nose Tom girl Joan(fine jade/Qiong) of elder sister black becoming dark eye shrinks in the crowd, diverts the attention to prevent with these ferocious person eye contacts carefully, she uses the left hand to hold the injured right arm, simultaneously endures, sully that on the face is transmitting to infiltrate the wound the ache to rush in the earliest possible time of camp in these evil people, she used the charcoal to mix the mud to spread to spend oneself face, but this look in chieftains by that group of mercenary was then seen quickly, the opposite party laughed boasts she is girl that had the brain, used the whip almost to pull out rottenly her half face later. 红鼻子汤姆的姐姐黑发黑眼的姑娘“琼”缩在人群中,小心地转移开视线以防止和那些穷凶极恶的人目光接触,她用左手托着受伤的右臂,同时忍受着脸上传来的、脏污渗进伤口的疼痛在那些恶徒闯进营地的第一时间,她用木炭混合着泥浆涂花了自己的脸,而这模样很快便被那群佣兵中的一个头目看到,对方哈哈大笑地夸她是个有脑子的姑娘,随后用鞭子几乎抽烂了她的半张脸。 He pulls out, while laughs this to be able her makeup to fix on the face permanently. 他一边抽,一边大笑着这样可以把她的“妆”永久固定在脸上。 The bloody water is mixing the mud to drop on the ground, but the innermost feelings of fine jade have one to rejoice, because that mercenary chieftain is cursing breathless: 血水正混着泥浆滴落在地上,但琼的内心却带着一丝庆幸,因为那个佣兵头目正在气急败坏地咒骂: Your this group of underclass! Despicable mud! Only with resting prostitute in smelly gutter child and mixed plants! Which did that cripple run?! I know that you ran a person, I know that you ran a person! Mother...... you had died a moment ago eight, how much money did I lose you to know?! Which that cripple was hidden by you!!” “你们这帮贱民!下贱的烂泥!只配睡在臭水沟里的婊・子和杂・种!那个瘸子跑哪了?!我知道你们跑了一个人,我知道你们跑了一个人!妈的……你们刚才已经死了八个,我损失了多少钱你们知道么?!那个瘸子到底被你们藏哪了!!” Tom had left, goes to a new direction to seek for the moss that the mushroom and can eat, happen to went round the lines of sight of these mercenary, when he comes back will definitely notice the unusuality of camp, he will run. 汤姆早就离开了,去一个新的方向寻找蘑菇和能吃的苔藓,正好绕开了这些佣兵的视线,等他回来的时候肯定会注意到营地的异常,他会跑的。 Thinks of here, the fine jade lifts the eyelid secretly, looked at that wear armor and waist to conduct the arm mercenary chieftain one of the one silver-white long sword, she knows that periphery quick wanted some people unable to bear this pressure, saying her was the Tom elder sister, but she has also been ready dead at the worst, making the wild animals of these long legs bear a bigger loss, she could look, the batch of refugee including oneself can bring the money to these mercenary, but every time died, they will be more breathless a point. 想到这里,琼偷偷抬起眼皮,看了那个穿着铠甲、腰间挎着一把银白色长剑的佣兵头目一眼,她知道周围很快就要有人受不了这个压力,说出她是汤姆的姐姐,而她也早就做好了准备大不了一死,让这些长腿的野兽承受更大的损失,她看得出来,包括自己在内的这批流民可以给这些佣兵带来一大笔钱,而每死一个,他们就会更气急败坏一分。 Every so often, this is underclass facing the biggest resistance that the aristocrat and lackey can make. 很多时候,这就是“贱民”面对贵族及其爪牙能做出的最大的反抗。 But in the Hainan heart emits these thoughts, the strange sound never the distant place transmits suddenly, falls, in her goes hunting in the especially keen ear that because of all year round exercises. 但就在琼心中冒出这些念头的时候,一点奇怪的动静突然从不远处传来,落在她那因常年打猎而练就的格外灵敏的耳朵里。 As if two stones in tandem fell beyond dozens meters. 似乎有两个石块一前一后地落在了几十米外。 She has not wanted to understand that stone is anything, then hears two as if slating bangs to transmit from these mercenary! 她还没想明白那“石块”是什么东西,便听到两声仿佛雷鸣般的巨响从那些佣兵背后传来! This slating loud sound is strange to everyone, even if was pointing by the sword in situation, was driven away in refugee to open area also to jump in abundance panic-stricken, dies also far away from the explosion direction flees toward the camp, but these experience sword blood light mercenary to be calmer, although they have a big shock, the first response that but in the mind emits is actually the enemy raids! Meet the enemy! 这雷鸣般的巨响对所有人而言都是陌生的,哪怕是在被刀剑指着的情况下,被驱赶到空地上的流民们也纷纷惊恐地跳了起来,没命地向着营地里面也就是远离爆炸的方向奔逃,而那些经历过刀剑血光的佣兵却镇定一些,虽然他们也是大惊失色,但脑海中冒出的第一个反应却是敌袭!迎敌! This response is very correct, no matter to them, to Gawain is so. 8) 这个反应很正确,不管是对他们,还是对高文而言都是如此。八)
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