SOD :: Volume #2

#159: Attack

mercenary in this world is not the unusual thing, in fact this party the history even can trace the Gondor Empire dark age- how, no matter the dynasty changes, the civilization how rise and fall, as if people always need such a group of walks randomly equipment personnel that in gray area to fill the social generating process place of vacancy, they are the aristocrats blood glove, is a merchant money soldier, when lacks the employer, they are the desperados in mountains and plains. 佣兵在这个世界上并不是什么稀奇的事物,事实上这一行当的历史甚至可以追溯到刚铎帝国的黑暗年代-不管王朝如何更替,文明如何兴衰,似乎人们总是需要这样一群游走在灰色地带的武装人员来填补社会运转过程中的空缺之处,他们是贵族的“血手套”,是商人的“金钱战士”,而在缺乏雇主的时候,他们便是山野中的亡命之徒。 mercenary is legitimate, even has the official guild and one rough registration system, but almost every mercenary has handled the illegal matter, is how this? In this barbaric backward world, law it is not the attractive and fair thing...... 佣兵是合法的,甚至有着正式的行会和一套粗糙的登记制度,但几乎每一个佣兵都做过不合法的事情,可是这又如何呢?在这个野蛮落后的世界,“法律”本身也不是什么光鲜而公正的东西…… According to news that the scout feeds, had about 20 well-equipped mercenary to stare at that refugee living area that had over a hundred population, moreover had at least three low rank Knight and one to two mage assumes personal command, even if others did not have the profession rank, combat power should also surpass the ordinary soldier, this type elite huddled together mercenary group in this trade really rare, caused the Gawain enormous curiosity and suspicion, to exterminate these not according to custom mercenary, Gawain ordered Knight Philip to organize the armies of 30 people rapidly, and prepared to lead personally going to battle. 根据探子传回的消息,有大约二十名装备精良的佣兵盯上了那个有上百人口的流民聚居点,而且其中有至少三名低阶骑士和一到两名法师坐镇,其他人哪怕不具备职业等级,战斗力也应该超过普通的士兵,这种“精锐扎堆”的佣兵团在这个行当里着实罕见,也引起了高文极大的好奇和怀疑,而为了剿灭这些不按规矩来的佣兵,高文迅速命令菲利普骑士组织起了三十人的部队,并准备亲自带队“出征”。 Where no matter these mercenary from come, they are threatening refugee on this lands, threatens the Cecil territory future population safeguard, Gawain will not allow this situation to develop- that may be labour force! 不管那些佣兵是从哪来的,他们都在威胁这片土地上的流民,也就是威胁塞西尔领未来的人口保障,高文可不允许这种情况发展下去-那可都是劳动力 But Legendary Knight leads 30 complete equipment Cecil battle soldiers to cope with 20 mercenary, this seems a little makes a fuss over a trifling matter, but Gawain has own intention: 而一个传奇骑士带着三十个全副武装塞西尔战斗兵去对付二十个佣兵,这看起来有点小题大做,可高文却有自己的用意: New generation who that 30 complete equipment Cecil battle soldier all just completed the replacement magical infantry-, in Machine Building the machine thunders, first batch of standard magical equipment has gone down the production line, 30 soldiers equipped brand-new heat-ray gun and magic energy battle backpack, and conducted the fire and coordination of foundation trains, this is a quite shy army, even if in the member has half is a veteran, they are the experience are also superficial on the modern weapon, but Gawain believes that these definitely compared with the traditional soldier have combat power on the new soldier who can pew pew one send the high-energy light beam conveniently, therefore he must. These soldiers draw to real combat in examine. 那三十个全副武装塞西尔战斗兵全都是刚刚完成换装的新一代“魔导步兵”-在机械制造所的机器轰鸣中,第一批制式魔导武装已经走下生产线,三十名士兵装备了全新的热能射线枪魔能战斗背包,并进行了基础的射击和配合训练,这是一只相当青涩的部队,哪怕成员中有一半都是老兵,他们在新武器上也是经验浅薄的,但高文相信这些随手就能biu一发高能光束的新型战士绝对比传统士兵更有战斗力,所以他要把这些士兵拉到实战中检验。 30 „the magical infantry building up south bank of Clearwater River , is used to communicate the temporary bridges of rivers both banks behind them finished a short time ago temporarily, but citizens that hears the news to catch up with- enters Feudal Territory, not to obtain the free citizen status including these newly serf and slave laborer- gathers in the , curiously looks at this only in entirely different army with their impression. 三十名“魔导步兵”集结在白水河南岸,在他们背后是前不久才完工的、临时用于沟通河流两岸的渡桥,而闻讯赶来的领民们-包括那些新进入领地、还未获得自由民身份的农奴与奴工-都聚拢在附近,好奇地看着这只与他们印象中大不相同的军队。 These soldiers put on orderly, attaches the foundation to strengthen magic enchantment light armor, the left hand of each soldier is wearing a modeling unusual steel arm guard, but the back carried to replace new generation flinty Combat Infantry Pack of traditional marching pouch, the enchantment long sword and spare sword fixes with the iron buckle side their waists and backpacks, was seemingly powerful. 那些士兵穿着整齐的、附有基础强化魔法附魔轻甲,每个士兵的左手都佩戴着一只造型奇特的钢铁护臂,而背后则背着取代了传统行军囊的新一代硬质作战背包,附魔长剑和备用剑用铁扣固定在他们的腰间以及背包侧面,看起来威风凛凛。 Gawain drilled these soldiers to be very long with the tight rein and award and punishment system, but they also know that can be the first batch „the magical infantry is a special glory, therefore their one by one stood at this moment straightly, even if the big group of civilians bring in the distant place the vision that admired and exclamation directed to here, they no one was also excessive. 高文用严格的纪律和赏罚制度操练了这些士兵很久,而他们自己也知道能作为第一批“魔导步兵”是一种特殊的荣耀,所以此刻他们一个个都站得笔直,哪怕有一大堆平民在远处带着艳羡和惊叹的目光对这边指指点点,他们也没有一个人偏过头去。 Knight Philip walks up: Lord, the soldier and supplies motorcade have built up, can momentarily set off.” 菲利普骑士走上前来:“大人,士兵和补给车队已经集结完毕,随时可以出发了。” Gawain nods, looked around Amber- this time besides Amber and Philip two people, he does not have belt/bring more people, he believes that 30 magical infantries, in addition oneself bringing up the rear, only 20 mercenary cannot raise the big storm: We......” 高文点点头,看了一眼旁边的琥珀-这次除了琥珀菲利普两人之外,他没有带更多人,他相信有三十名魔导步兵在,再加上自己的压阵,区区二十来个佣兵掀不起多大风浪:“那我们就……” He has not said, suddenly discovered in the civilians in distant place had some tumults faintly, has the sound of big voice to transmit from the crowd: Made, making...... thank Holy Light to bestow my spatial...... Holy Light you to step on my foot...... to make thank, looked in the Holy Light face......” 他还没说完,就突然发现远处的平民中隐隐有了一些骚动,有个大嗓门的声音从人堆里传来:“让一让,让一让……感谢圣光赐我个空儿……圣光啊您踩我脚了……让一下谢谢了,看在圣光的面子上……” Gawain saw startled the crowd separates from the middle, then that Schwarzenegger Missionary named Wright dashes is running to here. 高文愕然地看到人堆从中间分开,然后那个名叫莱特的施瓦辛格型传教士一路飞奔着跑向这边。 He wears that worn-out Holy Light Priest long gown, not good -fitting long gown a little pasted tight on the body, the whole body muscle line almost hides to rouse from the long gown freely with planning to look for several heathen perish together. 他穿着那身破旧的圣光牧师长袍,不太合身的长袍有点紧绷地贴在身上,浑身的肌肉线条几乎都掩藏不住地从长袍下面鼓了出来-看着就跟打算去找几个异教徒同归于尽似的。 Holy Light! Before I came......” Wright to run up to the army, looks up to riding in immediately Gawain, but just said how many characters were shocked immediately, was you? You are not...... on the work site are in charge?” 圣光啊!我来……”莱特跑到了部队前,抬头看向骑在马上的高文,但刚说了几个字就顿时愣住,“是你?你不是……工地上管事的么?” Because without obtaining Gawain's permitted, so many days no one told this Missionary obstinately, Feudal Lord of this lands was this sat with him in the giant who the brick piled up to chat on the same day together...... 因为没有得到高文的许可,这么多天了愣是没人告诉这位传教士,这片土地的领主就是这个当日跟他一起坐在砖垛上唠嗑的大个子…… Gawain has not thought that will meet with the opposite party in this case again . Moreover the status could not keep, therefore nods with smile on the face: I had not deceived you at that time, I truly am on this lands is in charge Feudal Lord is also effective, not?” 高文也没想到会在这种情况下跟对方再次见面,而且身份还藏不住,于是面带微笑地点了点头:“我当时可没骗你,我确实是这片土地上管事的-领主也算管事的,不是么?” Holy Light! Are you this lands Feudal Lord?! In that legend by the unfilial offspring air/Qi jumps Gawain Cecil that from the coffin?!” Wright calls out in alarm one, is drawing God of Holy Light symbol with the hand in the chest front, I also think that you are a labor contractor!” 圣光啊!你是这片土地的领主?!那个传说中被不肖子孙气的从棺材里蹦出来的高文·塞西尔?!”莱特惊呼一声,用手在胸前画着圣光之神符号,“我还以为你是大工头!” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” Nearby Knight Philip all of a sudden pulled out the sword: Missionary! Pays attention to your words and deeds! No......” 旁边的菲利普骑士一下子就把剑拔了出来:“传教士!注意你的言行!否……” cough cough,” Gawain hurries the duel request that will block Philip soon to send out, „should not be excited, this...... my during that time let one of rumor editions Byron disseminated......” 咳咳,”高文赶紧挡住了菲利普即将发出的决斗要求,“别激动,这……还是我当年拜伦传播出去的流言版本之一呢……” Amber shows the whites of the eyes: From behaving badly, later refers to some uncertain also many folk editions continue ferment.” 琥珀翻了个白眼:“自作孽了吧,以后指不定还有多少民间版本继续发酵呢。” Philip & Gawain: „......” 菲利普&高文:“……” Awkward a moment later, Gawain has to shift everyone attention, he looks to Wright: „Sorry the first meeting time has not told you my real status, I want to chat with you as average person, is good to understand Clergyman of this time.” 尴尬片刻之后,高文不得不转移大家注意力,他看向莱特:“很抱歉第一次见面的时候没有告诉你我的真实身份,我只是想以普通人的身份跟你谈谈,好了解一下这个时代的神职者。” As can be appreciated, this is the discrete and wise action,” Wright is smiling very much free and easy, that looks like my need not to continue to be worried that actually own copy clerk was really delivered to Feudal Lord.” “可以理解,这是谨慎与明智的举动,”莱特很洒脱地笑着,“那看来我倒是不用继续担心自己的文书是不是真的被送到领主手上了。” Gawain pulls corner of the mouth, curiously looks at this Missionary: „Do you look for my what are you doing? You should look, we must go to battle.” 高文扯扯嘴角,好奇地看着这个传教士:“你来找我干什么?你应该看得出来,我们就要出征了。” I come for this,” Wright straightens up the body immediately, I hope with your together set off.” “我就是为这个来的,”莱特立刻挺直了身子,“我希望和你们一同出发。” This makes Gawain be surprised actually: Why? You are not my soldier, is not Adviser Feudal Lord and so on does the person, why want to go with us together?” 这倒是让高文大感意外:“为什么?你又不是我的士兵,也不是领主顾问之类的人,为什么要跟我们一起去?” How army can set off not accompany the armed forces Priest?” A Wright face is natural, „, moreover as currently here only Holy Light Church Priest, I have the duty to help everyone on this lands with own strength, particularly when fulfills the justice- I heard, you must rescue a number of refugee that is povertying in the wilderness, this matter, I have no alternative but to go.” “部队出发怎么能没有随军牧师?”莱特一脸理所当然,“而且作为目前这里唯一的圣光教会神官,我有义务用自己的力量帮助这片土地上的每一个人,尤其是在践行正义的时候-我听说了,你们是要去解救一批正在荒野中忍饥挨饿的流民,这种事情,我不能不去。” The Gawain brow could not bear jump one- morality that opposite party words conformed to the religious doctrines as well as people, how many these doctrine Holy Light Church Priest seriously but did this time really have? This fellow...... no wonder by Church of middle church parish catching up. 高文眉头忍不住跳了一下-对方的话句句符合教义以及人们的道德观念,但这个时代真把这些教义当真的圣光教会神官还有几个?这家伙……怪不得会被中部教区的教堂给赶出来。 Even if thinks, Gawain can also guess correctly this whole body style incorrect fellow is many are treated in Church sees. 哪怕只是想想,高文也能猜到这个浑身画风都不对的家伙在教会里是多不受人待见的。 But side believes similarly devotionally, and pursue Knight spirit Philip actually to the speech of Wright appreciates greatly, this young and inflexible Knight forgot him also to draw a sword to plan that probably a moment ago with the opposite party duel, then commended at this time: Really is the honest gentleman's speech, Priest Wright, you are not only good Priest, but also has Knight spirit!” 但旁边同样信仰虔诚并且奉行骑士精神菲利普却对莱特的发言大为赞赏,这位年轻而死板的骑士好像忘了刚才他还拔剑打算跟对方决斗,这时候便称赞起来:“真是正直之士的发言,莱特牧师,你不但是个好神官,而且还有着骑士精神!” But Gawain sized up Wright one up and down, in the heart thought rapidly. 高文则上下打量了莱特一眼,心中迅速思索起来。 According to his first response is to reject this strange Holy Light Priest. 按照他的第一反应,是要拒绝这个古怪的圣光牧师的。 Military action, even if only exterminates a small-scale action of wave of mercenary, should be rigorous serious, suddenly requests joining a production team Holy Light Priest makes the Gawain instinct feeling improper, but in the ponder a moment later, he thought that takes this Priest also to have nothing. 军事行动,哪怕只是去剿灭一波佣兵的小型行动,也应该是严谨严肃的,一个突然要求“插队”的圣光牧师高文本能地感觉不妥,但在思考片刻之后,他却觉得带上这个牧师也没什么。 perhaps this is the good opportunity of observing the opposite party, moreover Wright said truly is also good- accompanies the armed forces Priest is very necessary. 或许这就是一个观察对方的好机会,而且莱特说的也确实不错-随军牧师是很有必要的。 Although the soldiers took treatment potion that Pittman and assistant mixed, but in the team many specialized treatment personnel were certainly better, old Druid was conducting the plant at this time promotes the key experiment of medicine batch production to have no way to accompany, Wright happen to can make up this vacancy. 虽然士兵们都带上了皮特曼及其助手调配出来的治疗药水,但队伍里多一个专业的治疗人员当然更好,老德鲁伊这时候正在进行将植物促进药剂量产化的关键试验没法随行,莱特正好能补这个空缺。 So long as this Priest can obey the direction on the line. 只要这个牧师能听从指挥就行。 Please relax, I the first time am not held the post to accompany the armed forces Priest,” Wright hears the Gawain's request, smiled is very self-confident, middle area, although peace, but also often has the Feudal Lord organization army to exterminate the robber and monster in mountain, I by Church was often sent, when accompanies the armed forces Priest, to all these familiar.” “请放心,我并不是第一次担任随军牧师,”莱特听到高文的要求,笑的很是自信,“中部地区虽然和平,但也时常有领主组织军队剿灭山里的强盗和怪物,我时常被教堂派去当随军牧师,对这一切熟悉的很。” Gawain looked at this Priest mister whole body shank meat, suspected very much he accompanies the armed forces to go to battle leads the army to charge...... 高文看了看这位牧师先生浑身的腱子肉,很怀疑他到底是随军出征的还是带军冲锋的…… Finally, in the team adds strange Holy Light Priest. 最终,队伍里又加进来一个奇奇怪怪圣光牧师 In the gaze of citizens, team set off. 领民们的注视中,队伍出发了。 But at the same time, crosses the Clearwater River north mountain forest and wilderness, crossed these refugee as well as povertied in the wilderness regards the prey refugee that the greedy hoodlum, family castle that the Kant Family generation conducted like over the past several hundred years, still calmly stood and waited for a long time in qvinine town/subdues on side hill. 而在同一时刻,越过白水河北侧的山林与旷野,越过那些在旷野上忍饥挨饿的流民以及将流民当成猎物的贪婪暴徒,康德家族世代承袭的家族城堡就像过去的数百年一样,仍然静静地伫立在“奎林镇”旁的山丘上。 This glorious family already rule this lands more than 300 years, when Cecil Family has not declined, it then already as Southern Region rare independent aristocrat exists in this, after Cecil Family declines, Kant Family evaded luck that a storm that subverts the entire Southern Region situation, still firmly took root here, and has continued today. 这个荣耀的家族已经统治这片土地三百余年,在塞西尔家族还未衰落的时候,它便已经作为南境少有的“独立贵族”存在于此,而在塞西尔家族衰落之后,康德家族幸运地躲过了那场颠覆整个南境局势的风暴,仍然牢牢地扎根在此,并一直延续到了今日。 300 years of time, sufficiently will be of most attractive past experiencing hardship to the full grand fortress polish, even if underwent the multiple renovations and repairs, Kant castle also revealed that inevitably the vicissitudes senile, its these conform to the traditional long and narrow window to mount high in heavy/thick stone wall, even if high noon, makes in castle each room flood darkness indistinctly. 三百年的时光,足以将昔日最光鲜雄伟的堡垒打磨的饱经风霜,哪怕经过了多次的翻新和修葺,康德城堡也不可避免地显露出沧桑老态,它那些符合传统的狭长窗户高高地镶嵌在厚重的石壁上,哪怕正午时分,也让城堡里每个房间都充斥着影影绰绰的黑暗。 Aged Viscount Victor Kant has sat in own study room, the little sunlight sprinkles the room from his behind narrow window, making his rickets body even more seem gloomy, he lowers the head to turn one pack of parchment that looks at just wrote, on that paper wrote all over significance unclear symbol and as if the doodle general spoken language, later he raised the head, looks to and he equally aged steward: Carter mister, these ‚had hunting dog found the new prey?” 已经老迈的维克多·康德子爵坐在自己的书房里,一点点阳光从他身后的窄窗洒进房间,让他那佝偻的身子愈发显得阴沉,他低头翻看着自己刚刚书写完的一叠羊皮纸,那纸张上写满了意义不明的符号和仿佛涂鸦一般的言语,随后他抬起头,看向和他一样老迈的管家:“卡特先生,那些‘猎犬’已经找到新的猎物了?” Yes, Lord,” senior steward bends the waist slightly, in the south mountain forest, homeless person of one crowd of malnutritions, they have not known own forthcoming destiny-, but have not begun these hunting dogs to the present.” “是的,老爷,”老管家微微弯腰,“在南边的山林里,一群营养不良的无家可归者,他们还丝毫不知道自己即将到来的命运-但那些猎犬到现在还没有动手。” They ask for money, more money,” the head of Victor Kant is trembling, seems like in indignant, but his tone has the happy expression, dog will need the reward of food to go all out for the master, grows the dogs of two legs also same...... that to give them food. Carter mister, sends people to bring purse to look for these hunting dogs, told them, quickly began, brought to me these refugee-, if they delayed again, that will then not have the next cooperation again. The present is Frost Month, they should be very clear, make this money the opportunity is not many.” “他们要钱,更多的钱,”维克多·康德的脑袋颤颤巍巍的,似乎是在气愤,但他的语气却带着笑意,“狗需要食物的奖赏才会为主人卖力,长着两条腿的狗也一样……那就给他们‘食物’。卡特先生,派人带着钱袋子去找那些猎犬,告诉他们,赶快动手,把那些流民给我带来-如果他们再拖延,那便不会再有下一次合作了。现在是霜月,他们应该很清楚,赚这种钱的机会已经不多了。” Yes, Lord.” “是的,老爷。” The senior steward left, Victor Kant lowers the head, is immersed in these confused symbol and lines, the high noon sunlight illuminates the study room by the narrow window difficultly, as if separated heavy/thick and thick dense fog is gloomy. 老管家离开了,维克多·康德重新低下头,埋首在那些错乱的符号和线条里,正午的阳光艰难地透过窄窗照进书房,仿佛隔了一层厚重而浓稠的迷雾般暗淡模糊。 But in this gloomy fuzzy sunlight, the Victor Kant shadow pulled out on the desk is always long, the shadow indistinctly, does not resemble human form...... 而在这暗淡模糊的阳光中,维克多·康德的影子在书桌上被拉出老长,影子影影绰绰,不似人形……
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