SOD :: Volume #2

#158: refugee living area

The weather was getting more and more cold. 天气越来越冷了。 Giant Sun flies high, the cloud layer appears dim and illusory, more and more yellow streaks appear when the day and night alternately sky, the star light appears cold bright, all sorts of signs are showing, this will be one will also want the cold winter compared with the old times. 巨日凌空的时候,云层显得朦胧而虚幻,越来越多的灰黄色斑纹出现在昼夜交替时的天空,星光则显得冷冽明亮,种种迹象显示着,这将是一个比往年还要寒冷一些的冬天。 But homeless people are very unendurable such winter. 而无家可归的人们很难熬过这样的冬天。 Red nose Tom holds one bunch of dry firewood that with great difficulty is collecting, walks lamely on returning to the road in inhabit region, the Frost Month cold wind blows from the north, periphery the volume crosses the sparse forest and low hillside, blows on the face, rinses in the collar, making his as if whole person soak in a basin gradually in the cooldown cold water. “红鼻子汤姆”抱着好不容易收集来的一捆干柴,一瘸一拐地走在返回聚居地的路上,霜月的寒风从北方吹来,卷过周围稀疏的林木和低矮的山坡,吹在脸上,灌进领子里,让他仿佛整个人都浸泡在一盆逐渐冷却的冷水中。 He is 17-year-old young people, under the Ainz law, he has grown up, however the long-term malnutrition lets him and great majority people of the same age equally is diminutive thin, seems general underage from the build, the face that only then that becomes dark roughly and numb eye has been able to reveal that gradually his true age, as well as reveals his bad living environment. 他是一个只有17岁的年轻人,按照安苏的法律,他已经成年,然而长期的营养不良让他和大多数同龄人一样消瘦矮小,从体型上仿佛未成年一般,只有那张粗糙发黑的脸和已经渐渐麻木的眼睛能显露出他真正的年龄,以及显露出他恶劣的生存环境。 He has been able to see the inhabit region, said is an inhabit region, in fact in a flake simple and crude camp situated in Southern Region mountain forest, even even/including Yingdi said that is very reluctant: Some low tattered tents and stone pile of accumulations here, the surroundings gathered round a similarly tattered stockade and thorn, Tanzan mine the little mountains that extended to eastern South formed low barrier here, forced to hide pitiful people here provides the asylum of most basic to resist from the northern cold wind, let in the winter later some, making here person live was slightly longer. 他已经能看到聚居地,说是聚居地,实际上就是位于南境山林中的一小片简陋营地,甚至连营地说起来都很勉强:一些低矮破烂的帐篷和石头堆聚集在这里,周围围着一圈同样破烂的栅栏和荆棘,坦桑矿山向东南方延伸出来的一点点余脉在这里形成了一道低矮的屏障,勉强为躲藏在这里的可怜人们提供着最基础的庇护抵挡来自北方的寒风,让冬天来的稍晚一些,让这里的人活的稍久一些。 Tom holds the dry firewood to walk into the camp, what seen is in pairs an indifferent soulless eye, here is gathering 26 households and 102 people, but several days ago this number is 109. The great majority person the refugee who escapes from Condor Territory, floods happening there makes these people be homeless, the remaining people come from Southern Region each Viscount territory, loses the poor who the land, loses the asylum for various reasons. 汤姆抱着干柴走入营地,看到的是一双双冷漠无神的眼睛,这里聚集着二十六户、一百零二口人,但几天前这个数字是一百零九。大多数人是从秃鹰领逃出来的难民,发生在那里的一场水灾让这些人无家可归,剩下的人则来自南境各个子爵领,都是因为种种原因失去土地、失去庇护的贫民。 They wander between cities or the villages and small towns, were driven away and are arrested to plunder, kills by local Feudal Lord or the local wild animal, or dies is cold and hungry, Southern Region is barren, the great majority land is hard to provide for more population, but regarding these only knows that blows the aristocrat who takes the blood and sweat from the land and serf, refugee of any wander on to own Feudal Territory is one disgusting mouth that needs to eat meal, therefore refugee can only choose settling down finally in the wilderness. 他们在一座座城市或村镇间游荡,被驱赶、被捕掠,被当地的领主或当地的野兽杀死,亦或者死于寒冷与饥饿,南境贫瘠,大多数土地都难以供养更多的人口,而对于那些只知道从土地和农奴身上刮取血汗的贵族而言,任何一个游荡到自己领地上的流民都是一张令人厌恶的、需要吃饭的嘴巴,所以流民们最终只能选择在荒野中“安家”。 Tom found the place that oneself stopped over, that is a tattered small tent this is very good condition, because not every family has the tent, many people had lost almost all properties in the going into exile process, they can only rest in the tree root or Shiwoli, is binding the tattered clothes or one weeds to pass one's days, but Tom can also have a keeping out wind and rain small tent, is completely because he and his elder sister's sickle and bow and arrow also. 汤姆找到了自己落脚的地方,那是一座破破烂烂的小帐篷这已经是很不错的境况,因为并不是每个家庭都有帐篷,很多人早已在流亡过程中失去了几乎所有财物,他们只能睡在树根或石窝里,裹着破烂的衣服或者一堆杂草度日,而汤姆之所以还能有一座遮风挡雨的小帐篷,完全是因为他和他姐姐的弯刀与弓箭还在身上。 The fire of high-piled firewood before tent has extinguished, but does not have at nightfall now, therefore Tom held in the fuel the tent, after waiting for the eye to adapt to inside darkness, he saw a bright eye in the darkness looks at. 帐篷前的火堆已经熄灭,但现在还没有入夜,所以汤姆把柴火抱进了帐篷里,等眼睛适应了里面的黑暗之后,他看到一双明亮的眼睛正在黑暗中看着自己。 Elder sister,” Tom looks to that black hair girl, I had not found the mushroom, only found these fuels.” “姐,”汤姆看向那个黑发的姑娘,“我没找到蘑菇,只找到这些柴火。” Black hair girl is in a daze, after several seconds, suddenly said: „The two children of Pomme family/home starved to death.” 黑发的姑娘只是愣愣地发着呆,几秒钟后才突然说道:“波姆家的两个孩子饿死了。” „......,” Tom is complying in a low voice, sits down in the darkness, several seconds later latter will say in a low voice, today...... has to eat?” “……哦,”汤姆低声答应着,在黑暗中坐下,过了几秒钟后才低声说道,“今天……有吃的么?” Black hair girl is in a daze again, in the Tom heart cannot help but had an ominous premonition, but crossed a small meeting, black hair girl actually moves the half body suddenly, tried to find out that the same thing lost. 黑发姑娘再次发起呆来,汤姆心中不由得产生了一丝不祥的预感,但过了一小会,黑发姑娘却突然活动起半边身子,摸索出一样事物丢了过来。 That is only the build not big pheasant, but also brings the fresh smell of blood just in filling various unusual smells tents, Tom absolutely does not have conscious to its existence. 那是只体型不大的山鸡,还带着新鲜的血腥味只不过在充满各种异味的帐篷里,汤姆完全没意识到它的存在。 An emaciated pheasant is not enough to fill completely the bellies of brother and sister two people, particularly in they can only have this food under every day the premise, but this still made Tom spirit rouse: Compared with roasting the mushroom and roasts the moss, the meats can support a longer time in this even more cold weather, he joyfully: „Did you project on the thing?! Our today's need not are hungry!” 一只瘦弱的山鸡完全不足以填饱姐弟两个人的肚子,尤其是在他们每天只能吃这一顿饭的前提下,但这仍然让汤姆精神振奋起来:比起烤蘑菇和烤苔藓,肉类能让人在这愈发寒冷的天气里支撑更长的时间,他欣喜不已:“你打到东西了?!咱们今天不用饿着了!” Will go out gives the chicken to pluck to take the hunting knife,” black hair girl said lightly, belt/bring in conspicuous place.” “等会出去给鸡褪毛的时候把猎刀带上,”黑发姑娘淡淡地说道,“带在显眼的地方。” Un!” Tom makes an effort to nod, as he even more adapts to the darkness in tent, he noticed on oneself elder sister finally exceptionally she always lay down by a strange posture in the corner, the physical strength of speech obviously was also ordinary, Tom had the ominous premonition to gather up to go, finally saw elder sister shoulder nearby bloodstain, as well as was incapable of hanging down in the body side arm, „was elder sister, you injured?!” “嗯!”汤姆用力点着头,但随着他愈发适应帐篷里的黑暗,他终于注意到了自己姐姐身上的异常她始终以一个怪异的姿势躺在角落,说话的气力也显然不如平常,汤姆带着不祥的预感凑上前去,终于看到了姐姐肩膀附近的血迹,以及无力垂挂在身侧的胳膊,“姐,你受伤了?!” Was nipped by a wild dog, injured the muscle,” the black hair girl sound shivered finally, I...... had no way to go hunting.” “被一只野狗咬的,伤到了筋,”黑发姑娘的声音终于颤抖起来,“我……没法打猎了。” As if one bucket of ice water sprinkle from the beginning, the Tom flash as cold has no way to take the blade as the sole from the beginning, has no way to draw, the injury of arm means that can the elder sister who goes to the grove to go hunting lose only ability that gains food, but this also means that they...... must die without doubt. 仿佛一桶冰水从头泼下,汤姆一瞬间从头冷到脚底没法拿刀,没法拉弓,胳膊的伤势意味着唯一能去林子里打猎的姐姐失去了获取食物的能力,而这同时也就意味着他们二人……已经必死无疑。 everyone is having an empty stomach, is impossible to have anybody to help brother and sister, had lost all people regarding these, even if only on the hands and feet 1 small injury, losing labour force of very short time, is the fatal threat! 每个人都在饿肚子,不可能有任何人来帮助自己姐弟,对于这些已经失去了所有的人而言,哪怕只是手脚上一点小小的伤势、很短时间的失去劳动力,都是致命的威胁! Let alone, is been extremely easy to infect by the person who the wild dog bites, but once in this case infects, is impossible to rescue. 更何况,被野狗咬伤的人极易感染,而在这种情况下一旦感染,就不可能救得回来。 I......” Tom clench teeth, set firm resolve, tomorrow I bring the bow and arrow......” “我……”汤姆咬了咬牙,下定决心,“明天我带着弓箭……” Do not go,” black hair girl said harshly, her line of sight falls on the foot of Tom, you went, did not come back, going to the grove goes hunting to follow to pick the fuel to be different in neighbor!” “别去,”黑发姑娘语气强硬地说道,她的视线落在汤姆的脚上,“你去了,就回不来了,去林子里打猎可跟在附近捡柴火不一样!” Tom is not the inborn cripple, his leg was broken by Knight of Feudal Lord, because that Knight went to Church to listen to preaching, Blood God Religion Priest said that only then broke a leg of man personally, can let the skill in Wushu and courage breakthrough bottleneck, therefore Knight Lord broke the leg of Tom to compensate half pocket wheat without hesitation afterward. 汤姆并不是天生的瘸子,他的腿是被领主家的骑士打断的,因为那位骑士教堂里听了布道,血神教派牧师说只有亲手打断一个男人的腿,才能让武艺和勇气突破瓶颈,所以骑士老爷就毫不犹豫地打断了汤姆的腿事后补偿了半口袋麦子。 I will put the trap,” Tom persists in saying, how I am distinguishing the trace of bear and wolf, will go round......” “我会放陷阱,”汤姆坚持道,“我记着怎么辨别熊和狼的痕迹,会绕开……” But if you die outside, I will also definitely die,” black hair girl is staring at the eye of Tom stubbornly, goes to the grove to pick the mushroom, looks for the tree root following tree seed and fruit, really not good......” “但如果你死在外面,我也肯定会死,”黑发姑娘死死地盯着汤姆的眼睛,“去林子里捡蘑菇,找一找树根下面的树种和果子,实在不行……” What to do really isn't good can? She does not know. 实在不行又能怎么办呢?她也不知道了。 Tom is biting the lip, diligently pondering, was saying the long-awaited idea finally: We can...... look for here Feudal Lord......” 汤姆咬着嘴唇,努力思考着,终于说出了酝酿已久的想法:“我们可以……找这里的领主……” How did you forget everyone to be driven away in Carol Territory?” Black hair girl said severely, „the present is Frost Month, month that the cultivation, is no longer hard to hunt, aristocrat Lords will not allow on Feudal Territory to be many at this time, even if a mouth!” “你忘了大家在卡洛尔领是怎么被驱赶的?”黑发姑娘严厉地说道,“现在是霜月,不再耕种,难以捕猎的月份,贵族老爷们这时候不会允许领地上多出哪怕一张嘴巴!” That......” Tom thinks, said hesitant, perhaps in mine needs slave Tanzan Town Feudal Lord to have big mine, even if Frost Month, mine also needs the slave laborer......” “那……”汤姆又想了想,犹犹豫豫地说道,“说不定矿山里需要奴隶坦桑镇领主有一座大矿山,哪怕霜月,矿山也是需要奴工的吧……” „Can you be the slave laborer?” Black hair girl is staring at the leg of Tom, I have no way to work now, you have no way, even if they want the slave, will not want our!” “你能去当奴工么?”黑发姑娘盯着汤姆的腿,“我现在没法干活,你也没法,哪怕他们要奴隶,也不会要咱们这样的!” „Does that walk toward south again? Heard that the Clearwater River south side is Cecil Family new development Feudal Territory, development that place, should lack various working people...... I at least to tan hides.” “那再往南走呢?听说白水河南边是塞西尔家族新开拓的领地,开拓地那种地方,应该缺各种干活的人吧……我至少会鞣制皮子。” Do not think,” black hair girl deep sigh tone, the eye depends finally at a loss backward on the putrefied haystack, aristocrat Lords...... is the same......” “别想了,”黑发姑娘终于长叹口气,眼睛茫然地向后靠在已经发霉的草堆上,“贵族老爷们……都是一样的……” The wind of howling blows again from the north, has curled this dreary poor camp. 呼啸的风再一次从北方吹来,卷过这座萧瑟的贫苦营地。 Hungrily and made people stop in a day coldly the only activity, everyone rolled up to own tent or the haystack in abundance, came to reduce the loss of stamina and heat in this way as far as possible, but in this process, the camp was gradually peaceful. 饥饿与寒冷让人们停止了一天中仅有的活动,大家纷纷蜷缩到自己的帐篷或草堆中,通过这种方式来尽量减少体力与热量的损耗,而在这个过程中,营地渐渐安静下来。 But beside the camp, in the slightly dense woods, some shadows of rocking is actually gathering. 但在营地之外,在稍微密实一些的树林中,一些晃动的阴影却正聚集起来。 They bring all kinds of actually especially excellent equipment, body does not have any unified marking, they gather in groups in the mountain forest, is away from the trees and dim light of night is looking keenly at that small settlement. 他们带着五花八门却都格外精良的武装,身上没有任何统一的标识,他们成群地聚拢在山林中,隔着树木和夜色紧盯着那小小的聚落。 Like is gazing at the hyena of prey in the darkness, is eyeful greedy and hungry. 就像在黑暗中注视着猎物的鬣狗,满眼贪婪与饥饿。 ...... …… In the Cecil territory Feudal Lord tent, Gawain received the report of Philip. 塞西尔领领主营帐内,高文接到了菲利普的报告。 „A refugee rallying point? North Clearwater River, in Tanzan mine east side mountain forest?” “一个流民聚集点?在白水河北部,坦桑矿山东侧的山林里?” Yes, Lord,” the young Knight nod said, originally should Knight Byron come to report to you, but he in ruins in the mountain is exploring, the news changed to here.” “是的,大人,”年轻的骑士点头道,“本来是应该拜伦骑士来向您报告的,不过他正在山中遗迹里探索,消息就转到了我这里。” Gawain puts down the dipping pen in hand: „Is scale much big? Has sent people to contact?” 高文放下手中的蘸水笔:“规模多大?已经派人接触了么?” Meanwhile in his heart an excitement: After makes a connection with the news way everywhere, investigates personnel finally to start to discover refugee living area that these hide! 同时他的心中一阵兴奋:在四处打通消息途径之后,调查人员终于开始发现那些隐藏起来的流民聚居点了! Scale is not big, probably 100 people, but may contact other refugee living areas through them,” Knight Philip replied, „, but our people have not contacted with them......, because was a little troublesome.” “规模不大,大概一百人,但通过他们有可能联络到其他的流民聚居点,”菲利普骑士回答道,“但我们的人还没跟他们接触……因为有点麻烦。” Troublesome?” A Gawain brow wrinkle. “麻烦?”高文眉头一皱。 Some equipment personnel of unknown origin are moving nearby that living area, perhaps waits for starting mercenary catches Nudui,” on the Philip face to reveal sentiment of the dislike, according to passing on news, that batch of person equipment very excellent, determined that has extraordinary profession, even possibly one to two Spellcaster assumes personal command, but the rank is unclear.” “一些来历不明的武装人员正在那个聚居点附近活动,恐怕是等着下手的佣兵‘捕奴队’,”菲利普脸上露出一丝厌恶之情,“根据传回来的消息,那批人武装很精良,确定存在超凡职业,甚至可能有一到两个施法者坐镇,只不过等级不明。” „Does Extraordinary of multiple assume personal command?” Gawain is a little slightly surprised, this mercenary team strength.” “复数的超凡者坐镇?”高文稍稍有点惊讶,“这佣兵队伍实力还可以啊。” Knight Philip nods: „Does Lord, how handle?” 菲利普骑士点点头:“大人,如何处置?” Naturally is...... goes should by the citizen belt/bring of Cecil Family asylum to come back these,” Gawain smiles, east of Tanzan mine, south of various noble territory mountainous regions, plains, jungle and rivers, all are ownerless land, in south this place, so long as is a without owner, that is Cecil Family!” 8) “当然是……去把那些应由塞西尔家族庇护的领民带回来,”高文微笑起来,“坦桑矿山以东,诸贵族领以南的山地、平原、丛林以及河流,皆属无主之地,在南边这片地方,只要是无主的,那就是塞西尔家族的!”八)
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