SOD :: Volume #2

#155: Missionary

When Gawain brings Amber and Hetty, when with the direction of soldier arrives situated in a construction site near Brick Kiln Factory, that suddenly presents on Feudal Territory strange Priest has bustled about some little time. 高文带着琥珀赫蒂,跟着士兵的指引来到位于砖窑厂附近的一处建筑工地时,那个突然出现在领地上的古怪神官已经忙碌好一会了。 This is messy appearance, the travel-worn and vigorous and healthy exceptionally husky fellow, he and workers deliver to the building a wall place baskets of heavy brick bats together, although is cold Frost Month last ten days of the month, he actually and workers had/left perspiration equally tired, that worn-out Priest robe took off by him, treating as to encircle the loin cloth is in the waist, reveals the upper part vigorous and healthy muscle and bronze skin. 这是个不修边幅、风尘仆仆而且健壮异常的彪形大汉,他正在跟工人们一起将一筐筐沉重的砖块送到正在砌墙的地方,尽管已经是寒冷的霜月下旬,他却和工人们一样累出了一身的汗,以至于那身破旧的神官袍都被他脱了下来,当做围腰布系在腰间,露出上半身健壮的肌肉和古铜色的皮肤。 That upper arm meat seems like preparing simply at any time with heathen perish together. 那膀子肉简直像是随时准备着跟异教徒同归于尽似的。 The workers are working with the man who this braves suddenly earnestly together, but is catching the eye to take a look at him once for a while secretly, obviously had discovered this is a strange stranger, but foreman of this place work site( and record operator) resigned-looking in side looks at, after discovering Feudal Lord arrives, this foreman slightly runs to welcome immediately: Lord! You may calculate, this is really......” 工人们正埋头和这个突然冒出来的男人一起干活,但时不时地在偷偷抬眼打量着他,显然早就发现了这是个古怪的陌生人,而本处工地的监工(兼记录员)则一脸无奈地在旁边看着,在发现领主到来之后,这名监工立刻小跑着迎了上来:“大人!您可算来了,这真是……” This person what situation?” Gawain is confused on the looks at work site that the vigorous and healthy guy who moves bricks earnestly, Holy Light Church Priest? This style? How did he run up to my Feudal Territory to work suddenly?” “这个人什么情况?”高文一头雾水地看着工地上那个正埋头搬砖的健壮大汉,“圣光教会神官?这个画风?他怎么突然就跑到我的领地上干起活来了?” We do not know where he from comes!” A foreman face goes wild, he said oneself are follows orders South preaching, then inquired that who the workers are interested everyone God knows this person of what origin in Holy Light? Naturally no one manages him, I also told him, now everyone works has not completed, no one have time hear of he spoke, result person ran to move bricks unexpectedly without delay, blocking could not block his strength to be much bigger!” “我们也不知道他是从哪来的啊!”监工一脸抓狂,“他就说自己是奉命来南方传教的,然后询问工人们有谁对圣光感兴趣大家谁知道这人什么来历?当然就没人理他,我还跟他说,现在大家工作都没完成,没人有空听他说话,结果这人竟然二话不说就跑去搬砖了,拦都拦不住他力气大得吓人!” „...... Looked that build knows strength small,” Amber with astonishment looked at that husky fellow one eyes, she only heard that also has doubtful Holy Light Religion Priest runs up to here time startles all of a sudden, completed fought 300 with the opposite party rounds( or by the opposite party is punched one) then to look for Gawain to blackmail a plan of medical expenses, but bountiful by her brain loop has not thought ran unexpectedly was such No. 1 character, immediately a little cannot respond, this was really not goes out wears the wrong clothes, Paladin that set of body long gowns came out?” “……看那体型就知道力气小不了,”琥珀惊愕地看了那彪形大汉一眼,她刚听说有个疑似圣光教派神官跑到这里的时候还激灵一下子,做好了跟对方大战三百回合(或者被对方揍一顿)然后找高文讹一笔医药费的打算,但饶是以她的脑回路都没想到跑来的竟然是这么一号人物,顿时有点反应不过来,“这真的不是个出门穿错衣服,套一身长袍出来的圣骑士?” foreman lets go: Has asked that said that travels from the middle area Missionary that comes.” 监工一摊手:“问过了,说是从中部地区游历而来的传教士。” Gawain knits the brows, to with the soldier as well as front foreman beckon with the hand: You first other nervous, I contacted in the past.” 高文皱皱眉,对跟来的士兵以及面前的监工摆摆手:“你们先别紧张,我过去接触接触。” Saying, he is then leading Amber and Hetty stand forth. 说着,他便领着琥珀赫蒂向前走去。 The workers of working then saw quickly Gawain approaches, one by one nervous and awe stopped the manual labor in hand to prepare to salute, but Gawain prevented them with the look, and is waving: need not cares about me, is busy own on line.” 干活的工人们很快便看到了高文靠近,一个个紧张而又敬畏地停下了手里的活计准备行礼,但高文用眼神阻止了他们,并挥着手:“不用在意我,忙自己的就行。” That working vigorous and healthy guy also noticed the atmosphere change finally, he unloaded from the shoulder one basket of brick bats, raised the head to have a look at the surroundings, turned head to look to Gawain: Being in charge came? Is effective?” 那名干活的健壮大汉终于也注意到了气氛变化,他把一筐砖块从肩膀上卸下来,抬头看看周围,又扭头看向高文:“管事的来了?是管事的么?” This speech style...... also really not in common that Priest like Holy Light Church. 这种说话风格……还真不像圣光教会里常见的那种神官 Gawain wears the civilian clothes now rarely, although took Sword of the Pioneer but to have the scabbard to keep off along, liked a crane among chickens besides the height, when a bystander was very perhaps difficult first this journey the giant who nice guard could not see with Duke Cecil linked( Amber was guard unseemly), but conscious to the present robust man has not seen own status, Gawain also followed him saying: Right, I am this piece of manager. What you make?” 高文现在难得地穿着便服,虽然随身带上了开拓者之剑但却有剑鞘挡着,除了身高鹤立鸡群之外,一个外人恐怕很难第一时间把这个出行时身边一个像样护卫都看不见的大个子跟塞西尔公爵联系在一起(琥珀属于不像样的护卫),而意识到眼前的壮汉并未看出自己身份,高文也就顺着他说道:“对,我是这一片的管事。你是做什么的?” Good, finally saw the speech effective person!” The guy looks especially happy, he wipes away sweat at will, then from the waist is in the long gown groped for quite a while, finally pulls out a wrinkled copy clerk to hand over, „can you help me give your Feudal Lord this? My advance party looked at for quite a while in the high place, where also without finding his castle was.” “太好了,终于见到说话管用的人了!”那大汉看起来格外高兴,他随意地擦了把汗,接着从腰间系着的长袍中掏摸了半天,终于掏出一张皱巴巴的文书递过去,“你能帮我把这个交给你们的领主么?我之前站在高处看了半天,也没找到他的城堡在哪。” Gawain received the copy clerk, looked for the brick pile to sit down in side at will, and hinted the opposite party also to sit down, then he looked down one, saw that this used in the copy clerk of upscale parchment writing to only have simple and crude a few words: Delegated the Lord loyal servant and Holy Light Priest Wright Aviken went to Southern Region, publicized the instruction of host, spread Way of Holy Light. 高文接过文书,随意在旁边找了个砖垛坐下,并示意对方也坐下,然后他低头看了一眼,看到这用高档羊皮纸书写的文书上却只有简陋的一句话:兹委派主忠诚的仆人、圣光牧师莱特艾维肯前往南境,宣扬主之教诲,传扬圣光之道 Below also has Holy Light Church crest and some Bishop copy. 下面还有圣光教会徽记与某个主教的印鉴。 Really is this Missionary? 这还真是个传教士 Gawain gawked staring, receives conveniently the copy clerk: Good, I will transmit, but I must first ask your several questions.” 高文愣了愣,随手把文书收起来:“好,我会转交的,不过我得先问你几个问题。” Line...... and other meetings,” that guy just nodded half, then stood up suddenly, blocked one serf that passed through from his side, your wait a moment, your arm a little problem.” “行……啊等会,”那大汉刚点头到一半,便突然站起身来,拦住了一个正从他身边走过的农奴,“你等一下,你胳膊有点毛病。” That serf stopped at a loss, in seeing Gawain when side sits also reveals nervous suddenly, but latter slight bow , indicating does not need to care about Gawain also is very curious this bewildered Missionary thinks what are you doing. 那名农奴茫然地停了下来,在看到高文就在旁边坐着的时候还突然露出一丝紧张,不过后者只是微微点点头,表示无须在意高文也很好奇这个莫名其妙的传教士是想干什么 Then he sees that named Wright a Missionary hand according to the shoulder of serf, another hand delimited God of Holy Light crest in the air, and is reading aloud the sentence of praying, as prayed conducted, white light slightly also appeared in his two hands, a tranquil auspicious aura full that was red the upper body and messy appearance robust man to appear slightly a little feeling of pure and holy in the surrounding air in this Holy Light unexpectedly. 然后他就看到那个名叫“莱特”的传教士一只手按在农奴的肩膀上,另一只手在空气中划出了圣光之神徽记,并念诵着祝祷的语句,而随着祝祷的进行,微微的白光也浮现在他的两只手上,一种宁静祥和的气息充盈在周围的空气中那赤着上身、不修边幅的壮汉在这圣光中竟显得微微有点圣洁之感。 Quick, the treatment then ended, Missionary Wright receives to reach behind the back, nods to serf: Ok, an internal injury, cloudy day to rain will not manifest suddenly from now on. Is willing to advocate to bless you.” 很快,治疗便结束了,传教士莱特收回手,对农奴点点头:“行了,一点暗伤,今后阴天下雨也不会发作了。愿主庇佑你。” That serf inconceivable moved a shoulder, is felt probably the obvious comfort, he could not bear have the exciting expression to nod to express thanks to Wright again and again, then moves the shoulder while returned to the working position. 农奴不可思议地活动了一下肩膀,大概是感觉到了明显的舒适,他忍不住带着激动的表情对莱特连连点头致谢,然后一边活动肩膀一边回到了工作位置。 Missionary Wright like completing an insignificant minor matter racket the palm of the hand, turned around to look to Gawain: I finished, you asked.” 传教士莱特则就像做完了一件微不足道的小事般拍拍巴掌,转身看向高文:“我忙完了,你问吧。” The Gawain entire journey looked at this entire process indifferently, in finally slightly was only surprised this Missionary actually only to say is willing to advocate to bless you, but has not held on lecture of half an hour Way of Holy Light while this opportunity, later he recovered, nods to Wright: You come this preaching?” 高文全程淡然地看完了这整个过程,只在最后稍稍惊讶了一下这个“传教士”竟然只说了一句“愿主庇佑你”,而没有趁着这个机会把人拉住讲半个钟头的圣光之道,随后他回过神来,对莱特点点头:“你是来此传教的?” In copy clerk said that the middle church parish sends me to come,” man nods, what signature is Meguir Bishop. I from Holy Spirit Plain set off, come here, few part times in hurry on, whole time in preaching, stop from time to time, already more than one year.” “文书上都说了,中部教区派我来的,”男人点点头,“签名的是梅高尔主教。我从圣灵平原出发,一路走到这里,少部分时间在赶路,大部分时间在传教,一路走走停停,已经一年多了。” Afterward he supplemented: I know recently Cecil Family establishes the new development place here the matter, my last stand is Tanzan Town, but presently the latter stand is here. I prepare to make a long stay in this place, if can obtain that permission that comes back to life Duke, establishes Church here.” 随后他补充了一下:“我是最近才知道塞西尔家族在这里建立新开拓地的事情的,原本我的最后一站是坦桑镇,但现后一站是这里。我准备在这个地方长住下来,如果能得到那个复生公爵的许可,就在这里建立个教会。” Amber holds the Gawain's arm, low voice whisper: Aii, said that you said you 琥珀捅捅高文的胳膊,小声嘀咕:“哎哎,说你呢说你呢” Gawain stretched muscle on arm calmly, making the finger of Amber as if poke to receive sorely on the steel plate, later is knitting the brows to look to Wright: How did you run to help work suddenly?” 高文不动声色地绷了一下胳膊上的肌肉,让琥珀的手指仿佛戳在钢板上般疼地收回去,随后皱着眉看向莱特:“那你怎么突然跑来帮忙干活了?” That foreman said a moment ago, everyone works, therefore has no free time to listen to my preaching,” Wright shrugs, that I hurried to help them do unable exactly preaching.” “刚才那个监工说了啊,大家干活呢所以没空听我传教,”莱特耸耸肩,“那我赶紧帮他们把活干完不就能传教了么。” Because of this?” “就因为这?” A Wright face is natural: Right, because of this.” 莱特一脸理所当然:“对啊,就因为这。” At this time Hetty could not bear the opens the mouth finally: I take the liberty, but I also see Holy Light Church Missionary that has travelled for pleasure outside, but they not before you...... you are Paladin?” 这时候赫蒂终于忍不住开口了:“恕我冒昧,但我也见过在外游历的圣光教会传教士,但他们都不像你这样……你以前难道是圣骑士?” I am Priest, is,” Wright looked down muscle, naturally, outside preaching was quite again dangerous, frequently met the wild animal and robber anything, Priest battle Divine Spell were too few, exercising was also good to protect oneself. Moreover wealth is sometimes insufficient, must have must help the native do to change the point to eat exactly, the body not strong point is not good.” “我是个牧师,一直都是,”莱特低头看了看身上的肌肉,再次理所当然,“不过在外传教比较危险,经常遇上野兽和强盗什么的,牧师本身的战斗神术太少了,锻炼锻炼身体也好自保。而且有时候身上的钱财不够,少不了要帮当地人干点活换点吃的,身体不强壮点可不行。” Holy Light Church Missionary has not worked the tradition of trading food,” a Hetty face is strange, where Extraordinary arrives at not to need to betray stamina, is betrays stamina to the average person let alone, this matter I hear something never heard of before.” 圣光教会传教士可没有干活换食物的传统,”赫蒂一脸古怪,“超凡者走到哪里都不需要出卖体力,更何况是对普通人出卖体力,这种事我闻所未闻。” lady, your is not right,” Wright is serious immediately, Way of Holy Light told us, the person cannot attain without effort, Way of Holy Light also told us, everyone was the Holy Light people, since were the Holy Light people, why also to divide what average person non- average person?” 女士,你这就不对了,”莱特立刻一脸严肃,“圣光之道告诉我们,人不能不劳而获,圣光之道又告诉我们,人人都是圣光的子民,那既然都是圣光的子民,又何必分什么普通人不普通人的呢?” Amber sized up this robust man two eyes surprisedly up and down: „Do you also really take seriously these words?” 琥珀惊讶地上下打量了这个壮汉两眼:“你还真把这些话当真啊?” Wright shows the natural expression again: „Can the instruction of Way of Holy Light, how regard the false?” 莱特再次露出理所当然的表情:“圣光之道的教诲,怎么能当成假的?” looks at this Qi's strange Missionary, Gawain has not spoken suddenly. 看着这个奇奇怪的传教士,高文却一时间没有说话。 He in rapid thinking at present this person whether has the suspicious place, guessed he whether with former Princess Veronica visits related, speculated some words many that he said is credible. 他在迅速思索眼前这个人是否有可疑之处,猜测他是否和之前维罗妮卡公主的造访有关,推测他所说的话有多少可信。 If these words real, then as if anything need not was worried this Holy Light Priest one year ago started to travel, but at that time his Gawain had not uncovered the coffin, the arrival of this Priest was also an accident/surprise. 如果那些话都是真的,那么似乎什么都不用担心这位圣光牧师从一年前就开始游历了,而那时候他高文还没揭棺而起呢,这个牧师的到来也就是个意外。 If not real, Holy Light Missionary arrives at this piece of Feudal Territory suddenly, was one looks like the quite sensitive matter in Gawain. 如果都不是真的,一位圣光传教士突然来到这片领地,就是一件在高文看来比较敏感的事情了。 But somehow, looks at this style elegant Holy Light Missionary, Gawain always thought that this matter...... really cannot touch on slightly with the plot. 但不知怎的,看着这位画风清奇的圣光传教士,高文总觉得这事儿……跟阴谋实在不能沾边。 No matter what, even if oneself in the Myriad Gods belief to this world have an alert and barrier at present, he cannot drive out such Missionary as Feudal Lord casually, particularly the opposite party has not been against any law on this lands completely, even also helps work and treat in the situation of patient on own initiative, he cannot do the law and order that otherwise he himself carries out will be attacked. 但不管怎么样,哪怕自己对目前这个世界上的众神信仰都产生了一丝戒备和隔阂,他作为领主都不能随随便便把这么一个传教士赶出去,尤其是对方在这片土地上完全没有触犯任何法律,甚至还主动帮忙干活和治疗病人的情况下,他就更不能这么干了否则他自己推行的法律与秩序都将受到打击。 Moreover he also wants to observe, looks at this person is what background, there is what goal. 而且他也想观察一下,看这个人到底是何来头,又有何目的。 In the Gawain heart thinks, Missionary Wright is also sizing up the present three people, and asked one suddenly: Right, your three were interested in Way of Holy Light?” 高文心中思索的时候,传教士莱特也在打量眼前的三人,并突然问了一句:“对了,你们三个对圣光之道感兴趣么?” Gawain three people not with one voice: 高文三人一点都不异口同声: I am Magic Goddess believer, is not willing to believe in his god again.” “我是魔法女神信徒,不愿再信他神。” Your eye is lame, I believe the shadow!” “你眼瘸哦,我信暗影的!” Has no interest, thanks.” “没兴趣,谢谢。” Missionary Wright nods: „, That even.” 8) 传教士莱特点点头:“哦,那就算了。”八)
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