SOD :: Volume #2

#154: Construction of Feudal Territory

After completing the test work of heat-ray gun, Gawain then left testing ground, with has Hetty and Amber that Rebecca and Jenny he leaves together must conduct the continuation optimization of Group rune, Nicholas Egg must return to the mechanical research institute to design the new production line, two Knight have the duty respectively in the body, therefore not with the Gawain same place. 完成热能射线枪的测试工作之后,高文便离开了试验场,跟他一起离开的还有赫蒂琥珀瑞贝卡詹妮还要去进行符文的继续优化,尼古拉斯蛋要返回机械研究所设计新的生产线,两位骑士则各有任务在身,所以没有跟高文一起。 A success of modern weapon inspired Gawain's spirit, making his mood unable to bear be happy, but with the happy mood, all in his looks at Feudal Territory was more optimistic than the past. 一件新武器的成功鼓舞了高文的精神,让他的心情都忍不住愉快起来,而在愉快的心情下,他看着领地中的一切都比往日里乐观了很多。 Frost Month already passing half, the temperature is dropping day-by-day, soon, south this piece the land will also enter the cold winter, but the first batch of crops have completed the harvest, the food and material that in addition King pledged will arrive one after another, piles up with the warehouse from the non-staple food of Tanzan Town purchase continuously, Feudal Territory need not will be worried about the hungry issue in the winter of this year completely. 霜月已经过去一半,气温正在一天天下降,用不了多久,这片南部土地也会进入寒冷的冬季,但第一批农作物已经完成了丰收,再加上国王所承诺的粮食物资陆续抵达、从坦桑镇采购的副食也源源不断堆满仓库,领地今年冬天将完全不用担心饥饿的问题。 Cecil Family perhaps most generous the aristocrat on food on other aristocrat land, the civilians often must turn in crop 70-80% as the payment of taxes, serf even needs to turn to be close to 90% grain, as the matter stands has Druid magic spell or the assistance of Harvest God technique even if, the poor riff raffs also live at times in the edge of famine, so long as the year's harvest does not have slightly well, the starving to death person is the common matter, but various wild herbs and bark even stocks are the patrons in most poor pots, but in Cecil territory, Gawain direct decided the grain payment of taxes to 1/2. 塞西尔家族或许是在食物上最慷慨的贵族在别的贵族土地上,平民往往要将收成的70-80%都上缴作为赋税,农奴甚至需要上缴接近90%的粮食,这样一来哪怕有着德鲁伊法术或者丰饶神术的辅助,贫苦的底层人民也都时时生活在饥荒的边缘,只要年景稍有不好,饿死人便是常有的事,而各种野菜、树皮甚至草根则是大部分贫民锅里的常客,但在塞西尔领,高文直接把粮食赋税定到了二分之一。 citizens is grateful, Gawain thought that this tax rate was too high. 领民们感恩戴德,高文却觉得这税率还是太高了。 Other aristocrats gather the extremely high taxes, on the one hand is because they will often not care about the agriculture on Feudal Territory sincerely, will not improve cultivation technology or conducts effective work Management, the crop of their land is not high, the taxes lowered are unable to maintain their wasteful livelihoods, then on the other hand was their luxury and extravagant is really the shocking degree, young barons must construct castle, and provided for stewards, personal male servants or maid, four first-grade servants and four first-grade maid, as well as big group of janitors, washed clothes maid and kitchen maid, Groom wait wait/etc. etc., moreover must hold the endless banquet with encircling and hunting the activity, if there is an aristocrat of belief, but also meets to contribute a big wealth every year to local Church but these will transform as the taxes press in these originally on the crop not high poor on. 其他贵族收取极高的税赋,一方面是因为他们往往并不会真心关心领地上的农耕,也不会改进耕作技术或者进行有效的劳动管理,以至于他们土地的收成本身就不高,税赋低了就无法维持他们的奢靡生活,另一方面则是他们的奢侈与铺张实在达到耸人听闻的程度,一个小小的男爵都要建一座城堡,并供养一个管家、一个贴身男仆或女仆、四个一等仆役和四个一等女仆,以及一大堆的杂役、洗衣女仆、厨房女仆、马夫等等等等,而且还要举行无休无止的宴会与围猎活动,若是有信仰的贵族,还会每年捐出一大笔财富给当地的教会而这些都将转化为税赋压在那些本来就收成不高的贫民头上。 But Cecil territory does not need these. 可是塞西尔领不需要这些。 Moreover Gawain is very clear a matter: In situation that in the magic energy industry has started, economic output of peasant society must be exceeded and replaced by the industry eventually, the farmland once was the main source of income of this world, but the quick gold coin flows from the chain of factory and commercial, he did not plan that continues that type to absorb the nutrient from the farmer the development mode just now the magical industry is also only a symptom, he must maintain this aspect temporarily. 而且高文还很清楚一件事:在魔能工业已经开始起步的情况下,农业社会的经济产出终究是要被工业超越并取代的,农田曾经是这个世界的主要经济来源,但很快金币就将从工厂和商业的链条中流淌出来,他不打算延续那种从农民身上吸取养分的发展模式只不过现在魔导工业还只是个苗头,他才必须暂时维持这种局面罢了。 Money of treasure in the mountain storage will use up sooner or later, but Gawain is very confident, before these wealth use up makes Feudal Territory change over to the balanced revenues and expenditures from the net disbursement, when industrial output of Feudal Territory satisfied for oneself, presents the extra time, was the time sends out the caravan outward...... 山中宝库储存的金银迟早是会用光的,不过高文很有信心,在那些财富用完之前就让领地从净支出转入收支平衡当领地的工业产出满足了自用,出现富余的时候,就是时候向外派出商队了…… After the Clearwater River shore, Gawain saw that in the wharf is anchoring big ship, many people in rags from the ship, are accepting the routine registration and inspection, but is responsible for these business, then from hundred people of the learn to read soldiers on clerk and Feudal Territory that construct in the group to pull out: These people after some time adaptation and learn/study, have been able to undertake this work now. 在经过白水河岸的时候,高文看到码头上正停靠着一艘大船,许许多多衣衫褴褛的人正从船上下来,接受例行的登记与检查,而负责这些事务的,则是从百人援建团中抽出来的书记员和领地上的识字士兵:这些人经过一段时间的适应与学习,如今已经能承担这种工作了。 The Feudal Territory population is still increasing unceasingly, after confirming this year's crop, Gawain yields in Tanzan Town boldly population introduction office increased the new batch of serf orders, and increased the propaganda that recruits refugee, almost every 34 days, will have a full ship person to be transported here from the Clearwater River upstream now, becomes the Cecil territory new resident, but what is more joyful, in these people are presenting more and more refugee. 领地的人口还在不断增加,在确认了今年的收成之后,高文大胆地让位于坦桑镇的“人口引进办事处”增加了新一批的农奴订单,并加大了招募流民的宣传,如今几乎每隔34天,就会有满满的一船人从白水河上游被运到这里,成为塞西尔领的新居民,而更令人欣喜的是,这些人中正出现越来越多的流民 This indicated that these drifted homeless person outside also to hear and believe the news of related Cecil development place finally, but so long as this kind of matter had a beginning, will form the continuous population to move into. 这说明那些漂泊在外的无家可归者也终于听到并相信了有关塞西尔开拓地的消息,而此类事情只要有个开端,就会形成源源不断的人口迁入。 In does not lack the population the place, refugee truly lets the great hidden that the public order officer has a headache about, but is short of manpower lack lets Hetty and Gawain falls Cecil territory of hair together, refugee flows in the Feudal Territory gold simply, as long as can raise, coming many not to dislike many. 在不缺人口的地方,流民确实是让治安官头疼的重大隐患,但在缺人已经缺的让赫蒂高文一起掉头发的塞西尔领,流民简直就是流入领地的黄金但凡能养得起,来多少都不嫌多。 Compared with each with honest price tag displayed, the cost fixed slave, refugee that these will flow in unceasingly is the future Cecil territory stablest population originates. 比起每一个都明码标价,成本固定的奴隶,这些会不断流入的流民才是未来塞西尔领最稳定的人口来源。 Housing safeguard how?” The Gawain's line of sight falls on the wharf direction, spoke thoughtlessly to ask, weather may be day by day cold.” “住房保障情况怎么样?”高文的视线落在码头方向,随口问道,“天气可一天比一天冷了。” Log cabin is enough, according to new method that you stipulate, arrives in Feudal Territory serf or refugee works at first need not participation agriculture and factory, but first begins the room that constructs them to live, and studies here labor system in this process and carries out the knowledge education, this means extraordinary is good they to work unusual going all out that moreover commended the benevolence of Cecil Family with one voice, after when they completed these work, the basic labor system and life general knowledge have also printed firmly in their brains.” “木屋足够,按照您规定的新方法,抵达领地农奴流民在最初不用参与农业和工厂劳动,而是先动手建设他们自己住的屋子,并在这个过程中学习这里的劳动制度和进行常识教育,这个办法出奇的好他们工作的异常卖力,而且齐声称赞塞西尔家族的仁慈,而等到他们完成这些工作之后,基本的劳动制度和生活常识也已经牢牢地印在他们脑子里了。” For own build a home, everyone will pay the full power, very simple truth,” Gawain smiles, „the subt education that but in this wholeheartedly puts into the labor process that carries out, and scolded compared with any leather whip can enter deeply into people's hearts.” “为自己建设家园,每一个人都会付出全力,很简单的道理,”高文笑了笑,“而在这种全身心投入的劳动过程中进行的潜移默化教育,比任何皮鞭和责骂都能深入人心。” Saying, he knits the brows slightly: But log cabin eventually compared with bricks house, particularly in winter......, even if we prepared the sufficient hay, papers a wall with the mud, in the room will be also cold.” 说着,他又微微皱了皱眉:“但木屋终究比不过砖瓦房子,尤其是在冬天的时候……哪怕咱们准备了充足的干草,又用泥浆来糊墙,屋子里也还是会冷的。” Your benevolence truly moving, but the output of brickyard really cannot follow,” Hetty shakes the head regrettably, new population are too many, not possible to build the brick house to everyone. In fact if were not the lumbering area and saw mill stockpiled a lot of lumber ahead of time, moreover wood sawing machine efficiency strange tall who magic engine drove, perhaps our log cabin was very difficult to guarantee sufficiently......” “您的仁慈确实令人感动,但砖瓦厂的产量实在跟不上,”赫蒂遗憾地摇了摇头,“新增人口太多,不可能给每一个人盖砖瓦房。事实上如果不是伐木场和锯木厂提前储备了大量木料,而且魔能引擎带动的锯木机效率奇高,恐怕我们连木屋都很难保证充足……” That ensure at least the supply of charcoal, making them pass first to say in the winter again,” Gawain nods, „did new built-up area lay down honey-comb magic circuit?” “那就起码保证木炭的供应吧,让他们度过第一个冬天再说,”高文点点头,“新增建筑区都铺设了蜂巢魔网么?” Yes, according to your request, all regions is laying down magic circuit, even if cannot achieve laying down of entire area, guaranteed at least becomes the line the honey-comb structure continually, connects each built-up area, and left behind the appearing externally magic circuit connection in various places.” “是的,按照您的要求,所有区域都在铺设魔网哪怕做不到全面积的铺设,也起码保证了将蜂巢结构连成线,将每一个建筑区都连接起来,并在各处留下了外露的魔网接口。” The so-called magic circuit connection, actually a section magical material stick that extends from Unit magic circuit, they used to cover the light mithril iron rod or cheaper black stone stick make, its is connecting underground magic circuit, another extended the surface, was Gawain is the foundation that the Feudal Territory development will build in the future. 所谓魔网接口,其实就是从魔网延伸出来的一小节导魔材料棒,它们用镀上了薄薄一层秘银的铁棒或者更加便宜的黑石棒制成,其一头连接着地下的魔网,另一头则延伸出地表,算是高文为日后领地发展打下的基础。 Although magic circuit can conduct wireless power supply, so long as in the short distance right above magic circuit can conduct the mana transmission, but such efficiency is not high, if reserves „the magic circuit connection many, can be ready to the future urbanized development, for example meets the street light or gives each and every family mana and so on. 虽然魔网可以进行“无线供能”,只要在魔网正上方近距离内就能进行魔力传输,但这样的效率并不高,如果预留出很多“魔网接口”的话,就可以给日后的城市化发展做好准备,比如接路灯或者给家家户户魔力之类。 Now also issue,” Hetty hesitant, the decision said that about the night school education that you advanced.” “现在还有一个问题,”赫蒂犹豫了一下,还是决定说出来,“是关于您推进的夜校教育。” Gawain knits the brows immediately: Night school? Is these knows the curriculum? Has problems?” 高文顿时一皱眉:“夜校?是那些通识课程?出了什么问题?” You request on Feudal Territory everyone to be educated, but the population floods into now massively, moreover poor who basically all not literate does not know the number, the teacher number is completely insufficient,” Hetty said awkwardly Feudal Territory central area Hexi District and Southern District additionally built the learn/study place, and makes all literate soldiers, smith, the departments after completing the work teaches in turn, but is unbearably busy. The person who each classroom accommodates is limited, these new citizen lack the discipline, once the person were many, the scene chaos degree simply is a disaster, but the person was short...... must additionally build the classroom to be good. ” “您要求领地上每一个人都必须接受教育,但现在人口大量涌入,而且基本上全都是不认字不识数的贫民,教师数量已经完全不够了,”赫蒂为难地说道领地中心区和西区、南区都增设了学习场所,并且让所有认字的士兵、工匠、部门主管在完成工作之后轮流去授课,可还是忙不过来。每个‘课堂’容纳的人有限,那些新来的领民缺乏纪律,一旦人多了,场面的混乱程度简直是一场灾难,而人少了……就要增设课堂才行。” Additionally builds the classroom, means to additionally build the teacher,” Gawain knits the brows, that side Tanzan Town isn't delivers some secretary apprentice?” “增设课堂,就意味着增设教师,”高文皱皱眉,“坦桑镇那边不是送过来一些书记学徒么?” Has sent to teach, but is insufficient.” “已经派去教课了,但还是不够。” That constructs group ’ to recruit from hundred people,” the Gawain decision said that in that except for Jenny suchtop talentbeside, in ordinary smith or apprentice have partially are learn to read, should be interested in the extra allowance of teacher. Moreover, you must start to propagandize the Steelworks, mechanical research institute and other place of the recruiting news, told citizen, no matter free citizen or serf can enter the factory work, but must literate know the number to register, but worked in the factory can be the same to smith, has the extra grain subsidy, like this they learn/study to have the power to maintain the discipline is also easier.” “那就从‘百人援建团’里招募,”高文决定道,“那里面除了詹妮这样的‘高端人才’之外,普通的工匠学徒中也有部分是识字的,应该会对教师的额外补贴感兴趣。另外,你要开始宣传钢铁厂、机械研究所等地的招工消息,告诉领民,不管自由民还是农奴都可以进工厂做工,但必须认字识数才能报名,而在工厂里做工就可以跟工匠们一样,有额外的粮食补助,这样他们学习起来才会有动力维持纪律也会更容易一些。” Hetty slight nod: Yes, I understood.” 赫蒂微微点头:“是,我明白了。” Gawain thinks, inquired: What also has to need to report?” 高文想了想,询问道:“还有什么需要汇报的么?” Hetty looks to nearby Amber: She is walking the skill that sleeps is really very fierce.” 赫蒂看向旁边的琥珀:“她走着路睡觉的本事真的是很厉害。” Gawain gawked, turns head to look at one, finally saw impressively this Half-Elf really closed one's eyes to follow by oneself, has just like fallen asleep some little time. 高文一愣,扭头看了一眼,结果赫然看到这个半精灵真的闭着眼睛跟在自己旁边,俨然已经睡着好一会了。 When does this fool fall asleep?!” 这货什么时候睡着的?!” Hetty is resigned-looking: We just started to discuss builds the house time.” 赫蒂一脸无奈:“咱们刚开始讨论盖房子的时候。” Gawain is stunned: „...... From some aspect, she also was really a talent.” 高文一脸错愕:“……从某种方面讲,她也真是个人才。” But his just sighed, sees the Amber ease awaking revolutions, Miss Half-Elf rubs the eyes, looks at Gawain with Hetty, asked one curiously: „Did you talk over finally?” 而他这头刚感叹完,就见到琥珀悠悠然醒转,半精灵小姐揉了揉眼睛,看着高文赫蒂,好奇地问了一句:“你俩终于念叨完啦?” Gawain corner of the mouth shakes, looks intentionally to Hetty: Said the matter of steel production again......” 高文嘴角一抖,故意看向赫蒂:“再说说钢铁产量的事儿……” Amber closes one's eyes: Food good to call me.” 琥珀一闭眼:“饭好了叫我。” Gawain does not have idea immediately, just wants to grab the ear of Amber to twist the half-turn to look that conveniently she can come soberly, the split vision of corner of the eye actually saw that suddenly a soldier runs over to here. 高文顿时没辙没辙的,正想随手抓着琥珀的耳朵拧半圈看她能不能清醒过来,眼角的余光却突然间看到有一名士兵向这边跑了过来。 Lord!” The soldiers run up to front of Gawain, stands at attention to salute, Feudal Territory came up a stranger!” 大人!”士兵跑到高文面前,唰地立正行礼,“领地上来了个陌生人!” Stranger?” Gawain stares, does not know that what urgency this matter has, refugee that came from the north side? Oneself run the words that turns to......” “陌生人?”高文一愣,不知道这种事情有什么紧急,“是从北边来的流民么?自己跑来投靠的话……” „It is not, clothes that person puts on Holy Light Religion, probably Missionary, but does not know that what's the matter he is working on the work site now.” “不是,那人穿着圣光教派的衣服,好像是个传教士,但不知道怎么回事他现在正在工地上干活呢。” Ha?” 8) “哈?”八)
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