SOD :: Volume #2

#153: Combat Infantry Pack and modularity

Amber, perennial wild Half-Elf, the character evades the light and scotophil, has the larceny habit, the omnivorous habit and capacity for food are big, like playing noisily, will play to make to the certain extent will enter loses the wisdom condition, was being pursued hitting. 琥珀,多年生野生半精灵,性格避光、喜暗,有偷窃习性,杂食性且饭量较大,喜欢玩闹,玩闹到一定程度会进入失智状态,然后被追着打。 For example now. 比如现在。 old dumpling (corpse) three character exits, Gawain has not responded what's the matter, Hetty some response, the housekeeper eye of this Cecil territory had first stared magic staff to wield, strong murderous aura fills the air. 老粽子”仨字一出口,高文还没反应过来怎么回事,赫蒂已经首先有了反应,这位塞西尔领大管家眼睛一瞪法杖一挥,浓烈的杀气就弥漫出来。 Amber this time also startled all of a sudden to respond, but she looked at Hetty one to start the dying brace: Whom you frighten, has the skill your ice arrow to stick on my face......” 琥珀自己这时候也激灵一下子反应过来,但她看了赫蒂一眼就开始死撑:“你吓唬谁呀,有本事你一个寒冰箭糊我脸上……” Then was brandished to flee 78 meters that magic staff by Hetty a stick knocked...... 然后就被赫蒂法杖抡圆了一棍子敲的窜出去七八米…… Who said that which that mage can only rub ice arrow not to cause 36 groups of rest in peace staff technique with mage Big Fireball Cecil Family comes out? Amber this was deals with hit the Cecil Family person little, she must know that Hetty and on Rebecca magic staff opened blood trough that definitely not to dare to jump...... 谁说法师只能搓寒冰箭大火球塞西尔家出来的法师哪个不使得一手三十六路安息棍法琥珀这还是跟塞西尔家的人打交道打少了,她要知道赫蒂瑞贝卡法杖上都开着血槽那肯定不敢这么跳…… Your shame and my magic spell, your also shame and my family ancestor!” Hetty this time is somewhat anxious, is staring imposing, since the younger brother who magic staff brandishes passed away, since oneself have to lack Rebecca of root muscle to attend to the family property by the status help brain of elder, she rarely has so lets loose the performance of hands and feet, but any understood the people who the Cecil Family wind ancestor teaches should know, graceful Lady Hetty really compelled also to be able anxiously magic staff, when Warhammer caused, do not think that magic did not hit your I did not have idea, looked at me......” “你辱及我的法术,你还辱及我家先祖!”赫蒂这次是真有点急,瞪着眼把法杖抡的虎虎生风自从弟弟去世,自己不得不以长辈的身份帮助脑子缺根筋的瑞贝卡料理家业以来,她已经很少有如此放开手脚的表现了,但任何一个了解塞西尔家风祖训的人都应该知道,优雅的赫蒂女士真逼急了也是可以把法杖战锤使的,“别以为魔法打不中你我就没辙了,看我……” Amber was being pursued hitting immediately randomly calls, but Gawain had responded luckily at this time, hurried to run to interrupt this farce: Stop stop stop stopping point stops, Hetty you are not do not know that this fool mouth not gate, Amber you are also coming under attack time first picks heat-ray gun, did the sample that Lane with great difficulty comes out what to do spoil by some chance?” 琥珀顿时被追着打的嗷嗷乱叫,但幸好这时候高文已经反应过来,赶紧跑来打断了这场闹剧:“停停停都消停点消停点,赫蒂你又不是不知道这货的嘴没个把门的,琥珀你也是挨打的时候先把热能射线枪摘下来啊,好不容易出来的样品万一弄坏了怎么办?” Amber: „......” 琥珀:“……” Hetty stared Amber one, this lowers the head to Gawain: Ancestor, you really this/should taught this fellow well, she quite does not respect you now.” 赫蒂瞪了琥珀一眼,这才对高文低下头:“先祖,您真该好好管教管教这家伙了,她现在相当不尊重您。” Oh, I should notthree characters teach you old dumpling (corpse) initially ‚,” a Gawain sigh, turns head to look that to gauntlet that on Amber equips, first has a look at this thing, how can't use suddenly?” “唉,我当初就不该把‘老粽子’三个字教给你们,”高文一声叹息,扭头看向琥珀手上装备的臂铠,“还是先看看这东西吧,怎么突然就不能用了?” Amber manipulated heat-ray gun on hand, the target of aiming distant place was drawing a trigger, result time, there is a scalding hot light beam to launch together from gauntlet, target that hit the distant place. 琥珀摆弄着手上的热能射线枪,瞄准远处的标靶又拉了一下扳机,结果这次,又有一道灼热的光束从臂铠中发射出来,命中了远处的靶子。 Amber is knitting the brows: Probably can use?” 琥珀皱着眉:“好像又能用了?” But she fired several times, the light beam expired after the third launch again. 但紧接着她又射击了几次,光束在第三次发射之后再次失效。 I yes what's the matter, Gawain nod probably, lift hand greeting to be funny in the location edge standby huge silver-white color, Nicholas Egg, you come the help to open some outer coverings.” “我大概明白怎么回事了,”高文点点头,抬手招呼在场地边缘待命的巨大银白色滑稽,“尼古拉斯蛋,你过来帮忙把这部分外壳打开。” The reason was then determined quickly. 原因很快便被查明。 Is Mana Capacitor returned to the sufficient speed unable to catch up with the consumption of continuous fire, mana in magic storage crystal exhausts. 魔力电容器的回充速度赶不上连续射击的消耗,储魔水晶中的魔力耗尽了。 Gawain designs Mana Capacitor, essentially is unceasing automatic charge, but the charge speed control slow energy installment, its returns to the sufficient speed to be constant, the capacity upper limit is also constant, it enables output capacity low Unit honey-comb magic circuit mana to check temporarily in crystal, can thus to consume energy high formation energizes, but these consume energy high formation, so long as revolves continually, then the energy consumption speed definitely will exceed the crystal charge speed. 高文所设计的“魔力电容器”,本质上是一个不断自动充能,但充能速度稳定缓慢的能源装置,它的回充速度是恒定的,容量上限同样恒定,它让原本输出能力较低的蜂巢魔网可以把魔力暂时寄存在水晶中,从而可以为耗能高的法阵供能,但这些耗能较高的法阵只要持续运转,那么能量消耗速度就必然会超过水晶充能速度。 After heat-ray gun continuous fire, Capacitor dries up inevitably, needs to wait for returns slowly can use sufficiently again. 热能射线枪连续射击之后,电容器必然枯竭,需要等待缓慢回充才能再次使用。 Originally is such matter,” on the looks at Mana Capacitor slot has turned into iron grey magic storage crystal, Hetty nods, but actually is also, normal magic item is this, magic of continual release is limited, after mana uses up, supplements is good, it seems like heat-ray gun is also this.” “原来是这么回事,”看着魔力电容器插槽上已经变成灰白色的储魔水晶,赫蒂点了点头,“倒也是,正常的魔法道具都是这样的,连续释放的魔法有限,魔力用完之后就得重新补充才行,看来热能射线枪也是这样。” But this is not absolutely good!” Gawain shakes the head very much seriously. “但这绝对不行!”高文很严肃地摇了摇头。 Rebecca is bewildered: Why isn't good? Isn't magic item so?” 瑞贝卡一脸茫然:“为什么不行?魔法道具不都是如此么?” That is traditional magic item, any day can only put six fireballs the rings, a day can only use protecting shield sigil three times, but I must say, these things must be eliminated are good,” Gawain is shaking the head, in battlefield, whose weapon first damages who will die, the mana reserve of heat-ray gun is also same, therefore we must find the way to enable them continuously the combat for a long time.” “那是传统的魔法道具,什么一天只能放六个火球的戒指,一天只能用三次的护盾符印,但我要说,那些东西必须被淘汰才行,”高文摇着头,“战场上,谁的武器最先损坏谁就会死,热能射线枪魔力储备也是同样,所以我们必须想办法让它们能连续作战更长时间。” Catches up with examination Knight Byron also to approve of nods: „The enemy in battlefield several hours to you will not let your Mana Capacitor slowly charge.” 赶过来查看情况的拜伦骑士也赞同地点了点头:“战场上的敌人可不会给你几个小时让你的魔力电容器慢慢充能。” We found the place that first can revise,” the Gawain mentality opens, found the rhythm that oneself were familiar with, he looks to Hetty and Rebecca, stands Jenny after two person, you know this type brand-new magic equipment where and traditional magic item biggest difference is at?” “我们找到第一个可以修改的地方了,”高文思路打开,又找到了自己熟悉的节奏,他看向赫蒂瑞贝卡,还有站在两人身后的詹妮,“你们知道这种全新的‘魔法武装’和传统的魔法道具最大的区别在哪么?” Jenny: Small advantage?” 詹妮:“便宜?” Hetty: Uses conveniently?” 赫蒂:“用起来方便?” Rebecca: Name is ultra!” 瑞贝卡:“名字超酷的!” Difference is, once traditional magic item mana exhausted, either must it restore honestly, either must look for mage to go to pour the demon, but the thing that we make......” Gawain extracts downward crystal on Mana Capacitor slot conveniently, and fishes out in another ordinary day to regard the curio walnut to rub playing magic storage crystal to insert, how in emergency case can the refresh spell casting number of times...... unable to insert momentarily?” “区别在于,传统的魔法道具一旦魔力耗尽了,要么就得老老实实地等它自己恢复,要么就得找法师去给它注魔,而我们制造出来的这玩意儿……”高文随手把魔力电容器插槽上的水晶拔了下来,并摸出另外一块平日里当成文玩核桃搓着玩的储魔水晶塞上去,“紧急情况下随时可以刷新施法次数……诶怎么插不上的?” Rebecca explained very much earnestly: „...... Lord Ancestor, you had not said that before crystal on Mana Capacitor can replace, therefore egg egg, when combines them the slot makes into single use, a moment ago you time that crystal dug out the foundation has made the distortion.” 瑞贝卡很认真地解释:“……祖先大人,您之前没说魔力电容器上的水晶可以更换,所以蛋蛋在组合它们的时候把插槽弄成一次性的了,刚才您把水晶抠下来的时候已经把底座弄变形了。” Under nearby Hetty hurried to receive half a word: Naturally, the slot can adjust, this is completely the small issue, mentality that the ancestor you came up with important!” 旁边的赫蒂赶紧接过下半句:“当然,插槽可以调整,这完全是小问题,祖先您提出的思路才更重要!” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” When he recorded unclear previous time to install to compel quickly successfully is. 他都快记不清自己上次装逼成功是什么时候了。 But this is awkward he then to neglect quickly, is putting on a serious face to pull back the subject actually: Hetty, records the corrections: The Mana Capacitor position keeps the mouth that can facilitate to open and close, letting the soldier can in the battlefield the replace in a speedy way in crystal that exhausts. As the matter stands, in the battle of low intensity or in short time, Mana Capacitor of heat-ray gun bringing can complete the combat, but in the emergency case, can depend upon the external energy to continue battle.” 但这点尴尬他很快便忽略过去,硬是板着脸拉回正题:“赫蒂,把修改意见记录一下:魔力电容器位置留出一个可以方便开合的口,让士兵能够在战场上快速更换耗尽的水晶。这样一来,在低强度或者短时间的战斗中,热能射线枪自带的魔力电容器就可以完成作战,而紧急情况下,可以依靠外置能源持续战斗。” Hetty recorded, but knits the brows: Ancestor, you designs Mana Capacitor this structure, at first to solve Unit magic circuit simultaneously has output the low as well as inferior crystal magic storage period short these two issues, but if must make the soldier replace crystal in the battlefield, they carry how spare crystal in should mana maintain? Can make them use expensive high-quality magic storage crystal to work as the spare crystal?” 赫蒂记录了一下,但紧接着皱起眉:“先祖,您之所以设计魔力电容器这种结构,最初就是为了同时解决魔网输出过低以及劣质水晶储魔期短这两个问题,但如果要让士兵在战场上更换水晶的话,那他们携带的‘备用水晶’里的魔力该怎么维持?难道要让他们用昂贵的优质储魔水晶来当备用晶体?” This putting the cart before the horse,” Gawain shook the head with a smile, output huge low quality magic storage crystal is the magic weapon of equipment army. Low quality crystal you mentioned will dissipate the energy in the soldier carrying process, did we design one type to be able the carrying way that avoided dissipating not to?” “这就本末倒置了,”高文笑着摇了摇头,“产量巨大的低品质储魔水晶才是武装军队的法宝。你提到的低品质水晶会在士兵携带过程中自己逸散能量,那我们就设计一种能避免逸散的携带方式不就得了?” Gawain just reminded slightly, Rebecca that side brain had revolved fast, and after revolving for several seconds ding all of a sudden had an idea: We can design similar Mana Capacitor large-scale Capacitor, for example one type with the box that many Unit magic circuit composes, the function is stores up crystal as well as to crystal slow charge, inside inserts ten eight spare crystals, so long as these Lane base plate thin, the weight will not surpass the spare sword that the soldier usually carries to reduce 12 spare swords, can bring such a storage box.” 高文只不过稍微提醒了一下,瑞贝卡那边的脑筋就已经飞快运转起来,并在运转了几秒钟后“叮”一下子产生个想法:“我们可以设计一种类似魔力电容器的大型‘电容器’啊,比如一种用很多个魔网组成的盒子,作用就是储存水晶以及给水晶缓慢充能,里面塞上十个八个的备用晶体,只要把那些基板的薄一点,重量就不会超过士兵平常携带的备用刀剑减少一两把备用剑,就能带一个这样的储存盒。” Was also attracted by this discussion to heat-ray gun catch a cold Knight Byron not, cannot help but diverges following the Rebecca words downward: magic storage crystal that such soldiers carry along not only will not dissipate the energy slowly, instead in charge, they replacing the depletion crystal stopper returns to vessel, perhaps in battle can be full of one in duration quite long battle, a crystal of this multi- fill could rescue their lives!” 原本对热能射线枪不甚感冒拜伦骑士也被这讨论所吸引,不由自主地顺着瑞贝卡的话往下发散:“这样士兵们随身携带的储魔水晶不但不会慢慢逸散能量,反而一直在充能,他们把替换下来的枯竭水晶塞回到容器里,说不定战斗中就能重新充满一个在持续时间比较长的战斗中,这多充满的一个晶体就说不定可以救他们的命!” „...... Gawain smiles with the heat-ray gun necessary battle backpack, and looks to Rebecca, „the principle of this thing is very simple, but must Unit magic circuit lightweight, moreover must guarantee that the charge efficiency is invariable, its design gave you.” “与热能射线枪配套的战斗背包么……”高文微笑起来,并看向瑞贝卡,“这东西的原理很简单,但要把魔网轻量化,而且还要保证充能效率不变,它的设计就交给你了。” Rebecca magic staff toward ground, is happily supine the face: Relax Lord Ancestor! I am fierce in this aspect! Several days can handle!” 瑞贝卡得意地把法杖往地上一顿,仰着脸:“放心吧祖先大人!我在这方面厉害着呢!几天就能搞定!” This imposing manner plans to carry the sledgehammer to going out of town probably to kill seven to enter seven...... 这气势就好像打算拎着大锤冲出城杀个七进七出似的…… In addition, we must strengthen heat-ray gun universality and extension,” Gawain nods, making Hetty continue to record, said that to the Nicholas Egg hear, makes Machine Building analyze to be able heat-ray gun the module of industrial mass production, my request is: Its most modules best be able to facilitate to disassemble and replace, the processing difficulty of each components is low, is durable, particularly heat ray base plate if possible, we should design standard, can combine at will this base plate and with the structure that base plate connects magical material that in other words, in future heat-ray gun can stopper heat ray formation, can force in other general base plate, turns into other weapon, even turns other against has and tool my manages this calls modularity.” “除此之外,我们还得增强热能射线枪的‘通用性’和‘扩展性’,”高文点点头,让赫蒂继续记录,同时也是说给尼古拉斯蛋听,“让机械制造所将热能射线枪拆分成可以工业量产的组件,我的要求是:它的大部分组件最好都是可以方便拆卸、更换的,每种零件的加工难度都要低,要耐用,尤其是灼热射线基板如果可以的话,我们应该将这种基板和与基板连接的导魔材料设计成一种制式的、能随意组合的结构,也就是说,今后的热能射线枪里可以塞灼热射线法阵,也可以塞进别的通用基板,变成别的武器,甚至变成别的防具和工具我管这个叫模块化。” The Hetty pen cannot help but stopped, she opens the eye slightly: modularity this word, she hears from the Gawain mouth more than once, but until this time, she as if conscious to it can finally achieve anything. 赫蒂的笔不由自主停了下来,她微微张大眼睛:模块化这个词,她不止一次地从高文口中听到,但直到这一次,她似乎才终于意识到它可以实现什么。 When heat-ray gun and Combat Infantry Pack gradually were discussed maturely, in the new Cecil territory west, outsider set foot on this lands. 而在热能射线枪作战背包逐渐被讨论成熟的时候,在新塞西尔领的西部,一个外来者踏上了这片土地。 This is one has vigorous and healthy man who very much has the feeling: 这是一个很有存在感的健壮男人: He has a light brown short hair, lacks the hair chaotic makeshift bed on the ground that handles in the top of the head, the beard seems to have blown, obviously but blows is very careless, reckless Cha who the length varies still remained on the chin, his face quite passes through the wind and frost, has lost the gloss, but brings firm and resolute, but in his deep eye socket, that eye has the brilliance that the civilians of this time do not have. 他留着一头浅棕色的短发,缺少打理的头发乱糟糟地铺在头顶,胡子似乎刮过,但显然刮的很粗心大意,以至于长短不一的胡茬仍然残留在下巴上,他的面庞颇经风霜,已经失去光泽,但却带着一种坚毅,而他那深深的眼窝中,那双眼睛带着这个时代的平民所不具备的光彩。 Compared with this appearance, what eye-catching is the condition and attire of this man: 比起这番外貌,更引人注意的是这个男人的状态和衣着: He is travel-worn, spirit is full, he wears a Holy Light Church Priest clothing, but that should the magnificent god robe actually seem shabby, his waist conducts the arm Holy Bible, the chest front is wearing the Saint emblem, seems like a Priest actually big vigorous and healthy as if warrior. 他风尘仆仆,却精神十足,他穿着一身圣光教会神官服饰,但那本应华丽的神袍却显得破旧不堪,他腰间挎着圣经,胸前佩戴圣徽,看似一名牧师却高大健壮的仿佛一名武士。 This grandiose to as if can shake the fist to kill Evil Cultist Holy Light Priest to walk on the Cecil territory macadam, shoes because of making a long and wearisome journey, but looking awful of wear and tear, he wiped the perspiration of forehead, looks down in a hand was pinching, the opened copy clerk: 这个壮硕到似乎可以挥拳打死邪教徒圣光牧师走在塞西尔领的碎石路上,鞋子已经因长途跋涉而磨损的不成样子,他擦了擦额头的汗,低头看了一眼手上捏着的、已经被打开的文书: Delegated the Lord loyal servant and Holy Light Priest Wright Aviken went to Southern Region, publicized the instruction of host, spread Way of Holy Light. 兹委派主忠诚的仆人、圣光牧师莱特艾维肯前往南境,宣扬主之教诲,传扬圣光之道 bq bq
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