SOD :: Volume #2

#152: Fire test

When these skid sufficiently the time cornerstone the thing appears, few people can immediately conscious to its significance. 当那些足以撬动时代基石的东西出现时,只有很少的人可以在第一时间意识到它的意义。 Therefore said 106 2nd Level Extraordinary until Gawain these words, actually Amber, Jenny and Rebecca seemed like nothing special to look at gauntlet to mean anything conscious to that suddenly. 所以直到高文说出“一百零六个二级超凡者”这句话,琥珀詹妮瑞贝卡才猛然意识到那看起来其貌不扬臂铠究竟意味着什么。 Can release magic item or the equipment has in this world, these Magicians always customs carry along maintain life or auxiliary magic item, for example can release to protect magic spell various protective charms, or releases fast attacks the magic spell ring and magical book, but these item have two characteristics mostly: First, only then has mana Extraordinary can use, second, they expensive enough to can let some young aristocrat flinch. 能够释放魔法道具或装备在这个世界上并不是没有,那些魔法师们随身总是习惯携带一些保命或辅助用的魔法道具,比如能够释放防护法术的各种护符,或者释放速攻法术的戒指和魔导书,但这些道具大都有两个特点:第一,只有具备魔力的“超凡者”自己才能使用,第二,它们昂贵到可以让一些小贵族都望而却步 Can release the 2nd Level offensive magic spell magic ring, its value is equivalent to Holy Spirit Plain area Knight to lead a half year of income, because that ring must builds with adamantite and mithril, moreover wants noble mage to conduct the note demon personally and quenchings to use. 一个能够释放二级攻击性法术魔法指环,它的价值相当于圣灵平原地区一个骑士领半年的收入,因为那指环要用精金秘银打造,而且要高贵的法师亲手进行注魔和淬炼才能使用。 But heat-ray gun in it most expensive part as focusing the quartz column of crystal, the value was less than half silver coin currently has the inexpensive crystal ore supply of Tanzan Town, this price must fall downward. 热能射线枪它里面最贵的部分就是作为聚焦晶体的石英柱,价值不到半个银币现在有了坦桑镇的廉价晶体矿供应,这个价格还得往下降。 But what manpower manufacture such a set of does heat-ray gun need? When designs rune and manufacture prototype base plate at first needs mage and Runeshaper participation, after completing plan stereotypia it only the engine bed that needs one pile bang to make noise, several are responsible for toward the master mechanic who in the formation scoop channel packing magical material, conducts the late assembly, its volume is freely bigger than these exquisite magnificent and expensive magic ring and magic protective charms, but it will have the steamroll general quantity. 而制造这样一套热能射线枪又需要什么人工呢?除了最初设计符文和制造原型基板时需要法师符文师参与,在完成方案定型之后它只需要一堆轰隆作响的机床,还有几个负责往法阵凹槽里填充导魔材料、进行后期组装的熟练工而已,尽管它的体积远比那些精巧华贵的魔法指环、魔法护符大,但它将有碾压一般的数量。 But the operation requirements of this thing were lower, the profession soldier who even does not need to train carefully, the average people of training can use slightly. 而这东西的使用要求就更低了,甚至不需要精心训练的职业士兵,稍加训练的普通人都能用。 After wants to understand these, Jenny looked that is no longer proud and joyful to the heat-ray gun look, in that instead combined anxiously. 想明白这些之后,詹妮看向热能射线枪的眼神不再只有自豪和欣喜,那里面反而混杂了一点不安。 This is the first time that she inventions that participates in Cecil characteristic, she does not know that this weapon will give this world to bring anything, cannot think. 这是她第一次参与到“塞西尔特色发明创造”中,她不知道这件武器将给这个世界带来什么,也不敢想。 Lord Ancestor, do you prepare to issue each soldier this thing?” Rebecca is actually acceptance strong girl, she then responded quickly, and eye sparkled shining looks at Gawain, „did that soldiers have this thing...... also to train the sword time?” 祖先大人,您准备把这东西发给每一个士兵?”瑞贝卡却是个接受能力超强的姑娘,她很快便反应过来,并眼睛闪闪发亮地看着高文,“那士兵们有了这东西……还要训练刀剑功夫么?” Gawain wants to say after the long-distance firearm appears, the time of sword and spear sword halberd walked into the countdown of leaving the stage, but he then thinks quickly this is a world that have various extraordinary force, the boundary of so-called cold weapons and firearm after extraordinary force involves then has blurred, therefore the words to being imminent changed: Conventional equipment was still reserved, will pour the demon sword armor batch production is the next step matter. However in my conception, heat-ray gun is the main attack method of soldiers, but the sword will draw back for their secondary weapons slowly.” 高文本想说当远程热兵器出现之后,刀枪剑戟的时代就走入了退场的倒计时,但他很快便想到这是一个存在各种超凡力量的世界,所谓冷兵器和热兵器的界限在超凡力量介入之后便已经模糊起来,所以话到临头就改了:“常规武装仍然是要保留的,将注魔刀剑铠甲量产化是下一步的事情。不过在我的构想中,热能射线枪将是士兵们的主要进攻手段,而刀剑会慢慢退为他们的副武器。” Rebecca is gesticulating happily: Then can the heat-ray gun equipment on the left arm, the right hand uses the sword as usual, enemy far time of use heat ray to hit, when the enemy ran drew a sword to cut...... the raygun outer covering near to thicken, such close combat time can also be used for the standard to keep off!” 瑞贝卡开心地比比划划着:“可以把热能射线枪装备在左臂上,然后右手照常使用刀剑,敌人远的时候就用灼热射线打,等敌人跑近了拔剑就砍……射线枪的外壳可以加厚一点,这样近战的时候还能用来格挡呢!” Gawain devised slightly, suddenly thought Rebecca this idea also very has the feeling, is a little he does not understand: This girl as mage, unexpectedly is this close combat theory of how first to thinking? 高文稍微构想了一下,突然觉得瑞贝卡这构思还挺带感,就是有一点他不明白:这姑娘作为一个法师,怎么第一时间想到的竟是这种近战理论的? However said no matter how, the battle way of Cecil battle soldier looked like really wants heaven and earth turned upside down, does not know that Byron and Byron liangs position Knight can adapt to this change quickly...... 不过不管怎么说,塞西尔战斗兵的战斗方式看来是真的要天翻地覆了,就是不知道拜伦骑士能不能很快地适应这种变化…… However one weapon must make practical cannot solely depend upon the prototype confirmation, even if particularly heat-ray gun this type of thing regarding Gawain is a brand-new thing, he successfully fired the first spear/gun, but must guarantee that it can stabilize the display in the battlefield, that needs to open may incessantly a spear/gun. 不过一件武器要实用化可不能仅仅依靠原型验证,尤其是热能射线枪这种东西哪怕对于高文都是一种全新的事物,他只是成功开了第一枪而已,而要保证它能在战场上稳定发挥,那需要开的可不止一枪。 Gawain receives this set of prototype gauntlet, looked at those present: It needs to test, we start early tomorrow morning, on north-east testing ground of test site.” 高文收起这套原型臂铠,看了看在场的人:“它需要更多测试,我们明天一早就开始,测试地点的东北边的试验场上。” North-east testing ground, is that big piece open land near river bank, since had tested the explosion of Rebecca Crystal after there before, that stretch of area was assigned the official military pilot area, later crystal grenade is also testing. Actually Gawain really cannot repress the impulsion that is eager to try now, wants to find the place to go to chaotic pew pew one immediately, however really does not conduct this test good time present Feudal Territory unable to construct to be able at night in the large-scale indoor weapon test field that the night operates, therefore all tests must wait till are good next day. 东北边的试验场,就是河滩附近的那大片荒地,自从之前在那里测试过瑞贝卡水晶的爆炸之后,那片地区就被划成了正式的军事试验区,之后的结晶手雷也是在那里进行的测试。其实高文现在真是按捺不住跃跃欲试的冲动,非常想立刻找地方去乱biu一通,然而夜晚实在不是进行这种测试的好时候如今的领地还建不起来可以在夜间运作的大型室内武器测试场,所以一切测试都必须等到第二天才行。 Next morning, Gawain then gets out of bed early. 第二天一大早,高文便早早地起了床。 When compared with yesterday evening fired the first spear/gun, only then the few person situation on the scene, today's official test appeared especially is regular and serious Rebecca told Hetty the heat-ray gun matter, Hetty calls Byron and Philip these two military commanding officers immediately, meanwhile chose 20 steady reliable soldiers to guard in neighbor from Battle Corps, to prevent irrelevant personnel to approach, moreover simultaneously she also assigned/life the person to test weapon the firing distance, accuracy and other parameters in the target that on testing ground set varied far and near, finally, she also called urgent medical service of after Druid Pittman by dealing with by some chance weapon accidental injury person. 比起昨天晚上开第一枪时只有寥寥几人在场的情况,今天的正式测试显得格外正规而严肃瑞贝卡热能射线枪的事情告诉了赫蒂,赫蒂则立刻叫来了拜伦菲利普这两位军事主官,同时还从战斗兵团中挑选了二十名稳重可靠的士兵在附近把守,以防止无关人员靠近,而且同时她还命人在试验场上设置了远近不一的标靶以测试武器的射程、准确度等参数,最后,她还叫来了德鲁伊皮特曼以应付万一武器误伤人之后的紧急医疗。 From this arrangement, Gawain can obviously determine a matter very much: 从这一番安排之中,高文可以很明显地确定一件事: This big granddaughter is learning him to teach her little science, systemization thought...... 这大孙女正在一点点学会他教给她的“科学和、制度化”思想…… Gawain prepared still to operate by oneself from the beginning personally, but balabal of Amber after his ear ten minutes, he decided that gave this opportunity. 高文一开始准备仍然由自己亲自操纵,但琥珀在他耳边balabal了十分钟后,他决定把这个机会给她。 Naturally, this decision is not because the Amber balabala getting up solid god is tired , the important reason is this fellow has also really used Sleeve Dart as Stalker, and uses also pretty good, she on arm has certain experience to this long-range weapon of fixing, the manipulator belonged to her. 当然,这个决定并不全是因为琥珀balabala起来实在神烦,更重要的原因是这家伙作为一个潜行者还真用过袖箭,并且用的还不赖,她对这种固定在手臂上的远程武器有一定经验,那操纵者就非她莫属了。 looks at Amber the heat-ray gun set on the arm, meanwhile seemingly adjusts the bandage to guarantee to stabilize specialized, cannot snatch the operation opportunity Rebecca unable to bear talk over sourly: You may relax, do not hit yourself this thing to be calmer than Sleeve Dart!” 看着琥珀热能射线枪套在手臂上,同时还貌似专业地调整着绑带以确保稳定,没能抢到操纵机会的瑞贝卡忍不住酸溜溜地念叨起来:“你可悠着点,别把自己打了这玩意儿袖箭可沉着呢!” „Not work you take the trouble,” Amber gave a tongue-lashing the tooth to Rebecca, my during that time practices Sleeve Dart time must hang oneself an iron clod in the wrist/skill, that thing also sinks compared with this!” “就不劳你费心喽,”琥珀瑞贝卡呲了呲牙,“我当年练习袖箭的时候可是要在手腕上吊一个铁坨子的,那玩意儿比这个还沉!” After showing off, this Half-Elf thief also completed the adjustment of equipment, she is responsible for recording Hetty that to nod side, later lifts the first target of hand aiming distant place. 炫耀完之后,这位半精灵盗贼也完成了装备的调整,她对旁边负责记录的赫蒂点了点头,随后抬起手瞄准远处的第一个标靶。 runic trigger was drawn by the metal line, mana in Mana Capacitor is changed to the heat ray formation energy instantaneously, along with a light sound, the light beam of burning hot then hit instantaneously No. 1 target dozens meters away. 符文扳机被金属线拉动,魔力电容器中的魔力瞬间被转化为灼热射线法阵的能量,伴随着一声轻响,炙热的光束瞬间便命中了几十米外的一号靶子。 The wooden target that is wrapping leather armor was punctured directly. 那个套着皮甲的木质靶子直接就被打穿了。 Hetty hurries the digital recording, later Amber starts to aim at the second target...... 赫蒂赶紧把数字记录下来,随后琥珀开始瞄准第二个标靶…… Effective range between 200-300 meter, is lower than standard heat ray merely, is lower than that formation base plate theoretical value,” after a test, Hetty attained in front of the record Gawain, reason is the adjustment of quartz column is not possibly proper, or magical efficiency between heat ray rune base plate and Mana Capacitor is unsatisfactory, these can improve technically ; An issue is the precision, 50 meters range accuracy can also look, but the accuracy after 50 meters drops suddenly, but after 100 meters, even Amber such Half-Elf bloodline and practices the Sleeve Dart people to have 3/4 undershoot rates, if this data will place on the ordinary soldier...... to be absolutely worse.” “有效射程仅仅在200米到300米之间,低于标准的灼热射线,也低于那块法阵基板的理论值,”在一番测试之后,赫蒂把记录拿到了高文面前,“原因可能是石英柱的调整不到位,或者灼热射线符文基板魔力电容器之间的导魔效率不佳,这些可以从工艺上改进;还有一个问题是精确度,五十米范围准确度还能看,但在五十米之后准确度就急剧下降,而到了一百米之后,甚至就连琥珀这样有一半精灵血统而且练习过袖箭的人都有四分之三的脱靶率,这个数据如果放在普通士兵身上……绝对会更糟糕。” Rebecca flexure sent difficultly, said one straightforwardly: But you hits...... to hurt compared with the paternal aunt!” 瑞贝卡挠了挠头发,耿直地说了一句:“但还是比姑妈你打得准啊……疼疼疼!” The looks at silly roe deer was clutched the ear by Hetty, the Gawain complexion is slightly invariable: Precision is also processing the assembly of issue Nicholas Egg is actually very precise, but heat ray base plate is actually Rebecca they make manually, because wants to confirm the new design Group rune whether can use, under the choice quartz column does not have the too big time.” 看着傻狍子被赫蒂揪耳朵,高文脸色丝毫不变:“精确度其实也是加工工艺的问题尼古拉斯蛋的组装很精确,但灼热射线基板却是瑞贝卡她们手工制造的,因为只是想验证一下新设计的符文是否能用,所以在挑选石英柱的时候没有下太大功夫。” Saying, he looked at gauntlet on Amber: Moreover it also lacks sighting device now, can install a simplistic aiming structure in the beta mouth and gauntlet, should be able greatly to raise the accuracy.” 说着,他又看了一眼琥珀手上的臂铠:“而且它现在还缺个瞄准具,在射线发射口和臂铠中部可以装一个简易的瞄准结构,应该能大大提升准确度。” Gawain explained a concept of so-called sight, Amber immediately the eye one bright: „! This is a good thing! As the matter stands the soldier must train this to be simpler!” 高文解释了一下所谓瞄准器的概念,琥珀顿时眼睛一亮:“哦哦!这是个好东西!这样一来士兵要训练这个就更简单啦!” Although is discussing the issue of precision, but the heat-ray gun precision has surpassed the Gawain expectation in fact. 虽然在讨论着精确度的问题,但事实上热能射线枪的精度已经超过高文预料了。 Originally in his opinion, such a modeling is not easy to aim, even foundation aim device no long-range weapon to have more than ten meters accurate distance already quite good, but the fact is more than he expected. 原本在他看来,这样一种造型不易瞄准、连基础瞄具都没有的远程武器能有个十几米的精准距离就已经相当不错,但事实却超出他的预料。 At the same time, this is because heat-ray gun is not the live round weapon, its work process also hardly involves the mechanical movement, therefore it has almost no recoil, need not was worried that the barrel vibration and engine case do not stabilize and so on issues of influence precision, wants to guarantee that wants the hand accurate steadily on the line, on the other hand, is the person in this world is different from the earthman in the physical quality and talent. 一方面,这是因为热能射线枪并非实弹武器,其工作过程也几乎不涉及机械运动,因此它几乎没有任何后坐力,也不用担心枪管抖动、机匣不稳定等等影响精度的问题,想保证精准只要手稳就行,另一方面,则是这个世界的人在身体素质与天赋上就跟地球人不一样。 The Amber Half-Elf bloodline lets her inborn proficiently to utilize various types of long-range weapon, even if changes into does not have the average person of Elf bloodline, they are still better than the earthman( to think that in various parameters of physical quality these upper crust average 100-year-old lives, as well as that help/gang puts on heavy armor to carry ordinary soldier who” great sword can charge), these advantages when used the long-range weapon perhaps still to exist naturally, after this last point needs to make the ordinary soldier make the test, can determine. 琥珀半精灵血统让她天生就能更熟练地运用各种远程武器,而即便换成没有精灵血统的普通人,他们在身体素质的各项参数上也优于地球人(想想那些贵族阶级平均100多岁的寿命,以及那帮穿着重铠拎着巨剑都能冲锋的“普通士兵”),这些优势在使用远程武器的时候或许也仍然存在当然,这最后一点需要让普通士兵做测试之后才能确定。 But another side, Rebecca has started to look fierce in Hetty hand/subordinate: „Don't you really save me?!” 而另一边,瑞贝卡已经开始在赫蒂手下龇牙咧嘴:“你们就真的不来救救我啊?!” Gawain did not know whether to laugh or cry looked at this because of the straightforwardness taught girl, intended to save her, later nods to Amber: Continues to test, this time looks at effect of the continuous fire on the performance.” 高文哭笑不得地看了这个因耿直而被教训的姑娘一眼,出手把她救了下来,随后对琥珀点点头:“继续测试吧,这次看连续射击对性能的影响。” The continuous fire is a relatively long test procedure, Gawain has not continued to stare was looking, but the trend stands in nearby Philip and Philip liangs position Knight. 连续射击是一个相对漫长的测试过程,高文没有继续盯着看,而是走向站在一旁的菲利普骑士 Two Knight mister looks at testing ground, the expressions on their face obviously a little are attentively complex. 两位骑士先生全神贯注地看着试验场,他们脸上的表情显然有点复杂。 What is thinking?” Gawain arrives at side them, asked lightly. “在想些什么?”高文来到他们身旁,淡淡地问道。 This is really a inconceivable weapon,” the Byron tone truly brings acclaiming, inconceivable...... magic can release unexpectedly with this way, no matter the mana origin or the mana control are completed by weapon, but will be uninterested with the talent of user, manipulates its person only to need to draw the runic trigger line......” “这真是一件不可思议的武器,”拜伦的语气确实带着赞叹,“不可思议……魔法竟然可以用这种方式释放出来,不管是魔力来源还是魔力控制都由武器自身完成,而与使用者的天赋毫无关系,操纵它的人只需要会拉动符文扳机就行……” Not only acclaimed?” The Gawain faint smile looked at his one eyes. “不只是赞叹吧?”高文似笑非笑地看了他一眼。 „...... Truly,” Byron looked at Gawain, finally the acknowledgment nods, also a little loses.” “……确实,”拜伦看了看高文,终于承认般地点点头,“还有点儿失落。” „Oh?” “哦?” during that time, I used for two years to learn Aura Protection, later used for three years, learned danger perception, but that was just 2nd Level Knight skill,” Byron shook the head, now, trained several days of recruits to emit together heat ray conveniently.” 当年,我用了两年才学会气息防护,之后又用了三年,才学会危险感知,而那只不过是个两级骑士技能,”拜伦摇摇头,“现在,一个训练几天的新兵就能随手放出一道灼热射线了。” Philip also sighed in a soft voice, sighed with emotion in a tone with: I am quicker than you, my these two skill added to use for a half year.” 菲利普也轻声叹了口气,语带感慨:“我比你快,我这俩技能加起来用了半年。” Byron: „...... Can you sigh with emotion other?” 拜伦:“……你能不能感慨点别的?” I have said that the time must change,” Gawain made noise to break this crosstalk two people of groups, this change was a necessity, you must accept.” “我说过,时代要变了,”高文出声打断了这相声二人组,“这种变化是种必然,你们必须接受。” Byron was startled being startled, smiles bitterly is looking to testing ground: Some day, can that thing emit dead a finger/refers?” 拜伦怔了怔,苦笑着看向试验场:“有朝一日,那东西会放出死亡一指么?” Gawain silent moment: perhaps meeting.” 高文沉默片刻:“或许会的。” „...... That looks like the day of City of Thousand Towers collapse is not far.” “……那看来千塔之城倒塌之日也不远了啊。” But in another side, Amber moved one slightly, because long time lifts, but slightly the somewhat exhausted arm, lifts heat-ray gun later again, draws runic trigger. 而在另外一边,琥珀稍微活动了一下因为长时间抬起而略有些疲惫的胳膊,随后再次抬起热能射线枪,拉动符文扳机 Before raygun as if slightly a little thermal production, but these does not have the light beam to be launched time. 射线枪前端似乎微微有一点热量产生,但这一次却没有光束被发射出来。 old dumpling (corpse)! This thing cannot use!” 老粽子!这玩意儿不能用啦!” Talent home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m. 天才本站地址:。手机版阅读网址:m. : :
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