SOD :: Volume #2

#151: The first spear/gun

Gawain said itself to ferment very long weapon name in the heart, Nicholas Egg too had not loudly responded to this word obviously, but nearby Rebecca has actually cheered up: This name sounds like is very fierce!” 高文说出了自己早已在心中酝酿很久的武器名称,尼古拉斯蛋显然对这个词没有太大反应,但旁边的瑞贝卡却已经高兴起来:“这个名字听起来就很厉害啊!” „Did you understand are very fierce?” Amber was slanting was seeing Rebecca, how these words gathered forcefully......” “你听懂了么就很厉害?”琥珀斜着眼看了瑞贝卡一眼,“这几个单词怎么硬生生凑到一块的……” Lord Ancestor is this, can always think some, although does not understand that what meaning but sounds like is very fierce name,” a Rebecca face is favorite, was saying probably oneself very fierce as, whom you have opinion that are envy to make you not have such fierce ancestor purely.” 祖先大人就是这样,总能想到一些虽然不明白什么意思但听起来就是很厉害的名字,”瑞贝卡一脸得意,就好像在说自己很厉害似的,“你有意见那就纯粹是羡慕谁让你没有这么厉害的祖宗。” Amber the eyebrow stood immediately: Your this ancestor is fierce that is also I digs!” 琥珀顿时眉毛都立起来了:“你这个祖宗再厉害那也是我挖出来的!” Gawain looked this they must choke crookedly the topic, immediately stands among: You are peaceful you to be peaceful! We come do the proper business!” 高文一看这俩人又要把话题呛歪,立刻站到中间:“你俩安静你俩安静!咱们来是干正事的!” That silver-white huge funny has fluttered from beginning to end in side does not speak looks on, at this time looked that two female Human Race finally was peaceful, he opened the mouth unhurriedly: That said that heat-ray gun...... I process the components not to have the issue, but must first prepare the blueprint, or the structure simple words are also directly good with my on the spot explanation, but some best physical ratios.” 那个银白色的巨大滑稽从头至尾就一直飘在旁边不吭声地旁观,这时候看两个“雌性人类”终于安静下来了,他才不慌不忙地开口:“那就说说那个‘热能射线枪’吧……我加工零件没问题,不过得先准备好图纸,或者结构简单的话直接跟我现场讲解也行,但最好有些实物比对着。” Main part we have actually built manually, now is mainly we studies together, how to unify stably them, and molds one type of suits the Human Race use outer covering,” Gawain is saying, while took out Mana Capacitor base plate and magic storage crystal and heat ray base plate as well as several blueprint that are drawing the principle schematic drawing, egg egg you look at these, I speak the principle of heat-ray gun to you......” “主要的部件其实我们已经手工打造出来了,现在主要是咱们一起研究研究,怎么把它们稳固地结合起来,并且塑造一种适合人类使用的‘外壳’,”高文一边说着,一边取出了魔力电容器基板储魔水晶灼热射线基板以及好几张画着原理示意图的蓝图,“蛋蛋你看这些,我跟你讲讲热能射线枪的原理……” The silver-white color huge funny makes humming sound the sound immediately: You called me egg egg!” 银白色巨大滑稽顿时发出嗡嗡的声音:“你怎么也叫我蛋蛋!” Do not care do not care, your own brain made up Boss Egg to chat the runic trigger position on good first us......” “别在意别在意,你自己脑补成蛋总就行了首先咱们谈谈符文扳机的位置……” The conception of Gawain to heat-ray gun is not one day two days, in fact after crystal grenade appears, he was pondering that the second type can the weapons of soldiers large number of equipment should be anything. 高文热能射线枪的构想已经不是一天两天,事实上在结晶手雷出现之后,他就在思考第二种可以给士兵们大量配备的武器应该是什么。 crystal grenade, the throwing explosive weapon, the might is good . Moreover the textural anomaly is simple, after the foundation engine bed makes, it achieve the mass production of small scale, Byron has been training the soldiers are familiar with this type newly magic item. But the limit of crystal grenade is also very obvious: When the throwing range limited to the arm strength of person, is not basically able the achieve accurate attack, throws to need big movement scope and long setup time, after throwing, has the explosion time delay...... 结晶手雷,投掷型的爆炸武器,威力不俗而且结构异常简单,在基础机床造出来之后,它已经实现了小规模的量产,拜伦正在训练士兵们熟悉这种新的“魔法道具”。但结晶手雷的限制也很明显:投掷距离受限于人的臂力,基本无法实现精准打击,投掷时需要较大的动作幅度和较长的准备时间,投掷出去之后还有爆炸延时…… Obviously, the soldiers also need another extraordinary equipment to offset the crystal grenade insufficiency, and it best is long-range weapon world in the sword technique is far enough. 显然,士兵们还需要另外一种超凡武装来弥补结晶手雷的不足,并且它最好是远程武器这个世界在刀剑技艺上走的已经足够远了。 The firearms are Gawain the thing that is easy to think, but in this world is actually extremely difficult achieve thing. 枪械是高文最容易想到的东西,但在这个世界却是极难实现的东西。 Without the gunpowder promotes, even does not have steam actuation, then the highspeed transmission entity projectile becomes exceptionally difficult, Gawain has tried the method of many type of manufacture instantaneous equation of state, but has little effect ; He also put magic the mentality on, for example promotes the projectile with repulsion formation, but is quick he to discover that in the current craft, very difficult to reduce repulsion formation to can engrave in the bore of gun bottom degree, moreover even really reduced this degree, the sole repulsion formation instantaneous thrust was still not enough to give warhead enough destructive power. 没有火药推动,甚至也没有蒸汽推动,那么高速发射实体弹丸就变得异常艰难,高文已经尝试过很多种制造瞬间高温高压气体的方法,但都收效甚微;他也把思路放到了“魔法”上,比如用斥力法阵来推动弹丸,但很快他就发现以目前的工艺,很难把斥力法阵缩小到可以刻印在枪膛底的程度,而且即便真的缩小到了这种程度,单一斥力法阵的瞬时推力也不足以赋予弹头足够的杀伤力 He also considered with the aid of the magic convenience, achieve track artillery, the use can produce the wind of high field ahead of time- the mix is Group rune makes acceleration rail and launches the projectile, but is quick he to discover at present lacks a response enough fast control circuit comes achieve each fast opening and closure traditional runic trigger of Group rune is the mechanical operation, is hard to conduct the sequence switch in the process group that the projectile accelerates, but connects the function of achieve similar clock circuit...... to be very regrettable using rune, currently does not have in this aspect feature. 他还考虑到了借助魔法的便利性,提前实现“磁轨炮”,利用可以产生强磁场的风-地混合系符文来制造加速轨道并发射弹丸,但很快他就发现目前缺乏一种响应足够快速的“控制电路”来实现各个符文的快速开启和关闭传统的符文扳机是机械运转,难以在弹丸加速的过程组进行顺序开关,而利用符文连接实现类似时钟电路的功能……很遗憾,目前在这方面还一点眉目都没有。 The difference in physical rule lets break through in technology that on Earth difficult such as to ascend to heaven in this world becomes easy as pie, but, lets easy the matter on Earth become make progress only with great difficulty here. 物理规律上的差异让很多在地球上难如登天的技术突破在这个世界变得易如反掌,但同时,也让很多在地球上轻而易举的事情在这里变得举步维艰 As for this world's traditional bow crossbow, Gawain has to think conducts the magical improvement, but how bends/bow the crossbow to improve even again, it is still hard simultaneously achieve inexpensive, the mass production, the fast firing, the continual firing, training the demand is low, the effectiveness potential is big wait/etc big piles of requests of...... 而至于这个世界传统的弓弩,高文不是没有想过进行魔导化改良,只是即便弓弩再怎么改良,它也难以同时实现“廉价,量产,快速击发,连续击发,训练需求低,效能潜力大”等等一大堆的要求…… perhaps and other magical industry science and technology tree to certain extent time, the traditional bow crossbow can re-enter the Gawain's line of sight, but now is not at least good. 或许魔导工业科技树点到一定程度的时候,传统弓弩会重新进入高文的视线,但起码现在还不行。 After an effort and attempt, Gawain will some day be stroking own sending border line, suddenly when good luck comes the wits are sharpened conscious to a matter: 在一番努力与尝试之后,高文某天抚摸着自己的发际线,突然福至心灵地意识到了一件事: Why can the pew pew bullet?! 为啥非得biu子弹?! Let his conscious to this matter, was bouncing and vivacious ran the past Rebecca point to say from him at that time, was a bouncing and vivacious fireball launcher...... 让他意识到这件事的,是当时蹦蹦跳跳从他面前跑过去的瑞贝卡点说,是一个蹦蹦跳跳的火球发射器…… At that time he was suddenly enlighted, knows where own mentality was limited: What way no matter with promotes the entity projectile, even if with the magic mentality, he also experienced limited to Earth, since this world it has various powerful forces magic spell, why does not throw simply bullet one side, studies these magic well? 当时他就恍然大悟,知道自己的思路被局限在什么地方了:不管用什么方式推动实体弹丸,哪怕用上了魔法思路,他也是受限于地球经验的,既然这个世界上本身就存在各种各样威力强大的法术,为什么不干脆把“子弹”扔到一边去,好好研究研究那些魔法呢? After the collection reorganized various foundation magic spell materials, finally enters his line of sight, is the fireball launch...... not, is heat ray. 在收集整理了各种基础法术的资料之后,最终进入他视线的,就是火球发射……不,是灼热射线 After heat ray base plate was made, he needed again in the inherent experience resistance with mind. 而在灼热射线基板被制造出来之后,他就需要再一次与自己头脑中的固有经验对抗了。 What kind of shape does the new-style weapon need? 新式武器需要怎样的形态? Several people in Machine Building under a work table is implicated, Nicholas Egg floats in the opposite of work table, but these base plate and crystal and blueprint place on the table. looks at these things, Gawain feels in his mind classical firearms modeling perhaps is here invalid. 几个人在机械制造所的一张工作台旁坐下,尼古拉斯蛋则漂浮在工作台的对面,而那些基板水晶、蓝图则都放在桌子上。看着这些东西,高文就觉得他头脑中的“经典枪械造型”恐怕在这里是行不通的。 This is the one by one palm of the hand big hexagon metal plate, they do not have the barrel, does not have the magazine and rifle bolt and bore of gun structure, compared with the long classical firearms modeling, they were assembled a thing of approximate disc suitably. 这是一个个巴掌大的六边形金属板,它们没有枪管,也没有弹匣和枪机、枪膛结构,比起长长的经典枪械造型,它们更适合被组装成一种近似圆盘的东西。 Naturally, Gawain can defer to the firearms on Earth to come to them to make a grotesque shell forcefully, because he knows that classical shape passed through the result of innumerable year of real combat confirmation: The handle helps grasp, the long barrel helps aim and aim, but the issue is...... 当然,高文可以强行按照地球上的枪械来给它们做一个怪模怪样的壳子,因为他知道那个经典形状是经过了无数年实战验证的结果:握柄便于手持,长长的枪管则便于指向和瞄准,但问题是…… Considering the heat ray base plate actual situation, the efficiency problem that as well as magic formation energizes, when the time comes the muzzle perhaps is regulus of one pile of palm sizes, puts in order the center of gravity of spear/gun all in front, let alone aimed, when directly Warhammer is more credible with the estimate...... 考虑到灼热射线基板的实际情况,以及魔法阵供能的效率问题,到时候枪口恐怕得是一摞手掌大小的金属块,整把枪的重心全在前面,别说瞄准了,直接当战锤用估计都更靠谱…… Considered again the next generation weapon will even possibly launch ice arrow and sphere lightning, even is used to release the thunderstorm and summon element, to produce protects the shield, then finalized not to need for the classical firearms modeling on Earth this type of weapon. 再考虑到下一代武器甚至可能会发射寒冰箭和球形闪电,甚至用于释放雷暴、召唤元素、产生护盾,那么将这种武器定型为地球上的经典枪械造型就更加没有必要了。 Gawain looks at these metal base plate, all related image with spear/gun remove diligently the mind, and told itself repeatedly: This is magic item, this is magic item...... 高文看着那些金属基板,努力将脑海中所有跟“枪”有关的形象都排除掉,并一遍遍告诉自己:这是一件魔法道具,这是一件魔法道具…… The autohypnosis almost, he took these base plate one by one, is gesticulating on own arm: How do we assemble them to gauntlet in?” 把自己催眠的差不多之后,他将那些基板一个个拿了起来,在自己的手臂上比比划划着:“咱们把它们组装到一个臂铠里怎么样?” Rebecca made an effort to imagine, suddenly is swinging the Gawain's arm happily: sounds like is very charming! How I have been wanting to make into the magic staff shape these boards a moment ago, actually has not thought of this completely!” 瑞贝卡使劲想象了一下,突然高兴地摇着高文的胳膊:“听起来很帅气诶!我刚才一直在想要怎么把这些板子弄成法杖的形状,竟然完全没想到这个!” Amber curls the lip: „, What has, I also think that Stalker Sleeve Dart wasn't this shape? I have not said with enough time......” 琥珀撇撇嘴:“嘁,有什么嘛,我也想到了啊潜行者袖箭不就是这个形态么?我就是没来得及说……” Rare Rebecca brain loop also solidified unexpectedly one time, but also by Amber exceeding...... 难得瑞贝卡脑回路竟然也固化了一次,还被琥珀给超越了…… But Nicholas Egg hears ball fog in side: What is Sleeve Dart? How assembles to do to gauntlet in? The words saying how your hands is a structure and principle I have not tossed about to the present understand......” 尼古拉斯蛋则在旁边听得一球雾水:“袖箭是什么?组装到臂铠里又是怎么搞?话说你们的手到底是怎么个结构和原理我到现在还没折腾明白呢……” Gawain look looks at this Iron Ball Alien, strangely suddenly where was at conscious to this gold/metal thigh biggest shortcoming: Makes him press the blueprint to make the components purely to be good, but 100% grasped related to human engineering fellow blindly, he as a ball, where knows how the hand used! 高文眼神怪异地看着这个铁球星人,突然意识到了这位金大腿最大的短板在哪:单纯让他按着图纸造零件还行,但涉及到人体工程学这家伙就百分之百抓瞎了,他身为一个球,哪里知道手是怎么用的嘛! However this not important, Gawain sent people to look for gauntlet to come back quickly, then his tentative plan picture in blueprint while explained to Nicholas Egg: Like this, places front heat ray base plate, Mana Capacitor places rear end, the middle uses the red copper matrix to connect as magical. The control of runic trigger can extend a metal line from gauntlet, the dependence thumb touches off. Naturally to prevent to trigger by mistake, it must add on that protector on similar crystal grenade, we can make one between Mana Capacitor and heat ray base plate, this is safest......” 不过这并不重要,高文很快就派人去找了一件臂铠回来,然后把他的设想一边画在图纸上一边跟尼古拉斯蛋解释:“就像这样,将灼热射线基板放在前端,魔力电容器放在后端,中间用红铜基质作为导魔连接。符文扳机的控制可以从臂铠侧面延伸出来一根金属线,依靠大拇指扣动。当然为了防止误触发,它也要加上类似结晶手雷上的那种保险装置,我们可以在魔力电容器灼热射线基板之间弄一个,这是最安全的……” Simple, simple,” Nicholas Egg listens to while the high and low floating body, other also what has to request?” “简单,简单,”尼古拉斯蛋一边听一边上下浮动身体,“别的还有什么要求?” Amber opens the mouth to say in side: gauntlet do not make into a body, the lower half is best to adjust loose and tight.” 琥珀在旁边开口道:“臂铠别弄成一体的,下半部分最好是可以调节松紧。” Gawain a little looked at her one eyes accidentally/surprisingly, the latter rolls the eyes: Really do not think that I have neither learning nor skill minimum Sleeve Dart I am have used.” 高文有点意外地看了她一眼,后者一翻白眼:“别真以为我不学无术好么最起码袖箭我是用过的。” Good all various professions, your suggestion is truly useful,” Gawain does not know whether to laugh or cry said, then nods to Nicholas Egg, temporarily this, what now is main is to make a sample to come out to look to be good, then practical measurement time knows that has place that anything needs to improve.” “行行行,你的建议确实有用,”高文哭笑不得地说道,接着对尼古拉斯蛋点点头,“暂时就这样吧,现在主要的是弄个样品出来看行不行,然后实际测试的时候才知道有什么需要改进的地方。” Nicholas Egg within the body sends out low and deep humming sound sound, two base plate on nearby metal ingot casting as well as table also float: That looks my! One becomes!” 尼古拉斯蛋体内发出低沉的嗡嗡声,附近的金属铸锭以及桌上的两种基板随之漂浮起来:“那就瞧我的吧!一会就成!” Good that this Iron Ball Alien said that he will really be one becomes in the accuracy request will be low, will only need to process in the situations of several modules, these metal ingot casting and base plate even used less than one minute by the mold and combination in one. 这个铁球星人说的不错,他还真是一会就成在精密度要求较低,而且只需要加工几个组件的情况下,那些金属铸锭和基板甚至用了不到一分钟就被塑造、组合在了一起。 That is nothing special to look at, even looks like on the traditional vision quite clumsy gauntlet. 那是一个其貌不扬的,甚至就传统眼光看来颇为“粗笨”的臂铠 To force in the protection cover trigger to reserve the activity space rune base plate, assembles heat-ray gun made entire gauntlet thick two continue compared with traditional gauntlet, its upper half stuck out high, assumes the ellipsoidal structure, front reserved an opens the mouth, metal guard shield that under the opens the mouth also the small sections extended, that metal guard shield was actually insurance installment, when its stopper went back, the mana class/flow will be interrupted, the hand of user can move freely, heat-ray gun may not launch, but the guard shield drew comes out, heat-ray gun on entering treated the firing condition, the hand of user is limited may not. Upturns to lift, this then not because of carelessness by the light beam puncture palm of burning hot...... 为了将符文基板塞进保护壳扳机预留出活动空间,组装起来的“热能射线枪”让整个臂铠比传统臂铠粗大了两圈不止,它的上半部分高高隆起,呈椭球形,前端则预留出了一个开口,开口下方还有一小段延伸出来的金属护板,那金属护板其实就是“保险”装置当它塞回去的时候,魔力流就会被截断,使用者的手可以自由活动,热能射线枪则不可发射,而护板拉出来,热能射线枪就进入待击发状态,使用者的手则被限制不可向上翻抬,这样便不会因粗心大意而被炙热的光束击穿手掌…… Because is only the test piece that assembles for the first time, its image said no on magnificent, but Gawain brought the slightly excitement to wear this clumsy gauntlet on the arm, and after adjusting was good to be loose and tight, its buckle. 由于只是第一次组装的试验品,它的形象说不上有多华丽,但高文还是带着略微激动的心情将这个粗笨的臂铠戴在了胳膊上,并调整好松紧之后将其扣好。 He opens before the gauntlet protector, the metal that while uses the firing refers to the method on the thumb, later gauntlet aims at the front ground before. 他一边拉开臂铠前端的保险装置,一边把击发用的金属指套套在大拇指上,随后将臂铠前端指向前方的地面。 Nicholas Egg transferred the body slightly, an iron gray metal ingot casting also flutters, falls on the Gawain aiming place. 尼古拉斯蛋微微转了转身子,一块铁灰色的金属铸锭随之飘过去,落在高文瞄准的地方。 How many soldiers now on our Feudal Territory has?” Gawain aims, while spoke thoughtlessly to ask Rebecca one. “现在咱们领地上有多少士兵?”高文一边瞄准,一边随口问了瑞贝卡一句。 Rebecca thinks: „The recruit who recently trained did not have a camp, at present does not calculate two Knight, only calculates the words of battle soldier...... 106 people.” 瑞贝卡想了想:“最近训练的新兵还没出营,目前不算两位骑士,只算战斗兵的话……一百零六人吧。” Gawain touches off mechanism, along with a light sound, the lasing of light beam of burning hot from gauntlet comes out together, the ingot metal of ground by the direct hit, it because of the small scale explosion that mana initiates, but tumbled continuously several on the ground, sprinkles a series of spark and metal debris along the way. 高文扣动机关,伴随着“噗”的一声轻响,一道炙热的光束从臂铠中激射出来,地上的金属锭被直接命中,它因魔力引发的小规模爆炸而连续在地上翻滚了好几圈,沿途洒下一连串的火花和金属碎屑 Waits tumbles to stop, its surface already a redness, even was melted a gulf. 等翻滚停止的时候,它的表面已经一片赤红,甚至被熔出了一个深坑。 „, We had 106 to use heat ray 2nd Level Extraordinary.” “那么,我们有一百零六个能够使用灼热射线二级超凡者了。” ( Recommends a book, «My daughter Is Ghost Missing», relaxed happy, the brain hole also foot, about raising the maiden story( verified), can effectively alleviate book desolate, words saying that this is milk father bear child class/flow......) 8) (推荐一本书,《我女儿是鬼差》,轻松愉快,脑洞也足,是关于养闺女的故事(无误),可以有效缓解书荒,话说这个算是奶爸熊孩子流么……)八)
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