SOD :: Volume #2

#150: heat-ray gun

Rebecca and Jenny were then called quickly, they also brought a large package bulging thing, that probably is their point achievement. 瑞贝卡詹妮很快便被叫了过来,她们还带来了一大包鼓鼓囊囊的东西,那大概是她们的一点“成果”。 Saw Gawain, Rebecca then collects immediately, but expected on such as Gawain, this girl collected to inquire lively: Lord Ancestor! Lord Ancestor! What did you discover in ruins? How after Aunt Hetty comes back, on serious appearance, moreover Knight Byron is also......” 看到高文,瑞贝卡立刻便凑了过来,但就如高文所料,这姑娘凑上来就是打听热闹的:“祖先大人祖先大人!你们在遗迹里面发现什么了啊?怎么赫蒂姑妈回来之后就一脸严肃的样子,而且拜伦骑士也是……” cough cough,” Gawain slightly coughed awkwardly two, later taps the head of Rebecca, matter will be very complex, has the opportunity I to tell you, but do not inquire temporarily. First has a look at your achievements.” 咳咳,”高文略显尴尬地咳嗽了两声,随后把瑞贝卡的脑袋拍回去,“事情很复杂,有机会我会跟你讲的,但暂时别打听了。先看看你们的成果吧。” Rebecca is especially straightforward girl, but an advantage is the attention also especially is easy to shift, so long as brought up the topic that she was interested on the line. Hears the Gawain's words, she reveals face covered in smiles look immediately, then pulls out the thing from the bag with Jenny together outward: Right, you have a look at these, we have designed that Group rune! I told you, the rune logic was really a good mysterious thing, although all rune came out in the paper cost-effective, so long as strict combined them according to the formula and rule, that effect can with the computed result same......” 瑞贝卡是个特耿直的姑娘,但还有个好处就是注意力也格外容易转移只要提起她感兴趣的话题就行。听到高文的话,她顿时就露出喜笑颜开模样,然后跟詹妮一块把东西从袋子里往外掏:“对对对,您看看这些,我们已经把那个符文设计出来了!我跟您讲,符文逻辑真的是个好神奇的东西,虽然所有符文都是在纸上算出来的,但只要严格按照公式和规律把它们组合,那效果就一定会和计算结果一样……” Gawain saw Rebecca to pull out several scrolls, as well as has portrayed the rune metal plate brightly, the eye immediately slightly one: „Have you made the end product?” 高文看到瑞贝卡掏出了好几张卷轴,以及一块已经刻画上符文的金属板,眼睛顿时微微一亮:“你们已经把成品弄出来了?” Test piece,” Rebecca a little embarassed scratches the head to send, „, because really cannot bear want to give a try the final effect, looked for egg egg to want block general base plate, both of us were busy at work half to carve a test piece to come out in the afternoon manually.” “试验品啦,”瑞贝卡有点不好意思地挠挠头发,“因为实在忍不住想试试看最终效果,就找蛋蛋要了块通用基板,我们俩人忙活了半下午给手工刻了一个试验品出来。” The Gawain's line of sight had fallen in these blueprints at this time, he noticed that on that has compared with Unit magic circuit is complex several times rune and line design, but all rune and ties are more concise than and are plainer traditional formation, that is one type with the traditional formation plan rule entirely different drawing technique: All useless structures obtained simplification, does not keep cosmetic pattern, the precise mathematical computation makes its each rune be arranged in the just right position . Moreover the energy allocated proportions between all rune can achieve the perfect balance, is as a result of this pinnacle rationality, although this formation compared with conventional heat ray formation had/left about one time of effective rune number, but its impression instead is intuitively more succinct than conventional formation. 高文的视线这时候已经落在那些图纸上,他看到那上面有着比魔网复杂数倍的符文和线条图案,但所有符文与连接线都比传统的法阵更加简明、更加质朴,那是一种与传统法阵绘制规则截然不同的画法:所有无用的结构都得到了精简,也不留一点装饰性的花纹,精密的数学计算让它的每一个符文都被安排在恰到好处的位置,而且所有符文之间的能量配比都可以达到完美的平衡,正是由于这种极致的合理性,尽管这个法阵比常规的“灼热射线法阵多出了将近一倍的有效符文数,但它的观感却反而比常规法阵更为简洁直观。 But rune formation that this has the unusual aesthetic sense was engraved after machine fast pressuring general base plate on, even lets Gawain had one type industrial Art the absent-minded misconception. 而这个有着奇特美感的符文阵列被刻印在由机器一次冲压成型的通用基板上之后,甚至让高文产生了一种“工业艺术”的恍惚错觉。 Gawain takes up that general base plate, it only then the palm of the hand size, the material quality is the extremely inexpensive red copper, but in the rune scoop channel, then can see scarlet blood gum that the ray dim quartz sand powder as well as has solidified: Cannot see the expensive material, does not have to dazzle the technique gaudily engraving technique, Gawain is almost certain, must make this formation turn into the industrial mass production goods to be easy. 高文拿起那块通用基板,它只有巴掌大小,材质是极为廉价的红铜,而在符文的凹槽里,则可以看到光芒黯淡的石英砂粉末以及已经凝固的赤血树胶:看不到一点昂贵材料,也没有过于花哨炫技的刻印手法,高文几乎可以肯定,要让这种法阵变成工业量产货会非常容易。 „Is this you carves?” He raised the head, looks to standing in nearby Jenny. “这是你刻的?”他抬起头,看向站在一旁的詹妮 Jenny hurries the standing body, nods respectfully: Yes, My Lord.” 詹妮赶紧站直身体,恭恭敬敬地点头:“是的,领主大人。” Gawain smiled: Very good...... to have tested?” 高文笑了起来:“很好……测试过了么?” Has tried,” Rebecca happily said, energizes the test with Steelworks magic circuit! You looked, by fire rune in sharp corner/horn has scoop channel together, there releases the heat ray place!” “试过啦,”瑞贝卡得意地说道,“用钢铁厂魔网供能测试的!您看,尖角上的火符文旁边有一道凹槽,那里就是释放出灼热射线的地方!” Gawain looks at general base plate, in the base plate sharp corner/horn of this hexagon, can see that divulges fire element rune as the final energy, can see a special scoop channel from the rune center among base plate, in that scoop channel is padding a section quartz column, if formation activates, heat ray along this quartz column in scoop channel as well as scoop channel was launched the effective range to be 300-400 meters, if the replacement higher-quality quartz column or further strengthens rune, its firing distance also has room for promotion. 高文看着通用基板,在这块六角形的基板其中一个尖角上,可以看到作为最终能量宣泄点的火系符文,从符文中心一直到基板之间则可以看到一道特殊的凹槽,那凹槽里填塞着一小节石英柱,如果法阵激活,灼热射线就会沿着这道凹槽以及凹槽里的石英柱被发射出去有效射程可以达到300-400米,而如果更换更加优质的石英柱或者进一步强化符文,它的射程还有提升的空间。 „The present issue is this thing needs to use in the magic circuit range,” Rebecca roused the cheek, „, because this board has no way to produce mana, must use in the place without magic circuit, must energize to it with magic storage crystal, or gives the mage use. But made the words that mage used appear moves unnecessarily.” “现在的问题就是这东西需要在魔网范围内才能用,”瑞贝卡鼓了鼓腮帮子,“因为这个板子本身是没法产生魔力的,要在没有魔网的地方用,就必须用储魔水晶给它供能,或者交给法师使用。但让法师用的话就显得多此一举了。” The implied meaning is not every mage same only meets Big Fireball with her, others rub heat ray with giving a tongue-lashing water, from the start cannot use this...... 言下之意就是并非每个法师都跟她一样只会一个大火球,人家自己搓灼热射线就跟呲水似的,压根用不上这个…… Gawain smiles, took out him before the desk has been studying, already on difference final assembly Mana Capacitor. 高文微笑起来,从书桌下取出了他之前一直在研究,已经就差最后组装的“魔力电容器”。 I have thought of this issue, moreover had found the solution.” “我早就想到这个问题,而且已经找到解决方案了。” What is this?” New general base plate that Rebecca looks at Gawain takes immediately curiously, and what recognized Group rune on that base plate is, „was this...... the magic circuit foundation unit? You meant that makes this foundation unit energize to heat ray formation? Incorrect, I have tried, the energy that the magic circuit foundation unit has is from the start insufficient, four foundation units pile together insufficiently, must result in large-scale magic circuit......” “这是什么啊?”瑞贝卡顿时好奇地看着高文取出来的新通用基板,并一眼就认出了那基板上的符文是什么,“这是……魔网的基础单元?您是说让这种基础单元给灼热射线法阵供能?不行的啦,我试过的,魔网基础单元产生的能量压根不够,四个基础单元摞一块都不够,必须得大型魔网……” But these magic storage crystal are in addition uncertain,” Gawain referred to these inexpensive magic storage crystal on table, later drew in all things the bag, matter cannot be delayed, our went to the Machine Building institute, making that Nicholas Egg help combine these things!” “但是加上这些储魔水晶就不一定了,”高文指了指桌上的那些廉价储魔水晶,随后把所有东西都收拢到了袋子里,“事不宜迟,咱们这就去机械制造所,让那个尼古拉斯蛋帮忙把这些东西组合起来!” Good good!” Rebecca jumped immediately happily, later entrained still a little vacant Jenny to walk outward, walked walks! Let egg egg help quickly!” “好啊好啊!”瑞贝卡顿时高兴地蹦了起来,随后拽着仍然有点茫然的詹妮就往外走,“走啦走啦!让蛋蛋帮忙最快啦!” Before Gawain sets out, nearby air sudden distortion, did not disguise in , but in fact Amber of entire journey ni observation could not repress to jump quietly finally: I also go to me also to go!” 而在高文起身之前,附近的空气突然一阵扭曲,之前一直假装不在但实际上全程悄咪观察的琥珀也终于按捺不住蹦了出来:“我也去我也去!” Rebecca has a scare by the fellow who this jumps suddenly, is Big Fireball pounds conveniently: „Wow!” 瑞贝卡被这个突然蹦出来的家伙吓了一跳,随手就是一个大火球砸过去:“哇!” Gawain responded quickly, a slap patted the powder Big Fireball, perhaps he lived in the tent on need not that night...... 要不是高文反应快,一巴掌大火球拍散,他当天晚上恐怕就不用住帐篷了…… Machine Building sound of brilliantly illuminated, mechanical operation not to stop. 机械制造所中灯火通明,机械运转的声响一刻不停。 In the deserted work shed had turned into the Feudal Territory of steel and machine at this moment, the metal ingot casting from Steelworks was transported here group by group, later according to the blueprint was always processed all kinds of components by Nicholas Egg or conducts the further strengthening and recast, but Human Race smith takes the assistant, studies the mechanism in blueprint the components that while makes Nicholas Egg combine to become all kinds of machine majorities are the foundation engine bed, but another portion is the demand quite urgent, special order that” there directly issues from Feudal Lord and the others. 原本空空荡荡的工棚内此刻已经变成钢铁与机器的领地,来自钢铁厂的金属铸锭被一批一批地运到这里,随后按照图纸被尼古拉斯·蛋总加工成各种各样的零件或进行进一步的强化、重铸,而人类工匠则作为助手,一边学习图纸中的机械原理一边将尼古拉斯蛋制造出来的零件组合成为各种各样的机器其中大部分是基础机床,而另一部分则是需求比较急迫的、从领主等人那里直接下达的“特别订单”。 In the Gawain impression that large-scale industrial assembly line is very remote, but present Machine Building in has some machines to thunder, the revolution continuous atmosphere, the components of some most basic have no longer needed the Nicholas Egg personally casting, these lay aside the engine bed one side of work shed can complete the manufacture work of these basic parts, but drives the engine bed, is two after optimized beginning generation of magic engine to guarantee these two engines has the abundant power, embedment of Rebecca under in Machine Building the honey-comb magic circuit first batch of nodes, now looked like, all these revolves very smooth. 高文印象中那规模庞大的工业流水线还很遥远,但如今的机械制造所里已经有了些机器轰鸣、运转不休的气氛,一些最基础的零件已经不再需要尼古拉斯蛋亲自铸造,那些放置在工棚一侧的机床可以完成那些基础零件的制造工作,而带动机床的,是两台经过优化的初代魔能引擎为了保证这两台引擎有充沛的动力,瑞贝卡机械制造所内埋设下了蜂巢魔网的第一批节点,如今看来,这一切都运转的非常顺利。 After Gawain and the others entered the work shed, sees is a lively scene: The processing machinery that magic engine drives revolves west the work shed, makes various type machine parts continuously( as well as various Feudal Territory urgently needed metalloid tool fittings) ; Human Race smith in machines busy, they had adapted to this brand-new productive work slightly ; In work shed center, is that Iron Ball Alien Feudal Territory he floats there, the perimeter meter range is the unpopulated area, a lot of metal ingot casting were towed the midair by not the well-known strength, and was molded various types is also hard through the firm components that the machine or builds artificially fast at present, later will mold the good components then to fall to nearby several stack areas automatically, will use for Human Race smith. 高文等人进入工棚之后,所看到的便是一派热闹的景象:魔能引擎带动的加工机械在工棚西侧运转,源源不断地制造出各式机械零件(以及领地急需的各类金属工具配件);人类工匠在机器之间忙碌,他们已经略微适应了这种全新的生产工作;在工棚的正中,则是那个铁球星人领地他就漂浮在那里,周围数米范围都是无人区,大量金属铸锭被不知名的力量牵引到半空,并飞快地被塑造成各种目前还难以通过机器或人工打造的坚固零件,随后塑造好的零件便会自动落到附近的几个堆放区,供人类工匠们取用。 Gawain waits and sees that to flutter from afar in all directions one pile of components Iron Ball Alien, thought that this looks at really returns to the sect with ten thousand sword...... 高文远远地观望着那个四面八方飘着一堆零件的铁球星人,心想这看着真跟万剑归宗似的…… Afterward he then takes a step to forward, but Rebecca greeted by far: egg egg! We ask you to help!” 随后他便迈步向前,而瑞贝卡则远远地就招呼起来:“蛋蛋!我们来找你帮个忙!” Nicholas Egg heard the greeting sound, quickly the components that floats the surroundings clean up temporarily one side, shifted to the Gawain's direction: „, Also there is matter Feudal Lord also to come?” 尼古拉斯蛋听到了招呼声,赶快把周围漂浮的零件暂时清理到一边,转向了高文的方向:“啊,又有事儿领主也来啦?” Normally, Gawain could not look that from the start Nicholas Egg has turned around, because this Iron Ball Alien whole body is smooth a piece, cannot see all around difference, but this time his actually eyes saw that the opposite party transferred came, because he discovered on impressively the opposite party drew a face unexpectedly! 正常情况下,高文是压根看不出来尼古拉斯蛋转没转身的,因为这个铁球星人全身都光溜溜一片,根本看不出前后左右的区别,但这次他却一眼就看到对方是转了过来因为他赫然发现对方身上竟然画了一副面孔! In seeing the flash of that face, the Gawain footsteps stopped that immediately, even almost planted to the ground this cannot blame him, no matter what who saw 1.3 meters in diameter funny fluttered to notify that unable to be calm oneself before oneself! 在看到那面孔的一瞬间,高文脚步就登时停那了,甚至差点一头栽到地上这不能怪他,任谁看见个直径1.3米的“滑稽”飘在自己面前跟自己打招呼那都镇定不下来! Gawain dumbfoundedly looks at Nicholas Egg face, looks at that curved eye, slanting mouth that the look, under punches, dumbfounded five seconds had not said the words to come, the thought that later his first braves is: Which Transmigrator compatriot did this have to submerge the place secretly?! 高文目瞪口呆地看着尼古拉斯蛋的“面孔”,看着那弯弯的眼睛、斜着的眼神、欠揍的嘴型,足足目瞪口呆了五秒钟都没说出话来,随后他第一个冒出来的念头就是:这是有哪个穿越者同胞偷偷潜入自己地头了?! This funny expression who draws! 这“滑稽”表情谁画的! He just wants to find the person to ask, has not actually thought Rebecca after discovering the own Ancestor astonished expression opened the mouth grinningly: Lord Ancestor? You have a scare! Good that I draw?” 他正想找人问问,却没想到瑞贝卡在发现自家老祖宗的惊愕表情之后笑嘻嘻地开口了:“祖先大人?您吓了一跳哦!我画的好不好?” The Gawain neck turns around, stares looks at Rebecca: „Is this you give him to draw?” 高文脖子吱嘎一声转过来,瞪眼看着瑞贝卡:“这是你给他画的?” Yes!” Rebecca nods especially naturally, where I spoke with egg egg each time do not clarify him am positive/direct, he also complained that some time always people of work speak to frighten him behind him to jump suddenly, afterward I think a move, gave him to draw a face to come up......” “是啊!”瑞贝卡特理所当然地点头,“我每次跟蛋蛋说话都搞不清他哪边才是正面,他也跟人抱怨说工作的时候总是有人突然在他背后说话吓他一跳,后来我就想了个招,给他画了个脸上去……” „Are you...... the casual picture?” Gawain sizes up this always to have astonishing action girl up and down, tries to discover to select the Transmigrator shadow from the opposite party diligently, you did not think that this expression is seemingly strange?” “你……就是随便画的?”高文上下打量着这个总有惊人之举的姑娘,努力试图从对方身上找出点穿越者的影子来,“你就不觉得这个表情看起来怪怪的?” „To draw a smile,” Rebecca scratches the head to send, „the picture time hand truly shook one...... naturally also possibly to shake several, therefore the eye was a little strange.” “就是想画个笑脸啊,”瑞贝卡挠挠头发,“不过画的时候手确实抖了一下……当然也可能是抖了好几下,所以眼睛有点怪。” Gawain corner of the mouth is shaking: What do others see him to withstand/top this face to respond?” 高文嘴角抖着:“别人看见他顶着这张脸都什么反应?” Rebecca thinks carefully, nods: Very jubilation.” 瑞贝卡仔细想了想,点点头:“还是挺喜庆的。” Nearby Jenny also follows to nod: Un, very celebrates.” 旁边的詹妮也跟着点头:“嗯,是挺喜庆的。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” But at this time Nicholas Egg has fluttered to Gawain in front, this huge incomparable funny shook two bodies up and down: How do you feel my new image? I felt after having a face, dealt with be easier your Human Race.” 而这时候尼古拉斯蛋已经飘到高文面前,这个巨大无朋的滑稽上下晃了两下身子:“你觉得我这新形象怎么样?我感觉有一张脸之后跟你们人类打交道容易多了。” You...... you happily good,” Gawain maintains the expression not to collapse diligently, and puts out the material that oneself brought, first said the proper business. I want to let you help me assemble one type newly...... the weapon.” “你……你高兴就好,”高文努力保持着表情不崩,并拿出了自己带来的材料,“还是先说正事吧。我想让你帮我组装一种新的……武器。” „? Was this time the weapon is not a machine?” The Nicholas Egg sound sounds is interested very much, what thing is?” “哦?这次是武器不是机器了?”尼古拉斯蛋的声音听上去很感兴趣,“是什么东西?” I give a name to call heat-ray gun to it temporarily.” “我暂时给它起名叫热能射线枪。”
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