SOD :: Volume #2

#149: Accepting

Although decided cannot return Gods specimen to Shadow World , but where makes concrete it accepts is actually a major problem, putting on Feudal Territory that definitely is incorrect this thing may be different from excavation of convention, is not Nicholas Egg that human and animals harmless big iron lump, the Gods tissue cell has itself to the mortal is a fatal thing, even if were near distance looked at one merely, the person can non- die insanely, must therefore place to be far away from the place of crowd it, but must guarantee it under own completely control. 虽然决定了不能把“神明样本”放回到暗影界里,但具体把它收容在什么地方却是一个大问题,放到领地上那肯定是不行的这玩意儿跟常规的发掘物可不一样,更不是尼古拉斯蛋那种人畜无害的大铁坨,神明组织细胞的存在本身对凡人就是一种致命之物,哪怕仅仅是近距离地看了一眼,人都会非死既疯,所以必须把它放在远离人群的地方,但同时还必须保证它在自己的完全控制之下。 Thinking it over, in as if this mountain ruins is the best accepting place. 思来想去,似乎这山中遗迹本身就是最佳的收容场所。 Gawain put out the map of Byron plan, soon then found the place that conformed to itself to request: In the big winding corridor of ruins intermediate level area, has a broad spatial room close to the southwest corner position, that room once was a laboratory, therefore firm and was easy to guard. 高文拿出了拜伦绘制的地图,很快便找到了符合自己要求的地方:在遗迹中层区的大回廊,靠近西南角的位置有一个广阔的空房间,那房间曾经是一座实验室,因此坚固而且易于守卫。 And important, is that room has quite a distance from this rotunda. 并且更重要的,是那个房间距离这处圆形大厅有相当一段距离。 Although does not know whether in this rotunda remains to be able with the Gods flesh to have the induction the thing, but will pull open distance many both safely. 虽然不知道这圆形大厅里是否还存在能和神明血肉产生感应的事物,但将两者拉开距离多少会让人安心点。 Gawain points at the map to tell: Deposits the thing in this room, installs with the lightproof arrange/cloth or the box. From now on, no matter in any situation, only if I present, otherwise must guarantee that this specimen was covered completely, cannot have tiny bit some exposes in the average person line of sight. Hetty, that room's Magic Gate has damaged, you go to reset its mechanism and ensure will not be opened casually. That room will be taken forbidden area from now on, only if I permitted, otherwise is not allowed anybody to enter.” 高文指着地图吩咐道:“把东西存放在这处房间,用不透光的布或者箱子装起来。从今往后,不管任何情况下,除非我在场,否则都要保证这个样本被完全遮盖,不能有一丝一毫的部分暴露在普通人视线中。赫蒂,那处房间本身的魔法门已经损坏,你去把它的机关重设一下,确保不会被人随便打开。那个房间今后被作为‘禁区’,除非我许可,否则不准任何人进入。” Byron and Hetty nod assent, later Byron also asked one: Lord, room does outside keep the guard?” 拜伦赫蒂点头应允,随后拜伦又问了一句:“大人,房间外面留守卫么?” Gawain nods: Keeps two guards, in addition sends two groups of people and they are in shifts, the room must 24 hours of some people defend. Moreover, must elect the most reliable soldier, to prevent the curiosity surplus fellow to go in court death.” 高文点点头:“留两个守卫,另派两组人和他们轮班,房间必须二十四小时有人守着。另外,必须选最可靠的士兵,以防止有好奇心过剩的家伙进去作死。” Yes.” “是。” After waiting to tell these, Gawain shouted the tone, in the heart did not have relaxed many. 等吩咐完这些之后,高文呼了口气,心中却没有轻松多少。 He as if a little understood initially the feeling of Viscount Andrew dug out the heavy treasure, finally is actually a hot sweet potato. 他似乎有点理解了当初安德鲁子爵的感受挖出重宝,结果却是个烫手的山芋。 Gods flesh specimen, this thing can start the matter that the big storm almost wants need not to think in this world, strength that it can bring, the knowledge and wealth are inestimable, risk that but it probably brings also similarly so. Gawain previous life is not one likes the adventurous person, if pressing his personality, when digs out this thing he wants its to have many throws far, can throw to some fool( e.g. some evil cult organization) that is better, but currently, his character has the change somewhat. 神明的血肉样本,这东西能在这个世界上掀起多大的风暴几乎是想都不用想的事情,它能带来的力量,知识以及财富都不可估量,但它可能带来的危险性也同样如此。高文前世并不是一个喜欢冒险的人,如果按着他本身的性格,在挖出这种玩意儿的时候他更想将其有多远扔多远,能扔给某个冤大头(比如某个邪教组织)那是更好的,但现在,他的性格多多少少已经有了变化。 He really cannot control himself regarding Gods perhaps the curiosity, has had the relation his conscious to Gods with oneself particularly now, this curiosity had no way to control. 他实在控制不住自己对于“神明”的好奇心,尤其是现在他意识到“神明”跟自己恐怕已经产生了联系,这种好奇心就更没法控制了。 These flesh organizations will be suppressed by oneself, these Myriad Gods possibly die , in a powerful civilization hand that has the fleet, his crossed over comes to be very likely to take possession on satellite, perhaps this satellite is that powerful civilization stays behind, therefore oneself suppression to Gods flesh mostly with oneself remote thinking/proficiency the status is related ; On the other hand, in Eternal Tablet also recorded the all Gods have already died truth, but Eternal Tablet in established in the process of relation also to display the particularity with him, crystal that on thinking of that stone tablet fragment mounted, perhaps it was also that powerful civilization relic...... 那些血肉组织会被自己压制,那些众神可能是死在一个拥有舰队的强大文明手中,他穿越而来极有可能附身在一颗卫星上,这颗卫星说不定就是那个强大文明留下的,所以自己对神明血肉的压制多半跟自己“卫星精”的身份有关;另一方面,永恒石板中还记录了众神已死的真相,而永恒石板本身在和他建立联系的过程中也表现出了特殊性,联想到石板碎片上镶嵌的水晶,说不定它也是那个强大文明的遗物…… As for why should be „the thing of God Slayer the Eternal Tablet instead carrying/sustaining Gods knowledge, and brought Religion revelation for the mortal on this star, this cannot think through Gawain to the present. 至于为什么本应作为“弑神者之物”的永恒石板反而承载了神明的知识,并为这个星球上的凡人带来了宗教启示,这是高文到现在也想不通的。 Gawain felt like, oneself has curled in all these, hid could not avoid, even can say him already was not only curled in the vortex he was portion of this vortex. 高文隐隐觉得,自己已经卷在这一切之中,躲都躲不开了,甚至可以说他已经不只是被卷在漩涡里他本身就是这漩涡的一部分 „The matter that today here has, must keep secret,” Gawain said in a low voice, and looks to Knight Byron, Byron, you and your person continue to explore this piece of ruins, so long as discovers and here style similar place, must the earliest possible time seal, waits for me to confirm personally. This is to prevent you do not contact these carefully with the god related thing.” “今天这里发生的事情,必须保密,”高文低声说道,并看向拜伦骑士,“拜伦,你和你的人继续探索这片遗迹,但只要发现和这里风格相似的场所,就必须第一时间封存,等我亲自来确认。这是为了防止你们不小心接触到那些跟神有关的东西。” Byron deeply lowers the head: I understand, Lord.” 拜伦深深低下头:“我明白,大人。” Ancestor, these draft manuscript originals......” Hetty referred to not far away table these already the draft manuscript original that was collected, is these records the ancient parchment that some going crazy person crazy is talking during sleep, how is brings or?” “先祖,这些手稿原件……”赫蒂指了指不远处桌子上那些已经被收集起来的手稿原件,就是那些记录着某个发疯之人疯狂呓语的古老羊皮纸,“是带回去还是怎样?” Gawain read these draft manuscripts, cannot bear look that to the nearby ground fast the blood-color skeleton of decomposition and dissipation, he had guessed correctly indistinctly how these draft manuscripts come: Is this monster remains mostly. 高文看了一眼那些手稿,又忍不住看向附近地面上那具正在飞快分解、消散的血色骸骨,他已经隐约猜到了那些手稿是怎么来的:多半就是这个怪物所留。 The human experiment that during that time Gondor Empire conducts here produced many failure experiment body, when they evacuate, experiment body majority was destroyed, but also has portion as if to keep in foster vessel directly, replaced with the seal burnt down this perhaps also for some research objective, researcher that but clearly, these left has not come back again. 当年刚铎帝国在这里进行的人体试验产生了不少的失败实验体,而在他们撤离的时候,实验体大部分都被销毁,但也有一部分似乎就直接留在培养容器里,以封印代替了焚毁这或许也是为了某种研究目的,但很明显,那些离开的研究者再也没有回来。 But therefore had not actually died by some experiment body of seal in vessel, on the contrary, he( or it) continues to come under the influence of Gods flesh in the test installation, has survived today, and had the special ability in this process, can be separated from the foster trough, achieves acting on free will of certain extent. 而被封印在容器里的某个实验体却没有因此死去,相反,他(或它)在实验装置中持续受到神明血肉的影响,一直存活到了今天,并在这个过程中产生了特殊的能力,以至于可以脱离培养槽,做到一定程度的自由行动。 It had even also once held the elaborative faculty. 它甚至还一度保有过思考能力。 But said no matter how, now it is only one pile the wreckage that decomposes unceasingly. 但不管怎么说,现在它已经只是一堆正在不断分解的残骸了。 Seals with this seal crystal,” Gawain decides to say finally, this crystal cube is named as Source of Beginning Specimen, arranges for 1st, the draft manuscript takes the Source of Beginning Specimen No. 1 derivative. From now on if discovered similar strange thing in ruins again, according to this rule conducts the serial number and preservation.” “和这块封印水晶一起封存吧,”高文最终决定道,“这块水晶立方体被命名为原初样本,编为一号,手稿就作为原初样本的一号衍生物。今后如果再在遗迹里发现了类似的诡异事物,也按照这个规则进行编号和保存。” Waits to process in the mountain the ruins matter, Gawain returns to Feudal Territory the time is the evening. 等处理完山中遗迹的事情,高文返回领地的时候已经是晚上了。 The bright magic crystal lamp already was lightened in the Feudal Territory main roads and several important places. 明亮的魔晶石灯已经在领地的主干道和几处重要场所被点亮起来。 Because magic circuit technology achieve, as well as new-style honey-comb magic circuit trial operations in some key areas, Feudal Territory already not from the beginning at nightfall then can only depend upon the flare and brazier illumination, now in various factory, the research facility and night school region, on the Feudal Territory main road, depends upon magic circuit to continue to energize the magic crystal stone that but does not extinguish all night brought luminous of long-time stability, but the night illumination, is Feudal Territory can the important safeguard that speeds up development. 由于魔网技术实现,以及新式的“蜂巢魔网”在一些重点区域的试运行,领地已经不像一开始那样入夜之后便只能依靠火把与火盆照明,如今在各处工厂、研究设施、夜校区域,还有领地的主干道上,依靠魔网持续供能而彻夜不熄的魔法晶石带来了长久稳定的光亮,而夜间照明,便是领地能加快发展的重要保障。 Without the night illumination method of inexpensive and unaccurate, people then can only in the daytime working, take 24 hours of the project that continues the work is unable to launch, the night school education and factory assembly line will therefore be affected. On Earth, the emergence of electric lamp brought the great change of way people work and live, making Human Race civilization turn into a powerful machine of around the clock revolution, but has actually appeared in this world high-quality night illumination technology, the illumination that can synthesize artificially with magic crystal was not the expensive thing, limited it to develop only, but was the backwardness of energy. 没有廉价而稳定可靠的夜间照明手段,人们便只能在白天工作,很多需要二十四小时持续作业的项目也就无法展开,夜校教育和工厂流水线都将因此受到影响。在地球上,电灯的出现带来了人们工作和生活方式的巨变,让人类文明变成了一台昼夜不停运转的强大机器,而在这个世界高质量的夜间照明技术其实早已出现,可以人工合成的照明用魔晶石并不是什么过于昂贵的东西,唯一限制它发展的,只不过是能源的落后而已。 Without compatibility degree high magic circuit, traditional magic crystal must depend upon mage uninterruptedly pours into mana to lighten, but makes noble mage run the note demon can it be that ordinary people conceivable matter like the janitor in hundreds and thousands of magic crystal lamps all night? Therefore until now, can be brilliantly illuminated in the night, only has King and Feudal Lord castle, regarding civilians who these point oil lamps must plan carefully, they are do not dare to imagine so-called nightlife. 没有兼容度高的魔网,传统的魔晶石就必须依靠法师不间断的注入魔力才能点亮,而让高贵的法师像个杂役一样在成百上千盏魔晶石灯之间彻夜奔走注魔又岂是老百姓可以想象的事?所以一直以来,能在夜间灯火通明的,唯有国王领主城堡而已,对于那些点个油灯都要精打细算的平民,他们是根本不敢想象所谓“夜生活”的。 Should thank magic circuit, it made up shortcoming of magic crystal lamp, surplus mana that biggest mana cost reduction nearly in zero the degree, various factories will unable to use up then lighten the lights of entire camp sufficiently. 应该感谢魔网,它补上了魔晶石灯的短板,将最大的魔力成本降低到了近乎于零的程度,各处工厂用不完的剩余魔力便足以点亮整个营地的灯火。 Taking advantage of the light, Gawain returned to own tent, he looked at one this to live in several months of tent, is shaking the head to smile. 借着灯光,高文返回了自己的营帐,他看了一眼这个已经住了几个月的帐篷,摇着头笑起来。 Oneself also truly were the time moves Brick Kiln Factory to step onto the right track from the tent, in Feudal Territory has started to construct earliest a number of brick houses, the log cabin even enters eliminated the stage, his Feudal Lord actually also lived in the tent, this matter said that also really can be startled the chins of many. 自己也确实是时候从帐篷里搬出来了砖窑厂已经走上正轨,领地里已经开始建设最早的一批砖瓦房,木屋甚至都进入了淘汰阶段,他这个领主却还住在帐篷里,这件事说出去也真是能惊掉很多人的下巴。 Some people guessed that this is because of the Feudal Lord cherishing people, some people guessed that this is because Feudal Lord takes the during that time Pioneer natural disposition to be thrifty, but in fact is actually because Gawain is very that early the residence style designed itself to need including the storage room Magic Laboratory weapon room kitchen letdown system wait wait/etc. etc., could not construct at the early Feudal Territory level, but Gawain was disinclined to build a temporary log cabin then to tear down, therefore he waited till today simply, after waiting for the condition standard, reached one's goal instantly. 有人猜测这是因为领主爱惜子民,有人猜测这是因为领主作为当年开拓者生性节俭,但实际上却是因为高文很早就设计了自己需要的住所样式包括储藏室魔法实验室武器室厨房下水系统等等等等,以早期的领地水平根本建不起来,而高文又懒得盖个临时的木屋然后再拆掉,所以他干脆就等到了今天,等条件达标之后一步到位。 Entered the tent, Gawain saw is lying in Betty that on own table whistling rested greatly, perhaps small maid had rested very long meeting here, judged from the saliva range, she lay at least one hour to start. 一进帐篷,高文就看到了正趴在自己的桌子上呼呼大睡的贝蒂,小女仆恐怕已经在这里睡了挺长一会,从口水范围判断,她趴了至少一个钟头起步。 But Betty rests, although fragrant, especially is sensitive to the Gawain's sound of footsteps, the latter just approached to her three meters scopes, this girl raised the head on all of a sudden, the look stares blankly said: Lord you come back me not to rest, I lay slightly met......” 贝蒂睡得虽然香,却对高文的脚步声格外敏感,后者刚靠近到她身边三米范围,这姑娘就唰一下子抬起头来,眼神发楞地说道:“老爷您回来啦我没睡,我就稍微趴了会……” Saliva,” Gawain looks at this little stupid little girl, saliva scratches funnily.” “口水,”高文好笑地看着这个有点呆头呆脑的小姑娘,“口水擦擦。” „.” “哦。” Gawain is very curious: How to be waiting here? Do some people ask me to come?” 高文很好奇:“怎么在这儿等着?有人找我来着?” Betty thinks why carefully oneself will lie on the table falls asleep, then finally recalled is in itself what are you doing comes: „, Thinks! Miss Rebecca and Miss Jenny have looked for you!” 贝蒂仔细想了想自己为啥会趴在桌子上睡着,然后终于记起了自己是干什么来的:“啊,想起来啦!瑞贝卡小姐詹妮小姐来找过您!” Asked me to do...... Gawain just to tell only half assorted then beckons with the hand, you definitely forgot.” “找我干什……”高文刚说到一半便摆摆手,“哦你肯定忘了。” This time will not forget!” Betty is raising head to throw out the chest saying that then fishes out a small book from the pocket of maid skirt with joy, opens seriously, Miss Jenny helped me write on this! They said that...... calculates the rune model, the rune model...... Lord, this word I did not know!” “这次不会忘!”贝蒂仰着头挺着胸说道,然后喜滋滋地从女仆裙的口袋里摸出一个小本子,郑重其事地翻开,“詹妮小姐帮我写在这上面了!她们说……算出来了符文模型,符文模型……老爷,这个词我不认识!” Gawain was the pleasant surprise does not know whether to laugh or cry the past to look at one: Makes me have a look at...... this is the meaning of heat ray. Very good to be very good, I am waiting for this good news, you go to call quickly them!” 高文又是惊喜又是哭笑不得地过去看了一眼:“让我看看……这是灼热射线的意思。很好很好,我正等着这个好消息呢,你快去把她们叫来!”
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