SOD :: Volume #2

#148: Test

As Gawain the formation of biological tissue of doubtful Gods flesh from mixing takes out in Shadow World, lost it nearly inexhaustible vitality in mutation Aberrant Body finally. 随着高文暗影界中将疑似神明血肉的生物组织从混合法阵中取出,在外界的变异畸变体也终于失去了它近乎无穷无尽的生命力。 With Knight Byron strikes to hit hard, this monster sends out low and deep calling out, it falls down staggering, and starts the rapid transpiration, to decompose like true Aberrant Body into the black mist and dust that everywhere scatters. 伴随着拜伦骑士的一击重击,这怪物发出一声低沉的嚎叫,它踉踉跄跄地倒在地上,并开始像个真正的畸变体一样迅速蒸腾、分解为漫天飘散的黑色烟尘。 Gawain and Amber also return from Shadow World, but in the former hand were many a strange crystal cube. 高文琥珀也从暗影界中返回,只不过前者手中多了一个奇怪的水晶立方体。 How although does not know the item body, but Byron and Hetty guess that can also guess correctly is these two's action in Shadow World destroys the coming back to life mechanism of that monster, Hetty then moved forward to meet somebody immediately: Ancestor that monster died finally! Was what you discovered in Shadow World?” 虽然不知道具体经过如何,但拜伦赫蒂猜也能猜到是这两人在暗影界中的行动破坏了那怪物的复生机制,赫蒂立刻便迎了上去:“先祖那怪物终于死了!是您在暗影界中发现了什么吗?” Discovered this,” Gawain lifted the crystal cube on hand, later looks to the soldiers of all around these guards, after slightly a thinking, his sinking sound said, Byron, Hetty, Amber stays here, others guard to the room outside temporarily.” “发现了这个,”高文抬了抬手上的水晶立方体,随后看向四周那些护卫的士兵,在略一思索之后,他沉声说道,“拜伦,赫蒂,琥珀留在这里,其他人暂时到房间外面把守。” Soldiers conscious to own Feudal Lord perhaps in Shadow World discovers extraordinarily the thing, therefore not left this hall scruple. 士兵们意识到自己的领主恐怕在暗影界里发现了不得了的东西,于是毫无迟疑地离开了这间大厅。 The Byron facial expression enforces immediately, he saw the thing in Gawain a moment ago, at this moment has associate indistinctly: What Lord...... in your hand is......” 拜伦神情立刻严肃起来,他刚才就看到了高文手里的东西,此刻更是隐隐约约有所联想:“大人……您手中的是……” Is this thing is releasing the energy, making outside monster come back to life unceasingly, moreover that monster likely also comes under its influence, here lived in 1000, and has ability that many ordinary Aberrant Body did not have,” Gawain said in a low voice, and told Hetty and Byron in the discovery of Shadow World, „...... the situation was so, we really discovered extraordinarily thing.” “就是这东西在释放出能量,让外面的怪物不断复生,而且那怪物很可能也是受到它的影响,才在这里活了一千年,并且具备了很多普通畸变体不具备的能力,”高文低声说道,并将自己在暗影界的发现告诉赫蒂拜伦,“……情况就是如此,我们恐怕真的发现了不得了的东西。” When lang one, is actually magic staff in Hetty hand lets go, falls on the ground. 当啷一声,却是赫蒂手中的法杖脱手而出,掉在地上。 This...... is Gods...... flesh?” This always mature calm lady lost the mind/square inch finally, she astonished has the crystal cube in faint trace frightened looks at Gawain hand, Gods, Gods how possible......” “这……难道就是神明的……血肉?”这位一向成熟冷静的女士终于失了方寸,她惊愕中带着丝丝恐惧地看着高文手中的水晶立方体,“神明,神明怎么可能……” I know that you are very difficult to accept, moreover I know that you are Goddess of Magic and Arcana believer, Gods fall from the sky, even the flesh falls in the fact to mortal hand to you are a very big impact,” Gawain slowed down the tone, hopes that own tone can once...... the great-granddaughter slightly be been once tranquiler by own, „, but I also know, in the Magician creed has a few words: The road of exploration is infinite, god also in Magician is not always the community that makes sacrifices to a god, even if you believe Magic Goddess are also same.” “我知道你很难接受,而且我知道你是奥秘与魔法女神信徒,神明陨落,甚至血肉落到凡人手中的事实对你而言是个很大的冲击,”高文放缓了语气,希望自己的语气能让自己的这位曾曾……曾孙女稍微平静一些,“但我也知道,魔法师的信条中有一句话:探索之路无穷,神亦在其中魔法师从来都不是一个过于敬神的群体,哪怕你们信仰魔法女神也是一样。” I cannot believe, Hetty catches one's breath, smiles bitterly is picking up own magic staff, you know that my life, only then so with astonishment loses presence of mind twice, is previous time to see you time that can stand from the coffin.” “我只是不敢相信,”赫蒂缓了口气,苦笑着捡起自己的法杖,“您知道么,我这一生只有两次如此惊愕失措,上一次就是看到你能从棺材里站起来的时候。” Legend antiquity once had War of Gods, portion Gods defeats, falls from the sky the later wreckage to crash into Mortal World, their strengths and fragments changed to various extraordinary force and magic of lifeform society, but gains the victory these Gods is such as each god in this life,” Gawain was saying prepare the good explanation, ’ perhaps perhaps not all Gods wreckagetransformation during that time Gondor Empire found still energetic to maintain the wreckage of original design together, then made this secret base to study it.” “传说上古曾有神战,一部分神明战败,陨落之后残骸坠入人间,他们的力量和残片化作了人世间的各种超凡力量以及魔法生物,而取得胜利的那些神明就是如今世上的各个正神,”高文说着自己准备好的解释,“或许并非所有的神明残骸都‘转化’了当年刚铎帝国说不定就找到了这么一块仍有活力保持原样的残骸,然后造了这个秘密基地来研究它。” This explanation relatively is easy to accept, moreover it is not reckless Bian Gawain even thought that in fact this explanation has the larger part to conform to the truth, at most in some explanations of Myriad Gods cause of death slightly...... tactful a little. 这解释是相对容易接受的,而且它也不是胡编事实上高文甚至觉得这个解释有一大半都符合真相,顶多就是在众神死因的部分解释的稍微……委婉了那么一点。 Saves face .jpg to Myriad Gods. 众神留点面子.jpg。 Compared with Hetty, Byron instead seems calmer, he of mercenary family background to a Gods more deficient awe, when sees the strange biological tissue of that creeping motion what he is more is nervous and astonishment, few has the sentiment of awe fear, therefore he quickly restores calm and ponders: We have not possibly thought is so exaggerating, perhaps ancient era fierce thing so many, Gondor Empire found the wreckage of some Demigod lifeform, remains that to call anything to come...... Divine Attribute strength, was regarded the Gods corpse to give the research by them.” 比起赫蒂,拜伦反而显得更为镇定,佣兵出身的他对神明更加缺乏敬畏,看到那蠕动的怪异生物组织时他更多的是紧张和惊愕,却鲜少有敬畏恐惧之情,所以他很快就恢复冷静并思考起来:“也可能并没咱们想的这么夸张,上古时代厉害的东西那么多,说不定刚铎帝国只是找到了某种半神生物的残骸,残留着点那叫什么来着……‘神性’力量,然后就被他们当成神明尸体给研究了。” Gawain has to acknowledge that the view of Byron is also reasonable: Also has this possibility.” 高文不得不承认拜伦的说法也有道理:“也有这个可能。” Saying, he observed the situation this hall one, to this place had conducted research project, he thought that oneself holds the feature. 说着,他环视了这个大厅一眼,对这个地方曾经进行过的研究项目,他觉得自己已经抓住眉目。 Spark Age Gondor Empire...... that is the age that Human Race is arrogant and conceited proudly. The Deep Blue Well energy is inexhaustible, suitable of Human Race magic spell system to Deep Blue mana caused that time Human Race mage is almost in the world destructive power strongest Spellcaster, unmatched in the world, the thing that Human Race pursued will then change, the resources does not lack, the strength was not bad, but also wanted...... probably only then like Myriad Gods in legend eternal,” Gawain is saying, while looked to that party character on hall wall, Human Race will certainly last forever, even if disobedient Gods, used on a disobedient this word, explained then researcher to know in doing was many a reckless matter, but they. Dares to do...... in the edge crazy probe of court death, probably said is this.” 星火年代刚铎帝国……那是个人类骄傲而目空一切的年代。深蓝之井的能量无穷无尽,人类法术体系对深蓝魔力的适性导致那时候的人类法师几乎是世界上破坏力最强的施法者,天下无敌了,人类所追求的东西便会发生改变,资源不缺,力量不差,还想要的……大概就只有像传说中的众神一样永恒了吧,”高文一边说着,一边看向大厅墙壁上的那一行字,“人类必将永存纵使忤逆神明,用上了忤逆这个词,说明当时的研究者知道自己在干的是多胆大包天的一件事,但他们就是敢这么干……在作死的边缘疯狂试探,大概说的就是这样吧。” Speaking of finally, him is sighing shaking the head of: Pitifully quick Empire scholars discovered, Deep Blue Well is on continent only ultra kind of mana well, moreover its mana has the transmission limit, powerful incomparable Gondor Empire actually cared luck, the Empire area was defined in the mana well radiation range from the beginning, therefore Spark Age finished, all extremely arrogant ideas turned washed to rest......” 说到最后,他叹息着摇了摇头:“可惜很快帝国学者们就发现,深蓝之井大陆上唯一的超类魔力井,而且它的魔力有着传输极限,强盛无匹的刚铎帝国其实只是被幸运眷顾而已,帝国的疆域从一开始就被限定在了魔力井的辐射范围内,所以星火年代结束了,所有狂妄的想法都变成了洗洗睡……” Everyone is filled with emotion because of the Gawain's words, finally Hetty breaks silent: „Does ancestor, how you plan to process these...... the Gods flesh?” 所有人都因高文的话而感慨万千,最后还是赫蒂打破沉默:“先祖,您打算怎么处理这些……神明血肉?” I am just about to speak of this,” Gawain looked at crystal cube in a hand, later raised the head looks at Hetty and Byron, you are gazing at it the time, what there is...... the uncomfortableness on spirit? For example fear or hallucinations illusion and so on?” “我正要说到这个,”高文看了一眼手中的水晶立方体,随后抬头看着赫蒂拜伦,“你们注视着它的时候,有没有什么……精神上的不适感?比如恐惧或者幻听幻觉之类?” No,” Knight Byron shakes the head, „, although just knows this is anything time had a scare, but accepts now no.” “没有,”拜伦骑士摇摇头,“虽然刚知道这是什么东西的时候被吓了一跳,但现在接受了就没啥了。” Yes......” Gawain is knitting the brows, I must make a test, this test may result in some pressures to your spirit, do you want? Right, Amber had tried a moment ago one time, this spirit influence is not fatal, moreover can restore.” “是么……”高文皱着眉,“我要做一个测试,这个测试可能会对你们的精神造成一些压力,你们愿意么?对了,刚才琥珀已经自己试了一次,这种精神影响并不致命,而且是可以恢复的。” Amber stares immediately: I do not want to try a moment ago on own initiative!” 琥珀顿时一瞪眼:“我刚才又不是主动想试的!” Hetty and Byron do not have to hesitate excessively, two people nod together: Ancestor( Lord) please start!” 赫蒂拜伦则没有过多犹豫,两个人一起点头:“先祖(大人)请开始吧!” Gawain thinks, places the ground the crystal cube cautiously, and told two people: You leave slightly.” 高文想了想,小心翼翼地把水晶立方体放在地上,并吩咐二人:“你们稍微离开一些。” Byron and Hetty acted accordingly perplexed, stand to be away from the crystal cube several meters away place, later looks at Gawain moved away from the cube surface the hand, and retroceded slowly, but Gawain, returned while inquired: What uncomfortableness now has?” 拜伦赫蒂不明所以地照办,站到了距离水晶立方体数米远的地方,随后看着高文把手从立方体表面拿开,并慢慢后退,而高文一边后退还一边询问:“现在有什么不适感么?” Two people still shook the head, but why flash Amber wants to flee to Gawain in conscious, at this time does not know which from the start instigated. 两个人仍然摇头,而琥珀则在意识高文想干啥的一瞬间就窜了出去,这时候压根不知道怂到哪了。 Gawain continues to retreat backward, and is paying attention to crystal the change of biological tissue attentively, in this process, he is also confirming Byron and Hetty condition repeatedly, when until he draws back arrives at a probably 15 meters distance, the flesh that in that crystal seals suddenly had the change finally! 高文继续向后退去,并全神贯注地关注着水晶中的生物组织的变化,在这个过程中,他还一遍遍确认着拜伦赫蒂的状态,而直到他退开到大概十五米的距离时,那水晶中封存的血肉终于突然有了变化! Biological tissue all of a sudden that wriggled slowly becomes active, whirls the class/flow dark blood plasma also to speed up the speed of flow around the biological tissue slowly, and spreads massively small branch, formed a as if three-dimensional spider web structure in crystal, but in the changes of these flesh with crystal, Byron and Hetty facial expression is also becoming absent-minded instantaneously! 原本缓慢蠕动的生物组织一下子变得活跃起来,在生物组织周围缓缓洄流的暗色血浆也随之加快流速,并蔓延出大量小小的“支流”,在水晶内形成了一片仿佛立体蛛网般的结构,而随着水晶里那些血肉的变化,拜伦赫蒂的神情也在瞬间变得恍惚 Saw that this instantaneous Gawain then completed the judgment, his need not inquired from the start two people of condition then sudden round trips stepped one step, but is this step distance, that just restored the active Gods flesh then to return to normal again. 看到这一幕的瞬间高文便完成了判断,他压根不用询问二人的状态便突然往回迈了一步,而就是这一步的距离,那刚刚恢复了点活性的神明血肉便再度平复下来。 „Is this...... what's the matter?!” Hetty awakens from short absent-minded, having the palpitation feeling of little surviving to look to Gawain, what she has recalled not to see in that short instance a moment ago, but she still records that spirit out-of-control, brain by the fearful feeling that the noise and illusion flood, but compares these to feel fearfully makes her feel inconceivable, is Gawain only needs to proceed to step one unexpectedly step then to suppress moving restlessly of Gods flesh, how did you achieve a moment ago?” “这是……怎么回事?!”赫蒂从短暂的精神恍惚中惊醒过来,带着一点点残存的心悸感看向高文,她已经回忆不起自己在刚才那短暂的瞬间中都看到了什么,但她仍然记着那种精神失去控制、大脑被噪音与幻象充斥的可怕感觉,而比那些可怕感觉更让她觉得不可思议的,是高文竟然只需要往前迈一步便可以压制神明血肉的躁动,“您刚才是怎么做到的?” To be honest, I don't know either, but I seemingly can suppress the activeness of these biological tissues,” Gawain actually also are really confused, although in his heart somewhat guessed slightly, but that suspicion actually really does not know how should say, is the fellow who my dies and is reborn also calculates probably violated the natural law, prestige energy that many have some strange.” “说实话,我也不知道,但我貌似可以压制这些生物组织的活性,”高文自己其实也真是蒙圈,虽然他心中略微有些猜测,但那猜想却实在不知道该怎么说出来,“大概是我这死而复生的家伙也算违背了自然规律,多少带有一些奇奇怪怪的威能吧。” Hetty looked that took an awe to the Gawain's look immediately, when awe she also has a real issue: How should that this thing process? Can you bring it in the side?” 赫蒂看向高文的眼神顿时带上了一丝敬畏,但敬畏之余她还有个更实际的问题:“那这东西该怎么处理?难道您要一直把它带在身边?” Instigated a moment ago does not know Amber in which corner also drilled at this time, but also expressed the opinion in side: Always thought that you must eat meal to sleep hold the Gods old dried meat words to be regarded together abnormally......” 刚才怂到不知道哪个犄角旮旯里的琥珀这时候也重新钻了出来,还在旁边发表意见:“总觉得你要吃饭睡觉都抱着这么一块神明老肉干的话会被当成变态……” Gawain thinks, the heart said that if really such as Amber said that this perhaps was in history the highest-rating necrophilism, moreover perhaps in front of this necrophilism must add the holy prefix...... 高文想了想,心说倘若真如琥珀所言,这恐怕将是有史以来等级最高的恋尸癖了,而且这恋尸癖前面恐怕还得加个holy前缀…… Then he held on itself to start the drift off the mentality, is staring looks at Amber: Little said that two no one takes you, when mute!” 然后他一把拉住了自己开始跑偏的思路,瞪着眼看着琥珀:“少说两句没人拿你当哑巴!” Then, he conducted several tests, and roughly does understood these Gods flesh violation rule finally. 接下来,他又进行了几次测试,并终于大致搞明白了这些神明血肉的“侵害规律”。 After all was dead Gods remaining debris, the destructiveness of these biological tissues like big of that Gawain imagination, he did not discover the average person from the beginning, so long as did not gaze at these flesh directly, will then not be affected by it, if with the distances of these flesh over 20 meters, then gazed at it even, can still hold enough sane shift line of sight or flees its area of influence. 毕竟是已经死去的神明的一点残余碎屑,这些生物组织的破坏性并不像高文一开始想象的那么大,他发现一般人只要不是直接注视这些血肉,那么就不会受其影响,而如果和这些血肉的距离在二十米以上,那么即便注视了它,也可以保有足够的理智转移视线或者逃离其影响范围。 As the matter stands, does not need to return to Shadow World to preserve this thing. 这样一来,就不必把这东西重新送回暗影界来保存了。 To be honest, returns to Shadow World to seem like the safest preserved method this thing, after all this boundary besides Amber, no one has the means to enter Shadow World, but Gawain always faint anxieties, he thinks that these Gondor Sorcerer place Shadow World this Gods flesh is not for the safety control because by during that time Gondor magic technology, they are completely capable of making the space shield or the magic riddle of other type lock to preserve this thing, that simpler controllable . Moreover the safety coefficient is not worse than Shadow World after all at the during that time Gondor Empire average Sorcerer level, must enter Shadow World likely is not so difficult today, places the Shadow World nature the thing not. Is so safe like the present. 说实话,把这东西送回暗影界看起来是最安全的保存方法,毕竟这地界除了琥珀之外,谁也没办法进入暗影界,但高文总有一种隐隐的不安,他认为那些刚铎魔导师把这块神明血肉放在暗影界并不是为了安全控制因为以当年刚铎魔法技术,他们完全有能力制造别的种类的空间屏蔽或者魔法谜锁来保存这东西,那更加简单可控,而且安全系数一点都不比暗影界差毕竟以当年刚铎帝国的平均魔导师水平,要进入暗影界并不像今天这么困难,那么把东西放在暗影界自然也不像如今这么安全。 Thinks carefully, these Sorcerer place in these biological tissues Shadow World, gave back to establish complex mix formation, is suppressing, binding it, is rather replying on the Shadow World strength to maintain it. 仔细想想,那些魔导师把这些生物组织放在暗影界里,还给它设置了一个复杂的混合法阵,与其说是在压制、束缚它,倒不如说是在借助暗影界的力量维持它。 Gawain recalls, that mixes on formation seemingly to have similar charge rune structure...... 高文回忆起来,那个混合法阵上貌似是存在类似充能符文的结构的…… Thinks of these, Gawain decides: The decision cannot return to Shadow World this dangerous thing! If by some chance lost the control of this ancient testing ground, what to do it grows to resurrect slowly in place who that no one could monitor? 想到这些,高文就打定了主意:决定不能把这个危险的玩意儿送回暗影界!万一失去了这个古代试验场的控制,它在那个谁都监控不到的地方自己慢慢成长复活过来了咋办? previous life many novel telecines remind to oneself: The thing seal in the place that cannot see, that is the first step of turning over! 前世多少小说电视电影都给自己提了醒:把东西封印在一个自己看不见的地方,那可是翻车的第一步!
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