SOD :: Volume #2

#147: Dead

In black and white Shadow World, the blood-color mud that surges from the black mist seems the living creature to tumble unceasingly generally, they flow out from the mist continuously, but probably will vanish unceasingly baseless will never spread to the black fog outside farther a place, they will seem like some type disgustingly, appalling mollusk, will also exude the abominable intent chaotic pollution strange sound in the tumblings unceasingly. At first Gawain thinks that sound is the mud turns the normal sound in welling up process, but is quick he then rumble in the sound listened to as if the person from that in the sleep twittering whispering, no one can blaspheme from that with whispering of chaos in hears any has the information of logic, they can only bring frightened and agitated, conjecture and anxiety. 在黑与白的暗影界中,不断从黑色雾气内涌动出来的血色泥浆就好像活物一般翻滚着,它们源源不断地从雾气里流出,但又好像在不断凭空消失般始终不会蔓延到黑雾之外更远的地方,它们像是某种恶心的、令人毛骨悚然的软体动物,而且在翻滚间还不断发出令人心烦意乱的浑浊怪声。起初高文以为那声音是泥浆翻涌过程中的正常声响,但很快他便从那咕噜咕噜的声音里听出了仿佛人在睡梦中呢喃般的低语,没有人能从那亵渎与混乱的低语中听到任何有逻辑的信息,它们只能带来恐惧、烦躁、臆想与不安。 Gawain, Amber has never seen this type of strange thing in Shadow World incessantly, it is obviously corresponding originally these foster vessel positions, but these blood-color mud actually with past Shadow World to Present World shine rule is not greatly different, it is some type twists obviously, should not exist in this's thing, was it shine here, rather is it occupied some type this because in this's thing. 不止高文,就连琥珀都从未在暗影界中看到过这种诡异的事物,它明显对应着原本那些培养容器的位置,但这些血色泥浆却跟以往暗影界现世界的“映照”规则大不不同,它显然是某种更加扭曲、更加不应存在于此的事物,与其说是它“映照”在这里,倒不如说是它占据了某种本因在此的东西。 Gawain has the dislike of instinct to feel looks at these unceasingly the mud that wells up from the black fog, then looked at Amber one: This is what was thing...... these things daunts you?” 高文带着本能的厌恶感看着那些不断从黑雾中涌出来的泥浆,然后回头看了琥珀一眼:“这是什么玩意儿……就是这些东西吓住你了?” He feels somewhat strangely, although these blood-color mud take to people very not good feeling, moreover low sound of talking abominable intent that transmits unceasingly is also chaotic, and some strange strength is still trying to give in the Gawain mind to show the terrifying slide unceasingly, but these things besides letting Gawain found to select previous life to stay up late slightly to look at the stimulation of horror film, from the start without more touches- however Amber is a fearless host, magic tide time dares to drill to the grave of ancient in digs fierce person one that the grave digs up a grave, she had the possibility by these mud startled, but frightens loses the mind/square inch on is not right.. 他感觉有些奇怪,那些血色的泥浆虽然带给人非常不好的感觉,而且不断传来的低语声也令人心烦意乱,并且某种诡异的力量还在不断试图给高文脑海里放恐怖幻灯片,但这些东西除了让高文稍微找到点上辈子熬夜看恐怖片的刺激之外,压根没有更多的触动-而琥珀更是个天不怕地不怕的主,魔潮的时候都敢钻到古人的坟里挖坟掘墓的猛人一个,她被这些泥浆吓一跳有可能,但吓的失了方寸就不对劲了。 Amber also seems a little strange, she slightly revealed the lingering fear to look at these mud one: Is............, but I looked at these thing one to feel that a moment ago the mind must explode the same terrifying probably, even recalled that its appearance will emit the illusion by fits and starts, but does not know what's the matter...... these things now, although was still disgusting, but seemed like does not have that type as if to receive spirit to attack same feels.” 琥珀也显得有点奇怪,她略显后怕地看了那些泥浆一眼:“是……是啊……但刚才我只是看了这些玩意儿一眼就感觉头脑好像要炸了一样恐怖,甚至回想它的样子都会一阵一阵地冒出幻觉,可是现在不知道怎么回事……这些东西虽然仍然恶心,但看起来却没有那种仿佛受到精神攻击一样的感觉了。” Yes?” Gawain looked at Amber, is knitting the brows to look to these mud, later he gets hold of Sword of the Pioneer, walks toward the source of that mud cautiously. “是么?”高文看了看琥珀,又皱着眉看向那些泥浆,随后他握紧开拓者之剑,小心翼翼地向着那泥浆的源头走去。 Some intuition told him, outside that vitality strong to strange distortion hybrid monster was mostly related with Shadow World the group of mud, if did not solve this group of mud, perhaps that investigation here will not have the means smoothly to launch forever. 某种直觉告诉他,外面那个生命力强到诡异的“畸变混合体”怪物多半跟暗影界的这团泥浆有关,如果不解决掉这团泥浆,那在这里的调查恐怕将永远也没办法顺利展开。 Amber looks at Gawain proceeds, follows nervous to worry, in front of the foreign matter of this transcendence general knowledge, combat power appeared not that reliable-, but next second, she actually with astonishment stared in a big way the eye. 琥珀看着高文往前走,也跟着紧张地捏了把汗,在这种超越常识的异物面前,战斗力就显得不是那么可靠了-但下一秒,她却惊愕地瞪大了眼睛。 As because Gawain forwards step by step, the blood-color mud that these surge unceasingly is retroceding unexpectedly little! 因为随着高文一步步向前,那些不断涌动的血色泥浆竟然在一点点后退! Just started this is also not very obvious, but Gawain after several, these went to the mud of proliferation in all directions unexpectedly forcefully hollowly a big piece, this obviously to was individual can notice. 刚开始这还不是很明显,但高文在走了几步之后,那些向四面八方扩散的泥浆竟然硬生生凹陷进去一大片,这就明显到是个人都能注意到了。 Gawain is also gawked, his one step that this situation makes, that mud then retrocedes again forward again one step, he stopped simply, therefore that mud also stays in same place, is wriggling slowly same place. 高文自己也被这情况弄的一愣,他再向前一步,那泥浆便再后退一步,他干脆地停了下来,于是那泥浆也停留在原地,缓缓地原地蠕动着。 This what's the matter?” The Amber surprised sound conveys from behind, „do these things...... fear you probably very much?” “这怎么回事?”琥珀惊讶的声音从后面传来,“这些东西好像……很怕你?” Feared, rather is some type looks like the conditioned reflex of lifeform instinct very much,” Gawain is knitting the brows, he thinks suddenly does not understand these mud in the reason that in front of oneself retreats is anything, but this does not hinder him to continue stand forth, also good, saved my very big time.” “与其说是怕,倒不如说是某种很像生物本能的条件反射,”高文皱着眉,他一时间想不明白这些泥浆在自己面前退却的原因是什么,但这不妨碍他继续向前走去,“也好,省了我很大功夫。” In Gawain front mud returned in that black fog finally completely, as Gawain marched forward, these black mist also finally started to contract and distort, it revealed a gap finally, by that gap, Gawain then saw in the ground orderly arrangement rune and still remains some glimmer magic crystal stones. 高文面前的泥浆终于完全退回到了那黑雾之中,而随着高文继续向前,就连那些黑色的雾气也终于开始收缩、变形,它终于露出了一个缺口,透过那缺口,高文一眼便看到了地面上整齐排列的符文和仍然残留着一些微光魔法晶石。 magic formation? Does not map Shadow World formation from Present World, but really direct constructs magic formation in Shadow World?! 魔法阵?不是从现世界映射到暗影界法阵,而是真的直接建造在暗影界里的魔法阵?! Is during that time these Gondor Sorcerer skill? 当年那些刚铎魔导师们的手笔 Gawain somewhat is suddenly astonished, but thinks to think that carefully this not too inconceivable: Gondor Empire magic technology goes far beyond present age, at that time the unique Human Race magic system was to even let Elf for the technique that it exclaimed in surprise, although Human Race cannot do the clear Shadow World essence at that time is anything, but this did not affect quite powerful Sorcerer to enter the Shadow World ability at that time. 高文一时间有些惊愕,但仔细想想却觉得这并没有太不可思议:刚铎帝国魔法技术远远超过当代,那时候独特的人类魔法体系甚至是让精灵都为之惊叹的技艺,虽然那个时候人类也没能搞明白暗影界的本质是什么,但这并不影响那个时候较为强大的魔导师具备进入暗影界的能力。 Amber stands to the blood-color mud very far place, saw that Gawain quite a while does not have the sound then to make an effort to wave to shout: What do you discover?” 琥珀站在离血色泥浆很远的地方,看到高文半天没动静便使劲挥着手嚷嚷起来:“你发现啥啦?” magic formation, constructs in this one side,” Gawain does not lift replied, looks like this experimental facility is divided into two parts of constructions, Present World equipment portion, moreover portion constructs in Shadow World......” 魔法阵,是建造在‘这一侧’的,”高文头也不抬地回答,“看来这个试验设施是分为两部分建造的,现世界的设备只是其中一部分,另外一部分就建在暗影界里……” Amber seems very surprised: „The person of Wā! that age is very fierce, can they also enter Shadow World?” 琥珀显得很惊讶:“哇!那个年代的人很厉害嘛,他们也能进暗影界的?” That age the fierce degree of person is you cannot imagine.” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly one, then striding walks nightfall fog range, in these post treads turned in the mist that welled up to seek for the magic formation core pattern, as black fog drew back the powder unceasingly, this complex and huge formation little was also pieced together to be complete in the Gawain's line of sight. “那个年代的人的厉害程度可是你想象不到的。”高文随口说了一句,便踏步走入黑雾范围,在那些贴着地面翻涌的雾气中寻找着魔法阵核心阵式,而随着黑雾的不断退散,这个复杂而庞大的法阵也一点点在高文的视线中被拼凑完整起来。 Relies on is also calculating that the good theoretical knowledge, Gawain then judged quickly this formation has enormously with conventional magic formation different, it only then portion is belongs to magic, is conventional magic spell rune or element rune, but other parts actually portray is called sacred sigil or sacred rune special symbol. 凭借着还算不错的理论知识,高文很快便判断出这个法阵跟常规魔法阵有着极大不同,它只有一部分是属于“魔法”的,是常规的法术符文或元素符文,但其它部分却刻画着被称作“神圣符印”或“神圣符文”的特殊符号 These symbol from the start are not one point of magic system, but is the Religion person commonly used mark, they also from Eternal Tablet, its function are communicate and unblock the Gods strength it is said that with this symbol plan formation cannot be called magic formation, but should be divine spell formation. 那些符号压根不是魔法体系的一环,而是宗教人士常用的印记,它们据说也是来自永恒石板,其作用便是沟通和疏导神明的力量,用这种符号绘制的“法阵”不能被称作“魔法阵”,而应该是神术阵 Side the Gawain's general knowledge, divine spell formation and magic formation do not build the two kinds thing completely, but at present this...... is actually the product that divine spell formation and magic formation fuse! 高文的常识中,神术阵魔法阵是完全不搭边的两样东西,可是眼前这个……却是神术阵魔法阵融合的产物! Moreover this function that mixes formation especially seems to be complex, on the light sees at present, Gawain then discovered reaches Group rune that more than 20 controls use, as well as rune of massive similar charge structure...... this charge structure is uncommon on formation of Gondor time, after all the magic installment of during that time basically is the mana of dependence from Deep Blue Well maintains, rarely absorption drifting energy this type low efficiency from environment operation, but formation of this establishment in Shadow World has one complex but huge charge structure...... 而且这个混合法阵的功能似乎还格外复杂,就光目前看到的,高文便发现了多达二十余个控制用的符文,以及大量类似充能结构的符文……这种充能结构在刚铎时代的法阵上可不常见,毕竟当年魔法装置基本上都是依靠来自深蓝之井魔力来维持的,罕有从环境中汲取游离能量这种“低效率”的操作,但这个设置在暗影界中的法阵却有一个复杂而庞大的充能结构…… But no matter this magic formation again how strange, its size also is so big, as the black fog retreats in front of Gawain unceasingly, its core region completely exposes finally, is seeing the formation core flash, the Gawain's look then concentrates. 但不管这个魔法阵再怎么古怪,它的尺寸也就只有那么大,随着黑雾在高文面前不断退却,它的核心区域终于完全暴露出来,在看到法阵核心的一瞬间,高文的眼神便凝住了。 Disobedient Gods...... swallows the Gods flesh...... to eat to the heart's content...... 忤逆神明……吞噬神明的血肉……大快朵颐…… The sentence that as these act like a madman floats the mind, the Gawain's line of sight also falls on that thing has not moved for a very long time. 随着这些疯疯癫癫的语句浮上脑海,高文的视线也落在那事物上久久没有挪动。 That is together only then man-made crystal of one foot square, in the crystal center, is sealing together extremely strange biological tissue. 那是一块只有一尺见方的人造水晶,在水晶的中心,封存着一块极其怪异的生物组织。 Gawain can only with strange biological tissue describe thing that oneself see, because he cannot identify the thing of that taking the form of flesh from what lifeform, it assumes dark red, does not have any blood vessel vein and so on structure, but has blood one thing as if to past around it unceasingly baseless, it possibly had been sealed obviously of millennium in crystal, was actually still contracting to wriggle slowly...... 高文只能用“怪异的生物组织”来形容自己看到的东西,因为他根本辨认不出那形似血肉的东西是来自什么生物,它呈暗红色,没有任何血管筋络之类的结构,但却不断有仿佛血液一样的东西在它周围凭空流转,它明明可能已经在水晶中被封存了千年之久,却仍然在缓缓地收缩蠕动…… Like the heart that does not die. 就像一颗不死的心脏。 The truth almost takes shape, Gawain actually cannot believe that bold associate that oneself produce, but if in experimenting those words on hall wall real, if these crazy incredible draft manuscript records real, then the thing in this crystal is anything is a matter of need not suspicion. 真相几乎呼之欲出,高文却不敢相信自己所产生的那个大胆联想,但如果在试验大厅墙上的那句话是真的,如果那些疯狂荒诞的手稿记录是真的,那么这块水晶里的东西是什么就是一件不用怀疑的事情。 Finally Gawain decides to believe own judgment, because he recalls these that in Eternal Tablet fragment recorded battlefield communication. 最终高文决定相信自己的判断,因为他记起了永恒石板碎片里记录的那些“战地通讯”。 The gods have died, the flesh falls into Mortal World is not matter that is inconceivable. 神已死,血肉落入人间也不是什么难以想象的事。 If a devout believer here, or the casual what three views normal native here, is anything perhaps immediately because of astonishment and loses the spoken language and ability to act after conscious to that crystal in frightened, but Gawain actually will be an alternative, he a little worried this group „the Gods flesh can jump a oneself brazen maternal aunt suddenly, after all this strange thing often means the huge danger, one that but the look surrounding blood-color mud and black mist will instigate compared with look, seemingly instead will be this group flesh fears own appearance...... 如果是个虔诚的教徒在这里,或者随便什么三观正常的当地人在这里,在意识到那水晶里是什么东西之后恐怕都会立刻因惊愕与恐惧而失去言语和行动能力,但高文却是个另类,他只是有点担心这团“神明血肉”会不会突然跳起来呲自己一脸大姨妈,毕竟这种诡异的玩意儿往往意味着巨大的危险,但看看周围血色泥浆和黑色雾气怂的一比的模样,貌似反而是这团血肉更怕自己的样子…… Gawain carried Sword of the Pioneer to hold cautiously that crystal, the biological tissue in crystal seemingly trembled slightly, but after examining carefully, actually does not have any change. 高文拎着开拓者之剑小心翼翼地捅了捅那块水晶,水晶里的生物组织貌似稍微哆嗦了一下,但细看之后却没有任何变化。 in short does not have the appearance of danger. 总而言之是没有危险的样子。 Gawain receives the saber, bends the waist to take man-made crystal cube of that one foot square, its quite a little weight/quantity, but to Gawain is not anything, as this crystal leaves in the ground Magic-Divine Spell Formation, surroundings these still the remaining surging black fog and blood-color mud were almost suddenly then vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds. 高文收起佩剑,弯下腰将那个一尺见方的人造水晶立方体拿了起来,它颇有点分量,但对高文而言并不算什么,而随着这块水晶离开地面上的“魔法-神术阵”,周围那些仍然残余的涌动黑雾和血色泥浆几乎是眨眼间便烟消云散 Lost core rune formation barely to revolve for several seconds, several mana crystal that on formation only saved rapidly was then dim, finally, here only left behind place complex and mysterious rune, did not have more phenomenon again. 失去核心符文阵列勉强又运转了几秒钟,法阵上仅存的几块魔力水晶便迅速黯淡下来,最终,这里只留下一地复杂而神秘的符文,再无更多异象了。 What thing this was............” Amber brings nervous look looks at Gawain to hug bulk crystal, this was this whole life first time saw that so sparkled the thought that the shining thing actually could not have to call the roll of officers and assign them tasks it to steal to sell for money, how I...... I thought that was only looks at its whole body is scared?!” “这是……什么玩意儿……”琥珀带着紧张的神色看着高文将一大块水晶抱了出来,这是她这辈子头一次看到如此闪闪发亮的东西却生不起一点将其偷去卖钱的念头,“我……我怎么觉得只是看着它就浑身发毛的?!” „Do you really want to know?” Gawain held this to be very likely to come from the Gods flesh organization, the faint smile looked at Amber one, by your brain, should also guess correctly that what selected?” “你真的想知道?”高文捧着这极有可能来自神明的血肉组织,似笑非笑地看了琥珀一眼,“以你的脑子,应该也猜到点什么了吧?” I......” Amber stared in a big way the eye suddenly, later held breath a cold air/Qi, you were not crack a joke?!” “我……”琥珀突然瞪大了眼睛,随后倒吸一口冷气,“你不是开玩笑的吧?!” In legend the antiquity once had War of Gods, Gods falls from the sky Mortal World, Mortal World had extraordinary force including magic, since that the Gods strength can fall, what their flesh do fall and have is not not possible?” Gawain smiles, he has not said himself the information obtained from Eternal Tablet fragment, but explained this matter with the ancient era War of Gods legend, even after all Amber again how the bracelet strange heavy line, she were also three views of native, moreover said that was shadow Goddess devout believer, her told directly Gods possible entire death ray, present mortal in doing obeisance god knows was what ghost thing she may be unable to accept very much, but the antiquity War of Gods legend was actually had since old times- like this explains her should also to be able the acceptance point. “传说中上古曾有神战,神明陨落人间,人间才有了包括魔法在内的超凡力量,那么既然神明的力量可以掉下来,他们的血肉掉下来又有什么不可能的?”高文笑了笑,他没有说出自己从永恒石板碎片中得到的信息,而是用上古时代神战传说来解释这件事,毕竟琥珀哪怕再怎么跳脱古怪粗线条,她也是当地人的三观,而且还自称是暗影女神的虔诚信徒,直接跟她说神明可能全死光了,现在的凡人在拜的天知道是什么鬼玩意儿她很有可能接受不了,但上古神战的传说却是自古有之的-这样解释起来她应该还能接受点。 After all Myriad Gods internecine strife time fell from the sky such 2-3 to say fortunately, but was stopped up the gate to extinguish entire family this motherfucking by Zenith Star Fleet is completely another level...... 毕竟众神自己火拼的时候陨落那么2-3个还好说,但被天顶星舰队堵着门灭了全家这tm就完全是另一个层面了…… Saw that Amber is nodding looking pensive, Gawain decides secretly: If desired, waits for with outside the person must use the similar explanation. 看到琥珀若有所思地点着头,高文暗暗下了决心:如果需要的话,等会跟“外面”的人也要用同样的解释。 He does not hope wave of troops who own with great difficulty accumulates, actually by oneself tossing about three views all collapsed...... 他可不希望自己好不容易攒的一波人马,却被自己给折腾的三观全崩了…… Even if collapses, collapsing that must proceed in an orderly way. 哪怕崩,也得循序渐进的崩嘛。
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