SOD :: Volume #2

#146: Also living

Noticed the Gawain's line of sight, Hetty also looked curiously, later is quite somewhat identifying on the wall with effort these ancient writing before she identified, Gawain explained the meaning of that a few words on own initiative. 注意到高文的视线,赫蒂也好奇地看了过去,随后颇有些费力地辨认着墙上那些古老的文字不过在她辨认完之前,高文就主动解释了那一句话的意思。 Everyone immediately startled. 现场所有人顿时愕然。 These words...... what meaning?” The Amber looks at that as if manifesto party character, quite some cannot believe said, in normal condition should no one say this words......, moreover writes in this place!” “这句话……什么意思?”琥珀愣愣地看着那仿佛宣言般的一行字,颇有些不敢相信地说道,“正常情况下应该没人会冒出这种话吧……而且还是写在这种地方!” Hetty produced associate: Disobedient can Gods make Human Race exist forever...... is Gods wants to let the meaning that Human Race perishes?” 赫蒂则产生了联想:“忤逆神明才能让人类长存……难道是神明想让人类灭亡的意思?” With the god related matter, was full of the symbol and metaphor every so often, cannot look from the superficial meaning of a few words.” Gawain somewhat said absent-mindedly, but in his heart braves, actually before is , when with Eternal Tablet fragment establishes the connection, heard these shocking facts. “跟神有关的事情,很多时候充满了象征和隐喻,并不是从一句话的表面意思可以看出来的。”高文有些心不在焉地说道,而他心中冒出来的,却是之前在和永恒石板碎片建立连接时,听到的那些耸人听闻的事实。 Afterward he shifts to Byron: You mentioned that here discovered the draft manuscript material of surviving?” 随后他转向拜伦:“你提到在这里发现了残存的手稿资料?” Byron nods: Yes, here. However they are quite frail, discovered, we do not dare to move them.” 拜伦点点头:“是的,在这边。不过它们相当脆弱,发现之后我们都没敢动它们。” The draft manuscript materials of these surviving had not been sealed, but scatters disorderly on the table of not far away, as if for some reasons, here personnel has not taken away this batch of materials in the evacuation. The material quality of draft manuscript is Gondor Empire period Magicians makes the record commonly used note demon parchment, because used this special material quality, made these draft manuscripts in exposing over a thousand years of years still had very corroded in the situation in air. 那些残存的手稿资料并没有被封存,而是就凌乱地散落在不远处的桌子上,似乎由于某种原因,这里的人员在撤离的时候并没有把这批资料带走。手稿的材质是刚铎帝国时期魔法师们做记录常用的注魔羊皮纸,也正是因为用了这种特殊的材质,才让这些手稿在暴露于空气中的情况下仍然挺过了上千年的岁月侵蚀。 But draft manuscript not decayed, the above many writing the being hard identification of discoloration and decency, Gawain had actually swept one sketchily, then judged that they at least had half unable to read. 但虽然手稿本身并没有朽烂,上面的很多文字却已经褪色、风化的难以辨识,高文粗略地扫了一眼,便判断出它们至少有一半都已经无法阅读了。 Is good because of also has the remaining half. 好在还有剩下的一半。 Hetty has been ready, she brought new enchantment scroll and ceremonial feather pen, after seeing these precious ancient draft manuscripts, she then launches the scroll immediately, whatever it floats in oneself midair, later in the hand is grasping the feather pen, another hand placed these above the vulnerable ancient parchment, with the obscure abstruse incantation, the magic strength surged in her side, that feather pen was separated from her finger suddenly, and flew on the scroll to start to write fast. 赫蒂早已做好准备,她带来了新附魔过的卷轴和仪式性的羽毛笔,在看到那些珍贵的古代手稿之后,她立刻便把卷轴展开,任凭它漂浮在自己身旁的半空中,随后手中握着羽毛笔,另一只手则放在那些已经脆弱不堪的古代羊皮纸上方,随着晦涩艰深的咒语,魔法的力量在她身边涌动,那羽毛笔突然脱离了她的手指,并自行飞到卷轴上开始飞快地书写起来。 The character on parchment was returned to original state by magic power faithfully, rubbing, part that no matter the clear part incompletely is difficult to read, but each scanning ends a paper, Hetty then gasps for breath slightly, the processed ancient draft manuscript original will take cautiously, admitted has prepared in the good small box. 羊皮纸上的字符被魔法力量忠实地还原、拓印,不管是清晰可辨的部分还是残缺难读的部分,而每“扫描”完一张纸,赫蒂便稍微喘口气,将处理过的古代手稿原件小心翼翼地拿起来,放进早已准备好的小箱子里。 Although the draft manuscript content was preserved, but these antique originals were still quite valuable, can preserve to be certainly better. 虽然手稿内容被保存了,但这些古董原件仍然是相当有价值的,能保存下来当然更好。 Gawain stands by Hetty, was sighing slightly convenience of magic power, content that simultaneously with total concentration on the looks at scroll presents. 高文则站在赫蒂旁边,微微感叹着魔法力量的便利,同时聚精会神地看着卷轴上呈现出的内容。 In the character that because must distort from big pile of damages extracts the effective information that may read, he read very slowly, but even so, some discomforting sentences pieced together the formation gradually: This does not seem like anything to study the note, even is not the diary, after these word composition sentences, Gawain only felt that they seem like a nonsense of lunatic, moreover is flooding the fearful conjecture and metaphor: 因为要从一大堆缺损变形的字符中提取出可读的有效信息,他读得很慢,但即便这样,一些令人不安的语句还是渐渐拼凑成型:这似乎不是什么研究笔记,甚至也不是日记,在将那些单词组成句子之后,高文只感觉它们就好像是一个疯子的胡言乱语,而且充斥着可怕的臆想和隐喻: „...... Is gazing at it, it gazes at me from the flesh of these festers...... it in my within the body, I must arrive at its within the body...... “……注视着它,它就从那些溃烂的血肉中注视我……它在我体内,我也要到它体内…… No one can live, the day of end will draw near...... the blasphemous behavior unable to make us barely manage to maintain a feeble existence...... “谁都活不下来,终结的日子快到了……亵渎的行为并不能让我们苟延残喘…… „...... Eats to the heart's content, eats to the heart's content, I ate up the Gods flesh, here has lived a new century, they have not come, they have not come, but I do not need them again. Outside world has crashed, has crashed......” “……大快朵颐,大快朵颐,我又吃下了神明的血肉,在这里活过一个新的世纪,他们没来,他们还是没来,但我也不需要他们再来。外面的世界已经崩塌,已经崩塌……” After this, is a big section chaos doodle, the writing turns into the line and symbol that is unable to recognize, is not the illegible handwriting on original manuscript twists, but writes down their people to go crazy probably, but after several draft manuscripts, these crazy doodles turns into the writing that can read: 这之后是一大段混乱的涂鸦,文字变成了无法辨识的线条和符号,并非是原稿上的字迹模糊扭曲,而是写下它们的人本身就好像已经发了疯,但在几张手稿之后,这些疯狂的涂鸦又变成了可以阅读的文字: His deep sleep in the land deep place, Its deep sleep in the sea deep place, Its deep sleep in the sky deep place, It is called my name, that twittering sound...... “祂沉睡在大地深处,祂沉睡在大海深处,祂沉睡在天空深处,祂在叫我的名字,那呢喃声…… I see It, the Gods appearance, It smiles...... the starting to walk footsteps to me in the light, I must go to Its state. That is the biggest gracious gift, Gods bestows the flesh to eat to us, originally for is this day......” “我看到祂,神明的容貌,祂在光中对我微笑……迈开脚步,我要去往祂的国度。啊,那才是最大的恩赐,神明赐下血肉给我们分食,原来为的就是这一天……” After this, is greatly segment Daduan the crazy line, even if several words jump occasionally from these doodles, still appears without the logic and grammar, writes the writing, rather is in a brain of chaos braves talking during sleep of some inadequate sentences more appropriate occasionally: These draft manuscripts are unable to read again. 在这之后,就又是大段大段疯狂的线条,即便偶尔有几个单词从那些涂鸦中蹦出来,也显得毫无逻辑和语法,与其说是书写文字,倒不如说是一个混沌的大脑中偶尔冒出来一些不成句子的呓语更为恰当:这些手稿再也无法阅读下去了。 Hetty also noticed this point, her continual rubbing several pages such additive device, stopped finally finally, changed these draft manuscripts with Hand of Evocation, confirmed that under did not have the valuable thing then to stop own magic spell again. 赫蒂也注意到了这一点,她连续拓印了好几页这样的“乱码”,最后终于停下来,用塑能之手将那些手稿翻动,确认下面再没有有价值的东西便停下了自己的法术 What this above said is what?” Amber collected, looks at floats in the rubbing scroll of midair asks curiously, scribblings......” “这上面说的是什么啊?”琥珀凑了过来,看着漂浮在半空的拓印卷轴好奇地问道,“鬼画符似的……” Talking during sleep of lunatic,” Gawain is knitting the brows, the writing on that scroll made him produce the deep anxiety, but he explained probably a that above thing, „...... sounds like seemed like one to be abandoned the person here, the thing that in gradually went crazy in the process that leaves behind.” “一个疯子的呓语,”高文皱着眉,那卷轴上的文字让他产生了深深的不安,但他还是大概解释了一下那上面的东西,“……听起来像是一个被抛弃在这里的人,在逐渐发疯的过程中留下的东西。” After hearing the significances of these writing, scene everyone could not bear have a strange absolutely terrified feeling, although these were only the crazy talks, but somehow, in these spoken languages had the special strength to send out frightening aura probably generally. 在听到那些文字的意义之后,现场每个人都忍不住产生了一种诡异的毛骨悚然感,虽然那些只是疯言疯语,但不知怎的,那些言语中就好像存在特殊的力量一般散发出了令人恐惧的气息 I...... I started not to like these things......” the Amber whole body having the goosebumps, could not bear hid hiding toward Gawain behind, this place gave my feeling very not well......” “我……我开始不喜欢这些东西了……”琥珀浑身起着鸡皮疙瘩,忍不住往高文背后躲了躲,“这地方给我的感觉非常非常不好……” Gawain also just wants to express the similar view, but before he opens the mouth, very slight rumble the sound from transmits suddenly behind. 高文也刚想发表一下相似的看法,但在他开口之前,一阵非常轻微的咕噜声突然从身后传来。 Is rumble one skewer of sounds. 紧接着就又是咕噜噜的一串声响。 Everyone draws out the weapon to shift to the direction that the sound conveys immediately, but during is in the glare of the public eye, business hall these cylinder vessel in which suddenly had the change! 所有人都立刻拔出武器转向声音传来的方向,而在众目睽睽之中,大厅中央那些圆柱形容器的其中一个突然有了变化! In the deserted transparent tubular foster trough filled the liquid unexpectedly baseless, in the liquid of surging emitted the big skewer big skewer fast the air bubble, but a distortion strange shadow then appears from that air bubble, it in the previous second is an illusory shadow, the next second actually has congealed to become the entity 原本空空荡荡的透明管状培养槽里竟凭空充满了液体,涌动的液体中飞快冒出大串大串的气泡,而一个扭曲怪异的影子便从那气泡中浮现出来,它在前一秒还是个虚幻的影子,下一秒却已经凝结成为实体 It has the blood red color, Giant build, just like especially strong Aberrant Body, but it has a face of approximate Human Race, that face shuts tightly the eyes, on the face is actually proliferating the pain and crazy! 它有着血红的颜色,巨人般的体型,宛若一个格外强壮的畸变体,但它却有着一张近似人类的面孔,那面孔紧闭着双眼,脸上却遍布痛苦与疯狂 Monster this that this as if Aberrant Body and Human Race mix becomes congeals baseless, later struggles is starting to break through that seal transparent vessel, incredible appeared: vessel that should block completely suddenly becomes illusory, the body of that monster also becomes illusory, the two fuse and infiltrate fast mutually, the body of monster squeezes out from vessel unexpectedly like this forcefully! 这个仿佛畸变体人类混合而成的怪物就这样凭空凝结出来,随后就挣扎着开始想要突破那密封的透明容器,令人难以置信的一幕出现了:本应完全封死的容器突然变得虚幻起来,那怪物的身体也变得虚幻起来,二者飞快地相互融合、渗透,怪物的身体竟然就这样从容器中硬生生挤出! Gawain draws out the long sword: Gets rid of it!” 高文拔出长剑:“干掉它!” That monster also restored the entity at this moment, is separated from the binding later earliest possible time, it then charged into fiercely was away from a oneself recent soldier, pounced upon suddenly it also while sent out the low roar of chaos: Hungry...... hungry!!” 那怪物此刻也重新恢复了实体,在脱离束缚之后的第一时间,它便猛地冲向了距离自己最近的一名士兵,一边猛扑它还一边发出混沌的低吼:“饿……饿啊!!” Several long swords from sealed up the way of this monster in all directions, the scalding hot sword blade, quenched the poisonous daggers and a series of arcane missile then pounds toward this monster right in the face got down to hit besides arcane missile on the ground, other attacks hit solid the lifeform of this distortion. 几把长剑从四面八方封住了这个怪物的去路,紧接着灼热的剑刃、淬毒的匕首和一连串奥术飞弹便朝着这个怪物劈头盖脸地砸了下去除了奥术飞弹全都打在地上之外,其他所有攻击都结结实实地命中了这个扭曲的生物。 However its vitality actually strong scary, even if the limbs cut muscle breaks the bone fracture, even was also cut by a Gawain sword as the Aberrant Body back weakness, it still had not actually died, still struggled to crawl, and plunged happen to Amber in its line of sight. 然而它的生命力却强的吓人,哪怕肢体被砍的筋断骨折,甚至作为畸变体的后背弱点也被高文一剑斩中,它却仍然没有死,仍然挣扎着爬了起来,并扑向了正好在它视线中的琥珀 Amber after was just starting to hold a blade falls back on immediately nearby prepares slacking, she ten thousand do not have to think oneself will actually become the target of monster, a finally frightened scream, the next second of then whole person shrank toward the shadow, escapes into the shadow. 琥珀在刚开始捅了一刀之后就立刻退到一旁准备摸鱼,她万没想到自己竟然会成为怪物的目标,结果被吓的一声尖叫,下一秒便整个人往影子里一缩,遁入了阴影之中。 The monster comes up empty-handed, when is unprepared Knight Byron seizes the opportunity, went forward a sword handle enemy to hold to putting on. 怪物扑了个空,立足未稳之际拜伦骑士抓住机会,上前一剑把这敌人捅了个对穿。 As if Human Race and Aberrant Body mix the monster that becomes to fall down heavily, but has not actually started to dissipate like normal Aberrant Body, instead wriggles is restoring gradually, and has the sign that crawled again! 仿佛人类畸变体混合而成的怪物沉重地倒在地上,但却没有像正常的畸变体那样开始消散,反而蠕动着渐渐恢复,并再度有了爬起来的迹象! „Hasn't this died?!” Gawain by this unusual situation one startled, immediately holds the sword to prepare to go forward in the hand to continue to make up the blade, but he has not taken action with enough time, hid into Shadow World Amber actually to jump a moment ago suddenly baseless, a face grabs his arm panic-stricken: Gawain! Dark...... in Shadow World has the thing!!” “这还没死?!”高文被这反常的情况一惊,立刻执剑在手准备上前继续补刀,但他还没来得及采取行动,刚才躲入暗影界琥珀却突然凭空跳了出来,一脸惊恐地抓着他的胳膊:“高文!暗……暗影界里有东西!!” Gawain never on this fearless Half-Elf face saw that this panic-stricken look was different from the past that exaggerating startled expression intentionally, Amber was genuine was scared look, Gawain even felt at this time, if this place were gloomy, this girl will even cry at the scene! 高文从未在这个天不怕地不怕的半精灵脸上看到这种惊恐的模样跟以往那种故意夸张吓一跳的表情不同,琥珀这时候是真真正正被吓坏了的模样,高文甚至觉得如果这地方再阴森一点,这姑娘甚至会当场哭出来! Looked at one already the monster that again and Byron party falls into refuses to compromise, confirmed that this monster is very strong not to suppress Byron and the others besides the vitality temporarily, Gawain holds the arm of Amber immediately: Leads me to go to have a look!” 看了一眼已经重新和拜伦一行陷入僵持的怪物,确认这怪物除了生命力很强之外暂时并不会压制住拜伦等人,高文立刻抓住琥珀的胳膊:“带我进去看看!” Amber rarely hesitant: But in Shadow World......” 琥珀罕见地犹豫了一下:“可是暗影界里……” Has me!” “有我!” Amber clenches teeth, makes an effort to draw the Gawain's arm: Good!” 琥珀咬了咬牙,使劲一拉高文的胳膊:“好!” That unusual unbalanced feeling transmits again, the sound and perception of real world go far away rapidly, Gawain a flower, has then been drawn by Amber to Shadow World at present. 那种奇特的失衡感再次传来,现实世界的声响与感知迅速远去,高文眼前一花,便已经被琥珀拉到暗影界之中。 This is parallel the world that seems to have to maintain the similar brightness with the realistic space and time forever, is not dark is not bright, no matter in the surface or the remote mountain cavern, always maintains dim actually not to affect the line of sight the situation. 这个与现实时空平行存在的世界似乎永远保持着同样的亮度,既不黑暗也不明亮,不管是在地表还是深山洞穴里,都始终维持一种昏昏暗暗却不影响视线的情况。 After Gawain enters Shadow World, first is to observe the situation all around: Like Shadow World other places, here also defers to some confused way to conduct the mapping to the realistic space and time, the rotunda presents the pale luster, around the hall is dark mass that as if smog surges is piles up the magic installment in Present World the place, but in business hall, is thing that” Amber mentioned. 高文进入暗影界之后第一眼就是环视四周:就和暗影界的其他地方一样,这里也按照某种错乱的方式对现实时空进行着映射,圆形大厅呈现出苍白的色泽,大厅四周是一圈仿佛烟雾般涌动的黑暗团块那在现世界中是堆放魔法装置的地方,而在大厅中央,则是琥珀提到的“东西”。 The original metal foundation and transparent tubular vessel disappears, what replaces it is a deep pool the black fog that surges in the room center, blood generally scarlet mud that spreads unceasingly from the black fog. 原本的金属底座和透明管状容器不见了,取而代之的是一潭在房间中心涌动的黑雾,以及从黑雾中不断蔓延出来的、鲜血一般赤红的泥浆。 But gushes out with the mud together unceasingly, floods innumerable chaos in mind suddenly whispers! 而与泥浆一同不断涌出的,还有突然充斥在脑海中的无数混乱低语!
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