SOD :: Volume #2

#145: Ancient testing ground

Quick, Gawain then arrived in the Dark Mountain Range ruins exploration front under the leadership of Byron. 很快,高文便在拜伦的带领下抵达了黑暗山脉遗迹的探索前沿。 Here has been located in ruins close to the middle-level place, the result is Byron the exploration team for successive several days pain of leads yielding, it connects through big steps and upper-level area, among has a broader space and tall roof constructs the especially broad space is not so easy in the mountain massif, since its wright chose this scale, that can only explain that this region needs the so big space. 这里已经位于遗迹靠近中层的地方,是拜伦所带领的探索队伍连续几日辛劳取得的成果,它通过一条大阶梯和上层区连接,其内有着更加广阔的空间和高挑的屋顶在山体内建造如此格外宽广的空间可不容易,它的建造者既然选择了这番规模,那就只能说明这个区域需要如此大的空间。 All corridors are raise, all and room is also. 所有走廊都是加高的,所有门和房间也是。 Gawain takes up a map, magic crystal stone route Knight Byron on luminous examination map fulfills duty taking advantage of nearby Hetty is lifting completed along the way the plan of region, this above can see many straight corridors and rooms clearly, some rooms or the corridor branch roads also got the special mark, to express that in that has the suspicious article, or suspicious crossing. Obviously, even if has explored for several days, Knight Byron party cannot do to understand that what kind of scale this huge has to astonishing ruins. 高文拿起一张地图,借着旁边赫蒂举着的魔法晶石的光亮查看地图上的路线拜伦骑士非常尽职地完成了沿途区域的绘制,这上面可以清晰地看到很多平直的走廊与房间,其中一些房间或者走廊岔路还打上了特殊的标记,以表示那里面有着不明物体,或者可疑的岔道。很显然,哪怕已经探索了好几天,拜伦骑士一行也没能搞明白这个庞大到惊人的遗迹到底有着怎样的规模。 What degree was this thing scale crazed to? 玩意儿的规模到底丧心病狂到了什么程度? Now Gawain, Hetty, Amber, Byron as well as a group of soldier have arrived at that special room, Byron are pointing at front already the front door that was cleaned up and control mechanism: Lord, our discoveries are purely lucky, this door is blocked, but had the slit probably in disrepair after many years, had the air current to be discovered by us. Nearby control device should go bad, its recognition has expired, who can activate it.” 现在高文赫蒂琥珀拜伦以及一大群士兵已经来到那个特殊的房间,拜伦指着前面已经被清理出来的大门和控制机关:“大人,我们的发现纯属侥幸,这扇门原本是封死的,但大概是年久失修有了缝隙,才有气流被我们发现。旁边的控制装置应该已经坏了,它的识别功能已经失效,谁都可以激活它。” Gondor Empire creation also arrives is about the millenniums times......” Gawain sighs in a soft voice, demonstrates me to have a look.” 刚铎帝国造物也抵不过千年的光阴么……”高文轻声叹了口气,“演示一下我看看。” Byron nods, takes off the glove to go forward, places in the hand that metal installment, in the installment also broadcast the sound of distortion: Examination...... specimen tester...... the stabilization period...... the approval passes. Is opening the isolation gate......” 拜伦点点头,摘下手套上前,将手放在那金属装置上,装置中随之传来了失真的声音:“检测……样本测试者……稳定期……准许通过。正在开启隔离门……” In the mechanical operation sound, mounts the ancient isolation gate on wall to open slowly. 在吱吱嘎嘎的机械运转声中,镶嵌在墙壁上的古老隔离门缓缓打开。 Wants this, the front door will open, no matter then has the person to come and go out, the gate will be closed in 5 minutes, or strikes against this pillar continuously twice, the gate will also close. Moreover also has the similar installment in another side of channel.” Byron answered in detail. “只要这样,大门就会打开,然后不管有没有人出入,门都会在5分钟内自己关闭,或者连续拍击这个柱子两次,门也会关起来。另外在通道的另一侧也有同样的装置。”拜伦详细解释道。 Afterward two soldiers go forward, in the installment really resounds similar sound, and prompts the isolation gate to open. 随后又有两名士兵上前,装置中果然还是响起类似的声音,并提示隔离门已经开启。 It seemingly will distinguish the people of any contact device for so-called stability specimen tester, the identification authentication exists in name only. 它貌似会把任何接触装置的人都识别为所谓的稳定样本测试者,身份验证形同虚设。 But Gawain actually cannot bear knit the brows: He several characters had the deep consideration to specimen tester that” in the installment said. 高文却忍不住皱了皱眉:他对装置中所讲的“样本测试者”几个字产生了深深的思虑。 This thing will actually also speak!” Amber had the interest in that equipment, she runs to follow the example places the metal pillar peak the hand, while said full of enthusiasm, I heard Elf and sorcerers will also make golem that one type can speak, but I did not have......” “这玩意儿竟然还会说话诶!”琥珀则对那装置本身产生了兴趣,她一边跑过去有样学样地把手放在金属柱子顶端,一边兴致勃勃地说道,“我听说精灵和巫师们也会制造一种能说话的魔偶,但我还从没……” Examination...... the warning, the qualifications are incompatible, non- may the target discrimination, the channel closure, the warning activation.” “检测……警告,资格不符,非可识别目标,通道关闭,警报激活。” With this stiff ice-cold sound, isolates the gate to close fast in giant noise, only leaves behind face confused Amber to stand side that installment: Yeah...... hasn't my what done?!” 伴随着这生硬冰冷的声音,隔离门在一阵巨大的噪声中飞快地重新关闭起来,只留下一脸蒙圈琥珀站在那装置旁边:“哎……我啥都没干啊?!” Gawain in that so-called warning activated the hand that several characters made a sound placed on the Sword of the Pioneer sword hilt instantaneously, if by any chance a half minute had not heard other what sound, he then felt relieved slightly: In perhaps it seems like that this facility function great majority the shutdown, this door is also operates at present independently, it will not really sound what warning. 高文则在那所谓警报激活几个字响起来的瞬间就把手放在了开拓者之剑的剑柄上,但等了半分钟也没听到什么别的动静,他这才稍微放下心来:看来这个设施里面的功能大多数都已经停摆了,眼前这扇门恐怕也是自己独立运作的,它并不会真的发出什么警报。 Byron and Hetty and the others also had a scare by this sudden accident, one by one is critical situation to draw out the weapon to put on the stance, and had no mechanism trap to be activated until the confirmation in the ancient times, Hetty grew the tone, and with astonishment looks at that metal installment: What's all this about? How does Amber bump is not good?” 拜伦赫蒂等人也被这突然变故吓了一跳,一个个如临大敌地拔出武器摆好架势,直到确认并无什么古代机关陷阱被激活,赫蒂才长出口气,并惊愕地看着那金属装置:“这是怎么回事?怎么琥珀一碰就不行了?” First this, Gawain goes forward to draw leave alone Amber one side, oneself place on the hand the metal column, first has a look at this thing also to be able not to use.” “先别管这个,”高文上前把琥珀拉到一旁,自己把手放在金属柱上,“先看看这东西还能用不。” The result next second, this obsolete curfew installment transmitted the identification authentication again through the sound, isolated the gate to open. 结果下一秒,这个老旧的门禁装置就再次传来了身份验证通过的声音,隔离门吱吱嘎嘎又打开了。 „...... This also wants the face not!” Amber scurries about immediately, how who bumps is all right, did I bump the gate on the pass/test?!” “……这门还要点脸不!”琥珀顿时上蹿下跳,“怎么谁碰都没事,就我碰一下门就关了?!” I guessed correctly probably what's the matter......” Gawain was knitting the brows, from several secondary reactions of that curfew, he infers some facts boldly, perhaps this confirmation installment has not gone bad.” “我大概猜到是怎么回事了……”高文皱着眉,从那门禁的几次反应中,他大胆地推断出一些事实,“这个验证装置恐怕并没坏。” A Amber face does not believe: Hasn't gone bad? Why without anyone can open it badly?” 琥珀一脸的不信:“没坏?没坏为什么谁都能打开它?” Security setting perhaps of this door not like high that I imagine from the beginning, what its function is only the guarantee through the front door is normal person,” Gawain is knitting the brows saying that also records Nicholas Egg had been speaking the words? In this facility had conducted the research of doubtful human experiment, then the curfew said most likely specimen tester refers to is the living person, but so-called stabilization period...... then does not have mutation mostly and so on out of control meaning. In other words, so long as is the normal average person, can pass this door.” “这扇门的安全设置或许并不像我一开始想象的那么高,它的作用只是保证通过大门的是‘正常人’,”高文皱着眉说道,“还记着尼古拉斯蛋曾经说过的话么?这个设施里面曾经进行过疑似人体试验的研究,那么门禁所说的‘样本测试者’十有八九指的就是活人,而所谓‘稳定期’……多半便是没有变异之类失控情况的意思。换句话说,只要是正常的普通人,就能通过这扇门。” „Can't why I?” Amber is staring, I very normal!” “那为什么我不能?”琥珀瞪着眼,“我挺正常的啊!” Gawain sized up this fellow one eyes up and down: „Are you normal ordinary Human Race? Let alone was normally ordinary, are you Human Race?” 高文上下打量了这家伙一眼:“你是正常的普通人类么?别说正常普通了,你是人类么?” The sharp ear of Amber shakes: „...... Good reasonable.” 琥珀的尖耳朵一抖:“……好吧有道理。” Others are also nodding in abundance looking pensive, it seems like that the Gawain's explanation obtained everyone's approval, however Gawain after saying to fall into during the deep doubts. 其他人也纷纷若有所思地点着头,看来高文的解释得到了所有人的认可,然而高文自己却在说完之后陷入了深深的疑惑之中。 Is the situation really such simple? Does this door to prevent the test piece of out-of-control run? What other filtering mechanism can it have? 情况真的是这么简单么?这扇门就只是为了防止失控的试验品跑出来么?它会不会有什么别的过滤机制? Why does not know, he after hearing that access control system stiff and ice-cold sound, in the heart then cannot help but had one type is quite weak, dislike and contradiction feeling of but actually being genuine, but he searched to remember, actually could not find the origin of this negativity completely. 不知为什么,他在听到那门禁系统生硬、冰冷的声音之后,心中便不由自主地产生了一种极为微弱,但却切实存在的厌恶与抵触感,但他搜索记忆,却完全找不到这种负面情绪的来源。 But no matter behind this door is anything, he must go is good. 但不管这扇门后面是什么,他都必须进去才行。 In confirming Amber did not have the confirmation installment of means use entrance, she follows after behind others will pass through the gate will not touch what warning, Gawain then brings the team to enter the gate back space. 在确认了琥珀只是没办法使用门口的验证装置,她本身跟在别人后面进门并不会触动什么警报之后,高文便带着队伍走进了门背后的空间。 They passed through one with the corridor of not well-known metallic material construction, metal drums of corridor both sides arrangements made Gawain unable to bear thinking of antiseptic or except the installment of static electricity, but the corridor end was another open isolation door, opposite of the isolation gate, was a whole assumes the circular hall. 他们穿过了一条用不知名金属材料建造的走廊,走廊两侧排列的一根根金属柱状物让高文忍不住联想到灭菌或者除静电的装置,而走廊尽头则是另一扇敞开的隔离门,在隔离门对面,是一间整体呈圆形的大厅。 This hall with artificial material construction, white wall coating, although has fled the capital and fallen off, but actually can still let person thinking of this entire space in the past is how bright and broad, around the hall, can see that massive along the wall arrangement and with the ancient magic installment that the pipeline or the metal column connect, but another portion pipeline that in these installments extends gathers the center of hall entirely: There is setting up more than ten odd-looking objects. 这间大厅用人造材料建造,白色的墙壁涂料虽然已经蒙尘、脱落,但却仍然可以让人联想到这整个空间在昔日是多么明亮、宽广,在大厅周围一圈,可以看到大量沿着墙壁排列、用管道或金属柱连接起来的古代魔法装置,而这些装置中延伸出来的另一部分管道则统统汇聚到大厅的中央:那里立着十几个形态怪异的物体。 They have the base of metal, on the base seems to be the lifeform foster trough same transparent tube structure, the tube structure peak can also see a heavy roof panel, on that roof panel carved completely rune and formation, but all rune have extinguished. 它们有着金属的基座,基座上则是仿佛生物培养槽一样的透明管状结构,管状结构顶端还可以看到一个沉重的顶盖,那顶盖上刻满了符文法阵,只是所有的符文都已经熄灭。 At present this does not talk clearly is the scene of magic or science fiction lets Gawain slightly absent-minded, but in the Gawain Cecil memory the scenes of these related Gondor Empire magnificent periods weakened being out of sorts feeling in his heart rapidly. 眼前这说不清是魔幻还是科幻的场景让高文略微恍惚了一下,但高文·塞西尔的记忆中那些有关刚铎帝国辉煌时期的景象迅速减弱了他心中的违和感。 looks at the installments of these orderly arrangements, Gawain almost can imagine in these vessel once to be filled with the biomass resolver at present, when is soaking the one by one test body scene, but around these vessel, Empire Sorcerer that then walks back and forth busily, they record in vessel specimen various parameters, and stimulates inside specimen with magic spell once for a while, with nearly inhuman ice-cold attitude is processing in vessel and their same race test body. 看着眼前这些整齐排列的装置,高文几乎可以想象到这些容器内曾经盛满生物质溶剂,浸泡着一个个试验体时的景象而在这些容器周围,则是忙忙碌碌走来走去的帝国魔导师们,他们记录着容器样本的各种参数,并时不时地用法术刺激里面的样本,用一种近乎非人的冰冷态度处理着容器中与他们相同种族的“试验体”。 The human experiment in during that time Gondor Empire is not the rare matter, is not rarer in today's Ainz Kingdom. 人体试验在当年刚铎帝国并不是什么罕见的事情,在今天的安苏王国更不罕见。 Was inconceivable...... Hetty has almost expression looks at these mysterious ancient times magic installments of being enchanted by simply, rune and fine metal structures of these orderly arrangements made her exclaim in surprise incomparably, „the assembly that such complex rune combination form...... fitted together perfectly how...... such a orderly stroke of part...... did they accomplish?!” “简直是不可思议……”赫蒂几乎带着迷醉的表情看着那些神秘的古代魔法装置,那些整齐排列的符文和精细的金属结构让她惊叹无比,“这么复杂的符文组合形式……这么严丝合缝的组装……这么整齐划一的部件……他们是怎么办到的?!” These rune with the aid of the Deep Blue Well endless energy, do not count the consumption to pile the experimental data to pile forcefully, but these components......” Gawain looks at these have the magic installment of certain manufactured products embryonic form, sighed in a soft voice, they needed thousands of technology smith, needed over 20 types foundation workshops, needed one set of complex techniques of production and over a thousand canonical parameters, technology system that as well as entire Empire supported.” “这些符文是借助深蓝之井无尽的能量,不计消耗硬生生堆实验数据堆出来的,而这些零件……”高文看着那些已经带有一定工业产品雏形的魔法装置,轻声叹息,“它们需要数以千计的技术工匠,需要二十种以上的基础工坊,需要一整套复杂的生产工艺和上千个标准参数,以及整个帝国所支撑的技术体系。” Hetty suddenly somewhat absent-minded: „...... Did we lose such advanced technology...... during that time really unable to preserve them unexpectedly?” 赫蒂一时间有些失神:“……我们竟然遗落了这么先进的技术么……当年就真的保存不下来它们?” Gawain sighed: during that time Ainz first-generation Pioneer wanted to return to original state diligently these things in the lifetime, the material that however we rescued was insufficient return to original state half entirely succeed, the industrial chain broke, one group of semiliterates who ran from the place of border region is studying diligently for ten years is also hard to make up one point to the blueprint, then condition did not allow anybody to be out of production to do the research first generation person let alone to be used in the productive work 90% energy, can guarantee population that the population that during that time starved to death was insufficient to surpass the new birth......” 高文叹口气:“当年安苏的第一代开拓者努力想要在有生之年还原出这些东西,然而我们抢救出来的资料连还原其中半成都不够,工业链条断了,一帮从边陲之地跑出来的半文盲对着图纸钻研十年也难以补足其中的一环,更何况当时的条件根本不允许任何人去脱产搞研究第一代人要把百分之九十的精力用于生产工作,才能保证当年饿死的人口不至于超过新出生的人口……” Speaking of this, he shakes the head: But compared with these, the important reason was we loses the huge pure energy that Deep Blue Well Deep Blue Well provided greatly to reduce the operational requirements of many magic installment, but if the similar installment placed under other mana environment probably unable to revolve from the start. most basic and most simplistic these things said fortunately, but is complex and is high-level, after being separated from Deep Blue Well on abandonment is thorough.” 说到这,他摇摇头:“但比起这些,更重要的原因是我们失去了深蓝之井深蓝之井所提供的庞大纯净能量大大降低了很多魔法装置的运行要求,而同样的装置如果放在别的魔力环境下就有可能压根运转不起来。最基础、最简易的那些东西还好说,而越是复杂、越是高级的,在脱离深蓝之井之后就报废的越是彻底。” Amber is listening to the Gawain's words, suddenly produced a point to touch: Therefore you do regard as important universality and serviceability?” 琥珀听着高文的话,突然产生了一点触动:“所以你才那么看重通用性和适用性?” „It is not the real industrialization by the magical industrialization that Deep Blue Well supports,” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly the words that people on the scene could not perhaps have understood, observed the situation all around later with a smile, compared with this, first had a look at this ancient testing ground to leave behind many pleasant surprise to us.” “靠深蓝之井支撑起来的魔导工业化算不上真正的工业化,”高文随口说了一句在场众人恐怕还听不懂的话,随后笑着环视四周,“比起这个,还是先看看这座古老的试验场给我们留下了多少惊喜吧。” His line of sight has swept these foster vessel and control stage, the magical base and sensor with a history of thousand years, finally fell on a nearby wall surface, the look could not bear concentrates. 他的视线扫过那些已经有着千年历史的培养容器、操控台、魔导基座和感应器,最后落在了附近的一处墙面上,眼神忍不住一凝。 There used Human Race common language to write the party gigantic writing in the ancient times: 那里用古代人类通用语书写着一行硕大的文字: Human Race will certainly last forever, even if disobedient Gods. 人类必将永存纵使忤逆神明
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