SOD :: Volume #2

#144: mana...... Capacitor

Melitta left, walks carries off the ring that Evil Cultist left behind while convenient, but as transaction project, as recycles the thanks of this ring to the Gawain help, Melitta makes a commitment on behalf of Mithril Treasury: 梅丽塔离开了,走的时候顺便带走了那枚邪教徒留下的指环,而作为交易项目,也作为对高文帮忙回收这枚指环的感谢,梅丽塔代表秘银宝库做出一个承诺: From now on so long as the discovery has to lose Eternal Tablet fragment outside, or with its similar inhuman wonderful thing, will first tell Gawain. 今后只要发现有遗落在外的永恒石板碎片,或者与其类似的“非人奇物”,都会优先告诉高文 To Gawain, the value of this commitment was more precious than the ring. 高文而言,这条承诺的价值远比指环贵重多了。 But some lose face proficient Half-Elf does not think probably, Amber lies on the Gawain's desk, pastes the face on the desktop, with salt fish in that paralysis, paralysis while GuGu: Looked...... gave to take away...... the Mithril Treasury person who...... copper coin did not give to pull out on good expensive/noble thing is also stingy......, moreover walked must dine......” 但某个丢人到家的半精灵好像不这么想,琥珀趴在高文的书桌上,把脸贴在桌面上,跟条咸鱼似的在那瘫着,一边瘫着一边嘀嘀咕咕:“一看就好贵的玩意儿诶……就这么给拿走了……一个铜板都不给掏的……秘银宝库的人也太抠门了吧……而且走的时候还非要蹭顿饭……” The Gawain squint looked at this fellow one eyes: They will help collect Eternal Tablet as well as synonym intelligence, don't you feel this more valuable?” 高文斜眼看了这家伙一眼:“他们会帮忙收集永恒石板以及类似物的情报,你不觉得这更有价值么?” That cannot work as money to spend, moreover easy that veil female said that how long god knows they wanted to find new stone tablet fragment that are Eternal Tablet! It is not the stone on road,” Amber continues the paralysis, „, they, if 100 years could not find, you and other years?” “那又不能当钱花,而且那个面纱女说的容易,天知道他们要多久才能找到新的石板碎片那可是永恒石板诶!又不是路上的石头,”琥珀继续瘫着,“啊,他们要是一百年都找不到,你等一百年哦?” Gawain has not spoken, listens to this fellow to continue to be chatty: Also right, you have special skill, at the worst when the time comes grew tired of waiting died to knock it off, then waited for them to find makes your offspring visit a grave to you news burns to you, you crawled again......” 高文还没吭声,就听这家伙继续叽叽歪歪起来:“啊也对,你有特殊技能嘛,大不了到时候等烦了就一死拉倒,然后等他们找到的时候就让你的子孙给你上坟把消息烧给你,你再爬出来……” „Speaking of the bottom of one's heart, even if you were really God of Shadows God's Chosen, you can exactly such greatly also really be a miracle,” the Gawain eyebrow jumped, stared Amber one, rubbish helped me open that side that box, placed the uppermost that bag to bring inside.” “发自肺腑地讲,哪怕你真是暗影之神神选,你能活这么大也真是个奇迹了,”高文眉毛一跳,瞪了琥珀一眼,“别废话了去帮我把那边那个箱子打开,把里面放在最上边的那个袋子拿过来。” A Amber salt fish boldly thrusts forward to crawl from the table, goes to that thing swayingly while talked over: Ordinary this is not Betty helps you do, how to be one's turn me the words saying that where today that young maidservant did run? This most of the day has not seen her......” 琥珀一个咸鱼挺身从桌上爬起来,一边晃晃悠悠地去那东西一边念叨:“平常这不都是贝蒂帮你做么,怎么今天轮到我了话说那个小侍女跑哪去了?这大半天都没看见她……” I put for quite a while to be fake to her, making her bring Pea to be familiar with this place. Pea is very shy, will not speak, with on Feudal Territory the person contacts easy frightened, but with Betty accidental/surprised compatibles very much, perhaps they can work as the friend.” “我给她放了半天假,让她带着豌豆熟悉熟悉这地方。豌豆很怕生,而且不会说话,跟领地上人接触的时候容易受惊,但跟贝蒂意外的很合得来,说不定她俩能当朋友。” Amber puts in front of that bag thing Gawain, while collected grinningly: I told you, I also somewhat appreciate you I also to think now from the beginning your amiable was the attires, but now looks like unexpectedly real. It is not the earnest careful person may not arrange your step.” 琥珀一边把那袋子东西放到高文面前,一边笑嘻嘻地凑了上来:“我跟你讲,我现在还真有点欣赏你了我一开始还以为你那平易近人都是装的,但现在看来竟然是真的。不是认真上心的人可安排不到你这一步。” That may many thanks your appreciation.” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly to be perfunctory at the same time, dug up to draw the head of Amber to while, later the thing in bag but actually. “那可多谢你的欣赏。”高文一边随口敷衍着,一边把琥珀的脑袋扒拉到一边去,随后将袋子里的东西都倒了出来。 In that is one pile of luster gloomy iron grey crystals, the intermediate sizes only then the pinky size, its surface has the dense luster, brings magical material unique mysterious aura, no matter from the physical appearance or the quality of material, it does not seem like what high-level thing. 那里面是一堆色泽暗淡的灰白色晶体,平均尺寸只有小拇指大小,其表面有着一点氤氲的色泽,带着魔导材料特有的神秘气息,然而不管从品相还是质地,它都不像是什么高级玩意儿 This what thing?” Amber just in side peaceful not two seconds, saw after these seemingly can sell a money the thing, immediately collects: crystal? But looks at quality good bad appearance......” “这什么东西?”琥珀刚在旁边安静了没两秒钟,看到这些貌似可以卖一点钱的东西之后立刻就又凑了上来:“水晶?但看着质量好差的样子……” This was just magic storage crystal that transports/fortunes from Tanzan Town, is the sample of first large stock of goods. Did you forget? I gave that Viscount Andrew to make a magnanimous long-term order.” “这是刚刚从坦桑镇运过来的储魔水晶,算是第一批货的样品吧。你忘了?我可是给那个安德鲁子爵下了个海量的长期订单的。” magic storage crystal? This thing?!” Amber is staring to watch these iron grey crystal small meetings, suddenly yelling and screaming gets up, that Viscount Andrew does not bring to cheat! We rescued his life, does he take this thing to deceive the person? This crystal puts in slightly big point high-grade ore that is when the gangue discards good!” 储魔水晶?这玩意儿?!”琥珀瞪着眼睛看了那些灰白色的晶体一小会,突然大呼小叫起来,“那个安德鲁子爵不带这么坑人的吧!咱们可是救了他的命,他就拿这东西来糊弄人?这种水晶搁在稍微大一点的富矿里那都是当矿渣扔掉的好吧!” Gawain looks at this Half-Elf angrily, before ten thousand have not a little thought of this, in anything not careful fellow accidentally/surprisingly to Feudal Territory at this time unexpectedly because Feudal Territory suffers a loss, but air/Qi this, but he smiles: Then let alone is exaggerating, this thing was much better compared with the gangue physical appearance, moreover that Mr. Viscount may not cheat these crystal he according to three Cecil silver coin tower cards( weight unit) the price sold to our, where did this price on you look?” 高文有点意外地看着这个气鼓鼓的半精灵,万没想到这个之前对领地里什么事情都不上心的家伙这时候竟然会因为领地吃亏而气成这样,但他只是笑了笑:“别说那么夸张,这东西比矿渣品相好多了,而且那位子爵先生可一点都没坑人这些水晶他是按三个塞西尔银币一卡(重量单位)的价格卖给咱们的,这种价格你上哪找去?” Three silver coins......” Amber thinks in the mind fast Cecil silver coin that casts newly big, then the complexion is subtle, that but actually also is really enough cheap...... do you buy so many inferior magic storage crystal what are you doing? This physical appearance...... perhaps only then most basic mage apprentice when does the practice to use? Moreover perhaps mage apprentice of money has not a little been glad to use slightly.” “三个银币……”琥珀飞快地在脑海中想了一下新铸的塞西尔银币有多大,然后脸色微妙起来,“那倒还真是够便宜的……不过你买这么多劣质的储魔水晶干什么?这种品相……恐怕只有最基础法师学徒才会在做练习的时候用到吧?而且稍微有点钱的法师学徒恐怕还都不乐意用。” Gawain smiles: You know that what this inferior magic storage crystal biggest problem is?” 高文笑了笑:“你知道这种劣质储魔水晶最大的问题是什么吗?” Stores the magic energy strength, only then same volume high-quality crystal half . Moreover the energy dissipates extremely seriously, particularly second, made them unable to apply directly,” Amber clearly had to these general knowledge issues find, after all related to can sell for money, man-made magic storage crystal was unpopular, was for this reason.” “储魔能力只有同体积优质水晶的一半,而且能量逸散极其严重呗,尤其是第二条,直接就让它们派不上用场了,”琥珀显然对这些常识问题还是有所了解的,毕竟涉及到能不能卖钱,“人造的储魔水晶之所以不受欢迎,也是由于这个原因。” Right, storing the magic energy strength lowly is only a small issue, put two crystal to be good, the biggest problem was the energy dissipates quickly, mana that imitated soon will dissipate cleanly, this affected was magic storagecrystal regarding itselfis the mortal wound, therefore these crystals became that not valuable, although their reserves was huge, was actually hard to apply,” Gawain is saying, while turned on under the table set at the cabinet, took out the metal plate of hexagon to place on the table from inside together, if, but changed a mentality, these could not keep the crystal of energy also to apply......” “没错,储魔能力低只是个小问题,多放两块水晶就行了,最大的问题是能量逸散快,充进去的魔力用不了多久就会自己消散干净,这对于本身作用就是‘储魔’的水晶而言是致命伤,所以这些晶体才变得那么不值钱,虽然它们储量巨大,却难以派上用场,”高文一边说着,一边打开桌子下面的置物柜,从里面取出一块六边形的金属板放在桌上,“可是如果换个思路,这些存不住能量的晶体也能派上用场……” Metal plate that Amber looks at Gawain takes curiously, she recognizes this is the thing that a short time ago Rebecca sent, probably Machine Building that side product, this metal plate only compared with the palm of the hand, assumes the hexagon greatly, with newest stretch forming technology, in that in the machine mold presses in a flash manufactured products, but can also see the orderly gully trace in the surface of metal plate, as well as magical material of embed in trace. 琥珀好奇地看着高文取出来的金属板,她认出这是前不久瑞贝卡送来的东西,好像是机械制造所那边的产物,这块金属板只比巴掌大一点,呈六边形,是用最新的“冲压成型技术”,在机器模具里一瞬间压出来的那种“工业产品”,而在金属板的表面则还可以看到整齐的沟壑纹路,以及镶嵌在纹路中的魔导材料 This is engraved formation together general base plate, moreover Amber felt oneself have seen this above rune structure. 这是一块刻上了法阵的“通用基板”,而且琥珀觉得自己看见过这上面的符文结构。 Recalled for quite a while diligently, she „”: I knew, before this is, Rebecca with that thing that Jenny draws!” 努力回忆了半天,她才“哦”了一声:“哦我知道了,这是之前瑞贝卡詹妮画出来的那个东西!” „Unit Honeycomb-pattern Magic Net, this is one foundation unit, with can also operate alone, I carve it on general base plate that can move, it became to be able at will with other thing combinations components,” Gawain is saying, while turned over base plate, revealed at the back of base plate these vacant scoop channels, „, but these positions were other thing connections.” 蜂巢式魔网,这是一个基础单元,单独拿出来也能运作,我把它刻在可以移动的通用基板上,它就成了个可以随意与其他东西组合的‘零件’,”高文一边说着,一边把基板翻转过来,露出基板背面的那些空置的凹槽,“而这些槽位就是和其他东西连接的。” Therefore this metal plate is gathering mana now unceasingly?” Does Amber looks at this with the traditional magic item style completely different new things, that these mana you plan to be used to do surprisedly? Should mana that such small Unit magic circuit, can gather be limited?” “所以这个金属板现在正不断汇聚魔力喽?”琥珀惊奇地看着这与传统魔法道具画风完全不同的新事物,“那这些魔力你打算用来干嘛?这么小的魔网,能汇聚的魔力应该有限吧?” Truly limited, only depending on the output of this Unit magic circuit, even activates 1st Level magic spell is very difficult, must therefore first imitate the energy to these crystal,” Gawain referred to nearby inferior magic storage crystal, „after completing a charge cycle, comes mana derived in crystal, because charge continuously conducts, therefore the escape of crystal also no longer is the issue. You look, what it in this system is the function of temporary storage device, is used to store up few mana that Unit magic circuit produces, so long as that the crystal composition array, supplements with enough long charge cycle again, then one such foundation unit must release enough to actuate high-level magic spell mana completely possibly.” “确实有限,仅凭这个魔网的输出,连激活一个一级法术都很困难,所以要先把能量充到这些水晶里,”高文指了指旁边的劣质储魔水晶,“完成一个充能周期之后,就把水晶里的魔力导出来,由于充能是不断进行的,所以水晶的逸散也就不再是问题。你看,它在这个系统里面起的是个暂存器的作用,用来把魔网所产生的少量魔力储存起来,那么只要水晶组成阵列,再辅以足够长的充能周期,那么一个这样的基础单元要释放出足够驱动高级法术魔力就完全可能了。” Amber from hearing half of times opened the eye, hearing looked finally the Gawain's look is not right: Your this fellow...... you really confirmed are one Knight family background?” 琥珀从听到一半的时候就张大了眼睛,听到最后看高文的眼神就不对劲了:“你这家伙……你真的确认自己是个骑士出身?” „Did volume...... as for loudly respond?” “额……至于这么大反应么?” The big pile of magic theory that your Knight, where comes!” Amber is staring, then formation base plate and crystal on these things face inconceivable looks at Gawain have not combined now in together, but also lacks many essential rune and controls formation, but it has been away from obviously completes is not far, „is this thing...... magic installs? But probably was still only components......” “你一个骑士,哪来的这一大堆魔法理论!”琥珀瞪着眼,紧接着便一脸不可思议看着高文手上的法阵基板水晶这些东西现在还没有组合在一起,还缺乏很多关键的符文和控制法阵,但它显然已经距离完成不远了,“这东西……算是个魔法装置么?但又好像仍然只是个零件……” Right, was still components, but was quite the components of important, had it, I completed in my plans the most important point: Of without stationary magic circuit energizing, how to solve the motion energy the issue,” Gawain smiles, I planned that gives a name to call Mana Capacitor to it, how do you feel this name?” “没错,仍然是个零件,只不过是相当重要的零件,有了它,我就完成了我那些计划中最重要的一环:在没有固定式魔网供能的情况下,如何解决移动能源的问题,”高文笑了笑,“我打算给它起名叫魔力电容器,你觉得这个名字怎样?” Mana Capacitor?” Amber blinks, what relations does this thing have with the electricity? Do you prepare to put Lightning Arrow with it?” 魔力电容器?”琥珀眨眨眼,“这东西跟电有什么关系?你是准备用它来放闪电箭么?” Eh...... good, I have not thought of this,” Gawain carefully thinks, changed a view, that I decided that hard gives a name to call Mana Capacitor.” “额……好吧,我没想到这个,”高文认真想了想,换了个说法,“那我决定硬给它起名叫魔力电容器。” Amber: „...... Also brings this!?” 琥珀:“……还带这样的!?” Sees the Amber dumbfounded appearance, Gawain feels the greatest joyfulness, therefore lowers the head happy, before finding itself, that batch of rough drafts that have not calculated, the preparation continues to calculate the several difficult problems in power as well as charge efficiency of Unit honey-comb magic circuit, but he just started to work shortly, then hears outside suddenly hears loud noise. 看到琥珀目瞪口呆的样子,高文感觉到莫大的愉悦,于是心情愉快地低下头,找到了自己之前没有演算完的那批草稿,准备继续计算蜂巢魔网的功率以及充能效率方面的几个难题,但他刚开始工作没多久,便突然听到外面传来一阵喧闹声。 I have a look what's the matter!” “我去看看怎么回事!” Says such words, Amber vanishes in front of Gawain speedily: So long as Gawain writes the thing, dizzy that she definitely looks, looked forward to look to run at this time. 撂下这么句话,琥珀就一溜烟地消失在高文面前:只要高文一写东西,她就肯定看的头昏脑涨,这时候巴不得找个由头跑路呢。 But she just ran not the multi- congresses, fled hurriedly: Gawain! Gawain! Knight Byron comes back!” 但她刚跑出去没多大会,就又风风火火地窜了回来:“高文高文拜伦骑士回来啦!” „Did he come back?” Gawain puts down the pen in hand immediately, makes him come in quickly!” “他回来了?”高文立刻放下手中的笔,“快让他进来!” Knight Byron entered the tent, for successive several days the exploration action in ruins made him look quite exhausted, moreover travel-worn look, but the expression on this Knight mister face obviously is very stimulated, as soon as he came to give Gawain good the Knight ritual, then said agitatedly: Lord! We discover a hidden region in ruins, inside possibly is during that time Gondor Empire secret testing ground! Inside not only has many complete equipment, equipment and commodity, but also...... but also discovered few still the distinguishable draft manuscript and document!” 8) 拜伦骑士走进了帐篷,连续几日在遗迹中的探索行动让他看起来颇为疲惫,而且一副风尘仆仆的模样,但这位骑士先生脸上的表情却明显很是亢奋,他一进来就给高文行了个骑士礼,接着语气激动地说道:“大人!我们在遗迹中发现一个隐藏区域,里面可能就是当年刚铎帝国的秘密试验场!里面不但有很多完好的器材、设备、物资,而且……而且还发现了少量仍可辨识的手稿与文件!”八)
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