SOD :: Volume #2

#143: Storm accumulation

Melitta Bernia is a graceful person, as Mithril Treasury high-level agent, enjoys the person of special position in the organization, she always can only has to do with these aloof and great characters, no matter these influential figure are the imposing manner is threatening, or ominous outside, either the disposition is also strange, she can consistently maintain oneself gracefulness, and guarantees smooth progress of each transaction in the gracefulness. 梅丽塔柏妮亚是一个优雅的人,作为秘银宝库高级代理人,在组织中享有特殊的地位的人,她一向只会和那些超然而伟大的人物打交道,而不管这些大人物是多么气势逼人,或者凶名在外,亦或者脾性古怪,她都能始终保持自己的优雅,并在优雅中确保每一笔交易的顺利进行。 How does Eternal Tablet sell?” 永恒石板怎么卖?” “嘎噗” You looked, this was not very graceful is not? 你看,这就不够优雅了不是? The Melitta one breath has not come up almost to puff out own veil, but the good and evil is to experience the character of great storms, she is the earliest possible time is calm, on face calm at heart shocking looks at face indifferent Gawain: A moment ago what you...... said is Eternal Tablet?” 梅丽塔一口气没上来差点把自己的面纱喷出去,但好歹是经历过大风大浪的人物,她还是第一时间镇静下来,脸上镇静心里震惊地看着一脸淡然的高文:“您……刚才说的是永恒石板?” Yes,” Gawain nods, naturally, I said is not one entire, the scattered and fragmentary bits and pieces are also good.” “是啊,”高文点点头,“啊当然,我说的不是一整块,零碎的边角料也行。” Your tone...... seems like must buy the cabbage simply, I was really scared by you,” Melitta coughs awkwardly lightly two, confirmed Gawain refers to truly is Eternal Tablet fragment, „, in this world may no one discusses the thing of these Gods gracious gifts with this tone and attitude.” “您的口气……简直像是要买白菜,我实在被您吓着了,”梅丽塔尴尬地轻咳两声,确认了高文所指的确实是永恒石板碎片,“要知道,这个世界上可没有谁会用这种语气和态度谈论那些神明恩赐之物。” Gawain then thought that own attitude seemingly is a little issue, but he does not have the means: Even if inherited the Gawain Cecil memory, his personality actually own, he really has no way to substitute a pure local area from the emotion oneself indigenous, and has big awe mood to Eternal Tablet, these tinsels in his mind are only the information that one pile of research materials supported inside to save scary...... 高文这才觉得自己的态度貌似是有点问题,但他也没办法啊:哪怕继承了高文塞西尔的记忆,他的人格却还是自己的,从情感上他实在没法把自己代入成一个纯粹的当地土著,并对永恒石板产生多大的敬畏情绪,那些金属片在他心目中就只是一堆研究素材而已撑死了里面存储的信息吓人点…… Moreover said again, even if is really during that time Gawain Cecil here, he mentioned Eternal Tablet time perhaps will not have too many awes, because that Gawain Cecil was not believer, moreover as the peasant aristocrat of Second Development age, he will also rarely have the sense of awe to anything. 而且再说了,即便真是当年高文塞西尔在这儿,他提及永恒石板的时候恐怕也不会有太多的敬畏,因为那个高文塞西尔也不是个信徒,而且作为第二次开拓年代的泥腿子贵族,他也很少会对什么东西有敬畏之心。 cough cough, has died a time person, looked that the thing looks quite opens,” Gawain beckons with the hand to obstruct at will awkwardly this, later the eye of looks at Melitta, said Eternal Tablet the organization like Mithril Treasury, in the holding doesn't have Eternal Tablet fragment?” 咳咳,死过一次的人了,看东西看得比较开,”高文随意摆摆手把这点尴尬遮过去,随后看着梅丽塔的眼睛,“还是说说永恒石板难道像秘银宝库这样的组织,藏品里都没有永恒石板碎片么?” Eternal Tablet fragment on major Religion, that is their sacred item, will not give Mithril Treasury taking care,” Melitta shakes the head, this point you should also be very clear.” 永恒石板碎片都在各大教派手上,那是他们的圣物,可不会交给秘银宝库保管,”梅丽塔摇了摇头,“这一点您应该也是很清楚的。” But my clearer another point: On major Religion preserves is just the large-scale fragment, these small fragment in broken bits have wanders about destitute outside, falls on King and aristocrat, in the hand of collectors, but in the world not compared with your Mithril Treasury bigger collector.” “但我更清楚另一点:各大教派手上所保存的只不过是大型碎块而已,那些细碎的小碎片有很多都流落在外,落在国王和贵族,还有收藏家们的手上,而世界上没有比你们秘银宝库更大的收藏家了。” Melitta wrinkled the attractive eyebrow slightly, long time later opened the mouth in a soft voice: You said right, on Mithril Treasury some truly stone tablet fragment, but our most collections are taking care, such as your during that time hands over these crystal on our hand, for this, some holdings, treasury will rigorously implement the agreement, will not let its outflow. What is very unfortunate, at present all Eternal Tablet fragment original masters in the world, and has not given up the holding property rights the meaning, therefore please I can not sell them, before being under rightful owner permission, I cannot demonstrate them to you.” 梅丽塔微微皱起了好看的眉毛,良久之后才轻声开口:“您说的没错,秘银宝库手上确实有一些石板碎片,但我们的大部分收藏品都只是在代人保管,就如您当年交到我们手上的那些水晶,对于这部分藏品,宝库会严格履行协议,绝不会让其外流。很不幸的是,目前所有永恒石板碎片的原主人都在人世,而且都没有放弃藏品所有权的意思,因此请恕我不能出售它们,在没有得到原主许可之前,我也不能向您展示它们。” Looks at the Melitta attitude, Gawain knows that this matter has not resulted in discusses. 梅丽塔的态度,高文就知道这件事没得商量了。 The Mithril Treasury prestige is well-known, but they maintain the prestige the strength are also well-known. 秘银宝库的信誉是众所周知的,而他们维持信誉的力量也是众所周知。 However after slightly awkwardly silent several seconds, Melitta also then said: Naturally, if you are willing to wait, perhaps has such 1-2 stone tablet fragment to discuss......” 不过在略显尴尬地沉默了几秒钟之后,梅丽塔又接着说道:“当然,如果您愿意等的话,或许有那么1-2石板碎片是可以商量的……” „Oh?” “哦?” Rightful owner information I cannot disclose, but I can tell you, the customer when fulfilled the contract to make the wrong choice, conducted the extremely not sane violation to Mithril Treasury, we had the reason to believe that he did not have the means to compensate, therefore he had the thing in treasury quickly becomes will sell.” “原主信息我不能透露,但我可以告诉您,有一个客户在履行契约的时候做出了错误的选择,对秘银宝库进行了极不理智的违约,我们有理由相信他没办法作出补偿,所以他存在宝库中的东西很快就将成为售卖品了。” Although Melitta is smiling, said these words with the graceful and gentle tone, however stood in Gawain behind Amber actually cannot bear the whole body tremble, emitted cold air from head to foot. 尽管梅丽塔在微笑着,用优雅而温柔的语气说出这些话,然而站在高文身后的琥珀却忍不住浑身一哆嗦,从头到脚地冒出一股凉气。 Hey your groups doing business real scary.” Miss Half-Elf cannot bear the whisper say. “噫你们这帮做生意的真吓人。”半精灵小姐忍不住嘀咕道。 Who Gawain has not closely examined that mysterious break promiser is, did not care that Mithril Treasury is doing business with anyone, he nods lightly: I am waiting. However I must confirm how Eternal Tablet does sell?” 高文没有追问那个神秘的违约者是谁,也不关心秘银宝库到底在和什么人做生意,他只是淡淡地点了点头:“那我就等着了。不过我还是得确认一下永恒石板怎么卖?” The price inquired that clear is really necessary, otherwise the boasting blew in a big way did not have money to buy when the time comes unavoidably awkwardly, even compared with Melitta also awkward. Although has Kingdom coffin cost Gawain to feel how many spare cash oneself quite have on hand, but the value of Eternal Tablet this type of thing cannot weigh with money, what price god knows can Mithril Treasury start out? 把价钱打听清楚实在很有必要,否则牛皮吹大了到时候没钱买就难免尴尬,甚至会比梅丽塔刚才的“嘎噗”还尴尬。虽然坐拥王国棺材本高文觉得自己手头颇有几个闲钱,但永恒石板这种东西的价值根本不能用金钱来衡量,天知道秘银宝库要开出什么价位来? Melitta had adapted to Gawain's to be solid at this time, she smiles lightly: „The Eternal Tablet value is unable to measure with money, Mithril Treasury does not need to sell for money with it, therefore we want other things, best is rare treasures that is worth collecting, for example the ancient relic of Gondor period, I believe coming out that you can take, if you do not want, initially you gave treasury taking care these crystal. Naturally, even more desirably you can have another Eternal Tablet fragment on hand, that is most convenient, we can the direct exchange.” 梅丽塔这时候已经适应了高文的实在,她淡淡地笑了笑:“永恒石板的价值无法用金钱计量,秘银宝库也不需要用它来卖钱,所以我们要一些别的东西,最好是值得收藏的奇珍异宝,比如刚铎时期的古遗物,我相信您能拿的出来,如果您不愿意的话,当初您交给宝库保管的那些水晶也可以。当然,最好的是您手头能有另外一块永恒石板碎片,那是最方便的,我们可以直接交换。” Gawain is listening, in the heart moves suddenly: Oneself gave Mithril Treasury these crystal initially, has the similar value in opposite party eyes neutralization Eternal Tablet? 高文听着,心中突然一动:自己当初交给秘银宝库的那些水晶,在对方眼中和永恒石板有着同样的价值? He believes that Mithril Treasury will not speak thoughtlessly to speak irresponsibly in this aspect, opposite party's appraisal ability to the treasure is renown, they never make the business that loses money, then...... they do know these crystal origins? At least knows its value? 他相信秘银宝库在这方面不会随口乱说,对方对珍宝的鉴定能力是举世皆知的,他们从不做亏本的买卖,那么……难道他们知道那些水晶的来历?或者至少知道其价值? But Gawain is in doubt this issue whether can raise directly to Melitta, after careful considering, he decides to exhaust possible natural attitude slightly 0.1: In your eyes, these are crystal very evidently valuable?” 高文拿不准这个问题是否可以直接对梅丽塔提出来,在仔细斟酌之后,他决定用尽可能自然的态度稍微点一下:“看样子在你们眼中,那些水晶很有价值?” According to the Mithril Treasury classified way, the treasure excluding natural product is divided into three types, the first type is to stem from the manpower, the treasure that can also reappear, these so-called jewelry mostly are this kind preciously ; The second type is to stem from the manpower, the treasure that but was unable to reappear, or a more ancient treasure is this kind like the Gondor Empire ancient relic ; The third type is extraordinary strange thing, they...... do not stem from the manpower.” “按照秘银宝库的分类方式,除自然产物之外的宝物分为三种,第一种是出自人手,也能复现的宝物,那些所谓的珠宝珍奇大多属于此类;第二种是出自人手,但已经无法复现的宝物,就像刚铎帝国的古遗物或者更古老的宝物便属于此类;第三种则是超凡的奇物,它们……不出自人手。” Melitta is saying, eye slightly curved, looks with a smile to Gawain: These crystal, Eternal Tablet fragment, they have not stemmed from the manpower.” 梅丽塔说着,眼睛微弯,含笑看向高文:“那些水晶,还有永恒石板碎片,它们都不出自人手。” ...... …… Boundless boundless, being subject to changing moods, sometimes is uneventful, sometimes swallows the day to bite, when is wild with rage may destroy the firmest sea boat and reef, when is tranquil is actually hiding another darkness deep world just like cradle that cradle under. 无边无垠,喜怒无常,有时风平浪静,有时吞天噬地,狂怒时可摧毁最坚固的海船与礁石,平静时则宛若摇篮那摇篮下面却掩藏着另一个黑暗深沉的世界。 This is the sea. 这就是海洋。 Human Race conquered the trim land, actually could not conquer the sea, beside Loren Continent, was compared with the variable water of continent length and breadth, the farthest footsteps that but in the past 700 years, Human Race took to the sea will not exceed the range that coastal lamp tower can shine, because in lamp tower shone beside, the sea far ratio seemed like more manic, the thick fog and confused mana environment that the storms of these frail wooden boat distant seas Human Race made, the sea presented radically irresistibly once for a while will make the most experienced captains lose the direction. 人类征服了整片大地,却征服不了海洋,在洛伦大陆之外,是远比大陆更加广袤的无常之水,但最近700年来,人类向大海迈出的最远的脚步也不会超过海岸灯能够照耀的范围,因为在灯照耀之外,大海远比看上去的更加狂躁,人类造出来的那些脆弱木船根本无法抵抗远海的风暴,海上时不时出现的浓雾与错乱魔力环境则会让最有经验的船长都失去航向。 In Lord of Storms Church has not transformed before dark Religion, Lord of Storms Priest once were Human Race when beyond the lamp tower range navigated the only asylum and direction, these obtained Gods asylum Priest to be able in chaos and darkness found to return to the correct line in harbor, however broke off with all orthodox churches in Lord of Storms Church, after degenerate was dark Religion, all lane-routes then came to an end, people have to dread were far away from the sea, past these dared the captains and sailors who went to the distant seas to obtain by hunting the wealth also turn only dare along the coward of coastline navigation, but Lord of Storms Priest and Priest they left continent, left. The line of sight of the world, they tread the wave, but the line marches into the distant seas, and changes name henceforth is Children of the Storm. 风暴之主教会还没有转变为黑暗教派之前,风暴之主牧师们曾是人类在灯范围外航行时唯一的庇护与指引者,那些得到神明庇护的牧师能够在混乱与黑暗中找到返回海港的正确路线,然而在风暴之主教会与所有正教决裂,堕落为黑暗教派之后,所有的远洋航线便宣告终结,人们不得不在畏惧中远离了大海,昔日那些敢于去远海猎获财富的船长和水手们也变成了只敢沿着海岸线航行的懦夫,而风暴之主牧师神官们他们离开了大陆,离开了世人的视线,他们踏波而行步入远海,并从此改名为风暴之子 They no longer believe and pay homage to Lord of Storms, then the paying homage to storm, they believe that the sea tide will destroy the whole world through way of rising tide, is the ebb tide. 他们不再信仰和膜拜风暴之主,转而膜拜风暴本身,他们坚信海潮将摧毁整个世界不论是通过涨潮的方式,还是落潮。 In the eastern Endless Sea deep place, in a nameless big reef, Children of the Storm in the nervous renovation fortification, are patching the totem, sets up temporary barrier, is cloudy the sky like the hanging down vortex, the strong winds and thunder is fermenting in that vortex, the rainstorm splashes unceasingly from the sky, day and sea the fuzziness of boundary washout, even a sea water soon the feeling of hanging upside down. 在东部无尽之海的深处,一片无名的大型岛礁上,风暴之子们正在紧张地整修工事,修补图腾,设立临时屏障,乌云密布的天空就像个倒垂的漩涡,狂风和雷霆正在那漩涡中酝酿,暴雨不断地从天空泼洒下来,将天和海的界限冲刷的一片模糊,甚至给人一种海水即将倒悬之感。 Even if on storm frequent Endless Sea, this terrifying celestial phenomenon also rarely appears, it only means a matter: These Siren must come. 哪怕是在风暴频繁的无尽之海上,这种恐怖的天象也很少出现,它只意味着一件事:那些海妖又要来了。 Storm Officiate stands in the observation post in rainstorm, the black long gown flap flap makes noise in the strong winds, the rainwater does not seem able to affect his line of sight, his looks at that even more berserk sea water, seems gazing at an abyss with rapt attention. 一名风暴主祭站在暴雨中的瞭望台上,黑色的长袍在狂风中猎猎作响,雨水似乎无法影响他的视线,他只是凝神看着那愈发狂暴的海水,仿佛注视着一片深渊。 Endless Sea, it is wrapping this world by the variable water, made the truth that one went crazy deeply hide these sufficiently, and left mortal one like the water gentle false appearance, but that reason that these stupid mortals they only saved had the function with wisdom, these reason made them awe the endless sea with the wisdom instinct, and was far away from its most deep place in the awe. 无尽之海,它以无常的水包裹着这个世界,将那些足以令人发疯的真相深深掩藏,并留给凡人一个如水般温柔的假象,而那些愚蠢的凡人他们仅存的那点理智和智慧产生了作用,这些理智和智慧本能地让他们敬畏无尽的海洋,并在敬畏中远离了它的最深处。 This weak perhaps is Creator leaves the Human Race best talent, but unfortunately, once faced directly the truth Children of the Storm to lose this evading happiness. 这种软弱或许就是造物主留给人类最佳的天赋,但可惜的是,曾经直面真相的风暴之子们已经失去了这种逃避的幸福。 The dark cloud vortex of space dropped again, the terrifying wind sound/rumor and thunderclap are pouring into the ear unceasingly, Storm Officiate raised the head, saw that in the remote sea level is tumbling not the normal ocean waves, some fuzzy things are braving from the sea level, that is terrifying malevolent, build compared with normal lifeform big dozens times of even over a hundred times of deep sea unusual animals, but in them, is mixing some small female forms. 天上的乌云漩涡再度下降了一些,恐怖的风声和雷声都在不断灌入耳朵,风暴主祭抬起头,看到遥远的海平面上正翻滚起不正常的海浪,一些模模糊糊的东西正从海面下冒出来,那是恐怖狰狞的、体型比正常生物大了几十倍甚至上百倍的深海异兽,而在它们之间,则混着一些小小的女性身影。 The average person's first eyes saw that perhaps this thinks is these Witch causes these giant beasts at controlling, but hits Storm Officiate of many times social dealings is very clear with Siren, these giant beasts at all are not by the monster that controlling causes, they with these mixed are the same in female form, is Siren. 普通人第一眼看到这一幕恐怕会认为是那些“女巫”在驭使那些巨兽,但和海妖打过很多次交道的风暴主祭却很清楚,那些巨兽根本不是什么被驭使的怪物,它们和那些混杂在其中的女性身影一样,都是海妖 They are the same race, has the infinite many terrifying incarnations. “她们”是同一个种族,却有着无穷多的恐怖化身。 Sea Soul's Bugle was sounded, Children of the Storm dash about wildly is firing into the battle position, the officiated sound passed through the storm, resounds through the entire reef: 海魂号角被吹响,风暴之子们狂奔着冲向战斗位置,主祭的声音贯穿了风暴,响彻整个岛礁: Siren came!!!” 海妖来了!!!”
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