SOD :: Volume #2

#142: Bard Wendell intelligence

The Evil Cultist status has not as if needed to suspect. 邪教徒的身份似乎已经毋庸怀疑。 Bard Wendell, before Typhon Empire, generation of Wolf General, an originally has the magnificent position and child of the immeasurable future Duke. 巴德温德尔,提丰帝国前代狼将军,一个原本有着辉煌地位和无可估量的未来的公爵之子。 But he appears here, was defeated by Gawain by a 5th Level degenerate Druid status, finally was even also blasted an arm by grenade. 但他却出现在这里,以一个五级堕落德鲁伊的身份被高文打败,最后甚至还被一个手雷炸掉条胳膊。 Among this exactly what happened? 这中间到底发生了什么事? Can discover the neighboring country( moreover can be said as enemy now) a high-level huge stain naturally is the harvest, what Gawain is at this moment more curious is this Bard how Wendell goes through the inconceivable life to arrive at today, this remarkable change was not a life rise can explain that simply was the rise of life natural natural- he cannot bear ask present Miss agent: I too did not know about today's aristocrats that Bard Wendell and his family's matter, how many do you know? How many can tell me?” 能发现邻国(而且现在还可以说是敌国)高层的一个巨大污点当然算是收获,但高文此刻更好奇的是这位巴德温德尔到底经历了怎样不可思议的人生历程才走到今天,这种惊人的变化可不是一点人生起起落落能解释的,简直是人生的起起落落落落落落-他忍不住开口询问眼前的代理人小姐:“我对当今的各国贵族都不太了解,那个巴德温德尔和他家族的事情,你知道多少?能告诉我多少?” Mithril Treasury is not the specialized intelligence organization, we know is also only restricted, does not involve the secret matter that these energy flows pass on,” Melitta slightly nodded, Bard Wendell, Ferdinand the Wendell Duke only heir, the natural talent is remarkable and assiduous, simultaneously is devout War God Kaiel believer, he accepts the aristocrat elite education and guidance of War God Religion at a young age, and after tenth showed Kaiel spiritual talent that year- are converted, his rapid growth is powerful God's Favoured Knight, strength approaches high level, is in the Typhon previous generation young people most splendid Extraordinary.” 秘银宝库不是专门情报组织,我们所知的也仅限于那些能流传出来的、不涉及机密的事情,”梅丽塔微微点了点头,“巴德温德尔,裴迪南温德尔公爵唯一子嗣,天资卓越而勤勉,同时是虔诚的战神凯尔信徒,他自小接受贵族精英教育以及战神教派的教导,并在十岁那年展现出凯尔灵性天赋-皈依之后,他迅速成长为一名强大的神眷骑士,实力逼近高阶,是提丰上一代年轻人中最出色的超凡者。” Stops,” Gawain broke Melitta, in other words, is his extraordinary duty step God's Favoured Knight?” “停,”高文打断了梅丽塔,“也就是说,他的超凡职阶是神眷骑士?” Right- at least the outside world said that moreover I think that this intelligence will not have the issue.” “没错-至少外界都是这么说的,而且我认为这个情报不会有问题。” With I fight, he only then very strong sword arts skill, the body does not have tiny bit Kaiel Divine Power,” Gawain said seriously, his all extraordinary force belong to Druid magic spell, this point I can affirm.” “和我交手的时候,他只有很强的剑术技巧,身上没有一丝一毫的凯尔神力,”高文严肃地说道,“他所有的超凡力量都属于德鲁伊法术,这一点我能肯定。” perhaps was some reason causes him to lose the asylum of War God Kaiel,” the Melitta guess said, perhaps this was he joins in the evil cult reason.” 或许是某种原因导致他失去了战神凯尔的庇护,”梅丽塔猜测道,“这说不定正是他投身邪教的原因。” Does not manage, you continued- you mentioned a moment ago Bard more than ten years ago was missing, that what's the matter?” “不管了,你继续说-你刚才提到巴德十几年前失踪了,那是怎么回事?” Melitta nods: „After the inspection and trial of War God Kaiel, Bard Wendell official received Wolf General that their families inherited from his father hand ‚’ title, and by the Typhon Emperor promotion is Knight Feudal Lord, becomes one of the Typhon Empire Knight Corps high level Commander, but he stayed merely for a year in this position-, in Ainz Typhon the routineness of border confronts, he and elite Knight Corps was dispatched outside the city to carry out the reconnaissance, and walked into one group of thick fog under glare of the public eye, and vanishes with the thick fog immediately together, three days later, has number already Knight that falls insanely by the person. Discovered that wander in wilderness, but Bard Wendell and remaining elite Knight are still missing.” 梅丽塔点点头:“在通过战神凯尔的考核与试炼之后,巴德温德尔正式从其父亲手中接过了他们家族传承的‘狼将军’称号,并被提丰皇帝提升为骑士领主,成为提丰帝国骑士团高阶指挥官之一,但他仅仅在这个位置上呆了一年-在一次安苏-提丰边境的例行对峙中,他和一支精锐骑士团被派往城外执行侦察,并在众目睽睽之下走入了一团浓雾,并随即与浓雾一同消失,直到三天后,才有数名已经疯掉的骑士被人发现游荡在荒野上,而巴德温德尔和剩下的精锐骑士们至今下落不明。” Speaking of here, Melitta supplemented several freely spoken: In recent years relations between Typhon and Ainz even more deteriorated, Bard missing of Wendell also exacerbated this Trend Typhon to a great extent the person thinks that was Ainz plotted to murder their Commander with evil spell, but the Ainz person thinks this was the farce that Typhon directed and perform, the goal was to increase troops to find the excuse. In fact this almost causes both sides to make war in during that time directly, but when the situation most deteriorates, Bard the Wendell father, Ferdinand Duke announced on own initiative missing of oneself only son is uninterested with Ainz, enabling the war to erupt.” 说到这儿,梅丽塔顺口补充了几句:“近年来提丰安苏之间的关系愈发恶化,巴德温德尔的失踪也在很大程度上加剧了这种趋势-提丰的人认为是安苏邪术谋害了他们的指挥官,而安苏的人则认为这是提丰自导自演的闹剧,目的就是为增兵找借口。事实上这在当年几乎导致双方直接开战,但在局势最恶化的时候,巴德温德尔的父亲,裴迪南公爵主动宣布了自己独子的失踪与安苏并无关系,让战争没能爆发。” Gawain is pinching the chin gently: Ferdinand Wendell? Is he anti-war faction?” 高文轻轻捏着下巴:“裴迪南温德尔?他是反战派么?” No, just the opposite, he before that is the Typhon military high-ranking court official, moreover is the steady war party, several military system reforms of Typhon are he help his Your Majesty The Emperor be completed, therefore that old Duke stands suddenly prevents the war the time is really is startled eyeball of one group of people, moreover after that old Duke also transformed from the original war party became neutrality- he still in promoting the military system reform of Typhon, but actually immature and other reasons delayed the military action of Empire border by the time repeatedly, although many facts proved his judgment not issue afterward, but his transformation. Still made the outside world discuss spiritedly......” “不,恰恰相反,他在那之前一直是提丰的军事重臣,而且是稳健的主战派,提丰的几次军制改革都是他帮着他的皇帝陛下完成的,所以那个老公爵突然站出来阻止战争的时候真是惊掉了一帮人的眼球,而且在那之后,老公爵也从原本的主战派转变成了中立-他仍然在推动着提丰的军制改革,但却多次以时机未成熟等理由延缓帝国边境的军事行动,虽然后来很多事实证明他的判断没有问题,但他的这种转变仍然让外界议论纷纷……” Gawain exhales the one breath slowly, and pinches the brow to think. 高文慢慢呼出一口气,并捏着眉头思索起来。 The star of brilliance ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) tomorrow, the belief was reverent, moreover strength powerful Wolf General is missing in a simple military action, after more than ten years are missing, suddenly appear in the place that south Ainz such bird does not defecate, not only the God's Favoured Knight strength all loses, but also turned into 5th Level degenerate Druid ; Old Duke of war party after losing son, not only has not looked for doubtful suspect trouble, instead prevents to make war repeatedly- what are these two matter middle relations? That old Duke is what because knew, had afterward transformation? 原本光辉万丈的明日之星,信仰虔诚而且实力强大的“狼将军”在一次简简单单的军事行动中失踪,十几年下落不明之后突然出现在安苏南部这么个鸟不拉屎的地方,不但神眷骑士的力量全失,还变成了个五级堕落德鲁伊;原本主战派的老公爵在失去儿子之后不但没有找“疑似嫌犯”的麻烦,反而多次阻止开战-这两件事中间的联系是什么?那个老公爵是因为知道了什么,才有后来的转变的么? Can let a belief devout God's Favoured Knight betrayal belief, moreover betrays in evil cult that other Religion forms, reason will not be simple, in the Gawain mind has an idea suddenly- can, that Bard did Wendell know the "all Gods have already died" truth?! 能让一个信仰虔诚的神眷骑士背叛信仰,而且还背叛到别的宗教所形成的邪教里去,这其中缘由可不会简单,高文脑海中突然冒出个想法-会不会,那个巴德温德尔是得知了“众神已死”的真相?! At present in intelligence that he grasps, only has this to explain that has the startled day on Bard changes! 在目前他所掌握的情报中,唯有这一条能解释发生在巴德身上的惊天变化! The Gawain's thought cannot bear extend: If contacted the truth to cause Bard Wendell break faith, that means, his original Divine Spell strength also in did lose simultaneously for the same reason? 高文的思想忍不住延伸下去:如果是接触真相导致了巴德温德尔背弃信仰,那是否意味着,他原本的神术力量也是在同时因同样的原因失去的? So long as is unable to maintain to the belief of Gods, will lose the corresponding Divine Spell? 只要无法维持对神明的信仰,就会失去对应的神术么? What that is Divine Spell? So long as believes that a god is flickering...... is aiding himself, one that can obtain inexpensive extraordinary ability? 神术是什么?只要坚信有个神在忽悠……护佑着自己,就能得到的一种“廉价”超凡能力? But then the powerful strength, it must have an origin...... 但那么强大的力量,它总得有个来源吧…… Therefore goes round and round, Gawain suddenly discovered oneself returned just to puzzle in their issue a short time ago: 所以绕来绕去,高文突然发现自己又回到了前不久刚困扰过自己的那个问题上: In "all Gods have already died" immediately, these still kept devout, obtained the Gods might through the pray and ceremony Priest and believer, they prayed the object who paid homage to what things...... was?! “众神已死”的当下,那些仍然保持虔诚,通过祈祷和仪式获得神明威力的神官信徒,他们所祈祷膜拜的对象……到底是些什么东西?! Lord Duke?” Melitta sees Gawain quite a while not to have the sound, finally cannot bear the opens the mouth, Lord Duke are you listening?” 公爵大人?”梅丽塔高文半天没动静,终于忍不住开口,“公爵大人您在听么?” Gawain awakens rapidly, he rubbed the forehead to speak thoughtlessly to ask: Bard does Wendell have the heir?” 高文迅速惊醒过来,他揉了揉眉心随口问道:“巴德温德尔有子嗣么?” He leaves leeway a young daughter before missing, Adesha Wendell, more than ten years passes now, that little girl has grown . Moreover the Wendell family's bloodlines also appear the influence on her: Her sword arts and her father are equally outstanding,” Melitta said at a moderate pace, Adesha now also by the Typhon Emperor appointment is Knight Feudal Lord, holds the post in Empire Knight Corps Commander of outstation, this probably is some compensation, but that little girl does quite well in this position, the outside world thinks that only needs meritorious military service the 1-2 times, Adesha Wendell can like her father received Wolf General the title, becomes the Wendell family no matter what below Family Head.” “他在失踪之前留有一个年幼的女儿,安德莎温德尔,如今十几年过去,那个小姑娘已经成长起来,而且温德尔家族的血脉也在她身上显现出影响:她的剑术和她的父亲一样出色,”梅丽塔不紧不慢地说道,“安德莎如今也已被提丰皇帝任命为骑士领主,担任帝国骑士团中一只分团的指挥官,这大概是某种补偿,但那个小姑娘在这个位置上干得还不错,外界认为只需要1-2战功,安德莎温德尔就能像她的父亲一样接过‘狼将军’的称号,成为温德尔家族的下任家主了。” during that time that youth to the given name that oneself have, now also really becomes the family glory,” Gawain shook to appraise one, then asked that „, therefore that Adesha Wendell was also like her father, believes War God Kaiel, belonged to God's Favoured Knight?” 当年那个愣头青给自己起的名号,现在还真成家族荣耀了,”高文晃着头评价了一句,接着问道,“所以那个安德莎温德尔也跟她父亲一样,信仰战神凯尔,属于神眷骑士?” No, this was interesting- she trains to become extraordinary Knight through the most orthodox Knight training and mana, it is said Ferdinand Duke forbids Adesha to be converted any Religion, therefore does not have the votary that young female Commander to the present.” “不,这就有意思了-她是通过最正统的骑士训练和魔力训练成为超凡骑士的,据说裴迪南公爵禁止安德莎皈依任何宗教,所以那位年轻的女指挥官到现在还是个无信仰者。” „, This was truly interesting......” Gawain to repeat looking pensive, interesting......” “确实,这就有意思了……”高文若有所思地重复了一遍,“有意思了……” Melitta shows a faint smile: intelligence so many that Lord Duke, I can provide, what do you have to think of?” 梅丽塔微微一笑:“公爵大人,我能提供的情报就这么多,您有想到什么吗?” Thinks of something, but is very disorderly, God's Favoured Knight that god knows had boundless prospects how will reduce future not bright degenerate Druid,” Gawain shouted the tone, facing does not calculate that familiar Melitta, he has not said these startled day secrets that oneself know, thanked your intelligence, if you have not come, perhaps I will unable to guess correctly that Evil Cultist status forever strangely unexpectedly such...... “想到一些事情,但都很凌乱,天知道一个本来前途无量的神眷骑士是怎么会沦落成一个前途无亮的堕落德鲁伊的,”高文呼了口气,面对并不算熟悉的梅丽塔,他没有把自己所知的那些惊天秘密都说出来,“感谢你的情报,要是你没来,恐怕我永远也猜不到那个邪教徒的身份竟然会这么……离奇。” That, can you disseminate this news?” The Melitta reveal slightly becomes curved in veil outside eye, in All Things Finally Die Society Evil Cultist of Ainz within the boundaries activity, the real status unexpectedly is the Typhon former aristocrat, the value of this news is not several gold coins can measure......” “那么,您要把这个消息散播出去么?”梅丽塔露在面纱外面的眼睛微微变弯,“在安苏境内活动的万物终亡会邪教徒,真实身份竟然是提丰的前贵族,这个消息的价值可不是几个金币能计量的……” No,” Gawain shakes the head, „the present disseminates these not to have significance- negative news was extremely strange, said that instead also the meeting letter/believed on no one, two countries must hit let alone now shortly, at this time shouted abuse in public the coarse words to come out mutually, said the black history of Typhon aristocrat from a Ainz population, you thought that some people will take seriously?” “不,”高文摇摇头,“现在散播这些没意义-负面消息太过离奇,说出去反而也就没人会信,更何况如今两个国家眼瞅着都要打起来了,这时候互相骂街多难听的话都能出来,从一个安苏人口中说出提丰贵族的黑历史,你觉得有人会当真么?” Gawain finishes speaking, Amber jumped from nearby shadow: Ainz and Typhonian do not take seriously, can let Evil Cultist nervous one- such important secret exposed......” 高文这边话音刚落,一只琥珀就从旁边的阴影中蹦了出来:“安苏提丰人不当真,也可以让邪教徒紧张一下嘛-这么重要的秘密都暴露了……” Gawain looks at this Half-Elf, smiles: „To be too many, others are ready for any sacrifice, when Evil Cultist, but also cares about this prestige to lose? You minded that some people said you are a thief?” 高文看着这个半精灵,嘿嘿一笑:“想太多,人家都豁出去当邪教徒了,还在乎这点声望损失?你介意有人说你是个小偷么?” Amber stares: Minds! Do I wash now white? I am by the Duke chief guard!” 琥珀一瞪眼:“介意啊!我现在都洗白了好吗?我是公爵旁边的首席护卫诶!” Gawain: „...... Do you have sign line according to the normal repertoire occasionally a time?!” 高文:“……你偶尔按正常套路出一次牌行么?!” Melitta wear a look of curiously looks at Gawain and Amber quarrelled here daily, but has not mixed very much politely, but stopped to rest while them opened the mouth saying: „, Lord Duke do you have more issues?” 梅丽塔面带好奇地看着高文琥珀在这儿日常拌嘴,但很礼貌地没有掺和,只是趁着俩人都歇口气的时候开口道:“那么,公爵大人您还有更多问题么?” Has,” Gawain says immediately, your Mithril Treasury should collect many treasures?” “有,”高文立刻说道,“你们秘银宝库应该收藏着不少宝物吧?” This is natural, has such a few words: In all circumstances, Mithril Treasury is collecting in this world half of treasures, because can Nagakubo have such great quantity wealth, these influential figure will choose to make us take care of their treasures......” “这是当然,有这样一句话:在任何情况下,秘银宝库都收藏着这个世界上一半的珍宝,而正是因为能长久保有这么巨量的财富,那些大人物们才会选择让我们来保管他们的宝物……” Gawain broke the Melitta blowing ratio: „The thing in your treasury, having can bring to sell?” 高文打断了梅丽塔的吹比:“那你们宝库中的东西,有能拿来卖的么?” This......” Melitta hesitant, but smiles immediately, naturally has. Always some treasures are separated from the rightful owner, always some treasures nobody will ask, we are glad very much in the price appropriate situation, found to them compared with a price more suitable master.” “这……”梅丽塔犹豫了一下,但随即微笑起来,“当然有。总有些宝物脱离原主,总有些奇珍无人问津,我们很乐意在价钱合适的情况下,给它们找到比价钱更合适的主人。” How does Eternal Tablet sell?” 永恒石板怎么卖?”
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