SOD :: Volume #2

#141: Evil Cultist status

Hears sound that broadcasts behind, the female who wears the veil turns around, she noticed that sharp-eared sharp Half-Elf is standing in not far away, in the latter hand is holding large package parched beans, ka-beng ka-beng is chewing while doubt looks at. 听到身后传来的声音,戴着面纱的女子转过身来,她看到一个耳朵尖尖的半精灵正站在不远处,后者手里抱着一大包炒豆子,正一边嘎嘣嘎嘣地嚼着一边狐疑地看着自己。 „Can you...... see me?” Female Melitta who wears the veil Bernia somewhat is astonished looks at this Half-Elf that has had casual acquaintance, she records certainly the opposite party, as Mithril Treasury high-level agent, her memory is very good, what therefore she also records combat power of this guard Half-Elf clearly is being, can easily see itself compared with goose strong point limited Half-Elf unexpectedly? “你能……看见我?”戴着面纱的女子-梅丽塔柏妮亚有些讶异地看着这个有过一面之缘的半精灵,她当然记着对方,作为秘银宝库高级代理人,她的记性很好,所以她也清清楚楚地记着这个半精灵护卫的战斗力是啥样,一个比鹅强点有限的半精灵竟然可以轻易看到自己么? Sees you to be very difficult?” Amber ka-beng ka-beng is chewing parched beans, which group of characters she did not remember at present this style to the present with the entire camp different veil females is, therefore the whole face is curious, „words saying that who you are? Peddler that does business? Did this place have the merchant to be willing to come finally?” “看见你很难么?”琥珀嘎嘣嘎嘣地嚼着炒豆子,她到现在还没想起眼前这个画风跟整个营地都不一样的面纱女是哪路人物,所以满脸都是好奇,“话说你到底是谁啊?来做生意的行商?这地方终于有商人愿意来了?” Also does not know how she contacts the merchant the present person to one...... 也不知道她怎么把眼前的人跟商人联系到一块的…… Words that merchant...... must speak, as if also good,” Melitta smiles, conveniently remove own concealment effect as well as psychological suggestion magic spell, this nearby does not have others luckily, citizen that otherwise comes and goes must see on the avenue to change the living person perhaps is a tumult, „are you Duke Gawain Cecil guard? A troublesome belt/bring road, I come to discuss the matter with him.” “商人……非要这么说的话,似乎也不错,”梅丽塔微笑起来,随手撤掉了自己的隐匿效果以及心理暗示法术,也幸好这附近没有别人,否则来来往往的领民要看见大街上大变活人恐怕又是一阵骚动,“你是高文·塞西尔公爵的护卫吧?麻烦带一下路,我是来和他谈事情的。” „( Creaks), good,” Amber threw two parched beans toward the mouth conveniently, then arrives in front of Melitta one to put out a hand, „( creaks) three copper coin.” “哦(嘎吱嘎吱),好,”琥珀随手又往嘴里扔了两个炒豆子,然后走到梅丽塔面前一伸手,“(嘎吱嘎吱)三个铜币。” Melitta was shocked immediately: Why?” 梅丽塔顿时愣住了:“为什么?” Belt travel expense( creaks).” “带路费(嘎吱嘎吱)。” Melitta: „...... Is interested in coming the Mithril Treasury work?” 梅丽塔:“……有兴趣来秘银宝库工作么?” Ha?” Amber gawked immediately, was given to remind by Mithril Treasury this word, she then remembers anything immediately, all of a sudden spreads out several meters with Melitta, „! Mithril Treasury! I thought! My previous time has seen you!” “哈?”琥珀顿时愣了一下,然后紧接着就被秘银宝库这个词给提了醒,她立刻便想起什么,唰一下子梅丽塔拉开好几米的距离,“啊!秘银宝库!我想起来了!我上次见过你!” I,” Melitta am smiling, felt that this Half-Elf is really quite amusing, each startled for the first time response exaggerating was impressive, your Feudal Lord invited me to come here, therefore you can also have the travel expense now?” “正是我,”梅丽塔微笑着,感觉这个半精灵真是相当有趣,她每一个一惊一乍的反应都夸张的令人印象深刻,“你们的领主邀请我来到这里,所以现在你还要带路费么?” „, I also think to be able many extra income- to that old dumpling (corpse), when the lackey running about fee/spent cannot make, really owes,” Amber bb, is beckoning with the hand in a low voice later, good good, comes with me, I lead you to see him.” “嘁,我还以为能多一笔外快-给那个老粽子当狗腿子连个跑腿费都挣不来,真亏,”琥珀低声bb着,随后摆了摆手,“好吧好吧,跟我来,我带你去见他。” Under the leadership of Amber, Melitta then arrived at the Feudal Territory deep place quickly, she noticed that a very big tent stands in the air-to-surface center, but by the open area has laid the ground, a lot of brick bat lumbers and stones pile up in the one side, seems preparing to build a big house. 琥珀的带领下,梅丽塔很快便来到了领地的深处,她看到一座很大的帐篷立在空地中央,而空地旁边已经打下地基,大量砖块木材和石头堆积在一旁,似乎正准备盖一座大房子。 He in the tent, this point should not take a nap,” Amber moves toward the tent in big strides, you outside wait a moment, I go in the notice.” “他在帐篷里呢,这个点应该没午睡,”琥珀大踏步地走向帐篷,“你在外头等一下,我进去通知。” A moment later, Melitta then hears in the tent to broadcast that Half-Elf casual sound: „ Gawain! That named my 片刻之后,梅丽塔便听到帐篷里传来那个半精灵大大咧咧的声音:“高文!那个叫my little little pony agent looks for you! ” pony的代理人来找你啦!” The Melitta doubts are wrinkling the eyebrow: How did the fellow and his person pronounce are so strange? 梅丽塔疑惑地皱着眉毛:那家伙和他身边的人怎么发音都这么奇怪的? Gawain and other Miss agent visited pay a visit to wait many days, today waits till the Opposite party Miss agent finally was still and previous similar appearance, wore the style unusual gauze nature women's clothing, the light purple veil duplicate face, the makings were mystical and graceful. 高文等这位代理人小姐登门拜访已经等了很多天了,今天才终于等到对方-代理人小姐仍然是和上次差不多的打扮,穿着风格奇特的纱质衣裙,淡紫色的面纱覆脸,气质神秘而优雅。 Amber near Brick Kiln Factory saw this agent is strolling, but before then, unexpectedly no one reported that Feudal Territory came up the bystander. 琥珀是在砖窑厂附近看到这位代理人正在闲逛的,而在此之前,竟没有一个人报告说领地上来了外人。 This also is really one along with mysterious young lady. 这还真是一位伴随着神秘的年轻女士 Long time no see, Miss Melitta,” Gawain stood from the table, be with smile on the face, I also think that you must wait for a long time to come, after all the transportation of this place is not convenient. Please sit down.” “好久不见了,梅丽塔小姐,”高文从桌子后面站了起来,面带微笑,“我还以为你要等很久才能来,毕竟这地方的交通可不怎么方便。请坐吧。” Mithril Treasury many convenient ways,” Melitta is also always smiling, „, moreover was very happy that you read the pronunciation of my name finally right.” 秘银宝库总有很多便利的途径,”梅丽塔同样微笑着,“而且很高兴您终于把我名字的发音念对了。” Gawain is a little immediately awkward: Aha...... let alone is so first full, refers to erratically must read next time wrong.” 高文顿时有点尴尬:“啊哈哈……先别说这么满,指不定下次还得念错。” Duke is really a charming person.” Melitta raises slightly, said appropriately. 公爵真是一位风趣的人。”梅丽塔欠了欠身,得体地说道。 She still did not have the taking off veil, but obviously Gawain regarding this also and do not care, his curiously looks at this from Mithril Treasury's agent: You probably visit on my Feudal Territory ‚’? Feelings how?” 她仍然没有揭下面纱,但显然高文对此也并不在意,他只是好奇地看着这位来自秘银宝库的代理人:“你好像在我的领地上‘参观’了一下?感想如何?” „A very good place, compared with good that I imagine, moreover there is very unusually...... the magic installment,” Melitta said confidently, what I am more curious is here- you actually also live in the tent, instead first made these civilians live in the log cabin, this was really strange.” “一个很不错的地方,比我想象的好,而且还有很多很奇特的……魔法装置,”梅丽塔坦然说道,“不过我更好奇的是这里-您竟然还住在帐篷里,反而先让那些平民住上了木屋,这真奇怪。” That great majority is the workshop or to the place that technology personnel lives , the infrastructure of Feudal Territory must first conduct,” Gawain answered, „, but as for here...... you should see by the tent that bulk open area, shortly after my tent must open.” “那大多数是工坊或者给技术人员住的地方,领地的基础建设必须优先进行,”高文解释道,“而至于这里……你应该已经看到帐篷旁边那一大块空地了,我这座帐篷不久后也是要拆的。” Melitta opens the eye slightly: I also think that is to the barracks that Knight and soldier prepare, it seems like you had not planned that constructs castle for oneself?” 梅丽塔微微张大眼睛:“我还以为那是给骑士和士兵准备的兵营,看来您并没打算为自己建一座城堡?” Later had the condition to say again, now covers that to be purely the waste,” Gawain beckoned with the hand, did not say these, making us chat the proper business.” “以后有条件了再说,现在盖那个纯属浪费,”高文摆摆手,“不说这些了,让我们谈谈正事吧。” Naturally,” Melitta also records to come this's goal, please let that ring that I have a look at you to obtain.” “当然,”梅丽塔还记着自己来此的目的,“请让我看看您得到的那枚指环。” Gawain pulled out Mithril Ring obtained from Evil Cultist at the scene, places on the table to advance in front of Melitta. 高文当场掏出了从邪教徒身上得到的秘银之环,放在桌上推到梅丽塔面前。 Miss agent was seeing that the flash of that silver-white ring then narrowed the eye slightly, the look became serious: Obviously thing truly real. 代理人小姐在看到那银白色指环的一瞬间便微微眯起了眼睛,眼神变得严肃起来:显然东西确实是真的。 She takes up the ring, places front carefully is observing, and strokes gently the inside of ring by determining these encryption pattern, finally she puts near the ring the lip, said several syllables in a soft voice. 她拿起指环,放在面前仔细地观察着,并摩挲着指环的内侧以确定那些加密的花纹,最后她将指环放到唇边,轻声说出了几个音节。 That syllable sounds fuzzy, but is unable to distinguish, Gawain is almost then discovers immediately keenly they are not the ordinary spell casting incantations, that type nearly does not even seem like the vocal cord of Human Race to send out in twittering the sound in a low voice, as these syllables fall, the ring surface exudes a dim light suddenly, and trembles slightly. 那音节听上去模糊而无法分辨,高文几乎是立刻便敏锐地发现它们并不是普通的施法咒语,那种近乎于低声呢喃的声音甚至不像是人类的声带能够发出的,而随着这几个音节落下,指环表面突然泛起一层朦胧的光,并微微地震颤起来。 Enough after more than ten seconds, these phenomena dissipate gradually. 足足十几秒后,这些现象才渐渐消散。 Completes this after magic spell that seems like the special appraisal, Melitta exhales the tone gently, but the sound has not actually put with ease, instead is especially serious: Truly right...... is the Mithril Treasury distinguished guest faith token, its master is Bard Wendell.” 完成这个似乎是特殊鉴定的法术之后,梅丽塔轻轻呼出口气,但声音却一点都没放轻松,反而格外严肃:“确实没错……是秘银宝库的贵宾信物,它的主人是巴德温德尔。” Bard Wendell?” Gawain knits the brows, present age influential figure he does not recognize mostly, but these influential figure surnames he has is familiar, Wendell this surname I have listened, during that time that group of people who in walk toward the east side has a youth to be surnamed Wendell.” 巴德温德尔?”高文皱皱眉,当代大人物他多半是不认得的,但那些大人物的姓氏他却有很多都很熟悉,“温德尔这个姓氏我听过,当年往东边走的那拨人里有个愣头青就姓温德尔。” Right, Bard Wendell, the Typhon Empire Wendell family's heir,” the Melitta look seems very serious, you should be able to think, the Wendell family and your Cecil Family are equally ancient, inheritance until now it is the prestigious family prominent family that Typhon Empire ranks among the best, present age Ferdinand Wendell Grand Duke is Typhon Empire most powerful Knight Feudal Lord, before is also , before , generation of Wolf General, but he is in your mouth that youth later generation.” “没错,巴德温德尔,提丰帝国温德尔家族的子嗣,”梅丽塔的眼神显得很严肃,“您应该能想到,温德尔家族与您的塞西尔家族一样古老,传承至今的它已经是提丰帝国数一数二的名门望族,当代裴迪南温德尔大公提丰帝国最强大的‘骑士领主’,亦是前前代的狼将军,而他就是您口中那个‘愣头青’的后代。” Knight Feudal Lord?” Gawain knits the brows, is that Feudal Lord that I know?” 骑士领主?”高文皱了皱眉,“是我所知的那种领主么?” No, that is Typhon Empire conducts one after military system reform to be in sole possession of the title,” Melitta speaking thoughtlessly answered, „the Typhon Empire nearly dozens years carried out the multiple reforms, particularly military system, they conducted all Knight, soldiers, mage and other extraordinary battle reorganized and registered, composed not based on each region aristocrat private soldier Empire legion, but Knight Feudal Lord commands this legion the military leader in Knight Corps.” “不,那是提丰帝国进行军制改革之后的一种独有称号,”梅丽塔随口解释道,“提丰帝国近几十年进行了多次改革,尤其是军制方面,他们将所有骑士、战士、法师超凡战斗者进行了整编与登记,组成了不以各地贵族私兵为基础的‘帝国军团’,而骑士领主就是统帅这支军团中的骑士团的军事首领。” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly to inquire, has not actually thought will hear this news, he immediately a brow wrinkle: „Did Typhon Empire establish professionalization and standardized Extraordinary legion?!” 高文本只是随口打听,却没想到会听见这种消息,他顿时眉头一皱:“提丰帝国建立了职业化、正规化的超凡者军团?!” Yes,” Melitta nods naturally, „, therefore their military strength develop that quickly.” “是啊,”梅丽塔理所当然地点点头,“所以他们的军事实力才发展那么快。” „...... Royal Capital that group of worthless fellows,” Gawain subconsciously grasped making a fist, I actually have not heard the news in this aspect in Ainz, even inquired with these aristocrats in Royal Capital, cannot inquire these things!” “……王都那帮酒囊饭袋,”高文下意识地握了握拳,“我在安苏竟然一点都没听到这方面的消息,甚至在王都的时候跟那些贵族打听,都打听不到这些东西!” „, They are insufficient really to know nothing about the matter of neighboring country, but why they are not willing toward to go to that not to say at heart,” Melitta shrugs indifferently, „the matter of this national level we can the future discuss, continued the issue of Evil Cultist and ring.” “啊,他们不至于真的对邻国发生的事情一无所知,但他们为什么不愿意往心里去那就不好说了,”梅丽塔无所谓地耸耸肩,“这种国家层面的事情我们可以今后讨论,还是继续说说邪教徒和指环的问题吧。” Good,” Gawain loosens the fist, „the owner of this ring, Bard Wendell, he and present age Ferdinand what Wendell is Grand Duke relates?” “好,”高文松开拳头,“这枚指环的主人,巴德温德尔,他和当代裴迪南温德尔大公是什么关系?” Bard Wendell is the Ferdinand Grand Duke only son , before is, generation of Wolf General,” Melitta said one word at a time, „, but most important, was he is then missing more than ten years ago!” 巴德温德尔裴迪南大公的独子,亦是前代的狼将军,”梅丽塔一字一顿地说道,“而最重要的,是他在十几年前便失踪了!” The Gawain look becomes strange: Wendell family's successor, Typhon Empire general , he if your Mithril Treasury super client that truly has nothing strangely, but...... I see in Tanzan Town is actually 5th Level degenerate Druid!” 高文眼神变得古怪起来:“温德尔家族的继承人,提丰帝国的将军,他要是你们秘银宝库的大客户那确实没什么奇怪的,但……我在坦桑镇见到的却是一个五级堕落德鲁伊!” The differences between these two status are really huge, Gawain does not have the means to relate from the start them, he looked at ring one in Melitta hand, subconsciously was shaking the head: I start to suspect that now was that Evil Cultist steals or picks this ring.” 这两种身份之间的差别实在巨大,以至于高文压根没办法把它们联系起来,他看了梅丽塔手中的指环一眼,下意识地摇着头:“我现在又开始怀疑是那个邪教徒偷到或者捡到这个指环了。” „Very regrettable, your suspicion was still untenable,” Melitta shakes the head, „ I have inspected, besides your contact record, this ring had not been contacted by the people of other unbecoming status, in other words, this ring has worn before then in Bard on Wendell, never exchanges ownerships. “很遗憾,您的怀疑仍然不成立,”梅丽塔摇了摇头,“我已经检查过了,除您的接触记录之外,这枚指环并没有被其他不符合身份的人接触过,换句话说,这枚指环在这之前一直戴在巴德温德尔手上,从未易主。 That 5th Level degenerate Druid that you see...... is Bard Wendell oneself.” “您所见到的那个五级堕落德鲁伊……就是巴德温德尔本人。” Gawain is in consternation speechless. 高文愕然无语。 But quick, in his mind then flashed through several details: 但很快,他脑海中便闪过了几个细节: Before and Evil Cultist fought, opposite party always subconsciously conducts close combat, even if has more powerful evil spell strength, he also chose to hide in the shadow assassinates himself with the sword. 在之前与邪教徒交手的时候,对方总是下意识地进行近战,哪怕有着更强大的邪术力量,他也选择隐藏在暗影中用刀剑来刺杀自己。 In battle, that Evil Cultist revealed extreme wise sword arts, moreover especially was obviously rich with the experience of sword. 战斗中,那个邪教徒显露出了极端高明的剑术,而且用剑的经验显然格外丰富。 That Evil Cultist weapon is a single-handed sword, but that Tyrian in during that time east road development group the weapon that Wendell uses is also the single-handed sword, two's sword arts path seems to be close, the possibility of being all connected is very high...... 邪教徒的武器是一把单手剑,而当年东路开拓团中的那个提利安温德尔所用的武器也是单手剑,二者的剑术路子似乎很接近,一脉相承的可能性很高……
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