SOD :: Volume #2

#140: Byron big adventure, as well as new guest

Ancient ruins is dormant in the darkness, the millennium times cannot the erosion fall these firm artificial construction material qualities, but actually the erosion falls here had had Human Race aura, a cold and moist air occupies in the corridor and room that these had experienced the hardships of life, in the air has not been angry, does not have the dead air/Qi. 古老的遗迹蛰伏在黑暗之中,千年光阴没能销蚀掉那些坚固的人工建筑材质,但却销蚀掉了这里曾经存在过的人类气息,一种冷而潮湿的空气盘踞在那些饱经沧桑的走廊和房间里,空气中既没有生气,也没有死气。 This type of atmosphere continued such, till was broken by outsider. 这种气氛持续了如此之久,直到被外来者打破为止。 The magic crystal stone sends out illuminated advance road/s luminously, the complete equipment Cecil battle soldier squad walks under the leadership of Knight Byron in the corridor deep place, they are cautious, concentrate on, as if prepares to deal with these monster that pounces upon suddenly at any time from the darkness although since they enter ruins to the present, the biggest lifeform of sees also is just several mice. 魔法晶石发出的光亮照亮了前进的道路,全副武装塞西尔战斗兵小队在拜伦骑士的带领下行走在走廊深处,他们小心翼翼,全神贯注,仿佛随时准备应对那些从黑暗中猛扑出来的怪物尽管从他们进入遗迹到现在,所见到的最大个的生物也只不过是几只老鼠而已。 Knight Byron walks in the forefront of team, but his behind soldier carries with the hand an oil lamp in having the situation of bright magic crystal stone, the illumination role of oil lamp is not quite big, it main function is when periphery the oxygen deficit proposed warning, when periphery had the shadow, unclean thing emergence reacted. 拜伦骑士走在队伍的最前面,而他身后的一名士兵则手提着一盏油灯在有明亮的魔法晶石的情况下,油灯的照明作用并不太大,它更主要的功能是在周围缺氧的时候提出预警,以及在周围有暗影、不洁之物出现的时候做出反应。 According to order that Gawain issues, they penetrated in this ancient mountain ruins, now already the second day in ruins moving, the thing of seeing still had little change along the way, nothing but is plan orderly, broad to the astonishing corridor and one by one are emptying the room, the construction structure in mountain massif feels from the beginning is very complex, but after exploring some time then can know its rule: This facility obviously aiming at not letting the person becomes lost designs. 按照高文下达的命令,他们深入了这座古老的山中遗迹,现在已经是在遗迹内活动的第二天,沿途所见之物仍然没有太大变化,无非是规划整齐、宽阔到惊人的走廊和一个个空着的房间,山体内的建筑结构一开始给人的感觉很是复杂,但在探索了一段时间之后便能掌握其规律:这座设施显然不是以让人迷路为目的而设计的。 Thing that however no matter this sees arid, Byron fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility is conducting the labelling of plans and various rooms of map. 不过不管这一路所见的东西有多枯燥,拜伦都尽职尽责地进行着地图的绘制和各处房间的标注。 The ray photo of magic crystal stone enters another deep room, Byron and the others arrived was labelled for „the third corridor temporarily the corridor end, the soldiers to stand guard the formation to go forward, after confirming in the room the security, then supposes the sentry post in the entrance: They prepare to take a short break here. 魔法晶石的光芒照进又一个深沉的房间,拜伦等人来到了被暂时标注为“第三长廊”的走廊尽头,士兵们以警戒阵型前进,确认了房间里安全之后便在门口设下哨位:他们准备在这里稍事休息。 Carries on the exploration when dark ancient ruins is the matter that quite loses the physical strength, walks the stamina consumption is not anything, but in the darkness tried to find out that actually quite tests spirit of person. This bringing soldier is the very experienced will excellent veteran, but still needs to rest to walk promptly. 在黑暗的古代遗迹中进行探索是一件相当损耗气力的事情,行走时的体力消耗不算什么,但在黑暗中摸索却相当考验人的精神。这次带来的士兵已经是经验丰富心志过人的老兵,但仍然需要及时休息才能走下去。 After having investigated the hazard factor, the soldiers then pitch camp in the open area of room corner, all around they place the magic crystal stone provide the illumination, later pulls out the respective dry rations and potable water, seize the moment eats food to supplement stamina, Byron sits by together the magic crystal stone, on map with luminous looks at. 排查过危险因素之后,士兵们便在房间一角的空地上扎营,他们将魔法晶石放在四周提供照明,随后掏出各自的干粮和饮水,抓紧时间进食补充体力,拜伦则坐在一块魔法晶石旁边,借着光亮看着手上的地图。 On this handpainted map is labelling at present already has explored the region, because the corridor and room are very orderly, the map also appears very concise easy to understand, although the three-dimensional facility made certain trouble to the draw map, so long as drew each plane alone on the paper is also not the issue. 这张手绘地图上标注着目前已经探索过的区域,由于走廊和房间都很有规律,地图也就显得很是简明易懂,虽然立体化的设施内部给绘制地图造成了一定麻烦,但只要把每一层的平面单独画在纸上也就不是问题了。 Byron of mercenary family background has a familiar task and handles it with ease. 佣兵出身的拜伦对此驾轻就熟。 Lord, this seems like anything not to have,” a veteran said in side, useful thing was evacuated.” 大人,这一层似乎什么都没有,”一名老兵在旁边说道,“有用的东西都被搬空了。” Valuable thing a deeper place,” Byron is often replying, and is pointing at one on map, according to the beforehand rule, here should to the next big steps, walk toward here later.” “有价值的东西往往都在更深的地方,”拜伦回答道,并指着地图上的一处,“按照之前的规律,这里应该是通往下一层的大阶梯,稍后就往这边走。” Yes.” “是。” Byron returns the attention to the map on, and swept one that just to be turned on the oil lamp of chimney at will, the bright flame is still burning well, and shivered because of the breeze gently. 拜伦把注意力放回到地图上,并随意扫了一眼那盏刚刚被打开灯罩的油灯,明亮的火苗还在好好地燃烧着,并因微风而轻轻颤抖。 wait a moment...... wind? 等一下……风? Wind that in the mountain of entire blockade in ruins where comes? Won't the well ventilated passageway form such big air current? 全封锁的山中遗迹里哪来的风?通风孔道也不会形成这么大的气流吧? The vigilance that mercenary period foster has makes Byron not let off this detail, he closes the map immediately, induced really to have the wind with the saliva getting wet finger earnestly. 佣兵时期培养出的警觉让拜伦没有放过这个细节,他立刻合上地图,用口水沾湿手指认真感应了一下确实有风。 Here has the air current,” he reminds immediately, selects several lamps again, looks separately, this room should incessantly an access.” “这里有气流,”他立刻提醒道,“再点几盏灯,分头去找找,这个房间应该不止一个出入口。” The soldiers go into action immediately, starts to seek for the secret door and mechanism in room, quick, they then discovered exceptionally the place. 士兵们立刻行动起来,开始寻找房间中的暗门和机关,很快,他们便发现了异常之处。 In the end of room, on a wall has the obvious rectangle to be hollow, if shape front door, but by after the hollow region piles up one pile of decayed junks that is being the millenniums make decent the wood/blockhead rack and steel waste material. 在房间的尽头,一面墙上有着明显的矩形凹陷,状若大门,而凹陷区域旁边则堆积着一堆朽烂的杂物那是千年风化之后的木头架子和钢铁废料。 Before the room was dimmly-lighted, moreover this ruins can see that everywhere similar wall was hollow and after the junks pile mostly was to demolish the equipment , the trace soldiers who left behind have therefore not paid attention to these things from the start. 之前房间中光线昏暗,而且这座遗迹里本身就到处都能见到类似的墙壁凹陷和杂物堆大多是拆除设备之后留下的痕迹所以士兵们压根没注意这些东西。 But this place has the air current to blow, it is passing with the outside world obviously. 但这一处地方却有气流吹出来,它显然与外界是通着的。 Byron commanded the soldier to eliminate the junks of these stacks, finally revealed one -and-a-half to install underground the metal in wall, that was a root diameter is less than half meter circular cylinder, was vertical to the ground, had half to get buried into the wall, but exposition the part is proliferating complex pattern, its upper half was a downward inclined plane: Obviously cannot treat as to put aside the goods the floor. 拜伦命令士兵清除掉了那些堆积的杂物,结果露出了一节半埋设在墙壁中的金属,那是一根直径不到半米的圆柱体,垂直于地面,有一半埋进墙里,而暴露出来的部分则遍布着复杂的花纹,其上半部分还是个向下倾斜的平面:显然不能当做搁置物品的台面。 What thing is this?” A soldier looks at that metal column, on the face has the nervous look curiously, should not be the trap......” “这是什么东西?”一名士兵好奇地看着那金属柱,脸上带着紧张的神色,“该不会是陷阱吧……” No,” Byron shakes the head, simultaneously is recalling the Gawain confession to own some general knowledge, according to the view of Lord Duke, the goods of this outward appearance usually uses......” “不,”拜伦摇了摇头,同时回忆着高文交代给自己的一些常识,“按照公爵大人的说法,这种外观的物品通常是这么用的……” Is saying, he while placed in the hand the inclined plane of that metal peak, but the latter was unresponsive. 一边说着,他一边将手放在了那金属物顶端的倾斜平面上,但后者毫无反应。 On the Byron face is not awkward: Naturally, this inside great majority thing was for a long time unusable, the age will be after all bad, this was the general knowledge.” 拜伦脸上毫无尴尬:“当然,这里面的大多数东西都不能用,毕竟年代久了就会坏,这是常识。” A soldier proposed one carelessly: Lord, did you pick trying the glove?” 一个士兵大大咧咧地提了一句:“大人,您把手套摘了试试?” Byron face is not red, and also stared this big end of soldier one eyes: You try!” 拜伦老脸丝毫不红,并且还瞪了这个大头兵一眼:“那你来试试!” The opposite also worthily is the soldier who Byron leads, was impolite, casts off the glove then to study the Byron appearance to place in that incline the hand. 对面也不愧是拜伦带出来的兵,一点都不客气,摘掉手套便学着拜伦刚才的样子把手放在那斜面上。 The next second, that metal surface complicated pattern slightly is then bright, where also has the slight vibration never to know transmits, while on that soldier face shows the astonished look, Byron then heard in that metal to transmit some distortions, moreover exceptionally stereotypical sound: Examination...... specimen tester...... the stabilization period...... the approval passes. Is opening the isolation gate......” 下一秒,那金属物表面繁复的花纹便微微明亮起来,同时有轻微的震动从不知什么地方传来,在那名士兵脸上露出惊愕神色的同时,拜伦便听到那金属物里面传来了一个有些失真而且异常呆板的声音:“检测……样本测试者……稳定期……准许通过。正在开启隔离门……” Afterward along with the ancient mechanism revolution sound, on the wall that place hollow place really shrinks unexpectedly inward, and before revealing one, channel that hidden! 随后伴随着吱吱嘎嘎的古老机关运转声,墙壁上那处凹陷的地方竟然真的向内缩去,并露出了一条之前隐藏起来的通道! Everyone look at each other in blank dismay, dumbfounded. 所有人面面相觑,目瞪口呆。 I...... my anything have not done,” soldier hurries to receive the hand, face nervous and not handles, your looks at.” “我……我什么都没做啊,”士兵赶紧把手收回来,一脸紧张和无措,“你们都看着的。” After Byron looked at a front door, that dark channel, casts off own glove suddenly, places in the hand that metal incline. 拜伦看了一眼大门后那黑沉沉的通道,突然摘掉自己的手套,也把手放在那金属斜面上。 The metal installment shone similarly, and quick spreads the sound of old-fashioned distortion from inside: Examination...... specimen tester...... the stabilization period...... the approval passes, isolates the gate to be at the opening condition.” 金属装置同样亮了起来,并很快从里面传出古板失真的声音:“检测……样本测试者……稳定期……准许通过,隔离门已处于开启状态。” „Am I also good?” Byron is dumbfounded, knits the brows, selected a soldier casually, you try!” “我也行?”拜伦目瞪口呆,紧接着皱了皱眉,随便点了一名士兵,“你来试试!” This soldier follows the example also places in that installment the hand, later the matter is completely same: The metal installment shines, and broadcasts a sound from inside, informs news that the approval adopts. 这名士兵有样学样地也把手放在那装置上,之后发生的事情完全一样:金属装置亮起,并从里面传来一个声音,告知准许通过的消息。 Indeed as long as is puts to be able the hand personally through the test. 敢情但凡是个人把手放上去都能通过测试的。 Is after mostly bad......” linked was testing two soldiers, Byron slightly relaxes, after all such ancient thing.” “多半是坏了吧……”连着又测试了两个士兵之后,拜伦略微松了口气,“毕竟这么古老的东西了。” A soldier asked cautiously: Lord, in that we also......” 一名士兵小心翼翼地问道:“大人,那里面咱们还……” Goes to have a look,” on the Byron face was still discrete, but in the heart has jumped for joy slightly, once the wave spread former mercenary that Southern Region size ruins has not turned over as one, he seemed to have smelled the good thing flavor, looked was so long, finally a little discovery!” “进去看看,”拜伦脸上仍然谨慎,但心中已经微微雀跃起来,作为一个曾经浪遍南境大小遗迹未曾翻车的前佣兵,他似乎已经嗅到了好东西的味道,“找了这么久,终于有点发现了!” ...... …… ruins while the Byron party unceasingly Shinnyuuzan, a new guest was also stepping Cecil Family new Feudal Territory simultaneously. 拜伦一行不断深入山中遗迹的同时,一位新的客人也在同时踏上了塞西尔家族的新领地 This is a stature graceful young woman, she does not wear the Ainz style fine gauze women's clothing, the long hair hangs loose after behind, a light purple veil blocked from her facial features, only leaves behind pair of bright and nimble and resourceful pupil reveal outside, her such calmly entered Cecil's Feudal Territory, across the sentry post of soldier, across the camp now is the small town the front door, goes through in the orderly log cabins. 这是一位身材曼妙的年轻女子,她穿着不似安苏风格的轻纱衣裙,长发披散在身后,一张淡紫色的面纱遮住了她的面容,只留下一双明亮而灵动的眸子露在外面,她就这样大大方方地走进了塞西尔的领地,穿过士兵的哨位,穿过营地现在已经是小镇了的大门,穿行在一座座整齐的木屋之间。 Cecil's citizens comes and goes busily by her, but everyone looks but not see it. 塞西尔的领民们就在她旁边来来去去地忙碌,但每一个人都对其视而不见。 The female who wears the veil is walking on such calmly, is observing this theoretically town with a history of several months eyeful curiously. These neat and tidy log cabins in other place could be the qualified town construction after all in the great majority place of this time, the housing conditions of civilians even could not have compared this room, but in fact these log cabins were still obvious transition construction, because by the town main road, can see everywhere is conducting the demolition reconstruction the house, these houses rammed the ground, and constructed with the bricks, obviously was the next generation of houses in this small town. 戴着面纱的女子就这样大大方方地走着,满眼好奇地观察着这个理论上来说只有几个月历史的镇子。那些井然有序的木屋在别的地方已经可以算是合格的城镇建筑毕竟在这个时代的大多数地方,平民的居住条件甚至还比不上这种屋子,但事实上这些木屋仍然是明显的“过渡建筑”,因为在镇子大道两侧,随处还可以看到正在进行拆除改建的房子,那些房子夯实了地基,并用砖瓦建造,明显是这座小镇的下一代房屋。 The unusual noise never the distant place transmits, the female who wears the veil goes following the prestige, discovered that broadcasts the sound the direction is a workshop that emits the mist and dust, she walked curiously, opens the door frankly and uprightly, after seeing inside scene dumbfounded. 奇特的噪声从不远处传来,戴着面纱的女子循声望去,发现传来声音的方向是一片冒出烟尘的厂房,她好奇地走了过去,光明正大地推开门,在看到里面的景象之后目瞪口呆。 Originally here is burns the bricks the place, but in the courtyard central obstructing canopy is actually putting two grotesque machines, a machine has obvious mana to respond, it is revolving under drive of some magic mechanism, and with powerful revolution axis actuation with its connected another machine, but that machine will suppress the neat firm unfired brick as the silt mixture of raw material unceasingly, not only these two machines the efficiency is astonishing, moreover does not need obviously the complex control: The civilians' of two wear homespun cloth clothing looks at by machine, but more people are busy installing the animal-drawn cart the unfired brick of that formation fast, pushes to courtyard another side that neat and tidy is arranging, compared with ordinary brick kiln big in enough several rows of dry kilns. 原来这里就是烧制砖瓦的地方,但院子中央的遮雨棚里却放着两台怪模怪样的机器,其中一台机器有着明显的魔力反应,它在某种魔法机关的带动下旋转着,并用强而有力的转轴驱动与它相连的另一台机器,而那台机器则不断将作为原材料的泥沙混合物压制成规整瓷实的砖坯,这两台机器不但效率惊人,而且显然不需要复杂的控制:只有两个穿着粗布衣裤的平民在机器旁边看着,而更多的人都在忙着将那飞快成型的砖坯装上板车,推向院子另一侧那整整齐齐排列着的、比普通砖窑大了足足好几圈的一排排炉窑里。 What are that two large-scale magic installments......? 那两个大型魔法装置……是什么? magic mechanism? However controls their mage? Who is pouring into mana to them? Who is adjusting their mana flowing? Who is controlling their speed and start and stop? 魔法机关?但是控制它们的法师呢?谁在给它们注入魔力?谁在调节它们的魔力流动?谁控制着它们的速度和启停? Difficult to be inadequate is that two from top to bottom mana response no average people?! 难不成是那两个浑身上下一点魔力反应都没有的普通人?! Said that...... this place can induce to mana probably everywhere responded, this is really strange, is very difficult to be inadequate this piece of Feudal Territory entire to construct on mana focus? 说起来……这地方好像到处都能感应到魔力反应,这真是奇怪的很,难不成这片领地整个都是建造在一个魔力焦点上的? The female who wears the veil is wrinkling the attractive brow, she wants to go to disassemble to have a look that two machines, but must make such action out of the ordinary, perhaps wise sneaks or the psychological suggestion technique will expire, therefore she can only shake the head regrettably, withdraws from the courtyard to close the gate. 戴着面纱的女子皱着好看的眉头,她很想去把那两台机器拆开看看,但要做出这么出格的举动,恐怕再高明的潜行或心理暗示术都会失效,所以她只能遗憾地摇了摇头,退出院子把门关上。 But at this moment, seemingly a little familiar, the vigor full sound conveys from her suddenly behind: „! who are you?!” 而就在这时,一个貌似有点熟悉的、活力十足的声音突然从她身后传来:“啊!你是哪个?!”
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