SOD :: Volume #2

#139: Correct road

After discussing the honey-comb magic circuit model also pledged reward, Gawain has not let Rebecca and Jenny leaves, but puts out some blueprints that he these days drew up, as well as in the ordinary day understood according to oneself, to some induction summaries and calculation materials that „the rune logic makes. 在讨论完蜂巢型魔网模型并且承诺了“奖赏”之后,高文并没有让瑞贝卡詹妮离开,而是拿出了他这些日子所绘制的一些图纸,以及平日里根据自己理解,对“符文逻辑学”所做的一些归纳总结和演算资料。 The Rebecca attention was attracted by the Gawain's blueprint, but Jenny saw these mathematical formulas of Gawain calculation, the latter opened the eye surprisedly: „Are these you do?” 瑞贝卡的注意力被高文的图纸所吸引,而詹妮则一眼就看到了高文演算的那些算式,后者惊讶地睁大了眼睛:“这些都是您做的?” Idles is all right studies you to give my these materials, tried to combine rune sequence,” Gawain nods with a smile, I in some magic theory aspect foundations.” “闲着没事的时候研究你给我的那些资料,试着自己组合了一下符文排序,”高文笑着点点头,“我在魔法理论方面还是有一些基础的。” This...... this is not the issue of foundation,” the Jenny inconceivable looks at Gawain's achievement, these calculation method have...... writing habit, had you contacted the thing in this aspect before?” “这……这不是基础的问题,”詹妮不可思议看着高文的成果,“这些计算方式还有……书写习惯,您以前难道就接触过这方面的东西么?” „The Gondor Empire period has many achievements to be natural in the mathematical science aspect, the rune logic has not developed actually.” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly to be perfunctory, but the actual situation only then he himself knows: He had not previously truly contacted the rune logic, mathematical ideology that but previous life accumulates actually also, even if the formula is not general, the mentality of that logical and computation will not actually expire, the rune logic formula that so far Jenny reorganizes is also at the quite simple stage, but must understand that these computation that is extended by the empirical formula, is not difficult to Gawain. 刚铎帝国时期在数理方面有不少建树当然,符文逻辑学倒是没发展起来。”高文随口敷衍着,而实际情况只有他自己知道:他此前确实没有接触过符文逻辑学,但上辈子积累的数学思想却还在,公式哪怕不通用了,那种逻辑和计算的思路却是不会失效的,目前为止詹妮整理出来的符文逻辑学公式都还处于相当简单的阶段,而要理解那些由经验公式延伸出来的计算,对高文而言并不困难。 Saw that Jenny also has the trend that continues to ask, Gawain hurries the topic guidance next stage: We first come to see these things.” 见到詹妮还有继续发问的趋势,高文赶紧把话题导向下一个阶段:“我们还是先来看看这些东西吧。” This is your previous time mentioning second-generation magic engine what rotor-type engine, called what......” Rebecca turns the looks at present blueprint, „haven't this I seen...... this formation model to seem like fire element?” “这个是您上次提到的‘第二代魔能引擎’,叫什么转子式引擎什么的……”瑞贝卡看着眼前的图纸,“这个我没见过啊……这个法阵模型好像是火系的?” Is heat ray formation, 2nd Level magic, can release together the hot light beam of focus from the formation focus,” Gawain answered, „words saying that this was just low rank magic,...... you hasn't seen compared with Big Fireball low 1st Level?” “是灼热射线法阵,二级魔法,可以从法阵焦点释放出一道聚焦的热光束,”高文解释道,“话说这只不过是低阶魔法吧,比大火球还低一级呢……你没见过?” Without seeing,” Rebecca whistling has been swinging the head, during that time Aunt Hetty has taught me heat ray magic pattern, she thought that this magic spell with the Fireball Spell common origin, perhaps I can learn the result I to study the skull of this magic spell study to hurt, afterward had the trauma, how again to studying to transform formation time several classes this magic pattern is to rest in the past......” “没见过,”瑞贝卡呼呼地摇着脑袋,“当年赫蒂姑妈教过我灼热射线法术模型,她觉得这个法术火球术同源,说不定我能学会结果我学这个法术学的脑壳疼,后来就有心理阴影了,再到学习怎么把这个法术模型转换成法阵的时候几节课都是睡过去的……” looks at this explains the n + 1 great-granddaughter of black history confidently, Gawain is simply dumbfounded. 看着这个坦然交待黑历史的n+1曾孙女,高文简直目瞪口呆。 So-called heat ray is not profound magic spell, although looks like this pew pew to give off heat magic that in Gawain can the ray hit in one of the light shadow special effect level eye-catching, but in fact it is only 2nd Level magic, compared with the 1st Level Small Fireball high level, but Rebecca can actually depend upon oneself powerful mental energy suppresses Big Fireball hardly 3rd Level Magician, properly speaking heat ray to her at all is not the difficult problem, but without the means that in extraordinary domain of this world, the so-called spell casting talent is to ascend the sky to be doomed, regarding depending upon the personal quality discharges magic spell mage, if there is spell casting flaw inborn, that. No matter how not to have idea again diligently. 所谓灼热射线并不是什么高深的法术,虽然在高文看来这个biu一发热能光线打出去的魔法在光影特效层面拉风的一笔,但实际上它只是个二级魔法,就比一级小火球高一个层次,而瑞贝卡却是能依靠自己强悍的精神力硬憋出大火球的“三级魔法师”,按理说灼热射线对她而言根本不是什么难题,但是没办法,在这个世界的超凡领域里,所谓的施法天赋就是上天注定,对于依靠个人素质施放法术法师而言,如果天生有施法缺陷,那不管再怎么努力也是没辙的。 Even also meets the skull to hurt diligently excessively. 努力过头甚至还会脑壳疼。 However here must say one additionally, although Rebecca only meets one Fireball Spell, but she can force to be known as in fact oneself speak two magic making an effort dot is Small Fireball, the making an effort big point is Big Fireball, these two magic spell 1st Level 3rd Level, its magic pattern is almost exactly the same, but the latter needs to pour into many mana, and controls with higher mental energy. Rebecca can only record magic pattern inborn, but this magic pattern is the fireball, therefore she said that she meets two magic spell not to have the issue...... 不过这里就要额外说一句了,虽然瑞贝卡只会一个“火球术”,但事实上她是可以强行号称自己会两个魔法的使劲小点就是小火球,使劲大点就是大火球,这两个法术一个一级一个三级,其法术模型几乎一模一样,只不过后者需要灌注更多的魔力,并用更高的精神力来控制。瑞贝卡天生只能记录一个法术模型,而这个法术模型就正好是火球,因此她说自己会两个法术也没问题…… Gawain always feels this girl, if continues the drift off on this talent tree, sooner or later some day she can come out the nuclear fusion point...... 高文总觉得这姑娘如果继续在这条天赋树上跑偏,迟早有一天她能把核聚变点出来…… Lord Ancestor do you look at this to me are to do?” At this time Rebecca has looked at several blueprints, raised the head asks curiously, „did you prepare to make this rotor-type magic engine?” 祖先大人您给我看这个是干嘛啊?”这时候瑞贝卡已经把几张图纸看完,抬头好奇地问道,“难道您又准备把这个转子式魔能引擎造出来了?” When makes the complex magic energy machinery or high-level magic item, puzzles us in a big way, was disturbance,” Gawain was saying recently continuously at the matter of ponder, „the energy flow between magic formation operation and rune can have the disturbance, two neighboring magic formation will also disturb together, because high-level magic item formation was complex, the rune node quantity were many, the disturbance was bigger this is the high-level magic item rate of finished products is also low, the high-cost primary factor, until now, traditional mages is unable completely to solve this problem, but this also causes most important reason that the extraordinary goods were hard to popularize.” “在制造复杂魔能机械或者高级魔法道具的时候,困扰我们最大的,就是‘干扰’,”高文说着自己最近一直在思考的事情,“魔法阵运行和符文之间的能量流动会产生干扰,两个相邻的魔法阵在一起也会干扰,高级魔法道具因为法阵复杂,符文节点数量多,干扰就更大这也是高级魔法道具成品率低,价格高昂的主要因素,一直以来,传统法师们都无法彻底解决这个问题,而这也是导致超凡物品难以普及的最重要原因。” These formulas that Jenny looks at Gawain writes, suddenly had some clear(ly) to become aware, show look looking pensive. 詹妮看着高文所写的那些计算公式,突然有了些明悟,露出若有所思的神色来。 But Gawain continues saying: rotor-type engine previous time we have discussed that its only issue disturbs, repulsion formation are too many, the arrangement is also symmetrical, therefore disturbs unavoidable, has to temporarily give up, but this thermal energy beam formation......” 高文则继续说道:“转子式引擎上次我们已经讨论过了,它的唯一问题就是干扰,斥力法阵太多,排列又对称,所以干扰无法避免,不得不暂时放弃,而这个热能射线法阵……” Thermal energy beam should formation not have the interference problem?” Rebecca not too definitely said that „, although I not, but I know that this formation has been mature technology, many Magician like establishing this trap might to be good in oneself Mage Tower, will not explode like the fireball arrives at the surrounding thing, can solve these intruder very much precisely......” “热能射线法阵应该没有干扰问题吧?”瑞贝卡不太肯定地说道,“虽然我不会,但我知道这种法阵早就是个成熟技术了,不少魔法师喜欢在自己的法师塔里设置这种陷阱威力不错,而且不像火球一样会炸到周围的东西,可以很精确地解决掉那些入侵者……” Gawain beckons with the hand: Right, thermal energy beam formation has applied, but that is because traditional mages through carved it solution in the expensive magical basis ‚’ the interference problem, but I planned that drew up it on very cheap red copper base plate, the rune material quality was a cheaper quartz sand and scarlet blood gum this also has the interference problem.” 高文摆摆手:“没错,热能射线法阵已经有所应用,但那是因为传统法师们通过把它刻在昂贵的导魔基底上‘解决’了干扰问题,但我打算把它绘制在很便宜的红铜基板上,符文材质则是更加便宜的石英砂和赤血树胶这就又有干扰问题了。” Jenny guessed correctly the Gawain's meaning indistinctly: You want to reduce its cost but to mean that on inferior magical material the formation plan each rune energy level will be suppressed by the material, the effective power will reduce, to guarantee formation can revolve, has to through increasing the way of rune quantity raises the effective power, but in the concept of many traditional mage, the rune quantity are more, has the probability of disturbance is also higher.” 詹妮隐约猜到了高文的意思:“您是想降低它的成本但把法阵绘制在劣质导魔材料上就意味着每个符文的能级都会被材料压制,有效功率会降低,而为了保证法阵能运转起来,就不得不通过增加符文数量的方式来提高有效功率,而在很多传统法师的观念里,符文数量越多,产生干扰的几率也就越高。” Right,” Gawain said at a moderate pace, „the formation plan or the cutting on the low rank backing material, or manufactures rune with the inferior material, will cause rune has xiao to strive to reduce, must therefore through increasing the way of rune quantity ensure formation can achieve the original effect, but many rune have a higher probability to cause formation to collapse because of the disturbance. Means that traditional mage solves this problem the formation quarter on the expensive high level material, like this can achieve the goal they to be familiar with this way to dodge the disturbance by the simplest formation structure, because they are not short of money.” “没错,”高文不紧不慢地说道,“将法阵绘制或刻制在低阶的基底材料上,或者用劣质材料制作符文,会导致符文的‘有効出力’降低,因此就必须通过增加符文数量的方式来确保法阵能发挥原有的效果,而越多的符文就有越高的几率导致法阵因干扰而崩溃。传统法师解决这个问题的办法就是把法阵刻在昂贵的高阶材料上,这样以最精简的法阵结构就能达成目的他们习惯用这种方式来规避干扰,因为他们不缺钱。” Rebecca: „But how Lord Ancestor have you wanted to make the extraordinary goods...... that word mention diligently?” 瑞贝卡:“但祖先大人您一直努力想让超凡物品……那个词怎么说来着?” The Gawain applause looked at her one eyes: Inexpensive mass production.” 高文赞许地看了她一眼:“廉价量产。” Afterward he then said: All issues belong to magic unique disturbance nature, the formation interference is actually obstacle of hindrance inexpensive mass production, it pulled originally the low rank magic item cost, causes many machines that I design to have no way to operate, but currently...... we have the approach of solution disturbance.” 随后他接着说道:“所有问题都归于魔法特有的‘干扰’性质,法阵的干扰性其实就是阻碍廉价量产的拦路虎,它拉高了很多原本低阶魔法道具的成本,也导致我设计的很多机器没法运行,但现在……我们有了解决干扰的思路。” Mentality calculates through the rune logic!” Jenny has heard to be fascinated, she studies the rune rule many years, but she designs formation with it, completes task that the teacher delivers, this is the first time that she conscious in a higher level to the true values of these mathematical instruments, traditional mage believes, was magic formation increases caused the disturbance and collapse of magic formation, but in fact we can calculate from the formula, rune will increase will not cause the disturbance, on the contrary, many rune instead gave the formation higher anti-jamming ability to cause the disturbance truly, was rune ties when disturbance that the specific arrangement produced ‚’, Because the disturbance knot has the disturbance is the index rises, goes far beyond increases rune to tie the brought anti-jamming ability, therefore people have thought that so long as formation changed, it will not stabilize......” “思路就是通过符文逻辑学来计算!”詹妮已经听得入了迷,她研究符文的规律已经很多年,但她只是用其设计法阵,完成导师交付的任务,这是她第一次在更高的层面上意识到这些数学工具的真正价值,“传统法师认为,是魔法阵增多才导致了魔法阵的干扰和崩溃,但实际上我们从公式里就能计算出来,符文增多并不会导致干扰,相反,越多的符文反而给了法阵更高的抗干扰能力真正导致干扰的,是符文在特定排列时所产生的‘干扰结’,只是因为干扰结产生干扰是指数上升的,远远超过增加符文结所带来的抗干扰能力,因此人们才一直认为,只要法阵变多了,它就会不稳定……” Gawain smiled, smiles especially happily: Right, had the rune logic, our need not studies like these traditional mage groping, need not relies on the luck like them and unreliable experience designs formation, before for example me, rotor-type magic engine that designs, we can through the rune arrangement of trimming each repulsion formation, even redesigns the repulsion formation way to reduce the disturbance knot, can through the similar method, these originally the formation plan or the cutting that needs expensive magical material to manufacture on cheap red copper coin, lets its small advantage to the degree that everyone can use!” 高文笑了起来,笑得格外开心:“没错,有了符文逻辑学,我们就不用像那些传统法师一样摸黑研究,不用像他们一样凭借运气和不可靠的经验去设计法阵,比如我之前设计的转子式魔能引擎,我们可以通过微调每一个斥力法阵符文排列,甚至重新设计斥力法阵的方式来减少干扰结,也可以通过同样的方法,把那些原本需要昂贵魔导材料才能制作的法阵绘制或刻制在便宜的红铜板上,让它便宜到人人都可以用的程度!” Everyone can be frightened obviously by this view with......” Jenny, this possibility?” “人人都可以用……”詹妮显然被这个说法吓到了,“这可能么?” Gawain asked one: Why is impossible? Now the baking bricks worker and miners on Feudal Territory are using magic engine, that isn't magic engine essentially magic item?” 高文反问了一句:“为什么不可能?现在就连领地上的烧砖工人和矿工都在使用魔能引擎,那魔能引擎本质上不就是一个魔法道具么?” Jenny had nothing to say in reply immediately. 詹妮顿时无言以对。 Therefore you do want to make us receive round trip computation these types of things?” These blueprints that Rebecca looks at Gawain takes, on the face showed the eager expression suddenly, „, I noticed that your also specialized did label the basis material quality and rune material quality price sector by each magic formation...... must make formation operate in such inexpensive foundation? Looks has the challenging very much!” “所以您是想让我们接下来去计算这几样东西?”瑞贝卡看着高文拿出来的那些图纸,脸上突然露出了跃跃欲试的表情,“啊,我看到您还专门在每个魔法阵旁边标注了基底材质和符文材质的价格区间……要在这么廉价的基础上让法阵运行起来么?看起来很有挑战性诶!” Confident?” Gawain asked with a smile. “有信心么?”高文笑着问道。 Rebecca throws out the chest: Has specially!” 瑞贝卡一挺胸:“特别有!” Jenny slightly somewhat shyly and is smiling cautious: I will try hard, certainly does not disappoint you.” 詹妮则略有些腼腆和拘谨地微笑着:“我会努力的,一定不让您失望。” Two girl bring big pile of new blueprints and materials left, but Gawain relaxes, lets the upper part by the chairback, whatever own train of thought is floating. 两个姑娘带着一大堆新的图纸和资料离开了,而高文则放松下来,让上半身靠在椅背上,任凭自己的思绪漂浮着。 He thinks, he finally found that to let the average person also enters mysterious domain, the correct road. 他想,他终于找到了那条可以让普通人也进入神秘领域的、正确的路。 He also grasped let this world magic displayed the maximum propulsive efficiency the road. 他也把握到了让这个世界的“魔法”发挥出最大推进效率的路。 magic wants to become nature, is to make his wonderful ideas quickly transform as the biggest boost of reality! 魔法的“所想即所成”性质,就是让他那些奇思妙想迅速转化为实际的最大助力! In the world without magic, a conception, if transforms as the reality probably takes for several years even dozens years and several generations of effort, the difficult tool production and improvement process occupied whole time, however in the world that having magic has, this process was actually greatly reduced, almost all time costs are actually completed between the brain and written records, so long as rapidness of enough mage computation, suffices to be accurate, so long as that he completes the magic pattern flash, his magic spell on will turn into one to be able in the reality achieves the effect thing, even if their magic also are only them temporarily, but that. magic can produce practical significance actually already achieve. 在没有魔法的世界,一个构想若要转化为现实可能需要数年甚至数十年、数代人的努力,艰难的工具生产和改进过程占去了大部分的时间,然而在有魔法存在的世界,这个过程却被大大缩短了,几乎所有的时间成本其实都是在大脑和纸笔之间完成的,只要法师计算的够快,够准确,那么只要他完成法术模型的一瞬间,他的法术就会变成一个可以在现实中发挥效果的“事物”,哪怕他们的魔法暂时还只属于他们自己,但那魔法所能够产生的“现实意义”却已经实现了。 But Gawain must do, these magic spell one by one transformation is magic engine, heat-ray gun, crystal bomb and honey-comb magic circuit...... 8) 高文所要做的,就只是把这些法术一个个转化为魔能引擎热能射线枪结晶炸弹蜂巢魔网……八)
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