SOD :: Volume #2

#138: Strength of computation

magic circuit infinite development structure?” Hears a series of glossaries that Rebecca jumps suddenly, bountiful a little gets muddled by Gawain all of a sudden, „before you, has proposed this with me?” 魔网的无限拓展结构?”听到瑞贝卡突然蹦出来的这一连串词汇,饶是以高文一下子有点发蒙,“你之前跟我提过这个么?” „It is not I raises with you, is you raises with me! Do you forget?” Rebecca brandishes the arm( to speak the truth Gawain to be really worried that her hand slides pounds that iron magic staff on own head), „before you, has not told me, can make magic circuit turn into one type more open and have development and to be easy to lay down and fluctuate the unit the thing? Then I have been thinking this matter, but thinks for a long time does not have an achievement very much, until a while ago “不是我跟您提的,是您跟我提的啊!您忘啦?”瑞贝卡挥舞着胳膊(说实话高文真担心她手一滑就把那根铁法杖砸在自己脑袋上),“您之前不是跟我说过,要让魔网变成一种更开放、更具有拓展性、更易于铺设和增减单元的东西么?然后我就一直在想这件事,但想了很久都没个成果,直到前阵子” She is saying while raised the hand refers to side Jenny that gasps for breath greatly: A while ago Jenny did not come, she also brought early period Wild Mage these research data, I gave the supplement to be complete this system finally. Lord Ancestor do you know? The Wild Mage notebook can only be the portion achievement, that above magic circuit is only the latter half conclusion, but without the inferential reasoning process and construction principle of first half, we can only simulation come out magic circuit with very stupid method, but the material in Jenny hand is actually Wild Mage constructs these foundation rune times at first complete set logic......” 她一边说着一边抬手指向旁边正在大喘气的詹妮:“前阵子詹妮不是来了么,她还带来了野法师早期的那些研究资料,我才终于把这个体系给补充完整。祖先大人您知道么?野法师的笔记本只能算是一部分成果,那上面的魔网只是后半段的结论,但没有前半段的推导过程和构建原理,咱们就只能用很笨的方法把魔网‘模拟’出来,但詹妮手中的资料却是野法师最初构建那些基础符文时候的全套逻辑……” Rebecca do not look ordinarily silly dull, if mentioned these specialized domain things she to keep immediately on bala, Gawain understood at a glance that under this girl must speak of the food, therefore hurried to break her: Stop stop stop I understand that your meaning, you theory collect in other words now finally, therefore knew the magic circuit rule from the principle level finally, rather than followed a model these I to understand, you showed the infinite development structure that you said me.” 瑞贝卡别看平常傻乎乎呆愣愣的,但一旦说起这些专业领域的事情她顿时就bala个不停起来,高文一看就知道这姑娘非得说到下顿饭去,于是赶紧打断了她:“停停停我明白你的意思,就是说你现在终于把理论凑齐所以终于从原理层面掌握了魔网的规律,而不是照葫芦画瓢了是吧这些我懂,你给我看看你说的无限拓展结构。” „In we go to look, many!” Rebecca entrains the Gawain's arm to walk in the tent direction, walks also while is then greeting Jenny loudly, you also come you also to come, most computations are you are completed!” “咱们去里面看,好多张呢!”瑞贝卡拽着高文的胳膊往帐篷方向走去,一边走还一边回头大声招呼着詹妮,“你也来你也来,大部分计算还是你完成的呢!” In the Gawain's tent, Rebecca brings the excited expression to curl shops to launch these papers that Jenny brings, according to the order overspread the whole piece table, finally launches the large size blueprint in own hand, places all blueprints the midpoints. 高文的营帐内,瑞贝卡带着一脸兴奋的表情将詹妮带来的那些纸卷一张张铺展开,按照次序铺满了整张桌子,最后才把自己手中的大号图纸展开,放在所有图纸的正中央。 That was wrote all over the formula, the geometric figure and paper of logical induction process, they by rigorous, but the inconceivable logic optimized and combines foundation rune repeatedly, on each paper can see the dense and numerous lines and designs, even if Gawain also had many knowledge in the magic aspect, took a quick look around actually also only feels the dizziness brain bulge, on that paper that but in Rebecca unfolded finally, all complicated computations and connections completed the simplification. 那是写满了计算公式、几何图形、逻辑归纳过程的纸张,它们以严谨而不可思议的逻辑性将基础符文反复优化、组合,每张纸上都能看到密密麻麻的线条和图案,哪怕高文魔法方面也有不少的知识,第一眼看去却也只感觉头晕脑胀,但在瑞贝卡最后铺开的那张纸上,所有繁复的计算和连接都完成了简化。 On that only then the most most basic unit sharp it is a symplex structure of hexagon, ties the combination with eight rune, six composition frames, two situated in the interior, its succinct achieve to make the person inconceivable degree exquisitely, looked at one merely, the Gawain's vision deeply is then attracted by it. 那上面只有一个最最基础的单元图形它是一个六边形的对称结构,用八个符文结组合而成,六个组成边框,两个位于内部,它的简洁优美达到令人不可思议的程度,仅仅看了一眼,高文的目光便被它深深吸引。 This is......” “这是……” „Unit most basic in magic circuit,” the Rebecca eye sparkles to shine, after completing all possible optimizations and simplifications, I discovered that magic circuit only needs these eight rune to tie can conduct most basic charge and output operation, but its interior only then a disturbance knot, therefore each such unit is much lower than the disturbing threshold, more such unit connections, the disturbance will be instead lower. You looked, it is symmetrical, the opposite side is supplementary, therefore......” 魔网里的最基础,”瑞贝卡眼睛闪闪发亮,“在完成所有可能的优化和简化之后,我发现魔网只需要这八个符文结就可以进行最基本的充能和输出操作,而它内部只有一个干扰结,因此每个这样的‘单元’都是远远低于干扰阈值的,越多这样的单元连接,干扰反而会越低。您看,它是对称的,对边互补,所以……” Gawain could not have heard the Rebecca following words, he is reappearing at present belongs in the future, makes the scene that one shocks 高文已经听不到瑞贝卡接下来的话,他眼前正浮现出一幕属于未来的、令人震撼的场景 The foundation unit of this hexagon is expanding, in extending, through its foundation symplex structure, the innumerable hexagons connected as if honey-comb shape, it spread in any possible place, overspread the factory, overspread the city, overspread the place of Human Race activity, this great energy installment got rid of magic formation finally the limit, after Rebecca and Jenny day and night optimization, it turned into the minimum foundation unit, thus becomes the biggest magic marvelous sight. 这个六边形的基础单元在扩展,在延伸,通过它的基础对称结构,无数的六边形连接成了仿佛蜂巢般的形状,它铺在任何可能的地方,铺满工厂,铺满城市,铺满人类活动之处,这个伟大的能源装置终于摆脱了“魔法阵”的限制,在瑞贝卡詹妮夜以继日的优化之后,它变成了最小的基础单元,也由此成为了最大的魔法奇观。 magic circuit, can become demon finally net. 魔网,终于可以成为魔“网”了。 This structure and Magic Circuit V.1 how should the connection solve?” Gawain asks a very actual question immediately. “这个结构和‘魔网一号’的接驳该怎么解决?”高文立刻问了个很实际的问题。 Magic Circuit V.1 as well as same-type magic circuit at present are playing the role in Steelworks and Brick Kiln Factory on the 2nd, in addition several small-scale prototype magic circuit are magic engine provides the power in mine and other places, although magic circuit of these old models old, but in fact oldest also only operated for several months, now Rebecca tosses about advanced honey-comb magic circuit, but must tear down several old magic circuit is not quite cost-effective, the manpower and resources of loss directly exchanges to present Feudal Territory are very big waste. 魔网一号以及同型的魔网二号目前正在钢铁厂砖窑厂中发挥作用,另外还有几个小型的“原型魔网”在矿山等地为魔能引擎提供动力,这些旧型号的魔网虽说是“旧”,但实际上最老的也只运行了几个月而已,现在瑞贝卡折腾出了更加先进的“蜂巢魔网”,但要直接把几个旧型魔网拆掉换新的却不太划算,损耗的人力物力对如今的领地都是很大的浪费。 You felt relieved that I have considered,” Rebecca is not worried about this obviously, the hexagon structure that you see although and beforehand magic circuit is long completely differently, but in fact it cutting from old magic circuit and distortion, between the two can definitely the direct connection, only need to revise the design of rune arrangement in the attachment point slightly on the line. Jenny is 4th Level Runeshaper, she most excels to this.” “您放心吧,我已经考虑过了,”瑞贝卡显然并不担心这个,“您看到的这个六边形结构虽然跟之前的魔网长得完全不一样,但实际上它就是从旧型魔网里面切割、变形过来的,二者之间完全可以直接连接,只需要在连接处稍微修改一下符文排列的图案就行。詹妮四级符文师,她对这个最擅长。” Gawain nods satisfied: Very good, then, all magic circuit in Feudal Territory will be based from now on newly honey-comb magic circuit constructs...... a little must confirm, its security how?” 高文满意地点点头:“很好,那么从今往后,领地中的所有魔网就以新的‘蜂巢魔网’为基础构建……不过有一点要确认,它的安全性怎么样?” At this time in the Gawain mind braved, was extremely serious magic circuit collapse hidden danger. 这时候高文脑海中冒出来的,是极为严重的“魔网崩溃”隐患。 Although Rebecca found distorted the magic circuit simplification, the path of composition infinite development network, can connect all magic circuit, making it have the enormous extension, but this certainly has a huge hidden danger: After all magic circuit connect together, means that its overload risk was also connected in one, huge mana will surge in the structure of this infinite development, mana that once the having problems violent of walks likely follows magic circuit to dissipate everywhere, destroys all and its connected magic energy equipment! 虽然瑞贝卡找到了将魔网简化变形,组成无限拓展网络的路子,可以将所有的魔网连接起来,让它具备极大的扩展性,但这毫无疑问有个巨大的隐患:当所有魔网连接到一起之后,也就意味着它的过载风险也被连接在了一起,庞大的魔力会在这个无限拓展的结构中涌动,一旦出了问题暴走的魔力很可能顺着魔网四处逸散,破坏掉所有与其相连的魔能设备! On Earth, there are various types of circuit breakers, manostats and other safety equipment to assure the security of electrical network, therefore Gawain first thinks that magic circuit perhaps also needs similar security measures to be good. 在地球上,有各种断路器、稳压器等安全设备来保证电网的安全,所以高文第一时间就想到魔网或许也需要类似的安全措施才行。 Rebecca heard the Gawain's words dumbfounded immediately, opened the mouth to respond quite a while spoke: „...... I have not really thought......” 瑞贝卡听到高文的话则顿时呆住了,张着嘴巴反应了半天才吭声:“啊……我还真没想过……” Her one face worship: Lord Ancestor you are quite fierce! Why this type of new thing just drew the blueprint each time, you looks at has it revolved for dozens years to think of so many real issues probably same?” 紧接着她就一脸崇拜:“祖先大人您好厉害!为什么每次这种新东西刚画出图纸来,您就好像已经看着它运转了几十年一样能想到那么多实际的问题?” cough cough...... the experience of old people, the experience of old people,” Gawain is coughing awkwardly, entrains the topic returns to the right track, you think now how should solve this network the security problem. In the honey-comb structure all mana are the unrestricted flows, completely depends upon magic circuit self regulation and releases to be able the mechanism to guarantee mana to be stable, if portion unit the self regulation lost control, too high mana will surpass close to the withstanding limit of unit, might burn down all neighboring units instantaneously, is the vicious circle......” 咳咳……老年人的经验,老年人的经验,”高文尴尬地咳嗽着,把话题拽回到正轨上,“你现在想想,该怎么解决这个网络的安全问题。蜂巢结构里所有魔力都是自由流动的,完全依靠魔网本身的自平衡和泄能机制来确保魔力稳定,但一旦一部分‘单元’的自平衡失控了,过高的魔力就会超过临近单元的承受极限,很可能会瞬间烧掉所有相邻的单元,然后就是恶性循环……” Rebecca stares the big eye, as if by that possible one frightening, but nearby Jenny is knitting the brows to ponder diligently: We...... Lane magic circuit is too big, dividing the one by one region was good.” 瑞贝卡瞪大眼睛,仿佛被那可能发生的一幕给吓到,而旁边的詹妮则皱着眉努力思考起来:“那我们……不要把魔网的太大,分割成一个个区域好了。” That lost the value of this honey-comb structure,” Gawain shakes the head, this honey-comb structure to let magic circuit can develop infinitely, connects.” “那就失去了这个蜂巢结构的价值,”高文摇摇头,“这个蜂巢结构就是为了让魔网能无限拓展,连接起来的。” Rebecca curiously looks at Gawain: Lord Ancestor your meaning?” 瑞贝卡好奇地看着高文:“祖先大人您的意思呢?” Gawain lowers the head the magic circuit honey-comb unit on looks at table, suddenly asked: How two such honey-comb units link?” 高文低头看着桌上的魔网蜂巢单元,突然问道:“两个这样的蜂巢单元是怎么连接在一起的?” Direct connection,” Rebecca nods naturally, two rune knots place the same place, such transport efficiency is highest.” “直接连接啊,”瑞贝卡理所当然地点头,“两个符文结放在一块,这样传输效率最高。” Among the connection them becomes frail,” in the knowledge of this world as if no appropriate solution, Gawain then only to seek help from the mentality of last, can increase a room partition...... the cheap black stone to make the coupling to be good, Blackstone is magical material, but the tolerance is very bad, mana fluctuation will disrupt fiercely directly.” “把它们之间的连接变脆弱,”在本世界的知识里似乎没有合适的解决方案,高文便只能求助于上一世的思路,“可以增加一个隔断……便宜的黑石制成连接器就不错,黑石是导魔材料,但耐受力很差,魔力波动剧烈就会直接碎裂。” You meant, each honey-comb units and other units separate, does the middle add on buffer material that the black stone makes ‚’?” Rebecca scratches the head to send, „, but the magical efficiency of Blackstone is not high, this will perhaps make the entire magic circuit effectiveness drop 1/4 many also......” “您是说,每个蜂巢单元和其他单元都隔开一点,中间加上黑石制成的‘缓冲材料’?”瑞贝卡挠挠头发,“但黑石的导魔效率不高啊,这样恐怕会让整个魔网的效能下降四分之一还多……” „What trades is safe, even several units lost control, they will still only be separated from the total net, but will not endanger to other things,” Gawain answered, in reduction as for efficiency, after these foundation units connected massively, will offset the insufficiency in efficiency. Moreover my is also only the preliminary solution, in the future must certainly find a better way.” “但换来的是安全,即便几个单元失控了,它们也只会自行脱离总网,而不会危及到其他东西,”高文解释道,“至于效率上的降低,这些基础单元大量连接起来之后会弥补效率上的不足的。而且我这也只是个初步解决方案,将来肯定要找到更好的办法。” Is saying, Gawain while smiled: Present magic circuit is very primitive, even if adds on this honey-comb structure is very primitive. It the absorption energy from the environment, then the magic energy equipment also the received energy from magic circuit, this middle does not have the process of security cushion directly directly, without stationary stream, without measurement, even without drive pipe consuming energy equipment pastes oneself directly on magic circuit, this connection mode you did not think that is worth improving very much?” 一边说着,高文一边笑了起来:“现在的魔网还很原始哪怕加上这个蜂巢结构也很原始。它直接从环境中汲取能量,然后魔能设备又直接从魔网上接收能量,这中间没有安全缓冲的过程,没有稳流,没有计量,甚至没有‘导管’耗能设备就直接把自己贴在魔网上,这种连接方式你们不觉得很值得改进么?” Rebecca nods looking pensive, but Jenny too has not adapted to the exchange way that this type is completely equal and states views, seems a little cautious, the look that but that flashes also fully showed that she was pondering words that Gawain spoke. 瑞贝卡若有所思地点了点头,而詹妮则还不太适应这种完全平等、各抒己见的交流方式,显得有点拘谨,但那闪动的眼神也足以说明她正在思考高文说的话。 This is a new thing, the issue that the road that it develops, Gawain has not been making two girls want to understand these could be very long, can solve steadily after” at the scene, takes your time, does not worry. This you performed the big merit time, what wanting to reward?” “这是一个新生的事物,它发展的路还长着呢,”高文没有让两个女孩当场就把这些可能要很久以后才能解决的问题想明白,“慢慢来,不着急。这一次你们立下了大功劳,想要什么奖赏么?” I want to trade new crystal to my magic staff!” Rebecca will not be polite with the great ancestor grandfather, immediately is brandishing own iron magic staff happily, you looked, on magic staff this crystal is very old!” “我想给自己的法杖换个新水晶!”瑞贝卡跟太祖爷爷可不会客气,立刻高兴地挥舞着自己的铁法杖,“您看,法杖上这个水晶已经很旧啦!” Gawain looked with, all of a sudden saw that iron magic staff peak embed crystal is really obsolete, not only the gloss is gloomy, but also lacked several small corners/horns, the claw that fixed crystal uses holds also to have the obvious distortion...... 高文拿眼一看,一下子就看到那铁法杖顶端镶嵌的水晶果然已经陈旧,不但光泽暗淡,而且还缺了好几个小角,固定水晶用的爪托也有着明显的变形…… When this motherfucking Warhammer does cause to become this?! tm战锤使才能成这样吧?! The Gawain eyebrow jumps, wants to urge the little granddaughter not to trade crystal simply, goes to Machine Building to look for the sparganium stoloniferum big stick that a Lane Nicholas Egg belt/bring punctures to weld to be easier-to-use, but thinks that good and evil girl also contributed to the great merit, moreover her whole body that mage makings also depended on that crystal to support finally, then sighed at heart, said: That side treasury has fire element together element core, is during that time brings from Gondor Empire, you take away, making Runesmith give you to process the speed up loading on magic staff.” 高文眉毛一跳,就想劝自己小孙女干脆别换水晶了,去机械制造所找尼古拉斯蛋个带刺的三棱大棒焊上去都更好使,但想想好歹这姑娘也立了大功,而且她全身上下最后那点法师气质也就靠着那块水晶支撑了,便心里叹了口气,说道:“宝库那边有一块火系元素核心,是当年刚铎帝国带出来的,你拿走吧,让符文工匠给你加工加工装在法杖上。” Afterward he looks to Jenny: You? What do you want to reward?” 随后他看向詹妮:“你呢?你想要什么奖励?” Jenny shrinks the neck immediately: I...... I made this/should doing...... does not dare to reward......” 詹妮顿时一缩脖子:“我……我只是做了该做的……不敢要奖励……” Hasn't adapted to this place?” Gawain smiled, here, all contributions will attach great importance to and are rewarded, but not accountant compares with your family background and position. I listened to Rebecca to say a moment ago, the main computational process is you are completed.” “还不适应这地方呢?”高文笑了起来,“在这里,一切贡献都会被重视和奖赏,而不会计较你的出身和地位。我刚才可是听瑞贝卡说了,主要的计算过程是你完成的。” I......” Jenny hesitant, finally said, I hope you can in the honey-comb magic circuit contributor list Kyes mister name...... because of most important several formulas, is he summarizes.” “我……”詹妮犹豫了一下,终于说道,“我希望您能在蜂巢型魔网的贡献者名单凯斯先生的名字……因为最重要的几个公式,都是他总结的。” Sure.” 8) “当然可以。”八)
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