SOD :: Volume #2

#137: Pea

Heard the Byron words, Gawain is shocked finally: Girl?” 听到拜伦的话,高文终于是愣住了:“女孩?” Yes......” the face of Knight Byron almost must wrinkle an abstract painting, I she takes a bath discovered that frightened me to jump at that time!” “是啊……”拜伦骑士的脸几乎要皱出一幅抽象画来,“我给她洗澡的时候才发现的,当时吓我一跳!” The Gawain eyebrow vibrates two, expression strangely looks at this middle age Knight: Let alone you have any idea, child perhaps also less than ten years old good.” 高文眉毛抖动两下,表情怪异地看着这位中年骑士:“别说你有啥想法,那孩子恐怕还不到十岁好么。” Byron one hear of this hurry to make an effort to beckon with the hand: Must be possible, although I the mercenary family background but does not have to this degree vulgarly, but I thought that perhaps I did not have the means to adopt her......” 拜伦一听这个赶紧使劲摆手:“不可能不可能,我虽然佣兵出身但也没低俗到这种程度,但我觉得我恐怕是没办法收养她了……” Gawain feels amusing, sharply is not continue study own material, but is the eye of looks at Knight mister: Why? Because she is a female, therefore you thought that cannot adopt her to come, when your successor? Cannot see you in this aspect is an old-fashioned fellow.” 高文觉得有趣,也不急着继续研究自己的资料了,而是看着骑士先生的眼睛:“为什么?就因为她是女性,所以你觉得不能收养她来当你的继承人?看不出你在这方面还是个古板的家伙。” Naturally because of this,” Byron the face, she was not rescuing my life painstakingly, I pass to her not to have the issue my skill in Wushu and property, but how can my big uneducated person...... raise a girl well? Also thinks is a boy, I who now make do not know that to be what to do good......” “当然不是因为这个,”拜伦苦着脸,“她救了我的命,我把自己的武艺和财产都传给她也没问题,只不过我一个大老粗……怎么能养得好一个女孩?原本还以为是个男孩,现在弄的我都不知道怎么办才好……” Gawain faint smile, but the line of sight crossed the body of Knight Byron suddenly, looked to the tent gate direction. 高文似笑非笑,但视线突然越过了拜伦骑士的身子,看向了帐篷门的方向。 A thin and small form is standing there. 一个瘦瘦小小的身影正站在那里。 Byron also conscious to anything, hesitated was then looking at one, really sees does not know when secretly small mute that follows oneself to run over. 拜伦意识到了什么,迟疑着回头看了一眼,果然看到的是不知什么时候偷偷跟着自己跑过来的小哑巴 He...... she has taken a bath, combed the hair, moreover changed the body clean homespun cloth women's clothing, but that type vagrant dirty child takes a bath to trade the clothes turn into small Princess the bridge section not to happen on this child. Now although she can see is a girl, actually has not become compares was attractive before many: The long-term malnutrition and surpasses the work of body load to make her seemingly emaciated, is rough-skinned, the hair throws over like one clump of withered weeds in the head, even if will comb from now on is also so, her body will be skinny, face also because of lacking nutrition, but withered hollow, does not have any lovable place. 他……她已经洗过了澡,梳理了头发,而且换了身干净的粗布衣裙,但那种“流浪脏小孩洗澡换衣服就变成小公主”的桥段并没有发生在这孩子身上。现在她虽然能看出是个女孩,却一点都没有变得比之前好看多少:长期营养不良和超过身体负载的劳动让她看起来面黄肌瘦,皮肤粗糙,头发就像一丛干枯的杂草般披在头上,哪怕梳理过后也是如此,她的身体干瘦,脸也因为缺少营养而干瘪凹陷,没有任何可爱的地方。 She is muddleheaded follows to run over, as if cannot burst to this place until conscious at this moment, now she stupidly stands in the entrance, simultaneously gathers cautiously the hands and feet, on the face full is nervous and not handles. 她是稀里糊涂跟着跑过来的,仿佛直到此刻才意识到这地方不能乱闯,现在她就傻愣愣地站在门口,同时小心翼翼地把手脚都并拢起来,脸上满是紧张和无措。 She should hear a moment ago the conversation of Gawain and Byron. 她应该听到了刚才高文拜伦的交谈。 Your daughter looked for you.” Gawain looked at Byron one with a smile, later beckons to the entrance mute female, making this child come. “你女儿来找你了。”高文笑着看了拜伦一眼,随后对门口的哑女招招手,让这孩子过来。 Lord......” Byron a little not handled called one, but then saw that small mute is moving toward itself, the expression on face turned rapidly is awkward and anxious, how you...... you with, did not say this place cannot run all over the place.” 大人……”拜伦有点无措地叫了一声,但接着看到那个小哑巴正走向自己,脸上的表情迅速变成尴尬和不安,“你……你怎么跟来了,不是说这地方不能乱跑的么。” Byron,” Gawain has the sound said, I know that you feel this very difficult office, but you cannot throw this child one side, since you had pledged initially must adopt her, that this commitment should not establish in any following condition. Takes care of her well.” 拜伦,”高文出声道,“我知道你觉得这很难办,但你不能把这孩子扔到一旁,既然你当初承诺过要收养她,那这个承诺就不应该建立在任何后续的条件上。好好照顾她吧。” I......” Byron open mouth, but nods finally, is, I understand.” “我……”拜伦张了张嘴,但最后还是点点头,“是,我明白。” Meeting the difficulty can find the person to help, in Feudal Territory some are knows the person who should how take care of the child, can not persist in own Knight haughty manner, moreover I estimated that you do not have this type of rack,” Gawain smiles, this child not only saved you, helped me, I can solve the Tanzan Town crisis to have her very big merit, this child brought the good luck for our Feudal Territory, we cannot treat unjustly her.” “遇上困难可以找人帮忙,领地里有的是知道该怎么照顾孩子的人,别放不下自己的骑士架子而且我估计你也没有这种架子,”高文笑起来,“这孩子不只救了你,也帮了我,我能解决坦桑镇的危机有她很大功劳,这孩子为我们的领地带来了好运,我们不能亏待她。” Knight Byron nods assent, but small mute is blinking eye looks at Gawain, has a look at Byron, she can understand these people to say anything, but actually unclear White Knight and Feudal Territory such profound content, therefore seems a little vacant. 拜伦骑士点头应允,而小哑巴则眨巴着眼睛看着高文,又看看拜伦,她能听懂这些人在说什么,但却不明白骑士领地这样高深的内容,所以显得有点茫然。 At this time Gawain asked one suddenly: „Did she have the name?” 这时候高文突然问了一句:“她有名字了么?” Name?” Byron as if thought of this at this time, was right, I have not known before her name......, patronized is being scared.” “名字?”拜伦这时候仿佛才想到这点,“啊对了,我还不知道她的名字……之前光顾着慌神了。” She should have the name, what a pity she will not speak, perhaps we no one has the means to know that what she called,” Gawain looked at small mute one, wanted us to give you giving a name character?” “她本身应该就是有名字的,可惜她不会说话,恐怕咱们谁也没办法知道她叫什么,”高文看了小哑巴一眼,“要我们给你起个名字么?” Mute Child puts out a hand to gesticulate immediately, but Gawain and Byron actually do not understand that completely her meaning, after a difficult exchange failure, small mute „” was not called one suddenly, then slid slightly to run to run the tent. 哑孩子立刻伸手比比划划起来,但高文拜伦却完全不明白她的意思,在一番艰难的交流失败之后,小哑巴突然“唔啊”地叫了一声,然后一溜小跑地跑出了帐篷。 Gawain and Byron look at each other in blank dismay at a loss, then decides wait/etc to look, finally passed long time, the child ran out of breath. 高文拜伦茫然地面面相觑,然后决定等等看,结果过了好长时间,那孩子才上气不接下气地跑了回来。 She puts out a hand in front of Gawain, in the palm is lying down several Pea. 她在高文面前伸出手,手心中躺着几颗豌豆 Responded for quite a while, Gawain guesses correctly this child's meaning: You said, your name was Pea?” 反应了半天,高文才猜到这孩子的意思:“你是说,你的名字叫豌豆?” Mute Child makes an effort to nod, a hand a little makes an effort to grab the waistband of homespun cloth skirt, another hand proceeded to deliver a point Pea. 哑孩子使劲点着头,一只手有点用力地抓着粗布裙子的腰带,另一只手则又把豌豆往前送了一点。 What this secondary reaction is Byron: You do not want the new name, wants to continue to call Pea?” 这次反应过来的是拜伦:“你不想要新名字,就想继续叫豌豆?” Mute Child makes an effort to nod again. 哑孩子再次使劲点起头来。 This name should be her parents gives, if that name that merchant who rips her tongue gives, she will not attach great importance,” Gawain guessed was saying, Pea...... gave this name probably time hugged is hoping reading that she can fill the belly thought.” “这名字应该是她父母给起的,如果是那个割掉她舌头的商人给起的名字,她不会这么重视,”高文猜测着说道,“豌豆么……大概起这名字的时候抱着希望她能填饱肚子的念想吧。” Saying, he put out a hand according to Pea hair that touch really as if one group of weeds. 说着,他伸手按了按“豌豆”的头发那触感真的就仿佛一团杂草。 Although she will not speak, but she can understand, later you must limelight your words and deeds, set an example to the child,” Gawain looked at Byron one with a smile, and remembers a matter simultaneously, right, purchases serf that side Tanzan Town as well as connects with the refugee matter currently to have the Viscount Andrew help, does not need you to stare personally, this matter you gave several intelligent and capable subordinates to do, I had a new duty to you.” “虽然她不会说话,但她能听懂,以后你可得注意点自己的言行,给孩子做个榜样,”高文笑着看了拜伦一眼,并同时想起件事,“对了,在坦桑镇那边购买农奴以及交接流民的事情现在有安德鲁子爵帮忙,已经不需要你亲自盯着,这件事你就交给几个精明强干的手下去做吧,我有个新任务给你。” Hears to have the new duty, Knight Byron straightens up the body immediately, serious. 听到有新任务,拜伦骑士立刻挺直身子,神情严肃起来。 need not such nervous, duty place in Feudal Territory I want you to organize a group of manpower, goes to that in Dark Mountain Range to locate ruins nosing.” 不用这么紧张,任务地点就在领地内我要你组织一批人手,去黑暗山脉里的那处遗迹查探情况。” Byron is curious: „Did your prepare fully to explore there?” 拜伦好奇起来:“您这就准备全面探索那里了?” Viscount Andrew dug out Eternal Tablet fragment under Tanzan mine, I in that piece of ruins to our Feudal Territory even more did not feel relieved, has to speed up the progress,” Gawain nods, you are the mercenary family background, to exploring this kind of ruins should some experiences, look for some discrete careful brave expert, takes the best equipment, first verifies white all corridors and rooms of shallow layer, draws up the map. I do not request the speed, what request is safe and careful I not to hope that the experienced soldier dies in that place, does not hope that what important thing you omitted, yes?” 安德鲁子爵坦桑矿山下面挖出了永恒石板碎片,我对咱们领地里那片遗迹是愈发不放心了,不得不加快进度,”高文点点头,“你是佣兵出身,对探索这类遗迹应该有些经验,找一些谨慎细心胆子大的好手,带上最好的装备,先把浅层的所有走廊和房间都查明白,绘制成地图。我不要求速度,要求的是安全和细致我既不希望有经验的战士死在那种地方,也不希望你们遗漏了什么重要的东西,明白么?” Byron straightened up the body: Yes, please relax, I at this aspect truly some experiences, will not disappoint you.” 拜伦挺直了身子:“是,请放心,我在这方面确实有一些经验,不会让您失望的。” Knight Byron left, Gawain goes out of the tent, outside looks at already Feudal Territory that grows day-by-day. 拜伦骑士离开了,高文则走出帐篷,看着外面已经一天天成长起来的领地 A short time ago, here is also only camp. 前不久,这里还只是个“营地”。 Frost Month approaches, the weather day-by-day is becoming cold, but new Cecil territory actually stepped onto the right track day after day, first-generation magic engine underwent the adjustment and optimization of Nicholas Egg, becomes the practical machine official to appear from the prototype now in front of citizens, this grotesqueness also the strength greatly was infinite, depends upon mana to revolve but actually to be startled the eyeballs of many by the machine that the average person controlled, when they were just operational, many serf and civilians even have the frightened vision between looks at these machines they as if think that repulsion mechanism and connecting rod bearings is occupied by the young devils of innumerable being able to see, was the hand of devil in promoting these is being heavy. The fearful steel revolution, operates the worker to be therefore hard to recruit at first, afterward even guaranteed with the compulsive means each machine has enough manpower to operate...... 霜月临近,天气正在一天天变冷,而新塞西尔领却日渐走上了正轨,第一代的魔能引擎经过了尼古拉斯蛋的调整和优化,从原型机变为实用机如今已经正式出现在领民们面前,这种奇形怪状却又力大无穷,依靠魔力运转但却能够被普通人操控的机器惊掉了很多人的眼球,在它们刚刚被投入使用的时候,不少农奴与平民甚至是带着恐惧的眼光在看着那些机器他们仿佛认为那斥力机关和连杆轴承之间住着无数看不见的小魔鬼,是魔鬼的手在推动着那些沉重可怕的钢铁运转,最初的操作工人因此而难以征召,后来甚至用强制手段才保证了每一台机器都有足够的人手去操纵…… But this ignorant and laughable aspect only continued very short time. 但这种愚昧而可笑的局面只持续了很短的时间。 At the Gawain's request, on Feudal Territory pursue speaking and enlightenment system, all new things, no matter the new law is the new machine must read out to the people repeatedly educates, Gawain decides to on this lands eliminate is ignorant and ignorant, therefore in several days, people then know these machines is a brand-new magic installment, it can by the average person operation not be because in the machine has the devil in soul and flesh of absorption average person, but is wisdom and technology crystal. 高文的要求下,领地奉行着“宣讲”和“教化”的制度,所有新事物不管是新的法律还是新的机器都要对民众反复宣读教育,高文打定了主意要在这片土地上消除愚昧与无知,所以在几天之内,人们便知道了那些机器是一种全新的魔法装置,它能够被普通人操纵并不是因为机器里有魔鬼在汲取普通人的灵魂和血肉,而是智慧技术结晶 Gawain specially emphasized in the propaganda average person existence in entire machine R & D team, especially participating in early research and development the names of all smith carved in the machine surface, but these smith usually in everyone lived together, they therefore harvested the vision that admired and acclaimed innumerably, Gawain harvest, was the vigor that these once numb ignorant serf and civilians were active day after day. 高文在宣传中刻意强调了“普通人”在整个机器研发团队中的存在,尤其把参与早期研发的所有工匠的名字都刻在了机器表面,而那些工匠平日里就和大家生活在一起,他们因此而收获了无数钦佩和赞叹的目光,高文收获的,则是那些曾经麻木无知的农奴与平民日渐活跃起来的精气神。 Now in Feudal Territory, has been able to see on the ordinary face to have the smile to walk back and forth. 现在在领地里,已经能见到普通人脸上带着笑容走来走去了。 But under the magic engine rushing power, Feudal Territory various foundations produces to make the speed that one is flabbergasted. 而在魔能引擎的澎湃动力下,领地的各种基础生产正以令人咋舌的速度进行。 mine is using magic engine to tow miner's cart and extraction seep, the supply of iron mine stone is becoming stabilizes, now limited supply is only left over not really smooth road/s of mine to Steelworks, but Gawain has started to order to build this section of road, in Hetty magic auxiliary, levelling and builds simplistic road/s is not difficult. 矿山正在用魔能引擎牵引矿车、抽取渗水,铁矿石的供应正变得稳定起来,如今限制供应的只剩下矿山钢铁厂之间不甚平整的道路,而高文已经开始下令修筑这一段路,在赫蒂魔法辅助下,平整并修筑一条简易道路并不困难。 The production schedule of Machine Building factory is shocking, although the gold/metal thigh of that Iron Ball Alien he does not have the leg the Gawain estimate is more powerful, various simplistic lathes that he can think are producing night and day, if did not have ahead of time based on the rune furnace and sufficient ore supply that magic circuit energizes, perhaps the steel reserve of entire Feudal Territory cannot keep up with the Nicholas Egg spending rate. 机械制造厂的生产进度令人震惊,那个铁球星人的金大腿虽然他并没有腿比高文预想的还要给力,他能想到的各种简易车床都在日以继夜地生产出来,如果不是提前有了基于魔网供能的符文熔炉和充足的矿石供应,恐怕整个领地的钢铁储备都赶不上尼古拉斯蛋的消耗速度。 Brick Kiln Factory has used the simplistic shaper from Machine Building factory, but Rebecca tosses about cement also calculates that the first fruits, a cemented material of intensity standard was tossed about by her, although the issue of output and nondefective rate/lead is very big, but Gawain has been able to consider that makes Feudal Territory be separated from the log cabin and tent, enters flinty house stage...... 砖窑厂已经用上了来自机械制造厂的简易成型机,而瑞贝卡折腾的“水泥”也算有了初步成果,一种强度达标的胶结物质被她折腾了出来,虽然产量和良品率的问题还很大,但高文已经可以考虑让领地脱离木屋和帐篷,进入“硬质房屋”的阶段了…… In stage that such material construction smoothly launches, the biggest problem is the shortage of talent. 在这样物质建设顺利展开的阶段,最大的问题是人才的短缺。 labour force temporarily is not the issue, the region that because Feudal Territory develops also is so temporarily big, but ever emerging new mechanical and new technology does not have enough talent to maintain and continue to promote. 劳动力暂时不是问题,因为领地开拓出来的区域暂时也就那么大,但不断出现的新机械、新技术却没有足够的人才去维持和继续推动。 technology progresses cannot depend upon several people to complete, although a small number of talent miraculous glow present ideas truly possibly make to change the time sufficiently the thing, but must these thing application and spreading, and forms the industrial chain that continues, that needed massive low-and-middle technology personnel. 技术进步不能依靠几个人来完成虽然少数天才灵光一现的点子确实可能制造出足以改变时代的东西,但要把这些东西推广应用,并形成持续的产业链条,那就需要大量的中低端技术人员了。 In that 100 people not too many talent, even the talent are not many. 那一百人里并没有太多的“天才”,甚至人才也不多。 Not every rebel against orthodoxy by the people who the mainstream society repels is the talent, every so often they by the mainstream society repel are only because emotional quotient lowly emotional quotient that however discards will not turn into the skill point to add to IQ. 并不是每个离经叛道被主流社会排斥的人都是天才的,很多时候他们被主流社会排斥只是因为情商低而已然而丢掉的情商并不会变成技能点加到智商上。 Although Gawain initially had said Feudal Territory welcome rebel against orthodoxy in this case, what that are more is to encourage to oneself as well as encouraging, he himself knows that was counting on Royal Capital sieves 100 time changemaker is quite not realistic to him, but the fact is also so: In that 100 people besides Jenny such valuable talents as well as a few good seedlings, remaining basically is the mediocre generation, perhaps can complete the labor of duty, but cannot request more. 高文当初虽然说过“领地欢迎离经叛道者”这样的话,但那更多的是为了给自己鼓劲以及鼓舞人心,他自己都知道指望着王都给他筛一百个时代变革者相当不现实,而事实也正是如此:那一百人里除了詹妮这么一个价值巨大的人才以及少数几个好苗子之外,剩下的基本上都是平庸之辈,或许能完成本职工作,但不能要求更多。 Does not know that side Viscount Andrew can find many intellectuals...... to consider to oneself this time the overall education level, cannot expect are too many. 不知道安德鲁子爵那边能给自己找到多少知识分子……考虑到这个时代的整体教育层次,不能奢望太多。 At this moment, the yawp that never the distant place hears interrupted the Gawain's thinking suddenly. 就在这时,从不远处传来的叫喊声突然打断了高文的思索。 Lord Ancestor! Lord Ancestor!” Rebecca yelling and screaming while jump and jumps runs over toward here, she runs also while is brandishing her signboard iron magic staff, in another hand is brandishing a big rolled paper. 祖先大人祖先大人!”瑞贝卡一边大呼小叫着一边连蹦带跳地朝这边跑了过来,她一边跑还一边挥舞着她那招牌的铁法杖,另一只手上则挥舞着一大卷纸。 Gawain saw that iron magic staff in this girl did tremble immediately this on subconsciously is came from on family/home Ancestor to test rest in peace staff technique to come? 高文看到这姑娘手里的铁法杖顿时就下意识地一哆嗦这是又来自家老祖宗身上测试安息棍法来了? However he noticed Rebecca also follows behind Jenny, that Miss Runeshaper in the hand is holding the scroll are more, behind she follows to run in Rebecca is especially laborious, runs also while greeted is letting Rebecca slowly. 不过紧接着他就看到瑞贝卡身后还跟着个詹妮,那位符文师小姐手里抱着的卷轴更多,她在瑞贝卡身后跟着跑的格外辛苦,一边跑还一边招呼着让瑞贝卡慢一点。 Gawain then relaxes: It seems like Rebecca to not murdering ancestor...... 高文这才松了口气:看来瑞贝卡不是冲着谋杀先祖来的…… After they run up to front, Gawain curiously looks at own once n1 granddaughter: „Was slow point, how slowly uniform the asthma you are?” 等俩人跑到面前之后,高文好奇地看着自己的曾n1孙女:“慢点慢点,把气喘匀你这是怎么了?” I...... both of us studied the Wild Mage note with...... and these rune rules,” Rebecca makes an effort to gasp for breath, finally the breathes deeply one breath said that then we magic circuit infinite development structure calculating!!” “我……我俩研究了野法师的笔记和……和那些符文规律,”瑞贝卡使劲喘着气,最后深吸口气一口气说道,“然后我们把魔网的无限拓展结构给算出来了!!”
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