SOD :: Volume #2

#136: Girl

Whether own perception has issue this truly is lets the Gawain incomparably agitated situation, but he also lacks more control groups and exploration ways now, therefore this issue can only temporarily put aside, but compared with issue that this temporarily puts aside, what he cares is other things, matter about Myriad Gods. 自己的感知是否有问题这确实是一个让高文无比烦躁的情况,但他现在还缺乏更多的对照组以及探索途径,因此这个问题只能暂时搁置着,而比起这个暂时搁置的问题,他更在意的是其他事情,关于众神的事情。 Eternal Tablet fragment real, are these things that it records also real? If under these things also really...... Gawain has to take seriously one to ponder the quite frightened fact: 永恒石板碎片是真的,它所记载的那些东西是不是也是真的?如果那些东西也是真的……高文就不得不重视一个细想之下相当惊悚的事实了: all Gods have already died. 众神已死 In these disorderly shatter telephone conversation records mentioned explicitly Myriad Gods name, but the telephone conversation content can let the person pieces together one shockingly hunt for the War of Gods struggle, according to the record, Myriad Gods in that war is almost in the overwhelming disadvantage, that is a war, these Gods were rather being eliminated in a planned way one by one, but present age major Religion Gods that Gawain knows are impressively. 那些凌乱破碎的通话记录中明确提到了众神的名字,而通话内容本身则可以让人拼凑出一场令人震惊的猎神战争,根据记录,那场战争中的众神几乎处于压倒性的劣势,与其说那是一场战争,倒不如说那些神明是在被有计划地逐一消灭,而高文所知的当代各大教派神明都赫然名列其中。 Therefore, now all Gods have already died in this world ten million mortal believer every day pays homage to what is?! 所以,众神已死那么当今这个世界上数以千万的凡人信徒们每日膜拜的到底是什么?! Is what thing responded to mortal's pray, is what thing is controlling flowing of Divine Power, is what thing is lowering various miracles, is what thing, when believer meditation transmitted the secret, but whispering of indescribable, and taking advantage of whispering to lower god to explain?! 是什么东西回应了凡人的祈祷,是什么东西在控制着神力的流动,是什么东西在降下各种奇迹,是什么东西在信徒冥想的时候传来了隐秘而不可名状的低语,并借着低语降下了一个又一个“神喻”?! When these devout Priest sinceres prayed, they in the heart deep place hears from god twittering, if that twittering the sound at all is not Gods sends out, then their origins let person tremble with fear. 当那些虔诚的神官们虔心祈祷,他们就会在内心深处听到来自神界的呢喃,而如果那呢喃声根本不是神明发出的,那么它们的来源就让人不寒而栗了。 Gawain could not bear remember caused the Druid Religion fission and to exuviate to be the Druid school of thought White Star Meteor event. 紧接着,高文又忍不住想起了导致德鲁伊教派分裂、蜕化为德鲁伊学派的“白星陨落事件”。 Before 3000 matter, even if is also surpasses the history accurate „the ancient times event regarding prevailing for a time Gondor Empire, life span short and changeable Human Race is very difficult the clarity of so ancient matter record, but Druid Religion main inheritance is Elf, Elf of longevity can actually be the clarity of several thousand years of matter record this span. 三千年前的事情,哪怕对于盛极一时的刚铎帝国而言也已经属于超出历史精准的“远古事件”,寿命短暂又多变的人类很难把如此古老的事情记录的清清楚楚,但德鲁伊教派的主要传承者是精灵,长寿的精灵却可以把这种跨度达到数千年的事情记录的清清楚楚。 In the Elves historical ancient book, White Star Meteor is Druid observed, perception to time dark miracle, at that time all Druid produced unified illusion, they saw the sky to divide into two, the dark starry sky dropped to as if the tentacle may and altitude, but flaminged the white stars to sway in the starry sky fiercely, falls to the land but besides Druid, then all average people had not seen that anything fell on the ground. 精灵们的历史典籍中,“白星陨落”是一次只有德鲁伊们观察、感知到了的“黑暗奇迹”,当时所有的德鲁伊都产生了统一的“幻象”,他们看到天空一分为二,黑暗的星空下降到仿佛触手可及的高度,而炽白的星辰在星空中剧烈摇晃,坠向大地但除了德鲁伊之外,当时的所有普通人都没见到有任何东西落在地上。 Therefore White Star Meteor was regarded is a huge collective illusion, but because its scale is really huge, the event involves God, therefore scholars does not dare to be perfunctory casually with illusion, then its explanation is one happened in a higher level, is parallel to the meteorite shower of current space and time, they think that has the thing to crash from god, falls on the mortal the crevice region between world and god, but does not have the spiritual talent average person nature unable to detect regarding this, this is White Star Meteor. 因此白星陨落又被当成是一次规模巨大的集体幻觉,但由于它的规模实在巨大,事件本身又涉及到神灵,所以学者们不敢随随便便用“幻觉”来敷衍过去,转而将其解释为一场发生在更高层次的、平行于当前时空的陨石雨,他们认为有东西从神界坠落,落在凡人世界和神界之间的夹缝地带,而不具备灵性天赋的普通人对此自然无法察觉,这便是“白星陨落”。 But no matter the White Star Meteor truth is anything, Druid Divine Spell expires after that event. 但不管白星陨落的真相是什么,德鲁伊神术都是在那一事件之后失效的。 Gawain thinks at first White Star Meteor is falling from the sky of nature God, but the information in Eternal Tablet fragment makes him suspect now: The Eternal Tablet history may be much remote than White Star Meteor! 高文最初认为白星陨落就是自然神灵的陨落,但现在永恒石板碎片中的信息让他对此怀疑起来:永恒石板的历史可比白星陨落要久远得多! These pale golden metal plates appear in the First Developement discipline earliest, that dated back several tens of thousands of years of high antiquities, but the Eternal Tablet true formation or birth time can only be more ancient than that in other words, in the mortals in this stretch of land established civilization, Myriad Gods that Eternal Tablet records has died certainly! 这些淡金色的金属板最早出现于第一次开拓纪,那是距今已有数万年的远古时代,而永恒石板真正的成型或者说诞生时间只能比那更加古老,也就是说,在凡人们在这片大地上建立文明之前,永恒石板所记录的众神就已经死绝了! Therefore before 3000, in the white stars that in the Druid collective illusion drops from the clouds is what thing? Had passed coolly natural did God crawl dead again one time? 所以三千年前在德鲁伊们的集体幻觉中从天而降的白色星辰又是什么东西?已经凉透了的自然神灵又爬起来再死了一次? ...... …… While Gawain faces Eternal Tablet fragment is lost in thought that far away from Dark Mountain Range and in the forest of Leslie territory place, the vine of big group big group drills from the place bottom suddenly, and entanglement and inflation a giant pouch butcher, the pouch butcher bursts a moment later, a form staggering from facing set. 高文面对着永恒石板碎片陷入沉思的同时,远离黑暗山脉莱斯利领地的一片森林中,大团大团的藤蔓突然从地底钻出,并纠缠、膨胀成一个巨大的囊胞,片刻之后囊胞破裂,一个踉踉跄跄的身影从里面钻了出来。 This form throws over has been becoming the black long gown of cloth strip tattered, the brown short hair pastes disorderly on the scalp, thin pale, the look is dreary, his entire right arm had been bombed by the simultaneous/uniform root, that fearful wound is covered by the flesh that one group wriggles now, and is conducting the difficult regeneration. 这个身影披着已经破烂成布条的黑色长袍,褐色短发杂乱地贴在头皮上,消瘦苍白,眼神阴郁,他的整条右臂已经被齐根炸断,那可怕的伤口如今正被一团蠕动的血肉覆盖,并进行着艰难的再生。 Before this is, that All Things Finally Die Society Evil Cultist that escapes from Tanzan Town by luck. 这正是之前那个从坦桑镇侥幸逃生的万物终亡会邪教徒 The heavy losses on body, depletion on spirit, in addition the long escape distance, these make this originally can be called the expert middle-aged person become extremely weak, his step is not taking a walk in the woods steadily, but with his footsteps, these he scrapes past withers in abundance decayed with the bush and weed that seemed the vitality dead by absorption baseless generally suddenly. 身体上的重创,精神上的枯竭,再加上漫长的逃亡距离,这些都让这个原本称得上强者的中年人变得极为虚弱,他步履不稳地在树林间走动着,而随着他的脚步,那些与他擦身而过的灌木和杂草则纷纷枯萎朽烂,就好像生命力被凭空汲取一般眨眼间死亡。 Absorbed the vitalities of these vegetation, on the middle-aged face finally restored several points of blood-color slightly, he stopped the footsteps before a big stone, lowered the head in the looks at stone the sharp weapon with symbol that carved: Thorn of one group of withered curls. 吸收了这些草木的生机,中年人脸上终于稍微恢复了几分血色,他在一块大石头前停下脚步,低头看着石头上用利器刻下的符号:一团枯萎卷曲的荆棘。 Sees the mark of All Things Finally Die Society, middle-aged Evil Cultist from the bosom fishes out a wooden whistle with the left hand that only remains, but has not sounded, periphery he then hears broadcasts the sound that the leaf crash-bang makes noise, massive fallen leaves were curled up by the strong winds, condensed a dim form on giant stone, when the fallen leaf diverged, that form gradually clear: A tall woman, has the inking green long hair, the skin is fair, but the facial features are beautiful, wears as if the Priest long gown clothes, but on that gown actually cancelled all sacred Religion symbol, but in the skirt-width of long gown, what reveals is not the Human Race both feet, but is one group of as if trees root hair fearfulness limbs. 看到万物终亡会的标记,中年邪教徒用仅剩的左手从怀里摸出一个木制哨子,但还没有吹响,他便听到周围传来树叶哗啦作响的声音,大量落叶被狂风卷起,在巨石上凝聚成了一个朦胧的身影,待落叶散去,那个身影才渐渐清晰:一个高挑的女人,留着墨绿色的长发,皮肤白皙而面容姣好,穿着仿佛神官长袍般的衣服,但那袍子上却抹去了所有神圣的宗教符号,而在长袍的下摆,露出来的并非人类的双脚,而是一团仿佛树木根须般的可怕“肢体”。 „An ignominious failure, Bard mister,” kept the tall woman of inking green long hair to open the mouth, in the sound seems combining the noise of withered leaf disruption, fact showed, your self-confidence was blind.” “一次可耻的失败,巴德先生,”留着墨绿色长发的高挑女人开口了,声音中就仿佛混杂着枯叶碎裂的噪声,“事实证明,你的自信是盲目的。” „The Gawain Cecil really success resurrected, moreover he intended to destroy my action,” was called Bard although middle-aged Evil Cultist was respectful, but actually not timid base and low, his standing body is explaining, Belterra lady, his strength over estimated, I even suspected he has not lost any battle to experience!” 高文·塞西尔真的成功复活了,而且他出手破坏了我的行动,”被称作“巴德”的中年邪教徒虽然恭敬,但却并不胆怯卑微,他站直身子解释着,“贝尔提拉女士,他的力量超过预估,我甚至怀疑他没有失去任何战斗经验!” If he really like during that time powerful, you after seeing him exhale the second tone radically without enough time,” is called Belterra tall woman no trace of politeness saying that but is following close on thread of conversation one revolution, he can easily beat you, this explained that from the beginning he truly does not have me to imagine such weak......” “如果他真的像当年一样强大,你在见到他之后根本来不及呼出第二口气,”被称作贝尔提拉高挑女人毫不客气地说道,但紧跟着话锋一转,“不过他能轻易击败你,这说明他确实没有我一开始想象的那样虚弱……” How can like this?” The Bard sound fills puzzled, did not say that his soul has annihilated, even if the body remained and resurrected, will turn into a disabled person even living corpse?” “怎么会这样?”巴德声音充满困惑,“不是说他的灵魂已经湮灭,哪怕躯体留下来并且复活了,也会变成一个废人甚至活死人么?” He has contacted these Relic of Revelation, even had once had the exchange with some ancient spirit directly, no one knows that he obtained the what kind knowledge and strength in this process,” Belterra said lightly, in the look actually as if reveals an unusual emotion, that is combines is dreading with the sigh with emotion facial expression, „, therefore also no one knows that his present behavior stems from some ancient direction...... in short, does not need you to go into seriously about his matter.” “他接触过那些‘天启之物’,甚至曾直接和某个亘古之灵有过交流,谁也不知道他在这个过程中得到了什么样的知识和力量,”贝尔提拉淡淡地说道,眼神中却似乎流露出一丝异样的情感,那是混杂着忌惮和感慨的神情,“所以也没人知道他现在的行为是不是源于某种古老的指引……总而言之,关于他的事情不需要你深究。” I understood,” Bard nods, head finally slightly low, that we then what to do? Is putting him, no matter?” “我明白了,”巴德点点头,脑袋终于微微低下,“那我们接下来怎么办?把他放着不管么?” Is putting, no matter were OK, including that Eternal Tablet fragment, one and puts down,” the Belterra sound said indifferently, Typhon and Ainz war is approaching, we have arranged for several hundred years for this day, cannot, because anything has the incident.” “放着不管就可以了,包括那块永恒石板碎片,也一并放下,”贝尔提拉声音冷漠地说道,“提丰安苏的战争正在临近,我们为这一天已经筹备了数百年,不能因为任何事情生出事端。” Bard nods: I understand.” 巴德点点头:“我明白。” Belterra nods slightly, then looks at flesh one that right side Bard on the shoulder wriggled: „After and other this arm long is good, goes to Typhon, goes to Quicksand Seacoast and local teaching numerous converges, goes to Children of the Storm Sea Territory together. Great Cult Leader arranges you to help them as All Things Finally Die Society Envoy.” 贝尔提拉微微颔首,接着看了巴德右侧肩膀上蠕动的血肉一眼:“等你这条胳膊长好之后,就去提丰,去流沙海岸和当地的教众汇合,一同前往风暴之子海域大教长安排你们作为万物终亡会使者去帮助他们。” Children of the Storm? These God of Storms believer?” Bard knits the brows, they rarely pray for rescue from the outside world......” 风暴之子?那些风暴之神信徒?”巴德皱了皱眉,“他们很少向外界求救……” They provoked Siren in east Sea Territory.” Belterra said lightly. “他们在东部海域招惹了海妖。”贝尔提拉淡淡地说道。 Bard look ice, no longer said a word, but lowered the head to indicate that slightly accepted the order. 巴德眼神一凌,不再言语,只是微微低头表示领受命令。 The strong winds curl up again, the fallen leaf of withering is circling surrounded the Belterra form, her body decomposes debris to dissipate in the fallen leaf tornado from bottom to top gradually, but before the upper part decomposes, her line of sight fell on of Bard waist the sword on, slightly some sounds of distortion had passed from the tornado: Bard Wendell, you will hinder you to the passing focus road/s to truth, if you want to go a step further on Withered Priest road/s, you best put down your sword......” 狂风再次卷起,枯萎的落叶打着旋包围了贝尔提拉的身影,她的身体则在落叶旋风中自下而上地渐渐分解成碎屑消散,但在上半身分解之前,她的视线落在了巴德腰间的那把断剑上,已经略有些失真的声音从旋风中传了出来:“巴德温德尔,你对过往的执着会阻碍你通往真理的道路,如果你想在枯萎神官道路上更进一步,你就最好放下你的剑……” The Belterra sound and her form disappeared together, only leaves behind dissipation mana to respond same place gradually, Bard stands before that faded and fallen fallen leaf, long time later laughs at one, turns around to move toward the deep woods slowly. 贝尔提拉的声音和她的身影一同消失了,原地只留下正渐渐消散的魔力反应,巴德站在那飘零的落叶前,良久之后才嗤笑一声,转身慢慢走向森林深处。 Remaining mana cancelled the All Things Finally Die Society mark on giant stone, finally, here does not have a trace to stay behind again. 残余的魔力抹去了巨石上的万物终亡会标记,最终,这里再无一点痕迹留下。 ...... …… New Cecil territory. 塞西尔领 Gawain decides to seal finally temporarily Eternal Tablet fragment, and places in the attention the construction of Feudal Territory with emphasis. 高文最终决定暂时把永恒石板碎片封存起来,并把注意力重点放在领地的建设上。 The Myriad Gods secret is truly beckoning, god has died perhaps the truth shakes the pattern of the whole world sufficiently, however Gawain sobers: This is not domain that he can contact and intervene now, moreover this significant truth does not have the means to bring any income to him for a short time. 众神的秘密确实令人心动,“神已死”的真相恐怕足以撼动整个世界的格局,然而高文还是清醒过来:这并不是他现在能接触和干预的领域,而且这个重大的真相一时半会也没办法给他带来任何收益。 all Gods have already died, this truth truly universally shocking, but also can only universally shocking, how know this truth to be able? In this world time, before without sufficient strength, even if knows the rule that the universe revolved also is just the insane person insane language, this secret he could not find the person, even said that will cause the unnecessary attention and hostility, therefore for the Feudal Territory calm and steady development, he might as well first press this matter in the heart. 众神已死,这个真相确实惊世骇俗,但也只能惊世骇俗而已,知道这个真相又能如何呢?在这个世界这个时代,没有足够力量之前,哪怕掌握了宇宙运转的规律也只不过是疯人疯语而已,这个秘密他找不到人来说,甚至说出去就会引起不必要的关注和敌意,所以为了领地安稳发展,他不如先把这件事压在心底。 Received stone tablet fragment, Gawain puts out itself to transcribe from Jenny Perrault there the rune logic material that the preparation continued the study that conducted beforehand has not completed. 收好石板碎片,高文拿出了自己从詹妮·佩罗那里抄录来的符文逻辑学资料,准备继续进行之前没有完成的学习和研究。 But he just entered the condition shortly , the tent curtain screen was lifted Knight Byron to run hurriedly, moreover on the face has the particularly strange expression. 但他刚进入状态没多久,帐篷帘子就被人一把掀开拜伦骑士风风火火地跑了进来,而且脸上带着分外古怪的表情。 Not only has nervous, and has the astonishment, what are more is helpless and embarrassed awkward. 既有紧张,又有惊愕,但更多的是手足无措和窘迫尴尬。 The words saying that this slippery customer Knight expression is very rich. 话说这老油条型骑士表情还挺丰富的。 What's the matter is so hurried?” Gawain looked up this middle-aged Knight one, „was Amber hit by Rebecca? Was Rebecca hit by Hetty?” “怎么回事这么慌?”高文抬头看了这个中年骑士一眼,“琥珀瑞贝卡打了?还是瑞贝卡赫蒂打了?” „It is not!” Knight Byron whole face irritably and not handles, he makes an effort to rub hands, perhaps Lord, I...... I did not have the means to adopt that Mute Child......” “都不是!”拜伦骑士满脸的别扭和无措,他使劲搓着手,“大人,我……我恐怕没办法收养那个哑孩子了……” Doesn't have the means to adopt?” Gawain stops in the hand to glance through the material the movement, decides looks at Byron, this saying cannot speak irresponsibly, you are Knight, moreover you decided adopts that child time testimony that but I make.” “没办法收养?”高文停下手上翻阅资料的动作,定定地看着拜伦,“这话可不能乱说,你是个骑士,而且你决定收养那孩子的时候可是我做的见证。” But...... but that child......” on the Byron face the expression was very irritable, she is female!” “但……但那孩子……”拜伦脸上表情别提多别扭了,“她是个女的啊!” „......?” “哈……啊?”
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