SOD :: Volume #2

#135: Gawain's perception issue

Enough five minutes, Gawain does not have slow the god to come. 足足五分钟,高文都没缓过神来。 But after waiting for slow the god to come, his looks at present Eternal Tablet fragment was in a state of long-term WTF. 而等缓过神来之后,他就愣愣地看着眼前的永恒石板碎片陷入了长时间的卧槽状态。 The huge information content reverberates in the mind, full brain idea with drinking high Amber same scurries about in the mind, Gawain felt at this moment oneself have the countless words to stop up in the throat, because stops up was too firm, finally a few words could not say obstinately...... 巨大的信息量在脑海里回荡,满脑子想法就跟喝高了的琥珀一样在脑海中上蹿下跳,高文这一刻觉得自己有千言万语堵在嗓子眼里,但就因为堵的太瓷实了,结果愣是一句话都说不出来的…… The matter is only certain: Oneself truly heard these things a moment ago, the slight dizziness that immersion condition causes also remains until now some, making him particularly affirm. 唯有一件事可以肯定:自己刚才确确实实听到了那些东西,“沉浸状态”所导致的轻微眩晕直到现在还残留着一些,让他对此分外肯定。 Therefore are these contents that in Eternal Tablet records? These knowledge about Gods? 所以这些就是永恒石板里面记录的内容?这些就是关于神明的知识? Gawain with damn same looks at that pale golden metal plate, in the mind just had this idea unable to bear shake the head not possibly, these establish the Religion mortal worthy people of former times at first in possibly are not these things that in Eternal Tablet hears, person who listening to these thing which brains to have the pit will sound probably already got rid of Myriad Gods to this group establishes Church! 高文跟见鬼一样看着那淡金色的金属板,脑海中刚冒出这个想法就忍不住摇了摇头不可能,那些最初创立宗教的凡人先贤们在永恒石板中听到的不可能是这些东西,听完这些玩意儿哪个脑子有坑的人才会给这帮听上去好像已经被人干掉的众神创立教会啊! Afterward he starts to consider that this thing is a bad joke, or some reckless fraud. 随后他开始考虑这玩意儿是不是个恶劣的玩笑,或者某个胆大包天的骗局。 However this joke significance where? This fraud who will do? What person holds what goal to concoct such content? And most important in such primitive backward medieval society, which brain hole serious offense day person can write heavy bombing ship such noun to come?! 然而这种玩笑意义何在?这种骗局有谁会做?什么人抱着什么目的才会炮制出这样的内容?以及最重要的在这么个原始落后的中世纪社会,哪个脑洞大过天的人可以编出“重型轰炸舰”这么个名词来?! Gawain is knitting the brows, thinks deeply about the information back significance that this Eternal Tablet is carrying, and profoundly suspected that these normal believer after is the same things that contacting these stone tablet hears. 高文皱着眉,思索着这永恒石板所携带的信息背后的意义,并深深地怀疑那些正常的信徒们在接触到这些石板之后所听到的到底是不是同样的东西。 After thinking long time, he got down the decision finally, is greeting to the tent outside: Betty! Goes to calls Philip, Hetty and Amber.” 思索良久之后,他终于下了决定,对着帐篷外面招呼道:“贝蒂!去把菲利普赫蒂琥珀叫来。” After a while, three people then arrived in the Gawain's tent. 过了一会,三人便来到了高文的帐篷里。 The Gawain looks at present three people, these three people , and have the person of belief on Feudal Territory that is he knows most can trust, moreover they just can represent three different believer: Philip is devout War God Religion believer, even by baptism ; Hetty is Magic Goddess official believer, but the belief degree is shallow ; Amber is Dark Night Goddess and God of Shadows mental case believer. 高文看着眼前的三人,这三人正是他所知的、在领地上最可以信赖的并且有信仰的人士,而且他们正可以代表三种不同的信徒:菲利普是虔诚的战神教派信徒,甚至受过洗礼;赫蒂魔法女神正式信徒,但信仰程度较浅;琥珀则是暗夜女神暗影之神神经病信徒 The similar mortal letter/believed the three spirit conditions after god to be able in these three people to look...... 差不多凡人信神之后的三种精神状态都能在这仨人身上找着了…… Gawain places on that Eternal Tablet fragment the table, advances: You know that this is anything.” 高文把那块永恒石板碎片放在桌上,向前推去:“你们知道这是什么吧。” Eternal Tablet fragment,” Amber said naturally, at that time my looks at you held the bosom this thing.” 永恒石板碎片啊,”琥珀理所当然地说道,“当时我看着你把这玩意儿揣怀里的。” Because Hetty at that time not on the scene, therefore at this time very curiously looks at that pale golden metal plate, but she had also known the Eternal Tablet fragment matter from the Gawain mouth before, therefore had nothing at this time surprisedly, is only curiously looks at Ancestor, does not know that Gawain wants to make anything. 赫蒂因为当时并未在场,因此这时候很好奇地看着那淡金色的金属板,但她之前也已经从高文口中得知了永恒石板碎片的事情,因此这时候并没什么惊讶,只是好奇地看着自家老祖宗,不知道高文想做什么。 You and it contact,” Gawain nods, touches its Philip with mental energy, you first come.” “你们和它接触一下,”高文点点头,“用精神力触动它菲利普,你先来。” Gawain is not worried about stone tablet harmfully, because he himself has tried, besides some frightened information records, it will not have the secular effect on the body, moreover even if Hetty three people of the time of contacting fragment will really hear the Gods knowledge, because this fragment is very small, it is also insufficient to brainwash to become what crazy believer otherwise these three people stone tablet fragment, when the King aristocrat big merchants of collection have all turned into crazy believer. 高文并不担心“石板”有害,因为他自己已经试过了,除了一些惊悚的信息记录之外,它并不会对身体造成长期影响,而且哪怕赫蒂三人接触碎片的时候真会听到神明的知识,因为这块碎片很小,它也不至于把三人洗脑成什么狂信徒否则那些把石板碎片当收藏品的国王贵族大商人们早就全都变成狂信徒了。 Philip shows the surprised and hesitant look: Lord, did you...... really determine? Can give me this opportunity?” 菲利普露出惊讶和犹豫的神色:“大人,您……真的确定?要把这种机会给我?” I determined, but I have a matter to remind you,” Gawain nods, „after contacting fragment , no matter you hear anything to see anything, keeps calm, even if heard...... also left with the matter that you believed to contradict extremely excitedly, because this thing was perhaps fake.” “我确定,只不过我有件事要提醒你们,”高文点点头,“接触碎片之后不管你们听到什么看到什么,都保持冷静,哪怕听到了与你们信仰相悖的事情……也别太过激动,因为这东西说不定是假的。” He first had a preventive inoculation, after to prevent the thing that belief devout Knight Philip hears these should not listen to three views avalanche, but Philip approaches stone tablet fragment while asked one curiously: Possibly is false?” 他先打了个预防针,以防止信仰虔诚的菲利普骑士听到那些不该听的东西之后三观崩塌,而菲利普则一边靠近石板碎片一边好奇地问了一句:“可能是假的?” Did not say certainly, you first contact to give a try.” “说不准,你先接触试试看吧。” Knight Philip nods, places on the hand stone tablet fragment, and actuates own mental strength, conducts the experimental connection with that fragment. 菲利普骑士点点头,将手放在石板碎片上,并驱动自己的精神力量,和那碎片进行尝试性的连接。 Almost is immediately, Gawain then felt that this young Knight aura had the subtle change, a vast, ancient and mysterious strength as if covered him, making his whole person sublimation get up, however this aura in fact possibly is only the illusion, because Gawain had not felt that Philip oneself strength has any change, moreover that unusual aura also presented the flash, then vanished. 几乎是立刻,高文便感觉到这位年轻骑士身上的气息有了微妙的变化,一种浩大、古老而神秘的力量似乎笼罩了他,让他整个人都“升华”起来,然而这种气息实际上可能只是幻觉,因为高文并没有感觉菲利普本人的力量有任何变化,而且那奇特的气息也只是出现了一瞬间,紧接着便消失了。 A moment later, Knight Philip opens the eye, he has the astonished and exciting expression looked at stone tablet fragment one, later draws back slightly, on the face brings joyfully: Lord, I as if heard the War God sound, comprehending and revelation that feeling one type...... cannot describe well ups, I thought that I as if obtained some blessings, this Blessings perhaps will have the greatest help to the next temperance skill in Wushu!” 片刻之后,菲利普骑士睁开眼睛,他带着惊异和兴奋的表情看了石板碎片一眼,随后微微退开,脸上带着喜悦:“大人,我仿佛听到了战神的声音,有一种……描述不出来的开悟和启示感涌上心头,我觉得自己似乎得到了某种赐福,这种赐福或许对今后锤炼武艺会产生莫大的帮助!” Gawain raises the eyebrow: These?” 高文扬起眉毛:“就这些?” Yes, this is one type the feeling that is difficult to describe,” the Knight Philip confident nod, asked curiously, but Lord you said a moment ago this possibly is false what...... I produce is the misconception?” “是的,这是一种很难描述的感觉,”菲利普骑士坦然点头,紧接着好奇地问,“但是大人您刚才说这可能是假的……难道我产生的是错觉么?” I said it is possibly false, but looks at your response, ten have ** is the genuine article,” the Gawain state of mind is changing, has not actually revealed the expression, but looks to Hetty, you give a try.” “我只是说它可能是假的,但看你的反应,十有**是真货,”高文心绪变化着,却没有把表情流露出来,只是看向赫蒂,“你来试试看。” Hetty nods, walks up the hand to place on Eternal Tablet fragment. 赫蒂点点头,也走上前来将手放在永恒石板碎片上。 This time, Gawain felt similarly Hetty aura had the subtle change, however this change is slighter, is shorter, Hetty also opened the eye quickly: Ancestor, I thought that oneself as if sneaked a peek at arcane in some magic aspects, there is an indistinct comprehending feeling, but did not have Knight Philip to say was so obvious and profound. Moreover does not know is the misconception, this stone tablet seems to be repelling my...... the contact, I just about to draw support from that type to comprehend the feeling to think deeply about some magic pattern, the stone tablet fragment strength avoided suddenly, moreover probably also has a sound to make me avoid continue contact with it......” 这一次,高文同样感觉到赫蒂气息有了微妙的变化,然而这种变化更加轻微,更加短暂,赫蒂也更快地睁开了眼睛:“先祖,我觉得自己似乎窥见了一些魔法方面的奥秘,也有隐约的开悟感,但并没有菲利普骑士说的那么明显和深刻。而且不知道是不是错觉,这块石板似乎在排斥我的……接触,我刚要借助那种开悟感去思索某个法术模型,石板碎片的力量就突然避开了,而且好像还有个声音让我避免和它继续接触……” Avoids on own initiative?” Gawain is astonished repeats the say/way, immediately felt this situation instead was more complex several points. “主动避开?”高文讶异地重复道,顿时感觉这情况反而更加复杂了几分。 Magic Goddess and other does Myriad Gods have what difference? Isn't her inheritance conducted through Eternal Tablet? 魔法女神难道和别的众神有什么不同之处?她的传承不是通过永恒石板进行的? Is thinking, he while fell the line of sight on Amber, has not waited for him to open the mouth, Miss Half-Elf had then collected impatiently: Aii this/should I this/should I! Looked your one by one said is so mysterious, this is thing so really fierce?” 一边思索着,他一边把视线落在了琥珀身上,还不等他开口,半精灵小姐便已经迫不及待地凑了上来:“哎哎该我了该我了!看你们一个个说的那么玄乎,这玩意儿真有那么厉害?” Finished barely the words she then already the hand according to the fragment surface, then closed one's eyes to wait eagerly to start to establish the connection with this metal plate. 话音未落她便已经把手按在了碎片表面,然后闭着眼睛憋着劲开始跟这块金属板建立连接。 A moment later, her brow wrinkles tightly, the hand also makes an effort more and more, the face also rises red, the table sways slightly, Gawain looked that this situation hurries to open the mouth: Made you use mental energy to connect not to make you make an effort to press in the table you to be responsible for this thing digging out?” 片刻之后,她的眉头紧皱起来,手也越来越使劲,脸也涨得红红的,就连桌子都微微摇晃起来,高文看这情况赶紧开口:“让你用精神力连接不是让你使劲等会把这玩意儿摁桌子里了你负责抠出来啊?” Had not responded!” Amber all of a sudden opens the eye, moves away the hand especially discouraged, I used mental energy! But a response does not have, what has not heard not to feel...... words saying both of you are act in a play to deceive our?” “没反应!”琥珀一下子睁开眼睛,特泄气地把手拿开,“我用精神力了啊!但一点反应都没有,啥也没听见没感觉到的……话说你们俩是演戏骗我们俩的吧?” Knight Philip: How can! Can feel very obvious comprehending obviously!” 菲利普骑士:“怎么会!明明就可以感觉到非常明显的开悟!” Hetty is also knitting the brows: I also felt, although very weak......” 赫蒂也皱着眉:“我也感觉到了啊,虽然很微弱……” The Amber doubt has a look at present two people, has a look at the metal plate on table: Is difficult to be inadequate this thing energy to be limited? Contacts to weaken one time one time, therefore you feel are getting more and more weak, hasn't responded to my?” 琥珀狐疑地看看眼前两人,又看看桌上的金属板:“难不成这玩意儿能量有限的?接触一次就削弱一次,所以你俩感觉越来越微弱,到我这就没反应了?” Gawain felt immediately this girl said is also reasonable, therefore then can make Knight Philip try at the scene again one time, finally actually and guess complete idea of Amber: Knight Philip was covered by that marvelous aura again, Gawain even suspected that he contacted one to become an immortal on this/should emergence with stone tablet fragment again...... 高文顿时感觉这姑娘说的也有道理,于是便能让菲利普骑士当场再试了一次,结果却和琥珀的猜测完全想法:菲利普骑士再次被那种奇妙的气息所笼罩,高文甚至怀疑他再跟石板碎片接触一会就该羽化成仙了…… It seems like Amber you truly do not have the means and stone tablet produce any resonance,” Gawain shakes the head, perhaps is related with belief devout, Philip is devout believer, Hetty is general believer, but you are the nerve...... shallow believer, this probably is the reason. The words saying that you are really God of Shadows believer?” “看来琥珀你确实没办法和石板产生任何共鸣,”高文摇了摇头,“或许跟信仰虔诚度有关,菲利普是虔诚信徒,赫蒂是一般信徒,而你是神经……浅信徒,这大概就是原因。话说你真的是暗影之神信徒么?” Yes! How is not!” Amber blows up the eye immediately, probably to Gawain's question very unsatisfied as, I believed the Goddess ten several years well! I told you, although I not by baptism, has not entered Church, but I think the time had has prayed well, moreover Goddess has chatted several days with me......” “是啊!怎么不是!”琥珀顿时鼓起眼睛,好像对高文的质疑很不满意似的,“我都信仰女神十好几年了好么!我跟你讲,虽然我没受过洗礼,也没进过教堂,但我想起来的时候都有好好祷告过的,而且女神跟我聊过好几次天呢……” Hetty questioned that sized up Amber several up and down: You confirmed that you really aren't the illusion that Shadow Medicine drank had?” 赫蒂特质疑地上下打量了琥珀几眼:“你确认你真的不是暗影药剂喝多了产生的幻觉?” Amber stamps one's foot immediately: Do not think that your chest can speak irresponsibly greatly casually!” 琥珀顿时跳起脚来:“你别以为你胸大就能随便乱说!” cough cough, you can not meet quarrel, moreover every time returns quarrels exposes the matter,” Gawain has a headache breaks them, and beckons with the hand, good, my did not have other matter, you first went back to be busy your, I must think well.” 咳咳,你俩能别见面就吵,而且每回都吵这么点破事么,”高文头疼地打断俩人,并摆了摆手,“好了好了,我这也没别的事了,你们先回去忙自己的吧,我还得好好想想。” Had mind filled with three people of doubts to leave the tent, during left behind stone tablet fragment on Gawain looks at table to be lost in thought. 满腹疑惑的三人离开了帐篷,留下高文看着桌上的石板碎片陷入沉思之中。 According to the Philip three people of responses, this stone tablet fragment perhaps real. 根据菲利普三人的反应,这石板碎片恐怕是真的。 However they with themselves hear after the thing that contacting stone tablet hears complete different! 然而他们在接触石板之后听到的东西跟自己听到的完全不一样! And this type different is not the first time. 并且这种“不一样”已经不是第一次了。 Previous time that high level Priestess Sandy, in others eyes is quite normal Human Race, however in the Gawain eye, is actually the translucent image of whole body illumination. 上次的那个高阶女神官珊迪,在别人眼中是相当正常的人类,然而在高文眼中,却是个浑身发光的半透明形象。 This time Eternal Tablet fragment, others contacted the later feeling to hear the Gods knowledge, however in the Gawain mind, is actually some doubtful Zenith Star Fleet influence group regimental grade cadre who reverberated. Turns the communication record of entire god. 这次的永恒石板碎片,别人接触之后感觉听到了神明的知识,然而在高文脑海里,回荡起来的却是某个疑似天顶星舰队的势力组团干.翻整个神界的通讯记录。 Gawain could not bear rub own forehead. 高文忍不住揉了揉自己的额头。 So long as related to Gods time, own will perception manifest and average person different places of? Oneself see hear...... is the truth, is the false appearance? 难道只要是涉及“神明”的时候,自己的感知就会体现出和普通人不一样的地方?自己所看到所听到的……是真相,还是假象?
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