SOD :: Volume #2

#156: In deep sea

Missionary Wright reply understands briefly, instead was makes Gawain stare the half of the day, he had prepared a big pile to be well-founded the tactful polite excuse to deal with talking endlessly of Missionary, its content including and was not restricted in on Feudal Territory not to have money to maintain Church and on Feudal Territory not to have money to provide for Priest and „the Church bricks yourself to buy wait wait/etc. etc., actually without thinking of this doubtful Gladiator transferred duty Priest Missionary to consider as finished unexpectedly...... considers as finished unexpectedly...... 传教士莱特回答的简短明白,反而是让高文愣了半天,他原本已经准备了一大堆有理有据委婉客气的说辞来应对传教士的喋喋不休,其内容包括且不限于“领地上没钱维持教会”、“领地上没钱供养神官”、“教堂的砖瓦你自己花钱买哦”等等等等,却没想到这位疑似角斗士转职牧师传教士竟然就这么算了……竟然就这么算了…… Should this big brothers not be shadow Church will infiltrate the Holy Light Church undercover? 这大兄弟该不会是暗影教会打入圣光教会的卧底吧? „Do you consider as finished?” Amber cannot bear emit one, doesn't plan to urge again?” “你就这么算了?”就连琥珀都忍不住冒出一句,“不打算再劝劝?” Way of Holy Light told me, if my good good, then Holy Light naturally met the shining will of the people, if my not good good, then I divulge the tongue is not effective even if,” that guy drew Holy Light Church crest with the hand in the chest front, the whole face reckless Chahe muscle actually piled pure and holy look obviously actually, „, therefore you had no interest in not relating, when you were interested in asking me is not late again.” 圣光之道告诉我,如果我行善事,那么圣光自然会照耀人心,如果我不行善事,那么哪怕我说破舌头也不会管用,”那大汉用手在胸前画了个圣光教会徽记,明明满脸胡茬和肌肉却硬是堆出了圣洁模样,“所以你们没兴趣也没关系,等你们有兴趣了再来找我也不迟。” Pouring is really the amusing fellow,” Hetty inconceivable shakes the head, „words saying that you come from the middle area is right? Holy Spirit Plain will Church send you to come preaching to Southernmost Region? Moreover gave you a copy clerk...... your accompanying and guard?” “倒真是个有趣的家伙,”赫蒂不可思议地摇了摇头,“话说你是来自中部地区对吧?圣灵平原教会怎么会派你到极南境传教?而且就给了你一张文书……你的随从和护卫呢?” Now has not been civilization chaos inaugurates, each Religion in the age in wild difficultly running, Missionary that even if travels everywhere, no longer is the ascetic person general one person alone walks, particularly from bountiful Holy Spirit Plain set off Missionary, basically can lead considerable amount of accompanying and guards moves in world, therefore such team is also called moves Church, the meaning is equipment personnel, servant and Priest who Church has is lacking nothing, but this Wright mister held a tattered copy clerk to come here from Holy Spirit Plain, let alone accompanied, his own travel expense meals was sells strength to make. 如今早已不是文明混沌初开、各个教派在荒蛮之中艰难奔走的年代,哪怕是四处游历的传教士,也不再是苦行僧一般孤身行走,尤其是从富饶的圣灵平原出发传教士们,基本上都会带着相当数量的随从和护卫在世间活动,因此那样的队伍也被称作“移动教堂”,意即一个教堂所具备的武装人员、仆役、神官样样齐全,但这位莱特先生却揣着一张破破烂烂的文书就从圣灵平原走到了这里,别说随从了,他自己路费伙食都是自己卖力气挣来的。 Among this absent-minded gives people the feeling of crossed over space and time, seems this Missionary the wild age from history book to walk general. 恍惚间给人一种穿越时空之感,就好像这位传教士是从历史书中的荒蛮年代走出来一般。 But Wright after hearing this issue is actually only do not care smiles: I am a person start off, Bishop gave me a copy clerk, making me come south side preaching, I came, as for accompanying with the guard...... I small low rank Priest, accompanying and guard who where comes, moreover I do not need.” 莱特在听到这问题之后却只是不在意地笑了笑:“我就是一个人上路的,主教给了我一张文书,让我来南边传教,我就来了,至于随从和护卫……我一个小小的低阶牧师,哪来的随从和护卫,而且我也不需要。” Saying, him is shining own muscle: Many Paladin cannot be victorious I, accompanies to work is also inferior to me to be agile, do I want their what are you doing?” 说着,他亮了亮自己的肌肉:“很多圣骑士打不过我,很多随从干活也不如我利索,那我要他们干什么?” Afterward he looked up all around, discovered that one batch of new brick bats were delivered to this work site, therefore stood up to pat earth on pants: Probably also had did exactly, did you have the issue? Without the issue, I first helps unload this batch of bricks.” 随后他抬头看了看四周,发现又有一批新的砖块被送到这处工地,于是站起身来拍了拍裤子上的土:“好像又有活干了,你们还有问题么?如果没问题的话,我先去帮着把这批砖卸下来。” The Gawain complexion is strange: „...... Does as you please.” 高文面色古怪:“……请便。” Wright beckons with the hand: I. Was right, do not forget to help me transmit the copy clerk to your Feudal Lord, I must be under the Feudal Lord permission to construct Church and public preaching.” 莱特摆摆手:“那我去了。啊对了,你可别忘了帮我把文书转交给你们的领主啊,我要得到领主许可才能建教会和公开传教的。” Gawain a little does not know whether to laugh or cry: You could rest assured that I transmit certainly.” 高文有点哭笑不得:“你放心,我一定转交。” Wright nods, turns around to move toward the work site, but just got out of the way two steps to turn the head: Right, had a matter to forget to ask.” 莱特点点头,转身走向工地,但刚走开两步就又转过头来:“对了,有件事忘了问。” Hetty does not know whether to laugh or cry: What matter you asked.” 就连赫蒂都哭笑不得起来:“什么事你问吧。” Where works to eat meal?” “干完活去哪吃饭?” Hetty sighed: „...... The following workers walk on the line, the people of working have the food to eat, guarantee all one wants to eat.” 赫蒂叹了口气:“……跟着工人们走就行,干活的人都有饭吃,管饱。” After waiting for that Missionary to get out of the way thoroughly, Amber whispered low voice: I also think that the Holy Light Church person saw I want certainly look for trouble, how finally is such rash...... odd person.” 等那个传教士彻底走开之后,琥珀才小声嘀咕起来:“我还以为圣光教会的人见到我肯定要找麻烦的,结果怎么是这么个愣头愣脑的……怪人。” Do not be killed delusion, others do not know that who you are ask you to trouble what are you doing,” Hetty shot a look at Amber one, later looks to Gawain, ancestor, do you want to permit this...... Missionary preaching on Feudal Territory?” “别被害妄想症了,人家都不知道你是谁找你麻烦干什么,”赫蒂瞥了琥珀一眼,随后看向高文,“先祖,您要允许这个……‘传教士’在领地传教么?” First observes for two days,” Gawain said lightly, you send a clerk, registers his basic information, then according to the standard that technology immigrates gives him to arrange the dwelling arrangement near the administrative area, simultaneously pays attention to his action. If this person has no issue...... to permit him preaching and activity in the Cecil's law range.” “先观察两天,”高文淡淡地说道,“你派个书记员,登记好他的基本资料,然后按照技术移民的标准给他安排个住处安排在行政区附近,同时多留意一下他的行动。如果这人没什么问题……就允许他在塞西尔的法律范围内传教和活动。” Gawain oneself have the barrier to the Myriad Gods belief heart, but he did not plan that prevents some people to conduct the Religion event on Feudal Territory, because the Religion activity itself/Ben is this world established facts, Divine Spell is also local productive forces portion, the people on Feudal Territory 80-90% has the belief, either is productivity Gods and God of Holy Light, either is the smith, business, knowledge, soldier and other domain aspect in Gods, majority is shallow believer, few parts are devout believer, under this big background, preventing Holy Light Church Missionary to move on Feudal Territory does not have necessary also insignificant, can by the will of the people. Lives the doubts. 高文本人对众神信仰心有隔阂,但他并不打算阻止有人在领地上进行宗教活动因为宗教活动本就是这个世界的“既定事实”,神术也是当地生产力的一部分,领地上的民众本身80-90%都是有信仰的,要么是丰饶诸神圣光之神,要么是工匠、商业、学识、战士等领域方面的神明,大部分是浅信徒,少部分则是虔诚信徒,在这种大背景下,阻止一个圣光教会传教士领地上活动既无必要也无意义,还会让人心生疑惑。 So long as this strange straightforward Missionary does not have the questionable point and stain in background, then his arrival instead is good deed Gawain also records the Veronica previous mentioning matter, moreover he believes that Saintess Princess did not speak thoughtlessly raises is so simple, she will look for herself sooner or later again, but if before that on Feudal Territory established Small Church that received the Holy Light Church acknowledgment, he had the sufficient reason to turn down to come from Royal Capital Church to infiltrate. 而且只要这个奇奇怪怪的耿直传教士没有背景上的疑点和污点,那么他的到来反而是件好事高文还记着维罗妮卡上次提到的事情,而且他相信那位圣女公主绝不是随口一提那么简单,她迟早会再来找自己,但如果在那之前,领地上建立了一个受到圣光教会承认的小教堂,那他就有充足的理由婉拒来自王都教会渗透了。 wander Missionary local Church that establishes under the subsidization of local Feudal Lord, may be better the control to be many than Royal Capital Holy See direct command Church. 一个游荡传教士在当地领主的资助下建立的地区教会,可比王都教廷直接指挥的教堂要好控制多了。 Is thinking at heart some do not have, Gawain returned to own tent. 心里想着这些有的没的,高文回到了自己的帐篷中。 looks at this had lived in several months of tent, in his heart somewhat is also sigh with emotion. 看着这个已经住了好几个月的帐篷,他心中也有些感慨。 Truly is the time moves from this inside, moves to house that the bricks build. 确实是时候从这里面搬出去,搬到砖瓦盖的宅子里了。 At least in new mansion that he designs has the official studios, bedrooms, warehouses and various laboratories, no matter will live conducts the research in mana aspect here more convenient. 起码他所设计的新宅邸里有正式的书房、卧室、仓库和各种实验室,不管是居住还是进行魔力方面的研究都会比在这里方便许多。 But does not know why Amber can also move into the new dwelling to Gawain as soon as possible seems full of enthusiasm, previous Gawain asked curiously her, the latter said finally one pile of cynical remark, anything for a long time has not turned the window to enter „ the gate that the room and in your tent can skid not to haveand not to have the basement and hides treasury to be what aristocrat dwelling and so on...... is really strange. 但就是不知道为什么琥珀也对高文能尽快搬入新宅显得兴致勃勃,上次高文好奇地问了她一句,结果后者就说了一堆怪话,什么“好久没翻窗户进屋了”、“你这帐篷里连个能撬的门都没有”、“没有地下室和藏宝库算什么贵族宅院”之类……真是怪。 Gawain has to knock one to rectify her to say the problem of cynical remark the head of Amber, but seemingly has no effect. 高文不得不把琥珀的脑袋敲了一圈来矫正她说怪话的毛病,但貌似没什么效果。 Several places on the table about the report that the population and Feudal Territory new inhabited area expands, under Gawain in the desk is implicated, starts to carry out the daily work. 几份关于人口和领地新居民区扩建的报告放在桌上,高文在书桌旁坐下,开始进行日常的工作。 Is relying on the ancient hero inherent rallying point and Gawain of protects the fact prestige that citizen takes the lead, the measure that he promulgates in quick that on this lands executes, even plans town road/s, before building the house first constructs the sewer, to forbid facing the street urinate wait/etc to be hard to advance under the current background, is hard to the action of citizen explanation also obtained very well to implement and realize, truly goal that as if people do not care about these actions( even if Gawain has sent people to speak the significance of each policy unceasingly), but is so long as Feudal Lord said that that on affirmative is. 凭借着古代英雄固有的号召力和高文保护领民身先士卒的事实性威望,他所颁布的措施在这片土地上施行的很快,甚至连规划城镇道路、在盖房子之前首先建设下水道、禁止当街大小便等等在当前时代背景下难以推进,也难以对领民解释的举措也得到了很好的贯彻落实,似乎人们并不真正关心这些举措的目的(哪怕高文已经派人不断宣讲每一项政策的意义),而是只要领主说的,那就肯定是对的。 But Gawain knows, the execution efficiency that this blind trust brings cannot rely on for a long time, it definitely in system and law one after another will promulgate in the process to lose unceasingly, but must maintain this implementation rate, the means will have two. 高文知道,这种盲目信任所带来的执行效率是不能长久依赖的,它必然会在一项又一项的制度与法律颁布过程中不断损耗,而要维持这种执行率,办法只有两个。 First, lets more new systems and laws as far as possible has the naked eye obvious benefit, at least makes the people believe that the improvement on life, like this them who by these systems and laws advances will be glad to the pursue innovation. 第一,尽可能让更多的新制度与法律产生肉眼可见的效益,最起码让人民相信,生活上的改善是由那些制度和法律所推进的,这样他们就会乐于奉行新法。 Second, the advancement education, making the people understand that the ponder and discernment, letting them to understand Feudal Lord to say anything truly, and under this premise, still supported the regulation and custom on Feudal Territory. 第二,推进教育,让民众懂得思考和辨别,让他们能真正听懂领主在说什么,并在这一前提下,仍然支持领地上的律法和规矩。 Article 2 not only can maintain the existing implementation rate, will also promote on Feudal Territory enormously the efficiency of each work. 第二条不但可以维持现有的执行率,而且还将极大提升领地上每一项工作的效率。 Where however...... does the teacher from look? Especially in the Gawain plan, must carry out all the people's extraordinary knowledge education, this teacher was more difficult to look. 但是……教师从哪找呢?尤其是在高文计划中,要进行全民的超凡知识教育,这种教师就更难找了。 Ordinary literate knows the number person perhaps with money to hire, but these are truly learned, can conduct the person who quite educates high-end is very difficult to find, they not possible to be willing to one crowd being noisy what „the humble poor anti- under temper explained is rune and computation, even if were not good to money. 普通认字识数的人或许可以用金钱雇佣过来,但那些真正有学问,可以进行较为高端教育的人却很难找到,他们不可能愿意对着一群闹哄哄的“低贱贫民”耐下性子讲解什么叫符文和计算,哪怕给钱也不行。 perhaps should look for Jenny to inquire, perhaps she knew that in extraordinary Class Holder that upper class goes down in the world extremely...... in line with wanting to change when poverty strikes spirit, mage that these starve to death quickly should quite be easy to buy...... 或许应该找詹妮打听一下,她说不定认识一些在上流社会极为落魄的超凡职业者……本着穷则思变的精神,那些快饿死的法师应该会比较容易收买来吧…… But at the same time, in the distant seas of distant place east continent, the storm is diverging extremely gradually. 而在同一时间,在大陆东侧极远处的远海之中,风暴正在渐渐散去。 berserk turbulent water element returns to the atmosphere and sea , the energy in atmosphere storing up almost splashed before all in the reef, disintegrate of trim reef bang, but now these remaining energies as just water element was together steady, gradually returned to the natural bosom. 狂暴汹涌的水元素重新回归到大气和海洋之中,大气层中蓄积的能量在之前几乎尽数泼洒在岛礁上,将整片岛礁轰的四分五裂,而现在那些残余的能量正随着水元素一同平稳下来,逐渐重归自然的怀抱。 The blood of Evil Cultist incarnadine a stretch of sea level, the smell of blood attracted the predator in sea, but these predators actually walk back and forth in the surrounding of this waters fearful and apprehensive, does not dare still to send out the dangerous aura place close to this. 邪教徒的鲜血染红了一片海面,血腥味引来了海洋中的掠食者,但那些掠食者却只是在这片水域的外围胆战心惊地逡巡,丝毫不敢靠近这个仍然散发出危险气息的地方。 Children of the Storm cannot resist the genuine storm eventually, in front of natural disaster that in the Siren army curls up, they strove to resist for a long time were very very long, but they have to give up this piece finally miracle domain. 风暴之子们终究未能抵挡住真正的风暴,在海妖大军所卷起的自然灾害面前,他们勉力抵挡了很久很久,但最终他们还是不得不放弃这片“神迹领域”。 They take nearly the one-third believer life as the price, runs out of a way out in the turbulent sea forcefully, fled from this place. 他们以近乎三分之一的教徒生命为代价,在汹涌的海洋中强行冲出一条生路,逃离了这个地方。 Now this reef returns in the Siren hand. 现在这片岛礁又重新回到海妖手中了。 In the sea level still some giant and terrifying malevolent giant beasts are walking back and forth, these float on the water surface, is covering the carapace and spur, is full the mana brilliance body to make one be awed at the sight, but is quick, this one by one giant beast then sank to the water, a moment later, some female forms floated from the sea water. 海面上仍然有许多巨大而恐怖的狰狞巨兽在逡巡,那些浮在水面上的、覆盖着甲壳与骨刺、充盈着魔力光辉的躯体令人望而生畏,但很快,这一个个巨兽便沉入了水中,片刻之后,一些女性身影从海水中浮了上来。 They have the beautiful appearance, graceful and symmetrical physique, has with Human Race fills wisdom and nimble and resourceful eye generally, but their cheeks are actually covering the slight scaled thing with the both arms on faintly visible, this scale is not fearful, instead takes to people an unusual monster different aesthetic sense, but in mixing the process of sea water, the structures of these female lower part will also turn out water surface that actually to imitate like the sea snake long-tail once for a while, or such as fish common fish tail. 她们有着美丽的容颜,优雅而匀称的体态,也有着和人类一般充满智慧和灵动的眼睛,但她们的脸颊与双臂上却隐隐可见覆盖着细微的鳞片状物,这鳞片并不可怕,反而带给人一种异常的妖异美感,而在搅动海水的过程中,这些女性下半身的结构也时不时会翻出水面那却是彷如海蛇般的长尾,或者如鱼一般的鱼尾。 Even some are the touching wrists of octopus same belt/bring sucker. 甚至有的是八爪鱼一样带吸盘的触腕。 After wisdom lifeform looks at Evil Cultist in these water evacuate, reef that leaves behind, but their these so-called holy artifact and a altar not interest in Evil Cultist at risk of life protection. 这些水中的智慧生物看着邪教徒撤离之后留下的岛礁,但她们对邪教徒拼死守护的那些所谓圣器和祭坛没有一点兴趣。 Siren that has the sky blue long hair is looking into the direction of islands, but another Siren floated from the water, roaming to the leader of this sky blue long hair: Human Race that these brains are sick ran, General Vanessa.” 一名有着天蓝色长发的海妖眺望着岛屿的方向,而另一个海妖则从水中浮了上来,游向这位天蓝长发的领袖:“那些脑子有病的人类跑了,凡妮莎将军。” Is called Siren of General Vanessa to knit the brows: Really is a bewildered lifeform, I record obviously for several hundred years ago time they are not so insane, how to have no way to exchange the exchange now......” 被称作凡妮莎将军的海妖皱皱眉:“真是一种莫名其妙的生物,我明明记着几百年前的时候他们还没这么疯,怎么现在连交流都没法交流了……” Probably is because they do not have the means to live, all day lived in the brain that on the land suppressed harbors evil thoughts.” “大概是因为他们没办法在海里生活,整天生活在陆地上憋的脑子都憋坏了吧。” Ok, not important,” General Siren shakes the head, Human Race that since these brains are sick ran, we can continue to work.” “算了,不重要,”海妖将军摇摇头,“既然那些脑子有病的人类都跑了,我们就可以继续工作了。” That......” on young Siren soldier face shows the expression that is eager to try, „do we continue to dig the squid?” “那……”年轻的海妖士兵脸上露出跃跃欲试的表情,“我们下去继续挖鱿鱼?” General Siren smiles, makes an effort to nod: Un , to continue to dig the squid.” 海妖将军笑起来,用力点点头:“嗯,继续挖鱿鱼。” Continues to dig the squid! Digs the squid! Big squid!” “继续挖鱿鱼!挖鱿鱼!大鱿鱼!” The Siren cheers resound, later one by one curls up the spray, flings the shape such as the tail of sea snake, sea fish and octopus to charge into the seabed , to continue them to have planned to well in the work that this piece of Sea Territory carries out 海妖们的欢呼声响成一片,随后一个个卷起浪花,甩着形如海蛇、海鱼、八爪鱼的尾巴冲向海底,去继续她们早就计划好要在这片海域进行的工作 Goes to the deep sea, goes to the sea bed , to continue to dig that not to know why dies below . Moreover the corpse fragment also spreads big squid that” how the entire sea bed, dug unable to dig...... 去深海,去海床上,去继续挖那个不知道为什么死在下面,而且尸体碎块还铺了整整一片海床、怎么挖都挖不完的“大鱿鱼”…… Talent home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: 天才本站地址:。手机版阅读网址:
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