SOD :: Volume #2

#132: Income

„Is this Eternal Tablet fragment?” “这就是永恒石板碎片?” looks at at present that only then metal fragment of palm of the hand size, Gawain could not bear show the surprised look. 看着眼前那只有巴掌大小的金属碎片,高文忍不住露出了惊讶的神色。 Yes, Eternal Tablet I have not thought that it can be this appearance unexpectedly,” Viscount Andrew shakes the head weakly, „the Eternal Tablet fragment was consecrated by the major Religion secrets, other can attain the fragment influence or individual will not demonstrate casually it, therefore I do not know what at first completely digs is anything, but was quick my person to find the writing of surviving to explain in ruins, can determine this by the metal plate that the magic installment protected layer on layer/heavily unexpectedly on is Eternal Tablet fragment in legend......” “是的,永恒石板我也没想到它竟然会是这个样子,”安德鲁子爵虚弱地摇摇头,“永恒石板的碎块被各大教派秘密供奉,其他能拿到碎片的势力或个人也决计不会把它随便展示出来,所以我最初完全不知道挖出来的是什么东西,但很快我的人就在遗迹中找到了残存的文字说明,才敢确定这块被重重魔法装置保护起来的金属板竟然就是传说中的永恒石板碎片……” At this point, Viscount Andrew cannot bear heave a deep sigh: „Many magic installment in ruins has stopped operating, but only has for protecting this stone tablet fragment since...... these mechanism revolve unexpectedly, to attain it, I build very big price, has not actually thought that takes it after the hand is the start of bigger price......” 说到这里,安德鲁子爵忍不住摇头叹息:“遗迹中的很多魔法装置都已经停止运作,但唯有用于保护这块石板碎片的……那些机关竟然运转至今,为了拿到它,我搭进去很大代价,却没想到把它拿在手上之后才是更大代价的开始……” Gawain could not bear remember a few words on previous life Earth: The ordinary men are innocent, talent can arouse jealousy. 高文忍不住想起了前世地球上的一句话:匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪。 He took up that stone tablet fragment( words saying that this thing really can also call stone board?), Determined that it is really the metal material quality, is this type of pale golden gold/metal any magical material or the conventional material that he knows, but is more like some type of unknown alloy, its is extremely directly smooth, like covering light tooth enamel, but tooth enamel under is the complex close trace, the back some cannot see the scoop channel of function, in some scoop channels is also mounting scrap crystal. 他拿起了那块“石板碎片”(话说这玩意儿真的还能叫“石”板么?),确定它真的是金属材质,这种淡金色的金属不属于他所知的任何一种魔导材料或常规材料,而更像是某种未知的合金,其正面极其光滑,如同覆盖着一层薄薄的釉质,而“釉质”下面则是复杂细密的纹路,背面则有一些看不出作用的凹槽,在其中一些凹槽里面还镶嵌着小块的结晶体 But in metal plate edge, is the neat and tidy fracture, that fracture seems some connection card tooth to be common, making entire fragment a sophisticated geometric solid, this is disruption from some whole gets down, Gawain suspected that so-called Eternal Tablet joins together by a lot of this type of geometric solids, like some type of puzzle...... 而在金属板的边缘,则是整整齐齐的断口,那断口就好像某种连接卡齿一般,让整个碎片成为一个结构复杂的几何体,与其说这是从某个整体上“碎裂”下来的,高文更怀疑所谓的永恒石板本身就是由大量这种几何体拼合而成,如同某种拼图…… Really is amusing. 实在是有趣的很。 He checks looks at this fragment repeatedly, said looking pensive: Said after the mortal contacts Eternal Tablet , will then obtain Gods revelation, why do I take its effect?” 他翻来覆去地查看着这块碎片,若有所思地说道:“都说凡人接触到永恒石板之后便会得到神明启示,为什么我拿着它一点效果都没有?” Contacts merely is useless, but also needs by mental energy with its communication,” Viscount Andrew to say slowly, „, but my strength is mean, even the communication still can only hear some slurred whispering, cannot obtain any knowledge. But if you...... perhaps obtains the strength also to have the possibility directly.” “仅仅接触是没用的,还需要以精神力与其沟通,”安德鲁子爵慢慢说道,“但我的实力低微,即便沟通也只能听到一些模糊不清的低语,根本得不到任何知识。但如果是您的话……或许直接获得力量也是有可能的。” Gawain nods, but does not have a point to conduct the meaning of communication with own mental energy. 高文点了点头,但却没有一点用自己的精神力进行沟通的意思。 In fact, his profoundly is dreading this thing. 事实上,他深深地忌惮着这东西。 Eternal Tablet, the Gods belief belt/bring to Mortal World the thing of legend, the first-generation mortal worthy people of former times is because will contact Eternal Tablet to create such big pile of Religion, and obtained the strength of using Divine Spell, the average person in this world looked like this perhaps is a gracious gift, however Gawain actually could not bear suspect that this thing had the strength that some spirit control and brainwashing instilled into and so on, if his communication weren't good to be occupied the mind by these Gods spirit directly? Without occupying the mind, will drop to hear problem of Myriad Gods bb in the mind is not in a low voice good from now on regularly! 永恒石板,将诸神信仰带到人间的传说之物,第一代的凡人先贤们就是因为接触了永恒石板才会创造出那么一大堆的宗教,并获得了使用神术的力量,在这个世界的普通人看来这或许是一种恩赐,然而高文却忍不住怀疑这东西是不是具有某种精神控制、洗脑灌输之类的力量,万一他一个沟通不好直接被那些神明精神占据了头脑呢?哪怕没有占据头脑,今后落下个隔三差五就听见众神在脑海中低声bb的毛病也不行啊! This stone tablet fragment asked you to carry off,” Viscount Andrew opened the mouth suddenly, wanted to collect, gave to King, or gave some you to believe Church that and want to be on good terms.” “这块石板碎片还是请您带走吧,”安德鲁子爵突然开口了,“是要自己收藏,还是献给国王,或者交给某个您所信仰、想要交好的教会都可以。” „Did you confirm?” Gawain selected the eyebrow, you should know this thing the value, even if you do not dare to continue to preserve it, you give King or Church it personally can also trade a big advantage.” “你确认?”高文挑了挑眉毛,“你应该知道这东西的价值,哪怕你不敢继续保存它,你亲手把它交给国王教会也是可以换来一大笔好处的。” I do not want to produce a connection with this thing,” Viscount Andrew erupts strength, makes an effort to shake the head, even hands over even if it, I do not hope that hands over through my hand, moreover today , if not you, I am impossible to live, you regard this is a gift.” “我再也不想跟这东西产生一点瓜葛了,”安德鲁子爵爆发出力气,使劲摇着头,“甚至哪怕把它交出去,我都不希望通过我的手交出去而且今天如果不是您,我也根本不可能活下来,您就把这当成是件礼物吧。” Gawain faint smile: May really unable to reach an agreement this is a gift is a god of plague......” 高文似笑非笑:“可真说不好这是一件礼物还是一尊瘟神……” But is saying although, he received Eternal Tablet fragment without hesitation. 但尽管这么说着,他还是毫不犹豫地把永恒石板碎片收了起来。 This thing truly is a time bomb, it even can make All Things Finally Die Society such dark organization take risks to a Kingdom aristocrat, however this thing is also a buried treasure, it possibly contains the Myriad Gods secret, even possibly makes Gawain sneak a peek at the truth of this world slightly, in any event, Gawain cannot achieve this thing looks but not see. 这东西确实是个定时炸弹,它甚至能让万物终亡会那样的黑暗组织对一个王国贵族铤而走险,然而这东西也是一件宝藏,它可能蕴藏着众神的秘密,甚至可能让高文略微窥见这个世界的一丝真相,无论如何,高文都做不到对这东西视而不见。 In All Things Finally Die Society just had been defeated a time in situation, he can confirm that temporarily who will not hit this thing the idea . Moreover the news must pass on also requires the time, the bystander is very difficult to know promptly this stone tablet fragment had arrived in his hand. In this quite safe time, Gawain must study this mysterious and secretive fragment. 万物终亡会刚刚失败过一次的情况下,他可以确认暂时不会有谁来打这东西的主意,而且消息要传出去也是需要时间的,外人很难及时知道这块石板碎片已经到了他的手上。在这较为安全的时间里,高文要研究一下这块神神秘秘碎片 His enrolling legend the status also holds the strong safeguard of this stone tablet fragment: Although Cecil territory now weak compares, but this age legend expert reputation actually often compares powerful noble territory to have the deterrent force, Gawain does not mind taking advantage of a potential in this aspect. 他这个“挂名传奇”的身份也是保有这块石板碎片的有力保障:虽然塞西尔领现在弱的一比,但这个年代一个传奇强者的名头却往往比一个强盛的贵族领更加有威慑力,高文不介意借一下这方面的势。 Naturally, he also considered hidden danger that does that if the real situation is critical, he did not mind that gives King or the Church Myriad Gods knowledge this thing is truly precious to some people, but may not transform the productive forces that he needs, when the time comes received exchange for other benefit with such specimen, so long as that benefit is enough, is worth. In the situation that however this definitely has no recourse has the choice that. 当然,他也考虑到了这么做的隐患,所以如果真的情况危急,他也不介意把这东西交给国王或者教会众神的知识对有些人确实宝贵,但不一定能转化成他所需要的生产力,到时候用这么一个样本来换取别的利益,只要那利益足够,就是值得的。不过这肯定是最迫不得已的情况下才有的选择。 Went to the courtyard life-saving Pittman and two Knight also returned to the meeting hall later. 中庭救人的皮特曼和两位骑士稍后也返回了议事厅。 „The Evil Cultist strength has started to abate from castle, must relieve these poor man magic of is not difficult,” old Druid explained handle that wide scope evil spell reason quickly, I and two Knight rescued the portion person, then makes in the person who saves the situation fairly good help also save others, in addition through the method of control plant, was all buries the person in place digs came out the person, but lost the life were many, one-third is incurable, remaining living in the person, had many intelligence to receive damages seriously, had can restore., Some will be perhaps ignorant forever.” 邪教徒的力量已经开始从城堡中消退,要解除那些可怜人身上的魔法并不困难,”老德鲁伊解释了一下自己这么快就搞定那个大范围邪术的原因,“我和两个骑士救出了一部分人,然后让救出来的人中情况稍好的也帮忙救人,再加上通过控制植物的手段,算是把所有埋在地里的人都挖了出来但失去生命的人还是不少,三分之一已经没救了,剩下活着的人里,也有不少神智受到严重损伤,有的能恢复,有的恐怕永远都会浑浑噩噩下去。” This may really be the serious loss.” Some Gawain quite sympathies looked at Viscount Andrew one. “这可真是惨重的损失。”高文颇有些同情地看了安德鲁子爵一眼。 Andrew can only smile bitterly shaking the head: Perhaps I must spend the money to settle...... me also to live, can always recover consciousness. Now I most rejoice was my two sons then went to Feudal Territory to collect rent couple days ago, their hauling rescued their life. But my youngest daughter......” 安德鲁只能苦笑着摇摇头:“我恐怕得花一大笔钱来善后……不过我还活着,总能缓过来的。现在我最庆幸的就是我的两个儿子前几天便去领地里收租去了,他们的拖拉算是救了他们自己的命。但我的小女儿……” Your daughter is also living,” Knight Philip opens the mouth saying that „, but that pitiful girl by seriously the mind damage, now be at condition of acting like a madman, perhaps only then Myriad Gods knows that she also does have the possibility of restoring.” “您的女儿还活着,”菲利普骑士开口道,“但那个可怜的姑娘受到严重的心智损伤,现在处于疯疯癫癫的状态,或许只有众神才知道她还有没有恢复的可能。” Is living well, lives well to say on......” the Viscount Andrew look complex, this once was graceful, the self-confident and proud aristocrat dead of old age at least 20 -year-old in that night, his present sound except for exhausted is exhausted, although there are can say the good news matter, is actually not able to support his already the body and spirit that wasted seriously, but he raised the head diligently, looked to standing Gawain, in any event, I must thank your rescue, Leslie Family owed you and your Knight big benevolence, if had any needs, on although please raised.” “活着就好,活着就好……”安德鲁子爵神色复杂地说道,这位曾经优雅、自信、骄傲的贵族在这一夜老去了至少二十岁,他现在的声音除了疲惫便是疲惫,尽管有很多可以说得上好消息的事情,却无法支撑起他这已经严重虚耗的身体和精神,但他还是努力抬起头,看向站在旁边的高文,“无论如何,我都要感谢您的救助,莱斯利家族欠了您和您的骑士们一个大恩情如果有任何需要,就请尽管提吧。” Obviously, he himself also knows that treats as the gift to deliver a little issue that hot stone tablet fragment...... 很显然,他自己也知道把那个烫手的石板碎片当做礼物送出去有点问题…… mutual help and protection is I and Charlie 700 years ago is the custom that the Ainz aristocrat sets, I also just fulfill during that time to say today the words,” the Gawain especially just ice however said that I will not take advantage while this opportunity. However since we organically discussed discussed, perhaps can strengthen to cooperate.” 守望相助是我和查理在七百年前便为安苏贵族定下的规矩,我今天也只不过是履行自己当年说过的话而已,”高文特正义凌然地说道,“我是不会趁着这个机会趁火打劫的。不过既然我们有机会谈一谈,或许可以加强一下合作。” Cooperation?” Viscount Andrew repeated this phrase. “合作?”安德鲁子爵重复了一遍这个字眼。 You should know, new Cecil territory is constructing, our types of commodities lack, moreover most commodities purchase from Tanzan Town,” Gawain smiled, at present we most lack stores the magic crystal body, various magical material, but in Tanzan mine has the large-scale crystal mineral lode.” “你应该知道,新塞西尔领正在建设,我们各种物资都缺,而且大部分物资都是从坦桑镇采购,”高文笑了起来,“目前我们最缺的就是储魔晶体,还有各种魔导材料,而坦桑矿山中有大规模的晶体矿脉。” Saw that the Viscount Andrew expression is a little stiff, Gawain continues saying: I who other nervous, I must buy only hope that from now on can by the preferential price from various Tanzan Town purchase crystal class magic material, we not request the quality, even if most preliminary magic storage crystal, we only request the quantity to be enough. Your need not worry loses money anything , our commodity gaps are giant, the new Cecil territory quantity purchased can swallow your very big one batch of crystal to deliver absolutely, even if the price is lower, the profit that you make will also surpass these crystal transports scattered to other Feudal Territory, oneself seek for the expenditure that the sale needs again. If you agreed that then after concrete price I can wait for you slightly slow to be panting, sends people to discuss.” 见到安德鲁子爵表情有点僵硬,高文继续说道:“别紧张,我是要花钱买的我只希望今后能以优惠的价格从坦桑镇大量采购各种晶体类魔法材料,我们不要求品质,哪怕最低级的储魔水晶也可以,我们只要求数量足够。你不用担心亏损什么,要知道,我们的物资缺口巨大,新塞西尔领的采购量绝对能吞掉你很大一批水晶产出,哪怕价格低一些,你赚取的利润也会超过把那些水晶零散运输到其他领地,再自己寻找销路所需的花费。如果你同意,那么具体价格方面我会等你这边稍微缓过气之后派人来谈。” Viscount Andrew relaxes, listens to while the slight nod: He starts to approve this is a win-win idea, Cecil territory can obtain massive inexpensive magical to be principal, but Tanzan Town need not is worried about the sale of crystal, but can also collect to restore castle and cash of event damage control rapidly. 安德鲁子爵放松下来,一边听一边微微点头:他开始认可这是一个双赢的主意,塞西尔领可以得到大量廉价的魔导主材,而坦桑镇不用担心水晶的销路,还能迅速筹集到修缮城堡、事件善后的钱款。 But how as for also poor and blank Cecil Family turned into the rich man a short time ago suddenly, and recently also started minting...... Viscount Andrew not to know from the start. 而至于前不久还一穷二白的塞西尔家族怎么突然变成了有钱人,并且最近还开始了铸币……安德鲁子爵压根不想知道。 No matter they discovered the gold ore in Dark Mountain Range, that 700 years ago Ancestor dug out own real coffin cost, that are not related with him, as mentality flexible border Viscount, Andrew Leslie always thinks to open very much, can hold truly to the advantageous part. 不管他们是在黑暗山脉里发现了金矿,还是那位七百年前的老祖宗挖出了自己的真・棺材本,那都跟他没关系,作为一个思路灵活的边境子爵,安德鲁莱斯利一向想得很开,很能抓住真正对自己有利的部分。 Actually he guesses right actually portion: Gawain truly dug out coffin cost, what he digs is entire Ainz Kingdom's coffin cost...... 其实他倒是猜对一部分:高文确实挖出了棺材本,只不过他挖出来的是整个安苏王国的棺材本…… Sees Viscount Andrew to nod, Gawain then said: Second, population. I hope that you can help me propagandize Cecil territory to accept the refugee news, if you had refugee, but you do not want, can deliver to that side me. in short, no matter all forms of extra population, so long as is not the disciple of violating the law and commit crime, my side wants. This aspect I will not request the concrete quantity, you do your best on the line.” 见到安德鲁子爵点头,高文便接着说道:“第二,人口。我希望你能帮我宣传塞西尔领收容流民的消息,如果你这边有了流民而你又不想要的话,也可以送到我那边。总而言之,不管任何形式的富余人口,只要不是作奸犯科之徒,我那边都要。这方面我不会要求具体数量,你尽你所能就行。” This Viscount Andrew nodded is happier: He does not think transports completely the population to Cecil territory has what issue, in fact this even is can make him eliminate in Feudal Territory useless population the good opportunity, to have too many tramps to pile up in the poor street after all, moreover they could not have delivered a value. 这一次安德鲁子爵点头就更痛快了:他完全不认为把人口输送到塞西尔领有什么问题,事实上这甚至是个能让他清除领地中的“无用人口”的好机会,毕竟有太多的流浪汉堆积在贫民街里,而且他们还产出不了一点价值。 „A matter,” Gawain smiles, I hope that hires some to study learn to read, understood the person who mathematical science knowledge , did not say scholar that rank, their apprentice can I take a group of such people, acting as the record operator is also good, the copyist is also good, requests in any case is literate knows the number, as well as has the sufficient patience.” “还有一件事,”高文笑了笑,“我希望雇佣一些能够读书识字,懂得数理知识的人,不不,不是说学者那种级别的,他们的学徒都可以我要一批这样的人,充当记录员也好,抄写员也好,反正要求就是认字识数,以及有充足的耐心。”
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