SOD :: Volume #2

#131: Eternal Tablet

Some people said, the life and death critical can completely change a person, some also say that the person of being saved from death often can see through, about these two points, Gawain believes that Viscount Andrew at this moment has profound understanding. 有人说,生死临界可以彻底改变一个人,也有人说,死里逃生的人往往都能看得很开,关于这两点,高文相信此刻的安德鲁子爵都深有体会。 In several day that was controlled with magic by Evil Cultist, Viscount Andrew is sober his conscious is stranded in unceasingly feeble body throughout, all day is accepting the corrosion and suffering of Evil Cultist these hysterical/frenzy ideological trends, his looks at „” promulgated the order of entire city martial law helplessly, the family member and servant in looks at castle is seized by Evil Cultist, looks at this glorious family castle falls into during the darkness and distortion day-by-day, in this imitates long, if in hundred years several days, his conscious to did not save in King of horizon, in the town these were known as Small Church that the Mongolian gods blessed did not save, Even several hundred years of inheritance of Leslie Family brilliance glory could not save itself. 在被邪教徒魔法控制的几天里,安德鲁子爵始终都是清醒的他的意识被困在不断衰弱的躯壳中,整日接受着邪教徒那些狂乱思潮的侵蚀和折磨,他眼睁睁地看着“自己”颁布了全城戒严的命令,看着自己城堡中的家人和仆人被邪教徒抓走,看着这座荣耀的家族城堡一天天陷入黑暗和扭曲之中,在这漫长仿若百年的几天里,他意识到远在天边的国王救不了自己,镇子上那些号称蒙神庇佑的小教堂救不了自己,甚至就连莱斯利家族光辉荣耀的几百年传承都救不了自己。 Finally saves oneself, unexpectedly, that 700 years ago ancient duke that catches up from the Clearwater River downstream. 最后把自己救下来的,竟然是从白水河下游赶来的、那位七百年前的古代公爵 The destiny is really unexplained thing, several months of previous time bold investment, actually obtains an especially rich return life in the completely unexpected way now. 命运真是个说不清道不明的玩意儿,几个月前一次大胆的“投资”,如今竟然以完全意想不到的方式得到了格外丰厚的回报一条命。 In breaking open a Feudal Lord meeting hall in large cave/hole, restored some physical strength Viscount Andrew to sit on his spacious chair slightly, smiled bitterly was saying truth that incurred the root of trouble: Because discovered in mine a new crystal mineral lode, I then sent people to deep cut a new ore saying that the result excavation course middling say/way crashed, the foreman return said that pure under discovered the big piece space in the ore......” 在破开一个大洞的领主议事厅中,稍微恢复了些气力的安德鲁子爵坐在他的宽大椅子上,苦笑着说出了招致祸端的真相:“因为在矿山里发现了一条新的晶体矿脉,我便派人深挖了一条新矿道,结果挖掘过程中矿道崩塌了,监工回报说在矿道地下发现了大片的空间……” Gawain hears here heart to move: Originally this did Viscount Andrew discover under oneself Feudal Territory these secrets? 高文听到这儿心中一动:原来这位安德鲁子爵发现了自己领地下面的那些秘密? However the beforehand judgment right, this Mr. Viscount formerly truly does not know that existences of these Gondor ruins, he discovered under mine has the universe recent matter...... 不过自己之前的判断也没错,这位子爵先生从前确实是不知道那些刚铎遗迹的存在的,他发现矿山底下另有乾坤还是最近的事情…… But narration of Viscount Andrew is still continuing: That is some ancient ruins, has ancient said/tunnel that the wall and the structural support similar stone, the winding corridors in their broad palace as if, rather than narrow narrowly. Their majority collapses to be buried, but some well-preserved places, I send out the person to nose in ruins, afterward they discovered the magic seal of room room was blocked strictly expired, therefore Magician on my Feudal Territory was very relaxed relieved mechanism in room, afterward we in that discovered some antiques...... included together Eternal Tablet fragment.” 安德鲁子爵的讲述还在继续:“那是一些古代遗迹,有古老的、类似石头的墙壁和支撑结构,它们宽阔的仿佛宫殿里的回廊,而不是狭窄逼仄的地道。它们大部分都坍塌而被掩埋,但还有一些保存完好的地方,我派出人在遗迹里查探,后来他们发现了一个被严密封锁起来的房间房间的魔法封印失效了,于是我领地上的魔法师很轻松就解除了房间里的机关,后来我们在那里面发现一些古物……其中就包括一块永恒石板碎片。” Eternal Tablet, Gawain is not strange, it is said this world all the secret about Myriad Gods came from that mysterious Eternal Tablet. In ancient era, the mortal has not contacted in the age of miracle, Eternal Tablet is complete one, afterward Human Race and other race worthy people of former times discovered that stone tablet, in the flash of its contact, the knowledge about Myriad Gods then swamped into the heads of these people, including the Divine Spell inheritance, god position distribution, god famous godhood wait/etc, but the first batch with the worthy people of former times who Eternal Tablet contacts, then becomes in the mortal earliest revelation, becomes initial Pope and Saint places. 永恒石板,高文对此并不陌生,据说这世间所有关于众神的秘密都来自那神秘的永恒石板。在上古时代,凡人还未接触神迹的年代里,永恒石板是完整的一块,后来人类和其他种族的先贤发现了那块石板,在与其接触的一瞬间,关于众神的知识便涌入了那些人的脑袋,包括神术传承、神位分布、神名神职等等,而第一批与永恒石板接触的先贤们,便成为了凡人中最早的“天启者”,成为了最初的教皇与圣座们。 But Eternal Tablet, then soon disintegrate, seems Myriad Gods is not then willing to make the mortal contact to go beyond their bearing capacity the god graciousness to be the same, the prestige can infinite stone tablet turn into the innumerable fragment, and scatters in all directions to fall into Mortal World. 永恒石板,则在不久之后便四分五裂,就仿佛是众神不愿让凡人接触超过他们承受能力的神恩一般,威能无穷的石板变成了无数的碎块,并四散落入人间 In that later years, in the mortal several big Religion of rapid rise found some stone tablet fragment, in these Religion includes now most powerful War God Church and God of Holy Light Church as well as Three Gods of Productivity Church, they regard as sacred item the stone tablet fragment, preserves in the respective sacred place, only then in Church other most high-level member, has to contact stone tablet, to obtain revelation opportunity stone tablet to break although, the residual prestige can have many, after mortal contact, can comprehend to and god related knowledge, but reason that several orthodox powerful Church can maintain powerfully in a lot of years does not fade, having half is these stone tablet Fragment merit. 在那之后的岁月里,凡人中飞速崛起的几大教派找到了一些石板的碎块,这些教派中包括如今最强大的战神教会圣光之神教会以及丰饶三神教会,他们将石板碎块视作圣物,保存在各自的圣地之中,只有教会中最高级别的成员,才有接触石板、得到启示的机会尽管石板已经破碎,残留的威能却还有不少,凡人接触之后便可领悟到与神有关的知识,而几个正统强力教会之所以能在千百年中维持强盛不衰,有一半都是这些石板碎块的功劳。 According to the view of each Church, these sacred knowledge by the major Religion collections, stone tablet fragment has all been in several powerful Church controls, but Gawain is very clear, Church acquired also is just biggest several stone tablet fragment, god knows many scattered and fragmentary small fragment scatter in this world, in them portion was being collected by these middle-and-small Church secrets, some small fragment fall in King and hand of Duke even big collector, but in these small fragment "divine blessing" of carrying/sustaining seems to be few, is not enough to enhance the Divine Spell rank of person far or makes one obtain complete Gods Knowledge, therefore they can preserve in the folk semiopen, but had not gone all out to look by major Religion. 按照各个教会的说法,那些“神圣的知识”皆已被各大教派收藏,石板碎片目前都处于几个强大教会掌控中,但高文很清楚,教会收集到的也只不过是最大的几个石板碎块而已,天知道还有多少零碎的小碎片散落在这个世界上,它们中的一部分被那些中小型教会秘密收藏着,更有一些小碎片落在国王公爵甚至大收藏家的手上,只不过这些小碎片中承载的“神恩”似乎很少,远不足以提高人的神术等级或者使人获得完整的神明知识,因此它们才能在民间半公开地存留,而没有被各大教派拼了命地找回去。 Gawain is only has not thought, Viscount Andrew so will be unexpectedly lucky( or found one to scatter Eternal Tablet fragment outside unfortunately). 高文只是没想到,安德鲁子爵竟然会如此幸运(或者说不幸地)找到了一块散落在外的永恒石板碎片 His then thinking of that piece of ancient ruins in Dark Mountain Range, as well as Nicholas Egg mentioned before these 1000 experiment, specimen that these local area unearthed, these related Abomination suspicion. 紧接着,他便联想到黑暗山脉里的那片古代遗迹,以及尼古拉斯蛋提到的那些一千年前的试验,那些“本地出土的样本”,那些有关“神孽”的猜想。 Then, that stone tablet fragment was discovered by during that time Gondor Empire Sorcerer Group, and buries in this piece of underground ruins? Was specimen that the local area that during that time these researcher mentioned excavated Eternal Tablet fragment? No, should not, Eternal Tablet, although is precious, but during that time Gondor Empire prevails for a time, several big Church cannot with the Empire authority just the upfront, Gawain not believe that in Spark Age that Your Majesty The Emperor meets few blocks to regard the curio walnut to rub playing Eternal Tablet, then buries in Eternal Tablet fragment perhaps of this land deep place is only during that time excavation portion...... 这么说来,那块石板碎片是被当年刚铎帝国魔导师团发现,并埋藏在这片地下遗迹里的?难道当年那些研究者所提到的本地发掘的样本就是永恒石板碎片?不,应该不会,永恒石板虽然宝贵,但当年刚铎帝国盛极一时,几大教会都不敢和帝国权威刚正面,高文不相信星火年代的那位皇帝陛下手里会没几块当成文玩核桃搓着玩的永恒石板,那么埋藏在这片大地深处的永恒石板碎片或许只是当年发掘物的一部分…… In Gawain heart intention racing, but this is actually only flash's matter, on his face revealed the just right surprised and looks at Viscount Andrew: Therefore Evil Cultist was stares at your Eternal Tablet on hand...... also right, All Things Finally Die Society transformed from Druid Church, they are maintaining the belief of distortion, had biased to these Gods goods also normal, but how will they obtain this news?” 高文心中心念急转,但这却只是一瞬间的事情,他脸上露出了恰到好处的惊奇并看着安德鲁子爵:“所以邪教徒是盯上了你手头的永恒石板……也对,万物终亡会是从德鲁伊教会蜕变来的,他们保持着扭曲的信仰,对这些神明物品有所偏执也正常,但他们怎么会得到这个消息?” My steward,” silent moment, Viscount Andrew smiles bitterly was saying, I should know early, looks for various magic medicine in him to me, when he displays the understanding the occult sciences knowledge I should know, he has been the All Things Finally Die Society person!” “我的管家,”沉默片刻,安德鲁子爵苦笑着说道,“我早该知道,在他给我找来各种魔药,在他表现出对神秘学知识的了解时我就该知道,他早就是万物终亡会的人了!” Gawain is startled, who remembered that steward is mainly thinks that Amber also stole others watch, the solid impression was profound. 高文一怔,紧接着想起了那位管家是谁主要是想起来琥珀还偷了人家一块表,实在印象深刻。 Nearby Amber also feels the chin to whisper: That looked like my need not to give back to him the table.” 旁边琥珀也摸着下巴嘀咕起来:“那看来我不用把表还给他了。” Viscount Andrew own magic talent is not high, does not have any Knight, sorcerer and other extraordinary profession talents, but as an aristocrat, he must guarantee oneself have basically extraordinary qualifications, therefore he always and so on can enhance the extraordinary ability the thing to be interested to magic medicine and mysterious ceremony very much, but his steward follows his many years, is some learned characters to occult sciences quite understanding, usually in can always do various quite effective magic medicine, therefore is deep the Viscount Andrew faith, who can think, like this one dozens years did not reveal the steward of something that gives one away can be All Things Finally Die Society slightly unexpectedly. Lackeys? 安德鲁子爵自身的魔法天赋不高,更没有任何骑士、巫师等超凡职业的天赋,但作为一名贵族,他又必须确保自己具备基本的“超凡资格”,所以他一向对魔药、神秘仪式之类可以提升超凡能力的东西很感兴趣,而他身边的管家跟随他多年,是个对神秘学颇有些了解的博学人物,平日里又总能搞到各种颇为有效的魔药,因此深得安德鲁子爵信赖,但谁又能想到,这样一个几十年都不显露丝毫马脚的管家竟然会是万物终亡会的爪牙? What a pity is, this lackey escapes after Evil Cultist initially controls castle, this steward disappeared in everyone's line of sight. 可惜的是,这个爪牙逃得更早在邪教徒初步控制城堡之后,这名管家就消失在了所有人的视线中。 According to these fragmentary intelligence, Gawain guessed that steward very possible is peripheral personnel that” All Things Finally Die Society specialized foster comes out, his does not have what extraordinary talent, there is a certain occult sciences knowledge, can therefore quite obtain the aristocrat to trust easily, moreover did not guard, once the All Things Finally Die Society believer takes action, this kind of peripheral personnel will evacuate rapidly, may change external appearances only other aristocrat side ambush , may change over to deep layer the organization...... 根据这些零星情报,高文猜测那“管家”很可能是万物终亡会专门培养出来的“外围人员”,其自身不具备什么超凡天赋,又有一定的神秘学知识,因此能较为容易地获得贵族信任,而且还不被提防,而一旦万物终亡会的教徒采取行动,这类外围人员就会迅速撤离,可能会改头换面去别的贵族身边潜伏,也可能会转入组织深层…… The Gawain true worry, is this situation perhaps is not an exceptional case. 高文真正担心的,是这种情况恐怕并不是特例。 Viscount Andrew is not the prestigious family prominent family that can control the Kingdom situation, but All Things Finally Die Society has actually developed the colossi of many states, this evil cult organization will be unlikely specialized to place to ambush dozens years of informer side Ainz border Viscount, the only explanation will be they places the eye side the aristocrat is a normal state. 安德鲁子爵并不是什么能左右王国局势的名门望族,而万物终亡会却是个已经发展到多个国度的庞然大物,这个邪教组织不大可能会专门在一个安苏边境子爵身边安插个潜伏几十年的眼线,唯一的解释就是他们在贵族身边安插眼睛是一种常态。 This 700 years ago what kind of monster does the degenerate Druid mission develop now?! 这个七百年前堕落德鲁伊教团如今到底发展成了一个怎样的怪物?! But is quick, Gawain knows Evil Cultist controls the Viscount Andrew issue martial law order is being what reason. 而很快,高文就知道了邪教徒控制着安德鲁子爵发布戒严令是什么原因。 I told him, Eternal Tablet by my scheduled offer to King, had been arranged the troops to ship out castle,” Viscount Andrew said slowly, on the face showed a pleased smile, his evil spell can control my limbs, can control my argument, actually could not control my mind, he can let me according to the lines speech that he arranged, without the means made me say matter therefore him who in my heart knew not to know where I the stone tablet conceals, can only the entire city declare martial law, then searched for in the name of my from house to house, but before uncovering the thing, he does not dare. Let me die......” “我告诉他,永恒石板已经被我预定奉献给国王,早就安排人马运出城堡了,”安德鲁子爵慢慢说道,脸上露出了一丝快意的微笑,“他的邪术能控制我的肢体,能控制我的口舌,却控制不了我的心智,他能让我按照他安排的台词说话,却没办法让我说出我心中所知的事情所以他根本不知道我把石板藏在什么地方,只能全城戒严,然后借着我的名义挨家挨户去搜,而在搜出东西之前,他又不敢让我死……” ...... Gawain understands clearly so that's how it is nods, degenerate Druid really has control person words and deeds evil spell, but that is not the dead souls faction mind control technique, but the limbs neural control technique of shallow layer, animal control distortion from original Druid magic spell and transformation comes, facing this magic spell, so long as there is a tenacious will with its resistance, will not press for an answer the words by Evil Cultist. 原来如此……高文了然地点点头,堕落德鲁伊确实有控制人言行的邪术,但那并非死灵派系的心灵控制术,而是更加浅层的肢体神经控制术,是从原本的德鲁伊法术“动物支配”扭曲、蜕变而来,面对这种法术,只要有坚韧的心志与其对抗,就不会被邪教徒逼问出话来。 Gawain is only has not thought, this will seem like the substance abuse to knock actually will have this tenacious will with sickly person Viscount Andrew much. 高文只是没想到,这个看上去嗑药磕多了跟病秧子似的安德鲁子爵竟然会具备这种坚韧的心志。 Therefore that Evil Cultist buries the person in castle in the courtyard extraction thought that also to interrogate and torture the stone tablet fragment whereabouts......” Amber also responded at this time, somewhat surprisedly looks at weak Viscount, „, but they do not know fragment, this matter only then your one person know that in other words...... can you not deliver from the start that thing?” “所以那个邪教徒城堡里的人埋在中庭抽取思想,也是为了拷问出石板碎片的下落……”琥珀这时候也反应过来,有些惊讶地看着虚弱的子爵,“但他们根本不知道碎片在哪,这件事只有你一个人知道也就是说……会不会你压根就没把那玩意儿送出去?” Naturally without delivering,” Viscount Andrew smiled with effort, although is weak, actually holds up the head diligently, I am the Leslie Family heir, I starve to death, dying outside, jumps from here, is impossible to submit to Evil Cultist!” “当然没送出去,”安德鲁子爵费力地笑了起来,尽管虚弱,却还是努力昂起头来,“我是莱斯利家族的子嗣,我就是饿死,死外边,从这儿跳出去,也不可能屈服于一个邪教徒!” Although felt that type a little subtle familiarity, some Gawain actually quite admiration looks at this weak traditional aristocrat this are the aristocrat of this time, he is truly stale, is truly backward, truly some in the God viewpoint it seems like ignorant action, but he also one type so-called aristocrat spirit, this spirit is supporting nearly unreasonable pride, but this type lets him proudly, even if dies, will not lower the head to Evil Cultist. 虽然感觉句式有点微妙的熟悉感,高文却还是颇有些敬佩地看着这位虚弱的传统贵族这就是这个时代的贵族,他确实陈腐,确实落后,确实有一些在上帝视角看来愚昧的举动,但他同时也有一种所谓的“贵族精神”,这种精神支撑着一种近乎不讲道理的骄傲,而这种骄傲让他哪怕死,也不会对邪教徒低头。 Which did you hide Eternal Tablet fragment in?” Gawain cannot help but asked curiously. “那你到底把永恒石板碎片藏在哪了?”高文不由得好奇地问道。 „...... Haha......” Viscount Andrew smiles pleased, even smiles the fierce cough, continuously under the eyes of that fellow hide! Under his eye hides!” “哈……哈哈……”安德鲁子爵快意地笑起来,甚至笑到剧烈咳嗽,“就一直在那家伙的眼皮子底下!就在他的眼皮子底下!” Is saying, this Viscount while crawled from the chair with effort, later lifts the thick cushion. 一边说着,这位子爵一边费力地从椅子上爬了起来,随后掀开厚厚的坐垫。 That idiot opened my concealed treasury, leafed through among my magic material, searched my bedroom and garret, pried open in castle each caging box and cabinet, but he forever, cannot think forever, I sit it in the fart. Under stock!!” “那个蠢货打开了我的藏宝库,翻遍了我的魔法材料间,搜查了我的卧室和阁楼,撬开了城堡中每一个上锁的箱子和柜子,但他永远,永远也想不到,我就把它坐在屁.股底下!!” After that thick cushion lifts, Gawain then saw it. 在那厚厚的垫子掀开之后,高文便看到了它。 It calmly lies down on the seat, only then the palm of the hand size, the thickness range estimate even is less than half centimeter, but with the Gawain suspicion what is more different, this so-called eternal stone tablet unexpectedly is not stone tablet. 它静静地躺在座椅上,只有巴掌大小,厚度目测甚至不到半厘米,而与高文猜想的更为不同的是,这所谓的永恒“石板”竟然不是石板 It is a surface extreme smooth smooth, has the pale golden metal plate of mysterious trace. 它是一块表面极端平整光滑、有着神秘纹路的淡金色金属板。
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