SOD :: Volume #2

#130: just escaped from calamity Viscount

The meeting hall in castle passes through a fierce battle, devastated changing beyond all recognition, these Tree-man destroyed all windows and doors, the venom that their bodies drop lets the smell that the magnificent and expensive fine rug braved to irritate the nose, but Gawain final struck crushed southeast the meeting hall trim ground, and on wall a large cave/hole that went directly to the ceiling looked no matter how, this house must the needs repair. 城堡中的议事厅经过一番恶战,被摧残的面目全非,那些树人摧毁了所有门窗,它们身上滴落的毒液让原本华贵精美的地毯冒着刺鼻的气味,而高文最后的一击更是粉碎了议事厅东南角的整片地面,并且在墙上开了一个直达天花板的大洞不管怎么看,这房子都必须修了。 But what compared with Leslie Family in this disaster heart stopper is so one tosses about, that Evil Cultist escaped unexpectedly. 但比起莱斯利家族在这场灾难更心塞的是如此一番折腾,那邪教徒竟然还是逃了。 All Things Finally Die Society, heresy Religion that is formed by degenerate Druid, their evil spell also really make people virtually impossible to guard against. 万物终亡会,一个由堕落德鲁伊形成的异端教派,他们的邪术还真是让人防不胜防。 Pittman starts to prepare ceremony magic spell immediately, prepares to trace that Evil Cultist aura to be at: According to his view, escapes magic spell that in this emergency case conducts to have many limits, particularly Druid does not calculate profession that is good at travelling, it shifts magic spell to need to rely on the strength of plant, therefore the opposite party has not likely run far, after a shift , the possibility in castle was still very high. 皮特曼立刻开始准备仪式法术,准备追踪那邪教徒气息所在:按照他的说法,这种紧急情况下进行的脱逃法术都有诸多限制,尤其是德鲁伊并不算擅长跑路的职业,其转移法术多需要借助植物的力量,所以对方很可能并没有跑远,一次转移之后仍然在城堡里的可能性很高。 The leaf and grease that but when old Druid just used spell casting pull out, a loud sound actually transmits from the dark curtain of night suddenly. 但就在老德鲁伊刚刚把施法用的树叶和油膏掏出来的时候,一声巨响却突然从黑暗的夜幕中传来。 That is the sound that crystal grenade explodes, the position that the position...... Knight Byron seems to be at! 那是结晶手雷爆炸的声音,方位……似乎正是拜伦骑士所在的位置! The Gawain complexion immediately changes, suddenly conscious to having anything: Quickly! Goes to the lanai region!” 高文脸色顿时一变,猛然意识到发生了什么:“快!去外廊区域!” However waits for their several time of rushing to the Byron location, Evil Cultist had lost the trace. 然而等他们几个赶到拜伦所在地的时候,邪教徒已经失去了踪影。 They only noticed that a piece by the disintegrate vine that the explosive shock wave tears, scatters in the ground flesh vestiges, as well as stands in wall pile side and whole face, helpless middle-aged Knight mister of look. 他们只看到一片被爆炸冲击波撕扯的四分五裂的藤蔓,散落在地上的血肉残迹,以及站在墙垛旁边、满脸无奈神色的中年骑士先生 Gawain looks to Byron: You best tell me Evil Cultist to be sent crystal grenade to explode tiny bits by you, this on shop is he......” 高文看向拜伦:“你最好告诉我那个邪教徒被你一发结晶手雷炸个稀碎,这地上铺的就是他……” Byron spreads out the hand reluctantly: You must be glad to listen to this me to tell you.” 拜伦无奈地摊开手:“那你要乐意听这个我就跟您这么说。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” On shop truly is portion of that fellow, but I have not thought that Magic based Classes can also be so healthy unexpectedly,” Byron explained the matter that had a moment ago, „...... then grenade exploded, but the fellow responded is too quick, the explosion with did not say grenade instantaneously . Moreover the body also hides is not knowing that the thing of many maintaining life, was bombed an arm finally finally, he ran into the castle following mountain forest not the shadow. I want to trace, but he entered mountain forest later instantaneous aura like vanishing.” “地上铺的确实是那家伙的一部分,但我没想到一个法系职业的身体竟然也可以这么结实,”拜伦解释起刚才发生的事情,“……然后手雷就炸了,但那家伙反应实在太快,爆炸瞬间把手雷拿远不说,而且身上还藏着不知道多少保命的东西,结果最终就被炸断了一条胳膊,他本人逃进城堡后面的山林里没影了。我本想追踪,但他进入山林之后瞬间气息就像消失了一样。” After all is Druid.” Gawain is knitting the brows, Byron here the matter of is really the three waves to a single stroke, first was Evil Cultist a freak combination of factors ran upon weak condition Byron, later was the illiterate person believer hand meets grenade version Flame Burst Spell, then touched cheeks is stuck Evil Cultist that a inflammation exploded to run unexpectedly...... can only say, the fellow was really the life should not certainly, he is doomed not dead tonight. “毕竟是德鲁伊。”高文皱着眉,拜伦这边发生的事情真是一波三折,先是邪教徒阴差阳错地撞上了虚弱状态的拜伦,随后是文盲教徒手接手雷炎爆术,再然后是贴脸被糊了一发炎爆的邪教徒竟然跑了……只能说,那家伙实在是命不该绝,他注定不会死在今晚。 Gawain was very clear to cause heavy losses to the opposite party, at that time that situation, even if travelled with magic spell, that Evil Cultist was impossible to evade the steel storm completely the complementary waves, but cannot think that 5th Level All Things Finally Die Society believer not only magic and martial double cultivated/repaired, was Khorium Warrior, can remain on that situation lower part of the body unexpectedly maintained life with method that item...... rich man, the method of rich man. 高文很清楚自己已经重创了对方,在当时那种情况下,哪怕用法术跑路,那个邪教徒也不可能完全躲过钢铁风暴的余波,只是想不到那个五级万物终亡会教徒不但魔武双修,还是个氪金战士,在那种情况下身上竟然还能留着保命用的道具……有钱人的玩法,有钱人的玩法。 Was impossible to catch up,” the jungle after Pittman looks at castle, that grove along the west side growth of Tanzan mine, has linked up into a single stretch with the forest of distant place regrettably, Druid sneaked in the grove, by our current manpower, do not count on that can look.” “不可能追上了,”皮特曼遗憾地看着城堡后的密林,那林子沿着坦桑矿山的西坡生长,一直和远方的森林连成一片,“德鲁伊钻进林子里,就以我们目前的人手,别指望能找出来。” We let escape a hidden danger.” The Knight Philip tone said heavily seriously. “我们放跑了一个隐患。”菲利普骑士语气沉重严肃地说道。 No, according to the custom of All Things Finally Die Society, their in an area action failure , and whereabouts exposes, only if that had enough makes them not hesitate to sacrifice to organize the important goal of member massively, otherwise they will not act some time again,” Pittman shakes the head, cannot survive to expand by the Druid evil cult group that battle profession grows perceptibly today, relied on was not rash.” “不,按照万物终亡会的习惯,他们在一个地区的行动失败并且行踪暴露,那么除非有足够让他们不惜大量牺牲组织成员的重要目标,否则他们一段时间内绝不会再行动,”皮特曼摇了摇头,“一个不以战斗职业见长的德鲁伊邪教团能生存壮大到今天,凭借的可不是莽撞。” No matter how said, we at least resolved the crisis of this place,” Gawain sighed, depresses the unhappiness in heart, and told quickly, Pittman, you went to courtyard, finding the way to relieve these victim magic, can rescue many to calculate many, Byron, Philip, you two also helped.” “不管怎么说,我们至少解除了这地方的危机,”高文叹口气,压下心中的不快,并赶快吩咐,“皮特曼,你去中庭,想办法解除那些受害者身上的魔法,能救出多少算多少,拜伦,菲利普,你们两个也去帮忙。” So grave as to affect a human life, three people receive the order not to have the dragging, immediately nods to comply, to receive an order to leave. 人命关天,三人接到命令毫无拖延,立刻点头答应,领命离开。 Our two returned to the hall,” Gawain looked to Amber, that pitiful Viscount Andrew was also drying in the sun.” “咱们两个回刚才的大厅,”高文又看向琥珀,“那位可怜的安德鲁子爵还被晾着呢。” Is saying, he while has turned the head, the preparation leaves this roof. 一边说着,他一边转过头,准备离开这处屋顶。 But in the previous quarter that he will soon take a step, glimmer that in the darkness flashes through together suddenly actually captured his attention. 但就在他即将迈步的前一刻,黑暗中一道突然闪过的微光却吸引了他的目光。 Gawain stops the footsteps immediately, arrived flashed through the glimmer position to examine a moment ago carefully, was quick he then in vine fallen leaves that and in confusion has started to wither found the thing that must look for: That is a finger of section burned black break, on the finger also wears an exquisite ring. 高文立刻停下脚步,来到刚才闪过微光的位置仔细查看,很快他便在一片狼藉并且已经开始枯萎的藤蔓落叶之间找到了要找的东西:那是一小节焦黑断裂的手指,手指上还戴着一枚小巧的指环。 This very obviously is the black robe Evil Cultist residuum. 这很显然是黑袍邪教徒的残留物。 „, You have to fire off the frame to search for the corpse the custom, I also think that you such honest person......” Amber collected curiously, but just told only half that then in the thing by Gawain hand was attracted, yeah? Ring? Moreover hasn't gone bad?!” “诶,你也有打完架搜尸体的习惯啊,我还以为你这么正派的人……”琥珀好奇地凑了过来,但刚说到一半便被高文手中的事物所吸引,“哎?戒指?而且还没坏?!” Gawain has not used energy from the finger of that carbonization to take down this small ring, the ring surface has half to be blackened by smoke, but the remaining parts actually are still glittering bright silver glimmer under the star splendor, this directly faced the crystal grenade explosion center might theoretically accessory on such that such as Amber said that has not damaged unexpectedly slightly! 高文没怎么费劲就把这枚小小的指环从那碳化的手指上取了下来,戒指表面有一半已经被熏黑,但剩下的部分却还在星辉下闪烁着亮银的微光,这枚理论上直接面对了结晶手雷爆心威力的“饰品”就如琥珀所说的那样,竟然丝毫没有损坏! Scratches is very unexpectedly bright slightly! 稍微擦擦竟然还挺亮! Gawain looks at this ring, the brow wrinkles slightly, he thought vaguely this thing a little looks familiar. 高文看着这枚戒指,眉头微微皱起,他依稀觉得这东西有点眼熟。 Where quick he then remembered himself to see the like. 很快他便想起了自己在什么地方见过类似之物。 Gawain takes off own glove, in his hand is wearing a exactly the same ring! 高文摘下自己的手套,他手上正戴着一个一模一样的戒指! Right, this is...... 没错,这就是…… I presenting a gift faith token?!” Amber yelling and screaming gets up immediately, wears the same ring with this Evil Cultist unexpectedly! Your what relates?!” “我去定情信物?!”琥珀顿时大呼小叫起来,“跟这个邪教徒竟然戴一样的戒指!你俩啥关系?!” „Do you shout my real sword handle you to pat the ground you to believe again blindly? Skids unable to skid that type!” Gawain glowers to Amber, then lowers the head, two ring by the same place, looks like is really Mithril Ring......” “你再瞎嚷嚷我真一剑把你拍地上你信不信?撬都撬不出来那种!”高文琥珀怒目而视,接着低下头,把两枚指环靠在一起,“看来果然是秘银之环……” Mithril Ring?” Where Amber then remembers the ring on Gawain from come indistinctly, she remembered several months ago travel of that Royal Capital, remembers that named mylittlepony Mithril Treasury agent Gawain raised, although above she cannot bump with that Miss agent at that time( meets is striked to fly at the scene, had not seen that face therefore calculates has not met), the ring that but Gawain obtains from the agent hand she has actually seen, Mithril Treasury?!” 秘银之环?”琥珀这才隐约想起高文手上的指环是从什么地方来的,她想起了几个月前的那次王都之旅,想起了高文提起的那个叫做mylittlepony的秘银宝库代理人虽然她当时没能跟那位代理人小姐碰上面(见面当场被打飞,没看到脸所以算没见过面),但高文代理人手中得到的戒指她却是见过的,“秘银宝库?!” Afterward she responded: You said that Evil Cultist may be very like you, is Mithril Treasury high-level customer?!” 随后她反应过来:“你是说,那个邪教徒很可能跟你一样,也是秘银宝库的‘高级客户’?!” This type of ring possibly does not provide casually, if not the important goods, Evil Cultist is impossible to come out to retaliate the society time this thing belt/bring on the body,” Gawain nods, looks like...... the Mithril Treasury business to do is very big.” “这种指环不可能是随随便便发放的,而若非重要物品,一个邪教徒也不可能出来报复社会的时候都把这玩意儿带在身上,”高文点点头,“看来……秘银宝库的生意做的真的很大啊。” Amber is dumbfounded: They did not fear that does help Evil Cultist also give them turns over to perish?!” 琥珀目瞪口呆:“他们也不怕那帮邪教徒把他们也给‘归亡’喽?!” Gawain actually smiles indifferently: „Does the order of their element king dare to meet, what has not to dare?” 高文却无所谓地笑笑:“他们连元素君王的订单都敢接,有什么不敢的?” Afterward, he searches the trace that Evil Cultist left on the roof carefully, but besides ring on hand, does not have other harvest again. 随后,他又在屋顶上仔细搜索了一下邪教徒留下的痕迹,但除了手头的这枚指环之外,再无别的收获。 Other thing was really exploded the tiny bits. 别的东西是真被炸稀碎了。 Afterward two people returned to beforehand battle the hall, that Tanzan Town Feudal Lord, Leslie Family Viscount Andrew mister is still treating same place. 随后两人返回了之前战斗过的大厅,那位坦桑镇领主,莱斯利家族安德鲁子爵先生还在原地待着。 In fact he had no way other place to be corroded and suffered so many days by degenerate Druid evil spell from the start, in addition it had no extraordinary strength, obtained a magic ability by the magic medicine promotion completely reluctantly, this Viscount Andrew in magic spell resistance and physique and other aspects and average person almost not wide differences, because even the ordinary substance abuse was excessively weaker, even if at this time were no longer affected by evil spell, his prostration weak four limbs also being insufficient made him move the place. 事实上他也压根没法去别的地方被堕落德鲁伊邪术侵蚀、折磨了这么多天,再加上本身就没什么超凡实力,完全靠魔药提升才勉强获得一点魔法能力,这位安德鲁子爵法术抗性和体质等方面与普通人几乎没多大差别,甚至因为平常嗑药过量还更加虚弱一些,这时候哪怕不再受邪术影响了,他那虚脱无力的四肢也不足以让他挪动地方。 He can only collapse on oneself chair, looks at one group of people killed to tear down oneself half hall helplessly, looks at they left helplessly, again helplessly looks at Gawain and Amber came back. 他只能瘫倒在自己的椅子上,眼睁睁地看着一帮人打打杀杀拆掉了自己的半个大厅,又眼睁睁地看着他们离开,再眼睁睁地看着高文琥珀回来。 Is worth rejoicing that only, before is , the battle complementary waves have not affected on him, this Mr. Viscount to the present complete complete. 唯一值得庆幸的,就是之前战斗的余波并未波及到他身上,这位子爵先生到现在还是完整无缺的。 Evil Cultist ran,” Gawain arrives in front of Viscount Andrew, has not concealed said, he should not come back in the short-term again is this.” 邪教徒跑了,”高文来到安德鲁子爵面前,没有隐瞒地说道,“不过他应该不会再回来短期内是这样。” just escaped from calamity Mr. Viscount is rotating the eyeball difficultly, he deeply attracted several tones, joyful and anxious reveals bluntly on the face, but he first aura opens the mouth to express gratitude weakly: Thank your rescue...... Duke Your Excellency, I think that was on good terms now with you is really my whole life has made the most correct decision...... cough cough...... I am starving, can first give me some food?” 大难不死子爵先生艰难地转动着眼珠,他深吸了几口气,喜悦与忧虑都不加掩饰地流露在脸上,但他首先还是气息微弱地开口道谢:“感谢您的救援……公爵阁下,我现在觉得与您交好真是我这辈子做过的最正确的决定……咳咳……我快饿死了,能先给我一些食物么?” Gawain shakes the head, puts out a hand to fish out a small crystal bottle from the bosom: Although I think to play knife and fork to you very much now, but you best first drink this.” 高文摇摇头,伸手从怀里摸出一个小水晶瓶:“虽然我很想现在就给你饱餐一顿,但你最好还是先喝点这个。” Viscount Andrew doubts looks at small bottle: This is......” 安德鲁子爵疑惑地看着小瓶:“这是……” potion that Druid on my Feudal Territory mixes, can supplement that your stamina, restores your internal organs while convenient,” Gawain captures the medicine bottle plug, gathers by the person mouth that this medicine bottle cannot even grasp, „the organ of your whole body was about to lose plant, at this time ate up food only to make you pass away, you must first slow this tone come with potion.” “我领地上的德鲁伊调配的药水,能补充你的体力,顺便修复你的内脏,”高文把药瓶塞子拔掉,凑到这个连药瓶都拿不住的人嘴旁,“你全身的器官都快枯死了,这时候吃下食物只能让你一命呜呼,你得先用药水缓过这口气来。” Although Pittman peddles on Feudal Territory without lucky medicinal ointment that” the egg uses every so often, these functional medicine that but he mixes are really useful, after drinking stamina potion shortly , the Viscount Andrew complexion obviously was then good. 皮特曼虽然很多时候都在领地上兜售毫无卵用的“幸运药膏”,但他调配的那些功能性药剂还是实打实有用的,喝下体力药水之后没多久,安德鲁子爵的脸色便明显好了起来。 Gawain then asks: About that Evil Cultist, what intelligence you have to tell me? You how well by All Things Finally Die Society that type of organization staring?” 高文这才开口询问:“关于那个邪教徒,你有什么情报能告诉我么?你怎么好好的就被万物终亡会那种组织给盯上了?” The Viscount Andrew diligently twitch facial skin, seeming like wants to make a forced smile the expression, but does not realize finally, he can only the deep sigh tone: Oh...... only blamed me to dig out should not the thing of digging.” 安德鲁子爵努力抽动脸皮,似乎是想做个苦笑的表情,但最后还是未能如愿,他只能长叹口气:“唉……只怪我挖出了不该挖的东西。” Dug out should not the thing of digging?” A Gawain brow wrinkle, what do you mean?” “挖出了不该挖的东西?”高文眉头一皱,“什么意思?” I dig out together Eternal Tablet fragment......” 8) “我挖出一块永恒石板碎片……”八)
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