SOD :: Volume #2

#129: Just hidden weapon

Gawain does not know that own performing skill is the standard, but he thinks that Evil Cultist will certainly be swindled. 高文不知道自己的演技是不是达标,但他认为那个邪教徒一定会上当。 Because he truly is at the weak condition, truly does not have the strength this aspect of true legend not to need the performing skill from the start! 因为他本身就确实处于虚弱状态,确实没有真正传奇的实力这方面压根不需要演技! Regarding being clear about importance Gawain, pretends that the strength must compare to pretend badly the heydays 700 years ago is still easier. 对于清楚自己斤两高文而言,假装战力不济要远比假装仍在七百年前的全盛期容易多了。 Really, while he deliberately displays stamina to be weak, the body coordination drops, that covered the form in black robe then had the sound. 果然,在他刻意表现出体力不支、身体协调性下降的同时,那个笼罩在黑袍中的身影便有了动静。 That is revealing of aura, determined finally fought intent and preparation fate just positive/direct aura, Gawain in Yu Guangzhong of corner of the eye saw that Evil Cultist black robe shook, hides also lifts obvious mana fluctuation also to gather in his hands toward here in the long gown following arm. 那是气息的流露,是终于确定了战意、准备下场刚正面的气息,高文在眼角的余光中看到那个邪教徒黑袍一抖,藏在长袍下面的手臂随之朝这边抬起一股明显的魔力波动随之在他手中汇聚起来。 Gawain has been waiting for this moment, but he has not attacked, but pretends was disrupted balanced by corrupt Tree-man, staggered slightly moves several steps him to pull closer the distance in the Evil Cultist direction, but in opponent opinion, this was actually delivers to the action in magic firing distance the body. 高文早已等着这一刻,但他并未进攻,而是假装被腐化树人打乱平衡,微微踉跄地向着邪教徒的方向移动了几步他拉近了距离,但在对手看来,这却正是将身体送到魔法射程内的举动。 But mutation obscure Druid magic spell instantaneous formation, one group of under the long gown that greyish-green light ball that contains the decayed strength also from black robe Evil Cultist flew, but Gawain has locked this light ball path completely, he does not dodge from the start does not evade, but hits in light ball own haunched Knight guard spiritual energy instantaneously, and started the charge simultaneously! 变异而晦涩的德鲁伊法术瞬间成型,一团蕴含着腐朽力量的灰绿色光球随之从黑袍邪教徒的长袍下面飞了出来,而高文已经完全锁定这个光球的轨迹,他压根不闪不避,而是在光球击中自己的瞬间撑起了骑士的护身灵气,并同时开启了冲锋! Etch method ball has from the sky put the silent path, hits solid in Gawain's shoulder armor, but in shoulder armor actually ripples simultaneously translucent energy fluctuation, extinguishes the complete strength of law ball in invisible, but Gawain changes to a white light suddenly, and raises the long sword to cut to fall toward the head of Evil Cultist! “腐蚀法球”在空中划过无声的轨迹,结结实实地撞在高文的肩甲上,但肩甲上却同时荡漾开一圈半透明的能量波动,将法球的全部力量消弭于无形,而高文则眨眼间化作一道白光,并扬起长剑向着邪教徒的脑袋斩落! That Evil Cultist gawked obviously, however he has fallen into this snare: Like any spell casting profession, after Druid magic spell spell casting, has the mana cushion, after previous magic expires, his spirit sea in the turbulence continuous, at this moment facing toward Knight that oneself charge, he is including simplest guard magic spell unable to display. 邪教徒显然愣了一下,然而他已经落入这个圈套:就和任何施法职业一样,德鲁伊法术施法之后也是有魔力缓冲的,在前一个魔法失效之后,他的精神海正在动荡不休,此时此刻面对朝着自己冲锋的骑士,他是连一个最简单的护身法术都施展不出来。 But when Gawain thinks that this Evil Cultist will carry with protective magic tool hard anti- who these cuts to strike, he actually noticed that this fellow makes the shocking operation that he had not thought of the start 但就在高文认为这个邪教徒会用身上携带的护身法器硬抗自己这一下斩击的时候,他却看到这家伙做出了一个他压根没想到的惊艳操作 Under this black robe person withdraws half step to avoid suddenly chops, a plate danger and strategic place evaded Gawain strikes cuts horizontally, later does not allow to send in same place tumbling, supports revolving to set out single-handed, and while another hand taking bearing waist of setting out, all of a sudden pulls out a shining single-handed sword, „” a standard kept off the Gawain's third pursuit! 这黑袍人猛然后撤半步躲开下劈,紧接着一个铁板桥险而又险地躲过了高文紧接着的一击横斩,随后间不容发地原地翻滚,单手撑着旋转起身,并在起身的同时另一只手探向腰间,唰一下子抽出一把明晃晃的单手剑,“哐”一声格挡了高文的第三次追击! At this moment the Gawain eyeball stared quickly. 这一刻高文眼珠子都快瞪下来了。 But he does not have the time to have doubts, because this Evil Cultist has evaded several attacks of most bad risk, he is rallying the situation, once makes this magic and martial double cultivating fellow really rally the situation is not perhaps easy to do. 但他却没有时间疑惑,因为这个邪教徒已经躲过了最凶险的几次攻击,他正在重整态势,而一旦让这个魔武双修的家伙真的重整了态势说不定就不好办了。 Therefore Gawain pours into Knight spiritual energy to Sword of the Pioneer on directly, the sword blade ignites a about thousand degrees high temperature instantaneously, simultaneously under both hands make an effort to press that Evil Cultist standard to keep off, although shocking, but the equivalent disparity too is big, only insisted is less than two seconds, he then has to put together the left arm injured price tumbles is shunting that almost to the scalding hot sword blade that the person lights. 所以高文直接将骑士灵气灌注到开拓者之剑上,剑刃瞬间燃起近千度的高温,同时双手用力下压那邪教徒的格挡虽然惊艳,但毕竟等阶差距实在太大,仅仅坚持了不到两秒,他便不得不拼着左臂被伤的代价翻滚着躲开那几乎要把人点燃的灼热剑刃。 Gawain pursued, a Sword of the Pioneer as if blood-color light blade chops to cut continuously, leaves behind one after another high fever arc of distortion in the air, but Evil Cultist brandishes the single-handed sword to strive the support, making Gawain more startled fall down the matter of close to to have this black fellow unexpectedly forcefully temporarily and hit both share the limelight with extreme exquisite sword arts! 高文追了上去,开拓者之剑就仿佛一柄血色的光刃般连续劈砍,在空气中留下一道又一道扭曲的高热弧线,而邪教徒则挥舞着单手剑勉力支撑,让高文更加惊掉下巴的事情发生了这个一身黑的家伙竟然硬生生凭着极端精妙的剑术暂时和自己打了个平分秋色 this fool what background?! What this reaches an agreement is 5th Level Evil Cultist? Is All Things Finally Die Society that this reaches an agreement legal system Druid?! 这货到底什么来头?!这说好的是个只有五级邪教徒呢?这说好的万物终亡会都是法系德鲁伊呢?! Black robe Evil Cultist single-handed sword arts arrives excellent unthinkably, moreover Gawain soon discovered that this really is really pure sword arts, not a point is extraordinary force of Knight or soldier has his each sword to be just right, regardless of the offensive and defensive onset and retreat has, complete dependence adept skill and battle experience is resisting the Gawain's offensive, without protecting oneself spiritual energy, without the mana irrigation and extraordinary skill, he depends on sword arts unexpectedly anti- to the present! 黑袍邪教徒的单手剑术高超到匪夷所思,而且高文很快就发现这真真是纯粹的剑术,并无一点属于骑士或战士的超凡力量存在他每一剑都恰到好处,不论攻守都进退有度,完全依靠娴熟的技巧战斗经验来抵挡着高文的攻势,没有护身灵气,也没有魔力灌注和超凡技能,他就凭一手剑术竟然抗到了现在! In this world, this type has not mixed extraordinary force unexpectedly, tempers military of technique accumulation experience purely? Druid magic spell of that this fellow what's the matter? Said what All Things Finally Die Society does have not known profession system? 在这个世界,竟然还有这种不掺超凡力量,单纯锤炼技艺积累经验的武者?那这家伙的德鲁伊法术又是怎么回事?还是说万物终亡会有什么不为人所知的职业体系? Gawain braved a forehead question mark, Evil Cultist that but confronts with him has actually been miserable beyond description: Although insisted such a long time by excellent sword arts, but the disparity in level is hard to neglect, if in fact this black robe person is not the hand grasps single-handed sword that has accepted the blessings, but is carrying an ordinary steel sword, perhaps started battle few rounds he to with the sword cut off by Gawain together. 高文这边是冒了一脑门子问号,但和他对阵的邪教徒却已经苦不堪言:尽管凭借高超的剑术坚持了这么长时间,但位阶上的差距是难以忽视的,事实上这个黑袍人如果不是手握一把接受过赐福的单手剑,而只是拎着一根普通钢剑的话,恐怕开始战斗没几个回合他就要连人带剑被高文一块砍断了。 Assault several times continuously, Gawain compelled the corner the opponent, he decided no longer to ponder over sword arts of opposite party what's the matter, but transferred mana in within the body directly, simultaneously raised Sword of the Pioneer high, releases steel storm that” high level Knight can grasp. 几次连续抢攻,高文把对手逼到了角落,他决定不再琢磨对方的剑术是怎么回事,而是直接调动起体内的魔力,同时高高扬起开拓者之剑,释放了高阶骑士才会掌握的“钢铁风暴”。 The black red sword blade wields, from the sky erupts a glare, in the ray, that sword blade as if split the innumerable say/way suddenly, a piece of sword light was similar to the rainstorm of steel to pound right in the face, moreover each sword blade brings powerful force shock-wave, in blazing steel storm in impact, the castle firm ground like the sand dust smashing and roll-up, was coerced the volume completely to lose the spell casting opportunity by the shock-wave to that together, lost the standard to keep off the opportunity Evil Cultist. 黑红色的剑刃挥下,在空中爆发出一阵强光,在光芒之中,那剑刃骤然仿佛分裂成了无数道,一片剑光如同钢铁的暴雨般劈头盖脸地砸了下来,而且每一道剑刃都带着一次威力强大的冲击波,在炽热的“钢铁风暴”冲击中,城堡的坚固地面如沙尘般粉碎、卷起,被冲击波裹挟着一同卷向那名已经完全失去了施法机会,也失去了格挡机会的邪教徒 The form of that black robe as if also gave up the resistance, his staring blankly is standing, stirs fragment to the sword blade and shock-wave him with the surrounding stone of steel storm together, and continues to charge into the wall of meeting hall with the shock-wave that trend does not reduce. 那个黑袍的身影似乎也放弃了抵抗,他直愣愣地站着,一直到钢铁风暴的剑刃与冲击波将他和周围的石头一同搅成碎片,并随着那趋势不减的冲击波继续冲向议事厅的墙壁。 In a loud sound of rock smashing, the castle firm giant stone wall builds is broken open a large cave/hole, the shock-wave has rushed to outside curtain of night to dissipate finally gradually. 一阵岩石粉碎的巨响中,城堡坚固的巨石墙垒被破开一个大洞,冲击波一直冲到外面的夜幕中才终于渐渐消散。 A moment later, in the hall is also standing few corrupt Tree-man stopped the movement in abundance, like losing the robot of instruction the dangling both arms, they swayed stiffly several, sends out the dark red ray core also to extinguish, the deadwood spoiled leaf that these have lost the life brushed spills fell place: These violated the thing of distortion the natural law stood to change to their original appearances. 片刻之后,大厅中还站着的寥寥几个腐化树人纷纷停下了动作,就像失去指令的机器人一样僵硬地垂下双臂,紧接着它们摇晃了几下,发出暗红色光芒的核心随之熄灭,那些早就失去生命的枯枝腐叶刷拉拉地落了一地:这些违背自然规律站起来的扭曲之物重新化作了它们原本的样子。 Amber jumped from Shadow Form, fart. The stock sits on the ground makes an effort to gasp for breath: ...... shouts...... really dies of exhaustion me......” 琥珀暗影形态跳了出来,一屁.股坐在地上使劲喘气:“呼……呼……真是累死我了……” Knight Philip is also puffing, these corrupt Tree-man that uses magic power to catalyze does not compare common low rank Knight to be easy to cope, but he may be unable to make the Amber that lose face action, therefore is supporting the body with the sword, and has the admiring vision to look to Gawain: Lord, that Evil Cultist was struck to kill by you.” 菲利普骑士也在喘着粗气,那些用魔法力量催化出来的腐化树人并不比寻常的低阶骑士容易对付,但他可做不出琥珀那么丢人的举动来,所以只是用剑支撑着身体,并带着钦佩的目光看向高文:“大人,那个邪教徒被您击杀了。” However Gawain does not have many happy look, he is knitting the brows to arrive by that large cave/hole, these burned black fragment that after lowering the head looks at Evil Cultist meets a cruel death, stays behind as a result of astonishing heat of Sword of the Pioneer implication, these wreckage have carbonized seriously, could not see completely the flesh trace came: Not too always feels about...... me finally not too to......” 然而高文却没有多少高兴的神色,他皱着眉来到那个大洞旁,低头看着邪教徒粉身碎骨之后留下的那些焦黑碎片由于开拓者之剑蕴含的惊人热量,这些残骸都已经严重碳化,完全看不出血肉痕迹来了:“不太对……我总觉得最后不太对……” Pittman walked, bends the waist to pick up together the fragment, grinds in the hand slowly, a moment later his complexion is really cloudy: This is burn bark degenerate Druid evil spell, the fellow ran!” 皮特曼走了过来,弯腰捡起一块碎块,在手中慢慢碾碎,片刻之后他的脸色果然阴沉下来:“这是烧焦的树皮堕落德鲁伊邪术,那家伙跑了!” ...... …… But at the same time, on the roof near Viscount Andrew castle lanai, one clump of abnormal growths, the especially luxuriant vine rustle wriggles suddenly, in that vine then blows up a large package towering, along with disgusting the sound that as if the mucilage surges, the large package in vine tears, form earth-boring auger that in an extremely difficult situation wears the black robe. 而在同一时间,安德鲁子爵城堡外廊附近的屋顶上,一丛异常生长、格外繁茂的藤蔓突然沙沙地蠕动起来,紧接着那藤蔓中便突兀地鼓起一个大包,伴随着令人恶心的、仿佛粘液涌动的声音,藤蔓中的大包从中撕裂,一个身披黑袍的身影狼狈不堪地钻了出来。 All Things Finally Die Society believer who this shadow escapes from by luck, his whole body is sending out the burn common sticking stink, the left arm dripping with blood, droops weak in the side, long gown is also tattered, the hood vanishes into thin air, reveals one thin pale, the brown short hair disorderly middle-aged person face. 这个黑影正是侥幸逃脱的万物终亡会教徒,他浑身散发着烧焦一般的糊臭味,左臂鲜血淋漓,无力地耷拉在身旁,身上的长袍也破破烂烂,兜帽更是不翼而飞,露出一张消瘦苍白、褐色短发杂乱的中年人面庞来。 His right hand is also carrying that single-handed sword, however this value not poor extraordinary equipment has only had the small half now. 他的右手还拎着那把“单手剑”,然而现在这价值不菲的超凡武装已经只剩下小半截了。 Cursed in a low voice, Evil Cultist interrupts the sword to receive this less than half, moved toward the front staggering, prepared before that formidable opponent responded hurried to flee from this place. 低声咒骂一句,邪教徒把这小半截断剑收了起来,踉踉跄跄地走向前方,准备在那个可怕的对手反应过来之前赶紧逃离这个地方。 But he just walked two steps, then raised the head suddenly, the corner of looks at not far away. 但他刚走了两步,便猛然抬起头,看着不远处的角落。 Knight Byron stands there, happen to raised the head looks at to drill, seemingly to experience personally severely wounded Evil Cultist from one clump of vines, two people look at each other in blank dismay suddenly, no one has responded. 拜伦骑士站在那里,也正好抬头愣愣地看着从一丛藤蔓里钻出来、看起来身受重伤的邪教徒,两个人一时间面面相觑,谁都没反应过来。 But dumbfounded only continued suddenly, Evil Cultist quickly then sobered up, and raised the hand refers to this does not know at present why lived getting down Knight, puts together the stabbing pain of brain to start forcefully recite spell, prepares to solve this blocking the way. 愣神只持续了眨眼间,邪教徒很快便醒过神来,并抬手指向眼前这个不知为何活了下来的骑士,拼着大脑的刺痛开始强行念咒,准备解决掉这个拦路者。 But Knight Byron also responded instantaneously, he pulled out to the bosom, fishes out a type of thing to manipulate then to throw toward the opponent: Eats my just hidden weapon!” 拜伦骑士也瞬间反应过来,他向怀里一掏,摸出样东西摆弄一下便朝对手扔去:“吃我正义的暗器!” upright and frank Knight, throws the hidden weapon also to shout. 堂堂正正骑士,就是扔暗器也要喊出来的。 That Evil Cultist actually disdain smiles, caught Byron easily toward hidden weapon that” he throws, although he is seriously injured, but will also be insufficient to be plotted successfully by 3rd Level Knight, let alone this 3rd Level Knight a short time ago also his evil spell curse, now also in weak! 邪教徒却只是不屑地一笑,轻而易举地接住了拜伦朝他投掷的“暗器”虽然他身受重伤,但还不至于会被一个三级骑士暗算成功,更何况这个三级骑士前不久还中了他的邪术诅咒,如今也在虚弱之中! You too looked at yourself high,” Evil Cultist grabbed the throwing thrower that Byron threw, he not perception from this thing to a toxicity or magic aura that revolved, therefore had not been worried slightly, also good, used you to supplement my life......?” “你太高看自己了,”邪教徒抓着拜伦扔过来的投掷物,他没有从这东西上感知到一点毒性或正在运转的魔法气息,所以丝毫没有担心,“也好,就用你来补充我的生命……嗯?” He hears the tick that in the hand heard suddenly...... 他突然听到了手中传来的滴答声…… Byron saw clearly, this Evil Cultist final time was to respond before crystal grenade this thing exploded , is completely the mechanical operation, inside truly did not have magic to respond, but stored energy crystal mana aura careful perception one can perception, middle rank extraordinary expert after producing was vigilant meets certainly conscious is not right to this thing, however his response slow a point, although he has thrown out grenade . Moreover the body fluctuated brilliance that protected oneself magic spell, but runic trigger has pressed down, Explosion Formation started. 拜伦清清楚楚地看到,这个邪教徒最后时刻是反应过来了的结晶手雷玩意儿爆炸之前完全是机械运转,里面确实没有魔法反应,但储能水晶魔力气息仔细感知一下还是能感知到的,一个中阶超凡强者在产生警惕之后当然会意识到这东西不对劲,然而他的反应还是慢了一点,尽管他已经把手雷往外扔,而且身上浮动起了护身法术的光辉,可是符文扳机已经按下,起爆法阵启动了。 Bare-handed stresses the flame to explode, touches cheeks takes the fireball, evident is prosperous suddenly absent-minded is indistinct. 徒手抓炎爆,贴脸接火球,凸显的就是一个红红火火恍恍惚惚。 But has achieved middle rank extraordinary expert eventually, even if seriously injured, protective magic tool as well as its meat that carries along. On body powerful exists, in flash that crystal grenade explodes, on this Evil Cultist has several brights to flash, several types of protective articles that he only saves activated and resisted the most fatal injury automatically, finally his entire right arm crushes in the explosion, but his remaining bodies actually leapt taking advantage of the explosion shock fiercely, and vanishes in the boundless view of night suddenly. 8) 但终究是已经达到中阶超凡强者,哪怕受了重伤,随身携带的护身法器以及本身肉.体上的强悍还是存在的,在结晶手雷爆炸的一瞬间,这名邪教徒身上有几处亮光一闪,他仅存的几样防护用品自动激活并抵挡了最致命的伤害,最终他的整条右臂都在爆炸中粉碎,但他剩下的身体却借着爆炸冲击猛地跃了出去,并眨眼间消失在茫茫夜色中。八)
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