SOD :: Volume #2

#128: Heresy

All noises and illusions in instantaneous vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds, Gawain have not responded what's the matter, he has returned to at present normal. 所有的噪音和幻象都在瞬间烟消云散,高文还没反应过来是怎么回事,他眼前已经恢复了正常。 The Leslie Family castle corridor is extending at present, the ground upper berth on the dark red rug both sides wall is hanging the portrait of that Viscount Andrew all previous generations ancestor, but among portraits , is mounting the charge magic crystal stone, these crystal stones are sending out the constant ray, but as if had anything to disturb the dissemination of ray, these crystal stones seemed like, although bright, was the slightly far place actually dimly exceptionally. 莱斯利家族城堡的走廊在眼前延伸,地面上铺着暗红色的地毯两侧墙壁上悬挂着那位安德鲁子爵历代先祖的画像,而在画像之间则镶嵌着充能魔法晶石,这些晶石正发出恒定的光芒,但仿佛有什么东西干扰了光线的传播,那些晶石看起来虽然明亮,可是稍远一些的地方却昏暗异常。 Gawain subconsciously then looked at one, actually saw that behind Knight Philip and the others happen to take a step to bridge over the front door, their actions naturally do not have exceptionally- as if receives affect, only then he himself . Moreover the these illusions also only continued an instance, no one has detected. 高文下意识地回头看了一眼,却看到身后的菲利普骑士等人正好迈步跨过大门,他们的行动自然毫无异常-似乎受到影响的只有他自己,而且刚才的那些幻象也只持续了一个瞬间,谁都没有察觉到。 What's wrong?” Amber notices the Gawain look to change, asked in a low voice. “怎么了?”琥珀注意到高文神色变化,低声问道。 Gawain all around alert while replied: I met the illusion a moment ago probably, but only continued the flash.” 高文一边戒备四周一边回答:“我刚才好像遇到幻象,但只持续了一瞬间。” Really has magic power to dissipate, mostly is aura that Evil Cultist leaves behind, after contacting your such exceeding level expert collapsed,” the Pittman low voice analysis said, we are careful, here will perhaps have magic trap.” “确实有魔法力量消散,多半是邪教徒留下的气息,在接触到您这样的越阶强者之后就自行崩溃了,”皮特曼小声分析道,“我们要小心,这里说不定会有魔法陷阱。” Gawain knits the brows: Can perception to the Evil Cultist general position?” 高文皱了皱眉:“能感知邪教徒的大概位置么?” He is very discrete, is the strength is either strange,” Pittman shakes the head, I can feel that here has distortion Druid magic to remain everywhere, but does not have aura is active......” “他很谨慎,要么就是力量古怪,”皮特曼摇了摇头,“我能感觉到这里到处都有扭曲的德鲁伊魔法残留,但却没有一个气息是‘活跃’的……” Knight Philip grips tightly the long sword, pastes the sword hilt in the chest song is reading god of Kaiel Knight and soldier given name briefly, he displays to stand out in this way the Divine Spell strength, later looks to the corridor end: aura gathers to that side.” 菲利普骑士紧握长剑,将剑柄贴在胸口简短地颂念着骑士与战士之神凯尔的名号,他通过这种方式施展出类神术般的力量,随后看向走廊尽头:“气息向那边汇聚。” That is the direction of Feudal Lord meeting hall. 那是领主议事厅的方向。 Gawain and Amber and the others exchanged a look, later pushes to the front by Gawain, Druid Pittman follows on the heels, Philip and Amber stand guard in both sides, four people cautiously along corridor stand forth. 高文琥珀等人交换了一下眼神,随后以高文一马当先,德鲁伊皮特曼跟在后面,菲利普琥珀在两旁警戒,四人小心翼翼地沿着走廊向前走去。 Under the portrait that on the both sides walls is hanging in the magic crystal lamp of disassimilation shines is exuding the pale light, the Leslie Family generations hang on the wall, visit of looks at unexpected visitor, these flood white eyeball as if dead fish was indifferently same, making Amber cannot help but hit to tremble. 两侧墙壁上悬挂的画像在异化的魔晶石灯映照下泛着惨白的光,莱斯利家的列祖列宗挂在墙上,冷漠地看着不速之客的造访,那些泛白的眼珠仿佛死鱼一样,让琥珀不由自主地打了个寒颤。 Gawain actually cast aside these portrait one, that because of the slight disassimilation that the magic environmental effect has, is not fully worth being worried, said again, who hasn't hung on the wall is how? 高文却只是撇了那些画像一眼,那只是因魔法环境影响而产生的轻微异化而已,完全不值得担心,再说了,谁还没在墙上挂过是咋的? The front door of Feudal Lord meeting hall similarly unlatched, inside shows light indistinctly, however after here, no matter Pittman or Philip perception does not arrive at Evil Cultist being clear aura. Gawain perception a front door, confirmed that the front door by behind the disciple does not have the trap and so on potential hazard, then shoved open that leaf to have the magnificent and expensive metal silk thread decoration, to portray the wooden door of Leslie Family emblem cautiously. 领主议事厅的大门同样虚掩着,里面透出影影绰绰的光,然而等靠近这里之后,不管皮特曼还是菲利普感知不到有邪教徒的明确气息高文感知了一下大门,确认大门本身以及门背后并没有陷阱之类的潜在危险,便小心翼翼地推开了那扇有着华贵金属丝线装饰、刻画着莱斯利家徽的木门。 In the Feudal Lord meeting hall deserted, magic crystal on all around column and arch sprinkles the chaotic ray, the furniture situated in business hall does not know that was moved to there, only other that velvet high back chair in first platform on the hall, that is the Feudal Lord position. 领主议事厅中空空荡荡,四周立柱和拱顶上的魔晶石洒下混混沌沌的光芒,位于大厅中央的桌椅都不知被搬到了那里,只余下位于大厅上首平台上的那把天鹅绒高背椅,那是领主的位置。 Tanzan Town Feudal Lord, Viscount Andrew then sits on that high back chair, his back is hanging portrait of one generation of ancestors Leslie Family is earliest is sealed the title, but he is breathing under the gaze of his ancestor difficultly, this originally is high and thin man has become emaciated to nearly withered degree at this moment, his flesh as if withered, the skin closely pastes on the bone, just like a pale withered living corpse, he by the chairback, the head sway builds the shoulder, the eye does not have the focus to gaze at the roof, one side breathes difficultly, one side in a low voice twittering what. 坦桑镇领主,安德鲁子爵便坐在那张高背椅上,他背后悬挂着莱斯利家族最早受封爵位的一代先祖的画像,而他本人则在自家先祖的注视下艰难地呼吸着,这个原本就又高又瘦的男人此刻已经消瘦到近乎干瘪的程度,他的血肉似乎都萎缩了,皮肤紧紧地贴在骨头上,宛若一个苍白干瘪的活死人,他靠在椅背上,头颅摇摇晃晃地搭着肩膀,眼睛毫无焦点地注视着屋顶,一边艰难地呼吸,一边低声呢喃着什么。 Sends out the white brilliance situated in seat both sides magic crystal, always draws the Andrew shadow is long, and projects fuzzily on the ground. 位于座椅两侧的魔晶石发出白色的光辉,将安德鲁的影子拉得老长,并模模糊糊地投影在地上。 This Mr. Viscount completely seemed to have lost the ability of acting on free will. 这位子爵先生似乎已经完全失去了自由行动的能力。 Gawain got hold of Sword of the Pioneer, brings Philip and Pittman enters the hall, the party three people all around security, while arrives at side Viscount Andrew, however that Viscount absolutely does not have conscious to three people of nearness probably, he gazes at the arch at a loss, the mouth is making the chaos sound. 高文握紧了开拓者之剑,带着菲利普皮特曼走进大厅,一行三人一边警戒四周,一边来到安德鲁子爵身旁,然而那位子爵却好像完全没有意识到三人的靠近,他只是茫然地注视着拱顶,嘴里发出混乱的声音。 His mind was surrounded,” Pittman judges immediately, „not serious- I will relieve his curse, but Evil Cultist might be alarmed, is ready.” “他的心智被困住了,”皮特曼立刻判断出来,“不过并不严重-我会解除他的诅咒,但邪教徒很可能会被惊动,做好准备。” Gawain slight nod: Begins.” 高文微微点头:“动手吧。” Pittman places the Viscount Andrew forehead the hand immediately, another hand took out a small bottle from the bosom, he uses the mouth to gnaw off the bottle mouth wooden cork, later dropped several drops the liquid in bottle in the Viscount top of the head. 皮特曼随即将手放在安德鲁子爵的额头,另一只手则从怀中取出了一个小瓶,他用嘴咬掉瓶口的木塞,随后将瓶子里的液体滴了几滴在子爵的头顶。 Strange and strong flower fragrance sends out from that several drops of liquids, and along with Druid magic spell starts produces intense exorcism and town/subdues soul effect, binding lives in Viscount Andrew mind evil spell magic also to be affected, starts bit by bit to become less crowded. 一股怪异而浓烈的花香从那几滴液体散发出来,并伴随着德鲁伊法术的发动产生强烈的驱邪、镇魂效果,束缚安德鲁子爵心智邪术魔法随之受到影响,开始一点一点地松动。 Suddenly, the eyelid of Viscount Andrew changed, he restores the pure brightness from chaos, and looks to standing in oneself front Gawain, the eye stares the eldest child instantaneously, in the throat makes the hoarse fearsome sound: He in my shadow!” 突然,安德鲁子爵的眼皮翻动了一下,他从混沌中恢复清明,并看向站在自己面前的高文,眼睛瞬间瞪得老大,喉咙中发出嘶哑可怖的声音:“他在我的影子里!” But almost in the instance that the Viscount voice drops, he projects the shadow in ground has started to twist, seat back magic crystal disrupts with a crash, the shadow of ground expands suddenly, a jet black form pounces upon suddenly, takes the Gawain surface gate. 而几乎在子爵话音落下的瞬间,他投射在地面上的影子已经开始扭曲,座椅背后的魔晶石砰然碎裂,地上的影子则骤然壮大,一个漆黑的身影从中猛扑出来,直取高文面门。 But Gawain seems expected general, the stance of after Viscount Andrew makes noise warned then already completed jumps, the shadow has not flushed, he has then drawn Pittman to jump to the platform, Knight Philip followed. 高文仿佛早有所料一般,在安德鲁子爵出声示警之前便已经做好后跳的姿态,影子还没冲出来,他便已经拉着皮特曼跳离平台了,菲利普骑士则紧随其后。 That shadow flash comes up empty-handed, but has not waited for him to rally the stance, the shadow of ground then sways from side to side again, the foot that wears the short leather boots departs, kicks in the back of this form: I in your shadow!” 那影子一瞬间扑了个空,而还不等他重整姿态,地上的阴影便再度扭动起来,一只穿着短皮靴的脚从中飞出,一脚踢在这个身影的后背:“我在你的影子里!” That form was kicked Shadow Form suddenly, drops in an extremely difficult situation from the platform, but then bang all of a sudden disintegrates the mist and dust that in the midair scatters, and was being coerced by gust another end that rushed to the hall, condenses one to throw over the black robe and appearance unclear entity. 那身影骤然被踢出了暗影形态,狼狈不堪地从台子上跌落下来,但在半空便砰一下子解体成飘散的烟尘,并被一阵风裹挟着冲到了大厅的另一端,重新凝聚成一个披着黑袍、面目不明的实体。 But Amber jumped from the shadow completely, flees to Gawain fast behind. 琥珀则完全从阴影中跳了出来,飞快地窜到高文身后。 Form that Gawain faint smile looks at that wears the black robe: Magic based Classes does not hide in the hidden place throwing a ball shape lightning well, must run to assassinate physique armor Knight, All Things Finally Die Society is your type of fresh style?” 高文似笑非笑地看着那个身披黑袍的身影:“一个法系职业不好好躲在暗处扔球形闪电,非要跑出来刺杀一身板甲的骑士,万物终亡会都是你这种清新画风的么?” But the black robe person of that sneak attack failure cannot control own astonishment: You unexpectedly not by the influence of real sound?!” 而那个偷袭失败的黑袍人则没能控制住自己的惊愕:“你竟然没受真实之音的影响?!” Real sound? You were said that you did keep that magic in? First does push the door to come to hear of brain noise?” Gawain asked curiously, „, I truly heard- pitifully I just want to chat two with it, that sound did not have. Difficult to be inadequate my a few words to give to say it insanely?” “真实之音?你是说你留在门上的那个魔法?第一个推门进来就会听到满脑子噪音的那个?”高文好奇地问了一句,“啊,我确实听到了-可惜我刚想跟它聊两句,那声音就没了。难不成我一句话就把它给说疯了?” That black robe form hears the Gawain's words, as if falls into the huge anger, his hood is swaying, in the shadow spreads virulent curse: Violates the All Things Finally Die iron rule, returns to the heresy of the world from Kingdom of the Dead, you really should not preserve in world!” 那黑袍身影听到高文的话,仿佛陷入巨大的愤怒之中,他的兜帽摇晃着,阴影中传出恶毒的诅咒:“违背万物终亡的铁律,从死者国度返回人世的异端,你果然不应该留存于世!” As his voice falls, presents everyone to hear an intense break and shatter sound to transmit from the hall suddenly! 而随着他话音落下,在场所有人突然听到一阵密集的断裂、破碎声从大厅外传来! The window of meeting hall was broken, various front doors also by the huge strength smashing and collapse flying, thick branches and vines defeated all windows and doors, walloped this hall. 议事厅的窗户噼里啪啦地被打破,各处大门也被巨大的力量粉碎、崩飞,一根根粗大的树枝和藤蔓击破了所有的门窗,猛冲进了这间大厅。 Crashes in the plant of hall to tumble on the ground, along with the sound twist deformation, the person stands: That is the one by one height achieves over two meters Tree-man, moreover Tree-man that in Druid with the normal condition summoned was entirely different: Their branches and leaves distortions are rotten, the body surface split the innumerable say/way openings, the toxic juice flows from the opening, sends out ozone that irritates the nose. 冲进大厅的植物在地上翻滚着,伴随着吱吱嘎嘎的声音扭曲变形,人立而起:那是一个个身高达到两米以上的树人,而且和正常情况下德鲁伊召唤出的树人截然不同:它们的枝叶扭曲腐烂,体表裂开了无数道口子,有毒的汁液从裂口中流淌出来,散发出刺鼻的臭气。 On such that such as the world is known by everybody: After All Things Finally Die Society Druid abandoned the life and natural belief, living the strength then vanished from their magic spell. 就如世所周知的那样:当万物终亡会德鲁伊背弃了生命与自然的信仰之后,“生”的力量便从他们的法术中消失了。 These Tree-man start to start to Gawain party fiercely attacks. 这些树人开始向高文一行发动猛攻。 Their core in that group of black spoiled!” Pittman throws several magic seeds fast, simultaneously shouts loudly, „should not be splashed the eye by the venom!” “它们的核心在那团黑色的腐叶里!”皮特曼飞快地扔出几枚魔法种子,同时大声喊道,“不要被毒液溅到眼睛!” The magic seed falls to the ground then sends out a green radiance, then takes root under expediting childbirth of Druid magic spell rapidly, grows the thorn that to become the tenacious vine or the belt/bring puncture, goes to binding these Tree-man that from wells up in all directions. 魔法种子落到地上便发出一阵绿色光华,紧接着便在德鲁伊法术的催生下迅速扎根,生长成为坚韧的藤蔓或者带刺的荆棘,去束缚那些从四面八方涌来的树人 Gawain could not bear profoundly look at Pittman one, later took back the line of sight, brandished the long sword to cut off an arm of Tree-man. 高文忍不住深深地看了皮特曼一眼,随后收回视线,挥舞长剑砍断了一只树人的手臂。 Amber and Philip also with these rotten Tree-man dogfights in the same place. 琥珀菲利普也和那些腐烂的树人缠斗在一起。 But in this chaos intense war, the Gawain's attention actually places that on Evil Cultist that wears the black robe. 而在这混乱激烈的战局中,高文的注意力却始终放在那个身披黑袍的邪教徒身上。 Perhaps that black robe form besides will have prepared good Tree-man to put the approach, has not participated in the war by the present truly, he is waiting and seeing from afar, seemingly silent gloomy-, but is actually not willing to act. 那个黑袍身影除了将恐怕早就准备好的树人放进场之外,到现在都没有真正参与到战局中,他只是远远地观望着,看上去沉默阴暗-但却迟迟不愿出手。 Gawain then understood instantaneously what's the matter: This Evil Cultist knows the Gawain Cecil matter. 高文瞬间便明白了是怎么回事:这个邪教徒知道高文·塞西尔的事情。 He knows that who oneself is, knows own this comes back to life legend to have the big fame, although was very just rampant, but he obviously empty that started him to shout- did not act, perhaps really does not dare to act. 他知道自己是谁,知道自己这个“复生传奇”有多大名气,虽然刚开始他喊的很嚣张,但他显然虚的一笔-迟迟不出手,恐怕是真的不敢出手。 But he directs the Tree-man combat, has not left in a panic, this explained that he guessed correctly mostly „after Gawain Cecil resurrects, is in weak time situation! 但他又指挥树人作战,并没仓皇离开,这说明他多半猜到了“高文·塞西尔复活之后处于虚弱期”的情况! He is observing, after judging own this legend resurrecting has many strengths specifically, his certainly is taking risk- however this place definitely has to be worth him braving this dangerous thing. 他在观察,在判断自己这个“传奇”复活之后具体有多少力量,他这毫无疑问是在冒险-而这个地方绝对有值得他冒这番险的东西。 The time that the thinking in Gawain mind fast, the short 2-3 swords cut he has then thought of a lot of things, although he has not known that actually this Evil Cultist has understood own intelligence through what way, understood that or speculated many, does not know that this Evil Cultist actually wants to obtain anything here, but this did not hinder him to set up the trap to solve the opposite party slightly as soon as possible. 高文脑海中的思索飞快,短短2-3剑斩下的时间他便已经想到了很多东西,虽然他还不知道这个邪教徒究竟通过什么途径了解过自己的情报,又了解或者说推测出了多少,也不知道这个邪教徒在这里到底想得到什么,但这并不妨碍他稍稍设下陷阱来尽快解决掉对方。 During the consideration of fast, his sword pricks Tree-man mana core, but when draws out the sword he was shaken by oneself hand intentionally, seems like interrupts suddenly general on as if strength. 电光石火的考量之间,他一剑刺入一个树人身上的魔力核心,但在将剑拔出的时候他故意让自己的手抖了一下,看上去就仿佛力气突然中断一般。
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