SOD :: Volume #2

#127: crazy BB

The setting sun has sunk, in horizon only other extremely broad, presents near bright of arc slightly. 夕阳已经下沉,地平线上仅余下一条极为宽广的、微微呈现出弧线的亮边。 In the Amber shadow interferes auxiliary , the party person crossed the castle east side wall rampart easily, and arrived in the Viscount Andrew fortress through old tower internal steps. 琥珀的暗影干涉辅助下,一行人轻而易举地翻过了城堡东侧的墙垒,并通过一座旧塔楼的内部阶梯抵达了安德鲁子爵的堡垒内部。 They hide taking advantage of the shield of shadow on castle's second floor terrace, is overlooking under empty courtyard as well as in the courtyard opposite corridor. 他们借着阴影的掩护躲在城堡二层的一处露台上,俯视着下面空荡荡的中庭以及在中庭对面的走廊。 This castle is like the Ainz Southern Region great majority aristocrat fortress, has approximate assumes the square, moreover stratified structure, most outer layer is a fence, inside one is the surrounding and protecting area that is formed by the horse stable, the servant room, the junks room and lanai, again inside is by porch and Feudal Lord Mansion Di Xingcheng residential area, but in several regions is built the heavy/thick channel connection by the sturdy construction wall, various castle places has the sentry post openly or covertly, and peaks of four corners/horns have the bell tower and beacon tower that arrow tower and warning use. 这座城堡就和安苏南境大多数贵族堡垒一样,有着大致呈正方形而且分层的结构,最外层是围墙,里面一层是由马厩、仆役房、杂物房以及外廊形成的拱卫区,再里面才是由内廊和领主府邸形成的居住区,而几个区域之间则由结构坚固墙垒厚重的通道连接,城堡各处都有或明或暗的哨位,并且四个角的最高点都有箭预警用的钟楼、烽火台。 This residence is not comfortable, its most structures seem like military fortress, but this is because during that time Southern Region resists the magic tide forefront, as past the architectural style took just the recent several hundred years of peace time that tradition generations of spread to cause, Southern Region many places has started to transform, even if were not the wealthy South aristocrat also starts to study is improving own environment like Northerner, even liked in the comfortable bright manor. However is very obvious, Viscount Andrew is not the person who cares about the housing conditions very much: His castle was still maintaining the considerable degree classical style. 这种居所并不舒适,它的大部分结构看起来都像是个军事要塞,而这正是由于当年南境是抵挡魔潮的最前线,昔日建筑风格作为传统一代代流传下来所导致的只不过随着最近几百年的和平时光,南境不少地方已经开始转变,哪怕是不富裕的南方贵族也开始学着像北方人一样改良自己的居住环境,甚至更喜欢住在舒适明亮的庄园里。但是很显然,安德鲁子爵并不是一个很在意居住条件的人:他的城堡仍然维持着相当程度的“古典风格”。 But in such nearly military fortress castle, Gawain had not actually seen that many should go on patrol the guard who and stand guard everywhere, courtyard of castle center is also deserted. 但在这样一座近乎军事要塞城堡中,高文却没有看到多少本应该四处巡逻和站岗的守卫,就连城堡最中心的中庭也是空空荡荡 Everywhere no one?” Amber stared in a big way the eye, under looks at, her shadow talent let her also in the dim environment curiously clear differentiate thing, „, moreover in the garden several months no one has pruned probably...... weed and bush long covered the road quickly.” “到处都没人?”琥珀瞪大了眼睛,好奇地看着下面,她的暗影天赋让她在昏暗的环境中也能清晰辨物,“而且庭院里好像好几个月都没人修剪过似的……杂草和灌木都长的快盖住路了。” Said on such as Amber, castle's courtyard not only nobody left, but also exuberance of especially various plant also growth, obviously several days ago here should be the order normal situation, but this moment Gawain sweeps, feeling this castle as if has actually left uncultivated several months of even over one year, the luxuriant plant is growing in various places insanely, covered road/s, covered the wall, even some vines have crawled to the front door of Lord construction on. 就如琥珀所说,城堡的中庭不但空无一人,而且各处植物还生长的格外旺盛,明明直到几天前这里都应该是秩序正常的情况,但此刻高文一眼扫下去,却感觉这座城堡仿佛已经荒废了几个月甚至一年以上,繁茂的植物在各处疯长着,覆盖了道路,覆盖了墙壁,甚至有一些藤蔓已经爬到通向主建筑的大门上。 Byron, you have not fully restored, waits for us Gawain to turn head to behind middle-aged Knight to say here, I did keep three to you crystal grenade self-defense, the usage have remembered?” 拜伦,你还没有完全恢复,就在这里等着我们”高文扭头对身后的中年骑士说道,“我给你留三个‘结晶手雷’防身,用法已经记住了吧?” Gray-haired middle-aged Knight did not turn the neck comfortably: This type was regarded the feeling of burden is not good.” 头发花白的中年骑士不自在地扭了扭脖子:“这种被人当成累赘的感觉可不好。” Gawain smiles, racket this usually slightly some accent Knight mister shoulder armor: You have made the great merit, moreover brave battle, I have not hoped at this time my Knight loses one's life because of the crudeness.” 高文笑了笑,拍拍这个平常略有些不着调的骑士先生的肩铠:“你已经立下大功而且勇敢战斗过了,这种时候我可不希望自己的骑士因为鲁莽而送命。” What Gawain these words saying is from the bottom of one's heart, although he is also secret ridicule this mercenary family background non- mainstream Knight some far-fetched words and deeds, but in this event Byron has truly shown enough braveness and firmness, he has not needed to continue to drag the weak body to participate in adventure perhaps Philip such Knight spirit especially firm person meeting a muscle to follow Gawain battle to arrive, but Byron is not this stodgy person. 高文这句话说的是发自肺腑,虽然他也暗暗吐槽过这个佣兵出身的“非主流骑士”有些不靠谱的言行,但这次事件中拜伦确实已经展现出足够的勇武和坚定,他已经没必要继续拖着虚弱的身体参与冒险或许菲利普那样骑士精神格外坚定的人会一根筋地跟着高文战斗到死,但拜伦不是这种迂腐的人。 Therefore middle-aged Knight nods, received Gawain to give his three grenade, the complexion slightly has looked complex fine this magic energy manufactured products: Perhaps...... this type of thing can learn to use the children......” 所以中年骑士点了点头,接过高文递给他的三枚手雷,脸色略有复杂地看了看这精致的“魔能工业产品”:“啧啧……这种东西恐怕连小孩子都能学会用吧……” A moment later, Gawain party taking advantage of even more dim weather shield, has traced castle's courtyard. 片刻之后,高文一行已经借着愈发昏暗的天色掩护,摸进了城堡的中庭 They have not seen any guard all the way, has not actually seen the Evil Cultist lackey or magic trap, this big fortress really had been abandoned probably general, spacious, peaceful, strange. 一路上他们都没有见到任何守卫,却也没见到邪教徒的爪牙或者魔法陷阱,这座偌大的堡垒就好像真的已经被废弃一般,空旷,安静,诡异。 Knight Philip holds the sword in the hand, follows peacefully in Gawain behind, but is quick his then peak peak nose, lowers the sound saying: Here has evil aura.” 菲利普骑士执剑在手,安安静静地跟在高文身后,但很快他便耸耸鼻子,压低声音说道:“这里有邪恶的气息。” Amber could not bear look at this usually to seem somewhat stupid young Knight one: You should the next second do not shout Holy Light this is worth a war then flushing to cut you evilly is not Paladin.” 琥珀忍不住看了这个平素里看起来有些呆头呆脑的年轻骑士一眼:“你该不会下一秒就要喊着‘圣光啊这个邪恶值得一战’然后冲出去砍砍砍吧你又不是圣骑士。” „,” Gawain breaks Amber bb in a low voice, do not forget Philip is Kaiel believer.” “嘘,”高文低声打断琥珀的bb,“别忘了菲利普凯尔信徒。” Amber opened the eye slightly, the pursing the lips lip of no longer spoke. 琥珀微微张大了眼睛,紧接着抿起嘴唇不再吭声。 Kaiel, God of Warriors and Knights, as War God, the theogony is the strength is next to God of Holy Light powerful Gods, he shelters all warriors and is being the war blessings, although is not God of Holy Light, but in its Divine Power also has the resistance to blaspheme, the detection evil prestige energy, his believer when will seek for Evil Cultist to obtain extra in addition to hold, although compared with legitimate Holy Light Priest or Paladin, will also be much stronger than the average person. 凯尔,战士与骑士之神,同时也身为战神,是正神谱系中力量仅次于圣光之神的强大神明,他庇护着所有的勇士并为战争赐福,尽管不是圣光之神,但其神力中也有对抗亵渎、侦测邪恶的威能,他的信徒在寻找邪教徒的时候将获得额外加持,虽然比不过正统的圣光牧师圣骑士,但也比普通人强得多。 But Philip is devout Kaiel believer, even if not Priest, his irreverence can also let him compared with other person keenly perception to Evil Cultist aura that in this castle occupies. 菲利普是个虔诚的凯尔信徒,哪怕不是神官,他的虔诚也能让他比其他人更敏锐地感知到这座城堡中盘踞的邪教徒气息了。 Gawain does not believe Gods, naturally cannot obtain the Gods in addition to hold, but his body is sounding the warning naturally, he gripped Sword of the Pioneer, is staring at these cover flowers and plants bushes and decoration trees in courtyard vigilantly: These plant growths luxuriantly, have the issue mostly.” 高文不信神明,自然也得不到神明的加持,但他的身体正在自然而然地发出警报,他握住了开拓者之剑,警惕地盯着中庭中的那些茂密花草灌木和装饰树:“这些植物生长得过于茂盛,多半有问题。” In the Pittman hand is gripping a ironwood seed, but does not dare to release any Druid magic spell to examine the surrounding situation completely at will: Can induce to be the same to root common origin All Things Finally Die Society Evil Cultist on such as him easily, comes Druid Evil Cultist also to be able in his spell casting flash to induce him, only if erupts the upfront conflict, otherwise he does not dare easily to take risk. 皮特曼手中攥着一把铁木种子,但完全不敢随意释放任何德鲁伊法术来检测周围的情况:就如他能轻而易举地感应到同根同源的万物终亡会邪教徒一样,出身德鲁伊邪教徒也能在他施法的一瞬间感应到他,除非爆发正面冲突,否则他是绝不敢轻易冒险的。 They start to pass through the garden, closes up toward the castle Lord construction of Viscount Andrew: There is the place that Evil Cultist is most likely to hide. 他们开始穿过庭院,向着安德鲁子爵城堡主建筑靠拢:那里是邪教徒最有可能藏匿的地方。 Vague dim tissue is covering four people of forms, Amber walks in the team most, with the shadow affinity talent of her brute rank for everyone makes the effect that the community sneaks to have such to hang to compel the common fellow to follow, Gawain will not choose for the time-saving takes risk to submerge this castle directly. 一层若有若无的昏暗“薄纱”笼罩着四人的身影,琥珀走在队伍的最中间,用她那鬼畜级别的暗影亲和天赋为所有人制造群体潜行的效果要不是有这么个挂逼一般的家伙跟着,高文也不会选择为了节省时间而冒险直接潜入这座城堡 Sun has dropped the horizon completely, the horizon only same glow is gradually swallowed dark, the star light starts to reappear, but in time that the star light peeps, slightly cool night wind has blown courtyard. 太阳已经完全落下地平线,天边仅余的一律辉光正逐渐被黑暗吞噬,星光开始浮现出来,而在星光初现的时刻,一股微凉的夜风吹过中庭 These covers, as if has grown one year of plant to swing recklessly in the night wind, makes sound, but in that sound, seems combining innumerably low and deep twittering. 那些茂密的、仿佛已经肆意生长了一年的植物在夜风中摇摆起来,发出唰啦唰啦的声响,而在那声响中,似乎混杂着无数低沉的呢喃。 Amber had goosebumps instantaneously, because Shadow Power falls with the night even more strengthens, her vision starts to turn toward extraordinary the direction transformation, entered her view in the daytime neglected thing suddenly. 琥珀瞬间起了一层的鸡皮疙瘩,而由于暗影力量随着夜幕降临愈发增强,她的视觉开始向着“超凡”的方向转化,一些在白天被忽略的东西突然进入了她的视野。 Miss Half-Elf frightens almost calls out in alarm, however before she makes noise, Gawain has held down her mouth. 半精灵小姐吓的差点惊呼出来然而在她出声之前,高文已经一把按住她的嘴巴。 I also saw.” Gawain said in a low voice. “我也看见了。”高文低声说道。 In courtyard, under that cover prosperous plant, between the root hair and vine of that recklessly spread, there is a thing. 中庭里,在那茂密繁盛的植物下面,在那肆意蔓延的根须和藤蔓之间,有东西。 A recent bush is swinging in the night wind, its root emitted a pale hand, that hand buries in the soil, slightly convulsion ; In nearby weed found out one to be buried the most face, the eye on that face partly opened the semi-closure, the disastrous split lip still in the opening and closing ; A half a lifetime half dead old oak tree crooked in the roadside, the tree root sticks out swells the package together, swells package of shapes to imitate, if head, an eye exposes from the slits of bark, withered and yellow stiff, with oak tree same half a lifetime half dead...... 最近的一株灌木在夜风中摇摆着,它的根部冒出了一只苍白的手,那只手埋在泥土中,微微痉挛;旁边的杂草中探出了一张被掩埋大半的面孔,那面孔上的眼睛半睁半闭,惨败干裂的嘴唇仍然在翕动;一株半生半死的老橡树歪在路旁,树根隆起一块肿包,肿包的形状仿若头颅,一双眼睛从树皮的缝隙之间暴露出来,枯黄僵硬,与橡树一样半生半死…… Under entire garden all plants, has buried Human Race limbs . Moreover the masters of these limbs are obviously also living! 整个庭院所有的植物下面,都有着被掩埋的人类肢体,而且那些肢体的主人明显还活着! „The name of War God!” Knight Philip constrains the sound to shout in a low voice, crazed behavior!” 战神之名啊!”菲利普骑士压抑着声音低声喊道,“何等丧心病狂的行为!” „Did these people...... live are dying?!” Amber deeply attracts two tones, after breaking off Gawain's, brings a faint trace to say panic-stricken low voice. “这些人……活着还是死了?!”琥珀深吸两口气,掰开高文的手之后带着一丝丝惊恐小声说道。 Majority can also be is living, but was very difficult saying that also how long can live,” Pittman pinched tightly the seed that the preparation in hand served as the spell casting material, we could not notice no wonder any guard...... they were all buried with attendant in courtyard!” “大部分还能算是活着,但很难说还能活多久,”皮特曼捏紧了手中的准备用作施法材料的种子,“怪不得我们看不到任何守卫和侍从……他们全都被埋在中庭了!” Careful do not contact these plants,” old Druid also added that they were the eye of that Evil Cultist!” “小心千万不要接触到这些植物,”老德鲁伊又补充道,“它们就是那个邪教徒的眼睛!” What does Evil Cultist bury these people must make here?” Amber suppresses is knitting the brows to say disgustingly, extracts their vitalities?” 邪教徒把这些人埋在这里是要做什么?”琥珀强忍着恶心皱眉说道,“抽取他们的生命力么?” „...... Perhaps is not,” Pittman shakes the head, extraction vitality has no need for such troublesome ceremony. Evil Cultist controls these people in half a lifetime half dead, moreover maintains their conscious absent-minded...... I to suspect that he is extracting the thought of these people.” “……恐怕不是,”皮特曼摇摇头,“抽取生命力用不着这么麻烦的仪式。邪教徒把这些人控制在半生半死之间,而且维持他们的意识恍惚……我怀疑他是在抽取这些人的思想。” Extraction thought?!” Amber is startled, „can All Things Finally Die Society accomplish this?!” “抽取思想?!”琥珀吃了一惊,“万物终亡会连这都能办到?!” „If copes with extraordinary expert so is not certainly easy, but these are the average people of no magic spell resistance, oh,” Pittman sighed in a soft voice, evidently that Evil Cultist, not only wants to kill several people so simple here, he had the goal, he is collecting intelligence......” “如果是对付超凡强者当然没这么容易,但这些都是毫无法术抵抗能力的普通人,唉,”皮特曼轻声叹息,“看样子那个邪教徒不只是想在这里杀几个人那么简单,他是有目的的,他在搜集情报……” During the speeches, the people had passed through in the extreme cautious situation courtyard that proliferates the crazy plant, before arriving at the porch to castle Lord hall, the front is one leaf unlatched the oak front door, on that oak front door, inscribes Leslie Family crest. 说话间,众人已经在极端小心翼翼的情况下穿过了遍布疯狂植物的中庭,来到通往城堡主厅的门廊前,面前是一扇虚掩着的橡木大门,在那橡木大门上,铭刻着莱斯利家族徽记 In crest seems flowing the blood, dark red shines. 徽记中仿佛流淌着鲜血,暗红发亮。 Gawain has not contacted that obviously not normal door with the hand directly, but promotes the front door with Sword of the Pioneer, its shoves open quietly slowly, later he hits extremely vigilantly, takes the lead to take a step to bridge over. 高文没有直接用手去接触那明显不正常的门扉,而是用开拓者之剑推动大门,将其悄无声息地缓缓推开,随后他打起十二万分警惕,率先迈步跨过。 But bridges over the flash of front door in his footsteps, does not know from where comes, sweeps across noisy chaos to the unendurable noise suddenly! 而就在他脚步跨过大门的一瞬间,一阵不知从何而来的、嘈杂混乱到让人难以忍受的噪音突然席卷而来! That feeling seems like 10,000 sounds simultaneously in the ear crack, 10,000 individuals simultaneously in ear yells, 10,000 types of chaos incredible musical instruments simultaneously in ear plays, or two drank high Amber in ear blind bb...... 那感觉就好像有一万种声音同时在耳边炸响,有一万个人同时在耳边喊叫,有一万种混乱荒诞的乐器同时在耳边演奏,或者有两个喝高了的琥珀在耳边瞎bb…… Gawain felt that own body seems to be rusty, transfers under one continually becomes especially difficult slow, moreover he soon then discovered that these noisy sounds do not come from the outside world, but from his own mind in that maddening sound, he saw at present spreads castle corridor all of a sudden of dark red rug to be elongated, two sides that is hanging the wall that the Leslie Family all previous generations ancestor paints a portrait also to retreat to the infinite far place fast, in all directions suddenly becomes incomparably broad, but the dark starry sky replaced in castle the original scene. 高文感觉自己的身体仿佛生锈,连转一下头都变得格外艰难缓慢,而且他很快便发现那些嘈杂的声响并非来自外界,而是来自他自己的脑海在那令人发狂的声音中,他看到眼前铺着暗红色地毯的城堡走廊一下子被拉长,两边那悬挂着莱斯利家族历代先祖画像的墙壁也向无限远的地方飞快退去,四面八方骤然变得无比宽广,而黑暗的星空则取代了城堡里原有的景象。 These chaos noises mix a clear sound finally, it is roaring unceasingly: Myriad things will perish finally! The myriad things will perish finally! The myriad things will perish finally!” 那些混乱的噪声终于混合成一个清晰可辨的声音,它在不断吼叫着:“万物终将灭亡!万物终将灭亡!万物终将灭亡!” However although Gawain covers by the noise and illusion, he actually discovered that oneself thought exceptionally is unexpectedly clear, that forms a howling to transmit clearly, in his mind even can also cannot help but jump a very clear idea: Right, because of entropy production, how?” 然而高文虽然被噪声和幻象笼罩,他却发现自己的思维竟然异常清晰,那汇成一片的吼叫声清清楚楚地传来,他脑海中甚至还能不由自主地蹦出个挺清楚的想法:“对啊,因为熵增,怎么了?” Myriad things finally......” “万物终将……” Gawain has not responded what's the matter, that crazy the illusion of noise and dark starry sky has then stopped suddenly, vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds. 高文还没反应过来怎么回事,那疯狂的噪声与黑暗星空的幻象便已经戛然而止,烟消云散
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