SOD :: Volume #2

#126: This lands are burying anything

Here was the entrance.” “这里就是入口了。” The recuperation, restored several tenths physical strength Knight Byron to lead the Gawain party person to arrive in the woods near Green Mill slightly, and found that place typical access cave entrance is not big under a sticking out soil bank, hidden between the stone and tree root of soil bank root, moreover outside already covered by the vine and fallen leaf of coming up in great numbers and from all sides, if did not have the Knight Byron direction, perhaps who passed by to be able subconsciously its to neglect from here to fall. 稍微休整,恢复了几成气力的拜伦骑士带着高文一行人来到了戈林磨坊附近的树林里面,并在一处隆起的土坡下找到了那处地道出入口洞口并不大,隐藏在土坡根部的石头与树根之间,而且外面已经被横生的藤蔓与落叶覆盖起来,如果不是有拜伦骑士指点的话,恐怕谁从这里路过都会下意识地将其忽略掉。 Byron from the said/tunnel leaves destroys some plants that in cave entrance covered, although after that he does the work that some covered up slightly, but can see here some people have come and gone out trace. Squatting down body of Pittman before cave entrance, observed an inside situation then to judge saying: Here should not be the exit|to speak, was the earthquake or the Giant wooden tree root opened the crack mostly, connected this said/tunnel of cavern and below.” 拜伦从地道离开的时候破坏了洞口上覆盖的部分植物,虽然那之后他稍微做了一些重新遮掩的工作,但还是能看出这里有人出入过的痕迹。皮特曼在洞口前蹲下身子,观察了一下里面的情况便判断道:“这里原本应该不是出口,多半是地震或者巨人木的树根撑开了地缝,才把这个洞穴与下面的地道连接起来。” Is saying, this old man while spoke thoughtlessly to say with a laugh: South underground is also really burying many things.” 一边说着,这个老头一边笑呵呵地随口说道:“南方的地下还真埋着不少东西。” Gawain felt in immediately this old boy words has the words: You also included me!” 高文顿时感觉这老小子话里有话:“你是把我也包括进去了吧!” Pittman hollow laugh two, fish out together the small-sized magic crystal stone from the bosom later, he pours into mana to make it send out the bright constant ray slightly, later its investment hole makes you on first the hand signal: This is you goes into action.” 皮特曼干笑两声,随后从怀里摸出一块小号的魔法晶石,他稍微注入魔力让它发出明亮恒定的光芒,随后将其投入洞做出一个“你先上”的手势:“这就是您出马的时候了。” Gawain shrugs, thinks Knight Philip of first getting down blocks, oneself took the lead to jump. 高文耸耸肩,把本来想第一个下去的菲利普骑士拦住,自己率先跳了下去。 He felt that oneself steps on soft and moist spoiled leaf Lanzhi, the surroundings are the stone space that narrows narrowly, but fell illuminated the surroundings on the ray that the magic crystal stone of ground sent out, enabling him to see the situation in deep place: The front is one winds , and inclined slopeway, does not have the artificial processing trace downward, but is more like such that old Druid said that and artificial tunnel of deep place connects because of the natural factor. 他感觉自己踩在一层松软而潮湿的腐叶烂枝上,周围是狭窄逼仄的土石空间,而落在地上的魔法晶石所散发出的光芒照亮了周围,让他可以看到更深处的情况:前方是一道蜿蜒并且向下倾斜的坡道,没有人为加工痕迹,而更像是老德鲁伊所说的那样,是因自然因素才和更深处的人工隧道连接起来的。 He picks up the magic crystal stone, rocked two to hint the following security, later took the lead taking a step stand forth. 他捡起魔法晶石,晃动了两下示意下面安全,随后率先迈步向前走去。 A moment later, Amber aura with, after Half-Elf thief entered this underground space, was obviously like a fish in water, she in the revolutions began happy the treasure dagger while sized up curiously: Here has been extending downward.” 片刻之后,琥珀气息跟了上来,半精灵盗贼进入这种地下空间之后明显如鱼得水,她一边心情愉快地转着手里的宝贝匕首一边好奇地四下打量:“这里一直在向下延伸啊。” If is really these that during that time digs operational said/tunnel, then it will be very definitely deep,” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly saying that after all in the surface often had magic tide aura to divulge, if did not sump a point, is very easy to be violated in the people that in the said/tunnel sought asylum.” “如果真是当年挖出来的那些‘作战地道’,那它必然会很深,”高文随口说道,“毕竟地表上时常就有魔潮气息泄露过来,如果不挖深一点,在地道里避难的民众很容易受到侵害。” The inclined downward road continued a small section, broad and dryness that the surroundings start change, Gawain notices the channel both sides these soils and natural crushed stones is reducing gradually, what replaces it is have processed artificially reinforced beam and stone tile/brick, as well as with the earth element magic spell processed firm wall, but continues to proceed, the ground also becomes straight, no longer continues the downward incline. 倾斜向下的甬道持续了一小段,周围开始变的宽阔且干燥,高文注意到通道两侧那些泥土和天然碎石在渐渐减少,取而代之的是人工加工过的支撑梁、石砖,以及用土元素法术处理过的坚固墙壁,而继续往前,地面也变得平直,不再继续向下倾斜。 The looks at surrounding scene, the Gawain's brow actually wrinkled gradually. 看着周围的景象,高文的眉头却渐渐皱了起来。 But Amber also followed close on was discovering exceptionally place, she stopped to manipulate the petty action of dagger, before running up to a nearby wall, carefully is observing latter's pattern trace on material quality and wall, later erratically ran back side Gawain surprisedly: These tunnels when was not right differently...... the style of this place with initially us ran to pass through from your grave......” 琥珀也紧跟着发现了异常之处,她停下摆弄匕首的小动作,跑到附近的一处墙壁前仔细观察着后者的材质以及墙壁上的花纹纹路,随后惊疑不定地跑回到高文身旁:“不对啊……这地方的风格跟当初咱们从你的墓里跑出来时走过的那些地道不一样……” Right, different, these are not the Southern Region underground engineering that my during that time management constructs,” Gawain holds up the magic crystal stone, illuminates the surrounding wall and ground, „...... Knight Byron raised Tanzan Town underground had the bottom channel the time no wonder I was feeling strange, because during that time this area also had no development plan, even after I die, who who a long time should be...... no one developed will also construct the said/tunnel here......” “没错,不一样,这些不是我当年主持修建的南境地下工事,”高文举起魔法晶石,照亮周围的墙壁和地面,“怪不得……拜伦骑士提起坦桑镇地下有地底通道的时候我就在奇怪了,因为当年这个地区还没有任何开发计划,哪怕我死后很长一段时间里应该也是没人开发的……谁会在这里修建地道……” Amber is knitting the brows: „Do the words that has a look at carefully, locate ruins to be a bit like with Dark Mountain Range in that actually?” 琥珀皱着眉:“仔细看看的话,倒是和黑暗山脉里的那处遗迹有点像?” Gawain is suddenly enlighted finally, actually that fuzzy familiarity originated conscious to the memory from. 高文终于恍然大悟,意识到了记忆中那点模模糊糊的熟悉感究竟来源于哪。 The architectural style as well as material quality of this underground walk, very in that place giant ruins close to Dark Mountain Range! 这条地下通道的建筑风格以及材质,很接近黑暗山脉里的那处巨型遗迹 Knight Byron also surprised, he has a look at all around carefully, surprised uncertain: Really...... seems like truly looks like very much, I am been dizzy by the brain that curse tossed about at that time, has not looked unexpectedly completely!” 拜伦骑士自己也大为惊讶,他仔细看看四周,惊疑不定:“真的……看起来确实很像,我当时被诅咒折腾的脑子晕晕乎乎,竟然完全没看出来!” „The underground installation that Spark Age leaves behind, really also has...... in the Gawain heart to surge up here suddenly, „, therefore ruins in Dark Mountain Range is only portion of some large-scale ruins group? Said......” 星火年代留下的地下设施,竟然在这里也有……”高文心中一时间波澜起伏,“所以黑暗山脉里的遗迹只是某个大型遗迹群的一部分?还是说……” In his mind emitted a bolder thought: fortress that in Dark Mountain Range buries, is links up into a single stretch with the underground walk of this place?! 他脑海中冒出了更加大胆的念头:难道黑暗山脉里埋藏的要塞,和这个地方的地下通道是连成一片的?! These ancient channels bridged over north the mountain range big lands, bridged over north Clearwater River and mountain the backwoods, completely continuous large expanse of?! 这些古老的通道跨过了山脉北侧的大片土地,跨过了白水河和山北森林地带,完全连绵成片?! How long however the bold guess in Gawain mind has not continued, he then shakes the head and thinks that quickly these idea possibilities are not big: Even if during that time Gondor Empire is powerful, that productive forces are also limited, from Dark Mountain Range to here, not only the distance is remote, the middle has the mountainous region rivers and other intriguing terrains, can be so easier said than done in a facility group of subsurface formation scale? 不过高文脑海中的大胆猜测并没有持续多久,他很快便摇摇头并认为这些想法可能性不大:哪怕当年刚铎帝国强盛无比,那生产力也是有限的,从黑暗山脉到这里不但距离遥远,中间更有着山地河流等错综复杂的地形,要在地下建造一片如此规模的设施群谈何容易? Although to be honest, Gondor Empire, if really iron core must put on this stretch of land headstrongly, thrusts our country the underground near Dark Mountain Range to establish such a piece bottom city-state is actually not not possible, but Gawain really cannot think through here to have anything to be worth their so crazy investing, moreover invests so many are a secret project, the people of Gondor domestic people as well as later generation do not know the circumstances of the matter completely...... 虽然说实话,刚铎帝国如果真铁了心要莽穿这片大地,举全国之力在黑暗山脉附近的地下建立这么一片“地底城邦”其实也不是不可能,但高文实在想不通这里有什么东西值得他们如此疯狂投入,而且投入这么多还是个秘密工程,刚铎国内的民众以及后世的人们对此完全不知情…… ...... With these human experiments that Nicholas Egg raised, with that so-called Abomination related? 难道……是跟尼古拉斯蛋提起的那些人体实验,跟那所谓的“神孽”有关? Hey, feeds, what thinks?” Gawain's thinks deeply about by the sound that the ear suddenly resounds is broken, he recovers noticed that Amber is extending the claw to make an effort to sway in him at present, the face of Miss Half-Elf also collected, this situation are you distracted?” “喂,喂喂,想什么呢?”高文的思索被耳边突然响起的声音打断,他回过神来就看到琥珀正伸着爪子在他眼前使劲摇晃,半精灵小姐的脸也凑了过来,“这种场合你走神?” No, no,” Gawain restrains the mind rapidly, places one side these guesses temporarily: Now really does not think their times, judged from the position, we should arrive at right under the Clearwater River river bed.” “不,没什么,”高文迅速收敛起心神,把那些猜测都暂时放在一边:现在真不是想它们的时候,“从位置判断,咱们应该已经到白水河的河床正下方了。” Really?” Amber cannot believe that looked up one, above lithical arch was dry and stable, without slightly water drop, could not hear a wee bit river water mobile sounds, my God...... that this place also was really enough deep, how these people were can operate such a tunnel under the river bed......” “真的?”琥珀不敢相信地抬头看了一眼,上方的“石质”拱顶干燥而稳固,没有丝毫滴水,也听不到一丁点河水流动的声音,“我的天……那这地方还真是够深,那些人是怎么能在河床底下开这么一条隧道的……” How I am more curious he am can also accurately judge the position in this case.” Pittman sized up Gawain one secretly, GuGu. “我更好奇他是怎么在这种情况下还能准确判断位置的。”皮特曼偷偷打量了高文一眼,嘀嘀咕咕 The Amber ear shakes, opens mouth: This also uses to ask, others in underground buried for more than 700 years, specialized...... oh is hurting!” 琥珀耳朵一抖,张嘴就来:“这还用问,人家在地下埋了七百多年,专业着呢……唉疼疼疼!” Gawain twisted Amber ear conveniently, later no longer responds this fool, hints Knight Byron to continue to guide. 高文顺手拧了琥珀的耳朵一圈,随后不再搭理这货,示意拜伦骑士继续带路。 Meanwhile the team ingredient that his looks at bring, in heart suddenly a little slightly cool 同时他看着自己带的这队伍成分,心中突然有点微凉 disgrace of all living things Elf Thief, is good at making soup to buy and sell merchandise to sell the fake medicine Druid, can principle of righteousness ice slippery customer Knight that however that travelling saying that the team altogether five people have three styles to be incorrect, it seems like can use the country character face stable morale besides oneself, follows Knight Philip that serious leads the way in side silent perhaps is the conscience that the entire Cecil action group only saves...... 一个万物之耻精灵盗贼,一个擅长煲汤贩货卖假药的德鲁伊,一个能把跑路说的那么大义凌然的老油条骑士,队伍一共五个人其中就有仨画风不对的,这么看来除了自己能用国字脸稳定士气之外,跟在旁边一脸严肃沉默开路的菲利普骑士恐怕已经是整个塞西尔行动小组仅存的良心了…… Him is deliberately considering, sees Knight Philip to turn head to ask with Byron suddenly especially earnestly: Before right, Byron, you said retreats Knight skill that justly is I do not know?” 他这边正寻思着,就见菲利普骑士突然扭头特认真地跟拜伦问道:“对了,拜伦,你之前说的‘正义撤退’是个我不知道的骑士技能么?” Everyone: „......” 所有人:“……” In the Gawain heart sighs deeply: The rarity is a good young fellow, finally is passive fall-guy...... 高文心中长叹:难得是个好小伙,结果还是个被动型的捧哏…… As approaches the Tanzan Town range more and more, everyone stopped the chat gradually. 随着越来越靠近坦桑镇的范围,大家渐渐停止了闲谈。 According to that cheats the memory map and terrain reads the ability in advance, Gawain can roughly judge throughout oneself at present position, he discovered that this long underground walk is not straight, after the middle has many tortuous paths and crossings neglect these collapsing or the wrong routes, he discovered that oneself was walks the small half-turn to come around the Tanzan Town east. 根据那作弊般的记忆地图以及地形预读能力,高文始终能大致判断自己目前所处的位置,他发现这条悠长的地下通道并非笔直,中间有很多弯路和岔道忽略掉那些坍塌或者错误的路线之后,他发现自己是绕着坦桑镇的东部走了小半圈过来的。 Here is located in Tanzan mine under. 这里正好位于坦桑矿山的正下方。 Before had then said the Tanzan Town terrain: Its east side is backing on huge Tanzan mine, the west side is the Clearwater River two branches, the entire town roughly assumes the triangle, but Viscount Andrew castle is located in east the town, is connecting the Tanzan mine foundation topography gentle part, in fact that castle main building material picks from mine: That mine not only produces iron mine and many crystal ores, can deliver the high-quality stone material, has this lands Leslie Family to have the enviable wealth to have the truth. 之前便已经说过坦桑镇的地形:它东侧背靠着巨大的坦桑矿山,西侧则是白水河的两条支流,整个镇子大致呈三角形,而安德鲁子爵城堡便位于镇子东部,连接着坦桑矿山根基地势平缓的部分,事实上那座城堡本身的主要建筑材料就是从矿山里采来的:那座矿山不但出产铁矿和多种晶体矿,同时也能产出优质的石料,坐拥这片土地的莱斯利家族有着令人羡慕的财富不是没有道理。 But at this moment, Gawain walked in mine below ancient times tunnel, the thought that in the mind first braved was: That does Viscount Andrew know existences of these underground ruins? 而此刻,高文走在位于矿山正下方的远古隧道中,脑海中第一个冒出来的念头就是:那位安德鲁子爵知道这些地下遗迹的存在么? ...... He does not know mostly, because iron mine and crystal in ore Tanzan mine is not the deep layer mineral lode, but situated in the mountain massif, digs the ore say/way not to need to underground to deep cut, by the productive forces of this time, deep cut the bottom not to say in the situation of needing played, no one will do this arduous and thankless task matter. If Viscount Andrew really dug out this ancient ruins...... a that wind sound/rumor not to have. ……他多半是不知道的,因为坦桑矿山里的铁矿和晶体矿都不是深层矿脉,而是位于山体内,开掘矿道没有必要向地下深挖,以这个时代的生产力,在没必要的情况下深挖地底可不是说着玩的,没有人会做这种吃力不讨好的事。而且如果安德鲁子爵真的挖出了这个古老遗迹……那外界不会一点风声都没有。 As the nearby biggest population agglomeration and travelling merchant collection and distribution center, Tanzan Town is not one can keep place here of secret to be possible with Dark Mountain Range that the bird does not defecate to be different. 作为附近最大的人口聚集地和商旅集散地,坦桑镇并不是一个能保守秘密的地方这里可跟鸟不拉屎的黑暗山脉不一样。 The front topography starts to rise. 前方的地势开始上升。 The air becomes moist, on the skin felt that the obvious air current swayed, has the indistinct sound to transmit from the front, all sorts of signs showed, the exit|to speak is near. 空气变得潮湿,皮肤上感觉到了明显的气流吹拂,有隐隐约约的声响从前方传来,种种迹象说明,出口已经近了。 Proceeds again shortly, they then go out of the said/tunnel, and saw when Knight Byron falls that place: Here is an open and steep cavern, the cavern bottom has to be well-grounded the puddle that launching infiltrates accumulates becomes, the typical exit|to speak situated in the puddle near, said is the exit|to speak, is actually together to split open rock seam obviously here is not the normal entrance, the factor that but changes because of the geology and so on cracks this. 再往前没多久,他们便走出地道,并见到了拜伦骑士摔下来时的那处地点:这里是一个开阔而陡峭的洞穴,洞穴底部有着地下水渗积而成的水潭,地道的出口就位于水潭边上,说是出口,其实就是一道开裂的岩缝显然这里也不是正常的入口,而是因地质变化之类的因素才开裂成这样。 Where the true typical access has not known, and has collapsed mostly. 真正的地道出入口还不知道在什么地方,而且多半已经坍塌了。 Sees the puddle nearby rock seam very serious water-soluble wind erosion trace, Gawain could not have borne turn head to inquire Philip: Area this has had the earthquake in the recent several years?” 看到水潭边上的岩缝并没有很严重的水溶风蚀痕迹,高文忍不住扭头询问菲利普:“这一带最近几年内有过地震么?” No,” Knight Philip shakes the head, knits the brows the ponder, „, but I listened to say in the person who Tanzan Town made a long stay, they will hear mine occasionally underground transmitted cries loudly the same strange sound, the native said that died slave laborer undead in mine causes trouble, but that Viscount Andrew looked for Necromancer and sorcerer has nosed several times, has not discovered the origin of strange sound.” “没有,”菲利普骑士摇了摇头,紧接着又皱眉思考,“但我听在坦桑镇长住的人说过,他们偶尔会听到矿山的地下传来嚎哭一样的怪声,当地人说那是死在矿山里的奴工亡灵作祟,不过那位安德鲁子爵通灵师和巫师查探过几次,也没发现怪声的来源。” Yes......” Gawain said impartially, then looks up to the cavern. “是么……”高文不置可否地说道,接着抬头看向洞穴上方。 There vine comes up in great numbers and from all sides, and can see that has the giant root hair of trees to spread from one side, that place cave entrance once was also covered and hidden, at the present is hit a large cave/hole to come out: The Knight Byron luck is really good, he lived really to thank destiny Goddess. 那里藤蔓横生,并能看到有树木的巨大根须从侧面蔓延出来,想必那处洞口也是曾经被掩盖、隐藏起来的,而今才被撞个大洞出来:拜伦骑士的运气实在是太好,他活下来真的应该感谢一下命运女神了。 If this world has such Gods. 假如这个世界有那么一位神明的话。 Comes up from here, can see the castle east wall,” Byron said that „, but this cave entrance is almost straight, but also is the soft soil, coming up is not easy.” “从这里上去,就能看到城堡的东墙,”拜伦说道,“但这个洞口几乎笔直,还都是松软的泥土,上去可不容易。” Now must look at the professional!” Pittman walked up at this time, little old man smiles, to fish out a light green branch from the bosom later, he as if waves the magic club to brandish this branch generally, outlined rune in the air unceasingly, but that branch lost the vitality to be common probably, rapidly became from full of vitality light green withers witheredly. “现在就得看专业人士的了!”皮特曼这时候走上前来,小老头嘿嘿一笑,随后从怀里摸出一根嫩绿的树枝,他仿佛挥舞魔棒一般挥舞着这根树枝,在空气中不断勾勒出一个又一个符文,而那树枝本身则好像失去生命力一般,迅速从生机勃勃的嫩绿变得枯萎干瘪。 Rustle the sound transmits from the above, the vine that around that cave entrance grows thickly received the catalysis and hauling of Druid magic spell, grows and hang down rapidly! 8) 一阵沙沙的声响从上方传来,那洞口周围丛生的藤蔓受到了德鲁伊法术的催化和牵引,迅速生长、垂挂下来!八)
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