SOD :: Volume #2

#125: Knight Byron bitter experience

Hears in the mill to transmit air/Qi full drinking to scold, in the Gawain heart flashes through really such thought that later leads others to run quickly forward. 听到磨坊中传来的中气十足的喝骂,高文心中闪过果然如此的念头,随后带着其他人快步向前跑去。 The front door of mill was shoved open, outside sunlight all of a sudden photo enters this dim place, between the sunlight bright bright band and shadows of straw pile, Knight Byron is lying down to depend on crookedly, still the air/Qi shouts to keep fully: You, if my attendant, I kick certainly to explode your stupid head! Young brat who your does not have the brain! You reckless! You...... Lord Duke?!” 磨坊的大门被推开了,外面的阳光一下子照进这个昏暗的地方,在阳光的明亮带和稻草垛的阴影之间,拜伦骑士正歪歪斜斜地躺靠着,仍然中气十足地嚷嚷个不停:“你要是我的侍从,我一定踢爆你的蠢头!你这个没脑子的小兔崽子!你不要命的么!你……公爵大人?!” Knight Byron adapts to the ray that illuminated suddenly finally, he leaning leaning head, looks to the front door, is standing a big form in that bright background, this big form walked, behind follows three people. 拜伦骑士终于适应了突然照进来的光线,他偏了偏头,看向大门,在那明亮背景中站着一个高大的身影,紧接着这个高大的身影走了进来,后面又跟着三个人。 That small mute is last with. 那个小哑巴是最后一个跟进来的。 Your also very spirit,” Gawain with lying down Knight Byron in haystack is greeting, „before us , is still guessing that your life, has not actually thought you have the energy to hear outside dozens meters that shouts abuse in public to scold here.” “你还挺精神嘛,”高文跟躺在草堆里的拜伦骑士打着招呼,“我们之前还在猜你的死活,却没想到你还有精力在这儿骂街骂的在外面几十米都能听见。” Is saying, he while stand forth, but just arrived at half, hears Byron to shout loudly: Lord Duke, do not approach! I by Evil Cultist evil spell curse! I do not know that this thing can spread!” 一边说着,他一边向前走去,但刚走到一半,就听到拜伦大声喊道:“公爵大人,别靠近!我被邪教徒邪术诅咒了!我不知道这东西会不会蔓延出去!” Gawain knits the brows, he naturally can also guess to look at the Knight Byron condition is not right, otherwise the opposite party is insufficient to lie down in this place shouts abuse in public, but after oneself adapted to the dim ray in mill slightly, he sees this middle-aged Knight semblance the difference. 高文皱起眉,他当然猜得出来也看得出来拜伦骑士状态不对,否则对方不至于躺在这个地方骂街,但直到自己稍微适应了磨坊里的昏暗光线之后,他才看出这位中年骑士外表的异样来。 A black green trace along the skin spread of Byron, it is estimated that has crawled completely the most body, he exposes on some arms, both hands and necks outside can see these thin lines, some traces have even extended to his eye socket, seems like the vein blood vessel of exposition to be the same. 一种黑绿色的纹路沿着拜伦的皮肤蔓延,估计已经爬满了大半个身体,他暴露在外的部分手臂、双手以及脖子上都能看到那些细纹,有一些纹路甚至已经延伸到他的眼眶附近,看上去就像暴露的静脉血管一般。 But in addition, on him can also see massive flesh wounds, including swelling half face. 而除此之外,他身上还能看到大量的外伤,包括肿胀的半张脸。 Knight Philip holds breath cold air: Damn......?” 菲利普骑士倒吸一口凉气:“该死……这是怎么回事?” I discovered Evil Cultist, but he also discovered me,” Byron is pulling corner of the mouth, the body is completely stiff, his whole body evidently can move only had partially been left over the head, middle detail is a long story, the simple summary is I have not won...... Lord Duke, are you also investigate the Evil Cultist issue? How you know here does have an accident?” “我发现了邪教徒,但他也发现了我,”拜伦扯着嘴角,身体却完全僵硬,看样子他全身上下能活动的部分已经只剩下了脑袋,“中间细节说来话长,简单概括就是我没打赢……公爵大人,难道你们也是来调查邪教徒问题的?你们是怎么知道这里出事的?” serf turned in the wharf ** the bomb, All Things Finally Die Society skill,” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly saying that then you have not passed on any news, we know that here had an accident you first to lie down should not be moving, perhaps could be saved.” “一个农奴在码头上变成了**炸弹,万物终亡会手笔,”高文随口说道,“然后你还没传回来任何消息,我们就知道这边出事了你先躺着别动,说不定有救。” Do not use energy white/in vain, that Evil Cultist is fierce, I can feel that his evil spell is corroding my flesh not only, but also is corroding my spirit, I look now you have 78 double images......” “别白费劲了,那个邪教徒厉害得很,我能感觉到他的邪术不光在腐蚀我的血肉,还在侵蚀我的精神,我现在看你们都带七八个重影的……” Pittman walked from Gawain behind, moves toward Byron carelessly while spoke thoughtlessly the taunt: Left the blind brain to make up, your double image was because the eye made one hit to be swollen is simple nerve curse.” 皮特曼高文身后走了出来,一边大大咧咧地走向拜伦一边随口嘲讽:“别瞎脑补了,你那重影是因为眼睛让人打肿了就是个简单的神经诅咒而已。” Is saying, this old Druid while squats down side middle-aged Knight, starts situation that inspects the curse strength to spread, but stands after following Gawain saw relaxes immediately: Also can rescue?” 一边说着,这位老德鲁伊一边在中年骑士身旁蹲下,开始检查诅咒力量蔓延的情况,而站在后面的高文看到之后则顿时松了口气:“还能救是吧?” How All Things Finally Die grows again barbarically, that also emerges from Druid, particularly curse magic spell, almost can find the Druid exorcism technique law of correspondence,” Pittman pulls out to fumigate with incense from package along with the ceremony woodcarving while said that spoke the truth, really with releasing this magic spell person to I perhaps was not an opponent, the person but who coped with him to keep curse that actually not necessarily it seems like starts to look down upon you very much, Knight mister.” 万物终亡再怎么野蛮生长,那也是从德鲁伊脱胎出来的,尤其是诅咒法术,差不多都能找到对应的德鲁伊驱邪术法,”皮特曼一边从随身的包裹中掏出熏香和仪式木雕一边说道,“说实话,真跟释放这个法术的人对上我恐怕不是对手,但对付他留下来的诅咒却不一定看来下手的这个人很看不起你啊,骑士先生。” Byron hears Yanzheng, the look vicissitudes, sighed in a soft voice: „The fellow probably is when strikes to fly me starts to despise my......” 拜伦闻言怔了一下,眼神沧桑,轻声叹息:“那家伙大概是在把我打飞的时候开始轻视我的……” Looks at like this, he is definitely all right. 看这样子,他肯定没事。 Confirmed curse has the solution, and after Pittman has the ability controls the corrosion spread, Gawain side Byron squatted: What situation in Tanzan Town now is? The cities have declared martial law, we cannot trace completely.” 确认了诅咒有解,并且皮特曼有能力控制腐蚀蔓延之后,高文拜伦身旁蹲了下来:“坦桑镇里现在到底是什么情况?城镇已经戒严,我们完全摸不进去。” Must three days ago started saying that” Knight Byron breathes deeply, said slowly, before that was all normal, in the town anything has not happened, only then Viscount Andrew purchased a group of servants is a news, but three days ago in castle spread the martial law order suddenly, said that was the discovery has Evil Cultist to mix in the town/subdues, temporarily forbade everyone to come and go out the cities you to know, at that time I have started to contact the second group of slave traders, moreover is contacting a number of merchants, the martial law ban will bring greatly is very troublesome, therefore I went to castle, prepared to look for that Viscount Andrew to sign and issue a special permission command, this was fully conforms with. Custom, moreover very normal...... the result my luck was not good, discovered Evil Cultist traces.” “得从三天前开始说,”拜伦骑士深吸口气,慢慢说道,“在那之前是一切正常的,镇子里什么事都没发生,就只有安德鲁子爵购买了一批奴仆算是个新闻,但三天前城堡里突然传出了戒严令,说是发现有邪教徒混入镇内,暂时禁止所有人出入城镇您要知道,那时候我已经开始联络第二批奴隶贩子了,而且正在联络一批商船,戒严禁令会带来很大麻烦,所以我就去城堡,准备找那位安德鲁子爵签发一张特许令,这是完全合乎规矩,而且也很正常的……结果我却运气不好,发现了邪教徒蛛丝马迹。” Martial law order truly is in castle sends, in the town also truly mixed in Evil Cultist, but in fact the matter is a plot, Evil Cultist in castle, and controlled Viscount Andrew to sign and issue the martial law order personally. I enter the castle hall, felt that has filthy aura, talked with Viscount Andrew, heard in his sound to mix with one is not his secret to whisper, was not wonderful my conscious to the situation, then prepared upright and frank Knight such to conduct the just retreating result just to retreat to half likely by a fellow who wore the black robe gave the discovery. That Evil Cultist has not completed probably to entire castle and control to Viscount Andrew, therefore put me negligently, but he cannot certainly allow me to leave again......” “戒严令确实是城堡里发出来的,镇子里也确实混入了邪教徒,但实际上整件事就是个阴谋,邪教徒就在城堡里,并且亲自控制着安德鲁子爵签发了戒严令。我走进城堡大厅,就感觉到有污浊的气息,和安德鲁子爵交谈,就听到他的声音里夹杂着一个不属于他的隐秘低语,我意识到情况不妙,便准备像个堂堂正正骑士那样进行正义的撤退结果刚撤退到一半就被一个身披黑袍的家伙给发现了。那邪教徒大概是还没有完成对整个城堡以及对安德鲁子爵的控制,所以才大意地把我放了进去,而他当然不能允许我再离开……” The part that Gawain neglects these that this upright and frank Knight said is not concerned about face, is knitting the brows to ask: How do you escape?” 高文忽略掉这位堂堂正正骑士所说的那些不要脸的部分,皱着眉问道:“你是怎么逃出来的?” Before according to the judgment of Pittman, he knows infiltrated Tanzan Town might be four arrive at the 5th Level All Things Finally Die Society believer, but this rank had arrived at middle rank, although Knight Byron was the 3rd Level Knight peak, even can say the partial contact the middle rank profession strength, but he was still low rank Knight in this countryside small place naturally is a expert, but may too be big to previous middle rank Evil Cultist that disparity. 之前根据皮特曼的判断,他知道混进坦桑镇的极有可能是个四到五级万物终亡会教徒,而这个等级已经到了中阶,拜伦骑士虽然是三级骑士的顶峰,甚至可以说部分接触到了中阶职业的力量,但他仍然是个低阶骑士在这种乡下小地方当然算高手,但对上一个中阶邪教徒那差距可就太大了。 He can maintain life to escape perhaps to be able in the meeting engagement temporarily to understand, but he had gotten sucked into castle at that time, castle has become the Evil Cultist half lair, how in this situation he flees castle was quite hard to understand. 他能在遭遇战中暂时保命逃生或许可以理解,但他当时已经深陷城堡,城堡又已经成为邪教徒的半个巢穴,这种情况下他是如何逃离城堡的就比较难以理解了。 Pittman has started to conduct the exorcism ceremony, he uses to fumigate with incense with Druid magic spell is neutralizing the filthy strength of Knight Byron within the body, simultaneously pretends devotionally to nature Myriad Gods in a low voice blind bb, but the Byron complexion obviously was good, he is many some strength, then continues saying: Fighting time, I was hit by Evil Cultist magic, fell into behind in a castle cavern, in that hole has a puddle, I save the life from this, and discovered that the puddle is linking an underground walk: Originally Tanzan Town underground also has the tunnel system. That Evil Cultist thinks probably I plunged to death, possibly is he must be busy doing other matter, then without pursuit, but I in underground drilled for one day and one night, found the road that comes out correctly...... the exit|to speak near this mill.” 皮特曼已经开始进行驱邪仪式,他用熏香和德鲁伊法术中和着拜伦骑士体内的污浊力量,同时假装虔诚地对着自然众神低声瞎bb,而拜伦的脸色则明显好了起来,他多出一些力气,便继续说道:“打斗的时候,我被邪教徒魔法击中,掉进了城堡后面的一处洞穴里,那洞里有个水潭,我才由此保住性命,并发现水潭连着一个地下通道:原来坦桑镇地下也是有个隧道系统的。那个邪教徒大概以为我摔死了,也可能是他要忙着做别的事,便没有追击,而我则在地下钻了整整一天一夜,才找到正确出来的路……出口就在这个磨坊边上。” Gawain and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, Amber cannot bear talk over: This also really has good luck ever after well...... the luck with false.” 高文等人面面相觑,琥珀忍不住念叨:“这还真是命大……运气好的跟假的似的。” South underground has many tunnel systems, is my during that time management constructs mostly, for example Cecil territory underground channel net. However the Tanzan Town underground tunnel I actually do not know, Gawain is knitting the brows, after „...... perhaps is I die for the first time, latter people construct.” 南方地下有很多隧道系统,大都是我当年主持修建的,比如塞西尔领地下的通道网。不过坦桑镇这边的地下隧道我却不知道,”高文皱着眉,“……或许是我第一次死后,后人们修建的吧。” Knight Philip is thinking: „If there is this said/tunnel, our perhaps can sneak Viscount Andrew castle along the said/tunnel?” 菲利普骑士思索着:“如果存在这条地道,我们或许可以沿着地道潜入安德鲁子爵城堡?” It seems like a great idea,” Gawain nods, then looks to Byron: Later? This child what's the matter?” “看来是个好主意,”高文点点头,接着看向拜伦:“之后呢?这个孩子又是怎么回事?” Brings Mute Child that the people are coming calmly to stand near the haystack, brings curiously with a faint trace alert line of sight looks at, the Byron look looked at this child one eyes complex, sighed in a soft voice: „ At that time I came out to discover from the said/tunnel own curse has manifested suddenly, I want to return to Feudal Territory report, but I worried that curse will spread, prepares to ask place to wait for death...... does not wait for death actually does not have the means that at that time I acted have been a problem very much, could not arrive at Feudal Territory. However I have not thought that when my in a daze, oneself arrived in this mill unexpectedly, moreover by this child rescuing. 带着众人过来的哑孩子就静静地站在草垛附近,带着好奇与一丝丝戒备的视线看着这边,拜伦神色复杂地看了这孩子一眼,轻声叹息:“当时我从地道出来就发现自己身上的诅咒已经发作,我本来是想回领地报告情况的,但我担心诅咒会蔓延,就准备找个地方自己等死……其实不等死也没办法,那时候我行动已经很成问题,根本走不到领地。不过我没想到,在我迷迷糊糊的时候,自己竟然走到了这个磨坊里,而且被这个孩子给救了。 He is mute, mostly is in the city the servant of some chamber of commerce boss, because that bewildered martial law order being stranded outside town, I lay down for two days here, he goes to and water that I look to eat, otherwise I probably basic anti- less than at this time.” “他是个哑巴,多半是城里某个商会老板的奴仆,因为那个莫名其妙的戒严令给困在了镇子外面,我在这儿躺了两天,他就去给我找吃的和水,否则我大概根本抗不到这时候。” Pittman ended with nature Myriad Gods blind bb, looks up Byron one: We come to here to hear your first sound to scold others.” 皮特曼跟自然众神瞎bb完,抬头看了拜伦一眼:“我们来这儿听见你的第一个动静就是在骂人家。” Without the means that my curse has started to lose control,” middle-aged Knight pulls corner of the mouth to show an ultra ugly smile, begins I also to suppress reluctantly, but I even more felt afterward it will infect others, but this child does not understand from the start this...... I caught up with his several times, to him explained that anything is curse, once I also think that crawl, in jumped into the river died, but just arrived at the riverside to think that the downstream was Cecil territory finally when the riverside hesitated is discovered by this child, he forced entrains me came back.” “没办法,我身上的诅咒已经开始失控了,”中年骑士扯着嘴角露出一个超丑的微笑,“开头我还能勉强压制,但后来我越发感觉到它会感染旁人,但这孩子压根不明白这点……我赶了他好几次,跟他解释什么是诅咒,有一次我还想自己爬出去,跳河里死掉,但刚到河边就想起来下游是塞西尔领结果在河边犹豫的时候就被这孩子发现,他生拉硬拽又把我拽回来了。” That could not look that his strength is very big.” Pittman completes the exorcism ceremony, tidies up own ceremony item while turned head to look at small mute one, spoke thoughtlessly saying that looks at was thin and small.” “那看不出来他力气还挺大。”皮特曼完成驱邪仪式,一边收拾自己的仪式道具一边扭头看了小哑巴一眼,随口说道,“看着瘦瘦小小的。” Then, old Druid then stands, nods to Gawain gently: curse does not have the issue.” 说完,老德鲁伊便站起来,对高文轻轻点头:“诅咒已经没问题了。” Gawain looks to Byron: „Can you also stand to guide?” 高文看向拜伦:“你还能站起来带路么?” Although I want the lying down meeting, Knight Byron to move my arm again, „, but looked like took care of the threat of Evil Cultist at this time is the most critical matter. Without the issue, I thought that I have restored 50%-60%.” “虽然我很想再躺会,”拜伦骑士动了动自己的胳膊,“但看来这时候解决掉邪教徒的威胁才是最紧要的事情。没问题,我觉得自己已经恢复50%-60%了。” Gawain nods: Good, your recuperation, we can use that underground walk that you found to submerge the town slightly.” 高文点点头:“那好,你稍微休整一下,我们可以利用你找到的那条地下通道潜入镇子。” „An issue,” this time Amber opened the mouth suddenly, she points is standing in haystack nearby Mute Child, this child what to do?” “不过还有个问题,”这时候琥珀突然开口了,她指着站在草垛旁边的哑孩子,“这孩子怎么办?” Definitely cannot lead him to go,” Gawain knits the brows, „, but is putting......” “肯定不能带着他进去,”高文皱了皱眉,“但是就这么放着……” He thinks deeply about the moment, felt oneself cannot place the one side this Mute Child like this, therefore arrived at side that young boy, squatting down body. 他思索片刻,感觉自己并不能就这样将这个哑孩子放在一旁,于是来到了那小男孩身旁,蹲下身子。 The latter was frightened retroceded half step, but was still gaining ground, eye with fixed eyes looks at Gawain. 后者被吓得后退了半步,但仍然抬着头,眼睛直勾勾看着高文 We must handle something,” the eyes of Gawain looks at child, said slowly, you can wait here for three days? If in three days we came back, you follow us, if we have not come back, you walk to south along the river, go to one piece by the camp of river bank, finds there person to seek harbour.” “我们要去办些事情,”高文看着小孩的眼睛,慢慢说道,“你能在这里等三天么?如果三天内我们回来了,你就跟我们走,如果我们没有回来,你就沿着河向南走,去一片挨着河岸的营地,找那里的人寻求庇护。” Afterward he fishes out a protective charm from the bosom, forces in the child hand: Takes this, they will give shelter your.” 随后他从怀里摸出一个护符,塞进小孩手中:“拿着这个,他们就会收留你的。” Mute Child received the protective charm, slowly nods. 哑孩子接过护符,慢慢点了点头。
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