SOD :: Volume #2

#124: A child

Progresses to skice from the new Cecil territory Clearwater River wharf, only has a day of distance from Tanzan Town. 从新塞西尔领白水河码头策马疾行,距离坦桑镇只有一天的路程。 In last of distance, the Gawain party four people go round the main road, and shield taking advantage of forest arrived near the stone bridge before Tanzan Town, later ambushes in stone bridge south side, is waiting and seeing the bridge opposite Tanzan front door. 在路程的最后一段,高文一行四人绕开大路,并借着林木的掩护抵达了坦桑镇前的石桥附近,随后在石桥南侧潜伏下来,观望着桥对面的坦桑大门。 Noticed? The cities seem to have declared martial law,” looks into the front door from afar, Pittman is lowering the sound to mutter, on bridge does not have the pedestrian, entrance soldier quantity many are not normal, near by the town wharf has many ships, seemed detained there.” “注意到了么?城镇似乎已经戒严了,”远远地眺望着大门,皮特曼压低声音咕哝道,“桥上没有行人,大门口的士兵数量多的不正常,镇子边上的码头旁有很多船,似乎都是被扣留在那里的。” Shadow under nearby shrubbery sways from side to side, the Amber form searched from the shadow: I looked at for quite a while on the main road a moment ago, had not seen that has the caravan or the traveler passes through, the town martial law should at least continue for two days......” 附近灌木丛下的阴影一阵扭动,琥珀的身影从影子里探了出来:“我刚才在大路上看了半天,都没看到有商队或旅人经过,城镇戒严应该至少持续两天了……” Evidently after the gold/metal eyelid Ghale's ship just left here, the cities limited to come and go out,” the Gawain analysis said, according to planning Byron must keep Tanzan Town to continue to recruit serf, he acted conspicuously, after the martial law , was very inevitably difficult to withdraw, no wonder does not have any news passed on.” “看样子在金眼皮格尔的船刚离开这里之后,城镇就限制出入了,”高文分析道,“按计划拜伦要留在坦桑镇继续招募农奴,他行动显眼,戒严之后必然很难脱身,怪不得没有任何消息传回来。” Amber crow mouth: Should not have an accident?” 琥珀乌鸦嘴了一下:“该不会已经出事了吧?” Gawain shakes the head: Looks at the situation of front door, the cities are only the limit come and go out, inside order is normal, Byron is the mercenary family background, sly very much, is insufficient fall a cropper in this environment.” 高文摇摇头:“看大门的情况,城镇只是限制出入,里面的秩序还是正常的,拜伦佣兵出身,滑头的很,不至于在这种环境下栽跟头。” cough cough, how the issue is we go ,” Pittman coughs two, Tanzan Town both sides are at the back of the river are the mountain, the entrance only then a town upfront stone bridge and a leaf of front door, all under the soldier eyes do hide swaggering to go in?” 咳咳,问题是咱们怎么进去,”皮特曼干咳两声,“坦桑镇两面是河背面是山,入口就只有镇子正面一座石桥和一扇大门,全都在士兵眼皮子底下大摇大摆进去么?” Knight Philip this straightforward person cannot bear shake the head: Now situation in not the clear town, if Evil Cultist has controlled Viscount Andrew, we make an appearance will definitely cause the vigilance of disciple of these evils.” 菲利普骑士这种耿直的人都忍不住摇头:“现在不清楚镇子里的情况,万一邪教徒已经控制了安德鲁子爵,我们露面肯定会引起那些罪恶之徒的警惕。” Facts showed that this young Knight is only old-fashioned and straightforward, he also not silly...... 事实证明这位年轻骑士只是古板而耿直,他还不傻…… Gawain narrowed the eye slightly, a high-definition satellite image formation chart also takes shape in the mind immediately. 高文微微眯起了眼睛,一幅高清卫星成像图随之立刻在脑海中成型。 Tanzan mine has a road, can circle from the town to the town/subdues behind, moreover can approach Area castle directly,” Gawain opens the eye, crossed river is still a difficult problem, who was this bridge......?!” 坦桑矿山有一条路,可以从镇子东侧绕到镇后面,而且能直接靠近城堡,”高文睁开眼睛,“可是过河仍然是个难题,这道桥是……谁?!” Gawain induced small and weak and stealthy aura rocks suddenly in the , then shifts to that direction to drink to ask immediately, after he made noise, Amber lagged behind detected from all around shadow fluctuation „the uncoordinated shadow, took out two daggers immediately in the body anteversion a tool mark: Comes out! We have discovered you!” 高文突然感应到了一道弱小而且鬼鬼祟祟的气息在附近晃动,便立刻把头转向那个方向喝问道,而在他出声之后,琥珀才后知后觉地从四周阴影波动中察觉了“不协调的影子”,马上抽出两把匕首在身前转了个刀花:“出来!我们已经发现你了!” In the jungle dies the general peace, but a moment later, the shrubbery under some tree rocked suddenly two, was dirty and chaotic small head braved from the shrubbery, that was a young boy, is going against one withered and yellow disorderly and several years has not as if pruned the uncombed hair, wore piled the full patch and crack, the short clothes shorts that used the burlap to sew, this was the typical poor, the malnutrition of all year round is been emaciated by him, growth retardation, but only had an eye, a bright eye on his face, in eye belt/bring his social class. That that the adult does not have nimble and resourceful and ray. 密林中死一般的安静,但片刻之后,某棵树下的灌木丛突然晃动了两下,紧接着一个又脏又乱的小脑袋从灌木丛背后冒了出来,那是个小男孩,顶着一头枯黄杂乱而且似乎好几年没有修剪过的乱发,身穿摞满补丁和破洞的、用粗麻布缝制的短衣短裤,这是个典型的贫民,常年的营养不良让他面黄肌瘦,发育迟缓,但唯有一双眼睛,一双明亮的眼睛在他脸上,眼睛中带着他这个阶级的成年人所没有的那种灵动与光芒。 But this double big eye brings light mist at this moment, is flooding panic-stricken, he stands up from the shrubbery dull, the body trembles slightly, even as if forgot escaping. 但这双大眼睛此刻却带着一层淡淡的雾气,其中满溢着惊恐,他呆呆地从灌木丛中站起身,身体微微发抖,甚至似乎忘记了逃跑。 Is a child?” Knight Philip knits the brows, ten thousand have not thought that ambush in jungle, stealthy activity can be unexpectedly such seems like ten -year-old over children, moreover did not have strength fluctuation, in the Knight rules about assisting small and weak the lesson strip makes his complexion slightly slow down, the military force training that but Knight has makes him not dare to move away from the sword hilt the hand directly, do not fear that slowly walks.” “是个孩子?”菲利普骑士皱了皱眉,万没想到“潜伏”在丛林中,鬼鬼祟祟活动的竟然会是这么个看起来十岁出头的孩子而且身上还没有一点力量波动,骑士守则中关于扶助弱小的训条让他脸色略有放缓,但骑士所受的武力训练却让他没敢直接把手从剑柄上拿开,“你不要怕慢慢走过来。” Child actually suddenly panic-stricken „” called one, later turns head then to run. 那孩子却突然惊恐地“啊”的叫了一声,随后扭头便跑。 You are carrying such big sword, others do not run are fishy!” Amber with looking at the fool same looked at Philip one, the form flashes then to integrate in the shadow, the direction that a moment later, the child escapes transmitted short calling out in alarm, Gawain front tree shade then wriggles, Amber carried the collar of that child to brave from the shadow the shadow talent that came out the brute rank was good, this fellow travelled follows body bringing random gate simply. “你拎着这么大一把剑,人家不跑才有鬼咧!”琥珀跟看傻子一样看了菲利普一眼,紧接着身影一闪便融入到阴影之中,片刻之后,那孩子逃跑的方向传来了短促的惊呼,紧接着高文面前的树荫便蠕动起来,琥珀拎着那小孩的领子又从阴影里冒了出来鬼畜级别的暗影天赋就是好,这家伙跑路简直跟随身自带任意门似的。 The children were caught by Amber easily . Moreover the middle also experienced travel of the short Shadow World probably, this makes him be frightened completely dull stares, genuine forgot escaping, but his fear actually therefore sharp increase, Gawain thought that his next second must be frightened to cry, but this child made an effort to stretch the face, is sipping the lip, finally has not cried forcefully, but is afraid the looks at present stranger very much. 小孩被琥珀轻而易举地抓了回来,而且中间大概还经历了一段短暂的暗影界之旅,这让他完全被吓得呆愣,真真正正地忘记了逃跑,但他的恐惧却因此剧增,以至于高文觉得他下一秒恐怕就要被吓哭了可是这孩子只是用力绷住了脸,抿着嘴唇,最后硬生生没有哭出来,只是很害怕地看着眼前的陌生人。 Do not fear, Amber hurried to take advantage to comfort the child at this time, we were not the good person......” “不要怕,”琥珀赶紧趁这时候安抚小孩,“我们不是什么好人……” Gawain stared this disgrace of all living things one immediately. 高文顿时瞪了这个万物之耻一眼。 „It is not right, we are not the unprincipled people,” Amber hurries to change a statement, was sorry that explained to Gawain, beforehand occupational disease, has not changed......” “啊不对,我们不是坏人,”琥珀赶紧改口,然后抱歉地跟高文解释,“以前的职业病,还没改……” We will not harm you,” Knight Philip the hand according to the small boy head, you looks, I am Knight, I will protect your.” “我们不会伤害你,”菲利普骑士把手按在小男孩脑袋上,“你看,我是一个骑士,我会保护你的。” The young boy just started to be frightened trembles, but after hearing the Philip words, is slightly calm, appears to understand but not really understand nods. 小男孩刚开始被吓得一哆嗦,但听到菲利普的话之后,还是稍稍镇定下来,似懂非懂地点了点头。 Gawain took advantage at this time the opens the mouth: You are neighbor others child? How will you sway in the woods?” 高文趁这个时候开口:“你是附近人家的孩子?你怎么会在树林里晃荡?” The young boy actually had a scare by the husky fellow of Gawain this height two meters also country character face, retrocedes again and again. 小男孩却被高文这个身高两米还国字脸的彪形大汉吓了一大跳,连连后退。 Your need not feared, he is my Feudal Lord,” Knight Philip hurries saying that he is an honest good good person.” “你不用怕,他是我的领主,”菲利普骑士赶紧说道,“他是个正直善良的好人。” At this time Amber saw that the young boy has not spoken from beginning to end, could not bear whisper: „Should he not be mute?” 这时候琥珀见到小男孩从头至尾没说话,忍不住嘀咕起来:“他该不会是个哑巴吧?” Gawain just wants saying that does not have the basis to leave blind bb, actually saw that nearby Pittman knits the brows, later this old Druid goes forward to press firmly between the fingers the chin of young boy, opened and carefully looked at his mouth. 高文刚想说没有根据别瞎bb,却看到旁边的皮特曼皱了皱眉,随后这个老德鲁伊上前捏住小男孩的下巴,将他的嘴打开并仔细看了一眼。 His tongue was ripped,” old Druid loosens the hand, after silent moment said that „, moreover at least ripped for two years.” “他的舌头被人割掉了,”老德鲁伊松开手,沉默片刻后说道,“而且至少割掉了两年。” The words that Gawain wants to speak were choked immediately in the chest, he does not know the expression on own face has anything to change in that flash, only knows that Amber looked to own time shrank a head fiercely, later he is constraining the anger: Little does such child, what crime commit to be sheared the tongue?!” 高文想说的话顿时被噎在胸口,他不知道自己脸上的表情在那一瞬间有什么变化,只知道琥珀看向自己的时候猛地缩了一下脑袋,随后他压抑着怒气:“这么小的孩子,犯什么罪要被割舌头?!” Even if were the barbaric backward medieval regulation, will not rip below 14 child's tongue for Blood God Church that the blood and iron was famous severely, thinks the child who this age is will not have the crime of spoken language! 哪怕是野蛮落后的中世纪律法,也不会割掉十四岁以下孩子的舌头就连以铁血严酷著称的血神教会,都认为这个年纪的孩子是“不会有言语的罪”的! Pittman shakes the head: Shearing tongue technique is adept . Moreover the trace of useful magic spell processing, is not the crime subjects to a penalty, but is mute child Pu, is the slave these big merchants of some big merchant does mostly frequently, they use mute child Pu to work as the personal servant, because they not only will not speak, will not write, only if meets to understand soul magic spell Extraordinary, will otherwise never leak the secret of master.” 皮特曼摇了摇头:“割舌手法娴熟,而且有用法术处理的痕迹,不是犯罪受罚,而是哑巴童仆,多半是某个大商人的奴隶那些大商人经常这么干,他们用哑巴童仆当贴身佣人,因为他们既不会说话,又不会写字,除非遇上懂得灵魂法术超凡者,否则永远不会泄露主人的秘密。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” He does not know at this moment completely oneself should say anything, before he opens the mouth, that was ripped small mute of tongue first to have the sound he to stare at Knight Philip chest armor suddenly, later grabs the arm of young Knight, while is pointing at some place in chest armor, „” yelled. 他此刻完全不知道自己应该说些什么,而在他开口之前,那个被割掉舌头的小哑巴却先有了动静他突然盯着菲利普骑士的胸甲,随后一边抓着年轻骑士的胳膊,一边指着胸甲上的某个地方,“啊啊”的大叫起来。 Philip is helpless suddenly, this young and promising Knight mister actually completely not the experience that the child deals with, he opens both hands to hint itself not to understand the meaning of opposite party completely, but Gawain actually the thing that notices that child to point at: „Have you seen this crest?” 菲利普一时间手足无措,这位年轻有为的骑士先生却完全没有跟小孩子打交道的经验,他张开双手示意自己完全不明白对方的意思,可是高文却注意到了那孩子手指的东西:“你见过这个徽记?” „......!” Small mute nods again and again, makes an effort to point at the thing in Philip chest armor. “啊……啊!”小哑巴连连点头,更加用力地指着菲利普胸甲上的事物。 That Cecil Family crest. 那正是塞西尔家族徽记 In the Gawain heart moves, related certain things instantaneously, immediately closely examines: Where do you in see?!” 高文心中一动,瞬间把某些事情联系了起来,立刻追问:“你是在哪见到的?!” Small mute is gesticulating carelessly, the mouth makes the ambiguous sound, definitely is actually not able to communicate with others, he therefore seems exceptionally anxious, finally this child jumped on a nearby stone simply, stood puts out a hand to point at some direction in the high place, went all out to gesticulate. 哑巴胡乱地比划着,嘴里发出含混不清的声音,却完全无法跟旁人交流,他因此显得异常焦急,最后这孩子干脆跳到了附近的一块石头上,站在高处伸手指着某个方向,拼命比划。 Afterward he jumps down, grabs Gawain's, makes an effort to sway. 随后他跳了下来,抓着高文的手,用力摇晃。 Gawain: Which you know, asking us to leave with you?” 高文:“你知道在哪,让我们跟你走?” Small mute makes an effort to nod, on the face has the look of plea. 哑巴使劲地点着头,脸上带着恳求的神色。 Gawain and side several people exchanged a line of sight, had almost not considered, then the decision follows this child. 高文和身边的几人交换了一下视线,几乎没怎么考虑,便决定跟上这个孩子。 He thought certainly, for example can this be the trap of Evil Cultist establishment, for example can the present child receive instigated and forced to do that Evil Cultist that after all these brains shatter is anything competent coming out, no matter what some dangers must face, particularly in the situation that present this type has no other alternative, following this child to have a look at the special details is the only choice. 他当然想了很多,比如这会不会是邪教徒设置的陷阱,比如眼前的孩子会不会是受到了教唆和胁迫才这么做,毕竟那些脑子坏掉的邪教徒是什么事都能干的出来的,但不管怎样有些危险必须面对,尤其是在现在这种别无他法的情况下,跟上这个孩子看看具体情况是唯一选择。 They left Tanzan Town main gate rapidly, follows in the young boy behind drills into the woods, and faced south to turn back little segment path along flow direction of Clearwater River, is walking, suddenly where must lead itself to go Gawain conscious to this child 他们迅速离开了坦桑镇正门,跟在小男孩的身后钻入树林,并沿着白水河的流向又朝南折返了一小段路,走着走着,高文突然意识到了这孩子要带自己去什么地方 This road walks, only then can be called terrestrial reference place, that outside west South situated in Tanzan Town to Green Mill, that is water conservation mills of some years, next to Clearwater River, once was the industry of Leslie Family, but is in disrepair after many years now, has abandoned, nearby the mill is vagrant occupying now town atmosphere that nervous, nearby thick patch of grass young thieves have perhaps shunted by far. 这条路走下去只有一个能称得上“地标”的场所,那就是位于坦桑镇外西南方向的“戈林磨坊”,那是一座有些年头的水利磨坊,紧挨着白水河,曾经属于莱斯利家族的产业,但如今年久失修,已经废弃,磨坊附近是很多无业游民盘踞之所不过现在镇子气氛那么紧张,附近的草莽小贼们恐怕已经远远躲开了。 Really, in the alley following woods walked shortly, they then hear the river water to strike against the river bank the sound, walks toward the forest outside again, the water conservation mill that has the Ainz traditional style then appears in several people at present. 果然,顺着树林中的小路走了没多久,他们便听到河水拍击河岸的声音,再朝着林外走去,一座有着安苏传统风格的水利磨坊便出现在几人眼前。 „!” Small mute raised the hand is pointing at the direction of mill, referred to Philip chest front crest , indicating that leads this crest person in the mill. “啊啊!”小哑巴抬手指着磨坊的方向,又指了指菲利普胸前的徽记,表示带着这个徽记的人就在磨坊里。 The party four people observed an all around topography, later enhances vigilance respectively, walks toward the mill. 一行四人观察了一下四周地势,随后各自提高警惕,向着磨坊走去。 They just arrived at half, hears in Knight Byron the air/Qi full sound to transmit from the mill: You came back! You came back! I have said many times! Leaves here, walks toward south, finds the Cecil Family person along the river, looks them to seek the protection! Either throws me, loses to burn down again to the open area in! in short don't with me in the same place! You are not only mute, is a deaf person?!” 他们刚走到一半,就听到拜伦骑士中气十足的声音从磨坊里传来:“你又回来了!你又回来了!我说过多少次!离开这儿,往南走,沿着河去找塞西尔家的人,去找他们寻求保护!要么就把我丢出去,丢到空地上再一把火烧掉!总而言之别跟我在一块!你不但是哑巴,还是聋子吗?!”
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