SOD :: Volume #2

#123: crystal grenade

Does not exist to the action of Tanzan Town from the beginning any is worth hesitating the place. 坦桑镇的行动从一开始就不存在任何值得迟疑之处。 All sorts of signs showed the All Things Finally Die Society lackey has truly entered the cities, but has Gawain that understands probably unable to give birth to anything to this dark Religion early „, because has not burnt to here , can therefore rest easy the naive idea, he understood that this dark Religion idea All Things Finally Die, regardless of any race anything, had the day of demise finally, but the so-called vitality and vigor just for road/s and lights that leading to perished, they used the theory of distortion to explain that the original Druid nature idea, and will die to regard as the life the ultimate goal, in this regard, they even were more extreme than and crazy these notorious undead school of thought. 种种迹象都显示了万物终亡会的爪牙确实已经进入城镇,而对这个黑暗教派早有了解的高文可生不出什么“因为没烧到这边所以自己可以高枕无忧”的天真想法,他了解这个黑暗教派的理念万物终亡,不论任何种族任何事物,都终有灭亡之日,而所谓的生机与活力只不过是用于通往灭亡的道路和灯火,他们用扭曲的理论来解释原本的德鲁伊自然理念,并将死亡视作生命的终极目的,在这一点上,他们甚至比那些臭名昭著的亡灵学派更加极端和疯狂 They think that undead is also living, and thinks that even undead this/should turns over to perish, death Gods that even the undead school of thought worships should turn over to perish, thought extreme can frighten a somersault other Evil Cultist. 他们认为亡灵也是“活”的,并认为连亡灵都该“归亡”,甚至亡灵学派所崇拜的死亡诸神都应该“归亡”,思想极端的能把别的邪教徒吓一跟头。 No one knows why advocated the life and natural Druid Religion will split up, degenerate to have such a dark organization, but a little certainly, All Things Finally Die Society, once moves, definitely will cause the panic and death that is inconceivable. 谁也不知道原本崇尚生命与自然的德鲁伊教派为何会分化、堕落出这样一个黑暗组织,但有一点毫无疑问,万物终亡会一旦活动,就必然会造成难以想象的恐慌和死亡。 Tanzan Town to new Cecil territory was really near, if these lunatics were really planned that in in the city the manufacture plague, regarded „the magic spell material to hold the evil ceremony Tanzan Town, so long as hesitated slightly, new Cecil territory situated in Clearwater River downstream will become the second sacrificial victim. 坦桑镇离新塞西尔领实在是太近了,如果那些疯子真的是打算在城镇中制造瘟疫,把坦桑镇当成“法术材料”来举行邪恶仪式的话,那只要稍有迟疑,位于白水河下游的新塞西尔领就会成为第二个牺牲品。 But present Cecil territory did not have the ability to send an army to go to Tanzan Town to solve issue Gawain directly not to plan to do in fact, in situation unclear immediately, he decided that oneself leads 2-3 expert first to search to explore the way. 但现在的塞西尔领还没能力直接派一支军队去坦桑镇解决问题事实上高文自己也不打算这么干,在情况不明的当下,他决定自己领着2-3好手先去探探路。 The Feudal Lord personally thorough dangerous situation, this is not the wise plan, but does not have the means that high-end combat power that Gawain can use on hand were too few, in Tanzan Town possibly has in the middle rank Evil Cultist situation, he himself must go into action. 领主亲自深入险境,这本不是什么明智方案,但没办法,高文手头能动用的高端战斗力太少了,在坦桑镇可能存在中阶邪教徒的情况下,他自己必须出马。 The explosion happening in wharf has not spread over the camp under the Gawain prompt blockade, all in Feudal Territory is revolving as usual, Steelworks is smelting the ingot casting, Brick Kiln Factory in the burn bricks, the dry kiln area explodes crystal in the production, new serf and slave laborer are alleviating the weariness of journey in their new tents, and brings surprisedly and studies to transmit to their, on the new order and new law in this lands puzzled. 发生在码头的爆炸事件在高文及时封锁下并没有传遍营地,领地中的一切都如常运转着,钢铁厂在熔炼铸锭,砖窑厂在烧制砖瓦,炉窑区在生产爆裂水晶,新来的农奴和奴工在他们的新营帐里缓解着旅途的疲劳,并带着惊讶和困惑去学习传达给他们的、在这片土地上的新秩序与新法律。 Gawain has completed preparation that goes to Tanzan Town. 高文则已经做好了前往坦桑镇的准备。 He took Knight Philip and Amber, as well as to Druid magic spell quite familiar Pittman, but Feudal Territory hands over by Hetty and Rebecca looks, although Feudal Territory has expanded many, now increases massive non-native population, but rear area 3rd Level Magician and a 3rd Level fireball launcher, 100 battle soldiers control and protect again in addition sufficiently, even if really meets an emergency case, here also has Iron Ball Alien to help. 他带上了菲利普骑士琥珀,以及对德鲁伊法术较为熟悉的皮特曼,而领地则交由赫蒂瑞贝卡照看虽然领地已经扩大许多,如今又增加了大量的外来人口,但一个三级魔法师和一个三级火球发射器,再加上一百名战斗兵是足以控制和保护后方的,哪怕真的遇上点紧急情况,这边也有个铁球星人可以帮忙。 Do not look that the Nicholas Egg character a little instigated, but actual combat power levers, as long as the surroundings metal is enough, he performed ten thousand sword to return to the birth family at the scene good, really does not have idea he also to fly to fall to an invading enemy just day, therefore Gawain felt relieved to the native place very much. 别看尼古拉斯蛋性格有点怂,但实际战斗力杠杠的,但凡周围金属足够,他当场表演个万剑归宗都行,实在没辙了他还能飞起来给来犯之敌一个正义天降,所以高文对老家这边很放心。 In the Clearwater River bank, the Gawain party four people are inspecting the respective goods and horses situation: They must ride the fast horse to go to Tanzan Town, such ratio goes by boat to swim against the stream is quicker, moreover meets the situation with the aid of the forest to act as a cover along the way, to prevent to alert the enemy to Evil Cultist. 白水河畔,高文一行四人正在检查各自的随身物品以及马匹情况:他们要骑快马前往坦桑镇,这样比乘船逆流而上还快一些,而且遇上情况可以借助沿途森林作掩护,以防止对邪教徒打草惊蛇。 Hetty sees off to them near the river bank, she seems like quite some not to feel relieved: Ancestor, please assure the security ten million/countless, the Evil Cultist conduct is strange and brutal, should not be harmed by their clever tricks.” 赫蒂在河岸边给他们送行,她看起来颇有些不放心:“先祖,请千万保证安全,邪教徒行事诡异而无情,您千万不要被他们的诡计所害。” Pats chest armor in Gawain Knight Philip immediately, the whole body is brimming with still if really the qualitative fighting spirit: Please relax! I will take an oath by the Knight honor, pledge to fight to the death to defend the Duke security!” 高文身旁的菲利普骑士顿时一拍胸甲,浑身洋溢着犹若实质的斗志:“请放心!我将以骑士的荣誉起誓,誓死保卫公爵的安全!” Do not be noisy, you cannot be victorious I,” Gawain looked at this often hot blooded above young people one eyes, „, moreover copes with Evil Cultist fears is a temper of your muscle, was the honest and good-natured person easiest to be swindled you not to know?” “别闹,你又打不过我,”高文看了这个动不动就热血上头的年轻人一眼,“而且跟邪教徒对付的时候怕的就是你这种一根筋的性子,老实人最容易上当了你知道不?” Knight Philip thinks: Lord said right, I still had the deficiency, but also needs to gain experience to be good.” 菲利普骑士想了想:“大人说得对,我尚有不足之处,还需历练才行。” Gawain thought that this young fellow has not understood what is heard completely...... 高文觉得这小伙子完全没听明白…… At this time Hetty knits the brows, turns head the direction of looks at camp: Words said how Rebecca hasn't come?” 这时候赫蒂皱了皱眉,扭头看着营地的方向:“话说瑞贝卡怎么还不来?” Is gaining ground by immediately bored Amber hears word who manipulates the dagger: She said that prepared a thing to us, making us wait, but waited a while Evil Cultist perhaps to settle down in Tanzan Town again.” 正靠在马上无聊地摆弄匕首的琥珀闻言抬起头:“她说给我们准备了点东西,让我们等着,但再等一会邪教徒恐怕都在坦桑镇里安家落户了。” In her tone has the complaint, but main complaint because was towed to go with Evil Cultist just the upfront, this makes always the person instigate that idle talk many Miss Half-Elf are quite discontented. 她语气中带着浓浓的怨念,但最主要的怨念还是因为被拖着要去跟邪教徒刚正面,这让一向人怂废话多的半精灵小姐颇为不满。 Although Gawain had said several times, just the positive/direct duty was to leave own, Amber and others only needed the assistance...... 虽然高文已经说过好几次,刚正面的任务是留给自己的,琥珀和其他人只需要辅助而已…… But falls at the Amber voice shortly , the Rebecca sound happen to made a sound from the distant place: Lord Ancestor! Lord Ancestor! I come! I come!” 而就在琥珀话音落下没多久,瑞贝卡的声音就正好从远处响了起来:“祖先大人祖先大人!我来啦!我来啦!” Gawain goes following the prestige, was seeing that a 3rd Level fireball launcher dashes to run from the distant place, Rebecca is carrying her iron magic staff, another hand grabs a bag that seems like quite a little weight/quantity, runs jolt and jumps. 高文循声望去,正看到一个三级的火球发射器一路飞奔着从远处跑来,瑞贝卡一手拎着她的铁法杖,另一只手则抓着一个看起来颇有点分量的袋子,一路跑的连颠带蹦。 Her runs up to front of Gawain, is breathing heavily in gulps: To...... sorry...... makes you wait to meet......” 她就这样一口气跑到高文面前,大口大口地喘着粗气:“对……对不起……让你们多等了会……” Waited a while that to help Evil Cultist have a child in Tanzan Town again!” Amber forks the waist to stare, what do you toss about?” “再等一会那帮邪教徒都在坦桑镇生孩子了!”琥珀叉着腰瞪着眼,“你到底折腾什么呢?” I to you prepares possibly to use on thing,” Rebecca forces to be uniform the asthma, this turns on the big bag in hand, takes inside thing, originally is the preparation, when the achievement reported that to Lord Ancestor, actually without thinking to have this matter, happen to examines in real combat......” “我给你们准备了可能用的上的东西,”瑞贝卡勉强把气喘匀,这才把手里的大袋子打开,把里面的东西拿出来,“本来是准备当成果报告给祖先大人的,却没想到发生这种事,正好就在实战中检验检验……” The pocket opens, several curious lines of sight fall on the thing that Rebecca puts out: That impressively is the one by one size unification and neat and tidy metal box. 口袋打开,好几道好奇的视线落在瑞贝卡拿出的东西上:那赫然是一个个大小统一、整整齐齐的金属盒。 They use the most common cast iron to build, the shape is especially neat, the cigarette case of size in compared with Gawain impression is big, can see in the side of box metal that a section protrudes, seems like inserts the iron bar in box, but in the peak of box has one as if to be able according to bulge structure. 它们用最普通的铸铁打造,形状格外规整,大小比高文印象中的烟盒要略大一圈,在盒子的侧面可以看到有一截凸出来的金属物,似乎是插在盒体内的铁条,而在盒子的顶端则有一个仿佛可以按下去的凸起结构。 Gawain as if thinks of anything, but cannot affirm: This is......” 高文似乎想到什么,但还是不太敢肯定:“这是……” Before how didn't you make me think the runic trigger delay detonation?” Rebecca blabla is saying, actually I have designed, but that structure is very fine, is not quite good to process, particularly has no way to manufacture massively, but currently has the helper......” “您之前不是让我想想怎么把符文扳机延迟引爆么?”瑞贝卡巴拉巴拉地说着,“其实我已经设计出来了,只不过那个结构很精细,不太好加工,尤其是没法大量制作,不过现在有了帮手……” Gawain did not wait for the opposite party saying that must say anything on conscious to her: „Is this Nicholas Egg help processes?” 高文不等对方说完就意识到她要说什么:“这是尼古拉斯蛋帮忙加工的?” Un un, is Lane egg egg!” Rebecca makes an effort to nod, I gave him the blueprint, then he one small will process. Actually if the time are much, he can cause a big pile.” “嗯嗯,是蛋蛋的!”瑞贝卡使劲点头,“我把设计图给了他,然后他一小会就都加工出来了。其实如果时间再多一点,他能弄出一大堆呢。” Design drawing...... a big pile...... 设计图……一大堆…… Metal in Gawain looks at, it is so perfect, is so neat, that agile line and smooth surface even bring on Earth the unique aesthetic sense of industrial product, moreover each big or small shape is exactly right, if makes ordinary blacksmith even Runesmith make, how long they do want to process these things? 高文看着手里的金属物,它是如此完美,如此规整,那利落的线条和平整的表面甚至带着地球上工业制品的独特美感,而且每一个的大小形态都分毫不差,如果让普通的铁匠甚至符文工匠来弄,他们要多久才能加工出这些东西? That Iron Ball Alien is really hangs to compel. 那个铁球星人果然是个挂逼。 Their race are really one crowd hangs to compel. 他们的种族果然就是一群挂逼。 So long as completed the layout design of foundation, had the basic raw material supply, can the speed of light transform the original map as the product, if this gives him 200 Iron Ball Alien, but also climbs a wool the industrial infrastructure the direct transition the space age to be good? 只要完成了基础的图纸设计,有了基本的原材料供应,就能光速把原图转化为产品,这要是给他两百个铁球星人,还攀个毛的工业基础哦直接跃迁进太空时代好么? However Gawain suppressed the impulsion of crazy ridicule quickly, he brought to inquire Rebecca curiously: How do you make the delay?” 不过高文还是很快压制住了疯狂吐槽的冲动,他带着好奇询问瑞贝卡:“你到底是怎么弄延迟的?” Gear, the spiral spring, the connecting rod,” Rebecca as if expects Gawain to ask early, therefore also specialized prepared a delay unit that does not have the assembly, you look, is this, is very simple.” “齿轮,发条,还有连杆,”瑞贝卡似乎早料到高文会问一下,所以还专门准备了个没有装配的延迟装置,“您看,就是这个,很简单的。” Gawain lowers the head looks, dumbfounded: Unaccurate reduction gear and release catch...... 高文低头一看,目瞪口呆:稳定可靠的减速齿轮和擒纵器…… Therefore this silly roe deer in fact is crossed over! 所以这傻狍子实际上才是穿越的吧! The Hetty complexion is exceptionally strange: How in your brain...... to have these things.” 赫蒂脸色异常古怪:“你脑子里……怎么会有这些东西的。” Lord Ancestor design mechanism on magic engine, before him, to I spoke various mechanism time, I was earnest the study!” Rebecca is blinking the eye, a face is pure, „, moreover before me, likes these mechanism very much, the paternal aunt you are not do not know.” 祖先大人设计的魔能引擎上的机械结构,还有他之前给我讲各种机械原理的时候,我都认真学啦!”瑞贝卡眨巴着眼睛,一脸单纯,“而且我以前就很喜欢这些机械结构啊,姑妈你又不是不知道。” Yes, because cannot learn other magic spell, therefore studies various mana mechanism diligently, tries to make up for regret on the magic spell with the machinery, records Hetty to the present clearly, in people of the same age is busy on paper picture castle, fresh flower, Knight and Prince, how Rebecca is her after that is how pursued full castle scurries about on own bedroom wall drew a lever and driver of wall. 是啊,因为学不会别的法术,所以努力研究各种魔力机关,试图用机械来弥补自己法术上的遗憾,赫蒂到现在都清楚地记着,在同龄人忙着在纸上画城堡、鲜花、骑士王子的时候,瑞贝卡是怎么在自己卧室墙上画了一面墙的杠杆和传动轮的以及她在那之后是怎么被追的满城堡乱窜的。 Gawain did not have the time study silly roe deer at this time...... the circuit in intelligent roe deer head, but asked the most essential question: Reliability how?” 高文这时候也没时间研究傻狍子……聪明狍子脑袋里的回路,而是问了最关键的问题:“可靠性怎么样?” Has tested several rounds, under various environment, including the high temperature, the immersion, falls the ground, does not affect, at least side the early burst this iron bar will not be the safety lock, will extract downward later can use, will then press the above small lump, inside will start tick-tock to transfer, after five seconds, will explode. Without pulling out safety lock, only if you throw from dozens meters high place it . Moreover the angle of falling is just right, will otherwise be will not explode absolutely, because runic trigger will be being been locking by the deactivation safely, will unable to contact shell inside Explosion Formation.” “测试过好几轮了,各种环境下的,包括高温,浸水,还有摔到地上,都不影响,最起码不会提前爆炸旁边这个铁条是安全锁,拔下来之后才能用,然后按动上面的这个小疙瘩,里面就开始滴滴答答地转啦,五秒钟后就炸。在不拔安全锁的情况下,除非你把它从几十米高的地方扔下来,而且摔的角度还恰到好处,否则是绝对不会爆的,因为符文扳机会被卡死在安全锁上,根本接触不到壳体内侧的起爆法阵。” Facing such Rebecca, Gawain can only corner of the mouth pull out: „...... Comes back to praise you again well.” 面对这样的瑞贝卡,高文只能嘴角一抽:“……回来再好好夸你。” Brought just to complete the trial manufacturing, not to experience confirmation weapon of battlefield examination crystal grenade, the Gawain party four people left the Clearwater River bank, rode the fast horse to vanish in the line of sight of Hetty and Rebecca. 带着刚刚完成试制、还未经历过战场检验的验证性武器“结晶手雷”,高文一行四人离开了白水河畔,骑快马消失在赫蒂瑞贝卡的视线中。 But vanishes until their several people, Rebecca looked at Hetty one cautiously: Paternal aunt, Lord Ancestor a moment ago said isn't the irony?” 而直到他们几人消失,瑞贝卡才小心翼翼地看了赫蒂一眼:“姑妈,刚才祖先大人说的不是反话吧?” Why is the irony?” Hetty all of a sudden has not responded. “为什么是反话?”赫蒂一下子没反应过来。 Rebecca scratches the head to send: Before me did not tell that did go home to teach your again well?” 瑞贝卡挠挠头发:“以前不都跟我说‘等回家了再好好教训你一顿’么?” Hetty was startled being startled, cannot bear rubs the hair of Rebecca with a smile: Naturally is not the irony, before was our too narrow-minded, cannot see your ability.” 赫蒂怔了怔,忍不住笑着揉揉瑞贝卡的头发:“当然不是反话,以前是我们太狭隘,以至于没能看出你的才能。” „...... Isn't this irony?” “……这也不是反话?” Of course not.” 8) “当然不是。”八)
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