SOD :: Volume #2

#122: Had troublesome

Nickname gold/metal eyelid Ghale the slave trader was brought, this is a stature is plump, but actually the look shrewd man, like the great majority slave trader of this time, he hung all over the vulgar decoration on the body and meaningless stamp ribbon attached to an official seal- slave trader is usually very rich, sometimes its wealth even can compared with the young aristocrat, however in various countries' the traditional ideas of regulations as well as in most Church, dealing in slaves will make soul dirty, therefore the rich slave trader was not allowed to have the aristocrat status even if, even if donates money, when dead end Knight or reputation/honorary Knight not line., Therefore these wealth full Cang fellows like hanging the ribbon attached to an official seal that one pile of magnificent decorations as well as design to show the status on the body, simultaneously chatted by **. 绰号“金眼皮格尔”的奴隶贩子被带了进来,这是一个身材肥硕但却眼神精明的男人,就像这个时代的大多数奴隶贩子一样,他在身上挂满了庸俗的装饰和毫无意义的图章印绶-奴隶贩子通常都很有钱,其财富有时候甚至可以和小贵族相比,然而在各国律法以及大部分教会的传统观念里,贩卖奴隶会令自身灵魂肮脏,因此哪怕再有钱的奴隶贩子也不被允许拥有贵族身份,哪怕捐钱当个“空头爵士”或者“名誉骑士”都不行,所以这些财富满仓的家伙都喜欢在身上挂一堆华丽的装饰以及自己设计的印绶来彰显身份,同时聊以**。 But with gold/metal eye together by taking to bring in also two serf, a man and a woman, their one was dead serf Sam elder brother, one was a younger sister, this brother and sister three people were sold here together, however has not had hot soup food with enough time, their brothers then died in the wharf. 而和“金眼”一起被带进来的还有两名农奴,一男一女,他们一个是死去农奴山姆”的兄长,一个则是妹妹,这兄妹三人被一同卖到这里,然而还没来得及吃上一口热汤饭,他们的兄弟便死在了码头上。 However on that brother and sister's face, the fear and nervous has actually pressed this proper sad sorrowful sentiment completely. 然而在那兄妹两人的脸上,恐惧与紧张却完全压过了本应有的悲戚哀痛之情。 Losing the brothers is no doubt sad, but is worth frightened may arrive in living person penalty- they clearly know, and approves a fact, that serf in aristocrat eyes is not a person, a slave exploded in the wharf, this regarding the aristocrat is unforgivable loss- he was not only short of a slave, but also dirty ground. 失去兄弟固然悲伤,但更值得恐惧的是有可能降临在活人身上的惩罚-他们清楚地知道,并且认同一个事实,那就是在贵族眼中的农奴并不算人,一个奴隶在码头上爆炸了,这对于贵族而言是不可饶恕的损失-他不但少了一个奴隶,而且还脏了地面。 Therefore they are fearing, was worrying will soon arrive in oneself anger, moreover they think that Feudal Lord called oneself also to punish, if requested two people to do three people exactly were also good, truly what they were worried was whips with hungrily, in this age, these two things might want the life of making mistakes slave. 所以他们恐惧着,担忧着即将降临在自己身上的怒火,而且他们认为领主把自己叫过来也正是为了惩罚,如果只是要求两个人干三个人的活也就好了,他们真正担心的是鞭笞和饥饿,在这个年代,这两种事情都有可能会要了犯错奴隶的命。 But that named gold/metal eyelid Ghale the slave trader is in the fear similarly, and his fear, because that was transformed by evil spell as serf of living specimen bomb is he brings, hangs all over the gold and silver of whole body unable to make this plump man have slightly the security sense, he knows that oneself is what status, knows that in having the situation of accurate reason, Duke must execute a slave trader is how simple matter: At this matter, no one will defend him. 而那个叫“金眼皮格尔”的奴隶贩子同样处于恐惧之中,并且他的恐惧更甚,因为那名被邪术转化为活体炸弹的农奴正是他带过来的,挂满全身的金银并不能让这个肥硕的男人有丝毫安全感,他知道自己是什么身份,也知道在有确切理由的情况下,一个公爵要处死一个奴隶贩子是多么简单的事:在这件事上,谁都不会为他辩护的。 Gold/Metal eyelid Ghale?” Gawain opened the mouth, opens the mouth to make that whole body hang all over gold/metal Pianyin cake looks at to frighten with the burial figures of warriors and horses big fatty trembles, serf is Sam you brings?” “金眼皮格尔?”高文开口了,一开口就让那个浑身挂满金片银饼看着跟个兵马俑似的大胖子吓得一哆嗦,“农奴山姆是你带来的?” Is......, Lord,” Phikal terrified nod, „, but I absolutely do not have malice Lord! I not possible to have the relation with what evil spellmaster Evil Cultist! I am only an honest businessman, has not made anything......” “是……是的,大人,”皮格尔惶恐地点头,“但我绝对没有歹意大人!我也不可能跟什么邪术师邪教徒有联系啊!我只是个老老实实的生意人,从没做过什么……” Long sword of Knight Philip in belt/bring sheath with the hand strikes the ground: Asked that your anything you answered anything!” 菲利普骑士用手中带鞘的长剑敲打地面:“问你什么你就答什么!” Phikal hurries to shut up, lowers the head looks at oneself shoes point, Gawain continues to ask: What person the dead before being brought with has contacted? What eats to use what? What unusuality has?” 皮格尔赶紧闭嘴,低头看着自己的鞋尖,高文则继续问道:“死者在被带来之前都和什么人接触过?吃过什么用过什么?有什么异常?” Pittman has examined magic of this slave trader to respond, had not discovered Druid magic spell remains aura, but the opposite party like this is also unlikely is the Evil Cultist winding, he very possible, when the spear/gun causes, this point Gawain can judge. 皮特曼已经检测过这名奴隶贩子的魔法反应,未发现德鲁伊法术的残留气息,而对方这样子也不大可能是邪教徒的下线,他很可能只是被当枪使,这一点高文还是能判断出来的。 Phikal wipes away sweat: Returns...... returns to Lord, serf has embarks beforehand several days to close in the houses, eaten using is like others, same......” 皮格尔擦着汗:“回……回大人,农奴被带上船之前的几天都是关在房舍里的,吃的用的都跟其他人一样,都一样……” You most said the truth,” Amber stood in Gawain behind, backs up especially with the borrowed majesty of the tiger, but also said that while in the revolutions began the small dagger, here had Magician, had Druid, shadow big grandmaster! Even if we pull out the interrogation to accomplish your soul- do not annoy troublesome.” “你最好说实话,”琥珀站在高文身后,特狐假虎威地帮腔,还一边说一边转着手里的小匕首,“我们这里有魔法师,有德鲁伊,还有暗影大宗师!我们哪怕把你的灵魂抽出来审问都是能办到的-别惹麻烦。” Gawain cast aside this Half-Elf one calmly, but has not seen through talking nonsense of this fellow, but in opposite Phikal already the bean big beads of sweat continuously, the cold sweat with the interstellar Han sect player met soldier continually a line: Regarding does not understand the magic average person, actually cannot distinguish clearly the difference of each extraordinary profession from the start, does not know that soul magic spell is what domain, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Magic based Classes mostly is omnipotent in them, Amber spoke thoughtlessly the threat that fruitfully made up wild stories in his here. 高文不动声色地撇了这个半精灵一眼,但也没拆穿这家伙的胡说八道,而在对面的皮格尔则已经豆大的汗珠连绵不断,冷汗就跟星际韩宗选手接兵似的连成了一条线:对于不懂魔法的普通人而言,其实压根就分不清各个超凡职业的区别,也不知道灵魂法术到底是什么领域,神秘莫测的法系职业在他们心里多半是无所不能的,琥珀随口胡诌的威胁在他这里卓有成效。 Is...... Lord I speaks the truth!” Phikal hurries to reply, actually...... actually that serf named Sam is a little special......” “是……大人我说实话!”皮格尔慌忙回答,“其实……其实那个叫山姆农奴是有点特殊……” Gawain knocks the table: Special?” 高文敲敲桌子:“特殊?” Yes, he is I am set to deliver to Viscount Andrew castle to work originally,” Phikal said altogether, „, but you send Knight Lord on town/subdues to purchase various slaves with a higher price massively, my slave number on hand are not many, therefore...... therefore......” “是的,他原本是我预定送到安德鲁子爵城堡里干活的,”皮格尔一股脑说了出来,“但您派到镇上的骑士老爷用更高的价格大量收购各种奴隶,我手头的奴隶数量不多,所以……所以……” Therefore you can feed in castle serf to draw originally to serve as a stopgap?” Gawain is knitting the brows, why can serf feed in castle?” “所以你就把原定要送进城堡农奴拉来充数了?”高文皱着眉,“为什么农奴要送进城堡?” Sam is hands and feet diligent and flexible serf, he will do the farm work not only, will feed the horse and cleans the livestock awning, Viscount Andrew happen to wants a new servant......” Phikal to break off the finger sadly, this to him is also an outlet- must know, serf in my hand can be serf, can be the slave laborer, can be the indentured servant, if to manorial lord on forever is serf, but if can feed in castle, that will perhaps also turn into the servant......” 山姆是个手脚勤快又灵活的农奴,他不光会干农活,也会喂马和打扫畜棚,安德鲁子爵正好要个新奴仆……”皮格尔难过地掰着手指,“这对他也是条出路-要知道,农奴在我手上的时候可以是农奴,可以是奴工,也可以是契约奴,但一旦到了庄园主手上就永远是农奴了,可要是能送进城堡,那说不定还会变成仆人……” But Knight Byron had/left four silver coins, you pulled back to transport on the slave ship Sam,” Gawain interrupted Phikal's words, and turned the head to look to the Sam two brother and sister, you raise the head, need not nervous- before here, what difference your brothers had?” “但拜伦骑士多出了四个银币,你就把山姆拉回到了运奴船上,”高文打断了皮格尔的话,并转头看向山姆的两个兄妹,“你们抬起头来,不用紧张-在来这里之前,你们那位兄弟有什么异样么?” In two people the elder brother courage seems to be bigger, first opens the mouth to reply: Having, Sam he has said for several days he is very sleepy, moreover spoke often told only half that did not say, sometimes will also be standing suddenly falling asleep.” 两人中的兄长胆子似乎大一些,首先开口回答:“有,山姆他这些天一直说他很困,而且说话经常说到一半就不说了,有时候还会突然站着睡着。” Gawain looked up Pittman one, on the latter face really has expression looking pensive, later this old Druid opens the mouth: When does this situation from appear?” 高文抬头看了皮特曼一眼,后者脸上果然带着若有所思的表情,随后这位老德鲁伊开口了:“这种情况是从什么时候出现的?” That emaciated younger sister serf opened the mouth: Seven days...... either are eight days ago, in any case not over ten days.” 那个面黄肌瘦的农奴妹妹开口了:“七天……要么就是八天前,反正不超过十天。” Cannot count on them the clear specific time. 不能指望他们记清楚具体的时间。 Gawain inquired that stands in own another side Hetty: When does Byron buy the slave news in the Tanzan Town issue is?” 高文询问站在自己另一边的赫蒂:“拜伦坦桑镇发布购奴消息是什么时候?” The Hetty complexion is serious, she has thought of some possibilities: Four days ago.” 赫蒂脸色严肃,她已经想到了些可能性:“四天前。” In other words, serf Sam before Byron arrives in Tanzan Town has the difference, at that time may be very controlled by evil spell, but he must be delivered to Viscount Andrew castle......” Gawain is saying, while observes the situation all around slowly, he was delivered to here to come to be only an accident/surprise.” “也就是说,农奴山姆拜伦抵达坦桑镇之前就已经有了异样,那时候很可能就被邪术控制了,而他原本是要被送到安德鲁子爵城堡里的……”高文一边说着,一边缓缓环视四周,“他被送到这里来只是个意外。” Hetty breathes deeply: Perhaps our neighbors must have troublesome.” 赫蒂深吸口气:“我们的邻居恐怕要有麻烦了。” His trouble, quick will turn into our troubles,” Gawain said slowly, All Things Finally Die Society stems from Druid, their evil spell evolve to come by the life and natural strength faction magic spell, the living person is not only their magic spell materials, was many evil spell plague carrier, the Tanzan Town population were too more, was also too near to us...... but also no matter what, Knight Byron also kept Tanzan Town, he has not sent in any news to the present, we cannot put him are not managing.” “他的麻烦,很快就会变成我们的麻烦,”高文慢慢说道,“万物终亡会起源于德鲁伊,他们的邪术都是以生命与自然力量派系法术演变而来,活人不但是他们的法术材料,更是很多邪术瘟疫的载体,坦桑镇人口太多了,离我们也太近了……而且不管怎样,拜伦骑士还留在坦桑镇,他到现在也没发来任何消息,我们不能把他放着不管。” Hetty worries very much looks only Druid to Feudal Territory: Pittman, do you think them in the Tanzan Town dispersion plague? Feeds in castle the infected person, being more like must cope with Feudal Lord......” 赫蒂很是忧心地看向领地上唯一一个德鲁伊:“皮特曼,你认为他们会在坦桑镇散布瘟疫么?把感染者送进城堡,更像是要对付领主……” „Very difficult saying that the Evil Cultist brain structure was different from the normal person, the essential components of their brain were the mud of rotten meat sauce and in the sewers,” Pittman serious said, must complete the worst plan.” “很难说,邪教徒的脑子结构跟正常人不一样,他们大脑的主要成分是烂肉酱和阴沟里的泥,”皮特曼一脸严肃地说道,“必须做好最坏打算。” Here the support of Kingdom, can only on us,” Gawain stand up, must lose to control beforehand to solve the source in the matter. But now does not have the means to determine that our enemies have many, strong.” “这里等不来王国的支援,只能我们自己上,”高文站起身,“必须在事情失去控制之前解决掉源头。但现在没办法确定我们的敌人有多少,有多强。” Pittman opens the mouth: This aspect I can estimate probably. Sam Returning Dead Summon was transformed by evil spell as the living specimen bomb, according to at that time the might as well as remained aura to judge afterward, uses/gives technique did not surpass middle rank, might just reach the 5th Level Dark Druid level very much, moreover population not many- All Things Finally Die Society few organization specially large-scale actions, particularly when did the destruction to the cities, they send out 1-2 capable members, depended upon the deceitful scheme and strange evil spell causes the specially big destruction.” 皮特曼开口了:“这方面我可以大概估计一下。山姆是被邪术归亡召唤’转化为活体炸弹的,根据当时威力以及事后残留气息判断,施术者不超过中阶,很有可能刚刚达到五级黑暗德鲁伊的水平,而且人数不会多-万物终亡会很少组织特别大规模的行动,尤其是在对城镇搞破坏的时候,他们都是派出1-2精干成员,依靠狡诈的计谋和诡异的邪术来造成特别大的破坏。” Gawain is hesitating: Therefore we must face possibly is only 1-2 5th Level or 5th Level following evil spellmaster, the quantity is not the issue, truly what must be worried is Dark Druid these strange magic spell, in the worst situation, Viscount Andrew might even be controlled by evil spell, controlling the living creature will also be that helps the Dark Druid specialty.” 高文沉吟着:“所以我们要面对的可能只是1-2五级五级以下的邪术师,数量不是问题,真正要担心的是黑暗德鲁伊那些诡异的法术,最糟糕的情况下,安德鲁子爵甚至有可能会被邪术控制,控制活物也是那帮黑暗德鲁伊的拿手好戏。” After the short silentness, Gawain flows the cold sweat class/flow quick dehydration gold/metal eyelid Ghale has first beckoned with the hand to that: You can walk, but I suggested that you are not best recently close to Tanzan Town, toward the north side.” 在短暂的静默之后,高文首先对那个已经流冷汗流的快脱水的“金眼皮格尔”摆了摆手:“你可以走了,但我建议你近期内最好别靠近坦桑镇,往更北边去吧。” The slave trader left tremblingly, remaining pair of serf brother and sister lowering the head stand in the ground, their nervous has soon fainted. 奴隶贩子颤颤巍巍地离开了,剩下一对农奴兄妹低着头站在地上,他们紧张的已经快要晕倒。 However Gawain actually does not know they are thinking anything: Even if there is memory of inheriting, stayed in this time even if for several months, he does not have the means to achieve the complete substitution and understood that the thought of this world person, he cannot think that this brother and sister were punished in the worry, but opens the mouth to comfort them according to own mentality: Your brothers had died, the person dies cannot come back to life, restrains grief. I have let the person puts body in coffin Sam...... the remains, he will be buried in the forest tomb, you live on this lands well, makes diligently freely, Cecil Family will protect your securities.” 然而高文其实并不知道他们在想什么:哪怕有着继承来的记忆,哪怕在这个时代呆了几个月,他也没办法做到完全的代入并理解这个世界人的思想,他根本想不到这兄妹俩是在担心受到惩罚,而只是按照自己的思路开口安慰他们:“你们的兄弟已经死了,人死不能复生,节哀。我已经让人收殓山姆的……遗骸,他会被葬在森林旁的墓地里,你们就在这片土地上好好生活,努力挣得自由,塞西尔家族会保护你们的安全。” The brother and sister with astonishment raise the head, looks at Gawain, as if not believe oneself heard anything. 兄妹二人惊愕地抬起头来,看着高文,仿佛不相信自己听到了什么。 Although in the Gawain mind, he said done just follows the simplest logic. 尽管在高文心目中,他所说所做的只不过是遵循最简单不过的逻辑。 Two serf brother and sister left in the confusion like this, after they walk, Amber cannot bear the opens the mouth: I also think that you will make them become free citizen directly, treats as compensation anything that the brothers died.” 两名农奴兄妹就这样在困惑中离开了,等到他们走后,琥珀才忍不住开口:“我还以为你会直接让他们成自由民,当做兄弟死亡的补偿什么的。” Gawain funnily looks at opposite party: Why do I want this?” 高文好笑地看着对方:“我为什么要这样做?” Because your benevolence sends greatly,” a naturalness of Amber face, I know that you were a good person, therefore your benevolence sent greatly is not normal?” “因为你善心大发啊,”琥珀一脸的理所当然,“我知道你是个好人了,所以你善心大发不是正常的么?” Gawain actually shakes the head: Benevolence sends greatly, but cannot issue, I cannot make them think that sacrificed a family member to oneself to trade a freedom, particularly cannot let other, does not know that serf this of inside story thinks blindly. The freedom must depend upon both hands to strive, I have designed the system of this aspect, therefore I must defer to the system, only by doing so, is orderly.” 高文却摇摇头:“善心大发可以,但不能乱发,我不能让他们认为牺牲一个亲人就可以给自己换一份自由,尤其是不能让别的、不知内情的农奴这样瞎想。自由是必须依靠双手争取的,我已经制定了这方面的制度,所以就连我自己也必须按照制度来,只有这样,才有秩序可言。” Amber a little looked at Gawain two accidentally/surprisingly: Therefore you insisted that lets these slaves in Feudal Territory here conducts for two months cushion, moreover makes they first continue by serf and so on status work in Feudal Territory, after must do enough, can be free, rather than announced directly liberates all slaves?” 琥珀有点意外地看了高文两眼:“所以你才坚持让那些奴隶在领地这里进行两个月的‘缓冲’,而且让他们先继续以农奴之类的身份在领地干活,必须干够了之后才能自由,而不是直接宣布解放所有奴隶?” „...... Actually your understanding has many issues, but roughly also good,” Gawain smiled, I truly need to let their conscious, the freedom is hard-won-, but perhaps one day, I will also announce abolishing of slavery directly, rather than one by one like the present, small range change.” “……其实你的理解有不少问题,但大体还不错,”高文笑了起来,“我确实需要让他们意识到,自由是来之不易的-但或许有一天,我也会直接宣布奴隶制的废止,而不是像现在这样一个个的、小范围地改变。” Amber is dumbfounded: „Do you have this idea?! When can that...... arrive?” 琥珀目瞪口呆:“你还有这种想法?!那……要到什么时候?” Child to people universal conscious to serf and slave laborer can also round of Big Fireball King gets rid of,” Gawain speaks thoughtlessly saying that „, but now, we discuss the Tanzan Town issue.” “到人们普遍意识农奴与奴工之子也可以一发大火球国王干掉的时候,”高文随口说道,“而现在,我们还是讨论讨论坦桑镇的问题吧。”
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