SOD :: Volume #2

#121: All Things Finally Die

In inducing to the magic energy that slave within the body increases suddenly instantaneous, Gawain was not wonderful to the situation on conscious, he flushes away suddenly forward, start at the same time then started Knight charge skill, simultaneously was loud still not to respond to that the record operator who warned: Danger! Falls face down!” 在感应到那名奴隶体内骤然攀升的魔法能量瞬间,高文意识到了情况不妙,他猛然向前冲去,起步的同时便发动了骑士的冲锋技能,同时大声对那个仍然没反应过来的记录员示警:“危险!趴下!” Record operator's response is half beat behind, but at this time the whole body of that slave has inflated fiercely, an ominous red light fills the air from his flesh of that swelling tearing, innumerable chaos virulent rune crawled rapidly completely his skin, this has lost the consciousness poor man to send out painful yelling finally, but before he changed the bomb exploded completely, Gawain finally rushes. 记录员的反应慢了半拍,而此时那名奴隶的浑身都已经剧烈膨胀起来,一种不祥的红光从他那肿胀撕裂的血肉中弥漫而出,无数混沌恶毒的符文迅速爬满了他的皮肤,这个早已失去神志的可怜人终于发出一声痛苦的喊叫,但就在他化作炸弹完全爆开之前,高文终于赶到了。 Coerces the white light gauntlet to wield from one side suddenly strikes, this live bomb one a place that advanced far away from the crowd, the fuzzy shadow flashes through from Gawain together, Amber came from the shadow, and record operator who that tarries is completely knocked down crudely. 裹挟着白光的铁手套从侧面猛然挥击,将这个活炸弹一把推到了远离人群的地方,紧接着一道模模糊糊的阴影从高文身旁闪过,琥珀从阴影中现身,并将那个完全呆住的记录员粗暴地击倒在地。 The explosion also resounds, was struck the slave who flies like a balloon that inflates to the limit blasted out, all flesh and skeletons are turning into the fatal shrapnel instantaneously, toward splashes in all directions, even if far away from the crowd, some hard osseins still had hit on the registration mouth wooden table, and leaves behind the pit that the depth varies on that if not Amber a moment ago were prompt the record operator gets so far as the ground, this unlucky fellow did not die also disfigured one's face. 爆炸随之响起,被击飞的奴隶就像一个膨胀到极限的气球般炸开了,所有的血肉和骨骼都在瞬间变成致命的霰弹,向着四面八方飞溅而出,哪怕已经远离人群,一些坚硬的骨质仍然噼里啪啦地打在登记口的木桌上,并在那上面留下深浅不一的凹坑如果不是琥珀刚才及时把记录员弄到地上,这倒霉的家伙不死也毁容了。 Until other talents responded at this time, the soldier who the distant place stands guard runs to here, Hetty also first haunched magic barrier, and activates Detect Distortion magic to inspect the scene whether also has other dangers, but that escaping record operator tremble crawled from the table, on the face is printing a clear incomparable foot wear impression. 直到这时候其他的人才纷纷反应过来,远处站岗的士兵向这边跑来,赫蒂也第一时间撑起了魔法屏障,并激活“侦测歪曲魔法来检查现场是否还有其他危险,而那名逃过一劫的记录员则哆哆嗦嗦地从桌子下面爬了起来,脸上印着一个清晰无比的鞋印。 Blockade, forbidding irrelevant personnel to come and go out,” Gawain looks at explosion burnt pit that in a wharf left behind, loudly and ordered fast, wharf guard, blocks that several ships, controlled the slave trader moreover previous batch of the slave belts that completed the registration came back! Quickly!” “封锁现场,禁止无关人员出入,”高文看了一眼码头上留下的爆炸焦坑,大声而快速地下令,“码头卫兵,去拦住那几艘船,把奴隶贩子控制住另外把前一批完成登记的奴隶都带回来!快!” Under the clear explicit order, everyone took the action rapidly, Hetty ran up to side Gawain fast, nervous is sizing up the latter whole body: Ancestor, are you all right?!” 在清晰明确的命令下,所有人都迅速采取了行动,赫蒂则飞快地跑到高文身旁,紧张地打量着后者全身:“先祖,您没事吧?!” All right, this degree of explosion could not have injured me,” Gawain beckons with the hand, „does the scene have residual aura?” “没事,这种程度的爆炸还伤不到我,”高文摆了摆手,“现场还有残留的气息么?” Hetty shakes the head, but when she just wants to say anything, another sound passed from the nearby suddenly: What's the matter what's the matter is difficult to be inadequate you still to test Art here?!” 赫蒂摇了摇头,而就在她刚想说些什么的时候,另外一个声音突然从附近传了过来:“怎么回事怎么回事难不成你们还在这儿测试艺术?!” Gawain goes following the prestige, what sees to run to here is Pittman: This Druid is responsible for inspecting to arrive at the slave body of Feudal Territory is whether healthy, several medicine apprentice that he and he receive newly are treating another side of the wharf, after hearing here sound, runs over immediately. 高文循声望去,看到向这边跑来的是皮特曼:这位德鲁伊负责检查来到领地的奴隶身体是否健康,他和他新收的几个药剂学徒就在码头另一侧待着,听到这边的动静之后就立刻跑了过来。 Amber is shouting still shaken: Does not know what's the matter! Here had a person suddenly from exploding a moment ago! Has not scared to death me!” 琥珀惊魂未定地嚷嚷着:“不知道咋回事!刚才这边有个人突然自爆了!没把我吓死!” „A pitiful slave, was used magic evil spell to make doubtful ** bomb,” Hetty is gloomy the face to answer, and roughly described matter that had a moment ago, „...... seems like the corpse to explode, but that person is living before the explosion obviously, even can also take a walk.” “一个可怜的奴隶,疑似被人用魔法邪术制成了**炸弹,”赫蒂阴沉着脸解释道,并把刚才发生的事情大致描述了一遍,“……很像是尸爆,但那个人在爆炸之前明明是活着的,甚至还能走动。” Pittman is hearing the Hetty description later complexion then to be instantaneously cloudy, in the look also has some type complex, deep dreading, he did not have to say anything, but was the half step moves toward explosion center the place. 皮特曼在听到赫蒂的描述之后脸色瞬间便阴沉下来,眼神中还带着某种复杂的、深沉的忌惮,他没有多说什么,而是快步走向爆炸最中心的地方。 Although is a big living person scene blasts out, here did not seem to have to have the extremely high temperature that flesh that evil spell of many overflowing started instantaneously, moreover elevated temperature from inside to outside, all the wreckage of blasting open have carbonized, explode nearby burnt pit massive black and hard fragment. 尽管是一个大活人现场炸开,这里却没有多少四溢的血肉那邪术发动的瞬间似乎产生了极高的温度,而且是从内而外地升温,所有炸裂的残骸都已经碳化,爆炸焦坑附近只有大量黑而且坚硬的碎片 Pittman squatted near the wreckage of these carbonization, the wrinkle on his face must reduce compared with any time in the past, the complexion serious fearfulness, in this ordinary day always to not can be smiling Druid that the attitude regulation condition shows never to have such performance, Amber had a scare by his expression, but following close on, the Miss Half-Elf attention is falling on wreckage that in these changed beyond all recognition. 皮特曼就在那些碳化的残骸附近蹲了下来,他脸上的皱纹比以往任何时候都要紧缩,面色严肃的可怕,这个平日里总是以嬉皮笑脸不着调姿态示人的德鲁伊从未有过这样的表现,就连琥珀都被他的表情吓了一跳,但紧跟着,半精灵小姐的注意力就落在了那些面目全非的残骸上。 She has left the face: Really is...... crazed.” 她别过脸去:“真是……丧心病狂。” What it seems like you know,” Gawain arrives in front of Pittman, same squats down with the opposite party, „have you seen this evil spell?” “看来你知道些什么,”高文来到皮特曼面前,和对方一样蹲下,“你见过这种邪术?” Pittman picks up together the burned black fragment from the ground, that is one already the bone of twist deformation, he bone surface black carbide, except that recited several brief incantations later, in the skeleton appeared immediately the glistening green light, but these green lights flashed to pass, then dissipated quickly. 皮特曼从地上捡起一块焦黑的残片,那是一块已经扭曲变形的骨头,他将骨头表面的黑色碳化物除去,随后念动了几个简短的咒语,骨骸里顿时浮现出莹莹的绿光,不过那些绿光都只是一闪而逝,很快便消散了。 Gawain sees in the bone the residual magic response is in the heart one startled: Druid magic spell?!” 高文看到骨头里残留的魔法反应便是心中一惊:“德鲁伊法术?!” Pittman slightly nodded of: All Things Finally Die, called Doomsday Society, have you heard them?” 皮特曼微微点了点头:“万物终亡,又称末日会,您听说过他们么?” Gawain knits the brows, this noun some of his indistinct impressions, but actually does not remember clear, after recalling one diligently next, he responded: That degenerate Druid faction? The predecessor is Holy Spirit School that?” 高文皱了皱眉,这个名词他隐约有些印象,但却记得不清,努力回忆了一下之后他才反应过来:“那个堕落德鲁伊派系?前身是‘圣灵学派’的那个?” You really know, Pittman abandons the skeleton in hand, this is their technique.” “您果然知道,”皮特曼把手中的骨骸扔下,“这是他们的手法。” Amber has a look at Gawain to have a look at Pittman, a head question mark: „Is All Things Finally Die what are you doing? evil cult?” 琥珀看看高文又看看皮特曼,一脑袋问号:“万物终亡干什么的?邪教么?” Truly is evil cult,” Hetty had walked at this time, she heard three people of conversations, they are Religion in Druid, named Holy Spirit School, what position was nature God still cared for the world, should continue to fulfill Saint Jordan to restore the natural myriad things the harmony. They were in all Druid faction inherited most orthodox and reserved ancient times Druid Religion knowledge most complete faction, but 700 years ago this school of thought broke off with each orthodox church suddenly, about half of members crashed in Gondor Wasteland in crazy self-destroying, the remaining members changed name to oneself as All Things Finally Die Society, degenerate was evil cult, and was expelled the Druid community by each Druid school of thought publicly......” “确实是邪教,”赫蒂这时候已经走过来,她听到了三人的交谈,“他们原本是德鲁伊中的一个教派,名为圣灵学派,主张的是自然神灵仍然眷顾世界,应继续履行圣约方能重新恢复自然万物的和谐。他们本来是所有德鲁伊派系中传承最正统、保留远古德鲁伊宗教知识最完整的一个派系,但七百年前这个学派突然就和各个正教决裂了,将近一半成员在疯狂中冲进刚铎废土自灭,剩下的成员则给自己改名为‘万物终亡会’,堕落邪教,并被各个德鲁伊学派公开逐出德鲁伊群体……” Gawain to this historical understanding is clearer than Hetty: strictly speaking, they after working out Holy Covenant turn into dark Religion. Initially Religion stood in great numbers, many Religion were in a state of hostility, but Holy Covenant makes all Religion give up hating and taking an oath never again is an enemy, naturally many Religion could not accept this, these unacceptable, turned into afterward so-called dark Religion. But All Things Finally Die Society is very special, it is Druid faction, is one in many Druid schools of thought that no one has thought that has transformed from the theocracy organization as Druid faction of ordinary Extraordinary organization will also present dark Religion...... this to make many people be startled unexpectedly at that time.” 高文对这段历史了解的比赫蒂更加清楚:“严格来讲,他们是在订立神圣盟约之后变成黑暗教派的。当初宗教林立,很多教派处于敌对状态,但神圣盟约让所有教派放弃仇恨并宣誓永不再为敌,自然有不少教派接受不了这个,那些不能接受的,就变成了后来所谓的黑暗教派。只不过万物终亡会很特殊,它原本是个德鲁伊派系,是诸多德鲁伊学派中的一个,谁也没想到已经从神权组织转化为普通超凡者组织的德鲁伊派系中竟然也会出现一个黑暗教派……这在当时让很多人大吃一惊。” Holy Spirit School is in all Druid faction most is close to the primordial belief, even after White Star Meteor, before they are also maintaining 3000 Church structure and conduct criterion, therefore does not have Divine Spell even if, they at that time were also the complete orthodox gods, before worked out Holy Covenant, various Religion heads when the Ancestral Peak summit communicated God, the Holy Spirit School leaders at the scene,” Pittman are supplementing the Gawain's words, „, therefore they same walked into the say/way of degenerate with other dark Religion are not the too surprising matters.” 圣灵学派是所有德鲁伊派系中最接近原初信仰的,哪怕在白星陨落之后,他们也保持着三千年前的教会结构和行事准则,因此哪怕没有神术,他们当时也是完完全全的正统神教,就连订立神圣盟约之前,各教派首脑在先祖之峰的山顶沟通神灵的时候,圣灵学派的领袖都在现场,”皮特曼补充着高文的话,“所以他们和其他黑暗教派一样走入堕落之道并不是太令人惊讶的事。” My previous time dies, All Things Finally Die Society is also only a small organization,” Gawain deeply frowned, I think that they will disappear in these 700 years of strangling to death and suppression of......” “我上次死的时候,万物终亡会还只是个小组织,”高文眉头紧锁,“我本以为他们会在这七百年的绞杀和镇压中消失掉……” Fact is just right, they not only lived, but also turned into one of the most powerful dark Religion,” the Hetty voice was low and deep and serious, Druid excelled in profession that in the adverse circumstance survived, but also the organization of All Things Finally Die Society was also quite mysterious, their inheritance ways were vague and strict, usually in rarely exposed in the world eyes, so long as they as soon as moved, inevitably was the extremely terrifying brutal attack......” “事实正好相反,他们不但活下来了,而且变成了最强大的黑暗教派之一,”赫蒂嗓音低沉而严肃,“德鲁伊本身就是擅长在恶劣环境中生存的职业,而且万物终亡会的组织又极为神秘,他们的传承方式隐晦而严密,平日里很少暴露在世人眼中,但只要他们一活动,就必然是极为恐怖无情的攻击……” The Gawain's look is flashing: For example throws one toward new Cecil territory that just constructed ** bomb?” 高文的眼神闪动着:“比如往刚刚建起来的新塞西尔领扔一个**炸弹?” Is saying, he while could not bear look at that carbonization fragment one everywhere, in heart angry and sorrowful welled up simultaneously. 一边说着,他一边忍不住看了那满地的碳化碎块一眼,心中的愤怒与悲哀同时涌上。 Does not have the human nature simply. 简直是毫无人性。 Pittman stands up, looks at the soldier who periphery being critical situation entire god alerted, shakes the head slightly: No, if is really All Things Finally Die Society, will not be such small scale and unpurposed action, their goal will be very always clear . Moreover the attack will meet one snap ring one point......” 皮特曼站起身,看了看周围如临大敌全神戒备的士兵,微微摇头:“不,如果真是万物终亡会,不会是这么小规模和无目的的行动,他们一向目的很明确的,而且袭击会一环扣一环……” Amber makes an effort to pull own hair: How your one by one understood that probably very much this perishes to resemble finally, don't I alone know?” 琥珀使劲抓了抓自己的头发:“怎么你们一个个都好像很了解这个终亡会似的,就我一个人不知道?” Pittman looked at this Half-Elf one ill-humoredly: Because you spoke the thing in historical you to fall asleep to you in childhood each time!” 皮特曼没好气地看了这个半精灵一眼:“因为你小时候每次跟你讲历史方面的东西你都会睡着!” Nonsense! I am sleeping can attend a lecture, that is you and my father has not definitely spoken these to me!” “胡说!我睡着觉都能听课的,那肯定是你和我爸都没跟我讲过这些!” Gawain presses to go back Amber conveniently, serious looks at Pittman: You can identify All Things Finally Die Society magic to respond, right?” 高文顺手把琥珀按回去,一脸严肃地看着皮特曼:“你能辨认出万物终亡会魔法反应,对吧?” strictly speaking, distinguishes the Druid magic spell trace,” Pittman nods, you were worried in the slave who these just delivered is also hiding this ** bomb?” 严格来讲,是分辨出德鲁伊法术的痕迹,”皮特曼点点头,“您是担心那些刚送过来的奴隶里面还藏着这样的**炸弹?” Gawain slight nod: Is beyond control was not worried.” 高文微微点头:“由不得不担心。” Has such alert is right.” “有这样的戒备是对的。” Quick, before is also brought through the slaves who the health examination and completed the registration, accepted the magic induction examination of Pittman, but after that several finished unloading goods , the inland river ships that prepared to return were also blocked, the slave traders who on the ship accompanied were left behind the examination, and locked quickly ** bomb original master. 很快,之前已经通过身体检查和做完登记的奴隶们又被带了回来,接受皮特曼魔法感应检测,而那几艘卸完“货”之后准备返航的内河船只也被拦了下来,船上随行的奴隶贩子都被留下审查,并很快锁定了“**炸弹”原本的主人。 Gawain handles this matter in the wharf wooden shed directly, he first found the source copy clerk of this sending serf and slave laborer from Hetty there. 高文直接在码头旁的木棚中处理这件事,他首先从赫蒂那里找到了这次送来的农奴与奴工的来源地文书。 What in explosion is a mine slave laborer, from Tanzan Town, named Sam. 发生爆炸的是一名矿山奴工,来自坦桑镇,名叫山姆 This group of slaves from each region purchase, lead including Viscount Leslie with the north Viscount Kant lead(er) and Carol Viscount territory, they were first concentrated to deliver to Tanzan Town, Knight Byron organized a distribution point in that side, after each region slave sufficiently collects several ships, is led to go on board by their respective slave trader, delivers to here,” Hetty is explaining the situation, „, but that dead is the Tanzan Town local slave laborer, his original master is a nickname was called gold/metal eyelid Ghale the slave trader, had been controlled.” “这一批奴隶是从各地购买的,包括莱斯利子爵领和更北边的康德子爵领、卡洛尔子爵领,他们首先被集中送到坦桑镇,拜伦骑士在那边组织了一个集散点,各地奴隶凑够几船之后就由他们各自的奴隶贩子带队登船,送到这边,”赫蒂解释着情况,“而那名死者是坦桑镇当地的奴工,他原本的主人是一个绰号叫‘金眼皮格尔’的奴隶贩子,已经被控制住了。” At this time Pittman also entered the wooden shed: Has inspected, others do not have the evil spell trace, is safe.” 这时皮特曼也走进木棚:“都已经检查过了,其他人身上都没有邪术痕迹,是安全的。” All safe?” Gawain did not feel relieved that confirmed. “全都安全么?”高文不放心地确认了一下。 Security,” Pittman reply is confident, I am a little am quite self-confident in mana induction.” “安全,”皮特曼回答的信心十足,“我在魔力感应方面还是颇有一点自信的。” Gawain rubs the forehead: „The organization that All Things Finally Die Society this type easily does not act...... specialized gives on my Feudal Territory to deliver one ** the bomb comes, how this is brain loop long?” 高文揉揉眉心:“万物终亡会这种轻易不行动的组织……专门给我的领地上送一个**炸弹过来,这脑回路是怎么长的?” Afterward he raised the head: Gold/Metal eyebelt/bring comes that ‚. Moreover, checked that dead serf whether also had the relatives and friends or the acquaintances , the belt/bring came, I must know the situation.” 8) 随后他抬起头:“把那个‘金眼’带过来。另外,查一下那个死去的农奴是否还有亲朋或者熟人,也带过来,我要了解一下情况。”八)
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