SOD :: Volume #2

#120: External......

Has not served Gawain purpose from the beginning with the exchange of Pittman, but has the unexpected harvest. 皮特曼的交流并没有达到高文一开始的目的,但却有着意料之外的收获。 He has not comprehended anything to think with magic essence concerned thing him from Druid ceremony magic spell depending on own Transmigrator brain hole and Gawain Cecil experience, after witnessing Druid magic spell this „the magic rare and beautiful flowers will see the light suddenly a thing, but the fact showed that this is really thinks is a much less. But on the other hand, he actually heard the opposite party from the Pittman mouth about Divine Spell and magic small opinion. 他并没有从德鲁伊的仪式法术中参悟到什么跟魔法本质有关的东西原本他以为凭自己穿越者的脑洞和高文·塞西尔的见识,在见证了德鲁伊法术这一“魔法奇葩”之后会顿悟点东西,但事实证明这实在是想的有点多。可在另一方面,他却从皮特曼口中听到了对方关于神术魔法的“一点小小见解”。 Was not Human Race stole Gods authority, but was Gods interrupts was the Human Race strength. 不是人类窃取了神明权柄,而是神明截断了本就属于人类的力量。 To be honest, although Gawain Cecil is known as half abundant scientist, but that is also blows to compel ingredient in addition to hold, he truly understands a lot of things, but is just because in development journey experienced, makes friends widely, the much knowledge are the wide but not thorough category in his memory. On for example Druid historical Gawain from the memory knows that Druid before 3000 is complete unified Religion, before 3000 White Star Meteor event from the Religion histolysis and transformation to become certain academic faction, nature Divine Spell in this process also transforms simultaneously becomes present Druid magic, but in the detail part of this phase of history, the memory that oneself will inherit does not compare Pittman this to accept orthodox inheritance Druid obviously( although seems like always very not proper). 说实话,高文·塞西尔虽然号称半个博学家,但那也是吹逼成分加持的,他确实懂得很多东西,但只不过是因为开拓征程中见多识广,交友广泛而已,很多知识在他的记忆中都属于博而不精的范畴。就比如德鲁伊的历史高文从记忆里知道德鲁伊在三千年前是个完整统一的宗教,因三千年前的“白星陨落”事件才从宗教组织解体、蜕变成为若干学术派系,同时在这个过程中自然神术也蜕变成为了现在的德鲁伊魔法,但在这段历史的细节部分,自己继承来的记忆显然比不上皮特曼这个接受过正统传承的德鲁伊(虽然看起来总是很不正经)。 Because each Druid faction extremely attaches great importance to the knowledge inheritance, therefore school of thought history this type of thing becomes the foundation schoolwork that Druid must grasp, in addition Druid inherits is relying on Elf race enormously, their inheritance have not received for 700 years ago influence of magic tide, but 3000 the difference lets Gawain this ancient and Pittman compares and no special advantage in the historical issue, therefore Pittman knows that Gawain not necessarily knows. 由于各个德鲁伊派系都对知识传承极为重视,因此“学派历史”这种东西是成为德鲁伊必须掌握的基础功课,再加上德鲁伊传承极大依赖着精灵族,他们的传承并未受到七百年前魔潮的影响,而三千年的时间差则让高文这个“古人”与皮特曼在历史问题上比起来并没什么特别的优势,所以皮特曼知道的,高文就不一定知道。 How before because clearly knows 3000 Druid Priest to use Divine Spell, knows that Divine Spell to the process that magic evolves, Pittman can make is not Human Race stole Gods authority, but was Gods interrupts was the Human Race strength such astonishing conclusion. 正是因为清楚地知道三千年前的德鲁伊神官是如何使用神术,又知道神术魔法演化的过程,皮特曼才能做出“不是人类窃取了神明权柄,而是神明截断了本就属于人类的力量”这样惊人的结论。 Naturally, Gawain knows that this conclusion is only Pittman one side of the story, naturally cannot take seriously directly, but as considering the Gods mentality...... as if also no reason why not. 当然,高文知道这个结论只是皮特曼的片面之词,自然是不能直接当真的,但作为考量神明的思路……似乎也未尝不可。 ...... …… Sends several days later Knight Byron, Feudal Territory increases the plan of population to show improvement after illness finally gradually. 在将拜伦骑士派出去数天之后,领地增加人口的计划终于渐渐有了点起色。 On such as of Gawain from the beginning expectation, compared with recruiting refugee, recruits smith and propaganda introduction immigration wait/etc methods, truly reliable, and can stabilize brings the population, only then purchases serf and slave laborer. 就如高文一开始预料的那样,比起招收流民、招募工匠、宣传引进移民等等手段,真正可靠并且能稳定带来人口的,只有购买农奴与奴工。 Everyone is not silly, as long as the means of livelihood who will a little come the Dark Mountain Range under foot to open up wasteland the farm? 大家又不傻的,但凡有一点活路谁会来黑暗山脉脚下开荒种地? Far away from the civilization border, next to Gondor Wasteland, entire new Cecil territory constructs in the hell entrance edge completely, Southern Region continues hundred years of decline as well as for this lands has caught the strong terrifying color in the dark story that the folk spreads unceasingly, everyone believes that this place is wasteland awfully, but Cecil Family that Ancestor gets the person to come to here to open up wasteland mostly is person who because the lying down time too long brain in the coffin had the change brain not to have the issue will come to here? 远离文明边境,紧挨着刚铎废土,整个新塞西尔领完全就是在地狱门口溜边建造,南境持续百年的衰退以及在民间不断流传的黑暗故事已经为这片土地染上浓重的恐怖色彩,人人都坚信这地方是要命的废土,而塞西尔家的那位老祖宗领着人来这儿开荒多半是因为在棺材里躺时间太长脑子发生了点变化脑子没问题的人会来这儿? Again loudly how many coming the person to paste two bulletins to stand a propagandist to roar, announced that this local security occupies suitably also provides food to wrap up package of assignments, deceives the ghost? 哦,来人贴两张告示再站个宣传员大声吼几句,宣布这地方安全宜居还包吃包住包分配,骗鬼哦? In this age, the numbness of people are above the imagination, is above the imagination to the enduring patiently ability of poor life, they rather keep themselves in the family/home that is hard to maintain the warm and sufficient condition, is not willing to go to a legend takes risk to seek a livelihood ominously, because they cannot see cannot imagine the life of distant place to be what look, but regarding the great majority person, is forced to leave native place to take risk cost to them unable a time to withstand high, once select error, was beyond redemption. 在这个年代,人民的麻木超乎想象,对贫穷生活的忍耐能力也超乎想象,他们宁愿留在自己难以维持温饱的家中,也不愿意去一处传说中的凶地冒险讨生活,因为他们既看不到也想象不到远方的生活会是什么模样,而对于大多数人,背井离乡冒险一次的成本就已经高到他们无法承受一旦选择错误,就万劫不复了。 Therefore the first batch arrive on Feudal Territory, is Knight Byron brings slave serf that purchases from nearby Feudal Territory, the slave laborer, the indentured servant, the what kind slaves to have, benefits from the abundance of fund, the first batch of sent population achieved 300. 所以第一批来到领地上的,都是拜伦骑士带着手下们从附近领地购买到的奴隶农奴,奴工,契约奴,什么样的奴隶都有,得益于资金的充裕,第一批被送来的人数就达到了三百之多。 But more slaves also on road, or also in the basket of slave trader. 而更多的奴隶还在路上,或者还在奴隶贩子的笼子里。 Gawain has not certainly allowed these slaves to enter the camp directly, mixes up with citizens, he has assigned the person close to the forest place to have the big piece open area west Feudal Territory ahead of time smoothly, and built up large number of tent and simplistic stockade, ships in the slaves who first to a temporary quarantine camp near river bank conduct the status registration and health examination of foundation from the wharf, under after the record the name and basically determines the health, brings from the soldiers to Xinying District. 高文当然没有直接让这些奴隶进入营地,和领民们混在一起,他已经提前命人在领地西侧靠近森林的地方平整出了大片的空地,并建起了大量的帐篷和简易的栅栏,从码头运来的奴隶们首先要在河岸边的一处临时检疫营地进行基础的身份登记和身体检查,记录下名字并大致确定身体健康之后再由士兵们带到新营区里。 But after this, these new population will stay enough for at least two months in the independent barracks area, they are led to go to various place working areas by foreman during the daytime, on the person with Feudal Territory works together, and uses the personal experience to learn the foundation order and law on this lands in this process, in the evening was returned to their independent barracks areas, before going to sleep, they must listen to the soldier with Cecil foundation regulation that” they read out as well as labor system Zongzhang, to understand on this lands brand-new personnel Management system, as well as most important 而在这之后,这些新增的人口会在独立营区呆够至少两个月,他们白天由监工们带领前往各处工作场地,和领地上的人一起工作,并在这个过程中用亲身经历来学会这片土地上的基础秩序和法律,晚上则被送回到他们的独立营区,在入睡之前,他们必须听士兵跟他们宣读的“塞西尔基础律法”以及“劳动制度总章”,以了解这片土地上全新的人员管理制度,以及最重要 Obtains the free way. 获得自由的途径。 Gawain is called as cushion this process. 高文将这个过程称作“缓冲”。 After two months of an adaptation and learn/study, the slaves of expiration will accept the simple inspection, is actually repeats usually in teaches their these things, in the citizen mouth that moreover works with them from the ordinary day again knows their work and adaptation, if these two aspects attain a designated standard, an external slave is official is met to integrate Cecil territory, if not attain a designated standard...... must return to cushion camp , to continue to be educated. 在两个月的适应与学习之后,期满的奴隶们将接受简单的考察,其实就是复述平日里教给他们的那些东西,另外再从平日里和他们一起劳动的领民口中了解他们的工作和适应情况,这两方面如果都达标的话,一个外来的奴隶才算正式被接纳入塞西尔领,而如果有一项不达标……就要回到“缓冲营”,继续接受教育。 The cushion system that Gawain wants to come out is only an embryonic form, after is used prevents massive non-native population rashly integrates Feudal Territory, to disrupt the order that his with great difficulty establishes, but he knows that this system definitely also has many imperfection, no matter the cushion time needed, the content of education and training, is the standard and accuracy of follow-up appraisal, needs to adjust to improve slowly, so long as there is this cushion system, at least can dodge the risk that the situation loses control. 高文所想出来的这个缓冲制度只是一个雏形,是用来防止大量外来人口贸然融入领地之后破坏掉他好不容易建立起来的秩序的,但他知道这个制度肯定还有很多不完善之处,不管是缓冲所需的时间,教育培训的内容,还是后续评估的标准与准确度,都需要慢慢调整完善,但只要有了这个缓冲制度,最起码就能规避情况失控的风险。 The wharf of Clearwater River bank was busier than past any day, hires the freighter that from Tanzan Town new batch of serf and mine slave laborer unloads, wears the complete set extraordinary equipment Cecil battle soldiers to stare at the scene attentively, kept the order, although lacked point humanitarian, but the fact was only then, when these soldier swords came out of the sheath, these noisy serf and slave laborers will understand lining up, honestly according to the order the gap that reserved through the wharf stockade. 白水河畔的码头比以往任何一日都要繁忙,从坦桑镇雇佣来的货船正将新一批的农奴矿山奴工卸下,身穿全套超凡武装塞西尔战斗兵们全神贯注地盯着现场,维持秩序虽然缺少了点“人道主义”,但事实是只有在这些士兵刀剑出鞘的时候,那些乱哄哄的农奴和奴工们才会懂得排队,才会老老实实地按次序通过码头栅栏上预留的缺口。 Hetty leads one batch the basic information that constructs in the group to choose, literate that to know the person who number registers the slaves here from hundred people, when another slave leaves after her, she could not bear rub the frontal eminence. 赫蒂带领着一批从百人援建团中挑选出来的、认字识数的人在这里登记奴隶们的基本信息,当又一个奴隶从她面前离开之后,她忍不住揉了揉额角。 This is third that she sees today Sam. 这已经是她今天见到的第三个“山姆”了。 Slaves almost few will have the nice name, some people earnest will not give a name to them( including their parents), usually when found the buyer, the slave trader will give them to settle a name casually, but how many knowledge slave traders don't these have to think of what good name? 奴隶们几乎没有几个会有像样的名字,也不会有人认真给他们起名(包括他们的父母),通常只有在找到买家的时候,奴隶贩子才会随随便便给他们安个称呼,而那些同样没多少学识的奴隶贩子又能想到什么好名字呢? Good point gives Sam and Holm, poor called fool and big stature directly. 好一点的给起个“山姆”、“霍姆”,差一点的就直接叫“傻子”、“大个儿”。 Moreover the slaves do not talk clearly oneself age and native place, asks they excel at anything time, they can think is not technology, but is the strength CPC National Party Congress, anti- hits and eats meal quickly and so on all kinds of reply. 而且奴隶们也说不清自己的年龄和籍贯,问到他们擅长什么的时候,他们能想到的也不是什么技术,而是力气、“耐打”、“吃饭快”之类五花八门的回答。 But she must work the national register work, because the much information register that compared does not register. 但她还必须将人口登记工作进行下去,因为很多信息登记了就比不登记的强。 Ancestor has the foreknowledge luckily, thinks to these people numbers, even if their name all kinds of repetition rate is extremely high, but arranged the numerical symbols not to fear to repeat to them, moreover they currently also only need to remember own serial number, was this always insufficient to forget? 幸好老祖宗有先见之明,想到了给这些人编号哪怕他们名字五花八门重复率极高,但给他们编个数字编号也就不怕重复了,而且他们目前也只需要记住自己的编号而已,这总不至于忘了吧? Hetty lowers the head, reorganizes several forms that were just filling up, at this time an especially big form blocked her to lean the front sunlight. 赫蒂低下头,整理着刚刚填满的几张表格,这时一道格外高大的身影挡住了她侧前方的阳光。 She raised the head, seen Gawain's face. 她抬起头,看到的正是高文的脸。 She hurries to stand up: Ancestor, you came!” 她慌忙想要站起身:“先祖,您来了!” You sit,” Gawain beckons with the hand, then and looked at a wharf, discovered the person who accumulation has been short, it seems like today's registration work had come to an end, how feels?” “你坐着吧,”高文摆摆手,并回头看了一眼码头,发现聚集的人已经少了很多,看来今天的登记工作已经接近尾声,“感觉怎么样?” To be honest, felt more and more before you, ’ really needs to organization Management that I said ‚,” Hetty wants to cry simply, I have not thought will write several forms unexpectedly tired to this degree...... this matter, if can give others to be good?” “说实话,越来越觉得您之前跟我说的‘组织管理’实在太有必要了,”赫蒂简直想要哭出来,“我从没想过写几个表格竟然会累到这种程度……这种事情如果能交给别人多好?” General Education and night school have launched, the person who on Feudal Territory literate knows the number will be getting more and more, moreover I have sent a letter to make Knight Byron look for the clerk and teacher, even if the high salary must dig several, the situation will improve.” 通识教育和夜校已经展开,领地认字识数的人会越来越多,而且我已经发信让拜伦骑士去物色书记员和教师了,哪怕高薪也得挖过来几个,情况会改善的。” Hopes,” Hetty is beating own waist, you in a big way planned one to wrap/sets of the Management organization to me, but the above 70-80% positions are emptying, must fill up personnel, how long god knows needed.” “但愿吧,”赫蒂捶着自己的腰,“您给我规划了一大套管理机构,但上面七八成的位置都空着,要把人员填满,天知道需要多久。” Gawain smiles, shifting to a new subject: Today only has serf and slave laborer?” 高文笑了笑,话锋一转:“今天还是只有农奴和奴工?” Right, only then serf and slave laborer,” Hetty read form in a hand, not, there is refugee...... is a family of three, really does not have the means of livelihood probably, hugs is dying, in Dark Mountain Range and starved to death in town outside no mentality of difference the ship of Knight Byron arrangement, I have deferred to the free citizen standard to arrange the dwelling to them.” “没错,只有农奴和奴工,”赫蒂看了一眼手中的表格,“啊不,也有流民……是一家三口,大概是实在没有活路,抱着死在黑暗山脉和饿死在镇子外面没什么区别的心态上了拜伦骑士安排的船,我已经按照自由民标准给他们安排住处了。” Gawain is knitting the brows: Only has three people......” 高文皱着眉:“只有三个人么……” Matter that does not have the means that” Hetty sighed in a soft voice, refugee that even if has been homeless, few people are willing to come Dark Mountain Range, they do not know that here real situation, does not dare to come.” “没办法的事,”赫蒂轻声叹气,“哪怕是已经无家可归的流民,也很少有人愿意来黑暗山脉,他们不知道这里的真实情况,不敢来的。” I have made Knight Byronspread the news with hischannel,” Gawain's brow actually quick stretch/leisurely launches, regarding the person of many lower class, the tavern and roams about the news that Hanzhong spreads always to paste the news on bulletin board to the aristocrat be more reliable, I believe after these hearsay disperse, will have refugee to be willing to come to here to try one's luck.” “我已经让拜伦骑士用他的‘渠道’去散布消息了,”高文的眉头倒是很快舒展开,“对于很多社会底层的人而言,酒馆和流浪汉中流传的消息总是比贵族贴在布告栏上的消息要更可靠,我相信在那些小道消息散开之后,会有流民愿意来这里碰碰运气。” Hetty blinks, the complexion is suddenly strange: Is you went to Royal Capital initially the time, sends for in all directions of retail gossip...... the means?” 赫蒂眨眨眼,脸色突然古怪起来:“就是您当初前往王都的时候,派人四处传播流言的那种……办法?” She actually wants to say trick, but considering that she was so big is pursued by Ancestor again is hitting possibly compares lose face, used the neutral point view. 她其实想说“花招”的,但考虑到自己都这么大了再被老祖宗追着打可能比较丢人,就用了个中性点的说法。 Please be called the influence public opinion this.” Gawain reminded seriously. “请把这叫做影响舆论。”高文一本正经地提醒道。 At this moment, a languid sound fluttered from nearby air suddenly: Your mouth also is really can jump only these strange word 就在这时,一个懒洋洋的声音突然从旁边的空气中飘了过来:“你嘴里还真是净能蹦出来这些稀奇古怪的词儿啊” Gawain need not then knows what speech is who: Amber, can you use quite normal method hurry on? Wants direct Shadow Step to be upon the jump each time?” 高文不用回头都知道说话的是谁:“琥珀,你能用点比较正常的方法赶路么?每次都要直接暗影步跑来跑去的?” As his voice falls, Amber really appears gradually in the air, Miss Half-Elf jumps dá dá to jump from the shadow condition, has not cared the Gawain's lesson slightly: I told you, that side the camp soon served a meal, my good intention greeted you to eat meal......” 随着他话音落下,一只琥珀果然渐渐浮现在空气中,半精灵小姐蹦蹦哒哒地从暗影状态跳出来,丝毫没把高文的教训放在心上:“我跟你讲,营地那边可是快要开饭了,我好心好意过来招呼你去吃饭的……” This fellow really can only appear according to the meals and snacks. 这家伙果然只能按着饭点出现。 Gawain did not know whether to laugh or cry looked at Amber one, is preparing to say anything, but at this moment, a shouting in confusion sound actually never the distant place transmitted suddenly. 高文哭笑不得地看了琥珀一眼,正准备说点什么,但就在这时,一阵吵嚷声却突然从不远处传来。 Gawain goes following the prestige, saw that is last slave who registrates is standing before another registration mouth of not far away, but the shouting in confusion sound the record operator mouth that from being responsible for registering transmits, that record operator voice is very loud: Name, I asked that your name do not sway!” 高文循声望去,看到是最后一名进行登记的奴隶正站在不远处的另外一个登记口前,而吵嚷声正是从负责登记的记录员口中传来的,那名记录员声音很大:“名字,我问你名字你不要只是晃来晃去的!” However stands that slave in front of record operator is actually standing at a loss, had what sickness to be hard probably maintains balanced same sways the body unceasingly slightly same place, turned a deaf ear to about outside sound. 然而站在记录员面前的那名奴隶却只是茫然地站着,就好像生了什么病难以保持平衡一样不断轻微原地摇晃身体,对外面的声音充耳不闻。 The voice of record operator becomes greatly: Hey, does your ear have the issue?! I asked your name! Said you can't understand common language?!” 记录员的声音变得更大:“喂,你耳朵有问题么?!我问你名字!还是说你听不懂通用语?!” That slave as if finally some response, however he looked at record operator one eyes with the muddy eye, swaying of body is fiercer, even starts to have obvious shivering. 那名奴隶似乎终于有了点反应,然而他只是用浑浊的眼睛看了记录员一眼,身体的摇晃却更加剧烈起来,甚至开始有明显的颤抖。 The record operators stared by opposite party that the line of sight of pollution and no vitality were looking at one, cannot bear is a little scared: You...... your what meaning?! Soldiers, soldier!” 记录员被对方那浑浊、无生机的视线盯着看了一眼,忍不住有点发毛:“你……你什么意思?!士兵,士兵!” But at this moment, Gawain induces, extremely unstable magic energy that slave within the body increased suddenly suddenly! 8) 而就在这时,高文突然感应到了那名奴隶体内骤然攀升的、极不稳定的魔法能量!八)
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